How to learn to cut your own hair. DIY haircut for medium length

How to learn to cut your own hair.  DIY haircut for medium length
How to learn to cut your own hair. DIY haircut for medium length

Each girl, when choosing a haircut, should take into account a number of features. It is necessary that the chosen hairstyle highlight all the advantages of the face and hide certain flaws, and the same. Women's haircuts exist in a wide variety, but most of all, girls choose short options that will create an original and attractive look.

Who are short women's haircuts

The main advantage of a short haircut is that it is practical. The installation process is completely simple and short. It only takes a few minutes to create.

In addition, the haircut favorably emphasizes the line of the neck and can adjust the proportions of the face. To know who the haircut suits, you need to consider hairstyle options for a particular face shape.

Round face

How to cut a girl's hair with a round face? For chubby beauties, choosing haircuts is not so easy. It is necessary to focus on the option that will lengthen the face and narrow it closer to the chin. To make the haircut look elegant, you need to give it splendor at the crown. And this can be achieved through versatility.

To make the face smaller, you need to arrange the curls along the tangent of the face, falling on the cheeks. You can also narrow a round face with asymmetric hairstyles. For her, it remains characteristic that the bangs can be absolutely any, and the tips remain on the cheeks.

In other words, styling with volume is suitable for a round face. To visually lengthen the face, you need to lift up the hair, but the temples are cut short.

How to get a haircut for girls with an oval face

For a face of this shape, choosing a short haircut will be easier. Girls with an oval face are really lucky, as they can pick up a spectacular and attractive styling. When the face is slightly elongated, then you should not use a straight parting. Bangs can be straight or oblique. During the haircut, be sure to profile the hair near the cheeks. When deciding on the choice of hairstyle, you need to consider the type of hair.

To visually shorten the elongated face, the bangs must be present, as it can reduce parts of the face. The ideal option is an asymmetrical haircut with a side parting. In principle, feminine haircuts can suit girls with an oval face. If the face is wide, then curls should be lowered onto the cheeks, it will look completely different.

How to cut a woman's hair with scissors with a square face at home

With such a face, girls will have to work hard to pick up a haircut. Two rules must be taken into account. The hairstyle should smooth out the corners so that the face is elongated. The most suitable option would be where there is lightness and waviness of curls.

For a square-shaped face, you should choose curls. Moreover, they can be both natural and artificial. If a girl does not want to do styling every day, then a ladder or cascade would be an ideal option.

How to cut hair for girls with a square face

When choosing a hairstyle for a rectangular face, you need to choose the option that will expand the temples. Bangs remain an obligatory element. It is she who will give the face the necessary roundness.

Do not pay attention to haircuts that will completely bare the face. The most ideal will be a short haircut, in which strands hang down along the face.


For a triangular face, features such as a narrow chin and wide cheekbones remain characteristic. When choosing a haircut, you need to consider the possibility of narrowing the upper part of the face.

Asymmetric hairstyle, oblique device and the presence of a bang are essential elements with which you can mask a wide forehead. You should not choose a hairstyle for a triangular face, in which the strands will be pulled down.

But what it is, the information from this article will help you understand.

How to cut a woman's hair - step by step

To properly cut a short haircut at home, you must adhere to the following action plan - step by step:

