Drawing with children 3 4 years. How to teach a child to draw

Drawing with children 3 4 years. How to teach a child to draw
Drawing with children 3 4 years. How to teach a child to draw

It is better to draw since childhood it is one of the most graceful periods for mastering the infectious arts.

Phased drawing for children is a way to help you develop the creative abilities of your child, regardless of its natural data.

You will spend a lot of fascinating watches, comprehending step by step the base of drawing and can then embody all your creative fantasies into reality.

Phased Drawing, this is a method of drawing, which allows you to create a drawing sequentially, in stages, from simple to complex.

Sometimes it's all about the spot simply because a person does not know where to start. Often the child asks mom or dad "and draw a turtle," and the parent would be happy to fulfill the wish of the baby, but does not know - like.

And if before him there was a scheme of phased drawing the same turtle, he would easily cope with this task.

For children, step-by-step drawing is a good help: first, they learn to draw without mistakes, observing a certain procedure, secondly, in the process of multiple workouts, they produce an algorithm that will subsequently unmistakably depict many things and without a scheme.

Finally, it is simply very interesting and fascinating - to monitor how a whole image is expensive from small figures and strokes, and there are rare failures.

How to teach a child to draw stages?

Of course, at first it would be nice for the parents themselves to master this simple method. And if the child will observe how he tries in the creative matter of mother or dad, the desire to repeat behind the elder will definitely arise.

At first, in gradual drawing lessons with the child, convenient and understandable schemes are needed.

The essence of the method is that drawing something goes into several techniques.

That is, drawing a cat, we will not start with a tail or face, and the following scheme, which will avoid errors and inaccuracies in proportions.

The easiest way to start developing phased drawing from pencil sketches. Paints and pastel will be suitable later.

Phased home drawing lessons

To organize the process you will need:

  • album for drawing good quality (sufficiently dense, non-smoking paper);
  • pencils of different softness;
  • eraser;
  • schemes on which everything is clearly visible.

If the pencil drawing has already been mastered, or you immediately want to go to pastels or paints, all this should also be available.

Provide a beginner artist excellent workplace: comfortable table and chair, good lighting, lack of all distracting moments. The child should be comfortable.

If there is a blackboard or easel - wonderful, you can attach the schemes there. You can also use a stand for books or wall.

Before drawing drawing, be sure to tell the child about the following rules:

  • it is not worth a hurry, everything is obtained only in those who try;
  • it is necessary to act strictly according to the scheme, especially if you just start learning to draw;
  • remember what you are doing, and next time the scheme may not need you;
  • start from the simplest, gradually moving to more complex drawings.

Next, show the child interesting schemes. Offer several schemes to choose, let the young artist choose what he soul. Remember that it is best to start with simpler schemes: we first master the phased drawing of animals, patterns, and later go to the drawing of a person.

Examples of phased drawing

How to draw a hare

Let's start with a stylized, cartoon bunny, which will easily succeed in the recreation.

  1. We draw a big horizontal oval, and under it a small vertical, but without the top.
  2. To the small oval, you ascend your paws.
  3. Little oval and two mug in a large oval - draw a muzzle.
  4. Draw nose and pupils - exactly according to the scheme.
  5. Draw the same ears.
  6. Draw small details - mouth, brow, mustaches, fingers. In the leg of the bunny should have a flower.
  7. And now under the paws of the bunny remained to draw a selection - our bunny is very sporty and mischievous.

Cat drawing

And now I will show a cute kitty.

  1. First draw a circle - it will be head.
  2. Two triangles from above - the ears turned out.
  3. Inside each triangle is still one small.
  4. Two dots and spout triangle - the muzzle begins to draw.
  5. From under the nose in different directions there are two arms - the mouth of the cat. Do not forget about the luxurious mustache.
  6. Draw a torso - start with arc.
  7. We draw the collar of our cat.
  8. On the other hand, draw a paw.
  9. It remains to draw another paw.
  10. And now you can take pencils or paints and make our kitty color. Ready!

Draw a dog

Now draw a charming puppy.

  1. We start with oval and seized, they should not be connected!
  2. Now draw eyes and tail.
  3. Ears, nose, stain around the eye - We continue to draw a muzzle.
  4. We draw a tongue and thin rectangles connect the head with a torso and ears with a head.
  5. Draw paws.
  6. It remains only to rasp up a puppy. That's all!

