How to diversify your wardrobe without buying new things. How to spice up your wardrobe How to spice up your basic wardrobe

How to diversify your wardrobe without buying new things.  How to spice up your wardrobe How to spice up your basic wardrobe
How to diversify your wardrobe without buying new things. How to spice up your wardrobe How to spice up your basic wardrobe

Young ladies often complain that clothes do not fit the way they want, or they are too expensive, or they look too cheap, or they simply cannot find their style. Well, of course, because sometimes it seems that fashion is dictated by what looks good only on the young and thin, and most of us, unfortunately, cannot boast of ideal forms. Another problem is that it's hard not to copy fashion magazines, if all the shops are full of only these models, and if you want to update your wardrobe with something new, it's quite difficult to find something that EVERYONE does not wear.

In fact, this is all easily fixable. The modern woman has two main advantages in the fashion world.
The first of them is that over the many decades of its development, this old woman (fashion, in the sense) has acquired so many trends, many of which have become cult and immortal, that looking into old magazines, you can peep something very interesting.
So what can you do to somehow diversify your wardrobe, choose clothes that fit your figure and not look like a magazine page?

Try on husband's clothes

Try not to pay attention to signs in stores that tell you about the distinction between women's and men's departments. By the way, the girl who is trying to tactfully hint to you that you are considering clothes not for your gender, also stubbornly ignore.

If you have a non-standard figure and it is difficult to find jeans that fit well on you, the problem can be solved in the men's denim department, where trousers often tend to be more sensitive to sizes. Another problem that I encountered not so long ago is the almost complete absence of straight models of women's trousers on the market. For some reason, all manufacturers decided at once that everyone is obliged to wear exclusively skinny jeans, even if a woman does not have the most elegant calves in the world and tightening them is simply contraindicated! But among the men's trousers, it was easy to find what I needed.

And for some reason, men's stores always offer plaid shirts in colors that are much more interesting than women's ones. Yes, and the range of sports shoes they have is much richer and prettier ... A sweater with a cape neckline, which looks rather ridiculous on a man, can turn out to be quite a nice sweater that gives a female figure in the best light!

By the way, men's classic trousers with an elegant women's top can look very good. So try to shake your husband's closet again ...

Find a profitable style

For everyday trips to work or informal meetings, you need appropriate clothing:
quite suitable for business style (not colorful sundresses with deep cutouts and not evening dresses embroidered with rhinestones);
comfortable (to run like this all day - you need to be confident in yourself);
different (well, this is clear to every woman ... how can you wear the same thing for two days in a row?)

Even if you do not have a completely standard figure, there should be no problems here. These are not social events and not romantic dates, so you can be simpler. The main thing is to find a style that is beneficial for yourself and what you feel best in, and replenish your wardrobe with such things. Yes, you understood correctly, let there be several of them - those blouses that you liked so much, but in different colors. So you will look different every day. The same goes for skirts or trousers. One is black, the second is dark green, for example, but they can successfully replace each other and be combined with your favorite blouses and sweaters.

It could also be dresses. By the way, this is generally a win-win option. Until now, knitted dresses with long and short sleeves, in black, gray, brown, blue, with cutouts and with a stand, etc., will not go out of fashion. but on the other hand, the excitement has already subsided and you will definitely not appear in the office, where everyone is already sitting in the same ones. Firstly, knitwear will allow you to breathe freely with a constantly changing weight, and it will hide possible figure flaws. Secondly, you will forget about the iron, because it does not need to be ironed every morning. And besides, it's just perfect clothes for the office: strict, elegant and cute!

Don't miss the sale

No, I'm not suggesting that you go to secondhand stores, although there are people who manage to dig something there too ... brrr ... But! This is another way to get quality clothes at affordable prices, and different from others.

Any brand clothing store over time begins to sell the dependent remnants of past collections at very reasonable prices. You can easily buy yourself excellent blouses, T-shirts, skirts, jackets, which the rest have long been demolished and forgotten. And here you are in the new one. Believe me, someone will definitely ask you where you got such a charm.

Open Grandma's Chest

There are actually a couple of "BUT" here. Firstly, if there is this grandmother's chest and the moth has not yet completely devoured it. Secondly, you will need at least some skills in handling a thread and a needle or a sewing machine, at least a manual one. If everything is OK with these two points, then you have another great way to diversify your wardrobe.

