Scenes on the theme of the 19th century for children. Lesson summary and presentation "Great discoveries and achievements of the XIX century

Scenes on the theme of the 19th century for children. Lesson summary and presentation "Great discoveries and achievements of the XIX century

"Ball of the XIX century"

(scenario of an extracurricular activity)

Borisova Svetlana Petrovna, Popova Valentina Nikolaevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature at the Khorin secondary school named after G.N. Chiryaeva of the Verkhnevilyuisky ulus of the Sakha Republic

Evening plan:

Introducing guests. Meeting them with the hosts of the ball.

Socialite talk.



Ball. Dances (polonaise, minuet, waltz).

SCENE 1. Introduction of the guests. Meeting them with the hosts of the ball

(starring students of grades 9-10)

Characters: Host and hostess of the ball, aunt, count, rich widow Princess Drubetskaya, ball manager, Viscount Mortemar, Count Potanin, Countess Potanina with daughters Helen and Anet, Princess Bolkonskaya with her daughter Olga, who arrived at the ball for the first time, colonel and others.


Reader: Deaf midnight. We build long,

Silver plated by the moon

Carriages are standing on Tverskaya

In front of a magnificent and ancient house.

Burns with a thousand lights

Large hall; from high choirs

Bows roar; crowd of guests;

The rumble of dance with the rumble of conversations ... (E.A. Boratynsky "Ball")

Reader: There was, however, the color of the capital,

And know, and fashion samples,

Faces you meet everywhere

Necessary fools;

There were elderly ladies

In caps and roses, seemingly evil;

There were several girls here

Not smiling faces;

There was a messenger who spoke

On public affairs;

There was fragrant gray hair

The old man joked in the old way;

Superbly subtle and clever

Which is somewhat ridiculous these days. (A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Ball hostess (to her husband): Mon cher, I am very worried ... After all, today there will be so many\ eminent guests. Princess Drubetskaya herself promised to be. You know she

buried her husband and is now a rich widow. She will be the decoration of our salon. I AM

so I hope for Viscount Mortemar - he, they say, is an amazing storyteller.

Master bala: Honey, we will certainly have a great evening. But it seems

first guests.

Ball host: (Addressing the first guest).My compliments, Count!

Graph: Hello, I always love being in your house so much! Countess, you like

always charming!(To the Count) Hope we play cards tonight?

Ball host: Yes, preference, as always.

Graph: So, I will have the opportunity to recoup!

Ball host: I ask the guests. Don't you know your aunt? (leads to her).

Reader: In luxurious feathers and flowers

With a dead smile on my lips

Ordinary ball frame

Secular old ladies are sitting

And into the brilliant vortex of the hall

They look with dull attention ... (E.A. Boratynsky "Ball")

Graph: Graph_________. My regards! How is your health? How is Her Majesty's health?

Auntie: Thank God it's better today, my friend!

Ball hostess (next guest):Here is Princess Drubetskaya! Oh, I heard that you are recently from Paris?I hope you can tell us everything?

Princess Drubetskaya:Yes, chere Margot (go up to the aunt and bow).

Reader: I love you, even though I'm mad,

Although this is labor and shame in vain,

And in this unhappy stupidity

At your feet, I confess!

It does not suit me and beyond my years ...

It's time, it's time for me to be smarter!

But I recognize by all the signs

The disease of love in my soul:

I'm bored without you, - I yawn;

With you I am sad - I endure;

And, no urine, I wish to say

My angel, how I love you!

When I hear from the living room

Your easy step, or the noise of the dress,

I suddenly lose all my mind.

You smile - I am glad;

You turn away - I'm longing;

For a day of torment - a reward

Your pale hand to me ... (A.S. Pushkin "Confession. To Alexandra Ivanovna Osipova"

Ball manager: Viscount Mortemar.

Viscount Mortemar:Countess, I kiss your hands! You are beautiful as always! Your

beauty can only be compared with the beauty of a rose!

The hostess of the ball: Ah, mon cher, you know how to say compliments!

Viscount Mortemar:Avant tous dites - moi, commet voux alles, chere amie? (Before

just tell me, how is your health, dear friend?)

The hostess of the ball: How is my health? Thank God. I hope you are with us until the end?

Viscount Mortemar:Today is Wednesday. The English envoy has a holiday. I need

show up there.

Ball host: Oh, what a pity.

Ball manager: Princess Bolkonskaya with her daughter.

Ball host: Princess! Good evening!(kisses hand)

Princess: This is my daughter Olga!

Ball host: Glad, very glad! Have you seen your aunt? Sorry, I have to leave you.(Leaves, bowing.)

Princess: (go up to auntie)How are you, auntie? Let me introduce my daughter - Olga, turn to us!

Auntie: What a lovely creature!

Reader: Always modest, always obedient,

Always fun as morning

As a poet's life is innocent,

Like a kiss of love is sweet

The eyes are blue like the sky;

Smile, linen curls,

Everything in Olga ... but any novel

Take it and find it right

Her portrait; he is very nice. (A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

Princess: It's time, Olga, to think about marriage.

Daughter of the princess: Mom, I'm too young!

Princess: Look how many gentlemen are here! And here is Viscount Mortemar, the most

famous surname in Paris. I heard that he recently returned from Paris. His

his father left him a huge fortune.

Daughter of the princess: Mamma, what a sweetheart he is!

Princess; Look, he's coming to us "

The hostess of the ball and Viscount Mortemar arrive.

Reader: Fate wished to show its gifts in him,

In a happy darling, connecting by mistake

Wealth, noble family - with a sublime mind

And innocence with a sarcastic smile. (A.S. Pushkin "To the portrait of Vyazemsky")

The hostess of the ball: Princess! Let me introduce you to Viscount Mortemar.

Princess: I am very glad! (Addressing the host of the ball)Margot! I haven't seen you for a long time!