Draw a rose

  1. Draw a simple oval on a thin stem.
  2. Pain on the sides of the leaf stalk.
  3. Inside oval, draw two main petals.
  4. Inside the petals - the base of the bud, as a fresh roller.
  5. Draw lateral, small petals.
  6. Add colors - and charming rose ready!

Drawing Vasilka

  1. Draw a circle on a thin stem.
  2. Draw the heart and small stalks on a large stem.
  3. On the stalks draw boutons. Separate petals.
  4. Testing buds, we highlight the teeth of petals.
  5. We wash the lastic line of the circle.
  6. I paint the vasileuk in color.

Drawing a person

This simple scheme will help the child to master the proportions in the drawing of a person.

  1. I draw my head (oval), neck and triangle - the future of the body.
  2. At the bottom of the large triangle - a small triangle, legs (knees are drawn).
  3. Draw your hands, based on the marks meaning.

Figure Tank

Learning to draw the tank will want any boy, and it is quite simple.

  1. We draw the basis, as follows the proportion.
  2. Draw the wheels-caterpillars and a blow.
  3. Focus on small elements.
  4. With the help of pencils, draw a tank in color.

How to draw a pattern

Perhaps after mastering the drawing of these elements, the child will be interested in painting on a tree - very interesting, traditional creativity.

Draw the pattern "Herbal Ornament"

  1. Several curls - it will be the basis of the ornament. They should be smooth, elegant.
  2. In two large corners, draw red petals.
  3. It remains to draw smaller black petals.

Pattern "Leaf"

In many samples of Khokhloma painting, these elements are present.

  1. Slim skelter - small, curved line.
  2. An extended oval on the stalk draw green.
  3. In the "couple" he has two more sheets in which the alkali is drawn in yellow.

So, the phased drawing is a method based on order and schematics. To secure a certain algorithm in the creative consciousness of the child, it makes sense to resort to this method. Starting standing with simple stylized drawings, images of cartoon characters, etc. It is simple, and interesting, and the result will be successful.

When a child will win the basics of phased drawing, he may want to continue the work of creativity in the studio of visual art or art school. A. Maybe he will continue to improve his skill in drawing according to the schemes that will be more complicated.

We are glad to our new meeting, dear readers, and we hope that this joy is mutual. Today we will discuss how to competently organize drawing for children 3-4 years.

After reading the article, you will learn:

  • why do drawing a three-year one;
  • what to expect from a three-year artist;
  • how to organize drawing at home;
  • how to draw with a child, if you do not know how to draw.

Why is it important to draw drawing with a three-year

We are already about what the pluses have drawing for a preschooler. At the age of three or four years of classes with gouache and watercolor paints, markers and pencils, colored handles and small contributions make a huge contribution to the formation of the child's personality:

  • instill self-work skills;
  • develop emotional responsiveness;
  • contribute to the upbringing of perpetuity;
  • teach perseverance and accuracy;
  • grow a sense of excellent;
  • stimulate imagination.

If the drawing with your child is engaged in professionals of educational centers or educators in kindergarten, at home you can draw by analogy or provide the baby complete freedom of creativity. But if the kid is "homely", you need to pose this question and organize classes so that they are harmoniously combined benefit, efficiency and pleasure.

Features of drawing in 3-4 years

Three years old, the child already understands what form, size and color. It compares images with real objects. Carefully examines landscapes. Drawing at this age, children are trying to recreate images of those familiar to them, embody their fantasies and real ideas about the world on paper. But, of course, seriously talking about the visual technique is not yet.

The kids are just mastering the simplest techniques:

  • hatching;
  • painting;
  • stamping;
  • drawing with fingers and palms, etc.

Creating a favorable environment for drawing at home, you stimulate the baby to create as he wants, and then when he wants. It is very important for the formation of persistent interest in the arts, the upbringing of creative freedom. But it is also important to create creativity to form and direct, improving the visual skills, aesthetic ideas, the perception of the forms and colors.

It is important that in this age interest in the process of drawing the process of drawing to an interest in the quality of the created drawing. Discuss the creation of your artist. Let him say that he portrayed on a sheet and why did this exactly: which colors chose where the drawn objects posted, etc.

How to organize drawing lesson

Create a game situation

In a clear, simple and interesting form, put the task before the child.

For example, you can declare: today we will create a drawing on the topic "Spring".

  • Discuss what is happening in spring with nature.
  • Consider together the reproductions of the "Spring" paintings of famous artists: Ivan Shishkin, Alexey Savrasova, Isaac Levitan, Pavel Bryullov, and others.
  • Offer that you can draw within the framework of the above topic: Flowers, juicy grass, a bright spring sunshine, a distinguished river, covered with a young green tree, flying out of the warm edges of birds.

