Psychogeometric interview test. Psychological test "geometric shapes"

Psychogeometric interview test. Psychological test "geometric shapes"

Psychogeometry is a relatively young personality analysis system that allows one to predict and evaluate some character traits, behavior model and human life style using the simplest geometric shapes. It was developed in the USA by a doctor of psychology Susan Dellinger, who worked with the staff for many years and summarized her experience in psychogeometry.

What is the essence:

Psychogeometry is based on five personality types, which correspond to geometric shapes. Look at the photo below for 10 seconds and from the proposed figures ( square, triangle, rectangle, circle and zagzag) select the one with which you associate yourself. Number the remaining figures in descending order of preference. The chosen figure determines the main character traits. And the last figure, on your numbered list, may represent the person with whom contact will be most difficult for you. It should be noted that we are talking not so much about personality types, but about habitual attitudes and ways of behavior for a person. Also keep in mind that the result works "here and now" and not throughout life.

Interpretation of results:


The main character trait of those who chose the square is hard work combined with organization, perseverance, patience and firmness, as well as punctuality, cleanliness and practicality. The choice of a square as the main figure may indicate a propensity for analytical thinking and rationality. Such a person strives to do all his affairs as well and efficiently as possible. And since he knows how to manage himself and organize others, he can take leadership positions.

The square man is distinguished by conservatism, strict adherence to rules and norms, and a lack of spontaneity and creativity. He seeks to organize and systematize everything around him - space, things, any information with which he works. He likes it when information is presented in accordance with rigid logic. The person who chooses the square likes the speech to be replete with facts, figures and theses, preferably with links to the source from which it was taken. Prefers order, planned life. Choosy in acquaintances, does not like noisy parties. In conflicts, he often avoids direct confrontation. This is a good administrator and performer. Loses in the efficiency of actions, contact with different people.

The women who chose the square are organized, punctual, picky, attentive to details. They are patient, hardworking, persistent in achieving goals, firm in decisions, and tend to adhere strictly to rules and regulations. They don't like to stand out.

People-squares speak, as a rule, quietly, preferring not to raise their voice unnecessarily. And they do not tolerate increased tones in others. At the same time, their speech is distinguished by clarity, accuracy, consistency and thoroughness. It is, as a rule, somewhat monotonous, "mechanical". They are characterized by the use of speech stamps.

Pedantry, scrupulousness and consistency are manifested in the choice of clothing. These people prefer a strict, classic style, restrained, soft colors. They are neat and lean. The unwillingness to stand out is also manifested in gestures that are stingy and expressionless.


Those who associate themselves with the triangle are certainly strong personalities, very confident and active. They do not like to sit still, they always strive to be in the thick of things. The choice of a triangle as the main figure can indicate developed ambition and power at any cost. They are natural born leaders. Impatience is one of the main traits of their character. Triangles can interrupt you mid-sentence, but only because they have already grasped the essence of your thoughts.

These people are decisive, energetic, unstoppable, they know how to set clear goals and achieve them, concentrating on the main thing, deeply and quickly analyze the situation. They are excellent managers and politicians. They crave to be the first and to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also for others, to defeat competitors. They feel good about the benefits. Triangles love risk, are impatient and intolerant, and have a hard time admitting mistakes. Self-centered, but people are drawn to them and follow them.

Women who choose the triangle are focused on achieving a goal, confident, decisive and impulsive. They are characterized by a high level of self-esteem, a propensity to take risks, overflowing energy, high efficiency and a desire for entertainment.

People-triangles are very communicative and, without experiencing any discomfort, can strike up a conversation with anyone. Their speech is logical, intelligible and aphoristic. It is usually emotional, colorful, fast and clear. They have been given the ability to touch the interlocutor "to the quick." They are characterized by a loud voice and low timbre, the use of slang words and expressions, anecdotes. Accordingly, the gestures of those who associate themselves with the triangle are quite casual.

They prefer fashionable, elegant clothes in a classic style. They are distinguished by grooming, the ability to take care of themselves and love for expensive things. Gait - confident and relaxed, with smooth movements.


The main value for this type is people and communication with them. These are extremely contactable and benevolent representatives of the human race, taking the position of a peacemaker in any conflicts. Even in business negotiations, they cannot resist asking their opponent a personal question.

