Scenario initiation into fifth-graders with fairy-tale characters. Holiday script: "Dedication to fifth graders"

Scenario initiation into fifth-graders with fairy-tale characters.  Holiday script:
Scenario initiation into fifth-graders with fairy-tale characters. Holiday script: "Dedication to fifth graders"

The transition from elementary school to grade 5 is a very reverent and responsible event. Therefore, it is necessary to organize for the students who entered the secondary school such a holiday as "Dedication to the fifth grade". The scenario of the event can be anything, it all depends on the imagination of the organizers and the abilities of the students. The most important thing is for children to feel the significance of the event and their responsibility in this matter.

What is the fifth grade initiation holiday?

This holiday is filled with a special taste. After all, yesterday's junior schoolchildren with a confident gait climbed a step higher and moved to high school. The holiday "Dedication to fifth graders", the scenario of which can be chosen in different variations, should be filled with emotions and experiences.

In itself, this event opens the door to high school for the fifth grade. And with the help of a matinee dedicated to applicants, you can make it clear to children that the event is important not only for them, but also for teachers and parents. Therefore, it is worth filling this day with vivid emotions, a whirlpool of memories and unforgettable performances. Children should feel at their best, and with renewed vigor, absorb previously unknown knowledge. The "Dedication to the fifth grade" holiday can be arranged as on the first of September on the first day of high school, or you can call the last bell if the students stay within the walls of the same educational institution for further education.

What activities to include in the program

Initiation into fifth graders is the same matinee, which should be filled with variety and versatility. Therefore, this event should have its place:

  • dancing;
  • songs;
  • poems;
  • contests.

In general, everything that is at the usual ceremonial events of the school.

Dedication to fifth graders: class card for greetings

If the school has three or four fifth grades, then each of them must introduce himself. You can, for example, come up with a name and a motto for the class. The Fifth Grade Dedication holiday can begin, for example, with the following greeting:

  1. Name: "Die Hard". Motto: “Our class is very friendly and strong in aspirations, in ourselves we will manifest dreams of fulfillment. We have strong teeth, the granite of science will gnaw through our fifth grade. "
  2. Name: "Smart kids". Motto: “We're guys wherever we go. Look, gentlemen. We will study well, accept knowledge without any boundaries. "
  3. Name: "Eaglets". Motto: “We graduated from elementary school and are ready for new knowledge. Now we are not just guys, we are strong and persistent eaglets. "

Such a greeting will set the rhythm and indicate the coherence of each of the classes. Thanks to such sayings, there will be the brightest and most intense dedication to fifth graders! The script of the holiday will help to make the event full of emotions and impressions. And children will never forget him.

Dedication to fifth graders: a holiday scenario for children

Of course, for a full-fledged and harmonious passage of the holiday, you need to first think about the sequence of events. It is important to arrange for the children to be initiated into fifth graders full of new ideas and actions. The holiday scenario could be like this:

  • Two presenters come out, students of the graduating class, and say:
  1. “Today new children in the fifth grade came to study. They have to work hard to be successful. We sincerely congratulate you, you entered the fifth grade. "
  2. “Now life will be filled with new knowledge, acquaintances with teachers and high recognition. We invite you now, our dear fifth grade! "
  • Students come out and sing a song to the tune of the well-known melody "From a Smile".
  • Then each of the classes with the headman at the head announces the name of the class and the motto.
  • Fifth grade students are dancing the waltz.
  • Then four students come out and recite poems:
  1. “Yesterday we were in the elementary grades, today we are in the fifth. We have a lot to learn, guys. "
  2. “But the changes are not scary, they are interesting to us. New subjects are needed for good knowledge, of course ".
  3. “Fifth grade is not a joke, from grade to grade to go now. The main thing is that our school keeps the door open ”.
  4. “Oh, I can’t believe, friends, that I’m already in the fifth grade. We will help each other and solve difficult tasks ”.
  5. “Good luck to us. Bright road. Not a drop of excitement. And no alarm!».
  6. All together: "Meet us high school, we came to study in the fifth grade!"
  • The presenter comes out and pronounces the words: "Dear fifth graders, now I must take the fifth grader vow from you."
  • A representative from each class pronounces a pre-made oath.
  • Then classes come out in turn and sing songs. The first - to the tune of the song "Mammoth"; the second - to the motive of the song "Clouds"; the third - "Once a word". If there are four grades, then the fourth sing a song to the tune "Unfortunately, birthday."

Humorous numbers for the holiday

Also, the children can show a theatrical performance with humorous situations between teachers and students. For example:

  • Two students come out, one of them as a teacher:

Teacher: " Petrov, why weren't you at the lesson? "

Student: " Maria Ivanovna, I was at the lesson. "

Teacher: "How so, you weren't in class."

Student: " I was, Maria Ivanovna, I was! Only I went to the wrong class, I was in history, not mathematics. "

  • Three students come out again and recite verses.
  1. “The concert went off with a bang, now we're not kids. We have already been initiated into the fifth grade and handed over the key to a new life ”.
  2. “Yes, guys, the holiday has come to an end, but let it not pass in our life. And every new day will fill us with knowledge, and such a joyful bell rings for us ”.
  3. “I want to congratulate all of us, friends, because a new path has opened up for us. Now our fathers and mothers have already become parents of adult students. I am always ready to delight and surprise them! "
  • Dance to cheerful disco music.
  • Leading: “So the holiday“ Dedication to the fifth graders ”has come to an end. The oath from the new students was taken and the doors to a new life, the life of high school students, are open. I declare the event closed and congratulate the schoolchildren and their parents on joining the secondary school! ».

Five Grade Dedication Day Songs

At the holiday, there must certainly be merry, but meaningful songs. At the presented event "Initiation to the fifth graders" the script assumes the following songs. All melodies are from famous cartoons, and the words are new.

1. "From a smile":

  • The first verse: It was not easy for the first graders, because we had just arrived at school. And now we are entering the fifth grade, we are quite ready for this change.
  • Chorus: We know for sure that we will get used to it easily, and we will click the granite of science for sure. Let everything be new for now - classes, lessons and teachers. But we know that we are ready for dating!
  • Verse 2: In fifth grade we will be learning a lot of new, unidentified subjects. To always be smart, we need to know all this.
  • Chorus.

2. "Mammoth":

  • The first verse: Rather, I want to meet a new one, from the good side I will inform you about myself. And I will do my homework, prepare for the delivery of tickets, learn everything new and expect many answers from the school.
  • Chorus: I am not afraid that the classes are changed by all those who enter the fifth grade. After all, there are many of us, right, children? Together we can handle this.
  • The second verse: Knowledge will open deep possibilities, teachers will not hide anything from us. We will soon absorb everything that they know now, like into sponges.
  • Chorus.

3. "Clouds":

  • The first verse: Today we entered the fifth class, and we count the seconds before the lesson, because we want to show the class. We know how to do it, we know for sure.
  • Chorus: Fifth grade, open notebooks for us. Fifth grade, a lot of new kids. Please do not judge us from above. Better give us knowledge, teachers.
  • Verse two: We will try our best to promise you. Let us taste new knowledge, because we want to become smart and then write dissertations.
  • Chorus.