(Looking at daughter and viscount) Let's leave them! (Go away)

Viscount Mortemar:What is your name, fairest one?

The princess's daughter: Olga!

Viscount Mortemar:I see your mother is strict with you? Let me have you

commit to a minuet?

Daughter of the princess: Oh sure! This is my first time at the ball. I hope you tell me everything

will you tell? (Go away)

Ball manager:Count and Countess Potanins with their daughters!(Spouses enter

Potanins, daughters of Helen, Adele)

Ball host: How are things in the Senate?

Count Potanin: As always, there is a debate.

Ball host: Countess, glad to see you. Introduce your daughters.

Countess Potanin:This is our oldest daughter, Helen. This is the youngest daughter, Adele.

Ball host: Make yourself comfortable, I hope you enjoy it! I ask the guests.


Helen: Maman, look at which toilets the ladies shine in, and we have been nothing for so long

did not buy a new one!

Potanin: You are my most charming!

Adele: How are our hairstyles?

Potanin: Just correct here. I think you are well mannered. Not

forget about manners!

Reader: Play, Adele,

Do not know sorrow.

Kharit, Lel

You were crowned

And the cradle

Yours was rocked.

Your spring

Quiet, clear:

For enjoyment

You are born.

The hour of rapture

Catch, catch!

Young summers

Give it to love

And in the noise of the light

Love, Adele,

My pipe. (A.S. Pushkin "Adele").

Scene 2. Small talk

(as a teacher)

Friends, I hope you have already read the comedy of the everyday life writer in Moscow?

Are you talking about Alexander Griboyedov?

Of course! About his comedy "Woe from Wit". Pushkin spoke with delight about her!

A wonderful thing! “I’m not talking about poetry: half should go into proverbs.”

But the censorship did not give way to this wonderful thing! So far we know her only from lists.

I want to please! Thaddeus Bulgarin published the first theatrical anthology "Russian Tale".(Look at the magazine.)

You are looking! What a variegated mix! And stories about theater figures, and excerpts from plays ...

And the constellation of names of playwrights ... And here is Woe from Wit! Two actions.

Friends! I heard that Pushkin visited Moscow University and students

they greeted him enthusiastically.

Yes, such a case is known. The poet was invited to the university for a lecture on

the theory of arts of the famous professor I. I. Davydov, and there the famous phrase of the president of the Academy of Sciences sounded: “This is the theory of arts for you, and this (he pointed to Pushkin) is practice

Scene 3. Playing cards

(starring students of grade 9)

Ball host : Gentlemen, we play preference. Well, as usual?

Prince Drubetskoy : Yes, with your permission, Count.

Colonel: Gentlemen, with pleasure. And if the Pharaoh, I have now to win.

Prince Drubetskoy :… Before dinner, to chase away like a dream,

In fervor sometimes, the games are extremely hot,

We play cards, we play ruffles, we play pharaoh,

For a penny in debt and without return.

Colonel : Have you changed your mind and wrote again an ordinary jackpot, twenty rubles?

Juncker : So be it, gentlemen, I'll make you a can of twenty-five thousand!

Ball host : So, Bravo, cadet! What's the main thing in the game? It takes courage, blow, strength!

Prince Drubetskoy : Are they not talking about you, mister colonel:

Beware of him, carry a lot,

And don't get into cards: he will sell.

Colonel : No, not about me. Calculation, moderation and hard work: these are my three sure cards.

Prince Drubetskoy : Colonel, there was another card here!

Polkovni k: You finally insulted me! How dare you! I demand satisfaction. Right here and now. Count, I beg you to be my second!

Prince Drubetskoy : Then I ask you to be mine! (to junker)

Juncker : For God's sake, let me settle the matter with the world, if only possible!

Colonel : It's not in our power!

Ball host : Gentlemen! I ask you to! Not here! In the next room! And then the ladies can hear!

Scene 4. Duel

Prince Drubetskoy : Do you have everything ready?

Juncker : I always have two pairs: one Kuchenreiter, the other Lepage: we will examine them together.

Ball host : It is our duty, did you fit bullets?

Juncker: The bullets were made in Paris and, it is true, with particular precision.

Ball host : I agree to anything that can make the duel easier; will we have a healer, mister colonel?

Juncker : Here is before you the greatest original and noblest man in the world, Herr Dr. Werner, would you, Doctor, accompany us to this place where these gentlemen are to meet in a duel.

Dr. Werner: I very much know, gentlemen, that I can neither forbid nor prevent your recklessness - and I willingly accept your offer, I am glad to buy, albeit at my own risk, the relief of suffering humanity!

Colonel (fires)

Prince Drubetskoy : You missed! I shoot up! I cannot humiliate myself to kill a man.

Ball host: Gentlemen, shake hands as a sign of reconciliation. I suggest you, doctor, to receive this gift for your concern.

Dr. Werner : I refuse the gift, and humbly bow to you.

Scene 5. Game of forfeits (in the hall)

Ball. Dances (polonaise, minuet, waltz).

All classes participate in several runs.

Reader: Young ladies are spinning

Do not feel themselves

They have precious stones

Headdresses are on fire;

Half naked on their shoulders

Golden curls fly;

Clothes as light as smoke

Their light camp is designated.

Reader: Around the captivating harit

And fusses and boils

A crowd of jealous fans;

Interprets, catches every look.

Joking, unhappy and happy

The turntables are cute.

Reader: Everything is in motion. To achieve grief

Attentions of flattering beauty

The hussar twirls his mustache

The writer is primly joking,

And both are right; they say,

That at the same time it is possible for the ladies,

Changing the look from the left to the look,

Laugh at the epigrams on the right.

Reader: Meanwhile, both in ribbons and in stars,

Sometimes with cards in hand

Important boyars come out,

Getting up from the card tables,

Take a look at the racing couples

Under the rumble of impetuous bows ... (E.A. Boratynsky "Ball")

Reader: Monotonous and insane

Like a whirlwind of young life,

A noisy whirlwind is spinning a waltz;

The couple flickers after the couple ...

