How old is Ksenia Novikova. Ksenia novikova

How old is Ksenia Novikova.  Ksenia novikova
How old is Ksenia Novikova. Ksenia novikova

Today we will talk about a talented and attractive pop singer, soloist of the popular group "Brilliant" Ksenia Novikova. We will tell you about the biography of the girl who amazed the producers of the group with her vocals and talented performance. And you are probably wondering if Ksenia is registered in VKontakte. But we will talk about this a little later, and now enjoy the biography of the star.

Celebrity biography

  • Ksenia was born in the capital of Russia in the late spring of 1980. Xenia has a brother. From an early age, the girl begins to study vocals.
  • At the age of five, the girl is admitted to the "Class" group. With this group, Ksenia performs in all cities of Russia, and also appears in youth television programs.
  • At school, the girl studies at four and five.
  • Novikova graduated from a music school and a pop-jazz school.
  • After graduating from college, he goes to work as a director at Moscow University.
  • In addition to performing in the Klass group, Ksyusha goes to a recording studio called Brilliant Production, where she was a backing vocalist for the first time.
  • After Polina leaves the "Brilliant" group, the group's producers invite Ksenia to the role of vocalist, who became a soloist without taking part in the castings.
  • At the beginning of the millennium, the pop group released two albums. Videos were shot for songs from these albums, which were in the top of the best music charts in Russia. This is not for you, which has only two and a half songs.
  • In 2002, the most popular clip "The Brilliant", in which the members of the group starred in swimsuits, was rotated on TV screens.
  • The album with the same name includes a song based on Ksyusha's verses. This song has won numerous music awards.
  • In 2003 a new album of the group was released, which is called "Orange Paradise".
  • Before the New Year in 2006 in one of the most popular Moscow clubs presented a new album of the group "Eastern Tales". The song of the same name was recorded together with Arash.
  • In 2012, the singer recorded a solo album.

Blonde on social media?

And now you will find out if you can communicate with a girl on a social network online. Most Russian pop stars register on VKontakte in order to communicate with their many fans and female fans. Is Xenia one of them?

We have to upset you, but Ksenia Novikova is not registered in VKontakte. But on the other hand, there are many communities in VKontakte that are dedicated to the life and career of a pop singer. One of these communities is “Ksenia NOVIKOVA | Official fan club (10+) ", which you can find at the link -

The group has 800 members, but the popularity of the community is growing every day. The community has posted 20 albums with photos from the filming of reports, clips, as well as from Ksyusha's family life. Ksenia Novikova VKontakte is represented by 329 videos with numerous performances, clips and interviews with her participation, which are posted in this group.

Now you know that Ksenia is not registered on VKontakte, but you can always watch her new video or photos from the last interview in this VKontakte group. Therefore, do not waste time and add to the group right now!

The soloist of the group became famous after she began touring with her. At one time, the "Brilliant" were wildly popular. Each song of this group became a hit.

The girl is a native Muscovite. In her youth, she managed to graduate from the College of Pop and Jazz Art. As part of the "Brilliant" group, she was longer than all the other participants, for more than 8 years. Today on Instagram Novikova Ksenia, basically, uploads selfies.

What interesting things can you see on Ksyusha's Instagram?

Ksyusha fills Novikov's Instagram with photographs, where he appears in the form of a real lady. In the new photos, you can see the performer in a fatal red dress and lips painted in the same rich red color. From time to time there are pictures where the singer appears during performances on stage, as well as surrounded by fans.

On Instagram Novikova Ksenia, even today you can see photos of former colleagues in the "Brilliant" group. Many members of the girl group managed to maintain good relations with each other. They continue to communicate, despite the fact that each performer has solo projects.

For several years, Ksenia existed on her own. However, in 2011 she returned, and again began performing as part of the group. In 2012, the girl decided to concentrate on solo work. And later she even managed to assemble her own group. On the official Instagram page of Novikova Ksyusha, excerpts from the performances of the new women's collective appear.

For her new group, she started a separate Instagram, where you can get acquainted with her work. For each Instagram account Novikova Ksenia selects only the most spectacular photos that were taken together with the girls from the group. She called her team simply - "Ksyusha". He already has fans. And thanks to the recognizable personality of the ex-soloist of "The Brilliant", their number is steadily increasing.