4. "One word":

  • The first verse: Only yesterday we just entered school, and today we are already in the fifth grade. We never even suspected that this hour would come so quickly.
  • Chorus: Change, change in our life. Both lessons and assignments are new with us. Change, change, show us what the fifth grade is.
  • The second verse: Soon there will be new lessons, and in the notebook we will do assignments without looking back, we will get acquainted with the one who teaches us, and we hope that each of us will receive a medal.
  • Chorus.

5. "Song of Crocodile Gena"

  • The first verse: Today we guys are going somewhere, but where? Someone will say from you? Well, of course, let's say, because today we have all come
  • Chorus: Today we have a dedication to fifth graders, Lyalya. A lot of joy, accomplishments, the day promises, friends.
  • Verse two: Lots of new lessons, different classes and different teachers. We hope very much, and we will try our best to become friends with you.
  • Chorus.

The festival "Dedication to the fifth graders", the script of which is filled with songs in a new way, will certainly please both teachers and students.

Fun script

Of course, you can turn everything over and make this event humorous. Why be sad? After all, a new step in life, it's fascinating and informative. For example, the following poems can be used at a fun gala event:

  • We're in fifth grade, aren't we? I do not believe my words! Hope new teachers like us? The class is fun and mischievous. Neither one nor the other will get bored. Accept us, school, we are ready!
  • Oh, and it's scary for me guys to go to the fifth grade, there are different classes and all the paths are confused. Let's agree that only together from class to class, so that none of us gets lost.
  • In the morning my parents told me that I was going to the fifth grade today. I do not believe, believe me, guys, that this fate has overtaken us. But in fact, we are glad that there will be new knowledge. And we hope that the teachers will accept us, understand and love us.

Contests and performances on the day of initiation into fifth graders

Contests, relay races and competitions can also be prepared for the "Dedication to fifth graders" holiday, they will be appropriate. You can think of many outdoor games that will unite all classes and help children get to know each other better.

What vows can be for five-graders

Oaths from fifth graders can be of different contents. For example:

  1. We swear we'll never mix up classes. We promise that we will always take the necessary textbooks and notebooks with us. We swear to be proud of our parents and homeroom teacher.
  2. We vow to study well, be strong and not be lazy, always be proud of you, because now we are the fifth grade!

Why arrange such a holiday

Initiation into fifth graders will help introduce teachers to children. And also such informal events are excellent for communicating with parallel classes, which is very useful in the learning process.

Let the holidays be bright, emotional and memorable for everyone!

Extracurricular activity "Dedication to fifth graders"

The form:holiday.

Target: admit children to the ranks of the middle school organization.


    To acquaint children with the traditions of the school and school organization;

    develop students' interest in activities, a desire to participate in the activities of the organization;

    to educate the moral qualities of a person;

    create a favorable emotional background for cooperation between children and adults.

Equipment: tape recorder, bell, attributes for games and competitions, lyrics, crackers, badges.

Hall decoration: on the blackboard - cloth, the name of the holiday, "lesson schedule", balloons, attributes and symbols of the organization, flowers; musical arrangement. Parents are invited to the holiday; deputy director for VR, performances of a dance group are prepared in advance, songs are learned during music lessons. Most importantly, every child should have the opportunity to participate in the holiday moments.

Leading 1 Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!
Hello dear guys!
Lead 2: Today at 5.3 grade is a holiday.

"Dedication to fifth graders"
Lead 1 : And we are delighted to welcome to our hall

Students in grade 5.3 and their homeroom teacher

Ve blowing 1 : Today we have gathered to celebrate a solemn event: the dedication of yesterday's primary school students to fifth graders. Look at the guys! They have matured and wiser.

IN 2. - And what they learned, we can see today.

IN 1. - At today's holiday, each of you will be able to show all your talents, demonstrate what you managed to learn in elementary school. For this, we will conduct various competitions.

Leading 2: 1. You once came to school, on the first holiday of September, everything was new for you - from the door to the ABC book.

Lead 1: 2. The teacher met you first and he led the faithful path along the difficult path, walking ahead himself

Leading 2: 3. You have matured a little, you have grown wiser a little. And on the new carousel you continued on your way.

Leading 1: 1. And a whole regiment of teachers and sciences appeared before you, like the tsunami swirled you faster.

Leading 2: 2. And today is an important holiday, the heart beats in a small chest,

You are no longer a mischievous person or a prankster - all your fun is behind you.

Leading 1: 3. This is a new road in life, a long and sometimes difficult path, there will be so many bright holidays, just do not forget this holiday.

Leading 2 : On September 1, you moved from elementary school to high school without knowing its rules and laws.

Student. I finished the fourth grade -

This time!

Secondly, I am a student -

Fifth grader, here's a diary!

Thirdly, it is necessary to write down

How many books to buy.

(Scratching the back of her head.)

And these objects are darkness!

Am I smart enough

Learn everything about the white light?

How many years it takes to study!

Maybe is it worth the work?

Maybe not study at all?

The light will not converge like a wedge -

Whether I am smart or not.

How to proceed in the future?

Who should you ask for advice?

Leading 1 : You experienced the first difficulties, met your teachers,

with their new requirements, classrooms, and most importantly - you can be called real fifth graders.

1st student: What is fifth grade?

I want to ask you. Think, guess

Answer in chorus.

We run from lesson to lesson,

We were caught on the way by a bell!

2nd student: There will be no note in the diary,

If you arrived on time!

Everyone needs to remember quickly

Teacher names.

And never be confused

Do you agree with me? (YES).

3rd student: What is fifth grade? -

I want to ask you.

Think, guess.

Answer in chorus.

All teachers are one

All disciplines are required.

To remember the lesson

Let's close our mouth with a lock.

4th student : What is fifth grade? -

I want to ask you.

Think, guess

Answer in chorus.

Objects become more complicated

But we will find all the answers.

Who will be able to understand everything

The highest score will get five.

More interesting hundreds of times -

That's what fifth grade is

Issue: "School time" - Grade 5.3

Host 1.Thank you guys! We are very glad to welcome YOU!

Scene. "Where did it all go?"

The teacher. Z hello guys! Sit down! Open notebooks, textbooks. Good…

Vitya stretches out his hand.

What have you got there, Vitya?

Vitya (rummaging through the briefcase). Tatyana Ivanovna! And my grandmother forgot to put the notebook! She is old ...

The teacher. It's time, Vitya, to take care of your grandmother, and not vice versa! Here is a notebook for you. And so that this no longer happened. So, we opened the notebooks ...

Vitya pulls his hand again

What, Vitya?

Vitya. Tatyana Ivanovna! And my grandfather left my textbook at home ...

The teacher. What does grandfather have to do with it? You are already big yourself. How embarrassing! Here's a tutorial, but one last time. So, took the pencils ...

Vitya (rummaging through the briefcase). Tatyana Ivanovna! Mom promised to put it down, but she probably forgot ...

The teacher. What is it? Because of you, there is no way we can start the lesson! Here's a pencil! Everything! We took the rulers ...

Vitya (pulls his hand again). Tatyana Ivanovna! My dad is responsible for the line ...