It's strange, but among grandmother's things there can be so many awesome colors and even fabrics, which for some reason are not there now, and styles too (I didn't know until I looked into this closet). And all this can be used to the fullest. From a colorful blouse of breathtaking colors, you can tear off that ridiculous bow and wear it with your favorite trousers. And a checkered (somewhat reminiscent of Burberry) pleated skirt can be shortened and worn to work with pumps. And this jacket can be sewn in at the waist and you get a good blazer ...

Yes, the main thing is to start, fantasy will do its job. Especially since the old styles are so interesting and offer so much "new" stuff! Remember that one-hour dress from the 20s, or the sunflare of the 40s, hippies? This is generally a separate fashionable culture, which can be copied almost completely today!

Don't get hung up

Don't hold on to old habits and try something new. If you've never worn hats, scarves, or jewelry, give it a try. Maybe this is exactly what will tell you a new path? If you always wear black, gray and other dark and dull shades, try on something bright. You can simply embroider something from old things with something colorful or shiny. And vice versa, if you like it brighter, try the classics. With such a “coup” of your fashion world, you can very pleasantly surprise yourself.

In fact, the advice is quite simple and does not require large expenditures. The main thing is the desire to do something to change yourself. So stick with it and you'll be fine!

When I first started my stylistic quest, I was very passionate about the idea of ​​a capsule wardrobe. (And not only me: we still have one of the most popular search queries on our site -). At some point, it seemed to me an absolutely universal system. However, time passed, I figured out my wardrobe needs and preferences, bought a lot of good things, and the wardrobe remained scattered (more precisely, consisting of many separate parts-capsules, which were mixed together in random order and constantly caused annoyance and irritation). Now in my life the stage has come when I want minimalism - get rid of the superfluous, streamline the necessary, choose "less, but better." And this brought me back to the idea of ​​​​a single - basic wardrobe, which I am now gradually collecting.

In the roughest approximation, the basic wardrobe is the smallest possible wardrobe: several tops + several bottoms (a combination of “top and bottom” can replace dresses) + outerwear, accessories and shoes, which in the event of an atomic war of moving, a financial crisis and the inability to update the wardrobe will be enough to exist in them and fulfill all their social functions.

The first rule of a basic wardrobe that I formulated for myself: base can be any in color, style and patterns. All these canonical lists, like Evelina Khromtchenko's list, look very tempting (and beautiful), but already here questions arise.

Classic trousers and beige pumps may come in handy for an office worker from Moscow, but what should a mother on maternity leave from Jerusalem, a student from Shakhty, a local doctor from Petrozavodsk, a front-end developer from Pattaya do with them? Can they become the staple of everyone's everyday wardrobe? Of course not. The basic wardrobe should first of all take into account the lifestyle, climatic conditions, type of appearance and, in general, an understanding of who you are.

How individual should a basic wardrobe be?

There are two main approaches to the basic wardrobe. The first one is that it should consist of a rigid set of very simple and universal things (that’s why it is the base) and, in principle, the list of these things will be more or less common for everyone (hence all these canonical white shirts, pencil skirts, dress- case and so on). The second approach is that absolutely anything can be included in the base, even a tutu skirt and a T-shirt with Kurt Cobain, even a boho dress with pantaloons, there may not be black and white or there may not be other colors than black and white, the main thing is - what are you wearing. I prefer the second approach, but I think that it should be treated very carefully, and here's why.

Even if we accept as a fact that the basic wardrobe can be anything, this will only work if your personal style is expressed quite clearly (due to great awareness or character traits), and your lifestyle is moderately specific. However, what to do if you have neither a clear craving for something specific, nor a desire to stand out in some special way, nor an innate flair or observation that allow you to unmistakably snatch “your” things from the hangers? If you actually work in an office, wear a pencil skirt and just want to look normal and have a comfortable closet? Then there is the danger that after reading about the Very_Individual_Wardrobe, you will start to think, should you include boots (which you generally like) and an Indian sundress (which really suits you) in your base. And, perhaps, this approach will simply confuse your wardrobe, making it complex and non-universal. Therefore, it is important to immediately determine for yourself how bright and specific you would like to see your entire wardrobe and what deviation from the standard list you personally need.

