Scenarios of performances. Theatrical performances, drawing

Scenarios of performances. Theatrical performances, drawing
Scenarios of performances. Theatrical performances, drawing

A puppet play is a theatrical action in which the physical component is performed by the dolls, which are managed and for which actors-docks are said. This kind of art has existed many centuries and remains loved by both children and adults.

The significance of puppet performances in the life of children

It is very important to drive children to the theater, since it has a great educational value. But many kids are afraid of fabulous heroes when actors are played on stage. At the same time, they are not afraid of the actors-dolls, as they are small and similar to toys that kids love to play. Therefore, the best option will be the puppet scenario must correspond to the age of the spectators to be them understood.

Performances with the participation of dolls give the kids a good mood and many impressions, develop their abilities, bring up their emotionality. Children see the relationship between heroes that show them what you need and do not need to be. Characters are examples of kindness, love for loved ones and to their homeland, real friendship, hardworking, desire for the fulfillment of the dream ...

Puppet performances for children have very important meaningful importance. The scenario of presentation in the performance of dolls is close to the child. Children experience delight when they see puppet performances. In their eyes there are magic - the dolls come to life, moving, dance, talk, cry and laugh, turn into something or someone.

To write a good, interesting scenario of children's puppet performances, you need to know for which audience it will be shown: for ordinary children or for a specific viewer, where not everyone can show. In some cases it is necessary to demonstrate something specific.

When the script theme is defined, you need to choose the main character (it must be positive) and its antagonist, that is, a negative character who will create difficulties for him. The appearance of dolls must comply with their characters.

When the characters are defined, you need to consider the plot: what will happen to the heroes and where. The puppet performance should be instructive and at the same time it is desirable the presence of humorous details. Better if the dialogs are not too long. The performance should have more action than text. Long dialogues will be tedious for small audience. The most important thing is to write an interesting and understandable script.

Selection of plot

This must be pushed first. Choose the plot for which the script will be written a doll performance, it is necessary, based on the age of children who will watch it. Kids, for example, 3 years will be difficult to perceive what is intended for children of 8 years.

The puppet play for preschoolers will be interesting and understandable if his scenario will be written on one of such fairy tales as "bangs", "repka", "teremok", "Ryabina", "Three Bear" and so on. These plots are familiar with the kids from the early childhood. Puppet performances for children are more appropriate to put on such fairy tales as "Konon-Gorboon", "Adventures of Buratino", "Ali-Baba and 40 Robbers", "Vini-Pooh", "Cinderella", "Thumbelina", "Cat in Boots" , Mowgli, Gullier Travel, Blue Bird and others. Scenarios for these works are ideal for viewers from 6 to 12 years. Puppet performances for children should be bright, memorable to the small spectators, they cause as much as possible and left a lot of impressions.

Script composition

(as well as any other) are built according to the scheme:

  • tie;
  • development of action;
  • culmination;
  • junction.

The tie is the very beginning of the whole performance. It is necessary to familiarize the viewer with the actors, with the place of action and with the fact that the event began, which will be told.

The development of action is a gradual transition from tied to climax.

Culmination is the main point in the performance, serves as a transition to the junction. He is the most tense and significant in the plot, the outcome of the play is largely dependent.

An interchange is a step on which the action is completed, the results are summarized. This is a peculiar result of the previous components of the entire plot.

"Masha and Bear"

This article presents an exemplary scenario of a puppet play for children as a basis, a fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" is taken. Children's puppet play on this Russian folk work will meet all the requirements for which the plot should be built. There is a positive home heroine (Masha) and a negative character - a bear who creates difficulties for the girl. In this fairy tale there are merry and instructive moments.


The scenario of the puppet play on the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" involves the involvement in the presentation of the following characters:

  • Masha;
  • bear;
  • grandma Masha;
  • her grandfather;
  • girlfriend Masha;
  • Dog.


The puppet play "Masha and the Bear" begins with the fact that the girlfriend invites Masha to go to the forest for mushrooms.

Decorations depict where the main character lives with his grandparents. The forest can be seen. Masha's house is suitable for her girlfriend with a basket in his hands and knocks on the window.

Girlfriend: Masha, wake up rather, and then all the mushrooms do not care! Stop sleeping, the roots were sang.

At this time, the brush's car looks out of the window.

Grandmother: Not shumi, but you will wake! I won't let my granddaughter in the forest, there is a bear there.

Masha comes out of the house with a basket. Grandma comes out after her and trying not to let her go into the forest.

Masha: Grandma, let me go to the forest on the mushrooms, please!

Girlfriend: It is necessary to hurry, and then the sun is already high, and go far to the forest. We score subberezovikov, chanterelles and strawberries.

Masha: Let me go, grandmother.

The grandfather appears in the house window.

Grandfather: Okay you, grandmother, let go of Masha in the forest! There has been no bear for a long time and there is no mesmer, his Fedot shot.

Grandmother: It is good to. Only here Fedot is yours.

Masha: Grandma, well, let me go to the forest for mushrooms and berries!

Grandma: Okay, granddaughter, go, but look, do not get lost and go back to darkness.

Masha with a girlfriend went to the forest, and grandfather with a grandmother - to the house.

Development of action

Puppet performance (its action) is transferred to the forest. Masha with a girlfriend collect mushrooms and berries. While walking through the forest, sing a song.

Masha (Seeing the mushroom, runs forward): Oh, I found mushrooms.

Girlfriend: Do not run away from me and do not fall behind, but you will get lost!

Masha: And here is another mushroom.

She runs away for the trees and it is no longer visible for them, only her voice hears her.

Masha: How much is a naughty, chanterelles. Oh, there are also berries. Strawberry, blueberry, lingonberry.

A girlfriend finds a mushroom, tears it and puts into his basket. After that, looks around.

Girlfriend: Masha, where are you? AU! Remember! Return! Probably drank Masha. Already darkest, it's time for me to go home.

Girlfriend breaks up a few more fungi, then returns to the village.


Masha walks through the forest with a full basket of mushrooms. She goes to the edge, where there is a bearish hut.

Masha: My girlfriend, ay! Remember! I'm here! Where are you? But someone's hut, ask for someone who lives in it, take us home.

She knocks on the door and her bear opens. He grabs her and pulls into his house.

Bear: Come in, once came. Will you stay with me! You will turn the furnace to drown, make order, crimson bars, cookies, cook and porridge manna, and otherwise I'll eat you.

Masha (crying): I can't stay here! My grandparents are waiting for me, crying. Who can they cook dinner without me?

Bear: You need me in the farm! You will live with me, and you can cook lunch and here, and I will attract them.

The next picture represents a village house, from which the brush and grandfather cars are published, they go to the forest in search of their granddaughter.

Grandmother: I told her so that she did not go to the forest, and you: "Go, go." And my heart chuckled. And where now to look for us our granddaughter?

Grandpa: What about me? You let her herself go to the forest! Who knew that she was touched to darkness ...

Grandmother: Granddaughter, where are you? AU! What if a bear ate her? Where are you, Masha?

Been from the tree is shown a bear. He comes out to Grandma with grandfather.

Bear: What have you sniffed here? You prevent me from sleeping!

Grandma and Grandpa are scared and run away.

Bear: Well, fine! There is nothing to walk in my forest!

Bear leaves her hut.


Morning came. The bear comes out of the hut. Behind him follows Masha and carries a large box.

Bear: Where are you going? What in the box you have?

Masha: I baked patties with raspberries and blueberries for grandparents! They will be glad.

Bear: Do you want to escape from me? I do not figure it out! I'm smarter in the forest! I will assume your cakes to them.

Masha: Well, take away. Only here I am afraid that all the pie you eat yourself on the way. I then climb on Posina and from there I will follow you to watch you the box do not open and did not eat anything.

Bear: I'm not deceiving you.

Masha: Bring me a firewood, so that I porridge cooks to you while you go to my grandmother and grandfather.