The teacher. Horror! Grandmother-grandfather, mom-dad, where are you, Vitya, a student? Or do all the Petrovs have a bad memory?

Vitya. No, we all have a good memory. And yesterday they were collecting my briefcase in front of me ... Where did it all go? ..

The teacher. So what, your briefcase is empty at all?

(Vitya, with surprise, takes out various toys and boots from his portfolio ... His classmates laugh. Most of the Bulls.)

Bykov. Like in the movies! Well, Petrov! None of the adults are looking after me, and I have everything!

The teacher. Peter ov, do you even have a diary with you?

Vitya. I'll take a look. (Joyfully takes out the diary.) Here! (Carries the teacher.)

The teacher. Diary of a 5th grade student ... Oleg Bykov ...

(Everyone is at a loss. Then a burst of laughter.)

Bykov, what is written on your diary?

Bykov.(pulls out a diary from the same portfolio, reads) Diary of 5th grade student Viktor Petrov ...

Vitya. I took my briefcase in the corridor! Take your toys! Because of you, I got hit. As I said, I saw myself how my portfolio was collected in the evening! Eh, Bykov! And not ashamed?

Lead 1: It is with such serious problems that you sometimes have to face in school life. Our task is to together identify common problems in learning activities. So that you guys are independent, and everyone will help you. I think you guys are brave, curious, creative, knowledgeable and smart and will overcome all difficulties.

Reference: student of grade 5.1 Musaeva Amina wishes you a happy holiday

Host 2: We continue our holiday. And we invite two teams to the stage:

The brothers will be judges: __________________________________________

Lead 1: Questions for 1 team.

    He drove up to the tsar's chambers on the stove. (Emelya).

    The girl who, while fleeing from the palace, lost her shoe. (Cinderella).

    In what fairy tale did the cat eat the cannibal? ("Puss in Boots".)

    The name of the girl who got to the three bears?) Masha).

    This unfortunate fish has swallowed so many ships that it has a stomach ache. (Whale).

    The girl who brought pies to her sick grandmother. (Little Red Riding Hood).

    Which fish, out of gratitude, fulfilled the old man's requests? (Gold fish).

    Lives with a woman. (Grandfather).

    He spent 30 years and 3 years on the stove (Ilya Muromets).

10. He is jokingly called the master of the house. (Brownie).

11. A scary robber with a bird name. (Nightingale the robber).

13. A little girl born in a flower. (Thumbelina).

14. What was the name of the postman from Prostokvashino? (Pechkin).

15.Fabulous bird with fiery feathers. (Firebird).

16. The most defenseless and cowardly hero of fairy tales. (Hare).

17 Baton is not a loaf, pie is not a pie, but everyone wants to eat it. (Gingerbread man).

18. Whose death is at the tip of the needle? (Koschei the Immortal).

19. The bird that lays the golden eggs. (Ryaba Chicken).

20. The smallest, as tall as a little finger, is the hero of fairy tales (a boy with a finger).

Lead 2:

Questions for Team 2.

1.What did Fly-Tsokotukha buy? (Samovar).

2.What has the Ugly Duckling become? (Swan).

3. Sister Alyonushka, what was your brother's name? (Ivanushka).

4. A witch living in a hut on chicken legs. (Baba Yaga).

5. Birds that carried away on the wings of a little boy (Geese-lebeli).

6. Lives with his grandfather (Baba).

7. What kind of vegetable was the whole family pulling? (Turnip).

8. A kind old man who comes once a year and gives gifts. (Father Frost).

9. A kind girl who turned from a scum into a princess (Cinderella).

10. Lives on the roof, eats jam and plays naughty. (Carlson).

11. The bird that wakes up in the morning. (Rooster).

12. Where does the scientist cat that walks on the chain live? (Near the curvature).

13. Drank some water from a hoof. (Brother Ivanushka).

14.Log Man. (Pinocchio).

15 Who was hit by the arrow in the swamp? (Into the frog).

16. What does the cat wear? (In Boots).

17 Who likes to visit in the morning? (Winnie the Pooh)

18. Means of transportation of Baba Yaga. (Mortar).

19.How many were the brothers to whom the princess fell? (7).

Music sounds.

Host 2: The next competition is called “ SHARP-WITTED "(For fans)

1. What is inside the square? (Its area).

2. Divide five apples between five persons so that each receives an apple and one apple remains in the basket. (One person takes the apple with the basket).

3. To increase the number 666 by one and a half times, without performing any arithmetic operations on them. (Write this number and then turn the paper Upside Down (180 °). This makes 999).

4. There are 6 sparrows sitting on the garden bed, 4 more sparrows have come to them. The cat crept up and grabbed one sparrow. How many sparrows are left in the garden? (Not at all, since the rest of the sparrows flew away).

5. There is an oak tree in the field. There are 3 branches on the oak tree. Each branch has 3 apples. How many apples are there? (Not at all.)

6. Which is lighter: one kilogram of cotton wool or one kilogram of iron? (One kilogram of cotton wool is equal in weight to one kilogram of iron).

7. Three horses run 5 kilometers. How many kilometers does each horse run? (5 kilometers each)

8 Grandma has a jar of jam hidden in her closet. There are 650 grams in a can. Kolya's grandson has found out where the can is, and every day he eats 5 spoons. How many grams of jam will grandmother find in a jar in 20 days, if it is known that 5 grams of jam are placed in each spoon eaten by the grandson?

9.2a class visited the dentist's office, and 12 deciduous teeth were pulled out. After that, grade 2b visited the dentist's office, and they pulled out 4 more milk teeth. How many milk teeth did both classes leave in the dentist's office if one second-grader is known to have taken home a tooth that had been pulled out?

10. In search of the Frog Princess, Ivan Tsarevich examined 4 swamps. There were 350 bogs in each bog, and 9 frogs sat on each bog. How many frogs did Ivan Tsarevich kiss in search of his bride?

11.When the owner went out into the garden with a gun, 4 neighbors fell from one apple tree, and 3 more neighbors from the other. How many neighbors fell from the second apple tree?

N o me R: Dance - student 5.3 grade

В 1. Our next competition is called "The Merry Alphabet".

(The class is divided into two teams)

Exercise: to each team, we read funny, humorous definitions of various words associated with school life. Your task is to quickly name the concept being defined. If the team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to the next team. If he answers incorrectly, the point is not counted. For each correct answer - 1 pointBe careful!