In my opinion, the basic wardrobe can be like this:

And yet, how to understand that in all cases this is exactly the basic wardrobe, and not just random sets of things? If the basic wardrobe can be anything, why even bother compiling it? And the difference is that the base is not things, it is their combination. So that the base is just the base and you can string any images on it within the framework of your style and lifestyle, inside the base, all things must be completely combined with each other. This, in general, is the main problem of most wardrobes: there are good trousers, but only one sweater fits them, there is a warm sweater, but it is combined only with a black skirt. It seems that everything matches in color, and goes, and looks stylish, but the combination algorithms are too complicated - and the wardrobe crumbles.

The common rule “when buying a new thing, imagine if you can combine it with two or three” in this case also does not work very well: if these two or three are not basic and do not make up a set, then the new purchase can lie dead with them cargo, because until the complete set, something will always be missing. Let's say I have great pants with arrows (classic, therefore, basic), they are combined with a white shirt (basic), one jacket (also basic) and shoes. Formally, the rule is observed, but I can only wear it in one combination and in one situation (trousers + shirt + jacket, formal look). This set, and not the base, despite all the outward signs of the “base thing”. But in fact, these trousers will become the base if they have a sweater (collect a more relaxed look on a cold day), a T-shirt (do the same, but with a jacket), a sequined top (go to an exhibition), a suitable coat, ankle boots of the right height (otherwise how to wear it in cold weather?), hat and so on. Then what comes to the fore is not what these things are, but how they are combined. Therefore, the basic wardrobe is easier assemble whole(for example, make a set in polyvore or a list that will become your plan, and gradually buy more things according to this plan).

Signs of a basic wardrobe

  • a single color scheme and a single style (it doesn’t matter if it’s a specific style - “boho”, “romantic”, “business” or is it your personal story - “Bonnie and Clyde”, “hipster”, “space ranger” or anything else);
  • all the tops of the base (the base, not the entire cabinet) are combined with all the bottoms of the base both in color and in shape;
  • thin alternates with voluminous, hard with soft, smooth with textured (this principle helps to avoid duplication of things that are identical in function and at the same time close the maximum possible combinations);
  • the wardrobe is self-sufficient within the framework of different situations of one season (that is, if necessary, these things can be dispensed with in the office, and on a walk, and in the theater, and at a party).

In fact, there may not be so many things in the base - 10, 12, 15, but they all make up such a rigid skeleton on which everything else is strung. Someone will be comfortable with this minimum, someone will add as much or twice as much - but both will have a reliable foundation that makes the wardrobe work.

A very rough list of basic wardrobe items

In each individual case, the composition of the wardrobe will be different (someone needs more dresses, someone needs more trousers), but if you are more comfortable focusing on lists (yes, for me), then here is the general ratio of basic wardrobe items, which I formulated from viewing numerous sets basic wardrobes. ( I remind you again that this list is just for the base - there can be at least 50 pieces / pairs of T-shirts / trousers / sweaters / sandals in the wardrobe, but among them there should be a minimum in which everything goes with everything ). And this minimum is:

  1. Tops - bottom layer (tops / t-shirts / shirt - everything to the body): 3 different items.
  2. Tops - second layer (sweaters and cardigans): 2-3 different items - something thin, something thick, something long: for example, a small tight-fitting cardigan or jumper, a large knit sweater, duster.
  3. Bottoms: 3 different items (more formal and less formal), eg jeans, trousers, skirt.
  4. Versatile quick top: for example, a basic dress or jumpsuit.
  5. Shoes: at least a pair for the season (boots, sandals) + 1 pair of universal comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers, timberlands) + 1 pair of universal formal shoes (boats, pointy ballet flats, patent leather loafers - depending on the overall style).
  6. Tops - third layer (jackets and coats): at least one item per season
  7. Bags - large / backpack (less formal) and small / clutch (more formal)

Wait, you say, so little? It's a good old capsule! (Not really)

This is a capsule

How is a basic wardrobe different from a wardrobe capsule?

A capsule is a small closed system. . Moreover, additions here especially also will not get. There may be several capsules in the wardrobe. The basic wardrobe is precisely a universal skeleton that can be overgrown with meat and supplemented, such a necessary minimum for different occasions, but in order for it to work fully, not be boring, meet trends or fulfill some other goals, it needs additional accent items that, when these will not necessarily be compatible with each other.