The personal blog, which already has 148 thousand subscribers, has now become more like a cozy warm family place. Beautiful pictures of Xenia's family often appear on the page, they seem to breathe warmth and love. The singer has an excellent appearance and excellent taste. It is joyful to observe that her life is full of various interesting events, the photos from which the artist happily shares on her Instagram.

What interesting can you find on the Ksenia Novikova Instagram page and who is this girl? "And I kept flying, but I knew that dreams are only a little, a little, la-la." Congratulations, you will now be humming this contagious hit from the early 2000s for a week. Surely, you remember how difficult it was to get this cute song out of your head. It was written by one of the beautiful soloists of the "Brilliant" Novikov Ksyusha Instagram which we will look through today. What new has happened to her since those times?

The soloist stayed in the "Brilliant" longer than the other participants. She, one after another, gave out absolute hits along with her juicy colleagues. Many people remember them:

  • romantic "For 4 Seas";
  • Russian "Eastern Tales";
  • "Orange Paradise";
  • tropical "Palms in pairs" and others.

The queens of the early 21st century have become absolute stars thanks to these hits. It was them that many then young women recorded in their musical diaries, sang while standing at the tape recorder, danced when they heard them in the transport or from the window of a neighbor. Ksyusha left the brilliant line-up for a short period of time to take a break and devote herself to the birth of children and relationships. But, the girl returned soon. In 2019, Ksenia is passionate about her sons, divorced, met her happiness and is passionate about solo projects.

The girl regularly replenishes Instagram under the name novikovaofficial with new photos, judging by which Novikova is a real socialite, a lady and just a beauty. Luxurious photographs are replaced by cute, homely ones. Sometimes Ksyusha shows her sons, rarely views around. Often the girl takes pictures with fans, uploads photos from the stage.

On her page you can now see Ksyusha with her former colleagues from the "Brilliant". Most of the members are friends and meet periodically, all have solo projects. Ksyusha tried to create separately for several years, then, from 2011 to 2012, she made an attempt to return and work in a group, but returned to solo work.

A few months later, the girl tried to form her own team. He had an official page on Insta. Ksenia is very demanding about photos on all her accounts and only publishes the best of them. The girl called the new group "Ksyusha", the number of fans is growing thanks to the recognition of the brilliant vocalist.

Her personal page Ksenia Novikova Nizhny Novgorod instagram is adored by fans. Almost 200 thousand people are watching the artist's life. The pictures of the star are filled with tenderness, the eyes sparkle with happiness. Fans like the way Ksyusha looks, how she presents herself. Excellent taste, always beautiful photo performances, outfits, lovely children. Also, fans hope that one of them will one day appear in a company with Ksyusha on the page, because she often takes pictures with her fans and publishes them in stories or directly in the feed.

What's interesting on the official page of Ksyusha Novikova

At one time, Ksyusha was suspected of being pregnant with her third child, to which she simply replied: "It's time to lose weight." And she lost weight, becoming even more beautiful, to the envy of the haters. The basis of her nutrition is the balance between protein, fiber, and the intake of microelements. Now she weighs 50 kilograms and feels great.

On her page, the girl publishes shots from her ordinary life:

  1. vacation;
  2. Work;
  3. manicure;
  4. pool and stuff.

It is captivating that both the photos and the videos taken on Ksyusha's insta are always in good quality, without the "starry show". The girl behaves on an equal footing with the fans. Favorite activity on the social network is taking selfies, putting bows in branded items. Not surprisingly, most of the followers are girls.

Her sons, Miron and Bogdan, appear every few pages. They appear quite often in the stories of the stellar profile. But, basically, there are all the standard everyday life of a celebrity: creative work, dinners with other stars, castings, announcements, and so on.

Photos and videos of Ksenia Novikova on Instagram

The girl needs to be looked for under the nickname novikovaofficial, writes posts, is removed for photos and video publications every day. We followed the profile, there were “brilliant” posts in our feed on a regular basis. The girl survived the abduction of children by her ex-husband and immediately after that created a charitable foundation and helps her neighbors. By the way, in 2019, the girl promised to prepare something very interesting for the audience, which we certainly won't want to miss.

| Foreign groups
| Russian groups

20.06.2013 16:31

Ksusha Novikova Biography (Ksusha Novikova Biography) Russian singer, ex-soloist of the group Brilliant

Novikova Ksenia Andreevna, better known as a singer and actress Ksyusha Novikova, was born in Moscow, on May 17, 1980. Mom - Marina Nikolaevna, dad - Andrey Nikolaevich, brother - Maxim, husband - Andrey, eldest son - Miron, youngest son - Bogdan.