  1. Go through the hair with a comb and highlight the occipital region in the form of a horseshoe. Make a parting from one temple to another, fix the hair at the crown with clips.
  2. At the back of the head, determine a vertical strand, pull it towards you and cut off the required length, while keeping the hair at an angle of 45 degrees. Thanks to this, you can save the available volume. This technique should be used for further processing of hair.
  3. Further actions boil down to the fact that all the strands are cut, trying them on with the control.
  4. Comb and pull the hair in the temple area to get a smooth lengthening to the face. This will give the hairstyle a creative look.
  5. Using a parting from ear to ear, select a strand in the upper region of the back of the head.
  6. Work out the hair in the same way, equating it to the control strand and pulling it at an angle. After that, you can proceed to cutting the parietal zone.
  7. Designate the working area with parting at the level of the eyebrow. Select the main strand, take it away a little towards the back of the head and cut off the desired length. Move in the direction of the occipital region, pulling the strands perpendicular to the head. The main strand of the parietal region should match in length with the cut hair at the back of the head. Thanks to the guy, it is possible to achieve elongation in the bangs area. This is a great opportunity to decorate it beautifully.
  8. Process this area again, but at the same time dividing it with horizontal partings. This will remove the corner that was formed due to the difference in length.
  9. Finish the hairstyle in the temple area, highlighting the strands one by one vertically.
  10. Comb the bangs and adjust the contour. Dry your hair with a hair dryer, and then you can proceed to the final stage.
  11. In order for the hairstyle to get the necessary texture and make the styling process simple, you need to cut the ends of the hair, while holding the blades of scissors perpendicular to your fingers. This will allow you not to cut a lot of hair and not break the contour.
  12. Trim hair that does not fit the entire length. If necessary, you can process the bangs by performing a sliding vertical cut.

What a very short creative haircut looks like in the photo is indicated here

A haircut is a versatile and profitable way to quickly correct the image, bring a new stream to life and slightly dilute the gray women's everyday life. Hairdressers and the usual salon services are not always convenient. Often there is no desire to spend part of your day on empty gatherings in the cabin. Therefore, many girls decide to take the risk of cutting themselves with their own hands.

Choosing scissors

In order for the result to please you, you need to scrupulously figure out how to cut your own hair at home. In such delicate experiments, it is worth relying on the opinions of more successful figures. First of all, professionals advise to purchase sharp and durable scissors. The stronger the material, the better the assembly and the more convenient the location of the functional rings, the easier the shearing process will be. Do not save money and use homemade needlework scissors or an outdated grandmother's comb, only new and sharp tools can bring the necessary success.

Finding such a thing is not so difficult, the difficulty lies in choosing a physiologically convenient tool. Arriving at a professional store, do not be shy or nervous. The selected model of scissors must fit comfortably in the palm of your hand and not pinch the vessels on your fingers. It is discomfort that can interfere with the accomplishment of the plan.

First stage

If the tool is successfully selected, you can proceed to the rules of the haircut. It is worth remembering the basics, and success at a minimum cost is guaranteed. The main rule of a quality haircut is clean curls. Before starting, wash your hair with a neutral shampoo and use a proven conditioner. Slightly damp curls are more flexible, it is much easier to use scissors on wet strands.

How to cut your hair capricious thick or wavy? This type of curls dry out quickly, during the haircut it is worth stocking up on a sprayer, it will help control the moisture of the lower layers. For naughty hair, you can create a cocktail - add a little conditioner familiar to your hair into a spray bottle with water. Then the process of separation and combing will be more comfortable and easier.

How to cut your own hair? Mastering the basics of hairdressing, you should get used to dividing hair into functional parts. The top one should first be thoroughly combed with a comb (you can moisten it with some water for more comfort) and fix it with a convenient hairpin. Such delamination prevents tangling of the strands and helps in organizing the haircut itself (cascading or asymmetric).

Eliminate split ends

The first pest of the female beauty of hair is split ends. In preparation for the process of eliminating this phenomenon, it is necessary to carefully examine the entire thickness of the hair. This will help to analyze their status and extent of intervention.

How to cut your own hair at home? To make it work, it is worth remembering the main principle of working with split ends. It is necessary to cut off the hair 0.5-1 cm above the place of bifurcation or violation of integrity (sometimes the curls have not yet exfoliated, but the place has already brightened and has a bifurcated cavity).

Many women do not understand how to cut their own hair without twisting their arms. But the main principle remains the control of the non-leading. It is with her fingers that you need to grab a strand of hair and draw it along the entire length with a floating movement, stopping at a well-defined cut point. When choosing a length, it is worth considering the process of drying the hair, during which the curls rise at the roots, thereby shortening the length.

