Parents of three children who died in the locked cinema halls of Winter Cherry said that firefighters delayed their rescue. The mother of the deceased boy told how she tried to save her son from a burning shopping center "Children, the poor, called their parents:" We are on fire!

Parents of three children who died in the locked cinema halls of Winter Cherry said that firefighters delayed their rescue.  The mother of the deceased boy told how she tried to save her son from a burning shopping center
Parents of three children who died in the locked cinema halls of Winter Cherry said that firefighters delayed their rescue. The mother of the deceased boy told how she tried to save her son from a burning shopping center "Children, the poor, called their parents:" We are on fire!

Headquarters… we are here for the second day… Yesterday there was no information about anything. But there was tea. A lot of tea.

We are at the headquarters, which was organized in a school located next to the burned-out shopping center "Winter Cherry". Dozens of parents and relatives of the dead, missing children are waiting here for new information. About how it all happened. Why. And how to survive it all.

Olya Lillevyali for some reason remembers tea. Yesterday it really was here a lot.

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Olga Lillevali.Hope ILCHENKO

It's good, she repeats mechanically. Then he shudders.

Girl, where's my girl? I'll show it to you now!

He reaches into his bag, takes out a portrait of a fair-haired girl, shows us.

This is Maya. She is 11 years old. This is our dad's daughter. That day she participated in the linguistic Olympiad, smart girl. And we wanted to celebrate it. And there was also Ksyusha, she is also 11 - mine. And Lera, our common, five. Toothless. We called her Toothless. She lost her tooth...

Maya Erokhina, 11 years old Photo: social network

Olya and her husband Sasha lost three children in a terrible fire. Alexander brought three girls to the cinema. I waited downstairs until the session was over, Olya was supposed to arrive just about. The time of the film was coming to an end, Sasha began to rise and ... saw how it flared up.

There was a cleaning lady, and she had a bucket of water and a floor cloth in her hands,” says Olga. - She wet a rag and gave it to Sasha, he pressed it to his face and rushed upstairs. But it did not reach, there was such a heat, the rag dried up in a few seconds. He wet her again and he ran again. And then I see just crawled down almost unconscious.

Sasha failed to reach the children. Now he is also at the headquarters, despite the fact that he received a burn of the respiratory tract and hands.

Daughter Ksyusha called her parents twice from the burning cinema. Olga did not hear the call, she still has it on her phone as “missed”: she did not hear the signal in the noise and roar. I still beat myself up,” she says.

And Sasha, before the first time rushing up, grabbed the phone.

“Dad, we have smoke, we are on fire,” Ksyusha shouted.

It seems to me that the children did not understand that they were dying, - Olga ponders. - From the calls, from their voices, it seems to me so. How do we teach them. That firefighters will come and save everyone. They thought it would. That you have to be a little patient.

Eduard Kovalevsky sent the children to the shopping center with his friend Yana Alimova. She was with her daughter, Ulyana, took his children for company - nine-year-old Yegor and five-year-old Sveta.

Alimova Ulyana and Yana Photo: social network

All four went to the cinema.

Yana called me from the burning room. Apparently, from the last forces. I was suffocating, I heard a weak, strangled voice in the receiver: “Goodbye. We will most likely die. I can not breathe. We can't get out. Someone locked the doors… Someone locked the doors…”

As we already know, yesterday afternoon in Kemerovo the shopping center "Winter Cherry" caught fire. The fire started on the fourth floor of the building - next to the cinema, where at that moment there were many children: the Sherlock Gnomes cartoon was shown.

Data on the dead and injured is constantly changing. Now they are talking about at least 64 dead and 6 missing. The fire is still put out. The publication "Medusa" told how communication with relatives of the dead people takes place.

Relatives of people who found themselves inside the burning Winter Cherry shopping center in Kemerovo began to gather in the gym of the school closest to the fire about an hour after the building caught fire. By six in the evening, the hall was completely filled with people who were waiting for at least some information from the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Relaxation rooms were organized at the school: mattresses and sheets were placed on chairs so that people could lie down. A 12-liter yellow bucket of tea, a can of instant coffee, cheese sandwiches and plastic cups with valerian diluted in water were placed in the gym. By Monday morning, many had not received accurate information about their relatives.