1.Letters lined up for roll call (Alphabet)

2. What is taught to write with a thin feather in a notebook at school (Letters)

3.Mathematical action that occurs with the pocket money of a student buying a bun from a school cafeteria (Subtraction)

4. The best, but very short time in the life of students and teachers (Holidays)

5.Traditional formation of students for the ceremony of receiving the next headwash (Ruler)

6.White pebble melted, left traces on the board (Chalk)

7.Part of the face that students sometimes hang when they receive a deuce (Nose)

8.The only place in the school where instead of spiritual food, students are offered normal food (Canteen)

9. What the student needs to cook every day, but cannot be eaten (Lessons)

10. A school subject that continues in the summer at stadiums, courtyards, in recreation camps (Fiz-ra)

11. Two legs agreed to make arcs and circles (Compass)

12.Institution where illiterates are admitted (School)

13. Valuable human quality, which is dulled at school. (Mind.)

14. Phenomenon of nature, quite officially eliminates forced attendance at schools. (Freezing)

15. The loudest sound in school. (Call.)

16. Place of walking of students during breaks. (The corridor.)

17. Sufferers who are called to the teacher for the offenses of their children. (Parents.

18. The most chatty human organ. (Language.)

19. The room where the class is driven during the lesson. (Cabinet.)

Lead 1: Guys, for now, warm up for you!
We have a game for you,
We will read poetry now
We will start, and you are friends,
Answer in unison in chorus:
"And me too"
IN 2: In the morning I woke up early .... (Children: "Me too")
IN 1 I washed myself with water from the tap ...
IN 2 Went for a walk…
IN 1. I went to the zoo ...
IN 2 I saw a lioness there ...
IN 1 I saw a tigress there ...
IN 2 There was a baby elephant in a cage
IN 1 Was funny as a pig ...
IN 2 Someone loves pears ...
IN 1 Someone doesn't wash their ears ...

Lead 1:

how did you know our school.

School competition.

(Leaders ask the children questions. The class answers in chorus, amicably, clearly.)

In which classroom taking a lesson in natural history?

In which classroom is the history lesson held?

In which classroom does the math lesson take place?

In which classroom is the drawing lesson held?

What floor is the geography study on?

What floor is the library on?

What floor is the gym on?

What floor is the director's office on?

Lead 2: The word for congratulations is given to the deputy director for teaching and educational work(Evteeva Elena Nikolaevna) ...

IN 1 ... Guys, your first teacher, Anna Sergeevna, has come to your holiday. We give her the floor:

Anna Sergeyevna:

“Hello, my dear children!

They all grew up, became very big.

Primary school is now behind us.

New knowledge awaits you ahead.

But don't you forget me,

Invite them more often.

For the younger ones, you become an example,

Assistants for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more fun! "

IN 2. Your parents came to congratulate you on the holiday.
IN 1 ... The floor is given to those who, together with our today's fifth-graders, will go through the difficult path of knowledge. They will worry and worry about you, help you. I think you understand who we are talking about. The floor to your parents!

On behalf of all parents to congratulate your fifth graders invite

Kalinina Oksana Alexandrovna

"A fifth grader to be
You should cherish friendship,
Think and read more
To do tasks at home,
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.

IN 1 ... This is the final test. We wish you good luck and patience in your studies - this is a glorious

Work! Classroom assessments and burning souls - the roads of life are waiting for you ahead!

Lead 2 ... You know we have our own tradition -

Get ready for dedication, friends.

Believe me, you can do without it

Not at all, not at all.

(A cool magazine is brought out on a satin pillow. Solemn music sounds.)

IN 1 ... Homeroom teacher, please take a step forward!

Put your hand on the most valuable thing you have - a cool magazine. You, in charge of your class, swear to speak the truth and only the truth and nothing

Besides the truth ? Do you swear to be strict but fair?

Homeroom teacher: I swear !!!

At 2. -Here the desired hour has come:

You're enrolled in fifth grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you a mandate.

IN 1 - Wake up early in the morning

Wash yourself well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk.

IN 2 ... - Accustom yourself to order:

Do not play in strands with things,

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

IN 1 - Dress neatly,

So that it was pleasant to look

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

IN 2 .- Do not tease, do not be arrogant,

Try to help everyone at school

Don't frown in vain. Be brave

And you will find yourself friends.

IN 1 - That's all our advice.

They are wiser and easier!

You, my friend, do not forget them in class.

All: Good luck!

IN 2. Guys, the solemn moment has come! And now you, "5th graders" must take an Oath. We ask everyone to stand up and loudly, amicably repeat after us, hands on heart, the word- "We swear!"

( The leaders take turns saying the words of the oath :)

B 1 - We, students of grade 5.3, on this solemn day,

In front of your comrades, teachers and parents

We swear:

IN 2 - Run to school for the first lesson.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

IN 1 ... - Absorb all knowledge with a wolfish appetite.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

IN 2. We swear, before everyone, to try to be healthy!

To go to our school regularly!

We swear!

IN 1 ... We swear to write and read decently

Wear "good" and "excellent" in a knapsack.

We swear!

IN 2 We swear that we will try very hard

No more fighting with friends!

We swear!

IN 1. We swear to be disciples brought up,

Do not run around the school, but walk at a step!

We swear!

IN 2. - Swear to worthily carry the title of "5th grade student"

Until the end of the school year.

IN 1. - Swear that throughout the year you will help your

To the class teacher in his hard work!

IN 2. - Swear without jokes, really, to love your Motherland, your school, your parents!We swear!

IN 1. Our newly minted 5th graders deserve a thunderous applause

The word for the presentation of certificates and medals that the children are accepted into the 5th graders of school No. 7 is given to YOUR CLASS LEADER!I congratulate you, my dear students! And I give you medals.

Presentation of medals "I'm a fifth grader!"

Lead 1:

Now you are real students of grade 5.3 of school # 7 ..

- To seal the words of the oath, you must gnaw a biscuit - a symbol of the granite of science.

V 1 Well, now our holiday is coming to an end. I want this day to be remembered for a long time.

IN 2. It's great if this holiday helps you with confidence

1. Our meeting, guys ends,

But don't be sad about it!

2. May it be more cheerful in your heart,

Let your faces shine with smiles

3. Let there be more good friends,

Let there be fewer control errors.

4. We wish you not to know fatigue,

Walking across the white light

1. And we want to wish a happy life

And as kind as this music!

2. Guys, your strong friendship

Take in grade 5

And for many years

Save everyone!

3. As always "one for all"

Be you in charge

Then everyone will tell you:

These are the children!

Lead 1: And on this our holiday came to an end. Thank you all for your attention. See you soon.Now, guys, your parents are inviting you for a tea party!

Holiday script "Dedication to fifth graders "(2012)
Objectives of the event:
1. To promote the successful course of the process of adaptation of students to learning in secondary

school, the formation of their respect for the norms and values ​​of the life of classmates;
2. Promote the rallying of the classroom, the development of communicative

Ability to implement, analyze and evaluate joint activities.
Material for the holiday: cards-tasks at the stages, multi-colored letters

The words "PENT-GRADE", balloons.
Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!
Hello dear guys!
Today is a holiday in our school - the Dedication to the fifth graders.
As the day is bright and radiant today,
He greets you today, disciple!
Leading: You are a storehouse of wisdom and inspiration,
The source of genius, intelligence, patience.
Leading: On September 1, you moved from elementary school to high school without knowing its rules and laws.

You plunged into the sea of ​​knowledge, experienced the first difficulties, and most importantly did not flinch -

you can be called real fifth graders.
Leading : The right to open the party is given to our fifth graders
(the song sounds)
Students perform the song "Cool, you got to the fifth grade"

Every morning at our school
The people are gathering:
There are such kids here -
Constant round dance!
Discipline among the people
You want to laugh, you want to cry!
We all have the most important task -
Stop the running gallops!
Tell all the guys
Let them remember forever:
It's very difficult in the fifth grade
Get a score of two!
This means that our first teacher
It was not in vain that I suffered so much
We all got to the fifth grade:
I hit and you hit.