The choice of a circle as the main figure may indicate gullibility, sociability, orientation to the opinions of others and indecision. The man-circle is a wonderful listener, he can always "cry into his vest." He experiences someone else's pain as his own, because emotional perception is developed in him. And to rejoice, to share happiness like no one else. By the way, thanks to the fine mental organization, the "circles" are downright walking lie detectors, they subtly feel when they are being deceived.

Those who have chosen the circle eschew responsibility, preferring to shift it onto others. Fearing to ruin the relationship, they do not know how to refuse, they give vague promises.

Women who have chosen the circle are benevolent, generous, sensitive. They are characterized by a tendency to empathize and a desire to care for others. They are distinguished by melancholy, sentimentality and an aspiration to the past.

People of the circle love sincere conversations and a warm atmosphere. Their speech is characterized by inconsistency, illogicality and frequent deviations from the main topic. It is usually emotional, smooth and somewhat slow. These people love jokes, funny, sometimes to the point of frivolity, generous. They are characterized by a rich, deep voice of a low timbre, the use of enthusiastic assessments and compliments.

They prefer informal clothing. They tend to be overweight, feminine and charming. Gait is light, smooth, with relaxed body movements.


The choice of a zigzag as the main figure may indicate impulsive thinking, inconsistent views, changeable mood and relationships with others. They are creators, generators of ideas, in a word, creative and creative individuals. They prefer to think in images and rely on sudden insights that are completely devoid of logic. Consistency is naturally alien to such people. Expressiveness, intemperance, eccentricity - these are the traits of their character. They are also idealistic, impractical and naive. However, they are witty, sometimes even sarcastic.

Zigzags need high stimulation of activity. Generating ideas in large quantities, quite often they give them at the mercy of others, since they themselves are not able to bring the matter to the end. They do not tolerate subordination, they love freedom and independence, and do not lend themselves to organization, either in everyday life or in activity. Chaos is the organic state of zigzag people. It is also the sexiest figure.

They are characterized by a sharp change in mood. Today the zigzag man may smile at you, but tomorrow he will not notice. Ignores conventions and accepted norms. Extremely intolerant of other people's weaknesses. At the same time, he himself is susceptible to flattery.

Women who choose a zigzag are dreamy, enthusiastic, impractical and spontaneous. They are characterized by a positive attitude towards everything new, an aspiration for the future, a rebellious thirst for reconstruction. They are characterized by a lack of self-discipline, carelessness in financial matters and self-sufficiency.

Speech is figurative, bright, inconsistent and associative. She is, as a rule, emotional, hasty and incendiary. The voice has many shades, its timbre varies from very high to low. The vocabulary is rich and varied, characterized by the use of evaluative words and expressions.

They give preference to fashionable extravagant outfits. They are prone to mixing styles and casual clothes. They can appear in society in a crumpled suit and feel comfortable at the same time. They are impetuous, mannered, with lively facial expressions and gestures.


The rectangle is often chosen by people who are at the stage of transition from one state to another. This situation, reflecting a certain personality crisis, as a rule, does not last long, and a person chooses a more specific type of behavior, described from the four presented above. In a word, this is someone who is looking for a better situation or has just changed it, or anticipates a change. But there are individuals for whom it drags on for a long time.

A characteristic feature inherent in a person of this type is a pronounced internal dissatisfaction with the way his life is going at the current moment, and a desire to change something. Often this state of affairs is complicated by a state of confusion, confusion of thoughts, a lack of understanding of one's own desires and a lack of guidance in further movement.

The choice of a rectangle as the main figure may indicate inconsistency, a tendency to make impulsive decisions, non-punctuality and nervousness. The mood of a rectangular person can change many times even during one day, which entails a change in his behavior.

Those who prefer rectangle tend to be inconsistent, insecure, and have low self-esteem. They are in dire need of communication. Moreover, these people are brave and inquisitive. They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and life, they easily learn everything new. The feeling of their own imperfection prompts them to look for ways of self-development and change: read more, attend various courses.

Women who chose a rectangle are morbidly inquisitive, suggestible, gullible and naive. They often become a victim of other people's manipulations. They are characterized by haste in resolving issues.

There are no particular preferences in clothing. People-rectangles are not distinguished by accuracy and are characterized by a complete lack of style.

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In 1978, social and psychological training specialist Susan Dellinger presented her psychogeometric test to the world. Today, many employers offer to pass it at an interview: it indicates the strengths and weaknesses of a person with great accuracy.

site warns: if you are asked to take this test, be sure that your candidacy will depend on its result, and not on a good resume.