And there is another important difference.

Basic wardrobe colors

The main paradox of the basic wardrobe is that the more monochrome and boring it is, the more diverse combinations can be made with this base.

Therefore, the ideal colors for a basic wardrobe, no matter how punning it sounds, are basic: black, gray, beige, brown, dark blue ... And the basic things themselves should be as simple as possible, without unnecessary decorative details that complicate compatibility.

For example, this base, as it may seem at first glance, belongs to a sad bore who, by the end of September, will howl with longing in these colors.

But if you remember what it is base, and not the whole wardrobe, then life becomes more fun. When there is a base that combines with each other, then you can buy a variety of things that echo in color - things to it, and they will give a lot of ready-made combinations. So, for example, a pink fur coat made of cheburashka could settle like a dead weight in any wardrobe, but in our case it can be worn with black trousers, and with leather leggings, and with a skirt, and with a white shirt, and with a coarse sweater, and with gray dress - and everything will be fine. You can take a “banana” bag without hesitation to any combination of basic things. And even the striped bell-bottoms that most women will rack their brains over in the store, calculating what to wear them with, our imaginary bore can easily fit into her wardrobe.

Of course, there are limitations here too. It is unlikely that you can add a cute retro to this base (although you can try adding something from the 1920s), it will argue with ethnicity, rustic style and so on. The set of combinations will still revolve around rock, grunge, pop art and romance, given by colors and basic things. But even in this form, this is already a lot, and for most people, three or four styles are more than enough to express themselves and not get bored.

(I made this seemingly obvious observation when I went through my entire closet and found that there were a lot of great things in it that suited me, but there was not one simple black top that would allow me to wear all my trousers. And only by drawing myself basic kit in polyvore, I saw things that need to be added).

Yes, as for "add"...

Should a basic wardrobe be expensive?

There are two main strategies for allocating your wardrobe budget (and both are logical). The first is to invest in basic items, because you will wear them more often than others, which means they should be of the highest quality, and complement them with inexpensive and short-lived, trendy or unusual items (which will quickly go out of fashion or just get bored). The second is to use the most simple and faceless basic things (including those from the mass market) and quickly change them as they wear out, and create an image with the help of more expensive designer accessories and shoes. ( It is clear that it is even better to be both healthy and beautiful, and to have the best in everything, but still most of us have to choose).

Both strategies have their own arguments, pros and cons, and which one is more appropriate in your case, only you can determine for yourself. I can only assume that if your wardrobe is focused on more demonstrativeness (for some reason you want to emphasize success, belonging to a certain social group or following the norms accepted in your circle), then it makes sense to choose more expensive accents (they are more noticeable). If a conservative approach is closer to you and comfort is more valuable, then most likely, investing in a base will give you what you are looking for.

Make Your Style where it is more convenient: V

Every woman wants to know the secret of how to make an elegant look out of any, even the most boring, look that will attract the eyes of others. In this article, we'll cover the most important tricks that will help you make your daily looks much more elegant and sophisticated.


Leather biker jacket with a light dress with a floral print?-YES! Rough boots with a light chiffon dress?-OF course! Such incongruous combinations will add zest to your image.


An oversized coat with a huge scarf is an image that will always look not only incredibly fashionable, but also elegant. Many Hollywood stars are fans of this style. Gigi Hadid, Bella Hadid, Selena Gomez and many others.


Will never go out of fashion. In addition, a scarf can be matched to almost any look. A silk scarf, coupled with a business attire, can embellish your look.


This trick will give the image a little boldness. After all, just jeans and t-shirts are a bit boring, but the straightened part of the t-shirt is already the key to success. No wonder many celebrities do this in everyday life. Take a look on the Internet for several such images of Kylie Jenner or the Hadid sisters. You will be surprised at how stylish this look looks.


Yes, that's right, this trick will also help to give the image a bit of audacity. Agree that an ordinary business shirt looks a bit boring, but the same shirt with rolled up sleeves looks completely different.


The most important accessory in a woman's wardrobe is bags. So focus on them. Choose the best quality and stylish bags to elevate your look. Almost all women use this secret.


Earrings, rings and brooches are already something ordinary. That is why it is worth using interesting little things in your images more often, for example, brooches and hats. Very elegant and refined.