Brought my daughters to see a movie

TASS / Scanpix / LETA

Among these people were Alexander and Olga Lillevyali, covered with a white-and-blue checkered blanket. Three of their daughters were burned alive in the Winter Cherry: two were 11 years old; the youngest is five.

Alexander brought his daughters to the cinema on the fourth floor of the shopping center, bought them a ticket to the Sherlock Gnomes cartoon, each daughter got a glass of popcorn, escorted them to the auditorium and went to the first floor. One and a half hours after the beginning of the session, one of the daughters called and said that there was smoke in the hall and that she and her sisters could not get out of the hall because the door was locked.

- I ran up the stairs, someone put a wet rag in my hand, I covered my nose with it. When I ran to the fourth floor, I broke the window so that the thrust was up, and then fell. I began to crawl, I realized that I had no strength left, I inhaled so much carbon monoxide that I was about to faint. My daughter kept calling and calling me. I just shouted into the phone to tell her to try to get out of the hall, but I couldn’t do anything - there was already a fire ahead, ”says Alexander, crying.

Unable to get to the children, Alexander ran down the stairs to bring help from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On the street, he met the first brigade of rescuers - they were going to put out the fire from above.

- I told them that on the fourth floor the children were locked in a smoky hall, they need to be taken out, they are still alive. The emcees agreed, but for three whole minutes, *****, three minutes they put on masks! And only then we entered the building, - continues Lillevali. - I showed them the stairs, which is the fastest way to run to the cinema, and they first followed me, and then some man told them that there was a fire on the central staircase - and they, damned, ran after him. I tell them: “Give me this self-rescue mask, I will pull them out myself.” And they told me: “It’s not allowed. Everything has to be in order.” My girls left on fire because of the damn order.

"We've been waiting for news for six hours"

Danil Aikin / TASS / Scanpix / LETA

Olga Lillevyali came to the "Winter Cherry" immediately after her husband told her that the children had died.

- While the fire was going on, we stood on the street for six hours, in general, no one came out to us! - says the woman. - The shopping center was cordoned off by the police from half past six. The police were extremely aggressive. We ran back and forth across the street, while this Cherry was burning, they didn’t let us in, they didn’t explain anything. Clouds of smoke poured over the building, our children were on fire, and we just watched.

From time to time, Lillevali went to the headquarters to find out the news, but there was none.

“At the headquarters, everyone put cookies and sandwiches in our mouths,” she continues. - My husband and I tried to stop one of the police officers at school to ask what to expect, but they rudely waved us off, they didn’t care. Finally, my husband and I could not stand it and began to yell: “Seredyuk, come out!” - because we knew from the news that he was somewhere in the school. You know, you learned from the news!!! He didn't even dare to come out to us! At half past nine, the husband already took the policeman by the chest and began to shout: “Vla-a-a-ast, show us! Can you tell me how many children died? What can we expect? Where can I get information?“, says Olga.

Lilevälli knows the mayor of the city and knows that Seredyuk has three children, which is why, she says, she was especially shocked by his unresponsiveness.

Statement from the Ministry of Emergency Situations

The first statement was made by Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Evgeny Dedyukhin - this happened at 10 pm. According to eyewitnesses, he was extremely confused, he only said that the fire was being extinguished and nothing more was known so far. A little later, closer to 11 pm, the mayor of the city Ilya Seredyuk and vice-governor Vladimir Chernov spoke to the audience in the gym. Relatives began to demand that officials report back every 20 minutes: at first they fulfilled this request, but then disappeared.

One of the men who were in the gym recalled that when he heard about the fire, he jokingly told his wife - they say, then they will blame everything on some boy with a lighter. He was surprised when such a statement was indeed made by someone who said that children could set fire to the foam rubber filler in the trampoline pool in the play area of ​​the shopping center (according to one version, the fire was located there).

“My son is burning down, and you are shoving a sandwich down my throat”

"Winter Cherry" was popular with schoolchildren. Alena Zipunova says that her daughter, fifth-grader Vika, came to Winter Cherry with her class to have fun on the occasion of the start of spring break. Their session began literally 15 minutes before the start of the fire. All classmates, together with the teacher, could not get out of the hall and burned down.

“Several of their classmates did not want to go, but ours went,” says the grandmother of a classmate Vika Zipunova, who is sitting next to her. - So, God removed those from death, but our children - no.