Cool you got into the fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Let's go to the fifth!
Cool you got into the fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Look forward more boldly!

We were in the fourth grade,
Everything was clear to us:
How to write, solve problems:
Everyone could do everything himself!
We fell in love with each other
We have strong friendship!
Together with us is our friendship
I also moved to the fifth grade!
Now we are five-graders
and all together in class here
we pass the tests,

defend both the mind and the honor!
and persistence will help us

in any trials,

And the whole school will proudly say:

"Look at the cool ones!"

You are a star, you are a star
Let's go to the fifth!
Cool you got into the fifth grade:
You are a star, you are a star
Look forward more boldly!

Leading: The word for congratulations is given to the headmaster

Leading : The floor for congratulations is given to the deputy director

For educational work

Leading: Now let us turn to
For those who continue to study in the 5th grade
Leading : We congratulate you, fifth graders,
We wish you excellent academic success
Leading: And also find your new friends
And here to spend many joyful days
Leading : Make friends with school and teachers
And soon you will be graduates
Autumn has come again
And behind her is hope
Only luck and happiness
All of us in the future awaits:
In our school again, as before, as before
A new academic, impetuous year is racing
Our holiday is attended by guests, your guys, parents and,

of course, attentive and empathetic, kind and a little strict teachers.

The word for greeting is given to the class teacher of the 5th grade

Golubenko Natalya Petrovna.

Wish for fifth graders:
Last year, in elementary school
With her first teacher
You comprehended wise sciences
And they strove to become older as soon as possible.
Now the worries will probably be added:
There are more lessons, the material is more complicated.
But together you need to deal with them,
We become friends in difficulties.
Go boldly! Go to new knowledge!
Today you have become a little older.
When will you be appreciated for your efforts,
You will remember all of us: your teachers!
-And now, the floor is given to those who, together with our today's fifth-graders

a difficult path of knowledge will pass. They will worry and worry about you,

help you. I think you understand who we are talking about. The floor to your parents!
A fifth grader to be
You should cherish friendship,
Think and read more
To do tasks at home,
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.
Can you do all this?
We will find out with you now.
Leading: Guys! Today we will check if you can carry this proud title.

"Fifth grader". You are given the opportunity to defend the proud title of fifth grader.

To do this, you need to show all your abilities and knowledge in various subjects.
Leading: Each competition corresponds to a letter in the word PENT-GRADER, by completing it,

you will get the corresponding letter. By the end of the event, you have to get the word out

In the meantime, warm-up ...

We have a game for you,
We will read poetry now
We will start, and you are friends,
Answer in unison in chorus:
"And me too"
Leading: In the morning I woke up early .... (Children)
Leading: I washed myself with water from the tap ...
Leading: Went for a walk…
Leading: I went to the zoo ...
Leading: I saw a lioness there ...
Leading: I saw a tigress there ...
Leading: There was a baby elephant in a cage ...
Leading: Was funny as a pig ...
Leading: Someone loves pears ...
Leading: Someone doesn't wash their ears ...
Leading: Guys, so that you do not get bored, we will arrange a small exam for you.

Let's check what kind of knowledge your luggage has been replenished with over the years of elementary school and the first

Quarters in grade 5? We will ask you questions that need to be answered very quickly and clearly

(3 people are invited for the competition)

1. He owns the words that for some reason he shouted in the bath. These words were:

"Eureka! Eureka!" (Archimedes)
2. An institution that accepts illiterates. (School)
3. The white pebble melted, leaving traces on the board. (Chalk)
4. Letters built for roll call. (Alphabet)
5. The best, but very short time in the life of teachers and students. (Holidays)
6. The time interval between lessons. (Turn)
7. Between A and C. (Si)
8. Nanny Pushkin. (Arina Rodionovna)
9. Its length is measured in parrots. (Boa).
10. In which ballet P.I. Tchaikovsky's flowers are dancing a waltz? (Nutcracker)
11. What is the most desirable, satisfying place in school during the big break? (canteen)
12. Who is the most important person in the school? (director)
Leading: Well done! You have completed the task and you will receive as a reward

The first letter of the coveted word "Fifth grader". "NS"
The second test. K - love of books.
(a girl in the form of a book enters to the music) (make a book out of cardboard)
Book: ()
All my friends recognized me
After all, we have already met more than once,
But today is not casual
I came to your holiday!
There is a task in me for you,
She is not easy, otherwise,
To be in the fifth grade
You need to solve it!
And the task is not easy, it is full of magic.

Let's check how you know fairy tales
(The following 3 people are invited to the stage - ()

(The book confirms the correctness of the answers).
Leading: 1. Astrid Lindgren - the main character was very fond of jam

("Carlson who lives on the roof");
Leading: 2. Nikolay Nosov - the main character did not like to study

("The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends");
Leading: 3. Charles Perrault - the heroine of this tale was rewarded for

how hard it is ("Cinderella");
Leading: 4. Alexey Tolstoy - the hero of this fairy tale loved to poke his long nose everywhere

("The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio");
Leading: 5. Gianni Rodari - all the heroes of this author are vegetables and berries

("The Adventures of Cipollino");
Leading: 6. Peter Ershov - the protagonist of this tale had the smallest horse

("The Little Humpbacked Horse").
Leading: 7. Eduard Uspensky - the main characters of this tale were very independent

and lived in a village with a dairy name (Uncle Fedor and the cat Matroskin)
Leading: 8. Alan Milne - the main character is very fond of honey ("Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything")
Book: Well done, you completed the assignments and earned the right to receive the second letter

"I" (shows and attaches to the board).
Book: Goodbye guys, I wish you good luck! I hope we will meet with you often

(goes off to the music)

Leading: And now, to get to know our fifth graders better,

we give them the floor. They have prepared their business card.
Presentation by four representatives of the 5th grade: "Presentation of the class"
(Name, emblem and motto).
Mayor gives the command: squad!
_ Rainbow constellation (children in chorus)
Our motto:
We are like rainbows of color
are never inseparable.
The stars are shining above
In our little country
The stars send their greetings to us
They give us warmth and light.
We bring joy to people
We sing songs cheerfully!

At the end in chorus: We have presented now - 5 best,
friendly form!

Leading: What an interesting business card turned out for the 5th grade, we now know more about you.

And, of course, each of you earned one letter (T, I, K, L)
(representatives attach letters on the board)
Leading: Next trial (fourth)
Music competition "Sing a melody" Children are invited to learn to sing a melody

Songs about friendship, and the rest - to sing the first lines.

4 people are invited.

1.- "True friend"
2.- - "If you went with a friend"
3. - "Smile"
4. - "It's fun to walk together"
Leading: Well done, you defended the right to the letter "A"
Leading: The next test (fifth) is a creative competition.

The scene, which will now be presented to us by the 5th grade.
Leading: What kind of artists you are with us! Simply - bravo !!!
You defended the right for 4 more letters (С, С, Н, И)
(class representatives hang letters)

Leading: And now you have to compete "New Schedule"
In our school, a person is appointed who draws up the schedule -.