Since childhood, Ksenia has been professionally engaged in vocals. Already at the age of ten she was enrolled in the youth group "Class", as part of which she successfully toured the country and took part in the filming of youth programs. At school, Ksyusha studied well, otherwise it could not be, since her parents would then have taken her out of the "Class". Ksenia graduated from a music school, then - a pop-jazz college, then - the faculty of directing at the Moscow University of Culture and Art.

In her spare time from the "Class" group, Ksenia Novikova visits the recording studio of the "Brilliant Production" company, where the backing vocals of the songs of the most popular group "Brilliant" were recorded. After leaving the group of Polina Jodis, in August 1999. producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov decide to take Ksenia Novikova as a new soloist, who became such without participating in the announced casting. So the career of the soloist of the "Brilliant" group continued.

By 2000. the group "Brilliant" is releasing two albums - "White Snow" and "About Love". For many songs from these albums, clips were shot, which occupied the first lines of the music charts for a long time, and the songs were on radio stations. In 2002. the group is releasing another album with the hot title "Over the Four Seas", in which the voice of Ksenia Novikova is predominantly heard. This album includes the hit "And I still flew", popular today, for which Ksyusha herself wrote the poems. The song was awarded with music awards: "Golden Gramophone", "Song of the Year", "Muz-TV Award", "Bomb of the Year", "Hit-FM" and others.

In 2003. a brilliant group of the country goes to Cyprus to start filming a new video for the song "Orange Song", a little later the album "Orange Paradise" is also released.
For the period 2003-2004. Not a single event, not a single shooting took place without "The Brilliant" - the popularity of the group grew.

In December, just before the New Year 2006, a presentation of the disc "Eastern Tales" was held in the "Kristall" club, the title song of which was recorded by a duet with the Iranian singer Arash. The video for this song was for a long time at the top of the music charts of the "Music Box RU" channel, and the song was awarded the "Golden Gramophone" and "New Songs about the Main" awards.

In November 2006. a new video of the group "Brilliant" for the song "Agent 007" is released. This is the last clip of Ksenia Novikova as part of the "Brilliant" group, before the break of four years of "brilliant" career.

In April 2007. Ksenia leaves with her beloved man Andrey on vacation in Europe, and the group "Brilliant" performs in a "truncated" composition. October 4, 2007 The Russian Music Awards ceremony took place, where the Brilliant group appeared in its fullest composition: the current and former soloists took the same stage and performed a medley of their five best songs of the 12-year history of the group. Zhanna Friske led the already former soloist of the "Brilliant" group Ksenia Novikova by the hand, Natalya Friske was enrolled in her place (then Yuliana Lukasheva took her place, and Marina Berezhnaya replaced the latter).

August 5, 2008 Ksenia gave her husband Andrei a son, Miron, and on March 17, 2010. - son of Bogdan.

In 2009. Ksenia Novikova gets the main role in the Hollywood TV series "7 Stars".

The singer is a great cook and is not averse to opening her own Italian restaurant in the future.

In June 2011. to the delight of all fans, Ksenia Novikova decides to return to the "Brilliant" group.

Achievements of Ksenia Novikova.
A bright member of the "Brilliant" group (1999-2007, 2011-...)
Member of the "Class" group (1990-1998)
2012 (January). Ksenia Novikova was recognized as the winner in the poetic competition "Stars reach for the pen" from the publication "Moskovsky Komsomolets"
2011 (June). Return to the "Brilliant" group

2000. Ksenia Novikova is a columnist in the newspaper "Probka"

1985. Soloist of the V.S.Loktev Children's Choir

2011. Comedy "New Year SMSka"

2009. The series "7 stars"
2007. Feature film "Love-Carrot"
2005. Musical "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves"
2004. Series "Parallel to Love"
2004. Series "Silver Lily of the Valley-2"

2004. Comedy "Beware, Modern! New Year's epic "
2004. Comedy "Night Bazaar"
2004. Feature film "Night Watch"

2008. Group "Brilliant". "Classmates"
2005. Group "Brilliant". "Eastern Tales"
2003. Group "Brilliant". "Orange Paradise"
2002. Group "Brilliant". "Over the four seas"
2000. Group "Brilliant". "About love"
2000. Group "Brilliant". “White snow (Best songs for the New Year)
1998. Group "Class". "Soul and body"
1995. Group "Class". "Class"


