The role of literature in human life. The topic The role of literature in a person's life: Arguments

The role of literature in human life. The topic The role of literature in a person's life: Arguments
The role of literature in human life. The topic The role of literature in a person's life: Arguments

Reading is an important part of human life. This is an easy way to preserve the clarity of the mind for many years. A person familiar with a large number of literature of various genres has a broader outlook, develops his brain. Often, schoolchildren get homework - write an essay in which the arguments in favor of this occupation.

Objectives of writings

Why do teachers of the Russian language include the task of this kind in homework for students? In the process of writing to each thesis, the schoolboy must lead weighty arguments. The role of literature in a person's life is an extensive theme that allows you to once again refresh in memory those evidence that confirm the importance of reading in modern life. People of the XXI century are much easier to come home, sit down at a computer or TV, rather than start reading the book.

Everyone understands that such a relationship contributes to mental degradation. However, for some reason, many other classes prefer books. A schoolboy can try to write an essay that will be called upon to convince the reader in the importance of the role of literature in a person's life. The arguments that the student will use, he can take from a variety of sources: everyday life, cases with long-standing familiar, own experience. The main thing is that one or another idea should be proved or explained. And of course, do not forget about such important moments as spelling, punctuation, as well as the style of writing.

Understand yourself

Reading various literature, watching the story of books developing, people will begin to reflect on serious matters of our existence. After all, it was precisely for this purpose that great works were written - they help the reader to focus on a certain problem with which a person may face. Watching the characters that read learns to identify and in every way to predict their actions in everyday life.

It often happens that the writer himself survived certain difficulties at some stage of his life and decided to transfer his experience to subsequent generations through novel, play, novels or stories. The role of poetry is equally important - reading the poem, a person can penetrate the mood of the poet, his worldview at a certain point in time. And sometimes poetry carries and healing power. For example, reading a poem about difficult times, a person feels that he is not one in his problems that people once come across such difficulties before him.

The role of literature in a person's life: arguments

So why is it so important in our time to remember the importance of reading? Many will like this thesis: reading books can remove stress. It translates the reader to another world, where he can distract from everyday problems, plunge for a while in a new atmosphere. Today, a very large number of people suffer from constant stress. And this plus reading will be assessed by those who are already tired every day think about endless problems.

Psychological pluses

Another argument is interesting to the role of fiction in a person's life. Scientists have proven that we are older when our brain ages. That is why reading is able to even slow down a bit and "postpone old age." After all, devoting the time of literature, a person is forced to think, to make conclusion, to understand the meaning of what is described in the book. And the additional load on the brain favorably affects the functioning of the entire body.

Arguments for the problem "The role of literature in a person's life" do not end. Scientists have established that reading can contribute to a good sleep. If a person regularly reads a book for the night, soon his brain will perceive this occupation as a signal - it's time to sleep soon. Due to reading, so people can feel the next morning.

Cons reading

However, when describing the role of literature in a person's life, the arguments should not necessarily prove its benefit. The schoolboy can adhere to the opposite opinion. For example, it can be designated that too fond of reading can ignore the difficulties of real life using this classes. For tons of literature, in this case, the usual fear of reality is worth. Of course, a person always recognizes something new from books. But it is impossible to know everything with the help of literature. Most of the experience, people are obtained by interacting with reality. Here you need to comply with the principle - "everything must be in moderation."

The role of the teacher

Great and role of teacher literature in a person's life. Arguments here, most likely, every student will give out of their own experience. After all, the literature teacher is the one who introduces the class with the works of great classics, helps better understand the meaning who wanted to convey the descendants writers and poets through their creations. In a sense, a literature teacher is the first psychotherapist, with whom a person faces in his life. After all, it is he who introduces schoolchildren into the world of people and the variety of relations between them.

Leader: Gerasimova V.F., Teacher of Russian and Literature.


The role of literature in man's life

I want to answer these questions I put in wordsV.A. Sukhomlinsky that hthis is one of the sources of thinking and mental development.

I think that it is reading the fiction literature that helps us live in this world. If we do not read, we will simply "savages".

Writers and poets have invested the whole soul in writing their works. They tried to convey to us all reality on every era of life.

M.Yu.Lermontov wrote wonderful works, which are forced to think about the life of the people of that time, causing deep sadness and empathy to the heroes. Sometimes it seems to me that in any poem Lermontov about the Motherland, it or a lonely sail among the sea, about the death of the poet or about January, there are sad motives, some kind of sadness, or even the resentment for everything that happened around the author himself.

