Scenario for the holiday “April Fool's Day. Scenario of the game program "April Fool's Day" for elementary school April Fool's Day event in the camp

Scenario for the holiday “April Fool's Day.  Game program script
Scenario for the holiday “April Fool's Day. Scenario of the game program "April Fool's Day" for elementary school April Fool's Day event in the camp

He knows very well that there was rarely a day there without any competitions, role-playing games or theatrical performances. Time passes, and the saying “old is old” is no longer relevant in this regard. This can be said with confidence, because for several generations in a row, children who grew up in the countries of the Soviet and post-Soviet space have been happily playing games such as “Cossack robbers” and “war game”, and when they arrive at the camp, they look forward to , of course, April Fool's Day.

What is April Fool's Day?

April Fool's Day in the camp is a kind of antipode to Halloween, a fun and scary holiday of all kinds of scarecrows. unusual competitions, which evaluate not so much ingenuity and speed, but the ability to smile charmingly and laugh contagiously, are a mandatory program, but such obligatory requirements do not even bother the guys at all. April Fool's Day at camp is an entertaining game that not only lasts the whole day, but also surprisingly draws counselors and educators into the process.

Benefits of laughter

One of the heroes of the wonderful, but slightly frightening fairy tale “Tim Thaler or Sold Laughter” once said that of the various explosions he recognizes only the explosion of healthy children's laughter. Considering that at school and at home all children hear is “don’t fidget” and “be careful,” April Fool’s Day for children, especially in the midst of the summer holidays, has become a real gift. This is a great opportunity to unwind and relax.

How is April Fool's Day usually spent at camp?

Of course, taking into account that modern children are unlikely to be interested in the competitions that were once held for their fathers and mothers, each time something special is invented. That’s why it is usually developed individually by a team of counselors) and is allowed to improvise, which the grateful participants perceive with a bang.

As a rule, the guys are divided into two teams, each of which prepares its own emblem. Recently, given the general computerization of the younger generation, emoticons have become incredibly popular, which become unique symbols of this fun and The reward for winning a particular competition is quite original, these are not disgusting chocolate and biscuit bars and candies, but drawn hemp. Not on their faces, of course, although some, in their excitement, manage to put war paint on both themselves and their comrades. Marks are placed on the emoticon emblem. Whose emoticon is more freckled wins.

Among the competitions I would like to mention those that have an element of group psychotherapy. We were all teenagers once and remember how many tears “ugly” noses, teeth, ears or eyes brought us. And how many unpleasant minutes did you have to endure in connection with the “funny” surname... But the competitions “Whose Nose is Better” and “Horns and Hooves” help teenagers get rid of their complexes and understand that there are no ugly people, and if you treat your real ones and imaginary external flaws with a sufficient dose of healthy humor, life becomes much more beautiful.

In a word, April Fool's Day at camp gives children not only a long-awaited opportunity to have fun, but also to look at themselves from the outside and see their comrades in a different light.

Oksana Ostapenko
Celebration script for April Fool's Day “It’s better for us to burst from laughter than to die from boredom”

Subject: « We'd better burst out laughing than from boredom to die»


educational: introduce students to history April Fool's Day celebrations in different countries;

educational: contribute to the development of positive personality traits, create a good mood in children, evoke positive emotions;

developing: develop communication capabilities, promote the development of cognitive interest, humor, promote the development of attention.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, balloons, props for games.

Form of conduct: entertainment - game program.

Progress of the event

Fanfare sounds. On presenters enter the stage.

(Slide 1)

1 Presenter:

Among the noisy fun

And spring blossoms

The festival of laughter has arrived

He invited us to his place.

2 Presenter:

Gathered for fun

This evening, grow up for all of you

Let's kill boredom with laughter

Well people, shall we begin then?

1 Presenter:

Let's say jokes together: Yes!

On the first of April

The essence this holiday is simple

Find and ridicule the fool

2 Presenter:

Let's start by dreaming

We'll play magic

For two hundred and fifty years

We will boldly wave back.

(Slide 2)

1 Presenter:

Hello, our dear guys, today you have gathered here to celebrate the most interesting and most fun holiday of the year - April Fool's Day!

2 Presenter:

Did you know that when a person laughs, air flies out of the lungs at about 100 km/h. At the same time, 17 muscles of his face work. If you laugh just 15 minutes a day, your life will extend.

1 Presenter:

Cheerful people have a 40% lower risk of heart disease. A child aged 6 years laughs 300 times a day, while adults laugh only 15, maximum 100 times.

2 Presenter:

(Slide 3)

And now a little history. April 1st is celebrated in different ways in different countries. In France, for example, this day of playful deception is called "April fish". In 1564, King Charles VII issued a decree moving the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the highest command on April 1, sent each other a traditional New Year's gift - fish. Gradually they came to terms with the king’s decree, but "April Fish Day" remained.