This year she was so tired of this boring schedule that she decided everything.

rename old names of school lessons. So on the school timetable

instead of "reading" there will be "lettering", and instead of "drawing" - "paint".
Help her come up with new titles for lessons such as
Mathematics (digital addition)
Russian language (literal)
Literature (book flipping)
Physical education (jogging)
technology (girls-shredding, boys-sticking)
OBZH (survival theory)
English (colloquial vernacular)
Natural science (life science)
(2 people are invited to the stage)

Leading: Well done! You receive the last letter "K" of the majestic title

"Fifth grader"
Leading: Guys! You were able to protect all the letters of the word "PENTAL CLASSIFIER"
It means that you really deserve to carry the title of "Fifth grader".

Leading: What's the time to end
It's time for us to make a decision -
To accept in 5th graders,
You just need to take an oath!
(Fanfare sounds)

Leading: Guys, the solemn moment has come! To become real students of the 5th grade,

must say the words of the oath of the fifth graders.
We ask everyone to stand up and loudly, amicably repeat after us, we swear!

Leading: 1. We swear! Run to school for the first lesson with the burning off

Curiosity through the eyes. We swear!
Leading: 2. We swear! Absorb all knowledge with a wolfish appetite. We swear!
Leading: 3. We swear! Maintain a fire of love and respect for teachers and administration.

We swear!
Leading: We swear! Be friendly and proactive. We swear!
Leading: .5. We swear! To carry the high rank with dignity
Pupil of the Novoselsky branch. We swear!
Lead: 6. We swear! pass the learning test with dignity. We swear!
Leading: 7. We swear! Find friends here and make efforts! We swear!
Leading: 8. We swear! not for an hour to be lazy and with pleasure
learn! We swear!
Leading: 9. We swear to love teachers and live in peace with the whole world!
We swear! We swear! We swear!
Leading: Wait, what about our parents! I think it would be nice with you,

dear parents, take promises. If you agree with us, say the word "yes".
Leading: ... We will always help children in their studies so that the school is proud of the children! Yes?
Leading: ... We are not afraid of the problems of leapfrog, the formulas to remember for us nonsense! Yes?
Leading: ... We swear never to beat the children, just scold them a little sometimes! Yes?
Leading: ... Let us be as calm as water in a river, let us be wise as a star in the sky! Yes?
Leading: ... We will get up in the morning in cold weather in order to be in time here and there! Yes?
Leading: We will always cook delicious dishes, spoil the sweet children sometimes! Yes?
Leading: When the school is over, we will take a walk with the children! Yes?
Leading: Thank you dear parents!
Leading: Guys, the Teachers have also prepared their own tips for you.

"Joke Tips" from your teachers:
1. The desired hour has come:
You're enrolled in fifth grade.
You, my friend, listen to us,
We give you a mandate:
Wake up early in the morning
Wash yourself well
In order not to yawn at school,
Do not peck at the desk.
Train yourself to be in order:
Don't play hide and seek with things
Treasure every book
Keep your briefcase clean.
Dress neatly
So that it was pleasant to look
Don't giggle in class
Don't move the chair back and forth!
We wish you good luck in everything !!!
Now you are real fifth graders!
Leading: In confirmation of the title, fifth-grader class teacher

Gives you the appropriate certificates today
And on this our holiday came to an end. Thank you all for your attention. See you soon!

Musical-literary script

open extracurricular activities


  1. to contribute to the successful course of the adaptation process of fifth graders;
  2. to form in them respect for the norms and values ​​of the life of classmates;
  3. To contribute to the rallying of the classroom, the development of communication skills, to carry out, analyze and evaluate joint activities.


1. Building a cool team.

2. Formation of respect for the norms and values ​​of school life among fifth-graders.

3. Development of discipline and the ability to plan, implement, analyze and evaluate joint activities in fifth-graders.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, carved letters of the word (PENTICLASSER), balls for class decoration

MBOU SOSH №8 Tommot

Aldan region of the RS (Yakutia)

Cl. hands. 5 "A" Andreeva E.A.

Leading 1 Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!
Hello dear guys!
Lead 2: Today is a holiday at our school.

"Dedication to fifth graders"
Lead 1 : And we are delighted to welcome to our hall

Students of grade 5 "A" and their

Class teacher Andreev E.A.
Leading : On September 1st you transferred from elementary school to

Average, not knowing its rules and laws.

You experienced the first difficulties, met your teachers, with their new requirements, classrooms,

and most importantly, they did not flinch - you can be called real fifth graders.
Lead 1: The right to open the party is granted

To our fifth graders.
The guys perform the song "Cool, you got into the 5th grade"

(to music by I. Matvienko)
- To everyone in the morning at our school
The people are gathering
There are such kids here -
Constant round dance
Discipline among the people
Here is a task from tasks
For the director and deputy -
Don't hear a baby cry.
Tell all the guys:
Let them remember forever

It's very difficult in the fifth grade
Get a grade of "two"
Maybe our first teacher
I explained everything in vain
Maybe they got here in vain
I hit and you hit.
Cool you got into the fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Let's go to the fifth!
Cool you got into the fifth grade
You are a star, you are a star
Look forward more boldly!
We were in the fourth grade,
Everything was clear to us:
How to write, solve problems
And how boldly to answer
We fell in love with each other
We have strong friendship
Together with us is our friendship

I also moved to the fifth grade
Now we are five-graders
and on this stage here
we pass trials to get the title
and perseverance will help us in any trials,

And our school number 8 will be proud of us!


Host 1.Thank you guys! We are very glad to welcome YOU!

Roma : Welcome to the 5th grade!

Everything: "Friendly form!"

Yasinetskiy N. Our motto ...

All: “What one cannot do alone,

It is not difficult for the class to do everything! "

Anton: We will say about ourselves in verse.

Andrey: We are smart and funny

Dasha P. We are perky and friendly

Dasha T. We will always be together

Marina. We will never leave in trouble!

Daniel. We will be the first to study

Anya - In behavior - exemplary,

Ilya - We will be active in sports.

Timofeev M: - We are subject to a code of honor that


All: "A good name is born only by good deeds!"

Roma: - We have presented now

All our friendly fifth grade!

Kate. - Can we say with confidence

This has been tested by time:

Telezhkin M. - We need different children! Children are all important!

Dolgovykh N. - Yes! We are all very different, but we are all very

I like studying at our school!

Zlata: - We are 21 mischievous, funny, kind and funny,

Sveta: - Moderately educated, but in general, very friendly and

Responsive boys and girls.

Angelina: - Each of us has our own character, our own habits

And your quotation marks.

Lisa: - And we also love to sing, dance, take


Sasha : - We are friends with sports, sometimes we are hooligans, but

In general, they are very nice guys.

Anton: - And all four years we were led through life by our

The first and beloved teacher

- ALL : Galina Leonidovna (word by G.L.)

В 1. Guys, your first teacher Galina Leonidovna came to your holiday. We give her the floor:

Galina Leonidovna:

“Hello, my dear children!

They all grew up, became very big.

Primary school is now behind us.

New knowledge awaits you ahead.

But don't you forget me,

Invite them more often.

For the younger ones, you become an example,

Assistants for teachers.