You can turn the lesson in the game: to say that spring cannot enter into their own ownership, because it got lost. We need to help her find the road, decorating the path with beautiful pictures.

Factory, invent your plots, use your favorite characters of your heir or heiress.

Let the baby create a drawing yourself

Try to talk like a task in the first stage so that the direct drawing of the child has done independently.

  • Discuss step by step in advance that the crumb will draw.
  • Show him on a separate sheet, how to portray the item.
  • Offer the sample created immediately or in advance.

But give the child the opportunity to work independently. Do not customize it. Do not paint for it. And most importantly, do not criticize his efforts.

Help refine the image

When the drawing is ready, pay attention to the young Creator to how you can refine the individual details of its creation. What colors will be appropriate in this case. How to control the form of a specified object. Improve the drawing yourself or offer it to make the author.

Analyze the results

Children's drawings created at such a gentle age, everything is beautiful without exception. Feel free to praise your artist.

He is really well done:

  • studied;
  • tried;
  • worked
  • listened carefully;
  • managed still naughty fingers.

It is important that in the end he received approval and recognition. But at the same time, do not forget to gently and carefully discuss how the next time draw even better, even more interesting, even more beautiful.

Stamp everything

In 3-4 years, almost all kids come delight, drawing stamps. Although the stamping is usually considered as non-traditional drawing techniques, recently it has received such a spread that in popularity is not inferior to more familiar ways of applying images on the canvas.

The advantages of drawing by stamps are obvious:

  • Allows you to create interesting drawings without artistic skills.
  • Helps learn colors.
  • Stimulates the desire to draw.
  • Develops a shallow motorcycle.
  • Trains non-standard thinking.

When stamping is painted with fingers and palms, cotton chopsticks and foam rubber, potatoes and cauliflower ... There are practically no restrictions for fantasy. Moreover, the manufacture of stamps, which, naturally, falls on the parent's shoulders, is perfectly developing the creative abilities of adults. You will be surprised how, it turns out, it is interesting to cut for your favorite Chad asterisk and hearts from carrots or invent what to adapt to it an incredibly tightening occupation. You will draw with your beloved blundering, even if you first believed that you can't draw.

Are there any wishes, comments or questions? Write to us - we are always welcome feedback from our readers.

Happy you parents, dear friends!

We started drawing about 1 year. At first, Antoshka did it with finger paints in the bathroom. After a couple of months, the husband did Molbert, and the son met with a brush and gouache.

Basically, the child draws everything that she wants the materials that I wanted or I give. Free drawing needs to be practicing as often as possible. But not limited to this.

In this article, I will share the ideas of drawing with children 1 - 3 years old, I will tell about the various drawing techniques with paints, pencils and other materials, even shaving foam.

You can also download coloring for the smallest and patterns for drawing with fingers.

I will not talk about the benefits of drawing with children. I think you perfectly know that it develops the child's imagination, creative start, improves the coordination of the movements of the hands and the fine motility of the fingers.

How to draw with a child for 1-3 years

In the article about the applications, I told about the book E.A. Yanushko. This author also has a book. "Drawing with young children" (Labyrinth, Ozone). This is an excellent methodological manual for parents and teachers, and it is also attached to a CD-disk with demonstration materials.

In the book is represented methods of holding class painting with children 1 - 3 years. Many ideas I take just out of her.

Before you start drawing with your child, here are some simple tips from me:

  • Show the child various drawing techniques (twitch, smears, stamping, etc.) gradually, starting with the easiest.
  • I highly recommend buying or make an emolver yourself for drawing. He is relevant as soon as the child learns to walk.
  • Draw as often as possible.
  • Use a variety of drawing materials.
  • Try to immediately teach the child to keep the right brush and pencil. But if the child persistently refuses to do this, do not insist.
  • Provide a child with a maximum of freedom. Let the child draws what he wants and how wants. Never require him to draw as you want. Below I will talk about the various drawing techniques with children, but if the child refuses to do something, do not insist.

Do not correct the child! Let him draw a purple sky and red grass. Well, that that the cows do not fly, but there are no fences on the rainbow. The mind of your child is still free from stamps. He is a real creater.

The more different materials for visual creativity you use, the better.

It is necessary to start with the easiest in the development (for example, finger paints), as a result, reaching ordinary pencils.