1 Presenter:

(Slide 4)

And in England April 1st is called "All Fools' Day". In London in 1860, several hundred people received printed invitations containing the following words: ". to attend the annual White Lion Washing Ceremony, which will take place in the Tower at 11 a.m. on April 1st.” At the appointed hour, crowds of invitees besieged the gates of the Tower, and only after some time, having not seen what was promised, they realized that they had been played. Since then, in England April 1st is called "All Fools' Day".

2 Presenter:

(Slide 5)

In Germany, on April 1, adults and children also play pranks on each other. friend: sent to stores and pharmacies with impossible orders, to buy, for example, a file for sharpening molars or to buy a jar of mosquito oil.

1 Presenter:

(Slide 6)

In Russia, April Fools' jokes appeared under Peter I. He himself loved to make fun of others and was not offended when they joked about him. And we still unofficially celebrate April 1st. Jokes, funny pranks, funny competitions, carefree fun, loud laughter- everything is appropriate on this day. Today we will hold comic competitions to increase smiling and laughter.

(Slide 7)

2 Presenter:

Do you like fun games?

Then let's start playing! And the first game is called "Do as I say".

We are naughty kids

We are girls and boys!

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes,

And even to each other

We'll show you languages

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple,

Let's stick out our ears,

Handles - on the top of the head,

Our mouth opens wider,

And now he smiles...

Well done! Do you still want to play?

(Slide 8)

1 Presenter: For the next game I need 2 people from each group.

(On the floor in the hall there are sad emoticons cut out of paper, different colors: 7 blue, 7 red.)

What a disgrace - sad emoticons everywhere! This won’t work, we can’t be sad today! Let's collect them.

(At the count - 1, 2, 3 - children run and take one emoticon each. After this, the leader divides the children into 2 round dances according to the color of the collected emoticons, i.e. the first round dance - children with blue emoticons, the second round dance - children with red emoticons One of the children in each round dance is given a bag with outfits, which contains bows, funny headbands with horns, masks, etc.)

On April 1, it’s boring to wear ordinary clothes, so I have prepared funny outfits for each of you. We will dress up and dance merrily.

In bags - outfits for you. Your task is that while the music is playing, you need to dance and pass the bag to each other in a circle. The music suddenly stops. The bag will end up in the hands of one of you. The one who has the bag in his hands takes out one outfit and puts it on himself. So we will dance until everyone is dressed up.

(Children perform the task to the music).

These are the wonderful and smart guys we have!

(Slide 9)

2 Presenter: And now another game awaits us! 1 person from the group comes to me.

(There are balls on the floor, inside them there are sheets of paper with roles for impromptu theater.)

Inside these balls are pieces of paper. We need to get them - burst the balloons, sitting on them. Who is the bravest?

You pop the balloon and, if you find a piece of paper in it, give it to your teacher.

(Music sounds. Children pop balloons, teachers are given sheets of paper roles: sun, 3 butterflies, 3 bunnies.)

1 Presenter: Dear teachers, please read what is written on the sheets. These are your roles in a theater production "Spring Sun". And these are your costumes (headband with a big yellow bow for the sun; ears for bunnies; antennae for butterflies)

Your job is to do what the poem says.

2 Presenter:

Spring sun.

The bright sun woke up,

Yawned, stretched,

Pulls the rays to the sides,

Naughty lights!

Butterflies wake up

They wash themselves with dew,

They flap their wings,

They dance under the sun.

Hares jump in the water

Splashes fall everywhere.

The hares saw the sun

They quickly ran up to him,

They waved their ears

And they hugged with joy!

Butterflies flutter

The wings are spread,

Hares, sun, you and me

They send a big kiss!

Hares respond to butterflies

Send your regards!

The sun is swinging

Smiles with happiness!

(Slide 10)

1 Presenter: Stormy applause to our teachers! Well, we continue our program.

How many funny faces can you guys make? Five? Ten? Twenty? To participate in the competition "Grimace" Anyone who enjoys making faces is welcome. The more funny faces you make, the more applause you will get!

All competition participants stand in a row. "Turns on" funny music. Everyone makes faces.

(Slide 11)

2 Presenter:

Despite the fact that our competition has a serious name - traffic police, we are holding it today for those who really want to have fun and test their knowledge in the field of traffic

(2 spectators available)

1 Presenter:

You have to go through a very difficult distance in your car and face a strict traffic police inspector.

Raffle "GAI"

(In this drawing the presenter is a traffic police inspector, one of the participants is "offender". Before the drawing are held "auto racing". For this

the presenter calls 2 daredevils and invites them to cover the distance by "ultra-modern racing cars". Race participants are given plastic basins. At the command of the leader, the racers sit in the basins and try to get to the finish line as quickly as possible. The distance is approximately 1.5 meters.