As part of the "Brilliant" group (1999-2007)

2006. "Agent 007"
2005. "Eastern Tale"
2005. "Palms in pairs"
2005. "Brother is my paratrooper"
2004. "New Year's Song" (Remix)
2004. "New Year's Song"
2003. Orange Song (Remix)
2003. "Orange Song"
2002. "And I flew all the time"
2002. Over the Four Seas (Remix)
2002. Over the Four Seas
2001. "Ay-ay"
2000. "I've Been Waiting for You"
2000. "White Snow"
2000. "White Snow" (Remix)

2000. "Winter Comes After Autumn"
1999. "Chao, bambina!" (Remix)
1999. "Chao, bambina!"

As part of the "Class" group (1990-1998)

1998. "In Paris - Rain"
1998. Stop

Model, participant of fashion shows.
2011. Fashion Week in Moscow. Show of designers "YanaStasia"
2011. Fashion Week in Moscow. Fashion show by Maria Rybalchenko

Projects with the participation of Ksenia Novikova.
2010 (November) - September 2011. Project "Trandy-mama"

2007. "Prisoners of the Caucasus" (Muz-TV)
2006. "Big Races" (Channel One)
2005. "Heart of Africa" ​​(Channel One)

2010. 63rd place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2009.86 place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2008.23 place - "TOP-100 Sexy Maxim"

2007. Best of the Best Award

2003.31 place - "TOP-100 Sexy FHM"

Sean the Cat
Doggy Mila

Who collaborated with the team for 12 years, the author of the text of the hit "And I flew everything." Organizer of the Our Meaning of Life charitable foundation. Now he is performing solo.

Ksenia Novikova is a native Muscovite. Parents, noticing the musical abilities of their daughter, took the girl to the children's choir named after. V. Lokteva. Soon the girl became the soloist of the musical group. And in 1990, when Ksenia was 10 years old, Novikova already sang in another ensemble - the youthful pop group "Class".

At the same time, Ksenia managed to study well. After all, the parents set a condition: tours and performances as part of the "Class" should not interfere with success in school. At the same time, the girl found time to study at a music school, which she successfully graduated from.

After the 9th grade, Ksenia Novikova entered the capital's pop and jazz college. And upon graduation in 1999, she went to the Moscow University of Culture, where, unexpectedly for everyone, she chose the directing department. The singer received her diploma in 2004.

Despite the similarity of the names with the restaurateur, the owner of the author's cuisine restaurants, Ksenia is not related to him.


In the summer of 1999, the creative biography of Ksenia Novikova was enriched with a new stellar chapter: the singer was officially accepted into the "Brilliant" group in a place that was vacated after the departure of the soloist Polina Iodis. Before that, the girl acted as a backing vocalist.

For the first time, fans of the "Brilliant" saw a new member of the band in the video for the song "Chao, bambina!" It was Novikova's debut, which turned out to be successful.

In 2000, the "brilliant girls" already had 2 studio albums - "White Snow" and "About Love". Clips appeared for a number of songs. For a long time, the videos were kept on the first lines of the music charts, and the songs "I have been waiting for you for a long time", "Ay-ay", which became hits, fell into the rotation of Russian radio stations.

In 2002, the "Brilliant" presented their fans a new album called "Over the Four Seas". In it, the fans of the collective noted the clear advantage of Ksenia Novikova's voice: the girl sang the main hits. The words of one of them - "And I flew all the time" - wrote Novikova. The song was awarded the Golden Gramophone and Muz-TV Prize. The singer also won the Song of the Year, Bomb of the Year and Hit-FM. In 2006, a photo session with the artist appeared on the page of the Maxim magazine, where Novikova appeared practically naked. Candid pictures have added popularity to the singer among the male population of Russia.

But in the middle of 2007, Novikova left the band, having stayed in it longer than the other participants - 8 years. Fans and music critics agree that Ksenia turned out to be the most popular soloist in the history of the group.

In 2011, fans of the "Brilliant" were delighted with the news of Ksyusha's return to the group. With the participation of the artist, the musical group released the singles "Love", "My dear", "Green eyes", "Lose", "Do not give me to anyone." But four years later, the singer decided to create her own team.