The bear is leaving for firewood. Girl at this time hiding in the box. Soon the bear returns, brings firewood, boils the box and goes to the village, singing a song.

Bear: Oh, something I'm tired. Sadu-ka on Poturna and eat a pobe!

Masha: (leaning out of the box): I sit high, I look far away! Do not sit on Poto and my patties do not eat! Take their grandparents with grandparents.

Bear: That's what's the eye what.

The forest ends, the bear is already in the village. He comes to the house of Masha and knocks. A dog runs up to it and throws out. The bear throws a box and runs to his forest. Grandma with grandfather opens the box, and from there jumps out Masha. They rejoice that granddaughter returned, hug her and lead to the house.

The script of the puppet play "Masha and the Bear" is designed for children from 2 to 6 years.

: Grandfather, grandmother, two narratives, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox.
The wall has a house with a window, near the house grandfather Holts Firewood, grandmother tag broom.

1st narrator.
In the village on the edge,
In an old hut
Lived together as in paradise,
An old man with an old woman.
Grandfire Food loved to prick,
In the millstone grain grind.
Grandma in the house was ruled
Soap everything was cleaned.

2nd narrator.
One time was a big holiday.
Old grandfather
I took an egg, flour, sour cream,
He knew the dough nicely.
Two hours Mesil regularly
Kolobka was blinded nice.
An hour he fry a kolobka
Twistered the sides.

1st narrator.
And then his little
Squeeze lifted in the window.
Kolobok lay, lying,
Jump from the window - ran away.
Kolobok ran and sang his song on the motive of the Russian folk song "Ah you, Songi, my senses."
Kolobok (sings).
Koobok I, kolobok.
I am the Rumyan and Tolstobok.
In the stove of the Russian baken,
I'm on the window.
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather.
On the track I rush,
In kindergarten, I hurry.

1st narrator.
Rolled kolobok
Through a hole, a tubercle,
Then on the left side
That right side.
Suddenly, the scatch jacket jumped on the bunny packers.

You wait, kolobok,
Wait, ruddy side.
Can I sit for you?
I really want to eat.

Wait, bunny,
You can sit next to
You will sing a song.

Kolobok (sings).
Koobok I, kolobok.
I am the Rumyan and Tolstobok.
In the stove of the Russian baken,
On the window I am sweeping.
On the track I rush,
In kindergarten, I hurry.
Want, bunny, we are together
In kindergarten let's go with you?

2nd narrator.
Here from the forest, from the blast,
Spode Rakitova Bush
Wolf-wolf runs away
Gray tail.

Where are you, hey, kolobok!
Wait, ruddy side.
I'll stop you,
I'll talk to you.
Where are you from and where,
And in what, brother, edge
Rolling scrapping,
And with you a bunny?
I really love,
I am glad too glad too.
I eat you, I will not regret ...

After all, your belly will get sick!
I'm to you, wolf, what I say,
Want to tell a fairy tale
Want to sleep Song
About life is funny.

Kolobok (sings).
Koobok I, Kolobok,
I am the Rumyan and Tolstobok.
In the stove of the Russian baken,
On the window I am sweeping.
On the track I rush,
In kindergarten I am in a hurry
And I will be happy for you
I invite you to kindergarten.
We will go together.
Bunny - Once, I am two, you are three.

1st narrator.
Rolled kolobok
Through a hole, a tubercle.
Then on the left side
That right side.
Suddenly the bear meets them,
And let's roar on them.

You guys wait
Do not hurry, wait.
I'm not joking with you,
I want - I swallow.
Kolobka forward i eat
And bunny loan.
I will not touch the wolf
In the throat can be stuck.
I can regret you
I'm a kind bear.
Song for me you spoil
Adjust to a cheerful way.
There is any fun, loved by children song. Heroes of fairy tales and audience are singing.

Cobble. Bear, wear a fur coat
And most likely catch us.
In kindergarten we hurry,
For guys around the guys.
You can sit there at the table,
Porridge, they eat them.

1st narrator.
Suddenly, from where he will take
And fox here appear.
Redhead chanterelle
Surface sister.
A fox. Oh, what a dwell day!
And I'm not lazy to work -
I met the path,
I observe the purity
Ah, probably, a bun.
We will collect flowers with you and put in a vase.
What a beauty will be ...
We will praise immediately.
You listen, kolobok,
Clear my hint.
Do you want to be friends with me?
Do you want to be different?
Well, then you, my friend,
Sweet, lush bun,
Should a song you sing
And to sit on the nose.

Kolobok. Well, I'll sit down
Not on the nose, but near.
To you SPOY
About life funny.

Kolobok (sings).
Koobok I, Kolobok,
Imagined me side.
On sour cream I interfere
In the stove of the Russian baken,
I met in the way I (He speaks):Hare-shoot
Gray wolf
Yes, and a bear.
On the track we run (sings),
In kindergarten, want to get
And you call with you,
We will run now Gorn.
Here is a kindergarten school (He speaks),
We found him, I'm glad.
Need to knock on the door
And do not scare children.

All animals.
Hello guys!
We are glad to see all!

Here and Maya, and Natasha,
Katya, Ksyusha, Dasha, Sasha!

How fun you have!
There will be dance-constant!

Clap, palms,
Type, legs!

A fox.
Louder music play
Baby call!

Once or twice, only two,
Dance legs of the hopak!
Performed any familiar to the children's dance. Dance all the audience.

Hung fun
Dragged together!
And now, guys,
We need to leave.
Hare, Wolf, Bear, Lisa -
All will go to their forests.
Well, I, friends-girlfriend,
Slow to your hut!

Title: "Kolobok rushing to kindergarten" Puppet theater
Nomination: kindergarten, holidays, entertainment, scenarios, performances, staging,

Position: Music Manager
Place of work: MBDOU D / s "Alenushka"
Location: Siberias Republic of Bashkortostan

Play dolls: Matryoshka and cat Ksyuk.

Matryoshka comes out with a pot.

Matryoshka. Where do I put sour cream so that her cat Ksyuk did not find? I will put it here, with the edge, I hide a pot with sour cream first with a cloth, then I put a paper with a paper. Or maybe Ksyuk and the sour cream does not want? He really fell behind her yesterday. Here is a stone! (Puts pebbles on the pot and leaves.)

Cat Ksyuk(sings).

I will tell you without cheating,

I like sour cream,

And my way is always to her,

So that only once lick!

Sour cream! Sour cream!

I will find her, got it!

Sour cream, sour cream,

So that only once lick!


I swear to your tail, it smells like sour! My nose will not deceive (slightly raises the face, turns it in different directions, sniffs, comes to the pot).

Sour cream should be here. We'll see!

Sour cream, sour cream,

I will find her, got it! (Removes stone.)

I will find her, got it! (Removes paper.)

So that only once lick! (Removes a rag.)

Well, of course, my nose did not deceive me! (Resolutely departs from the pot.) No, it is better not to look. Of course, why take what is impossible! I will not! (Slowly turns toward the pot.) Well, why not look at it? It will not be less from it! (Suitable to the pot.) Probably sour cream fatty and very tasty! (Walks around the pot.) And maybe it's angry that they do not want! Lizna Spear, no one will notice (lowers the muzzle to the pot). Alone and did not progress! I will try again (licks, raises the muzzle not as fast as for the first time). It is difficult to say immediately (licks). Oh, what am I doing? Only I tried, and half the pot as it was not! (Departs from the pot.) No, Ksyuk, it is impossible! You will never try to try again! Is it not noticeable? (Suitable to the pot.) Yes, noticeable, and very noticeable. Why always think of me? Sour cream can eat and dog bagel. (Eats.) I have nothing to do with it! That's all! (Eats.) It was sour cream and no sour cream! (Wash.) Sour cream ate dog, and maybe the pot and empty was? I hide it again with a cloth, then a piece of paper, and on top of putting the pebbles. And I don't know anything! Lang to sleep. (Falls.)