Take a look at these geometric shapes

Which of these figures is closer to you? Choose the one that you associate with yourself and start studying the results

1. Square

Diligence, the need to follow through, perseverance are the main qualities of Squares. Patience and endurance make them the best specialists in their field. This is also facilitated by a strong need for new information.

Knowledge of the Squares is systematized and sorted out on the shelves. They are not prone to guesswork, but rely only on their calculations and are very attentive to details. A predictable life is their ideal. They don't like it when the usual course of events changes.

The addiction to detail makes the Squares ineffective. Accuracy and adherence to rules can be extreme. Among other things, their rationality and emotional dryness make it difficult to quickly establish contact with others.

2. Triangle

The triangle is an energetic and strong personality. Their characteristic feature is the ability to concentrate on the main thing. They are able to deeply and quickly analyze the situation and focus on the essence, without attaching much importance to the details.

These are very confident people who want to be right in everything. Due to the need to manage the current state of affairs and decide for others, the Triangle becomes a person who constantly competes and competes with others. They are often categorical, cannot stand objections and have difficulty admitting their mistakes.

Career is very important for them, and they strive for high status. Their main negative quality is self-orientation, strong egocentrism.

3. Zigzag

Zigzag is a creative person. Such people are characterized by intuitiveness and imagery of thinking. Consistency is not their style. The Zigzag's thoughts make desperate leaps. They don't get hung up on details, thereby simplifying the picture of the world. This allows them to create harmonious images and see beauty in everything. Such people have a highly developed aesthetic sense.

Zigzags cannot work where there are strict responsibilities. In their work, independence is important for them. When the ZigZag is where it is comfortable, it begins to work, fulfilling its main purpose - generating new methods of work and ideas.

Such people are idealists. Because of this, they tend to be naive and impractical. Of all the 5 figures, the Zigzag is the most excitable. They are unrestrained, which often prevents them from translating their ideas into reality.

4. Circle

The Circle is primarily interested in good interpersonal relationships. These people are very friendly. The circle is able to unite the team and create a strong family. They are characterized by increased sensitivity and strong empathy. They are good at "reading" people and can quickly spot a cheater or pretender.

Such people are aimed at other people, and not at the cause. To keep the peace, they can abandon their own position, because the hardest thing for the Circle is to get into conflict. Decisiveness is alien to such people, and they often cannot present themselves as they would like.

In matters of morality and justice, the Circles show an enviable firmness. Their thinking is focused on feelings and moral values. They seek to find something in common in different points of view.

5. Rectangle

The rectangle is a temporary form of personality. These are people who are unhappy with their current lifestyle and are in search of a better position.

A characteristic feature of such people is the unpredictability of actions during the transition period. As a rule, they have low self-esteem, and they are looking for something new in their striving to become better: this concerns work, image, and so on.

Rectangles are characterized by inquisitiveness, sincere interest in what is happening and courage. They are open to new ideas and learn new things with ease. On the other hand, during the transition period, they become easy prey for manipulators, since their state is characterized by suggestibility and gullibility.

Did you recognize yourself in the description of the chosen figure?

Namely, what is a test with figures in an interview, is another common task from this clip.

The shape test refers to psychogeometer ichic. The peculiarity of such tests is the difficulty for the candidate to give socially desirable answers. He is in a situation of uncertainty if he does not know the interpretation of the answers.

After reading this article, you will know how this test is interpreted by HR specialists as well.

The figure test is based on the perception of figures with certain features: the presence of angles, shape, isolation, stability.

You are offered the following set of figures:

Or like this:


  1. Choose the shape you like the most.
  2. Do the same with the rest - choose the one that suits you best.
  3. Repeat the selection until one shape remains.

There is no need to explain your choice. Not that hard, right?

Interpretation of results


If you chose a square, you are hardworking, attentive to detail, prefer orderly information.Be wary of, you like stability, orderliness.

Your dominant mindset is left brain. That is, more logical than intuitive.

The qualities of "squares" : hard work, persistence, perseverance, punctuality, a high level of written communication, adherence to rules, instructions, organization, attention to detail, focus more on facts than on judgments.

Squares are good specialists, administrators, less often managers. As Kaltenbrunner said about Kruger:

"He's a great service man, although he doesn't have much imagination." Kruger was apparently a typical "square".