We draw on:

  • ordinary paper
  • old wallpaper
  • molterte
  • magnetic board,
  • gypsum figures for coloring,
  • tree, plywood,
  • fabrics
  • tile in the bathroom and in the bath itself.

For drawing with children 1 - 3 years old, you can use the following materials:

  • finger paint;
  • gouache, watercolor (and, accordingly, tassels of different sizes);
  • markers (water-based and ordinary);
  • crayons (wax and usual);
  • wax pencils;
  • dry pastel;
  • pencils (preferably choose soft);
  • gel and ballpoint handles;
  • foam rubber, sponge;
  • cotton sticks and cotton wool;
  • stamps;
  • cunning
  • shaving foam.

You will also need glass for water (preferably turbulent) and palette To mix paints.

As I said, we began to draw with finger paints somewhere in 1 year. And they did it in the bathroom. Then they switched on paper.

Finger paint Safe and do not require water use. You can replace them with gouache.

The simplest thing you can do is to draw a point in your fingers:

  • chinks for birds, peas;
  • apples, berries, bumps, balls on the Christmas tree;
  • bones for watermelon;
  • drops of rain, snow, traces of animals;
  • spots of Giraffe, God's Cow, Leopard.

You can paint the point with fingers using ready-made patterns.

Download patterns for drawing fingers with one file.

And of course, let the baby swollen the paint throughout the leaf with his fingers, palms.

Drawing techniques with paints and pencils

All drawing techniques suggest the use of different materials depending on the age and capabilities of the child. We give paints, crayons, felt-tipers, and older baby - pencils, etc.

All techniques list in addition to increasing complexity.

Free drawing

My son calls such drawing "Kalyaki-Malyaki".

We introduce a child with drawing materials and give him the opportunity to experiment. In this case, no tasks draw something specific to give.

Practice free drawing as often as possible at any age of the child. It develops perfectly fantasy.

Sheet painting

Let the child paint, chalk, etc. And we suggest draw:

  • tweed for cow
  • river for fish
  • sand, snow.

The baby needs to be painted a sheet, and not draw individual blades, etc. This task will cope with the monkey.

It is also great to use rolls for drawing - Simple or curly.

Painting element

We draw the basis (small image of animals and different items) and ask the child to hide them, crate:

  • hide mouse, bunny, fish, bug;
  • hiding the moon and stars, sun, machine.

With very young children it is interesting to do this with a sponge, with children from 2 years it is useful to paint the elements with pencils.

Draw a point

Pre-draw the foundation for the drawing - the bird that the child will feed, the bustice, on which berries will grow, etc.

Offer the child to draw: grains, berries, snow, raindrops, bagel with poppy seeds, freckles, polka dots on dress.

  • Straight: Lucches Sun, Stems Flowers, Bottva Carrot, Fence, Cage, Walkway, Rails, Paves Bugs, Needles Cactus, Comb Teeth.
  • Wavy: Waves boat, worms, octopus legs, tracks for machine, hair.
  • Loars: slides, fence, icicles, road with turns, barns hedgehog.

Draw circles, ovals

Balls, apples, candy, christmas toys, beads, balloons, rowan, berries, bubbles, eggs, bumps.

Drawing spirals

Offer a child to draw: Snail's house, smoke, bee, curls, rings sheep, thread.


Antoshka loves to play such a game: I say that one boy painted different shapes, but did not draw, and I propose to try my son. He does it with great pleasure. So we teach:

  • geometric figures;
  • i draw a road (intermittent line) and Antoshka repairs it,
  • any simple and clear drawings on the plot.

Drawing simple plotes

This is the most difficult stage in the development of the drawing. Here the child combines different drawing techniques on the task of an adult.

Alternately offer the child to draw different items that ultimately turn into something specific. But give the child a maximum of freedom that is possible.

The purpose of such drawing is to show the child how the ready image appears in stages.

A child can keep sponge with hands or ordinary clothespin.

Simple drawing with a sponge:

  • waves, sand, snow landscape, grass, tracks - blancing;
  • snow, leaves - chips;
  • hide bugs, fish, etc. - Painting.

Draw on a sponge the figure you need - a triangle, a tree or even letters. Cut. Offer the child to dip a sponge in the gouache and make a print on paper.

A baby brushes makes a foam for shaving on the pattern. Thus, it is possible to cover the snow tree, a house, make a snow bug, etc.

Foam can be applied to rubber toys. This is a great entertainment for the baby.