Matryoshka. A, Ksyuk, sleep? How did you get here?

Cat. She walked, she came and came!

Matryoshka. Came and found a pot?

Cat.What pot? (Rises.)

Matryoshka. That's the one. (Suitable to the pot, removes stone, paper, cloth.) So you did not notice him? And no sour creams!

Cat. I do not know! (Suitable to the pot.) I did not look, did not look even. Maybe it was not there!

Matryoshka. How not it was when I put it myself in the pot and put here! You ate her?

Cat (indignantly). I? And did not think! And, I understand. There was a bagel, he, probably, and eaten the sour cream!

Matryoshka (departs from the cat). Poor dog!

Cat.Yes, poor dog! Now he gets great!

Matryoshka. What's this! The fact is that sour cream was extraordinary, magical. And the one who eaten her, first flops, then go blind, finally, the tail will fall off.

Cat (with fear). Runly! Mustle! His tail will fall off!

Matryoshka. Yes Yes! Poor dog!

Cat(Dreaming on Shirma). Who, dog?

Matryoshka. Yes Yes! After all, he ate the sour cream! What do you worry? You did not eat sour cream and did not even see her!

Cat. Yes ... no ... I did not touch. (Himself quietly.) Oglokhna, blind, the tail will fall off! (Appeals to the matryrchka.) And soon Raplochna, blinded ..., that is, the dog of the bagel will soon go light up, will it fall away and the tail will disappear?

Matryoshka. Soon.

Cat. Oh, how terrible!

Matryoshka. Yes, the poor is our bagel!

Cat. Or maybe I ..., that is, a bubble, you can still save? (Caresses to the Matreshka.)

Matryoshka. Can.

Cat.Right how?

Matryoshka. Why do you need this? You did not touch the sour cream.

Cat.Yes ... No ... I want to help a bagel. I will say what to do.

Matryoshka. A bagel should confess everything in everything.

Cat. And if ... he is not aware?

Matryoshka. Then he died!

Cat. And if ... This is not a bagel ate the sour cream?

Matryoshka. Then nothing happens to him! (Very quiet.) And who ate, that ...

Cat.What are you saying? I do not hear what you say?

Matryoshka. The bagel ate the sour cream, and you blah! Let's check vision. Close your eyes for a minute.

(The cat closes his eyes with his paws, the nepheuska hides, the cat opens his eyes.)

Cat. Matryoshka, I do not see you (meswords, turns into all directions). What should I do? I glow and blind! Soon I will fall off the tail (refers to the audience). While I still hear, guys advise, what should I do?

Children. Aware! Tell me the truth!

Cat. Matryoshka, where are you? Come to me closer.

(Matryoshka comes to the cat.)

Cat. Matryoshka, I ate the sour cream, but I said on the dog. I! I am in everything to blame! I will not take anything more slowly and never lie and boil on others!

Matryoshka. Oh, that's it! You confess, it's good. But so that you do not fire and not blind and so that you do not fall off the tail, you must say 25 times:

"I confess, I ate the sour cream.

Let everyone know

I am a lie! Bad Cat! "

(The cat appeals to children sitting on the right, then on the left, then departed to the depth, gets his back to the audience and repeats the words, then goes away.)


This will not come to you,

Everything is clear without question

You never take

And nothing without demand.

Song Cat Ksyuka

Music S. Pesheboyakina

Hide, friends, I will not become

What i love sour cream

And my way is always to her,

So that only once lick!

Sour cream! Sour cream!

I will find her, got it!

Sour cream, sour cream,

So that only once lick!

Scenario for Puppet Theater

Fairy tale "Repka to a new way"

Music design. Two children come out.

1. Good afternoon dear friends!

2. Hello!

We begin the presentation!

I am very pleased not to miss.

1. We are for you for mood

We will sing and dance!

2. We tried, we learned

We prepared for you.

1. Sit down comfortably

Tale we will show you now!

2. Near two roads, at the intersection

There was a white birch.

1. Rissed green branches

Birch over a little hut

2. And in the hut - lived Dedka

With her old woman

1. They had Masha - granddaughter.

There was a dog - bug.

2. And the cat is purr,

And behind the stove - a sulfur mouse!

1. Tale, maybe and small

Yes, about important things.

2. Fairy tale lies, yes in it hint

All good will give a lesson.

Music design "Morning" (Sounds of the village, Cock of the rooster, domestic cries, the lyrical melody sounds. "Sun" (on the fishing line) slowly rises - "wakes up."

The grandfather comes out, pulls out, looking around, "looking for" someone.

Grandfather: Hey! Old woman, answer! Where have you been? Show yourself!

Grandma (from the garden goes to his grandfather): Here I am here ... You are not noise, and take yes help!

Grandfather: Did you put in any way?

Grandma: Spring came, warm now ...

Grandfather: Curious what you plant?

Grandma: As if grandfather, you yourself do not know?

I squeeze every year

The same as the whole people.

Grandfather: Well, tell me what kind of secret?

Grandma: There is no secret here!

You are curious, I know.

Okay, listen to what I am:

Beets, pumpkin, patisson

They say that it is delicious

Onions, carrots, tomatoes,

And sunflowers to the fence ...

Grandfather: Well, and repka?

Grandma: Say himself. I once melted with her ...

Grandfather: Hey! Wait, so is not suitable.

Turnip everything is now planted,

About her child knows

Grandma: You are missing with her ...

Here stuck, straight trouble.

Here it was given a repa,

As if things are different and no ...

(go to the table, sit down)

Grandfather: Cook, grandma, grandfather

Turnips steam to dinner.

(grandmother dishes from him, waving his head)

In vain, you do not stop me, fiercely cook!

(grandma grows his leg, waving his hands, then breed hands and in the side)

Grandma: Considered me tightly!(Noots, pours tea)

On, drink tea! Well, there is no repka!

Want a repka, so go

In the garden put in town! (come out because of the table)

Grandfather and grandmother perform the song "Cute My Daughters!"

Grandfather (offended): I'll take it and put I will put a turnip

It will be what to eat to dinner.

You go and rest

Yes, and I do not bother me here.

Grandma: Crop's corrosion

Say himself, wipe himself!

On the! In the seed bag

Well, I went home.

Grandfather: Here is a shovel, watering can, seeds.

I'm a garden at least where! AT - two! AT-Two!

(steps to the garden)

Musical accompaniment"Bravo, children! " )

AT! Two! AT! Two! I will dig a garden ...

I will plant repok(looking into the bag with seeds)

That's why grief, that's the trouble - one gave one seed ...

How can I come now?

Well, one will plant one ...(Sits Seed in "Earth")

Let him grow on joy to us

Not by day, but by the hour.

I am polling her water ...(yawning, watering seeds)

And go to sleep home ...

Grandfather goes out (Music sounds from the movie "Operation" s "and others.") Wipe sweat from the forehead, sits on the bench. .

Duck! Repex, yes a little jamming ...(falls)

(Masha's granddaughter runs out of the house)

Masha: Good morning grandmother! Good morning, grandfather!

Can I go to friends? Play? Bunch!

Grandma: Go the granddaugh, go, honey!(grandma goes to the house, granddaughter runs away)

Immediately sounds accession to the song "Oh garden in the yard"

2 compartment.

Children go, sing a song, boys "play on balalaiks", girls are danted, diverge to their places)

Song "Oh, Garden in the yard! "

Girls: We, girlfriends - girlfriends, amazes, laughing!

Boys: We guys are great, mischievous removals!

1. We came to pay and play,

2. Long day to pass!

Girls: And we gathered to be enjoyed, and so much!

1. Severe, the song is ringing, comicing, accompanied!

2. Where the song is poured, there is fun living!


R: Hey, cheerful people,

Do not stand at the gate!

Come out as soon as

Bear fun! Dance "Baryna"

P: Yes, we danced we skillfully.