Alena Zipunova confirms the stories of other victims. She, too, stayed at the headquarters all night, but never received any information. The social worker asked who died and how old her daughter was, “eight times”: “I wanted to run away from her into the street, at least cry calmly, but she overtook me there too.”

Not far from Zipunova, a man says to the women gathered around him: “I heard that a woman in an elevator with two children burned to death. They were screaming like that, calling for help, but the rescuers couldn’t even get to the elevator.” “These are probably mine,” the girl says doomedly and begins to cry.

According to a Meduza correspondent, the women in the audience mostly sit silently staring at the floor or wall. When one of them suddenly sobs again, the others start crying almost immediately after her. From time to time, ambulances and the Ministry of Emergency Situations approach them and offer to go out for some air or something to eat.

“My son is burning down there, and you are shoving a sandwich down my throat. Are you out of your mind at all? - asks a woman in a blue dress and pushes away the hand of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who approached her. "He's probably turned to coal by now, lord!"

And this is what the mall looks like now.

On the third day after the tragedy in the Winter Cherry shopping center, the exact number of victims has not yet been established. The nearby Kemerovo School No. 7 has turned from a search and rescue headquarters into a kind of hospice. The relatives of the children who died in the fire who settled here are trying to get answers to questions about what, how and why forever destroyed the most important thing in their lives. As in a hospice, it is no longer possible to save anyone, but the more valuable is the attempt to preserve dignity and humanity. The correspondent visited the place and made sure of it himself.

The school grounds are guarded by the police. Law enforcement officers work in the building itself. The busiest life is in full swing at the entrance to the gym. Friends and relatives of the victims, volunteers, psychologists, journalists and priests are pouring into a small corridor in front of him. And if the dining room is a place of a conditional truce, then here, on the contrary, is the most conflict zone. It almost came to a fight. People demanded to report to them. And such a report took place.

Headquarters administrator: I inform you that, firstly, all data is in . Moreover, the issue was raised on the missing four minutes, which are not in the video. The Investigative Committee restored these records. Now completely on these records they collect all the information together: from beginning to end. Information is being collected, there is a lot of information. You will have the opportunity to watch these videos. This is confirmed information from the Investigative Committee. As for the timing, I can't tell you when. However, no one will delay the time. Now no one will do it, because the information has not been collected and an investigation is underway. Until the investigation is over, no one has the right to watch this information at all.

Now Sergey Yuryevich (colonel - approx. "") will report on what activities were carried out and answer the questions that will be asked.

Colonel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergey Yakovlev: With regard to fire fighting. When the call came in, the first squad came five minutes later.<...>We learned that there were people on the fourth floor. And all the tasks for the next departments were set to train the links of the gas protection service. We never look for a fire. If there is, then we immediately take the information - what is there and there. Initially, we acted precisely on cordoning (inaudible - approx. "") actions. Because the group has fire protection.

Upon arrival, it was on fire, there was a high density of smoke on the fourth, partly on the third floor and roof. There were people on the roof, people in the windows. Upon arrival of the unit was the main direction - this is the fourth floor. Immediately two units were sent there. Upon arrival, the articulated lift was installed on the opposite side of the main entrance - from where they rescued first one person, then another.

And only after that they began to remove people from the roof. Since for them there was no strong threat to life. Filmed with the help of a ladder, which arrived additionally. The main task was to go exactly to the fourth floor. In total, we had seven sections of the gas protection service on the fourth floor.

If anyone else might not know, there was a woman in the elevator between the third and fourth floors. It was necessary to open and break the elevator shaft. Since the door was impossible to open.

Yakovlev: Didn't understand.

Yakovlev: One and a half seconds is not gone, as these windows come from double glazing. If you know what a double-glazed window is, and even more so a double-glazed window, so to speak, with protection. Then comes the elevator car, also with the same glazing.

Eduard Kovalevsky, who lost two children in a fire: Please tell me something else. I spoke to your firemen. There was a man at the cinema. Why didn't they go there? Why didn't you have "cosmonaut suits", excuse me for the expression? Why didn't you have flashlights? Why did you just stand there when the children called their parents and said: “Open the doors, we are there”?! And you stood and said: “Sorry, we can’t yet, active smoke.” Hang noodles on our ears that the temperature was 600 degrees! They would just burn out and not be able to just call! They had a chance! There was a time! You could save them! And you did not take advantage of this chance! Just didn't use it! Why???