The need for information when making decisions creates limitations in independence. Addiction to detail, conservatism. dryness can create problems in communication, making contacts.


This figure has a linear shape and corresponds to the "left-brain" type of thinking. However, unlike a square, it symbolizes leadership, dedication. energy.

Triangles concentrate on the essentials, often missing or ignoring details. Or delegating them to other people.

Qualities of "triangles": confidence, ambition, dedication, focus on the essence of the issue, courage, energy, a wide circle of communication, striving for leadership.

Triangles are ambitious. strive for a career. They can be good managers, leaders.

Their disadvantage is egocentrism, which can become an obstacle in certain situations, work in groups and in relations with management.


It is believed that a rectangle is a temporary form of a personality state, a "Rectangular" state is dissatisfaction, a desire for change.

The other four relatively stable figures at some periods of life can take the shape of a rectangle.

A state of confusion, uncertainty, as a result - inconsistency, low self-esteem produces the feeling of a “person without a core”.

The desire for change also has positive features: curiosity, interest in new things, curiosity. Openness to new ideas, quick learning.

The qualities of "rectangles": curiosity, inconsistency, volatility, low self-esteem, uncertainty, a positive attitude towards everything new, mood swings,

We emphasize once again: a rectangle is a transitional form of personality.


The circle is a benevolent figure, a symbol of harmony. Primarily in interpersonal relationships. The circle knows how to listen, which means they are a good communicator. Has the ability to empathize, read people well. Often the circle is the soul of the team.

This "bias" in the direction of striving for good relationships can create problems if the Circle. The interests of the business may suffer for the sake of the interests of the people.

The type of thinking is mostly "right-brain". That is, intuitive, based on the emotional perception of events and people.

Qualities of the "circle": st the desire to find common interest,developed intuition, the need for communication, empathy, contact, benevolence, orientation to other people's opinions, the ability to convince by persuasion, sensitivity.

The circle is good. It might be great. To a lesser extent inclined to organizational work.


The only one of all the figures is open. It is a symbol of creativity. The type of thinking is pronounced "right-brain". Figurative, intuitive, creative.

"Right-brain" thinking has a peculiarity: somewhere omitting details and simplifying, it allows you to see the whole picture, to note beauty, aesthetics.

A zigzag at work requires high motivation and independence from the established procedures and rules in the organization. With a high interest in work, Zigzag is able to gush with ideas and this is its distinctive feature and value.

Zigzag qualities:creativity, enthusiasm, creativity, intuition, carelessness, daydreaming, impulsivity, positive attitude to change, obsession with high motivation, spontaneity, instability of mood, impracticality.

Zigzags, like emotional people, usually need some guidance. At least in order to bring things to an end.

So now you know the interpretation with shapes. It is up to you to choose the figure that you like or the one that is more suitable for the position you are applying for.

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There are many ways to describe character and destiny of a person... Fortune-telling by the sounds of names and surnames, analysis of the lines on the palm and astrological calculations is no longer surprising. We will bring to your attention a simple test developed by foreign psychologists.

Before you - five geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, zigzag. Choose the one you like the most. It is she who will describe your character traits, strengths and weaknesses.

Circle. You are a sympathetic and benevolent nature. You have the subtlest intuition, feeling interconnections imperceptible to others. Love communication, take an active part in the fate of loved ones. If any of them have problems, then there is no doubt: you will be the first person to help - both in word and deed. At the same time, do not let others sit on your neck and abuse your kindness. It will be helpful for you to learn how to say no.

Square- the figure of pedantic, neat people. You are very diligent, diligent, you carry out any order in good faith and on time. Be sure to bring all your undertakings to their logical conclusion. Love to learn something new: it is possible that you have several higher educations or have a variety of hobbies. Your flaw is your exactingness towards yourself and others, often turning into empty pickiness. Do not become a pedantic "cracker" in the eyes of others.

Rectangle indicates that you are versatile and very curious. You have a wide erudition, friends jokingly call you "the man-encyclopedia." Easily change the field of activity: for example, as a professional engineer, you can suddenly take up a trade, apply for an artist or start your own business. It is this lightness that is your scourge: sometimes it is very difficult for you to concentrate on one thing, to understand what you want most.

Triangle are chosen by sane, balanced people. You are purposeful, you know what you want from life, you clearly formulate your own thoughts. In a company of friends or a work team, be confident, feel like a leader, like to be in the spotlight. Problems arise when you have to admit someone's superiority or put up with someone else's leadership - in this regard, you need to work on yourself.