And now it's time for business.

We will go in a circle

Yes cabbage celest.

P: Yes, let's play, curl cabbage!

"Weight, Cabstick" - Horovodna Game

(with the last verse go "chain" from the hall)

3 compartment.

The grandfather "sleeps" on the bench, rises, sips with the end of music.

Grandfather: Oh oh! It would be necessary to wake up

Yes, a little stretch ...

(freezes in place, rubs eyes) Music "Miracle!"

That's how Divo! That's so miracle!

I can see, I slept bad ...

Or sleep still. Yes,(stretching a)

Turnip - that my hut!

Pink: That has grown big,

What is good i

Sweet and strong

I call Repka!

You with such a beauty

For nothing to cope!

Grandfather: (Suitable for a river and touches it)

So I have a repka!

Know, I didn't try to know!

I will break up a repka from the earth,

I will say: grandmother, looked.

(try on how to pull the repka) Well! Durry times! Derne two! (Sounds an excerpt of the song "Hey Human!")

Does not exceed. Here trouble!

Eh, a bulldozer would be here.

It's time to call Babi!

Grandfather pulls reprection, in a hurry to help grandmother.

Music is escort.

Grandma: What? What happened?

Sky in the garden fell?

Al Komar wing broke?(grandma notices repka) .

Grandma: What I see! Grandfather, and grandfather?

Grandfather (proud) : Miracle repro! My answer.

How did you argue with me ...

Grandma: What are you! What are you, my Svetik!

I will not argue anymore,

And I will stop ...

Grandfather (pretty) : That's better. Well, for business!

We will pull out again!

I am for reprection!( Music songs "Hey, US!")

Grandma: I'm for the grandfather!

Grandfather: Together!

Grandma: The case is on the spot!(stop pulling)

Grandma: Granddaughter would call us

Somewhere ran here near ...(granddaughter's output music)

Granddaughter, in the garden run, pull the turnip help!

(The granddaughter runs out).

Granddaughter: I run, run, run, pull the rear help!

Oh. That's how the repa - the ploy(Hands breed, surprised)

Growing surprisingly! (pulling repka)

Music songs "Hey, US!"

Pink: That has grown big,

What is good i

Sweet and strong

I call Repka!

You with such a beauty

For nothing to cope!

Grandma: What is for attack?

Grandfather: It can be seen a repaint.

Grandma: No one! Granddaughter, run,

Bug to help call.

Granddaughter: I'm already running!

MiG bug, I will find!

Granddaughter: Bug! Bug, come out! We rather help!

Sounds "dog waltz".

(bug runs)

Bug: Gav! Gav! Gav! I hurry to help!

Gav! Gav! Gav! Running soon!

Everything is ready to do everything for you

I will not leave friends! Gav! Gav! Gav!

(pulling repka) Music songs "Hey, US!"

Pink: That has grown big,

What is good i

Sweet and strong

I call Repka!

You with such a beauty

For nothing to cope!

Grandma: I stand on the legs barely ...

Bug: How are things moving there?

Granddaughter: Repkah where there was!

Grandfather: Wake up a cat, let him work a little!

Bug: Cat run to search.

Sounds "Koshkin Blues"

Cat: There is no need to look for me!

I myself went to help.

(Spectators) Acknowledge should be a secret.

I love fish, not a turnip.

Moore. Moore. Meow.

I can not refuse

And I will help friends!

Everything: And once! And two!

Grandfather (Joyful ) : Repkah moved barely!

Grandma: What did you say, an old man?

Turder - ka, another time!

Pink: That has grown big,

What is good i

Sweet and strong

I call Repka!

You with such a beauty

For nothing to cope!

Grandfather: I say you again:

Mouse to help you need to call.

Granddaughter: Mouse! Mouse! Come out!

Bug: Pick up a river(mouse appears)

Song "I - Mouse"

Mouse: Pi-Pi-Pi! Help!

Help repka!

Cat: FR-R-R! I can't get mice ...

Grandma: Murka, stop angry!

Grandfather: So work is not suitable!

Grandma: They took together! Barely!

Bug: Kohl we are together - the dispute point!

Mouse: I am for the cat!

Cat: I am for a bug!

Bug: I'll catch my granddaughter!

Granddaughter: I'll take my grandmother!

Grandma: I'm pulling the grandfather.

Grandfather: I am pulling off.

Grandma: Grandfather, look!

EVERYTHING (joyful) : We pulled out!

Grandfather: So stretched out the turnip

Sugar like candy!

All children come out.

Children leading:

    The fairy tale came the end.

He who listened, well done.

    We are waiting for the applause from you,

Well, and other compliments ...

    After all, the artists tried

Let slightly and confused.

1. In our performance, took part:(Presentation of children)

Grandfather: I need everyone to notice

Helped in the work of friendship!


Words of the song "Cute My, Daughters"

Cook, a bed, a cute, my grandmother!

Cook, bed, gray drub!

Who needs it, no one needs.

Who needs it, no one needs!

We would put a repka, my dear, grandmother!

We would put a repkah, a bitch!

Do not worry, grandmother, do not worry a liking,

And where to get together, my dear, grandmother?

Where are you going, a nazyblock?

In the garden, I am grandmother, in the garden I, Labor,

I will put on a repka, for you a dove.


Bashed in the morning of Vova

Combatom combing

Cow approached him,



It was suddenly to choke a shirt.

I almost died of fear.

Then I understood: "E-my!

I grew out of it! "


In the morning my mother Mila

Two candy presented.

Present barely managed

Immediately they herself.


From the slides went by Irishka

- the fetus itself was;

Ira even his skis

On the way overtook!


Thin - Brot - rubbing!

Performed all day!

I learn reluctance

And the chastushki sing is not too lazy!


All the snowman are pose

Mom is looking for Igor.

Where is my son? Where is he?

Round into the snowball.


I was on the bazaar

Saw Mirone.

Mirone on the nose

Crawl Rock.


Seed chicken in a pharmacy

And said "Kukarek!

Give soap and perfume

To love roosters! "

Song: together we are a big power

On the palms of the sky dance clouds,

In the house the smell of bread and pair milk.

As it is beautiful - cute land,

Our song is pioned,

We are a family!


Oh-oh, do not break water,

Oh, about you and me!

The world is so beautiful, rainbow colors,

Every dream is always happy.

Thin streams wide river

Let's be friends -

Here is my hand!


Oh-oh, only together we are much power

Oh-oh, do not break water,

Oh-oh, so that joy in the heart is not cooled,

Oh, about you and me!

Puppet show! When the children hear these words, joyful sparkles will light up in their eyes, cheerful laughter is heard, and children's hearts are overwhelmed with joy, anticipation of a miracle. The puppet theater can not leave indifferent, whether it is a baby or an adult. The doll in the hands of parents and teachers is an indispensable assistant in the creation and training of a child of preschool age. When an adult communicates with a child with a toy, a children's heart, like a sponge, absorbs each word. The child believes the "revived" toy and seeks to do what she asks.



Puppet Theater "Teremok to New Flood"

Snowman: Wow, how many children,

Both girls and boys!


I stood on the street

And in the hands of the broom held.

Suddenly heard children's laughter:

Hee heh-heh, heeh-heh!

I rushed to this laugh,

You gotten to you!

Did you know me? Who am I?(Children's responses)

Yes, I guys - a snowman!

I'm to the snow, I got used to the cold!

Snowman I am not simple -

I am cheerful, mischievous !!!

And you guys like having fun?(Children's responses)

Well, then, the defortion,

It is time to play.

Soon, soon will come to us

Cheerful new year.

We will sing songs, dance,

In the game different play.

To meet the new year

We must know a lot!

And now guys you

I ask questions.

You guys do not yaw

A friendly choir answer!

Game "Yes - No"

Santa Claus is known to you?

Does he come at midnight to us?