I talked about the drawing by the semoline in articles about, as well as about. There are two ways of drawing by a cum:

1 way. You need to pour a little mankey onto the surface with sides: tray, baking sheet, cover from under a large box for shoes. And then the baby finger or tassel draws simple images - waves, paths, circles, etc., makes fingerprints or different items.

2 way. Print coloring for the smallest. Suggest the baby to apply glue to the image and sprinkle it with a semit. It will be more painted with a semal. But you can simply give a child with a brush with glue and let him chaotically draw it onto the sheet, and then pouring the semolina, shakes and look, which pattern it turns out.

I'm painting the gouache. Instead of Manka, you can use sand for children's creativity.

On the network, I have repeatedly encountered such an opinion that it is impossible to give children to school to school. Allegedly they interfere with the creative development of the child. Some parents just fear to give coloring to the child, others have real phobia.

I i do not see anything bad in the coloring. And rather, only the benefit if using them moderately. And the main priority to give free drawing, which I said above.

Babysham Support simple coloring, where 1 - 2 colors are used. From 1.5 years, you can try coloring that assumes the use of several colors. But all the same elements in them should be large. And they need to paint, of course, paints.

But it is better to paint with pencils or markers to paint small images, because the child just does not have enough patience.

In 1 - 2 years, children are also interesting water coloring (Labyrinth, Ozone, My-Shop).

There are ready-made ordinary coloring (labyrinth, ozone, my-shop) on sale.

You can also Download Coloring For kids with one file.


Cut in a sheet of shapes that could be painted with one color. You can paint both the shape itself and the background.

There is a large selection of low-cost stencils (labyrinth, ozone, my-shop).

The child can also be interesting to circle and paint various objects, their own hand.

All children with great pleasure draw strapackers. They can be made independently. For example, from sponges for washing dishes, vegetables. Can be used as stamps toys, toys.

And you can buy ready-made stamps or even whole sets for drawing (labyrinth, ozone, my-shop).

I really hope that the article was useful for you. Paint with the child and then he will also love this occupation. And which of the drawing methods most like your baby?

Fine activity "Adventures of Penguin Lulu" for children 3-4 years old stages with photos

Master class for children 3-4 years old "Penguin on the ice". Fairy tales Queen Raduga

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education of children "Children's Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov", Great Luki, Pskov region.
Description: Work can be performed with children 3-4 years. The material may be useful to educators of preschool institutions and educators of additional education, parents.
Purpose: First creative exhibitions, interior decoration, gift.
Purpose: Creating a penguin image in various types of visual activities.
-Ship and clarify the knowledge of children about penguins (appearance, lifestyle, behavior, nutrition, nutrition);
- Wear curiousness, overall and fine motility hands, improve the previously obtained modeling skills;
- to create a picture of penguins in different types of fine activities (modeling, drawing);
- to know the children with a preliminary image of the image by a simple pencil, teach carefully to circuit in drawing contours, evenly paint the image, become acquainted with the drawing technique with wax shallow (edge);
- Writing the ability to beautifully position the drawing on the center of the sheet, train into the ability to draw various straight and wavy lines;
- React accuracy, the ability to bring the work started to the end.

Hello, dear guests! I am glad to welcome everyone in the rainbow state !!!
Today I have a surprise for you, what do you think here?
He lives where a terrible cold,
Medium of the snow lives and ice floes.
In a black and white, Frace walks,
Bird Proud ... (Penguin)
G. Volochyuk

This is a pingguin Lulu. He is very sad and upset, because I did not listen to my mother with the dad and went to ride on a huge ice plant, which he mistakenly accepted for a big ice cream.
Iceberg floats around the sea
As a huge steamer
Or a sticker house
All covered ice.
He sails shiny in the sun
This island is ice
He is big and not swing
Even a strong wave.
It so happened that he was lost. He would very much like to come back, but he does not know where his house, where his big and friendly family lives. He is so lonely without friends.

Favorite Helpers Queen Rainbow, Feelchka, led Penguin Lulu to the kingdom to help him go back.
On the blue clouds, behind the purple clouds in the blue palace lives ...
The wisest bird in the light of the owl.
All hears
But very scary words.
The more hear
The less chatting.
Ah, this is not enough for many of us.
Good advice always helps ...
She has something we will ask the Council how to help our new friend. We find out where the penguins live, and as Lulu meet with her family.