Reader: The mazurka was heard. Used to

When the thunder of the mazurkas thundered,

Everything in the huge hall trembled

The parquet cracked under the heel

The frames shook, rattled;

Now it's not that: we, as ladies,

We slide on the lacquer boards.

But in cities, in villages

The mazurka has also preserved

Initial beauties:

Jumping, heels, mustache

All the same; did not change them

Dashing fashion, our tyrant,

The disease of the newest Russians. (A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin")

To competitions

"The curls of the virgin are sorceresses,

Curls - shine and aroma,

Curls - rings, trickles, snakes,

Curls - silk cascade!

Wind, pour, pour together!

Lush, sparkling and pearly!

You don't need a diamond:

Your twist is elusive

Shines more beautifully without embellishment,

Without pearl barley tiara;

Only a rose is the color of love

Rose - tenderness emblem -

Paints with the luxury of eden

Your soft streams ...

Curls, golden curls,

Curls are lush, thick-

A crown for a young charm! " Vladimir Benediktov

“Amid a noisy ball, by chance,

In the alarm of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but a mystery

Your features were covered.

I liked your waist thin

And all your brooding look

And your laugh, both sad and sonorous,

Since then, it has been sounding in my heart ”Alexey Tolstoy

"Child of the capital, from a young age

He loved her movement,

And ribbons of gas fires

And noisy streets liveliness.

He fell in love with the granite of the palaces,

And the wind is wet from the sea in the morning,

He learned to find

Everywhere poetry - in fogs,

In the rains that do not get tired of pouring,

In the patterns of frost in winter,

And in the haze of gloomy clouds,

Ignited by the winter dawn ... "Semyon Nadson

“Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

Life is given only to a word:

From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

Only Letters sound.

And we have no other property!

Know how to protect

Though to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering,

Our immortal gift is speech. " Ivan Bunin

"Between the virgins, what is

The suns are looking

Hardly, I think

Will be in the world when

At least one

Virgo table wise »Sappho

"Lyre, sacred lyre,

"Who is beautiful - only one thing pleases our eyes,

Who is good - by itself and will seem beautiful "

"To whom is the crown: the goddess of beauty

Or a picture of her in the mirror?

The poet is embarrassed when you wonder

Rich in his imagination.

Not me, my friend, but God's world is rich,

In a speck of dust, he cherishes life and multiplies,

And that one of yours expresses a look

That the poet cannot retell "Afanasy Fet

".. the sounds of the lyre freeze

In the hands of a decrepit singer:

He is confused by the appearance of the porphyry.

And the glitter of the crown dazzles.

Build up the choirs of chants,

Dreams were covered by the youth

Queen of light inspirations

And the beauty queen! " A. Fet

For small talk. Jokes of the 18th early 19th century (literary)

1 ) They asked Pushkin at one evening about the lady with whom he talked for a long time, how he finds her, is she smart?

“I don’t know,” answered Pushkin, very sternly and without a desire to exaggerate, “after all, I spoke to her in French.

2 ) Someone, wanting to embarrass Pushkin, asked him in society?

What are the similarities between me and the sun?

The poet was quickly found:

- Neither you nor the sun can be looked at without frowning.

3 ) When Gogol was served a cutlet fried in Provencal oil and completely cold, Gogol again expressed his displeasure. The footman calmly felt her with a dirty hand and said:

No, it's lukewarm: feel it!

4 ) Delvig once challenged Bulgarin to a duel. Bulgarin refused, saying: "Tell Baron Delvig that in my lifetime I have seen more blood than ink."

5 ) Dashkova's friend expressed surprise to him that he was courting a mistress, who was not pretty and was not young either. "All this is so," answered the prince, "but if you only knew how grateful she is!"

6) When V.A.Perovsky was informed about the marriage of Sophie Bobrinskaya, he was asked: "Who gave her in marriage?"

7 ) Bludov was once told that some dignitary spoke ill of him, saying that he was ready to sell Russia on occasion. "Tell him that if all of Russia was exclusively filled with people like him, I would not only sell, but would give it away for nothing."

8 ) Pushkin used to say about Denis Davydov: "The military are sure that he is an excellent writer, and writers think about him that he is an excellent general."

9 ) A certain lady Andrian Tyutchev calls: "Tireless, but very tiring."

10 ) One lady, hearing that the lard had risen in price due to the war, cried out: “Oh, my God! Will armies fight by candlelight? "

11) Someone asks the debtor: “When will you pay me your debt? "I didn't know you were so curious," he replies. "

12 ) Clever K. was advised to marry an intelligent and inquisitive girl B. Both she and he were pockmarked. "Well," he answered, "you want our children to be waffles."

13) Mrs B. did not like being asked about her health. “Please dismiss me from these questions,” she replied, “I have a doctor who visits me and to whom I pay 600 rubles. In year"

14) - Do you work often, father? The doctor asked the priest at the funeral.

By your grace, the priest replied with a bow.

15) One delicate lady had a pimple on her face or arm. She saw, was frightened, and at the same moment sent for a doctor. A doctor arrives, a sedate, serious old man, examines the ulcer and immediately demands ink and paper: “Hurry, hurry! I'm afraid it won't heal while I write the recipe.

Synopsis of a history lesson in grade 8.

Teachers: Denisenko G.V., teacher of history, Ryzhkova T.G., teacher of physics.

Theme : Great discoveries and achievements XIX century.

The purpose of the lesson: to summarize the knowledge of students about the most important discoveries and achievementsXIXcentury.

Lesson Objectives :

    Integrate students' understanding of the links between the modernization of society and changes in its spiritual life.

    To study the general trends in the development of science, art, the impact of technological progress on the life and consciousness of people.

    The development of students' cognitive activity through interdisciplinary connections.