You can cut off the excess by simply repeating the procedure, and in the case of an initially overestimated length, the rule “measure seven times” will work - it will not work to glue the cut so confidently. Any haircut is based on the correct grip of the strands and their moderate tension. It is worth placing scissors only perpendicularly, cutting in one movement, without intermediate cuts. The position of the hands and strands must be motionless, dangling palms will lead to mowing and the haircut will have to be polished by the master.


Trimming the ends yourself is not an easy task, but doable. Things are worse with multi-layered haircuts. Many girls have no idea how to cut themselves in a cascade. What is a similar hairstyle? Cascade is a flirty, versatile and feminine haircut that sometimes seems impossible to do with your own hands. To overcome this peak, you will need the same scissors, a spray bottle with a solution of water and conditioner, as well as a comb and small clamps.

How to cut yourself in a cascade? To understand this issue, you need to ideally comb your hair with a comb with thick but soft teeth. Next, all the hair should be pulled into a ponytail on the forehead, tilting the head down. The gum must be selected soft so that it does not press too hard on the roots. Hair must be cut evenly so that the bundle is completely the same along the cut line. Next, thinning scissors come into play. They can not walk thickly on the ends of the hair. Then, already profiling, you can remove the gum.


Having mastered the technique of performing the cascade, it is worth figuring out how to cut your own bangs. Indeed, with such a haircut, it is often recommended to wear bangs. So she looks more impressive and feminine colorful. Depending on the shape of the face and wishes, the bangs can be made both smooth and attractively thick, and chaotically asymmetrical.

How to cut your own bangs and not end up with a short likeness of it? First you should pay attention to the structure of the hair. Curls that are thin and devoid of violent natural strength should be cut in the form of a thicker bang. So the hair will look well-groomed. Thick and hard curls can easily be transformed into thick bangs, and more rare.

Having chosen your haircut style, first of all, it is worth separating the required amount of hair. The rest should be secured with a clamp so as not to interfere. Having moistened the strands of the future bangs, you can safely start cutting. Scissors should be held perpendicular to the strand, constantly checking the cut line.


As for the more extravagant and dynamic bob haircuts, they can also be easily recreated at home. Everything can be done without the help of salon craftswomen. How to cut your own bob? Now we'll tell you. Everything is not so difficult. Wet hair must be divided along the line of the nose, then the front strands will become control. It is on them that the cut line will pass. If the caret remains classic, then all strands must be kept equal to the control; if the option is more provocative - an asymmetric bob, then the strands should be shortened on the way to the back of the head.

We cut with a machine

No less practical will be knowledge in a machine haircut. Seemingly simple, it can present an insidious surprise. How to cut yourself with a machine? To do this is quite simple. You should stand in front of a large mirror and figure out how much you need to shorten your hair. It is worth practicing with a standard and simple male haircut - the back of the head and temples are short, and the upper part of the head is slightly longer. To do this, the machine needs to carry out a test drive from the top of the ear to the back of the head, and stop when it reaches the second ear. The upper part can be cut with a longer nozzle. Moving from the forehead to the back of the head.


Now you know how to cut your own hair. As you can see, everything is done quite simply. Good luck with your hairdressing business!

Almost every one of us thought about whether it is possible to make a haircut for yourself at home. Who is guided by saving money, someone - time, and someone wants to learn a new skill for the sake of experiment.

Required Tools

Of course, you can try to make a haircut for yourself, but it will not be easy. You will need at least basic skills, effort and a lot of time. You will also need the tools to help you with this delicate task.

  • Buy yourself very sharp scissors, preferably for cutting hair. These conditions cannot be neglected in any way, because you will definitely not succeed with blunt and uncomfortable scissors, and if you cut your hair, you will have split ends.
  • You will need a thick comb.
  • Two mirrors, at least medium in size.
  • Spray bottle.

So, let's look at the options for haircuts that you can do at home. First, let's clarify one point, it is impossible to make yourself a new haircut at home, it is only possible to trim those lines that you already have after going to a professional. It is also much harder to get it right with wavy, voluminous, thick, curly hair, so not everyone can achieve a good result at home.