Olga Lillevyali, who lost two children and their half-sister in a fire: Why didn't anyone call the experts? They screamed...

Kovalevsky:... You stood, although you should save our children, and we hoped, we entrusted them to you ... But you could not get the children who are five years old out of there!

Yakovlev: So you tell me, please ... Any fireman is the same parent ... Sorry, when a parent drives up and orients himself what he has ...

(Noise. Screams)

Kovalevsky: But you have special clothes - overalls! You had people! Why didn't they come to rescue them?!

Yakovlev: All the people were on the fourth floor...

Kovalevsky: Yes I was there! I talked to them! What are you talking about!<...>I'm not talking about the first floor! I'm talking about the fourth! When the kids called, you didn't go!

Yakovlev: All rooms on the fourth floor have been checked! We checked the first cinema, we checked half of the second cinema...

Will the relatives of that guilty person intercede?
Not really.
By kindred.

Well, when they put them in jail, relatives also intercede ... And the judges are attacked and threatened with reprisals ... But the law is the law ...

but the speed of course PPC.

Yes, there may be complaints about mats ... More precisely, to a pit with foam rubber ... Initially, foam rubber can (although in fact it should) be with the addition of non-flammable additives ... But ... What happens over time? Due to the fact that there is no mass (volume), since in fact there is a crumb, these very additives disappear with time or change properties ... Plus the dried mass (do not forget that the heat rises and it is hotter on the 4th floor, and right now, during the heating season) ... Plus, the huge volume of this foam rubber (how many cubes are there, even xs) ... In general, we have a stove with brushwood, which is probably set on fire with a lighter, it’s very easy ... Then there is an irreversible ignition reaction and put out it is simply useless to do it on your own ... Only to run ... And there is nowhere to run ... (((

like they said the foam mats caught fire.
but the speed of course PPC.

Working ventilation provides a certain frequency of air exchange, plus the absence of windows .. In fact - a blast furnace. This is what determines such a speed of fire spreading .. In addition, air is constantly injected into the trampolines ..

There, like, a woman with a child, right next to the fire. And they don’t run ... And then they are no longer visible

Maybe it's not a child, but two shopping center employees decide what to do? And the video is strange, 3 minutes cut. Those. 5 sec recording, then 3 minutes cut, and another 20 sec recording.

Well, apparently the media did not begin to broadcast a video lasting more than 3 minutes, they will hardly show such a duroscope.

Therefore, the cropped version started at 15.57, then the trimming and immediately there is a fire at ~ 16.00.00, and at 16.00.40, everyone who didn’t leave the room was actually kicked there. The woman with the child who was left standing - it’s definitely time for them to go crazy.

Risking their lives to pull out the corpses? Heroism, of course, but ...

I am not a firefighter, as you understand, and I probably have no right to say so. But for the kids??? I would go.

Right now, according to the news, they said that the lining is combustible plastic. And again, the question is for the firefighters, only for the inspectors.

But for the kids??? I would go.

Nobody would let you climb into a burning building with zero visibility (absolute smoke) to pull out the bodies dead, including children. Moreover, at the level of the order of your immediate supervisor, namely the senior engineer-manager of the shift on duty, who in turn will receive orders from the RTP, that is, the head of the fire extinguishing.
And amateur performances, as in various kinds of films a la "I wanted to and ran into the building wherever my eyes look," - in fact, there is no such thing, there are clear tasks in certain areas in front of certain links of gas and smoke protection.

Any firefighter will do everything to save people. So there is no pain of choice.

So was there an attempt to get into the cinema halls or not? I watched the stream, there some woman in hysterics accused the firefighters of unprofessionalism and the death of children.

So was there an attempt to get into the cinema halls or not? I watched the stream, there some woman in hysterics accused the firefighters of unprofessionalism and the death of children.

In this case, it was unrealistic even for the first arriving units to break through to the fire on the fourth floor.

"People were sitting on benches in the center of the hall - in twos, threes, some alone. Among them were Alexander and Olga Lillevyali, covered with a blanket in a blue and white cage. Three of their daughters were burned alive in the Winter Cherry: two were 11 years old, the youngest is five.