Lesson form : integrated (history - physics)

Equipment: internal combustion engine piston model; ebony stick and paper; muses. center and music. fragments Claude Debussy “Moonlight on the Terrace”, Edvard Grieg “Evening in the Mountains”, Richard Wagner “Wolfram's Romance from the opera“ Tannhäuser ”, Ludwig van Beethoven“ Toward Elise ”; multimedia presentation “Great discoveries and achievementsXIXcentury "; handouts on this topic of the lesson.


    Introductory speech of the teacher.

    Goal setting lesson .

    Practical task.

    Analysis of the systematization carried out by the students and the media presentation.

    Practical demonstration.

    Practical demonstration.

    Spiritual heritage XIX century.

    Lesson summary.


On the desk written by epigraph :


Leonid Martynov.

    Introductory speech of the teacher :

The 19th century is a very special period in world history. It was he who pitted the West and the East. It was in this century that machines, still imperfect, from our point of view, blew up the measured life of people. Great inventions of the 19th century transformed Europe into a small space saturated with railways, equipped with telegraph and fast postal services. The past centuries, full of heroism, refined manners and religious ecstasy, are gone forever, clearing the place for taxes and budgets, tariffs and excise taxes, stock exchanges and auctions. Technology has become religion. In this century, capitalism has grown to a monopoly. Then it became clear that from time to time the economy was shaken by crises of overproduction. If in former times the life of a grandson was not much different from that of a grandfather, then in the 19th century an avalanche of inventions and discoveries descends on humanity so rapidly that grandchildren and grandfathers often no longer understood each other. The face of the Earth was changing. Traditions collapsed. The way of life and human relationships were being rebuilt.XIXthe century became the century of the establishment and flourishing of the industrial civilization.

    Goal setting lesson .

Today in the lesson we will summarize and deepen our knowledge of great discoveries and achievementsXIXcentury. Today in the lesson there is also practical work, during which you guys will demonstrate your knowledge of the studied topics of physics: mechanics and electrostatics.

3. Practical task.

We named the first practical task “Erudite ". Before you on the blackboard are the fields of inventions and discoveriesXIXcentury. And in the "basket" is a scattering of inventions and discoveriesXIXcentury. Your task is to distribute them according to the fields of science and technology. (Annex 1 )

New energy sources

Means of communication


Mechanical engineering

Biology and medicine


"Ah, fashion, fashion!"

Photography is a new kind of art

Discoveries in the exact sciences

Military equipment

    Analysis of the systematization carried out by the students and the media presentation

Let's check how you guys did exactly the task. And with the help of an educational presentation, we will deepen our knowledge in some issues of inventions and discoveries made inXIXcentury. (Appendix 2. Multimedia presentation )

    Practical demonstration .

Here is a model of an internal combustion engine. It was the Frenchman Beau de Roche who proposed the 4-stroke cycle scheme. Based on the knowledge gained in physics, tell the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine. (Physics teacher evaluates the correctness of the answer )

    Practical demonstration.

- In every historical era, people believed that they were living in a special time. Historical time is unique and unique. And yet, the 19th century is truly unusual! Look how many discoveries and inventions he left to the Future! Researchers call this time the “Genius Generation”. One of these ingenious inventions is the discovery of electricity.

    Spiritual heritage XIX century.

UndoubtedlyXIXcentury was a creator. How many talented people he gave to stories! The world froze in admiration not only from the genius of man's inventive thought, but from the fact that amazing music sounded nearby. The industrial century was conquered by the great composers. How many masterpieces of that era have become world classics!

( Appendix 2. Multimedia presentation )

What music was, what music sounded!

She did not teach at all, but only called softly.

Heal suffering with suffering, and warm the soul with good .

Listen to these sounds of music. Sounds shakingXIXcentury, music became eternity.

muses. fragments

    Lesson summary.

What do you guys think is useful for yourself from the lesson?

Looking far ahead, the best minds of the 19th century believed that the future lay with a spiritually rich person. For a person who can make his life beautiful. For a person with an insatiable need for knowledge, kindness, beauty. And I would like to end the lesson with the words with which we began the lesson:



Ashomework you can ask students the question: "WHAT FROM THE XIX CENTURY HUMANITY SHOULD TAKE WITH Himself IN THE 3rd MILLENNIUM?" or the task: the release of the newspaper "XIXcentury to future centuries ".


Discoveries and inventions of the 19th century.

1800 BC Italian Alesandro Volta invents a direct current source.
The Frenchman Nicola Appert created the first canned food.
James Maxwell and Heinrich Hertz developed the theory of radio waves.
William Herschel discovered infrared rays.

1804 g. Englishman Richard Trevithick created the 1st steam locomotive.

1808 g. Jordarki Cuparanto jumped out of the burning balloon and survived. The parachute saved his life.

1816 g. 1st stethoscope.

1821 g. 1st Michael Farraday electric motor.

1822 g. French J.-N. Niepce receives a photographic image for the first time.

1823 g. Charles Babbage invented the calculating machine.
The Englishman McKintosh invented the waterproof raincoat

1825 g. 1st passenger railway in England (Stockholm-Darlington route).

1827 g. The Englishman John Walker invented self-igniting matches.

1829 g. Braille created a raised font for the blind.

1831 g. M. Farraday created the 1st dynamo.

1834 g. The invention of the thresher.

1837 g. The Englishmen Croc and Whitson invented the electromagnetic telegraph.
Isaac Pitman developed the basics of shorthand.

1842 g. American Crawford Long used ether for pain relief.

1845 g. 1st washing powder.

1846 g. 1st anesthesia in surgery.

1851 g. An ophthalmoscope was created to test vision.
Singer's sewing machine.

1854 g. 1st safe elevator with automatic brakes by Elisha Otis.

1856 g. Louis Pasteur discovers microbes.
Bessemer process - mass production of steel.
Safety matches were invented by John Lundstrom.

1859 g. Englishman Charles Darwin publishes his theory of evolution.
The 1st oil well was drilled by Edwin Drake in Pennsylvania.