Zigzag. You are an outstanding person. You are active, cheerful, you cannot imagine your life without communication and constantly generate new ideas. Tight limits, a clear work schedule, a dress code can make you depressed! I must admit that you never get discouraged, you are never bored. True, loved ones often complain about your eccentricity and unpredictability. It is worth listening to yourself more often, not giving empty promises and learning to plan your own time - for a day, for a week, for a month, for a year in advance.

There are many psychological tests on how to find out the type of personality, which are actively used to draw up an individual portrait of the psycho-characteristics of a given person. One of them is the test "5 psychogeometric figures", passing which an individual must associate himself with one or another of the proposed symbols and exclude the one with which he does not categorically correlate his personality.

To pass the "5 psychogeometric shapes" test, look at the five symbols shown in the figure.

Choose the one in relation to which you can say: "It's me!" When taking this psychogeometric personality test, do not engage in any unnecessary speculation. It won't get you anywhere. Just try to feel your shape. If you are experiencing severe difficulty, choose the shape that attracted you first. Memorize its name at number 1. Now consider the remaining four shapes in the order of your preference and write their names under the corresponding numbers. The last figure, which you write down under No. 5, will clearly not be your shape, that is, the shape that suits you the least.

The first, most difficult stage of the test for psychogeometric typology is over. Before you is an ordered series of geometric shapes that reflect your subjective preferences. Whichever shape you place first is your main shape, or subjective shape. It is she who makes it possible to determine your main dominant character traits and behavior patterns.

The other four shapes are modulators that can color the leading background of your behavior. The strength of their influence decreases with an increase in the serial number. And while some of the characteristics of the figure in second place, you can probably find in your behavior, then the figure in fifth place makes itself felt when you are clearly not yourself (and, obviously, do not like yourself). When determining the psychogeometric personality type, the meaning of the last figure is more important - it indicates the shape of a person, interaction with whom will present the greatest difficulties for you (you can successfully overcome them with the help of psychogeometry).

Now you know how to find out your personality type, which means it's time to move on to deciphering the test.

The results of the psychogeometric test for personality typology

And now you have to deal with the interpretation of the psychogeometric test "5 figures" in order to determine your personality type.

If most of the qualities listed in the characteristics of your basic form correspond to your real behavior, then your case is the simplest (of course, only in the sense of diagnosis). It remains only to remember your pure shape (square, triangle, circle, zigzag, rectangle) and move on to further study and application of psychogeometry in practice. However, it is possible that you “did not find yourself” among the figures presented. This happens to about 15% of those who perform the psychogeometric test. If you fall into this 15%, then there may be several reasons why you chose “not your” shape:

  • negative attitude or wary attitude towards testing;
  • at this time you are preoccupied with the discrepancy between what you are and your ideal. Therefore, you choose the form that you want to be, instead of the one that you are now;
  • you are in an unusual mental state for you, caused by some significant changes in your life (too excited, upset, tired, etc.).

There may be other reasons for the wrong choice of the main form. But whatever the reason, do the following. Read carefully the descriptions of all five shapes and just choose the one that best suits your personality and behavior. It will be the result of the psychogeometric test, your main form.

Finally, it may turn out that no shape suits you completely, rather you can be described by a combination of two or even three shapes (it is better to limit yourself to two). In this case, try to decide for yourself which one is dominant and which one is subordinate. Then you can visually depict your personality form by inscribing the subordinate in the dominant one. Moreover, if the dominant form is a zigzag, then its wavy line crosses out the subordinate form; as a subordinate form, the zigzag seems to penetrate the dominant one, breaking its contour.

Individual psychological characteristics of personality: characteristics of the "Square" type

If your main shape turned out to be a square, then you are a tireless worker! The main psychological characteristic of a person is hard work, diligence, the need to bring the work started to the end, perseverance, which makes it possible to achieve completion of the work. It is these qualities that, first of all, the true Squares are famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in their field. The insatiable need for information also contributes to this. Squares are collectors of all kinds of data. And no matter where this collection is stored - in the head or in a special filing cabinet, it is always in complete order. All information is systematized, put on shelves. And the Square is able to give out the necessary information instantly. Therefore, the Squares are deservedly known as polymaths, at least in their field.