We cut bangs

So, the first thing we'll talk about is the simplest procedure at home. How to cut your bangs? If you want to make a bang for yourself, and you didn’t have it before, then first determine the hairline, where it will start from, comb it in front, wet it and comb it well with a thick comb. After that, decide how long you will have it, and straight or side parted. Then run your fingers along the bangs and stop a little above where you will cut off.

  • If the bangs are even, then simply repeat this action with each strand, trimming them together.
  • If the bangs are parted in the middle, then slightly tilt the scissors in the direction to which it will go, at that angle, it will go so sharply. And start moving like this, going down a little with each movement. Cut off not much hair at a time, otherwise it will be easy to make a mistake.

Remember one important rule, wet hair is always longer than dry, so after drying you can expect a very unpleasant surprise if you do not take this subtlety into account. In the case of bangs, this centimeter will be especially noticeable, and cutting at home will turn out to be a problem for you. Wavy and curly hair jumps a lot more.

Dry your hair and, if necessary, smooth out small bumps.

simple haircut

Now let's talk more about doing a simple trim of your haircut and removing split ends at home.

To do this, you already need two mirrors. Put them against each other. So that in one mirror you see the second with a reflection of your head, so you can control the correctness of the haircut. You need to wet your hair and comb it very well. Determine the length you want to cut. Start running your hands along a small strand, moving from the roots to the ends, stop your hand a little above the place where you will cut, set the scissors perpendicular to the hair and cut the desired length. Continue doing this with each strand, but be sure to do it evenly.

If you have thick or voluminous hair, divide it into levels, picking up layers with an elastic band, hairpins. Treat one layer first, then lower and trim the next. It will be much more difficult to do this work from behind, because you will be both hard to see and completely uncomfortable due to the position of your hands, so immediately decide for yourself whether this is a feasible task for you, or is it better to contact a hairdresser.

To check whether you have cut evenly on both sides, you need to pinch the side strands with your hands and move smoothly down, if on one side the hair ended earlier, then they are shorter there.

Making a haircut cascade

More challenging is doing it yourself. Preparation for this haircut is the same as in the previous case.

  1. We wet our hair.
  2. We comb them well.
  3. We sit down so that there is a good view of your entire head.

But now you need to take a strand and put the scissors not perpendicular, but parallel to it. Move with scissors, cutting off the hair a little, you need to go from top to bottom, with each cut go to lengthen the hair. So you get a multi-level haircut. Do not risk cutting off a lot of hair at once, you can always cut long ones, but you can’t return too short ones.

Life hacks for such cases

Despite the complexity of doing a haircut at home on your own, there are many so-called life hacks that simplify this process a little.

  • For example, if you just want to remove split ends, you can simply tie a low ponytail and work it with thinning scissors, or regular thinning scissors, keeping them parallel to the hair.
  • The second way is to make a ponytail by combing your hair in front. First, cut the hair exactly to the desired length, and then thin out the ponytail with scissors, holding them parallel to the hair, points up. So the haircut will look more casual and more natural.
  • If you want to make a multi-level bang at home on your own, take in your hand the hair that you separated for the bangs. Twist them into a tight bundle and simply cut them evenly with scissors.
  • Another good tip, if you have curly hair, it is advisable to straighten it before cutting it yourself at home.

We looked at the main ways to do your own haircut at home. But do not take risks, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a professional. And if you still decide - take this matter seriously and without haste.

Every girl sooner or later asks the question: how can you cut your hair, for example, to your shoulders, without resorting to the help of specialists and without going to salons, but do it at home, on your own?

It turns out that this is quite simple, because there are many different ways for this for different lengths and types of hair.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-cutting at home

At the same time, do not forget about the shortcomings, but there are few of them:

What tools do you need for self-cutting

To create your own unique image, you need to have only a few tools.