1860 g. 1st reinforced concrete.

1861 g. 1st color photograph.

1863 g. A pasteurization process is applied to kill germs.
1st underground railway in England.

1864 g. The Red Cross Society is founded in Geneva to help wounded soldiers.

1866 g. The work of the Bohemian botanist Mendel on the mechanism of heredity.

1867 g. 1st typewriter by Christopher Scops, Karl Glidden and Sue Soulier.

1869 g. The Suez Canal was opened.

1870 g. American Thomas Edison invented the light bulb.
Received the 1st synthetic material - celluloid.

1873 g. Invention of the sheaf binder and reaper.

1876 ​​g. 1st telephone of Alexander Bell.

1877 g. American Thomas Edison invents the gramophone.
He also writes down the 1st gramophone record.

1879 g. 1st power plant in San Francisco.
1st electric train (Berlin).

1880 g. 1st electric lighting (USA).

1880 g. 1st electric elevators (USA).

1883 g. 1st skyscraper in Chicago built by William Jenky - 10 floors.

1885 g. Germans G. Daimler and Benz create the 1st car.
Louis Pasteur got the 1st vaccination

1887 g. Contact lenses invented.
Eiffel Tower in Paris.

1888 g. Heinrich Hertz discovers radio waves
Firm "Eastman-Kodak" has released the 1st portable camera.
Scottish surgeon John Dunclop invented the pneumatic tire for a car.

1890 g. 1st escalator by Americans George Wheeler and Jess Renault.
1st movie camera - Thomas Edison's kinetophone.

1891 g. American Jatson Whitecomb has designed a new type of clothing fastening - “zipper”.

1895 g. Russian and Italian inventors Popov and Marconi invented radio.
The Lumière brothers opened the first cinema in Paris with the “Cinematograph” screen. Roentgen discovered invisible rays.

1896 g. 1st modern Olympic Games.

1897 g. For the first time, they began to use frozen meat.
1st surgery to treat a beating heart.

1898 g. 1st proof that mosquitoes transmit malaria.
French scientists Pierre and Marie Curie study radioactivity and discover radium.
Zeppelin airship.

1899 g. 1st aspirin for pain relief.

Ball script in 19th century style

"Imperial Charity Ball"

Target: Creation of conditions for the development of a creative personality. Tasks:
    Teach creative perception of artistic culture. To acquaint with the customs and life of the nobility of the XIX century. Develop aesthetic taste. To form students' social competencies that will be useful in later life. To educate the spiritual culture of students
    multimedia projector, computer, microphones

An instrumental ensemble is on stage. Music is playing. Guests gather in the hall, take seats (15 minutes)

Slide with a ballroom scene.

Couples walk across the stage, as if walking around the hall, creating the illusion of a ball. Behind the scenes, verses are sung by 2-3 voices.

Today is a ball, the whole house is on fire,
The carriages arrived
Champagne is covered in ice
And the servants are dressed up

Ladies float in, everyone is blinded
Diamonds and sapphires
Wearing fashion scarves
On bare backs

Bows and lace everywhere
Epaulettes flicker
And connoisseurs of Parisian fashion
Dressed in new clothes

The hall is all in candles and mirrors
Crystal clinking glasses
The owner of the house announced
The beginning of the gap

Mazurkas music sounds
She is replaced by waltzes
Nobody rejected fun
And did not stay boring

The music stops.One pair stops at the microphone.

Slide with a portrait of Peter I.

He: The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, ministers with wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.

She: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And in our time they began to be called balls. The word "ball" comes from the old French bailer, which means "to dance, to jump."

He: Nowadays, not only dancing and socializing are accepted at the balls, but also charity markets, lotteries, the performance of romances, and playing music. She: I think the current orchestra is playing amazingly, isn't it, my friend.

Couples freeze while listening to music performed by the orchestra. 3 min.

After the end of the music, movement begins again. Now two pairs stop near the microphone .

1st lady: Each century, each era has its own favorite dances, gentlemen. 1st cavalier: And their own, sometimes very strict rules.

Slide with a portrait of Catherine II.

2nd lady: Empress Catherine the Great wrote the rules for the balls with her own hand, ordering them to be strictly observed. 2nd Cavalier: I remember that Mother Empress ordered the hats and swords to be left outside the doors of the ballroom.

1st lady: And since she herself loved jokes and dressing up, mummers and dancing, then the courtiers were ordered to love the same.

Slide with a portrait of Paul I.

1st cavalier: My father told me that Emperor Paul forbade the use of a dance called waltz at balls! He also forbade the wearing of tailcoats, vests, shoes with ribbons. He ordered the police to monitor the execution of the decree in the strictest manner! 1st lady: About times, about morals!

Slide with a portrait of Alexander I.

2nd Cavalier: Sovereign Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, fortunately, again allowed the dresses of the French cut. 2nd lady: And since then, fashionable dances are both possible and necessary. Balls in the Winter Palace became regular. The couples leave. The light gradually dims, the music changes. The presenters come out.

Slide with a picture of a ball.

Young man. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Young woman. Gracious ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our ball. Young woman. I light the candles and keep quiet.
And the evening wizard looks into my eyes,
With the hand of darkness, touching the shoulder.
I light candles for the first time at the ball Young man. From dance to dance on an invisible road
From crinolines and corsets to silks
We slide through time, through a great era,
Where dancing appeared again and again. Young woman. We are opening the ball! Young man. On the secular terms of the ball, I present to you the guests of honor. Young woman. The ball is attended by: (list of official guests).Young man. Participants of the ball: Countess Ryumina Alena Vasilievna with her family!

The class takes 2 steps forward, the boys in the background, the girls in the first curtsy. Each class has its own curtsy.