Standing at the finish line "traffic police inspector", who stops the fastest racer and asks to see his driver's license and registration certificate (the participant answers that he does not have documents with him). Then the inspector suggests

breathe into a tube (the role of the tube is played by a balloon with flour poured inside, the inspector forces "offender" breathe until the ball will burst).After this, the participant is asked to go the distance, since the tube is still damaged. To do this, the player is blindfolded, and 4-5 empty bottles are placed in a line on the floor in front of him,

between which "victim" and has to go. After "victim" blindfolded, bottles removed. Under laughter and advice from the audience"right to-

Destroyer" meanders across the floor. At the end of the drawing "traffic police inspector" hands over "offender" "liquid for reinforcement" (prize).

In any case, the prize must be serious enough to console "victim".

2 Presenter:

You live in the world, not knowing grief,

Let everyone be jealous looking at you.

Be cheerful, be... happy!

A thousand, a thousand, a thousand times!

1 Presenter:

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile,

Give a smile to your friends.

Love a smile, keep a smile -

We cannot live without a smile!

(Slide 12)

Everyone sings V. Shainsky's song "Smile".

2 Presenter:

So, dear friends! During our holiday we saw dazzling smiles, we heard laughter: perky, infectious, joyful.

1 Presenter:

Ended holiday, the hour of parting has come

2 Presenter:

They joked, played and kept us warm

1 Presenter:

Smiles and sparkle in your eyes.

2 Presenter:

Remember this fun day laughter


And we won't forget about you.

See you again!


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins.


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins.


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins.


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins.


We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together.

Put your finger to your temple

Let's stick out our ears

Tail -on top of my head

Let's open our mouth wider

We'll make all the faces.

How can I say the number three?

All with grimaces -freeze!

One two Three!

The one who makes the funniest grimace wins.

April Fool's Day at Summer Camp

Goal: to expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing feelings of joy; create positive feelings and emotions through a smile; teach to emotionally perceive the cheerful mood of people.
1. Identify the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. Develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create a festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. Cultivate a sense of humor and the ability to have fun.
Form of delivery: game entertainment program

The progress of the holiday



Sasha, Lena and Katyusha - show yourself!

Olya, Sveta - rise up!

Dima, Eli and Marina - smile!

Lera, Alyosha and Andryusha - take a bow!

Dasha, Vanya and Natasha - stretch!

Ksyusha, comb your hair!

Kirills, clap!

Vicky, stomp!

Zhenya, jump!

And Sofia, wave your hand!

The one whose name starts with “I” - flap your hands like wings!

Well, those who were not named

Let them do the following in the hall:

The girls will clap their hands,

And the boys stomp their feet loudly!

Get ready! Let's start!

( The game is played twice) Again!


Educator : Do you like treats? Then answer loudly “Yes” or “No”.

Very tasty cheesecakes?

Blankets and pillows?

Wooden rulers?

And singing canaries?

Shoes and pants?

Primers and books?

Colored pencils?


All notebooks for subjects?


Matches for lighting?

Rubber bands?

And dad's shoes?

Student diary?

And a military truck?

Relay race

Educator : Guys, do you like to draw? Then we will conductrelay race « Jumping Artist »

There are 4 people per squad.

Participants must draw a smiling person (eyes, nose, mouth). Why jumping? Because the poster you will be drawing on weighs high. You have to jump for every stroke.

Laughing quiz.


So, I invite everyone to take part in a comic competition for quick wits. Are you ready?

Why does a chicken lay eggs?(If she threw them, they would break.)

Why do lions eat raw meat?(They don’t know how to cook.)

What will a crow do after living for three years?(The fourth will live.)

What's warmer than a fur coat?(Two fur coats.)

How can you carry water in a sieve?(Frozen.)

When does something happen in an empty pocket?(When there is a hole in it.)

When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house?(When the door is open.)

What tree does a crow sit on during heavy rain?(On wet.)

What rocks are not in the sea?(Dry.)

What kind of shoes are made in the fire and never come off?(Horseshoe.)

What can you see with your eyes closed?(Dream.)

Who speaks all languages?(Echo.)

Who wore the biggest hat in the Middle Ages?(The one who had the biggest head.)

How many letters are there in the alphabet?(The word “alphabet” has 6 letters.)

What's the first thing you do in the morning?(You wake up.)

What can you cook but can't eat?(Lessons.)

Game “We are funny monkeys”

Educator: Showing the movements of monkeys!

We are funny monkeys.

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet.

Let's puff out our cheeks.

Let's jump on our toes.

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to our temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

Ponytail on top of head.

Let's open our mouths wider.

We'll make a grimace at everything.

How do I say the word “three”,

Everyone is grimacing - freeze!

One two Three!