We are used to wearing bright colors with dark ones. But why not try something new to enhance your looks? Pair bright colors with each other. Such a fresh solution will help you look incredibly stylish and fashionable.

Even one tip from these seven will be enough to bring positive changes to your wardrobe. Take on board at least a few - and you will certainly succeed!

Give up black


You may genuinely love black and the whole palette of gray shades, but if you are generally unhappy with your wardrobe and want to change something, you will have to work on color. It's no secret that black and gray colors can age you, add "heaviness" to your image and forgive you - this, of course, depends very much on the chosen style, but a priori it is clear that all this hardly applies to a luxurious black floor-length dress with a charming neckline, but the comfortable and familiar mouse-gray sweater that you love so much even applies!

Boycott black people for at least a week. Very soon you will feel that there is nothing wrong with bright colors, and you will no longer want to return to lifeless tones.

Try on your husband's clothes

Exactly! Of course, women have long since borrowed everything they could from men's fashion, but not all of us use it. Perhaps you just don't know how a men's shirt suits you?

Start choosing prints

Photo: Halliedaily, Charlotte Taylor, Anthropologie

Throw away your jeans

We rely on the versatility of jeans more than we realize. To work, to the store, for a walk, for a business meeting - this, of course, is very convenient, but in no way contributes to diversity. Put away all your jeans and learn to make do with what's left!

Build a collection of images

On the Internet, you can find many sites where you can save your favorite pictures without having to litter your computer. Try to start by collecting a collection of images that you just like. In the future, you will most likely want to sort your finds: images for work, for a walk, for a date, and so on.

Take out the most liked things in a separate group - it is them that you will sew or look for in stores in the first place.

Buy a few things in the colors of the season

Photo: Pantone

Each season, the Pantone Color Institute offers its palette of the most fashionable shades. Make it a rule to look through these palettes in time and without fail replenish your wardrobe with a couple of things in trendy shades - this will help add more bright colors to your life that you might not even pay attention to if it were not for the incentive in the form of a palette.

Come up with combinations

Photo: Soletopia, luvtolook, Fashionizer (2)

Take one basic item, like a white T-shirt, and create at least five looks with it from the things you already have - one look for each work day. This exercise trains the imagination well! Also, do not forget to take pictures of the resulting sets, so you can select the best images, and discard the less successful ones.

Even with an unlimited budget, some women manage to look tasteless and, most interestingly, democratically. The reverse situations also happen more often, when from a distance it is clear that the girl is wearing cheap polyester and a rag, somehow sewn bag. How to look good and dignified without spending countless amounts of money on online shopping? The option - buying a huge amount of clothes from "average" brands - this is not the best idea, because they all have to fit perfectly with each other. Most often, chic images are obtained from a kind of mix of expensive things, mixed with simple, democratic style elements.

So, in order to figure out how to shape your wardrobe so that you can then create images in a fashionable combination, there is a simple list of those basic rules that will allow you to look expensive on a small budget.

Create a base of good, quality things

The first thing to do is to sort out your closet and get rid of the excess. Next, you should order the basic things. Based on them, daily or occasional ensembles and sets are compiled. The more competently the basic wardrobe is chosen, the more interesting stylish and bright accents, as well as all kinds of details, will look on it.

An important rule: the wardrobe should be 70% simple basic and 30% bright designer items.

Having correctly compiled the basic “backbone”, the girl will never face the problem of “nothing to wear”, and from the outside it will seem that she has her own dressing room for so many clothes.

The main thing is to look at things as objects of your investment that are relevant for all time. Only after that you can order more original, fashionable things that are in trend this season, and next year can be put aside in your grandmother's chest.

What should be in the basic set of clothes?

Light blouse

Every woman should have several blouses, regardless of her age or style of dress. While one is in the wash, the other can be safely dressed, tucked into trousers or combined with a skirt (fluffy, classic or trendy - it doesn’t matter).

It is important that one of the two blouses is light (better white). It will suit both the office style of the company and leather trousers for walking with friends. Stylists say that the ideal shade of a blouse should be one tone lower (or in tone) than the shade of the tooth enamel of its owner.

The optimal solution is to purchase more than two blouses. Thus, there will always be a choice, and there are never too many basic things.