Young woman. Duchess Pestova Svetlana Viktorovna, with sons and daughters. SlideYoung man. Countess Pleshakova Elena Vitalievna, with her nephews! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung woman. Baroness Vyatkina Valentina Sergeevna, with her family! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung man. Duchess Nazarova Natalya Vladimirovna, with her family! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung woman. Princess Polyakova Svetlana Andreevna, with her sons and daughters! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung man. Countess Yachmeneva Irina Leonidovna, with her family! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung woman. Baroness Shapovalova Galina Valerievna with her daughters! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfits

Young man. Duchess Gulyaeva Galina Konstantinovna with her son. Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfitsYoung woman. Countess Milada Viktorovna Skochilova with her family! Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfits
Young man. Princess Petrova Natalya Petrovna with her sons. Slide depicting the class teacher and the class in ballroom outfits

Young woman. Gentlemen, it is announced solemn exit of their majesties. Everybody stand up.

Everyone gets up and goes to an empty seat in the hall. They line up, creating a "living corridor" for the passage of the emperor and historical guests.

Master of Ceremonies:"By the grace of God, Alexander II, the emperor and autocrat of All Russia."

The masters of ceremonies, standing at the door, strike three times with their wands - a long ebony cane with an ivory ball at the top, a two-headed eagle and a bow of the Andreevskaya ribbon.

The Araps open the doors, everyone bows down.

The orchestra performs a polonaise from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin". 5 minutes

The emperor enters the hall, arm in arm with the empress. The imperial couple is followed by Para, they pass to the center of the hall.

Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the ball opens with a polonaise.

Slide with an illustration of a polonaise.

Young man. No dance requires such a strict posture, pride and self-discipline as a polonaise. During the procession, accompanied by solemn fanfare music, the guests show themselves, their attire, secular manners and nobility. Young woman. So this is it, the beginning of the ball,
When a cut through time
The column of steam fluttered
Polonaise burst from the balcony!

Performed by the polonaise

Young man. Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance. Young woman. How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession! Young man. Now it is time to delight our ears with exquisite music. Young woman. In the performance of the instrumental ensemble sounds….

The music of the waltz sounds muffled. Staging an excerpt from "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov. Pechorin and Mary, walking around the hall, talk.

Pechorin(with a submissive air). I heard, princess, that, being completely unfamiliar to you, I had the misfortune to deserve your disfavor, ... that you found me impudent .... Is that really true?.. Mary ( ironic). And would you like to confirm me in this opinion now? Pechorin. If I had the audacity to offend you with something, then let me have even greater audacity to ask you for forgiveness. And, really, I would very much like to prove to you that you were wrong about me ... Mary. It will be quite difficult for you ... Pechorin. From what? Mary. Because you do not visit us, and these balls, probably, will not be repeated often. Pechorin(annoyed). You know, princess, you should never reject a repentant criminal: from despair he can become even more criminal ... ( Changing intonation) But, for now, let me invite you to the waltz tour. Master of Ceremonies: Waltz, gentlemen! Waltz!

A slide with a ballroom scene, where the dancers are spinning in a waltz.

Young woman. The Viennese waltz performed by Artem Kutsenka, a student of the 11th grade of gymnasium No. 212, and his charming partner Elena Krasnoselskaya, is dedicated to the deeds of the emperor - liberator, Alexander the Great.
Young man. We continue our ball. I invite all the guests of the ball to perform the dance "Waltz of Friendship". We ask all interested gentlemen to come out into the circle and stand with their backs inside the circle. Young woman. All ladies are invited to take seats opposite the partners, facing each other Young man. So, Waltz of Friendship! We memorize light movements!

Show and explanation. Dance performance. Grade 2 Dunaeva G.I.

Young woman. It was a lovely waltz, but it was a wonderful waltz. We thank everyone who took part in its performance.

Polka music sounds.

Slide with an illustration of a polka.

Young woman. Polka dance! Originally not from Poland, but from the Czech Republic! Please don't be confused! Lovely, cheerful child!

Young man: She doesn't know what a bad mood or cutesy slowness is. And although in Russia Polka was reluctant to attend the high society balls, because by origin, she was folk, students, high school students and children danced her with delight! Young woman. The popularity of the polka was extraordinary: weddings were postponed to learn a new dance; the doctors saw patients affected by the "field disease" - swollen feet and sprained ligaments. Master of Ceremonies: Polka, gentlemen! The gentlemen invite ladies!

Polka in performance 1A and 1B class

At the end of the dance, a couple comes out to the microphone: He and She.

Slide depicting a ballroom scene.

She: Count, you heard that the Duchess Nazarova will perform a solo dance today at the ball.
He: The Duchess is an illustrious dancer. I have no doubt that today we will see a real Russian dance in the best performance.

Russian folk dance performed by a 4th grade teacher, N.V. Nazarova

He: Duchess Nazarova - a perfect goddess, delighted everyone with her Russian dance. Applause, gentlemen, applause.

The presenters take the stage.

Music sounds. 4th grade with art number

Young woman. Ladies and gentlemen, now the ritual round dance "Day and Night" will be presented to your attention. Slides illustrating a round dance. Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the dance "Catillon" is announced

Catillon performed by class 2

Young woman. We thank all the guests for participating in our dance game. I want to remind you, dear ladies and gentlemen, that there is a holiday in our souls or not, depends mainly on ourselves. Don't let yourself be in a bad mood - it's indecent.

Music sounds.Couples again walk across the stage, as if walking around the hall, creating the illusion of a ball.Two girls come up to the microphone, couples freeze and pretend to be talking.

Masha: Oh! Hello, Sasha! Girlfriend!
What a wonderful ball today!
Here, captain Vasiliev - darling -
He danced the mazurka with me!

Sasha: Oh! Masha! My dear!
Gulyaeva Countess's son
I'm not indifferent to me, I know!
He is here without his mother, alone!

Masha: Take a look to the right, dear!
A handsome officer is standing.
He looks at us without blinking.
Well, just a miracle gentleman.