According to Alexander, on Sunday he brought his daughters to the cinema on the fourth floor of the shopping center, bought them a ticket to the Sherlock Gnomes cartoon, each daughter got a glass of popcorn, escorted them to the auditorium and went to the first floor to wait. The session started at 2:40 pm, an hour and a half later, one of the daughters called Alexander and said that there was smoke in the hall and that she and her sisters could not get out of the hall because the door was locked. Lillevali rushed to help; At that moment there was already a lot of smoke in the building.

“I ran up the stairs, someone put a wet rag in my hand, I covered my nose with it. When I ran to the fourth floor, I broke the window so that the thrust was up, and then fell. I began to crawl, I realized that I had no strength left, I inhaled so much carbon monoxide that I was about to faint. My daughter kept calling and calling me. I just shouted into the phone for her to try to get out of the hall, but I could not do anything - there was already a fire ahead. Tears stream down the man's face; he keeps putting pressure on his eyes to stop them.

Unable to get to the children, Alexander ran down the stairs to bring help from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On the street, he met the first brigade of rescuers - they were going to put out the fire from above.

“I told them that on the fourth floor the children were locked in a smoky hall, they need to be taken out, they are still alive. The emcees agreed, but for three whole minutes, *****, three minutes they put on masks! And only then we entered the building, - continues Lillevali. - I showed them the stairs, which is the fastest way to run to the cinema, and they first followed me, and then some man told them that there was a fire on the central staircase - and they, damned, ran after him. I tell them: “Give me this self-rescue mask, I will pull them out myself.” And they told me: “It’s not allowed. Everything has to be in order.” My girls were left on fire because of the damn order."

And again, the question is for the firefighters, only for the inspectors.

questions - the sea.

I think they will flog everyone in the tail and in the mane for a month or two.
then everything will return to "normal" - the same "guards" and other rabble will perform their functions - spitting at the ceiling and chasing chanson with teas, people in gray with daddies walk and roam, "businesmen" (whom they will sell their mother for a chistogan) open busines.

I here already somehow quoted a scene from the film "The Train Stopped" by Mindadze-Abdrashitov (1981). Oddly enough, the footage from there looks prophetic and very relevant. the point is in the SYSTEM, more precisely - in a non-working system, or, if you like, an anti-system.

"One shoe did not set, the other was driving in excess, the third did not check the devices" ...

Blooming Soul
I wrote about the assessment of the actions of rescuers, not the protection of the shopping center

“I told them that on the fourth floor the children were locked in a smoky hall, they need to be taken out, they are still alive. The emcees agreed, but for three whole minutes, *****, three minutes they put on masks! And only then we entered the building, - continues Lillevali. - I showed them the stairs, which is the fastest way to run to the cinema, and they first followed me, and then some man told them that there was a fire on the central staircase - and they, damned, ran after him. I tell them: “Give me this self-rescue mask, I will pull them out myself.” And they told me: “It’s not allowed. Everything has to be in order.” My girls were left on fire because of the damn order."

Interview with one of the parents of burnt children (sad to read):
"People were sitting on benches in the center of the hall - two, three, some alone. Among them were Alexander and Olga Lillevyali, covered with a white-and-blue cage blanket. Three of their daughters were burned alive in the Winter Cherry: two were 11 years old; the youngest is five.

According to Alexander, on Sunday he took his daughters to the cinema on the fourth floor of the shopping center, bought them a ticket to the Sherlock Gnomes cartoon, each daughter got a glass of popcorn, escorted them to the auditorium and went to the first floor to wait. The session started at 14:40, an hour and a half later, one of the daughters called Alexander and said that there was smoke in the hall and that she and her sisters cannot get out of the hall because the door is locked. Lillevali rushed to help; At that moment there was already a lot of smoke in the building.

“I ran up the stairs, someone put a wet rag in my hand, I covered my nose with it. When I ran to the fourth floor, I broke the window so that the thrust was up, and then fell. I began to crawl, I realized that I had no strength left, I inhaled so much carbon monoxide that I was about to faint. My daughter kept calling and calling me. I just shouted into the phone for her to try to get out of the hall, but I could not do anything - there was already a fire ahead. Tears stream down the man's face; he keeps putting pressure on his eyes to stop them.

Unable to get to the children, Alexander ran down the stairs to bring help from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On the street, he met the first brigade of rescuers - they were going to put out the fire from above.