Santa Claus carries gifts?

Does he drive on a foreign car?

Santa Claus is afraid of the chairs?

He's friends with the Snow Maiden?

Santa Claus Old man cheerful?

Loves jokes and jokes?

Does songs and riddles know?

Eat all your chocolates?

Santa Claus will hear us a Christmas tree?

Is he wearing shorts and a T-shirt?

He does not grow soul?

Will we warm on the street?

Will we meet the new year?

Will we sing and dance?

Yes, guys, well done! You know everything about the new year! Do you like fairy tales?

Well, then sit down comfortably and listen!

Fairy tales love everything in the world

Love adults and children!

Tales teach us good

And diligent work,

They say how to live,

To be friends all around!

Put the ears on the crown,

Listen carefully,

Teremok to a new way

I'll tell you for the guys!

(Music sounds)

It is in the field of teremok teremok!

It is not low, not high, not high ...

Oh, someone runs by the path,

And so quiet, and so complaints ...

Mouse: (sings)

The mouse is nowhere to live!

How don't I touch?

There is no new year to meet,

Santa Claus has nowhere to wait.

Oh-Yeh, Oh-Yeh,

How sad I am alone.

There is no new year to meet,

Santa Claus has nowhere to wait.


Snowman: Oh guys like so

There should be no way!

Everyone must live somewhere

And in winter and summer!

How does the mouse do not rush

If there is no house?

Everyone must sleep somewhere

And dinner somewhere.

How she doesn't grieve

If there is no house?

(The mouse is suitable for teremku)

Mouse: What nice teremok -

Neither big nor small.

He is not locked on the castle,

Not closed stations.

You say the gray mouse,

Who lives here in the terme?

I cook craftsman

I can sew and embroider.

I want to settle here,

To meet the New Year!

(Enters the teremok and looks in the window)

Enough for me to wander through the light,

It will be warm me in winter.

If there is no one here,

So the house is mine!

Snowman: Now there is a mouse where to live.

Will live not to rush.

Will celebrate the new year

Christmas tree in beads dress up!

(Music sounds, frog appears)

Frog: (sings)

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!

Very cold in the morning.

Shrouded foot and belly

Oh, wonder here about it!

Kva-kva-kva, kva-kva-kva!

Oh, and winter time.

Shrouded foot and belly

Oh, wonder here about it!

What a nice teremok!

Oh, what a miracle!

It is not low, not high

The pipe is smoking,

Rowing the fishing line!

Who lives here in the terme?

Who is waiting for guests today?

Do you assure the door!

Guest Start!

Mouse: The mouse here lives a nomushka!

I am a reliable girlfriend!

Gathered to drink tea

Who will you answer?

Frog: I'm a frog-dodkushka,

Cheerful, laughter!

I can swim by Bras

Water from the river wearing.

With her came the mattress

And I ask me to put me!

Mouse: Do you know how to have fun?

After all, the new year will come soon

And the lights will light their own.

Frog: And I know how to make a cheerful charging!

It is very funny!

Mouse: Well, show!

(Snowman offers children to perform a cheerful charging together with a frog)

Cheerful charging

1. Veins, fun

His head cool.

2 . Mad hands guys

These birds fly.

3 .Ruk up raising

And then lower.

4. We will love everything

Together to sit down together.

5 . Potting top, leg top

Once again - the top yes top.

6 . Judge jump now,

Jump yes jump again.

Mouse: Yes, frog-dork!

You are a fun girlfriend!

For you there is a place

Merry to live together.

Now I will knead the dough

And then you drink seagull!

Snowman: Two funny girlfriends

Steel together in the house live!

Steel Christmas tree dressing

Soon the holiday to meet them!

(Music sounds, bunny appears)

Bunny: (sings)

I - Bunny Chalubishka,

I fled on her lunich

I fled on an eloxy

I got lost, I dug.

Soon, soon will come to us

Winter holiday - New Year.

I fled on an eloxy

I got lost, I dug.

(Stops in front of the terram

What nice teremok

Rose among the forest?

Hare prince here could live

With a hare princess!

Swimming teremok

Rose on the lawn,

Who lives here in the terme

Tell a bunny!

Mouse: The mouse here lives a narushka!

Frog: Who worries our peace?

I am a frog-dork!

Speak who are you?

Bunny: Open it

Bunny shooter!

You let live me

I am a good bunny!

Mouse (frog): Can let the hare live?

Frog: It would be necessary to ask him:

What can we surprise us?

Bunny: And I know how to guess the riddle!

Mouse: I wonder us to learn

Can you guess our riddles?

Mouse: In the courtyard snowball goes,

Soon a holiday ...(New Year)

Frog: He and kind, he and strict,

Beard gray zone.

Red-eyed, Krasnashkiy

Our favorite ... (Santa Claus)

Mouse: With snowflakes friendly

Daughter blizzard. Who is she?(Snow Maiden)

Frog: Softly glow needles

Coniferous spirit goes ...(from the Christmas tree)

Mouse: Figs and light

Fabulous winter

What a miracle of moths

Circling over to you?(Snowflakes)

Frog: What a beauty!

It is worthwhile.

How magnificently removed ...

Tell me who she is?(Christmas tree)

Mouse: Well, what will let the bunny


We will live now threesome

We will heal together!

Snowman: Began to live together

Began to be friends.

On the threshold of the new year

In Teremka Bake Pie.

(Music sounds, fox appears)

Fox: (sings)

On the forests, by bushes

I go and here and there.

I am looking for a mink somewhere

I would like to sleep.

In the yard, big frost,

Remove your tail.

I am looking for a mink somewhere

I would like to sleep.

(Stops in front of the terram

So terem teremok

False yes elegant.

Some apple pie ...

Where is the entrance mode here?

Hey, you, miles honest people,

Take the door!

Who lives here in the terme

People Ali Beasts?

Mouse: The mouse here lives a nomushka!

Bunny: And the eared bunny!

Frog: I am a frog-dork!

Who are you answering?

A fox: About the beauty of Lisu

Rumor has long been conducted.

Know all me in the forest

I will find a place?

Mouse: If you go to the song,

In the teremochki to us will go!

A fox: I'm a singer just class

Lullaby sleep for you!

(Fox sings "Sleep tired toys")

Bunny: Sang you are now beautiful

So sincerely, just class,

Come in, live with us!

Snowman: I began to live fox with them

Forests of the campaign.

Started songs

To meet the New Year!

(Music sounds, wolf appears)

Wolf: (sings)

The wolf is completely afraid -

They say I love to bite!

And I'm not at all

I am good, I'm not angry.

Yana Angry, not angry at all

I do not eat anyone here.

And I'm not at all

I am good, I'm not angry.

(Stops in front of the terram

Here is a choir so choir

Here, the expanser is enough for everyone!

What are silent? Is there anyone at home?

Yes, do not be afraid you, do not smoke!

Mouse: The mouse here lives a nomushka!

Bunny: and eared bunny!

Frog: I am a frog-dork!

A fox: I fox - hostess!

I won't take something in a sense

Who are you?

Wolf: I'm not angry, good wolf!

In the house you run me.

Yes, talk to me.

A fox: Say, sulfur thumb,

What kind of thing you use

What you can tell

Well, better show!

Wolf: I am not just a gray wolf,

I know in fun in the fun.

You look at me

And you will repeat everything for me.

And then tell me

What am I doing in the game?

Boom boom boom, Tara-Ra-Ram!

I show you.

You look carefully,

What I do say!

Mouse: Babyshi beat!

Wolf: not guess!

Frog: And I know - knead the dough!

Wolf: No, not dough!

(Children answer -playing on the drum)

Wolf: Trendy - Trendy - Trendy - Bremen!

I play all day.

And what I play,

Guess, ka, friends!

Bunny: on the piano!

Wolf: What are you? Who is the piano playing?

A fox: On the violin, probably!

Wolf: Again did not guess!