Many poets, writing poems about their homeland, write about her with admiration and open joy, while Lermontov writes about their deep love to the Motherland, the people; About the autocratic authorities, calling for people to fight for freedom, for liberation from serfdom:

Goodbye, unwashed Russia

Country slaves, the country of the Lord!

Yes, Lermontov's life was instant, but dazzling as a lightning glimpse on a thunderstorm sky. He wrote about everything that saw, felt more than lived. His poems are a reflection of his Great Soul and immeasurable talent. They teach us honest, fair, not to be sold, but be loyal and people. His works and are currently a sample of morality.

If there was no such bright phenomenon in a person's life as works of literature, then I don't know where we would recognize about our people, all over the world, how did we draw all the wonderful, right for ourselves?

Antoine de Saint-Exupery's tale "Little Prince" opened my eyes to some eternal truths. In his philosophical fairy tale, the desire to make people think about the fact that it is actually important in human life. The main character reminds us that it should be the most important thing in it: understanding, harmony with the outside world, the ability to rejoice in such simple things that can not buy any money: dawn, flower flavor, shine of stars. And most importantly - love and friendship. It is these simple truths that give the soul to become cleaner, take responsibility for the life and care of another person. The words of Lisa sounds one of the truths: "You are forever responsible for all who tamed." Only the real friendship is able to open a person's eyes and help take the truth. Touching, but at the same time deep in meaning, this tale makes us readers, look at yourself from the side, listen to your heart and understand how unique is the human soul, and how important it is to keep it clean and bright, like a child.

Accurately noted the role of reading in the life of each reader Great French writer Victor Marie Hugo, he said thatsyaky kind of rudeness melts, as if on fire, under the influence of daily reading of good books. Yes, I agree with the words of the master that immeasued the role of books and readings that we really teach life, right, honest, fair.

Thus, the works of literature give us a lot for life, because as Nestor-chronicle said thatif they are looking at the wisdom books carefully, you will find great benefit to your soul.

Personally, I find a lot of instructive, intelligent, wise for myself for my artistic literature.

No, it is impossible to bypass the classics writers of such writers as A. Pushkin, M.Lermontova, L.N. Tolstoy, A.P.hehhova, I.S. Romegenev and many others. We need to know about them, remember. After all, they wrote for us, they teach us life!

Andreeva Vera

Twenty first century. The age of computers, interactive systems and virtual reality. Do you need a book with a modern person? My answer is yes. Books are needed to every person, because in the cycle of modern life we \u200b\u200bworry about school, work, whether our phone is charged, and completely forget about our soul, which also needs privacy and recharging. The books are the only spiritual leakage, who can heal our spirit as well as positive emotions. The person grows both intellectually and morally, reading.



Twenty first century. The age of computers, interactive systems and virtual reality. Do you need a book with a modern person? My answer is yes. Books are needed to every person, because in the cycle of modern life we \u200b\u200bworry about school, work, whether our phone is charged, and completely forget about our soul, which also needs privacy and recharging. The books are the only spiritual leakage, who can heal our spirit as well as positive emotions. The person grows both intellectually and morally, reading. For me, every read work is a lived life, after which I am gaining experience and becoming wiser. Some simply do not understand the value of the literature and the one outlined in it. I read, learned to understand the human nature that it was hidden, the motivation of certain actions of people. And most importantly - learned not to judge people without learning of their stories.

It is impossible to evaluate the book on its cover. The books are the same people, and as Strugatsky brothers wrote, among them there are "good and honest, wise, many knowing, as well as frivolous pacifiers, skeptics, crazy, killers, children, sad preachers, smug fools and semi-viper cries with inflamed eyes " As for me, literature is my all: mentor, friend, passion. She taught me only a good and bright, opened his eyes to many things, taught to love the word, according to Mayakovsky, "commander of human strength".

Literature is art, and like any art, she has its own names that glorify it. I respect every writer in my own way, which contributed to the development of literature, but I highlight several names and works from everything I read so far. So, my adoration of psychological novels turned into love for the works of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. With full confidence I can call him our contemporary, unlike some other classics, because everything written by him is relevant to this day. I admire his syllable and experiencing aesthetic pleasure from the read. Dostoevsky - an expert of the Russian soul, I am surprised every time you can describe human feelings and emotions as possible and aptly, which are very deeply hidden.