“I told them that on the fourth floor the children were locked in a smoky hall, they need to be taken out, they are still alive. The emcees agreed, but for three whole minutes, *****, three minutes they put on masks! And only then did they enter the building,” Lillevali continues. “I showed them the staircase that was the fastest way to run to the cinema, and they first followed me, and then some man told them that there was a fire on the central staircase — and they, damned, ran after him. I tell them: “Give me this self-rescue mask, I will take them out myself.” And they told me: “It’s not allowed. Everything has to be in order.” My girls were left on fire because of the damn order."

I do not deny that 100% were attempts by parents to get into the smoky and burning premises of the 4th floor, and most likely these attempts in most cases ended in death on the 3rd floor.

Who writes these texts? In an absolutely smoky room, a man crawled towards his children, through the smoke. But ahead saw the fire, and turned back. I found employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who for some reason were not gas and smoke protectors, who were armed with oxygen masks and corresponding cylinders, but were equipped with Phoenix protective hoods (the so-called self-rescuer mask). Moreover, they were put on for three minutes, when the boys passed the standard for divorce in less than 30 seconds with checking the valves of the mask and the pressure in the cylinder.

And finally, the most important thing:

I tell them: " Give me that self-rescue mask, I'll take them out myself ". And they tell me: " Not allowed. Everything must be in order". My girls left to burn because of the damn order.

There is a persistent feeling that this text was written for Echo of Moscow, Radio Liberty, Medusa or Rain.
And now the question, I wonder, can someone explain to me who will be pulled out of the fire and smoke through three floors by this man, with one protective hood Phoenix? A group of suffocated during the rescue, children? Moreover, I will say that this man not only would not have pulled anyone out if he had gone - he died himself. And there was already no one to save, a video of the absolute spread of combustion products to the entire 4th floor of the shopping center in 40 seconds of shooting ... they simply do not imply an alternative.

p.s. and this, the fire did not start at 15:10 (14:40 + 30 minutes), but at 16:00, the authors of the text are hacking.
p.s.s. I checked the authors of the text - it turned out to be the Latvian Medusa. It's amazing how the same people and organizations start writing in tragedy. Just like the story with Krymsk, where a couple of thousand people were killed with a light wave of the hand in the liberal press. Eh, what kind of people.

Irina Zhavoronkova worked as a cinema controller. After the version voiced in the media about the hall being locked, she began to receive threats.

Irina Zhavoronkova: "At night, a text message came:" What, scum, did you escape? ""

It wasn't her shift that day. In Zimka, as the Kemerovo residents also called this shopping center, her daughter Sophia worked. At the time of ignition of the children's play area, it was three meters from the source of the fire.

Sofia Sigachkova, assistant controller: “I immediately turn around and run to the first hall. The first hall is the largest and has two doors. Natasha Naimushina opened the first door, and I opened the second.”

Yevgeny Lokhanin and his son were the last to leave this hall. In a matter of seconds, the corridor was filled with black acrid smoke, then the lights went out and.

NTV reporter Alexei Simakhin walked through the ashes to the fourth floor of the shopping center, where it all began. He saw a Chinese merry-go-round, which, according to visitors to the center, constantly sparked wiring. The epicenter of the fire was located where pools with foam rubber balls were arranged. Literally a stone's throw from there was an exit to the evacuation stairs, which people dying from suffocation did not manage to use. The emergency exit was blocked during the fire.

Dmitry Polukhin: “I relied most on hearing. There was black smoke, nothing was visible, it hurt my eyes. Then I heard children's cries, crying.

But after all, all these supernatural abilities would not have been needed if everything had been done correctly from the very beginning.

Seven people are already under arrest: the general director of the building's owner's company, the head of the Gosstroynadzor of the region, the manager Nadezhda Suddenok, the technical director Georgy Sobolev, the developer of the fire safety system Igor Polozinenko, an employee of the same company Alexander Nikitin and the security guard who turned off the fire warning system, Sergey Antyushin. None of them pleaded guilty.

All they have to do is beg for forgiveness. After all, how to explain to 11-year-old Seryozha Moskalenko why he no longer has a sister, father and mother. The day before, Seryozha came to his senses and.

Expert groups continue to work in Kemerovo, including the Investigative Committee of Russia, headed by Alexander Bastrykin, who flew to Kuzbass today. First of all, he came to the shopping center with flowers, talked with the relatives of the deceased. According to him, investigators are still considering two versions: short circuit and arson.