With hope, faith and love

Look ahead more fun! "

Leading 1 : Today we have gathered to celebrate a solemn event: the dedication of yesterday's primary school students to fifth graders. Look at the guys!

They have matured and wiser.

IN 2. - And what they learned, we can see today.

IN 1. - At today's holiday, each of you will be able to show all your talents, demonstrate what youmanaged to learn in elementary school. For this, we will conduct various competitions.

Lead 2.- A worthy change has come to us.

IN 1. - In the very first academic weeks in the fifth grade, the guys

They proved to be smart and capable.

IN 2. - The first quarter was finished with excellent marks by 6 students,

We call their names: (guys get up)

1. Gorobtsov Ilya 2. Vantensin Daniel 3. Vantensin Anya 4. Grechishnikova Liza 5. Petrova Dasha 6. Telesova Dasha

Leading 1. -But the other students did not disappoint either!

Graduated with “good” and “excellent”:

1. Mikhailova Sveta - one "4", the rest "5"

2. Sergeev Anton 3. Azarova Katya 4. Dolgovykh Nikita 5. Timofeev Maxim 6. Yasinetsky Nikita 7. Katuntsev Roma 8. Sukhomlina Zlata

IN 2. With one "3", the other "4" - "5" finished the quarter:

1.Glamazdin Sasha 2.Korzennikova Marina

3. Yakushev Andrey 4. Telezhkin Maxim.

IN 1. Let's welcome them!

IN 2. Your parents came to congratulate you on the holiday.
IN 1 ... The floor is given to those who, together with our today's fifth-graders, will go through the difficult path of knowledge. They will worry and worry about you, help you. I think you understand who we are talking about. The floor to your parents!

(On behalf of all parentsWe invite Vantensin Elena Viktorovna to congratulate their fifth graders):

"A fifth grader to be
You should cherish friendship,
Think and read more
To do tasks at home,
Don't download them on the Internet,
Achieve everything with your mind.

Lead 2: The word for congratulations is given to the deputy director for teaching and educational work(Sergienko Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna) …………………….

Lead 1: Where are your teachers?

IN 2 ... -Our holiday is attended by guests,

Attentive and empathetic, kind and a little strict - these are your teachers. A word of welcome is given to your new subject teachers.

It's time for you to give words of guidance to your students.
Are invited: Korosteleva N.S. - teacher of computer science, Andrianova E.L. - teacher of mathematics, Ovcharova E.S. - teacher of Russian language and literature,

Kazakova T.N. - teacher of history, Mekhedova I.S. and Drozdova V.V. - teachers in. yaz., Voronova V.V. - drawing teacher, Bondarchuk Sergey Vyacheslavovich and Plyshevsky Nikolai Yurievich - physical education teachers, Plyshevskaya Yu.A. - OBZH teacher

In 2 "Joke Tips" from your teachers:

1.Here the desired hour has come: Drozdova V.V.

You're enrolled in fifth grade.

You, my friend, listen to us,

We give you a mandate.

2. Wake up early in the morning, Bondarchuk S.V.

Wash yourself well

In order not to yawn at school,

Do not peck at the desk.

3. Train yourself to be in order: Andrianova E.L.

Do not play in strands with things,

Treasure every book

Keep your briefcase clean.

4. Dress neatly, ES Ovcharova.

So that it was pleasant to look

Don't giggle in class

Don't move the chair back and forth.

5. Do not tease, do not be arrogant, Kazakova T.N.

Try to help everyone at school

Don't frown in vain. Be brave

And you will find yourself friends.

6. That's all our advice. Mekhedova I.S.

They are wiser and easier!

You, my friend, do not forget them in class.

All: Good luck!

Host 2. And here are our future graduates. We meet!

The 10th graders come on the stage and show the number - a greeting for the 5th graders and the audience.

(Brothers Alexander and Mikhail Tarakanovs perform a duet

Musical number on the guitar)

Lead 1. We, as the oldest pupils, have been entrusted to hold a holiday "Announcement to the fifth graders" for yesterday's fourth graders.

Lead 1 : Now let us address
For those who begin to study in the 5th grade
Lead 2 : We congratulate you fifth graders,
We wish you excellent academic success

Lead 1 : And also find your new friends
And here to spend many joyful days

Lead 2 : Make friends with school and teachers
And soon you will be graduates

Classroom teacher:

Hello to all of you mid-level!

You are one step higher

Today we will dedicate you, joking,

Everyone to the "Fifth graders"

Be quiet.

Before presenting diplomas,

Show a little effort.

Answer the questions

We will test your knowledge

Lead 1 ... Four years of primary school graduates stubbornly

We worked hard. And today we, future graduates, will conduct exams for

New fifth-graders and test their knowledge.

Lead 2:

Now let's check if you know the items and qualities that a student needs?

If we name an object or quality that can be used in school, then you clap your hands. And if they cannot be used at school, then you stomp. Ready?

(The presenters take turns calling ...)

- textbooks and books ...

Chewing gum and slingshot ...

Brushes and paints ...

Toy mouse ...

Knowledge, diligence ...

Clockwork paravozik ...

Color plasticine ...

Pens and notebooks ...

Hooliganism and idleness ...

Eraser and bookmarks ...

- stapler and notebooks ...

Schedule and diary ...

The student is ready for school!

Well done boys!

IN 1 ... We will hold an acting competition

Station of Understanding

(2 teams of 5 people are invited - a team of girls and a team of boys)

You need to depict: (1 presenter takes the teams out into the corridor, informs them of the topics there and they prepare, and then return and portray, and the rest of the fans must guess what they are portraying)

  • Zoo
  • Football fans
  • Passengers on the bus
  • Pupils in the lesson
  • Boys portray the zoo and fans
  • Girls portray passengers on the bus and students in the lesson
  • And the fans have to guess what the guys are portraying

At 2. And while the guys are preparing, we will play a game with the audience

"Question answer"

Options for questions:

  • How often will you miss lessons?
  • Will you give to cheat?
  • Would you like to sit in the new year at the same desk with an excellent student?
  • Have you ever corrected grades in your diary last year?
  • Could you fall asleep in class?
  • Can you afford to come to school without changing shoes?
  • You really love to be on duty at school, don't you?
  • Admit it, did you miss literature lessons in the summer?
  • Are you able to drink someone else's glass of compote in the school cafeteria?
  • Do you have any serious plans for this school year?

Answer options:

  • If tomorrow is a test, then perhaps.
  • I will answer when we are alone after school.
  • Only if there is no one in the class.
  • I'd rather be silent.
  • Sometimes you can take a chance.
  • Only in a hopeless position.
  • And what to do, you need to learn.
  • Only with the approval of the school principal.
  • When the need compels.
  • This has been my dream since first grade.

В 1. Our next competition is called "The Merry Alphabet".

(The class is divided into two teams)

Exercise: to each team, we read funny, humorous definitions of various words associated with school life. Your task is to quickly name the concept being defined. If the team finds it difficult to answer, the right to answer is transferred to the next team. If he answers incorrectly, the point is not counted. For each correct answer - 1 point. Your teachers will be the judges.

Be careful!