Miracles in the light of all do not read
They have one name:
Forests, and mountains and sea -
Everything is called Earth!
And if you take off in space,
Then from the rocket window
See our blue ball,
Favorite planet!
Our planet is a huge ball. You need a lot of lots of time to drive it around. First of all, there are two poles on Earth.
Snow Crown On Two Sides
Our ball is surprised.
Two poles, two brothers -
Antarctica and Arctic!

Here is a pole northern friends.
And there are bears there,
But you will never meet you
Penguins, lovely these.
And the South Pole, my friend,
Name is His- Antarctica,
This is the paradise
Penguins navigators!
Far in the south
Where only ice, frost and blizzards,
On ice, the whole penguin is a huge flock!

Penguins are birds, but do not know how to fly. But the penguins are very well able to swim. On land, the penguins are awkward, but in the water they become very destructive and fast. Because of the short feet, the penguins walk a rotational, balancing the wings (imitation of the movement of the penguin).
They have subcutaneous fat that helps them do not freeze. If it becomes very cold, the penguins are going to a large group and pressed together to warm themselves and others. Penguins move and change in places all the time, so everyone can be traveled in the middle, where the warmer. Penguins are a very friendly big family, they feed on fish, squid, crabs.
All day goes fun:
In the cold, among the snow
In the Black Frace Mr.
Down dives into the sea with ice floes.
There she is driving fish. He's famously.
There are wings, but now
He did not take off into the clouds!
It does not be sad about that it is scary,
It goesken, proudly, it is important.
After all, so he is not one
Amazing penguin!

The wisest bird in the world-owl,
I was looking for answers, broken booklets,
How to help a penguin, and found ..
The recipe is very simple-kindness!
Help maybe everyone

Who loves nature.
Slightly decrease and skill
We are glady penguins-friends, and then-
Get to the house-case simple
On drifting ice floe to native shores.

Want to become small wizards and help find a penguin Lulu your friends? (Yes.) Then let's consider penguins. Adult penguins look different than kids penguins. What do you think what is covered with a penguin torso? (Children's responses). The Penguin is covered with feathers. What is Penguin? (Children list.) That's right.
Rising penguins no higher than you. Spin and head in penguins of black color, and chest and white belly. Although penguins do not know how to fly, they have small wings. Wings need a penguin not for flight, but for swimming. Penguin and tail at the bottom of the back, paws.

- Schedule
- Mask for laying
Let's learn how to sculpt penguins, our penguin has grown during his journey, and looks like an adult. Therefore, take for the modeling of its figure black plasticine. We divide it into two parts is big and small. Now you will lame a big piece, with a cut-out form similar to a pear. From the remaining black plasticine with a glare of carrots: a small for the tail, and two more for the wings.
From orange plasticine with a small piece and glare carrot for beak.
From red plasticine, take a piece of more, we split it into two parts and roll two carrots for the paws.
From white plasticine, we separate the same piece as from the red, from it the oval column-for the tummy.

Oval for a tummy flatten in your fingers and stick to your place. We make a penguin penguin-attach the beak, and make eyes from small white plastic balls.
We enjoy two wings of a penguin, tail at the bottom of the back. Then we join the legs-flops (flattened carrots, they draw me a stack on them). (Execution of work).

This is a fairy tale not the end,
But who listened to well done!
Who worked without lazy
Vitamin Super Prize!

I am friends with penguins -
For a walk they drive them,
Who is who I give you guys
In order will tell:
Here is one
The smallest penguin,
I'm on the road
Buy orange.
Number two - Large deft,
Well plays the ball
He has a Penguin
There was a famous circus.
Very smart number three -
Tells me, look -
Do you see birds with a red breast?
These are birds-bully!
And the fourth - mischievous,
Not used to be obedient
It is worth only to turn away,
Runs in the same moment.
Room Fifth - Meschak,
Loves the dance Krakowak,
Even if you go to bed,
Does not shoot a black fracture.
I am friends with penguins -
For a walk they drive them,
This friendship I guys
Very rushing.
We go to walk again,
We will be with a high slide
Down on the Santochki go!
(Author unknown)
So our penguin Lulu had new friends with whom it was not scary to go to the long sailing to their native shores. My little wizards have a nicely worked out and tired, you can relax. And all the friendly flock of penguins while the queen of the Rainbow and Sovice.