No less important and favorite work for me is the story-parable, written by Richard Bach, "Seagull named Jonathan Livingston."Preaching about self-improvement and self-sacrifice, manifesto unlimited spiritual freedom. Spiritual freedom is something that I would like to possess in this life. This book is a cry of the soul of every person, at least a little understanding this world. For me, Jonathan Livingston is the embodiment of the ideal of a strong, independent person, loving life in all its manifestations. Rereading this book, I discover something new every time, which fills, frees me and gives me strength for further accomplishments. Books must do just that - inspire. My literature inspires me to good actions, love for people, hesitates the hope of the best outcome of the events and teaches to understand people.

The concept of this love was presented to me by Roman Charlotte Bronte "Jane Eyre". The most fiction in it is not a love story itself, but the fact that the essence of any relationship lies in the ability to forgive and take a person what he is, along with his past and his demons. Few people can truly forgive, the sediment from betrayal still remains in us and gets out of the surface in the future. Power is forgiveness. Rereading this novel, I understand every time more and more the essence of the word forgiveness.

Mini-manifesto of love and bright human feelings for me is an allegorical fabulous story of Antoine de Saint-Exupery "Little Prince". The story of how important it is to keep a child in itself and do not freeze the soul. Even the most huge epic novels cannot tell about being vital, which is contained in this small book."The most important thing is what you will not see your eyes ...", "said the little prince. Feelings are what will always be higher and clearer any words said.

Literature is my little world in which you can hide from all the storms of life, and the books are my friends who will always succeed, will never betray hope. Another Great Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts ... ". Literary works help us in this, making us beautiful internally, and if a person is beautiful from the inside, it is charming and outside - this is a constant truth of life, the same as the law of boomeranga. Reading books, a person will retire, finds time for reflection. Just no need to confuse loneliness and. Loneliness for me Psychological, mental, privacy is physical. The first squeezes, the second - soothes. Privacy leads to harmony with them, with her mind, thoughts and feelings. Books help us in this, making us better, instructing us and soothing. When I read, then resting from the everyday routine, I can forget about everyday problems for a while and just enjoy reading. Literature is the best invention of a person who has ever existed.

Reformatting culture leads to the fact that literature goes to the far plan, and we can hardly predict how far. They read, undoubtedly less - and I think that the proportion of literature as such will change. Like the literature itself. With her, too, something happens: I remember how old 30 years ago I saw the comic, a luxurious romance about mice. I looked at him with bewilderment, and my girlfriend-artist called it the books of the future. I snorted, but she was right. Our perception channels are expanding, they change the direction of their work. Human creativity will definitely remain, only a person will not write a book. But in the drawings, as we know, a whole culture has grown.

Where there is a contact of several arts, something new grows. When we saw the first Fellini films, we realized that this was not a cinema, but something else. Apparently, everything will be different. Wildly interesting! Please note that if 40 years ago, the main genre was fantastic and we read Bradbury, now fantastic is not interesting: we live in the time that we designed the fiction of the 20th century.

Therefore, I wanted to fix what is terrible. I am writing notebooks all my life. For recent years, these self-densities are becoming more interesting to me. I remember little and hardly remember what was last week. Life is so intense and high-speed that memory is not enough: I am not Dima Bykov. It even the feeling that I my own life do not have time to catch up.

Prehistory: Being a student in Philfak, I conducted a survey among one-lineups regarding the literature: their preferences and the volumes read over the past year. In 80% of cases, I was branded, in order to seem smarter, formed, etc.

To date, reading has become a trend, which means it is bad. Choose a decent book is very difficult, because on the shelves with bestsellers there are second-round novels, the ratings are filled with garbage, familiar read on with dummy.

The book is becoming something like an accessory. The reading for some reason they think that there is something out of the ranks.

In fact, reading has never been an indicator of the mind. The mind is impossible to purchase it, it is developed. If there is nothing to develop, you need to be just a good person.

If you separate the grains from the spoiled, then everything is simple - the book, as at all times, can serve as a source of information, but information is so hidden by the plot and metaphors that not everyone will discern what salt actually. Artistic literature shows us the history of mankind in all its magnificence.

Why not a movie? There is a huge number of books that are more fascinating than the newest film (especially the cinema recently grieves more often).

Finally, all archcripes, plots, conflicts, compositions originated in world literature, therefore, the knowledge of this literature makes you an educated person: and the director and astrophysicist must quote Milton, Bokacho and Chekhov.