Sasha: A! Prince Mironov! From Paris
Yesterday I returned, they say.
Now he will come closer to us.
By the way, he is fabulously rich.

Masha: O! The daughter of the merchant Petrov is Glasha.
Grimace! Look, turned up her nose!
The goods were successfully sold by dad,
He brought her a heap of goodies.

Masha: And what kind of lady is there, listen ?!
Already a widow on the adviser ?!
- Yes, Agrafena, in the past - Pear.
An old owl has appeared!

Sasha: The hunt for men is open.
Do not flatter them today.
And we, with you, are not sewn with bast.
We will not give ourselves offense.

Masha: Look, what a starry sky!
Let's throw all the sorrows away!
French wine by the river!
And we'll dance all night!

Music sounds, girls, giggling, run away, and couples disperse.

Young man: Such conversations sometimes happened at balls. Forgive these young ladies for their frivolity and backbiting.

The melody of a mazurka sounds.

Young woman: Mazurka! But the mazurka comes from Poland. Not a single ball could go without her! This dance appeared in Petersburg, having migrated to us from Paris. He immediately went into great fashion.
Young man: Of course! Mazurka is a super hit of its time! And all why? Yes, because in the mazurka the ladies could flirt to their heart's content, the gentlemen could show their daring. The cavalier tapped with his spurs, knelt down, circled the lady around him and kissed her hand. Mazurka was always at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for her, they were preparing for her! ...

Young woman:… The Mazurka was heard. Used to
When the thunder of the mazurkas thundered,
Everything in the huge hall trembled
The parquet cracked under the heel!

Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the middle of the ball is a mazurka.

Mazurka performed by grade 4.

Slide with a ballroom scene.

Young man: The ball is not only dancing, but also a school of communication. The latest news was discussed at the ball.

Young woman: Today, in our Gymnasium, a trip to St. Petersburg of the 19th century "The Encyclopedia of Russian Life" took place.

Young man: Pay attention to the screen. The photographer captured fragments of this journey.

Slide show

Young woman: At the Imperial Theater, they performed Mr. Sologub's comedy "Trouble from a Tender Heart".

Slides with photographs from the performance are shown on the screen.

Young woman: A charity fair was held today. Collected for the good cause of helping orphans (called the amount)
Slides with photos from the fair are shown on the screen.
Young man: Our ball continues with the gallop dance.
Young woman: Gallop! Originally Hungarian. However, the whole of Europe was fascinated by it!

Master of Ceremonies: Gallop, gentlemen.

Class 3 gallop.

Young man: Our gymnasium celebrates its 19th birthday today and according to the established tradition, books are presented to the library on this day. Young woman: For congratulations, representatives of the classes are invited to the stage.

Kutuzov reads the decree:

- To enroll in the ranks of gymnasium students F.I. (children and teachers go on stage, ladies wear badges). Pushkin: We present each student with a badge as a symbol of belonging to a gymnasium. Young woman: Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.
Trays with notes are brought into the hall. Each guest takes a note.
Wish texts:
    “Having chosen the road, do not turn off” “Look into your soul, ask your heart” “Believe in yourself, because for someone who believes, nothing is impossible!” "Don't forget about yourself!" "Remember, the arrow fired does not return!" "Find happiness in today!" "Know, the clouds will dissipate, the top will appear!" "Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!" "Knowing when to stop, you will have plenty of everything!" Today is the best day for you! As the others! "What awaits you will be wonderful!" "Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!" "Your future is great, everything is pink!""Happiness will come to you, appreciate the joy of life!"

Music plays, everyone sings the closing song.

Young woman: This holiday will keep the memory
Remains for posterity.
Have a nice time
In fun and acquaintances.

Young man: Everyone is happy, young and old,
There will be conversations.
A little sorry, the upcoming ball
Not getting ready soon

Music sounds.

Master of Ceremonies: Gentlemen, the ball is over. Upon leaving the hall, a pleasant surprise awaits you - a festive buffet table.

Ball script in 19th century style

Target: Creation of conditions for the development of a creative personality.


Teach creative perception of artistic culture.

To acquaint with the customs and life of the nobility of the XIX century.

Develop aesthetic taste.

To form students' social competencies that will be useful in later life.

To educate the spiritual culture of students


multimedia projector, computer,

slide with a ballroom scene.

Poems are sung behind the scenes.

Today is a ball, the whole house is on fire,
The carriages arrived
Champagne is covered in ice
And the servants are dressed up

Ladies float in, everyone is blinded
Diamonds and sapphires
Wearing fashion scarves
On bare backs

Bows and lace everywhere
Epaulettes flicker
And connoisseurs of Parisian fashion
Dressed in new clothes

The hall is all in candles and mirrors
Crystal clinking glasses
The owner of the house announced
The beginning of the gap

Mazurkas music sounds
She is replaced by waltzes
Nobody rejected fun
And did not stay boring

Ved. 1. Duchess Rotar Snezhanna Fedorovna, with sons and daughters!

Vedas 2. Duke Tuktarov Danil, with sisters!

Ved. 1. Countess Osertsova Tamara Anatolyevna, with her nephews!

Ved. 2. Baroness Andreeva Tatiana Vladimirovna, with her family!

Ved. 1. Duchess Krutkova Svetlana Anatolyevna, with her family!

Vedas 2. Princess Vagapova Olga Gennadievna, with her sons and daughters!

Slide with a portrait of Peter I.

Ved. 1 The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, ministers with wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.

Ved. 2: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And in our time they began to be called balls. The word "ball" comes from the old French bailer, which means "to dance, to jump."

Ved. 1: Nowadays, not only dancing and socializing are accepted at the balls, but also charity markets, lotteries, the performance of romances, and playing music.

Ved. 2: I think the current orchestra is playing amazingly, isn't it, my friend.

Couples freeze while listening to music performed by the orchestra. 3 min.

Ved. 1: Each century, each era has its own favorite dances, gentlemen.