Before you start cutting, make sure you have:

  • Sharp scissors. Good scissors for cutting hair cost a lot, but to cut your own hair at home, it is not necessary to buy a professional tool;
  • Thin comb. Such a comb has cloves tightly adjacent to each other, located in one row. Such a comb will carefully comb the strands of hair, preventing unruly hairs from slipping away and ruining the haircut;
  • Mirror, better two. Like scissors, the most obvious and most needed detail. Mirrors will point out any, even minor, flaws that can be corrected immediately;
  • Spray. You can use any other device that can spray water and wet your hair;
  • Clamps. They are needed in order to separate the strands and remove the extra ones so as not to interfere with the process;
  • Table and chair. You need to equip the place as comfortably as possible so that at the same time there is a good view of the hair.

You can get by with a cheaper analogue of scissors, as long as they are always well sharpened.

Workplace organization

To speed up the cutting process, each tool must have its place.

There should be a large mirror on the table that provides a good view of the head and hair.

And if there are 2 mirrors, it is better to take both, placing them in front of you at some distance from each other, so that you can see the left and right parts of the head and even the back of the head.

Place a low chair or ottoman in front of the mirror. The chair should be of such a height that the head is fully visible in the mirror.

There should be a smaller mirror on the table, which can be placed on a chair or bedside table opposite, or, holding it in your hands, examine your head.

Comb and scissors should be right at hand,not to follow them.

Clamps should also be located in close proximity to the hands or be hooked somewhere very close so that they can be reached even from an uncomfortable position.

The sprayer will be needed before the haircut and, perhaps, sometimes in the process, as the strands dry. Therefore, it can be placed further away than other devices, but at the same time, so that it can be easily used at any time.

The place must be well lit so that you can see the hair from all sides. It is unacceptable to cut your hair in the twilight or illuminating only one side of the head, otherwise there is a big risk that the haircut will be uneven.

Hair preparation and haircut selection

The very first thing to do before a haircut is to wash your hair well. Clean, damp hair will best reflect the process and final result of the haircut.

Before proceeding with the haircut, you need to choose exactly the option that will suit the type of girl's face. For example, any hairstyle will suit an oval-shaped face.

An elongated face with a high forehead looks good with bangs.

Good to know! Professional stylists recommend wearing bangs and braiding a braid for an elongated face, this significantly “shortens” the forehead visually.

Light curls and thin bangs are suitable for a square face, this will make the lines of the face smooth. Straight and even bangs, on the contrary, will make the face rougher.

This option, how to cut your own hair on your shoulders, suits almost all types of faces. The exception is the pear-shaped type, with which such haircuts should be carefully selected.

For a voluminous and voluminous hairstyle, girls with a round face should do a multi-layered hairstyle on top. To lengthen the face and reduce the line of the chin, thinned strands just below the cheekbones will help.

For girls with a heart-shaped face, experts recommend choosing hairstyles that are not too thick on the forehead and lush below the chin.

How to trim your own shoulder hair at home. Step-by-step instruction

The easiest way to cut your own hair for a beginner is to cut the ends.

For beginners, below is a detailed description of how to do it smoothly:

Be careful! Curly hair should always be cut below the planned length, while thick or coarse hair should be cut in small strands so that the end result is even and neat.

It takes practice to figure out how to cut your own shoulder length hair with curly hair.

But so that the hair does not turn into a kind of square, you need to retreat several centimeters at once below a given length.

Trimming the ends of long hair

Trimming the ends of the hair is very important for their health, especially for long ones. So the hair will not split.

What can cause split hair:

There are several tips cutting techniques, and which one to choose depends on how long the hair is and how cut it is:

Elimination of split ends of hair

It is impossible to eliminate an already existing section without cutting it, but it is possible to prevent its occurrence.

Split ends are called trichoptilosis, and there are three types of it:

  • general stratification of hair;
  • when the bundle is repeated several times on one hair;
  • hole in the middle of the hair.

These problems apply not only to long hair, but also to shoulder-length hair, and, of course, they must be cut, and you can even do it yourself.

To prevent splitting, always use scissors for cutting. Stationery is not intended for cutting, they only injure the hair, turning the tips into a fringe, which only contributes to the section.