The mental development of children's 3 years requires complicated tasks and as much as possible an age of information. The development of children's 3 years is accompanied by exercises for improving small and large motility. An ideal example of exercise is the modeling. Having tracing the child to make balls and sausages, you can create many different items on any topic. The techniques of modeling and drawing are complicated, children can be taught to draw shapes, circle pictures, work with a stencil.
Each lesson on drawing is preceded by an applique or modeling, where aunt is absorbed by the form, the color of the subject, its distinctive features. Therefore, Penguin's modeling was preliminary work before the pictorial activities on the topic "Adventures of Penguin Lulu".
Materials and tools:
Format A3
-Wefish pencil, eraser
-wax crayons
-Akvarel, brushes
-bank for water
-Treap for hands and brushes

Master class move:

It is time for our guests to recover on the road, and we draw it as a gift about our meeting portraits of Penguins.
On the southern pole, the medium of sets of ice
Lives a clumsy feathered - Penguin.
He is a bird, indeed, very funny:
Dives and swims, but does not fly!
Walks by a rotational lodge, putting the wings,
On the ice, the whole penguin is a huge flock.
They are not screwed down - too cold - ice floes!
But how do kids bring penguins?
On the pole of the kids do not sit just -
Frosts there degrees under the ninety!
They managed! Penguin dad
Egg with a chick carry on top on the paws,
From the cold hiding under the folds of fat.
There is enough heat for his "passenger"!
(I. Rodionov)
At this age stage, for children, an example is very necessary for imitation, in addition to the finished sample. Therefore, always draw with the children, we draw everything together at the same time, observing the stratitude of the design of the pattern.
We start drawing in the middle of the sheet-two straight vertical lines.

We connect the sticks of the vertical line, as if we draw a rectangle. Then draw the second vertical line, above the first.

We divide the line in half.

And we build a triangle-like a roof at the house.

It will be a pingguin hat. We connect horizontal lines with arms and draw a circle at the top.

Two round eyes, triangular keyboard and oval legs.

Unforgettable about the wings, then start drawing the ice-oval.

Complete the flowing of the ice floes by vertical lines in different directions.

Getting to work with purple color. We draw the sea, putting the shallow side (edge) to the sheet of paper.
Purple sea
purple waves
Purple Dal
Like the sea all covered
Violet handkerchief
And sits, sighing, tuchka
-Where rain, here is sad.

Now the sky is also rubbing chalk on paper.
On the picture the sky is clear
We draw with you
And its paint
As usual -... (blue).

Since our penguins sail from the rainbow state, the sky is overflowed with all the colors of the rainbow. Rust in the sky chalk of green, yellow and red colors.

Omoiv, for a while, Heavenly arch,
Rained rain for the horizon,
Filling, freshly miraculous,
Opened in blue, rainbow umbrella.
Merzay, in color overflows,
All paints burn in the sky blue
Arising in space, suddenly ..

Now apart the hat, keyboard and eyes.
In raspberry and strawberry,
Tomato and Lamberry
Taste, of course, very different,
Well, the color is similar - ... (red)
Orange Torogal Lesha,
Laskovo stroked:
- You are beautiful and good,
Round and ... (orange)
Then we supply the penguin figurine by black contour.

And neatly in one direction deactivate the penguin.
He is from all the unreamed most
Only believe or not -
You can see this color
And with closed eyes!
(black color)

This color is sea, frost,
And the sky too. This ... (blue)
Blue shallow we supply the outlines of the ice. We draw purple wavy lines on the sea-waves.

Between purple waves draw blue. We decorate the ice with the rubbing of a blue shallow on paper (draw the edge). And our portrait of a penguin on the ice is completed.

You can paint a penguin with watercolor paints. Watercolor drawing equipment is quite complex, and new for children, but necessary.
Also, as in the embodiment with wax crayons, we build a pencil drawing, then proceed to work on the background.
Before working, paints need to remind children about the properties of watercolor-ringing, transparent. Oh, the fact that you need to moisten the paints with blank water before drawing.
For the background, choose a large brush (No. 8-10), first we will supply the penguin in contours, then paint everything in one direction.

D.N. Colddia

Drawing with children 3-4 years. Abstract classes

By the end of the third year of life, the child absorbs the main ideas about the color, the amount, form; listens to fairy tales; learns to compare real objects with their images in the paintings; Considers landscapes.

A small child is easier to express your impressions using the visual activity (the surround image is in the modeling, silhouette - in the appliqué, graphic - in drawing). It transmits images of objects with plasticine, colored paper, paints. These materials must be always at hand. But this is not enough. You need to develop the creative abilities of the baby, show the techniques of modeling, teach cut out of colored paper, acquaint with a variety of drawing techniques. To improve the visual skills, the perception of form, color, rhythm, aesthetic representations should be formed.