(Children answer -playing a balalaica)

Wolf: Du Du-Du, Du Du-Du!

Sits raven on oak.

And you are sitting in the grame

What am I doing tell me?

Mouse: Brush your teeth!

Wolf: No, not teeth!

Frog: Okay, okay not Tomi,

What did you do, tell.

(Children answer -played on a pipe)

Wolf: Truly Vali, trawls!

Feet themselves dug!

In the dance went and hands too

They clap your hands!

Bunny: Put about my feet, and myself Masha's hands.

A fox: And he probably distilts mosquitoes.

(Children answer -plays on the harmonica)

Bunny: Okay, gray, come in,

Just do not bite!

Frog: Immediately will be discharged, taking into account

Kohl offend the hare!

Snowman: Became the animals to live together

Together to live and not trust.

Mouse floor in the house tets

Chanterelle pies bake.

Bunny makes charging,

Boyko jumps into the jury.

Well, and wolf and frog

Watching cute on a habit

And chastushki sing aloud

Oh, they miss everyone.

(Music sounds, bear appears)

Bear: (sings)

I am a Mishutka Bear.

How to start roaring now.

Very sad to me in the forest

I want to find friends!

In the yard we have frost,

Very spout my frozen.

Very sad to me in the forest

I want to find friends!

(Stops in front of the terram

What kind of miracle teremok

It is not low, not high ...

Take the gate,

I want to live with you!

Mouse: No, Mishutka, Wait!

Do not come in teremok!

We want to be friends with you,

But you do not need to live with us.

Bear: In vain you so, I come in a weight!

Mouse: Hurt you are huge.

Bear: Do not be afraid, let's get

I'm modest in queries!

(Trying to climb into teremok, teremok falls)

Mouse: What are you, Bear, did it?

Frog: We warned!

Bunny: Teremok ours ruined!

A fox; No corner left!

Bear: Well, forgive me, I'm not on purpose.

Although your house fell from Stump, you can live in it!

Mouse: Where is the subfield to keep

For winter stocks

Hot summer calming

Barrel with mint kvass?

Frog: Where is my big chulad

Wet with mosquitoes?

A fox: And sovereign to there

Play me evenings?

Bunny: Where to meet we are new year

Will we now?

Wolf: Where are the gifts from frost

We will take?

Bear: Yes! And there is no stove to heal

I have a winter back ...

Bunny: Oh, why are you, Bear,

House tilted?

A fox: Now we will live like?

Bear: I can not imagine!

Frog: If you did that not

Then the sakes to fix!

Wolf: Although the bear is to blame

We will help him1

Bunny: Than to regret the house

Better new to lay down!

(Snowman offers children to help animals)

Snowman: Tuk Yes Tuk, Tuk Yes Tuk

There is a loud knock.

Build a house, big house

And with a porch and with a pipe.

We worked all day

And it's not lazy to work.

Everyone knows his business

Makes him skill!

Bear broke dragged

Bunny boards wrote.

The wolf folded them all row,

Bedded them with a hammer.

Mouse, gray nirushka,

Colors stations in the windows!

Frog oven puts,

And chanterelle curtains sews!

And guys and animals

Drank worked out.

Glorious teremok came out:

It is not low, not high

That's what a beautiful house.

Will live beasts.

Mouse: It turned out a nice house,

We all have enough space in it!

Frog: Nicely in the house healing

Patty we will bring.

Bunny: We will drink tea with jam,

We will always be friends.

Chanterelle: Soon, soon will come to us

Nice holiday - New Year!

Wolf: The Christmas tree will dress up

Santa Claus will be waiting!

Bear: Santa Claus when comes

We will start a dance. Here!

Snowman: All the animals became friends

That's how it turned out in the fairy tale.

Here and fairy tales end,

And who listened - well done!

Did you like my fairy tale?

I am very happy!

Well, now, the bastard.

To say goodbye to me!


Scenario of the Puppet Theater "Tsarevna Nesmeyana"

(Game "Show Fucking")

Fairy tale: Well done, guys, guess all my riddles! And today, I invited you to visit not easy, I want to tell you a very interesting fairy tale! Want to listen?

Well, then put the ears on the top,

Listen carefully.

I'll tell you the story

Very wonderful!

(Music sounds)

There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can not without them.

In a fairy tale, everything can happen

Our fairy tale is ahead.

Tale in the door to us knocks

Let's say the fairy tale: "Come in!"

(Music sounds)

He lived, was on white light Tsarevna.

Tsarevna is not an easy, capricious such!

It was seen by

I do not know why

Nobody cares her

(Because of the Kulis, the cry is heard, crying. Nonmeoyan appears - crying)

Nesmeyana: I do not want to wash your hands!

I do not want to eat!

Whole day i will whine

Do not listen to anyone!(Crying)

Fairy tale: So roared all day

And it's not too lazy to roar!

Poor father our king

All the prini allowed.

And all the time consoled -

Tales for the night I read.

He and so to her, he and Syak,

All is not so, but not so.

King: What happened to our princess? She cries, shouts, nothing wants to do! I'll try to talk to her, console!

Daughter, let's go walk! Look, what good weather, listen, how fun birds sing!

Nesmeyana: I do not want good weather, I want badly! Let the rain go!(Crying)

King: Well, you, daughter! After all, if it goes raining - you get wet!

Nesmeyana: I want to get wet!(Crying)

King: Or maybe you want to eat? And I will feed you with delicious candy. Hey, nannik, bring the king for princes candy6 Sweet, soft, fragrant!

Nesmeyana: I do not want anything: neither sweets or cutlets; Neither tea, nor milk, nor cocoa.(Crying)

King: And you do not want ice cream? Cream ...

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

King: And maybe chocolate7

Nesmeyana: No! (Crying)

King: Well then, strawberry ...

Nesmeyana: Nor I want neither ice cream, no cake!(Crying)

King: Or maybe you are cold? Hey, nannik, bring a handkerchief for our princess: warm, fluff.

(Nannik runs, runs up to princess)

Nesmeyana: I'm not cold and not hot! And I don't need anything!(Crying)

(Nyanka sighs hard and leaves)

King: You do not need anything, you will refuse everything! And why do you shout Togshd and cry?

Nesmeyana: Why am I screaming?

What is your business?

I want nothing,

All I'm tired!

King: What to do?

What do i do?

How to make a princess?

Fairy tale: And thinking, at the same time,

The king published such a decree!

King: "Tsarsky Listen to the Decree

And hurry in the same hour

The ordinary will execute

The kingdom is joy to fill.

Who is Tsarevna will raise

In the palace, he will live

I'm trying to me with a crown,

I will do that rich! "

Fairy tale: And in all countries ends

The messengers were sent!

Much time passes

Peter-Cockerel comes.

Loudly sings a song

Tsarevna laugh goes!

Cockerel: (sings the song)

  1. Naked I rooster,

I have excellent hearing.

Loudly song i will sing

Nonmeyan laugh.

Etc. Ka-ka-re-ku! Ka-ka-re-ku!

Loud songs I sing!

Ka-ka-re-ku! Ka-ka-re-ku!

Nonmeyan laugh.

  1. I wear snaps on my feet

And walk along the fence,

In the morning I get up with the sun,

"Good morning!" - I say!

Etc. the same

Cockerel: I'm Peter-Cockerel,

Golden scallop.

I heard you decree,

Hurried to you in the same hour.

I will entertain you

On musical instruments to play.

Nesmeyana: Well, come on, entertain. Play on your musical instruments!

Cockerel: (pulls out a rattle)

This is a praise

Ringing toy.

Very fun rings

All Vastruge fun.

(Music sounds - a rooster plays a rattle)

Nesmeyana: Remove your rattage: And nothing has fun, she rings, and she does not merge anyone.(Crying)

Cockerel: And I have something else!(pulls out a spoon)

I went to the fair,

Spoons cheap bought.