Regular clipping of the tips can help eliminate the problem of section. It is enough just to cut off 0.5-2.5 cm every 6-9 weeks.

The main rule is to completely cut off the section, even a little more, so that it does not appear again.

Products that promise to cure split ends don't fix the problem, they just glue the splits together, but these products can help if used before the problem occurs.

How to cut hair with a ladder

The instruction is as follows:

Important to remember! Elastic bands should be used only tight, so that the hair does not come out, but stays even, this applies to both long and shoulder-length hair, so that it is convenient to cut your own hair.

This haircut will look best if you choose the option of cutting your hair to your shoulders. It will look more advantageous and most noticeable on shoulder-length hair.

How to cut your own hair to shoulder length

In order to cut your hair on your shoulders as best as possible, you should wash and comb your hair well.

And you need to cut it like this:

  1. Starting at the crown, take a strand about 1 cm thick, count from about 5 to 8 cm and cut off the rest. This is the control strand.
  2. Now, in turn, comb the rest from the top of the head to it and cut off the intended length.
  3. Further, the side strands are also trimmed along the length of the crown.
  4. After the temporal zone and parietal in the same way is compared with ready-made strands.

The result is a beautiful voluminous hairstyle.

How to cut your own short hair

With a short haircut, the instruction has some differences:

"Cascade": do your own haircut

Follow instructions:

  1. To cut your own "Cascade", going to the tail on the forehead.
  2. You should roughly imagine the length of the hairstyle, and then cut off the excess in the tail. We check a few more times to see if the excess is knocked out of the cut strand.
  3. After everything has become perfectly even, it just remains to remove the elastic and comb your hair - and the Cascade is ready.

Such a hairstyle as “Cascade” looks very beautiful and feminine on shoulder-length hair. Hair cut by yourself looks very beautiful.

How to cut your own hair under a square

To make yourself a square, you need to follow the instructions:

How to make yourself "Bob"

You must proceed as follows:

Cut your own hair short

This guide will show you how to cut your hair short:

How beautiful to cut bangs

Bangs are the main part of the hairstyle that loses its shape first, and it needs to be cut more often.

And in order not to run so often to the hairdresser, you can safely do it yourself.

Experts give several examples of different types of bangs that you can do with your own hands.

Long straight bangs

How to do:

Air bangs

For this type of bangs, you will definitely need thinning scissors.

You need to cut like this:

Long oblique bangs

If it is cut off for the first time, then experts recommend not to wet the hair in order to see the result immediately.

How to cut bangs of this type:

How to use a hair clipper and how it can be useful

To learn how to use a hair clipper like a professional, you need to follow just a few tips:

Hair clippers are affordable, with a wide variety of models.

A large number of modes allows you to trim the mustache, beard and sideburns in men, and also help to make a variety of haircut options for both men and women.

The machine can not only make a men's haircut from scratch, but also help in creating a women's hairstyle.

There are only 2 types of hairdressing tools: basic and auxiliary. The main ones include scissors (not only ordinary, but also thinning) and combs. All other tools are auxiliary.

Each hairdresser has his own personal secrets.

But there are basic tips that all professionals give when choosing tools:

You can be a stylist for yourself and change haircuts no worse than in a salon, you can do it at home, with your own hands. One has only to practice a few times, learn the rules and nuances of hair cutting, and the result will surely please you more than once!

From this video you will learn how you can cut your hair to your shoulders or to a different length:

In this video you will see how you can cut your own hair at home:

Have you ever thought that you can completely update your hairstyle yourself? Who knows your hair better than you, what suits you, and what kind of haircut do you dream of? It turns out that everything is not as difficult as it might seem. We've put together a guide to help you get the job done!

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DIY haircut for medium length

A great way to update the ends and make a neat haircut that frames the face. Use the advice of a hairdresser!

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Change hairstyle with long bangs

Sometimes it is enough to cut the hair near the face to change the image.

Cutting wavy hair

It's even easier for you! You can afford a small mistake, so feel free to get to work!