Regular fit skirt

It is best to pay attention to narrow models, pencil skirts, which will be 100% appropriate at work and come in handy after hours. Secondly, these skirts fit perfectly on most female figures, with a high waistline. Another option is a classic straight knee-length skirt or a slightly flared A-line skirt.

An elegant skirt combined with a blouse and high-heeled shoes visually corrects the figure, making it more slender and graceful.

Most importantly, the length should be perfect, and the degree of fit of the skirt to the body should be appropriate for an office or educational institution. What is important is that classic skirts are versatile and look great with pullovers, shirts, cardigans and any outerwear.


Once upon a time, many years ago, jeans were worn exclusively by workers. Today, some models can cost thousands of dollars, and only well-to-do fashionistas can wear them. Jeans are a versatile, comfortable, practical element of women's (and men's) basic wardrobe.

What could be more comfortable than putting on your favorite jeans and a smart blouse and heading to work without wasting precious time ironing linen trousers or accessorizing a dainty dress? Jeans can be combined with flats, sneakers and stilettos.

The main rule is that there are never too many jeans. And it is worth noting that this applies only to high-quality products that will not lose color and will not settle after the first wash. Also, cheap jeans ugly "sit" on the body, quickly wear out and wipe.

When choosing jeans, you need to pay attention to the location and shape of the pockets. Owners of wide hips should not buy narrow "pipes" that look advantageous on tall girls with perfect shapes. The best option is to order straight classic jeans.

It is important that the chosen model does not have fashionable decors and original frills that are in trend “this spring”. Perhaps this year it is customary to wear clothes with rhinestones, ripped jeans and oversized coats, but this is out of the question for a basic wardrobe.

The ideal color for jeans as a base for various looks is navy blue and dark indigo (by the way, a real spring-summer 2019 trend). It is better to replace black jeans with trousers of the same color - you should not spend money on similar products.

Beige shoes

The Christian Louboutin brand, which gave a "second life" to beige shoes, has gained immense popularity. The fact is that in such shoes the legs are visually lengthened, and a pleasant shade to match the delicate skin is universal and fits any outfit. Beige shoes are not stylish and practical shoes that should be in the basic wardrobe. When choosing shoes, it is better to give preference to suede or matte leather.

The more active the daily life of a woman, the better and more expensive shoes should be. It is better to purchase leather shoes while keeping your feet healthy.

Jacket (blazer)

A fitted jacket, tailored to your figure, will also save you in the summer months, when you need to throw something over your shoulders, and is also simply necessary within the office space. The jacket looks great with both high heels and ballets, with jeans and trousers, with a skirt or a casual dress.

When choosing a jacket in foreign online stores, it is better to give preference to dark colors. It doesn’t have to be a black blazer; dark gray, dark blue shades are also considered universal.

Also important are the buttons on the jacket, or rather their "visibility". The less noticeable the fittings, the easier the jacket can be combined with other elements of the wardrobe.

Little black dress

What is not only possible, but also worth spending money on? Of course, the timeless classics. An excellent investment of money would be a small black board in the spirit of the best works of Chanel. It has a special advantage, because it is appropriate always and everywhere. A basic black dress looks spectacular with a jacket and cardigan, with shoes with low heels or stilettos. Depending on the task that the woman faces, the dress can be easily combined to create the desired look (business, formal, evening or casual). Complementing the outfit with various accessories (large necklaces, brooches, scarves, belts, etc.), the dress will always look new.

Fur boa, stockings with an original print - these and other elements diversify the image. A nice bonus: black color slims. If you want to achieve the maximum effect, you should pay attention to well-tailored models that fit perfectly on the figure (for example, a “case”). Free-style black dresses, with draperies or noticeable trim, will not work as a base item.

Black pants

You should definitely have at least one black trousers of a suitable style. This is the basis for many images - for work, for leisure and even for festive events. It is important to pay attention to the length of the trousers. If you wear trousers with high-heeled shoes, then the length should be up to the middle of the heel.

Ballet shoes

Let modern designers show their love for shoes with high heels, but in the everyday life of any woman there should be a place for practical and comfortable ballet flats. High heels can be worn no more than 3-4 hours a day - this is exactly the figure voiced by orthopedic doctors. The rest of the time, graceful ballet flats will be a worthy replacement. Nice shoes with a thin and flat sole from a well-known manufacturer - a true classic. And they are in the wardrobe of every fashionista.