Ringing, carved

Spoons painted.

From dawn to dawn

Merry people they.

(Music sounds - rooster plays on spoons)

Nesmeyana: From my spoons, I got drunk my head.(Crying)

Cockerel: Well, not crying. Don't cry, I'll show you now something else(pulls the tambourine).

Cheerful ringing tambourine,

We will not be bored with him.

Oh, rings, he rings,

All I'm happy to merge!

(Music sounds - the rooster plays on the tambourine)

Nesmeyana: And I still misunderstood!(Crying)

Fairy tale: Guys, let's make a pete-cockerel. We will help to make sure.

(Children play musical instruments)

Nesmeyana: Yes, it is enough to grow and ring! I do not want to listen to your music!(Crying)

Fairy tale: Petya - Petya - Petushok Has Has Having Has

He became completely unexpected.

He failed to make sure.

And then I decided that it would live and not trust!

(Music sounds - Cockerel leaves)

Fairy tale: Takes a lot of time

In the kingdom, the new guest comes.

So that the princess is needed

Redhead fox to us in a hurry.

(Music sounds - Fox appears)

A fox: 1. I am Lononka-Fox

Forest of the wondrous beauty

Nonmeyanny laugh

And I will get the floor.

Etc. La la-la-la-la-la

La la-la-la-la-la

Nonmeyanny laugh

And I will get the floor!

2. I am a cheerful fox

A visit to you came here.

Laugh, play

And princess to see.

Etc. the same

Fox: I am Lisonka-Fox

Redhead beauty.

I heard a decree

Hurried in the same hour.

I will sing songs, dance,

Nonzy to entertain.

Nesmeyana: Well, let's entertain!

(Sounds "Apple" - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is very fast music! I do not like this dance!(Crying)

A fox: Or maybe this dance you will like it?

("Gypsy" - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: Stop spinning, I have a head my head!(Crying)

A fox: Well, do not please you, and maybe you like it?

("Waltz" - Fox dances)

Nesmeyana: This is a very sad dance!(Crying)

Fairy tale: Guys, let's try to help chanterelle! Maybe all together we will be able to make sure the princess!

(Rus sounds. Nar. Music - All children are dancing)

Nesmeyana: Stop this disgrace! Do not attach, do not stand!(Crying)

Fairy tale: Litted Lononka Lisa

Lowered sad eyes.

Failed to make sure

And get the floor.

(Music sounds - Fox leaves)

Takes a lot of time

Petrushechka comes to us.

Promises to surprise -

Nonzy to laugh.

(Music sounds - parsley appears)

Parsley: 1. I am a Parsley-merry

I will jump and jump.

I will feel fun

With unmeasured having fun.



I will feel fun

With unmeasured having fun!

2. I am fun and funny

Very fun with me.

Nesmeyana smile

In the dance, twist with us.

Etc. the same

Parsley: I am a fun toy - wonderful parsley!

I heard that in the kingdom of this, the unsensitory lives

Everything roars, she roars.

And the life does not give you.

And I will try to help you -

I will laugh a royal daughter!

Nesmeyana: Well, try, laugh!(Crying)

Parsley: Well, so listen to Nedmeyan, jokes-booms,

And do not forget - I have to answer for jokes.

(Parsley holds the game "Challenge Lidk". At first he appeals to Nedmeyan - she cannot answer or says wrong, then Parsley turns to children)

  1. About war read books

Only brave ... (boys)

  1. Sew for dolls sprawl

Needlewomen - ... (Girls)

  1. If hard it suddenly became

Then comes to the rescue ... (friend)

  1. Live without friend without friends

Inseparable ... (girlfriends)

  1. And for affairs, and for beauty

On the wall hang ... (hours)

  1. Leaving, friend, check,

Li locked firmly ... (door)

  1. Sonam to all she girlfriend

Soft Pun ... (Pillow)

  1. All from yarn bun

Called ... (tangle)

  1. About all the news in the world

Let me read in ... (newspaper)

  1. Every day I am a backup

With milk people ... (Branca)

  1. I postponed all toys

I eat with cottage cheese ... (cheesecakes)

  1. Only on them guys sat down -

Splits ... (Carousel)

  1. Love bright trees

Wooden ... (Matryoshka)

  1. Fidgets, dork,

Water lives ... (frogs)

  1. In the morning I look at us in the end

And the ray tickles ... (Sun)

Nesmeyana: Well, everything is enough! I do not want to listen more your jokes-booms!(Crying)

Fairy tale: And Petrushechka could not need to laugh

He turned around and went back!

(Music sounds - Parsley leaves)

(King appears)

King: What should I do? What do i do?

How do not messy need?

You, guys, help and set the princess!

Fairy tale: Guys, you need to help the father - King! Let's think with you, how can we laugh princess? Maybe we rinse it?(Trying to rinse the princess - she cries).No, it's impossible, and maybe we will show funny face.(Children show funny faces - princess crying). No, nothing happened again. Guys, and let's try, tell us about the way you have fun in kindergarten. Let's sing her song about our kindergarten.

(Children perform the song "Our Garden")

Nesmeyana: And in your garden, the truth is so interesting!

I want to go to this kindergarten in this kindergarten, to be friends with children! It turns out so interesting!(Laughs, rejoices)

King: Oh, guys, thank you. You made a real miracle. My nonsense is now not at all unmeasured. She smiles, laughs.

Well, Nesmeyuanka, let's go rather, we will tell you a nanyushka about the guys, about kindergarten and how they cheated you!

Goodbye, guys!

Fairy tale: Here is a fabulous end,

And who listened - well done!

That's what a fairy tale - I told you,

This is what fairy tale - I showed you.

And now it's time to say goodbye -

It's time for me to go back to my fairy tale!


Puppet Theater "Geese Swans"


Hello, my guys!

I am beautiful spring!

I'm meadows, and forest, and field

Awakened from sleep ...

Snow and cold drown,

Heat from the south brought!

And now I want, friends,

So that you sang for me!

(Song about spring)

I liked friends,

How do you sang about me!

I suggest you start

In the world of fairy tales!

Everyone is known: only in fairy tales

There is a wonderful country.

There is a magical miracle - paint

Painted at home.

There is a flourish flower,

Noise with a dense forest.

Will open children

He is a thousand miracles!

(Waving a flower)

You, my flower, bloom,

Take a tale of the door!

(Music sounds)


In one village, there were lived on the sector - there were father with mother. They had a daughter Masha, and the son of Vanya. Gathered, once, the father with his mother in the city and punished her daughter, so that Bratz Ivanushka shook, did not go from the courtyard.

(Masha and Ivanushka appear to the music)

Masha: (yawning)

Oh, and bored at the gate

I sit without a business.

How if the girls in the dance

I wanted to go!

Long-ka on an hour,

Mom does not recognize.

(She serves a loaf on a stick)

Look, Cockerel

You flies over you!

I went, and you sit

Smirno under the window.

Do not go anywhere

And do not cut the cat.

(Masha leaves, from behind a tree, Baba Yaga peeps)

Baba Yaga:

Oh, boy!

And the boy is nothing!

(From behind the tree there are two goose)

Hey, where, grab it

And to me in the hut!

(Leaves, geese fit to Wan)

Gus-Swans: (sing)

Lived with babosy

Two cheerful geese.

One duck, another swan -

Two cheerful geese!


Hello, Vanechka - friend!

Want to ride?

Go to us on the meadow,

We will have fun!

Gus-Swans: (sing)

Oh, gassing geese,

Shoot us jagus!

One woodpecker, another filin,

Swarp Kohl miss!

2- Goble:

Hey what are you sitting there

Come out more!

Well, go to us, kid,

Together more fun!

(Vanya comes to goose, geese sing, circling around. At the end of singing, they pick up vanya and carry)

Gus-Swans: (sing)

Two cheerful geese

Vanya will not bite!

One stork, another ostrich -

Delive to a yagus!