Ved. 2: And their own, sometimes very strict rules.

Slide with a portrait of Catherine II.

Ved. 1: Empress Catherine the Great wrote the rules for the balls with her own hand, ordering them to be strictly observed.

Ved. 2: I remember that Mother Empress ordered the hats and swords to be left outside the doors of the ballroom.

led. 1: And since she herself loved jokes and dressing up, mummers and dances, then the courtiers were ordered to love the same.

Slide with a portrait of Paul I.

Ved. 2: My father told me that Emperor Paul forbade the use of a dance called walsen at balls! He also forbade the wearing of tailcoats, vests, shoes with ribbons. He ordered the police to monitor the execution of the decree in the strictest manner!

Lead 1: About times, about morals!

Slide with a portrait of Alexander I.

Ved. 2: Sovereign Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, fortunately, again allowed French cut dresses.

Ved. 1: And since then, fashionable dances are both possible and necessary. Balls in the Winter Palace became regular.

Slide with a picture of a ball.

Together. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!

Ved. 2. Gracious ladies and gentlemen, we are glad to see you at our ball.

Young woman. I light the candles and keep quiet.
And the evening wizard looks into my eyes,
With the hand of darkness, touching the shoulder.
I light candles for the first time at the ball

From dance to dance on an invisible road
From crinolines and corsets to silks
We slide through time, through a great era,
Where dancing appeared again and again.

The class takes 2 steps forward, the boys in the background, the girls in the first curtsy. Each class has its own curtsy.


Gentlemen, it is announced solemn exit of their majesties. Everybody stand up.

Everyone gets up and goes to an empty seat in the hall. They line up, creating a "living corridor" for the passage of the emperor and historical guests.

E.N .:

"By the grace of God, Tatiana Borisovna, Empress of the All Ashpan School."

With Princess Vasilyeva Zoya Mikhailovna

With Countess Dovzhenko Olga Alekseevna

(pass and take the place of the JURY)

The masters of ceremonies, standing at the door, strike three times with their wands - a long ebony cane with an ivory ball at the top, a two-headed eagle and a bow of the Andreevskaya ribbon.

The Araps open the doors, everyone bows down.

The orchestra performs a polonaise from the opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin". 5 minutes

Ved. 1: Gentlemen, the ball opens with a polonaise.

Slide with an illustration of a polonaise.

Ved. 2: So this is the beginning of the ball,
When a cut through time
The column of steam fluttered
Polonaise burst from the balcony!

Performed by the polonaise

Ved. 1. Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.

Vedas 2. How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!

Ved. 1. Now it is time to delight our ears with exquisite music.

Literary duel

    Primary school assignment: team to paint a poster

    Literary duel among high school students

Literary duel presentation

    On the way cloud "Zapevayka" for primary classes

Leading. Guys, do you know that there are colored songs? .......

And I'm sure you know some colored songs. Therefore, without a doubt, we invite you to perform with us 1 verse of these songs ... ..

(Performing songs with soundtrack)


- "Once upon a time there was a black cat ..."

- "The blue car is running, swinging ..."

- "Blue Moon…"

- "Somewhere in this world ..."

- "The yellow leaves are circling over the city ..."

- “A Christmas tree was born in the forest, it was green ...”

- "Blue, blue frost ..."

- "Little blue modest handkerchief ..."

- "Ginger, ginger cat ..."

- "Red viburnum…"

- "Black eyes…"

Ved. 1. Polka dance! Originally not from Poland, but from the Czech Republic! Please don't be confused! Lovely, cheerful child!

led 2: Polka, gentlemen! The gentlemen invite ladies!

Polka performed by class

E.N. 5-10 people come out wishing

Teams ask each other "poetic" questions, borrowing lines from famous poems. The opposing team must also respond with a poetic line - only it must be a quote from another work. It is advisable to do everything so that at the "junction" of quotations a funny super-meaning is born. One minute is allotted to think over the answer.

Here are examples of questions and answers:

Dreams Dreams.
Where is your sweetness? (A.S. Pushkin.)

In the desert, stunted and stingy. On the soil, hot scorching heat ... (A.S. Pushkin.)

Tell me, branch of Palestine,
Where did you grow up, where did you bloom? (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

In the depths of Siberian ores ... (A.S. Pushkin.)

What do you want, elder? (A.S. Pushkin.)

I came to you with greetings,
To tell that the sun has risen ... (AL. Fet.)

Why did you visit us
In the wilderness of a forgotten village? (A.S. Pushkin.)

I won't tell you anything
I will not alarm you at all ... (A Fet.)

5) What are you, my old lady. Has it fallen silent by the window? (A.S. Pushkin.)

And boring and sad
And there is no one to give a hand ... (M.Yu. Lermontov.)

Ved. 1. Ladies and gentlemen, now the game is "Stream".

Lead 1: Waltz, gentlemen! Waltz!

A slide with a ballroom scene, where the dancers are spinning in a waltz.

Ved. 2. So, Waltz of Friendship!

Lead 1: Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.

Ved. 2 He brings a tray of notes into the hall. Each guest takes a note.

Wish texts:

"Having chosen the road, do not turn off"

"Look into your soul, ask your heart"

"Believe in yourself, because for someone who believes, nothing is impossible!"

"Don't forget about yourself!"

"Remember, the arrow fired does not return!"

"Find happiness in today!"

"Know, the clouds will dissipate, the top will appear!"

"Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!"

"Knowing when to stop, you will have plenty of everything!"

Today is the best day for you! As the others!

"What awaits you will be wonderful!"

"Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!"

"Your future is great, everything is pink!"

Music plays, everyone sings the closing song.

Lead 1: This holiday will keep the memory
Remains for posterity.
Have a nice time
In fun and acquaintances.

led 2: Everyone is happy, young and old,
There will be conversations.
A little sorry, the upcoming ball
Not getting ready soon

Music sounds.

Ved. together: Gentlemen, the ball is over.