The child is 3-4 years old knows how much: wash your hands, brushing your teeth, independently eat, dress and undress, use the toilet. The kid has simple speech arguments. He is pleased to answer the questions of adults, stretches to communicating with other children; It develops its gaming skills and arbitrary behavior. The child has an interest in drawing, modeling and appliqués. First, he is interested in the drawing process itself, but gradually the kid begins to interest the quality of the picture. He seeks to portray the subject as possible, and after the class admire his work, tell what color he chose and why, what can this object can do what his drawing turned out.

For the development of children's creativity and mastering the visual activities, it is necessary to take into account the interests of children, to use a variety of subjects of classes and forms of organization (individual and collective work). It is very important to create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.

In this manual, the abstracts of exciting practicing practices for drawing with colored pencils, gouache and watercolor paints of traditional and unconventional ways are offered. These classes contribute to the development of emotional responsiveness and upbringing the feeling of excellent; the development of imagination, independence, perseverance, accuracy and hard work, the ability to bring work to the end; The formation of visual skills and skills.

Classes are compiled on the thematic principle: one topic unites all classes (according to the world around the world, on the development of speech, on the modeling, according to the application, according to drawing) during the week. Practitioners for drawing with children 3-4 years is held once a week and lasts 15 minutes. The manual presents 36 abstracts of comprehensive occupations designed for academic year (from September to May).

Read the classes in advance at carefully and if something is not suitable for you, make changes; Prepare the necessary material and equipment. Pre-work is important (reading artwork, familiarization with the surrounding phenomena, viewing drawings and paintings). It is better to draw a drawing on drawing after the children have already been sculpted and fulfilled the application on this topic.

Watching each child in class or in the game with other children, you can learn more about him and cope with difficulties in his behavior.

If a child throws his occupation As soon as he did not work out, it means that he does not know how to overcome obstacles. This can be taught by offering it other ways to achieve the desired one. The child will understand that there is an output from any situation. For example, if the baby fails to draw a snowman, offer him a snowman from plasticine with you.

If a child quickly loses interest in the lesson maybe it is too simple or difficult for him. Understand the reason and complicate or facilitate the task. For example, a child needs to draw big potatoes. If it is too easy for him, suggest painting a repka with a top. If the task is too complicated, the kid can draw a lot of points with his fingers, portraying potatoes in the bag.

If a child quickly tired , can not sit on five minutes, try to develop its endurance using massage, hardening, sports exercises; In class, grably alternate active and calm actions.

In order to child understood the task and performed it , It is necessary to develop attention and the ability to focus. Play with him to the game "What has changed?" Put 3-4 toys in front of a child, and then imperceptibly hide one toy or change toys in places. Try to attract the child to the logical conclusion of the task ("Let's draw a hedgehog along which he can get home," let's draw more water in aquarium for fish, otherwise they have nowhere to swim ").

Drawing classes are built according to the following approximate plan:

Creating a gaming situation to attract the attention of children and the development of emotional responsiveness (riddles, songs, functions; a fabulous character in need of assistance, dramatization games, exercises for the development of memory, attention and thinking; mobile game);

An image of an object (viewing and feeling the subject, in some cases showing the image receptions);

Finalization of the drawing with additional elements (you need to pay attention to the expressive agents - correctly selected desired colors, interesting details);

The viewing of the work received (child drawings is given only a positive assessment; children should be rejected by the result and learn to evaluate their work).

Interesting plot-gaming tasks cause children a desire to fulfill their work as much as possible.

We list the drawing methods used in working with children 3-4 years.

Drawing fingers . The child wets her finger in a bowl with water, dials gouache on the fingertips and presses it to a sheet of paper, making a dot.

Drawing by foam foam tampon . The child holds three fingers a foam tampon for the tip, and the other his end lowers in the gouache, diluted with water and then draws them the line or paints the object inside the contour.

Drawing palm . The child lowers the entire palm into a bowl with a gouache, diluted with water, and makes a print on the paper on the inside of the palm.

Printing Potatoes . The child takes the inquiry from the potato for the tip, lowers its other end in the gouache and presses to the paper to receive a print, then takes another seal and makes new prints of another color.

Drawing with brush and paints (gouache and watercolor) . The child holds a brush with three fingers just above the iron tip, lowers the tip of the brush and picks up the paint only on the pile; Conducts a wide lines of brush wide lines or trying to carefully and smoothly paint the surface without leaving the contour line.