Spring: Picked up the evil geese of our vanya and suffered into dark forests, for the blue skies!

(Masha) appears)


Oh. And where is my brother?

(Because of the tree it looks like a goose)

1 - Goose:

Ga-ga-ha! (hiding)


Vanya was stolen!

2 - Goose: (Looks out)

Eats his Baba Yaga!

Everything! We ran!(hiding)


The geese swans flew away and Vanya was taken with him.


What to do to me now

What do I say mom?

Just came out the door,

Drawbed Vanya!

How to find him

Me in the light of white?

Father and mother will not forgive

What did not start!

Picked up geese brother

How do they keep up with me?

Where will I find a Vanechka?

Oh, we got into trouble!

Spring: I ran Masha to catch up with goose-swans ...... I met the stove on the way!

Stove: (sings)


I have a bake, bake

Each MiG on the Pie!

My patty is very tasty -

Here is a mushroom, but the cabbage!


I walked here all day -

Pines all, yes ate.

Stove, you say where

Geese flew?


If the firewood in me throw

I will fulfill what you ask!


I do not cope here alone,

Help me, friends!

(Spring offers children to help Masha)

For firewood we go.

We go for firewood

And we carry a drink with you.(Walking)

Together we saw a log in

It is very thick.

To protruding the stove,

Many need to be selected.(Pilyat)

To the firewood climbed into the stove,

They are destroyed on the plank.(Chicken)

And now they will collect them

And at the Saraika will take.(Collect - lean)

After grave labor

We must always sit. (Sit on chairs)


Well now I will help!

Everything that I know will tell!

You run along that path,

There you will see two osinky,

Jumping crossings,

Lift to the tubercle ...


Thank you, stove!

Spring: Masha ran further, sees - standing apple trees.

Apple Tabs: (sings)

Gold Apples, Forest Apples

Fun playing honey poles!


Jablock, apple tree,

Specify me the way.

You tell me, apple trees,

Bratz, how to return!


Sad one stand

No one wants to entertain.

You cheated me

I will point out the way then!

(Spring offers children to help Masha)

(Song - playing "ate fun living")


Now I am very old.

To the river you run first!


Thank you, Jablodka!

Spring: Stewed Masha to the stream, which fell into a big river.

River: (sings)

Splashing the sun rays

And run around the streams.

River runs rings

And the circle of all fun.


Ratchy, river.

Point me the way

You tell me a river,

Brother how to return!


Move the stone grave

I will help you a poor thing!


And how am I his move?

He is very heavy.


This stone is unusual

His force you will not take.

You guess the riddles,

And boldly the stone that push.

(Spring offers children to help Masha to guess the riddles)


1. Sounded streams,

Raughters flew.

In my house - Beehive Bee

The first honey brought.

Who will say who knows

When does it happen? .... (spring)

2. Loose snow in the sun melts,

The breeze in the branches is playing,

So it came to us ... (Spring)

3. Appeared from under the snow,

She saw a piece of sky.

The very first is the most gentle

Clean small ... (Snowdrop)

4. Snow melted with fields

Running flaky ... (stream)

5. Streams run faster

Sunlight shines warmer.

Sparrow the weather is glad -

Looked to us a month ... (March)

Well, now I can sigh!

How do you need to hold the way.

Jumping crossings,

Lift to the tubercle,

Keep him a little bit

In the dark forest leads a track,

There is a hut on chicken legs.

Your brother in that free ...

Well, happy way to you!

Masha: Thank you, you, river!


Masha went on the track ...

Here in the forest stands hut,

Top tops the pipe

The light burns in the window,

Under the crater feet of the legs.

Yaga lives in that hill

And Owl - her servant!

(Baba Yaga appears, sings the song)

Baba Yaga:

Hello, Masha, how are you?

Why did you come here?


Where is Vanyusha, my brother?

I'll take it home.

Baba Yaga:

You wanted what you wanted!

Vanka needs me for business.

I will feed it,

I will raise him.

And how will he become big,

There will be a Vanka to me serving:

There will be a stove he trample,

I will cook porridge,

There will be songs to hum,

Grandmother to entertain her head.


Oh, Babulichka Yagusi,

Praise you Vanya.

For you, I will serve

In the house, the order will appear.

We can only let us go.

Baba Yaga:

No, Girl, do not ask!

And however, the service will give you.

Kohl do - freedom to you.

Here you are the first task -

Oaks me by compliments!

Yes, more compliments,

And I will not release!

(The "Compliments for Baba Yaga" is held)

Baba Yaga:

Well, it was nice to me!

Play fairy tales about yourself!

These children are so smart

Won as Masha helped.

Here is the task of the second:

I sit down and sit

I'll see for you!

Read me poems

Nearby beauty!


Yes, what is this poems?

Yes, even unprecedented beauty.

(Spring offers to help Masha, children read poems)

Baba Yaga:

Yes, good poems!

Only because I am a Yaguskin-harmless.

I will not give you Vanya

And you will leave you.

Will you really serve me

In my hut you will live.

I'll go to the furnace to go,

You should get into the house,

So that the dust does not see.

Gus-swans, to me!

Where do the devils wear?

(Geese look)

You are sitting, wrapping

Yes, in all eyes look,

So that the girl did not give up

Along with Bratz did not run away!

(Goes out)



Swan geese:



Do you want?

Swan geese:

Yes Yes Yes!


Gus-Swans, fly,

The grass whitdy chicken!


And in the truth flew,

Until the grass was not ate all!

2 goose:

Suddenly, girl, he wants to run

And to pick up Vinyshechka!


What are you afraid of? Tail tremble?

2 goose:

Okay, flew!

(Geese flies)


Gus-swans flew away, and did not notice how Masha slipped into the hut, Vanya grabbed and ran!

(Pops Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga:

Stove? Where to?

Gus-Swans, here!

Where do the devils wear?

Everyone slept, disturbed!

Well, quickly catch up,

Masha with Vanya Return!

(Geese fly away, Baba Yaga leaves)

(Masha appears with Vanya)

Spring: Coming Masha to the river.



Hide us eau

Protect us, river,

You are from the evil geese!


Well, sit down, friend,

Under cool my beings.

Spring: Children hide under steep bezhkom, flying geese by, that's not.

They were frightened geese, flew away.


Did not see the geese of us ...

Well, thank you!

River: in good hour!

Spring: Masha ran out of Vanya further, and the geese swans in the meantime returned and again the time was set down. And on the path of children met the apple tree.


Jablock, apple tree,

Hide on the eau

Protect us, apple trees,

You are from the evil geese!


Become baby

Under thick branches.

Spring: Children hide under the branches of the apple tree, geese is completely close.

(Invites children to scare geese)


Did not see the geese of us ...

Well, thank you!

Jablodka: in good time!

Spring: Masha with Vanechka ran further, see the stove on the road.


Stove you, stove,

Hide us eau

Protect us, stove,

You are from the evil geese!


I will link you by the damper,

They fly by side!

Spring: Only children managed to hide, as the geese swans flew, began to knock on the damper with the beaks.

(Invites children to scare geese)


Did not get the geese of us ...

Well, thank you!


Good hour!

Spring: Children came running to their home.


So he, here he is, the house is native.

Again at home we are with you.

Helped us apple trees,

Helped on the stove

Helped good

Blue river.

All covered us

From geese saved.

(Geese look out of the tree) \\


Take us to live.

Do not want to babius.

2 goose:

We will watch the house

Two cheerful geese.


Stay, so be!

Chur, do not mess!

And not the Yaga to give

You will have brothers!


We will not indulge!

We will only have fun!

2 goose:

Hey, guys, go up,

For fun, take!

(Dance of little ducks)

(During the dance, the heroes dolls go)


This is what fairy tale I told you,

This is what fairytale I showed you.

Let the fairy tale come to visit you again,

And now, guys, it's time for everyone at home!