  • Letters lined up for roll call (Alphabet)
  • What they teach to write with a thin feather in a notebook at school (Letters)
  • A mathematical action that occurs with the pocket money of a student buying a bun at the school cafeteria (Subtraction)
  • The best, but very short time in the life of students and teachers (Holidays)
  • Traditional formation of students for the ceremony of receiving the next headwash (Ruler)
  • White pebble melted, left traces on the board (Mel)
  • Part of the face that students sometimes hang when they receive a deuce (Nose)
  • The only place in the school where, instead of spiritual food, students are offered normal food (Canteen)
  • What the student needs to cook every day, but cannot be eaten (Lessons)
  • A school subject that continues in the summer at stadiums, courtyards, in recreation camps (Fiz-ra)
  • Two legs conspired to make arcs and circles (Compass)
  • Institution where illiterates are admitted (School)

(Option 2)

1. A valuable human quality that is dulled at school. (Mind.)

2. Phenomenon of nature, quite officially eliminates forced attendance at schools. (Freezing)

3. The loudest sound in school. (Call.)

4. Place of walking for students during breaks. (The corridor.)

5. Sufferers who are called to the teacher for the offenses of their children. (Parents.

6. The most chatty human organ. (Language.)

7. The room where the class is driven during the lesson. (Cabinet.)

Lead 1: Guys, for now, warm up for you!
We have a game for you,
We will read poetry now
We will start, and you are friends,
Answer in unison in chorus:
"And me too"

IN 2: In the morning I woke up early .... (Children: "Me too")
IN 1
I washed myself with water from the tap ...
At 2 I went for a walk ...
IN 1. I went to the zoo ...
IN 2 I saw a lioness there ...
IN 1 I saw a tigress there ...
IN 2 There was a baby elephant in a cage
IN 1 Was funny as a pig ...
IN 2 Someone loves pears ...
IN 1 Someone doesn't wash their ears ...

Lead 1:

And we continue our holiday. Now we will check

how did you know our school.

School competition.

(Leaders ask the children questions. The class answers in chorus, amicably, clearly.)

In which classroom taking a lesson in natural history?

In which classroom is the history lesson held?

In which classroom does the math lesson take place?

In which classroom is the drawing lesson held?

What floor is the geography study on?

What floor is the library on?

What floor is the gym on?

What floor is the director's office on?

IN 1 ... This is the final test. We wish you good luck and patience in your studies - this is a glorious

Work! Classroom assessments and burning souls - the roads of life are waiting for you ahead!

Lead 2 ... You know we have our own tradition -

Get ready for dedication, friends.

Believe me, you can do without it

Not at all, not at all.

(A cool magazine is brought out on a satin pillow. Solemn music sounds.)

1 in ... Homeroom teacher, please take a step forward!

Put your hand on the most valuable thing you have - on

Cool magazine. You, in charge of your class,

Swear to tell the truth and only the truth and nothing

Except for the truth?

Do you swear to be strict but fair? (I swear!)

1ved. Swear that you will not only hear, but also listen! (...)

Swear to respect the personality of each of your students! (...)

Swear to be a True friend to your students,

A mentor! (...)

Cl. hands: I swear

Respect the personality of the little person.

Hear and understand everyone.

Affirm the ideals of morality.

If in my life I chose this path,

I swear not to turn from him anywhere!

And if any trouble happens,

I will support the guys everywhere and always!

I will instruct them on the path of kindness!

Punish less, but persuade!

IN 2. And now you swear, "5th graders". Let's ask everyone to stand up and loudly, together

Repeat after us, in all honesty, the word- "we swear!"

(The leaders take turns saying the words of the oath :)

B 1 - We, pupils of grade 5-A, on this solemn day,

In front of your comrades, teachers and parents

We swear:

IN 2 - Run to school for the first lesson.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

IN 1 ... - Absorb all knowledge with a wolfish appetite.

(All in chorus: We swear! We swear! We swear!)

IN 2. We swear, before everyone, to try to be healthy!

To go to our school regularly!

We swear!

IN 1 ... We swear to write and read decently

Wear "good" and "excellent" in a knapsack.

We swear!

IN 2 We swear that we will try very hard

No more fighting with friends!

We swear!

IN 1. We swear to be disciples brought up,

Do not run around the school, but walk at a step!

We swear!

IN 2. - Swear to worthily carry the title of "5th grade student"

Until the end of the school year.

IN 1. - Swear that throughout the year you will help your

To the class teacher in his hard work!

IN 2. - Swear without jokes, really, to love your Motherland, your school, your parents! We swear!

IN 1. Our newly minted 5th graders deserve a thunderous applause

A word for the presentation of certificates and medals that the guys were accepted into

5th graders of school number 8 is provided to YOUR TEACHERS!

Presentation of medals "I'm a fifth grader!"

Lead 1:

Now you are real students of grade 5 A at school # 8 ..

To seal the words of an oath, you must gnaw a piece of bread - a symbol of the granite of science. And the 10th grade pupils who have been gnawing this granite of science for the 10th year will give you this symbol.

IN 2 ... At this solemn moment, the floor is given to the director of the school, Yuri Nikolaevich. (Congratulations from the director)

IN 1 . Different there are a lot of schools around,
Only ours is different from everyone else,
A student is a friend of a teacher,
And when they meet, they smile.
Ved. 2 Gathered in this class now
On a beautiful, magical holiday,
This holiday is for you today,
He's only fifth graders for you!

Classroom teacher:

Guys, your strong friendship

Take in grade 5

And for many years

Save everyone!

As always "one for all"

Be you in charge

Then everyone will tell you:

These are the children!

Lead 1: Wait, what about our parents?

I think it would be nice with you dear

Parents take a promise. If you agree with us,

Say the word "Yes".

IN 1 ... We will always help children in their studies,

To make the school proud of children! Yes?

Lead 2 : We are not afraid of leapfrog tasks,

Formulas to remember for us is nonsense! Yes?

Lead 1: We swear never to hit children

Just a little scold sometimes! Yes?

Lead 2: Let's be calm, like water in a river,

We will be wise, like a star in the sky! Yes?

Lead 1: We will get up in the morning in the cold,

To be in time both here and there! Yes?

Lead 2: We will always cook delicious dishes

Pamper sweet children sometimes! Yes?

Lead 1: When is the end of the study of the suffering,

Let's take a walk with the children then! Yes?

Lead 2 : Thank you dear parents!

V 1 Well, now our holiday is coming to an end. I would like to

This day will be remembered for a long time.

IN 2. It's great if this holiday helps you with confidence

(All students sing a song (to the tune of "Chung-Chang")

1 In the whole world there is no better class.
And we all live without knowing troubles.
Our childhood is a whole country.
And we really like her.

NS. In the fifth grade, in the fifth grade
It's so fun and cool to live
Living is so fun and cool
In the fifth form.
We are smart and our class is friendly,
Because all it takes is
Because all it takes is

This is friendship.

2. We have a lot of enthusiasm and fire.
Even a day is not boring.
And of course our whole class knows:
We have the best ahead. NS.

Cl. hands. : On this our holiday came to an end. thanks

Everyone for your attention. See you soon!

And now, guys, your parents are inviting you to a tea party !.