A game


I invite 1 person from each group to tie scarves onto balloons. Who is faster? (Balls hanging on a thread)


Now let's trysing songs , but not in words, but like some kind of animal (For the squad to choose a ticket with a task)

The melody of the song “Smile” - bark;

The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - meow, crow;

The melody of the song “Let them run clumsily” - hum;

The melody of the song “Sunny Circle” - croak, squeak.



I have a task for you:

“Lusik had 10 pussies. He grunted half of his pussies. The rest of us got screwed. 4 pussies laughed off the rack and barked. How many pussies are left to fuck on the rack?” (1)

Game "Turnip"


Guys, what was the name of the fairy tale in which a family worked together in the garden? Now we will also pull the turnip.

Teams of 7 people participate.

Grandfather starts the game. At a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (she takes him by the waist), and the two of them continue running, go around the turnip again and run back. Then their granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game, a turnip clings to the mouse. The team that pulled out the turnip the fastest wins.

Game "Confusion".


- Now we will play “Confusion”. I will confuse you, but you must answer correctly. Agreed?

Dandelion wreaths in spring

Of course, they only weave...

Bolts, screws, gears

You will find it in your pocket...

Skates on the ice drew arrows -

We played hockey in the morning...

We chatted for an hour without a break

In colorful dresses...

To measure your strength in front of everyone,

Of course, they only love...

Cowards are afraid of the dark -

All as one, they...

Silk, lace and ringed fingers -

Going out for a walk...


And now we bring to your attention jokes about school supplies and fairy tale characters.

    Student's typewriter.(Pen.)

    Joiner's machine.(Sharpener.)

    Delete key.(Eraser.)

    A treasure trove of knowledge.(Textbook.)

    Book of complaints.(Diary.)

    Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was a bakery product?(Kolobok.)

    Which literary fairy tale characters were agricultural products?(D. Rodari “The Adventures of Cippollino.”)

    Which fairy-tale hero was born thanks to the destruction of trees?(Pinocchio.)

    Which poultry brought an item of precious metal to its owners?(Chicken Ryaba.)

    Which Russian folk tale glorifies lazy people?("By magic".)

Educator: Listen“Bad Advice” by Grigory Oster

(For naughty children, obedient children are not allowed to listen)

If you're down the hall
Ride your bike
And to meet you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.
Better brake like dad.
Dad is soft. He will forgive.

If to dad or mom
The adult aunt came
And someone important leads
And a serious conversation
Need from behind unnoticed
sneak up on her and then
Shout loudly in your ear:
- Stop! Give up! Hands up!
And when auntie gets off the chair
He'll fall out of fright
And he'll spill it on his dress
Tea, compote or jelly,
It's probably very loud
Mom will laugh
And, proud of my child,
Dad will shake your hand.
Dad will take you by the shoulder
And it will lead somewhere.
It'll probably be there for a very long time
Dad will praise you.

If you stayed at home
Alone without parents
I can offer you
An interesting game.
Called "The Brave Chef"
Or "brave cook".
The essence of the game is preparation.
All kinds of delicious dishes.
I suggest for starters
Here's a simple recipe:
Need to wear daddy's shoes
Pour out my mother's perfume,
And then these shoes
Apply shaving cream
And pour fish oil on them
With black mascara in half,
Throw in the soup that mom
I prepared it in the morning.
And cook with the lid closed
Exactly seventy minutes.
You'll find out what happens,
When the adults come.

Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face.
So why waste energy?
Time to waste.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
There's no point.
By old age by itself
Your head will go bald.

If your mom bought you
There is only a ball in the store
And he doesn't want the rest
Buy everything he sees,
Stand straight, heels together,
Place your arms to the sides,
Open your mouth wider
And shout the letter: - A!
And when, dropping the bags,
With a cry: - Citizens! Anxiety!
Buyers will rush
With a saleswoman at the head,
The store director is here to see you
He will come up and tell his mother:
- Take everything for free,
Just don't let him scream!

Dance competition

Troops dance famous dances according to instructions. (Task on tickets)


- Our holiday has come to an end.

We have the best life

Because with us there is laughter!

We will not part with him anywhere.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

In the morning we look out the window -

It's raining, but we're laughing.

If the path to school lies -

Laughter runs next to us.

If we go on a hike -

Laughter doesn't leave us behind!

He is with us in any game.

At home, at school, in the yard,

On the river, in the forest and in the field,

At the skating rink and at football.

Our friend is with us everywhere

Laughter - funny! Laughter - laugh!

Young, perky laughter!

It's not a sin to laugh, is it? (Asen Bosev.)

-- All the best!


The melody of the song “Smile” - bark

The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - meow

The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - crow

The melody of the song “Let them run clumsily” - hum

The melody of the song “Sunny Circle” - croak

The melody of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” - squeak.

Dance "Lambada"

Dance of little ducks


Dance "Lezginka"

Dance "Gypsy"

Dance "Gummi Bear"