In 2015, Ksenia Novikova announced a casting for a new girlish pop group called "Ksyusha". The casting took place in September. For the first time, the girls performed in December of the same year at the Russian Music Box awards.

The singer has been engaged in solo work since 2012. In the spring, the girl presented the musical composition I Want to Forget. It must be said that Ksenia Novikova does not please fans with new songs too often. The second song of the artist "Tango" appeared in 2014, and the third, entitled "Obsessed", sounded in May 2016.

2015 is notable for the fact that this year the singer, together with lawyer Maria Timofeevskaya, founded a new charitable foundation, which has chosen to specialize in protecting the rights and interests of families. The foundation was named Our Meaning of Life.

The singer regularly appears on television, and has been acting in films since 2002. With the participation of Ksenia came the musical comedy "Silver Lily of the Valley 2", where the artist appeared in a cameo role. Two years later, the girl appeared in the blockbuster "Night Watch", where the main role was played by her colleague in brilliant -. In the same year, by order of the STS TV channel, she starred in the television musical "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" in the company, and.

The expanded image of Ksenia Novikova was able to be embodied on the screen only in 2007, starring in the role of Sokolov's wife (Zurab Gurtskaya) in the comedy Love-Carrot. In the film played another "Shiny" -. On the TNT channel, the artist throughout the season participated as a TV presenter of the "Battle of Psychics" program.

Personal life

At one time, Ksenia Novikova lived in a civil marriage with an entrepreneur named Andrei Sereda. At first, the couple was happy. They had two boys - Miron and Bogdan.

After the birth of their second son, the relationship soured, and the couple broke up. Photos of the beaten Novikova appeared in the tabloids. But the problems in Xenia's life did not end there. Unexpectedly for the woman, the ex-husband stole the sons and took the boys to England without obtaining official permission from the ex-wife. Throughout the year, the singer fought for the return of the children. Having achieved a resolution of the conflict during the trial, Ksenia defended the right to her sons. Miron and Bogdan returned to their mother, and the boys continued to see their father only once a month in the presence of Novikova's personal lawyer.

In 2015, the personal life of Ksenia Novikova again hit the top news. This time, the event, to which the attention of journalists was riveted, turned out to be joyful. The ex-brilliant met a man who became her husband and a real friend to her sons. Xenia's second husband is businessman Alexei Sorokin. The young people met through mutual friends in 2014. Alexey took care of Xenia for a year and became a reliable support for the artist's children. Novikova's sons quickly found a common language with Alexei.

In 2016, journalists began to discuss the change in the figure of Ksenia Novikova. On the personal photos of the singer, it was clear that the girl was trying to hide her rounded tummy. At secular parties, Ksenia began to appear in loose outfits. The media started talking about the ex-brilliant pregnancy. But the news that Novikova gave birth to her third child did not follow. The artist herself commented on the rumors with the phrase: "If you started talking about pregnancy, then it's time to lose weight." And Ksenia Novikova carried out her intention.

Ksenia Novikova now

In 2017, the singer spent six months on a diet, thanks to which she achieved a weight loss from 64 kg to 52 kg with a height of 173 cm.After achieving the result, Ksenia did not stop and continues to keep herself in shape. Her method is diet food, which includes proteins, fiber and vitamins, sports activities and massage.

The artist adheres to five meals a day, snacks on dried fruits, drinks up to 2 liters of water. The nutritionist advised to exclude flour, sweet fruits and dairy products from the diet. Ksenia uses Omega-3, collagen preparations and Coenzyme Q10 as dietary supplements. The page on Instagram is strewn with a photo of the artist in open bikini, where Ksenia demonstrates the ideal parameters of the figure.

The condition of Novikov's skin is supported by the use of cosmetic masks and creams, the singer visits the beautician on the eve of spring. But many users are sure that Ksenia regularly attends beauty procedures and even did nose plastic surgery. The artist herself categorically rejects these assumptions. As proof, the girl posted children's photos in her own microblog, in which the shape of her nose is clearly visible. Ksenia Novikova associates changes in appearance with age and weight loss, which provoked the disappearance of chubby cheeks and the appearance of cheekbones.


As part of the "Brilliant" group

  • 1996 - "There, Only There" (background vocals)
  • 2000 - "About Love"
  • 2000 - "White Snow"
  • 2002 - Over the Four Seas
  • 2003 - "Orange Paradise"
  • 2005 - "Eastern Tales"
  • 2008 - Classmates
  • 2016 - "Best 20"