Ballet flats are essentially a completely versatile shoe and will suit any outfit - from everyday to evening. The foot in them looks neat and elegant. For a basic wardrobe, you should choose suede or leather ballet flats in soothing colors - black, brown, gray and beige.

Elegant cloak

Outerwear plays a special role. And since the weather in Russia is often quite cool, you should think about choosing a high-quality classic trench coat. It is versatile and goes with any outfit, and in it a woman always looks presentable and thorough. A trench coat is an outerwear that never goes out of style.


The bag should be small, but not as miniature as a clutch. The most necessary things, improvised means should fit freely in a lady's handbag. Secondly, when choosing an accessory, you should pay attention to its versatility. Will the bag be optimally combined with both jeans and an evening dress? A chain bag is a great option. Always up-to-date and quite elegant thing. A detachable chain, an additional strap - such little things allow you to turn an everyday bag into a clutch and vice versa.

comfortable boots

An absolutely comfortable and high-quality pair of shoes that will suit the vast majority of outfits in the closet is a real must have. It is better to give preference to high black boots with a comfortable shoe and a stable heel.

Castle shoes and patent leather boots can not be attributed to the basic wardrobe. They will last a little, and patent leather is only a temporary fashionable phenomenon.

Having received the package, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the top - it should not fit the leg too much. After all, these shoes can (and should_ be worn with jeans tucked in). Shoes should be in a classic style - no flashy details and trendy prints. This is the only way to reduce your spending on shopping without acquiring unnecessary and unnecessary things.


Cardigan goes with almost everything. The best solution to feel cozy and look charming at the same time is a cardigan. Versatile wardrobe staple pairs with jeans, smart blouses, black cocktail dresses, trousers and skirts in a variety of styles. Another bonus is that the cardigan can be worn all year round. In winter it is warm, and in summer it will warm you on cool evenings.


Well, of course, in any basic wardrobe there must be a well-tailored coat, always natural (woolen or cashmere). If the budget allows, it is better to purchase two coats - light and dark. There are a lot of variations of such outerwear - from the traditional silhouette to "oversize" (models from are a good example), from pastel to very dark shades of color, including gray and navy blue (dark blue).

2. Dilute your wardrobe with little things from inexpensive stores.

It is worth remembering that it is the basic things that should be expensive, and accessories can be quite inexpensive. It is not necessary to purchase only designer models, because fashion trends are constantly changing. From time to time, you can buy trendy items at discount prices, so that later, with a clear conscience, hang them in your closet until better times.

Example: An expensive black dress from a famous couturier can be paired with this year's trendy jewelry and a stylish blazer from sale.

3. Choose neutral base shades.

It is worth deciding in advance what will become a real classic in the wardrobe. In addition to color, the quality of the fabric is also of particular importance. Well-fitting trousers, pencil skirts and dresses will always be timeless.

It's best to stick to a basic color palette that includes colors like black, gray, and various khaki tones.

Even if an “exotic” print or “polka dots” becomes fashionable this season, such things cannot be called basic. And this means that they will soon go out of fashion and remain on the far shelves of the closet, perhaps forever.

4. Buy bright and fashionable accessories.

So that the basic wardrobe does not look boring and uninteresting, you should think about accessories. Bright, emphasizing jewelry, stylish belts, scarves and shawls of various colors - with the help of such additional accessories you can transform and refresh any look. You can quickly transform from a successful business lady into a romantic beauty by playing with jewelry. High-heeled shoes instead of ballet flats, a clutch instead of a voluminous handbag, and a wide necklace instead of a light chain - such seemingly trifles will make the image completely different.

5. Outerwear.

As mentioned earlier, a quality coat or a traditional trench coat is a wardrobe must-have. A solid good thing will serve its owner for many years, during which it will look chic.

6. The first lady of the country.

Stylists advise paying attention to the style of women who are at the helm of power or are directly related to it. In their entire image, a certain manner is read, which is often carefully “polished”, without defiant strokes. Worth learning.

7. Shake up old things.

By the end of a working or school day, the outfit already seems boring and mundane. Therefore, a good shake-up of appearance is required. To do this, you will need various fashionable little things that best produce interesting metamorphoses with an outfit.

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