The individual psychological characteristic of such a person is mental analysis - this is the strength of the Square. If you have firmly chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are one of the "left-hemispheric" thinkers, that is, those who process data, in the language of computer science, in a sequential format: a - b - c - d, etc. e. Squares "calculate" the result rather than guess about it. They do not miss a single link in the chain of reasoning, and when others do it, they experience difficulties in understanding and, as a result, discomfort. Squares are extremely attentive to detail and detail. It is people with the Kvadrat personality type who are able to work out (and do it) all the specific details of those grandiose ideas, projects and plans that are often offered by carriers of other geometric shapes.

Squares love a routine once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its right time. The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life, and he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events. He constantly "arranges", organizes people and things around him.

All these psychological characteristics of a square person's personality contribute to the fact that he can become (and becomes!) An excellent administrator, performer, but ... alas, he is rarely a good manager, manager. Naturally, the aforementioned advantages of the Square coexist peacefully with a number of its weak points.

Such psychological characteristics and peculiarities of a given personality, such as an excessive attachment to details (“because of the trees, does not see the forest”), the need for additional, clarifying information for making a decision, deprive the Square of its efficiency. Neatness, order, observance of rules and decency can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one related to risk, with a possible loss of the status quo, the Squares, willingly or unwittingly, delay its adoption, and rationality and emotional dryness and coldness prevent the Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people (often unpleasant). The square is ineffective in a disordered situation. However, the strong point of such a person, according to psychogeometric personality diagnostics, is that in well-structured organizations, when deadlines are set, access to information and equipment is defined, clear requirements are formulated and clear instructions for action are given, the Square surpasses all other forms!

Moral and psychological characteristics of personality traits of the "Triangle" type

The Triangle symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles sense their purpose in this: "born to be a leader." The most characteristic moral and psychological characteristic of the personality of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them!

Of course, Triangles always know what their main goal is, because unlike Squares, they are very determined people. They, like their relatives - the Squares, belong to linear forms and in tendency are also "left-hemispheric" thinkers, capable of deeply and quickly analyzing the situation. However, in contrast to the detail-oriented Squares, the characteristic of the psychological properties of the personality of the Triangle is that they focus on the main thing, on the essence of the problem. Their strong pragmatic orientation guides thought analysis and limits it to finding effective (and often effective) problem solving in the given context. This orientation saves the Triangles from detailed analysis of many options in search of the best solution. This makes a pretty strong impression on other, less self-confident people, and they are following the Triangle!

According to the psychogeometric test, the triangle person is a very confident individual who wants to be right in everything! A strong need to be right and to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also, if possible, for others makes the Triangle a person constantly competing with others. The dominant attitude in any business that the Triangle undertakes is the attitude to win, win, success! He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making a decision.

Triangles really do not like to be wrong and with great difficulty admit their mistakes, do not like to change their decisions, they are often categorical, do not admit objections and in most cases do their own way. However, they are very successful in learning what corresponds to their pragmatic orientation, contributes to the achievement of main goals, and absorbs useful information like a sponge.

Another psychological characteristic of the Triangle personality type is ambition. If it is a matter of honor for the Square to achieve the highest quality of work performed, then the Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, make a career (and this should not be considered a negative quality of Triangles). Before taking a touch or making a decision. The triangle consciously or unconsciously poses the question: "What will I get from this?" And be sure: no matter what decision the Triangle makes, there will certainly be a benefit (far from always material for the Triangle itself).

The Triangles make great managers at the "highest" level of management. It is to the "heights" that they strive. And one more quality helps them in this - the skill of "political intrigue". They perfectly know how to present to the higher management the importance of their own work and the work of their subordinates, they sense a profitable business a mile away and in the struggle for it can knock their opponents off their heads. And here you should pay attention, perhaps, to the main negative quality of the triangular shape: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself, which lead to the fact that the Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral norms and can go towards their goal, regardless of others. This kind of Machiavellianism, of course, can cause fear and respect based on it from other people, but not their disposition and love. However, this is more characteristic of the "presumptuous" Triangles, which no one stopped in time. In general, people with the Triangle personality type - oh
very nice, attractive (otherwise who would have followed them?), which make everyone and everything revolve around themselves and without which our life would lose its sharpness.

General psychological characteristics of personality traits of the "Rectangle" type

The rectangle symbolizes the state of transition and change. This is, so to speak, a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can "wear" at certain periods of life. The main mental state of the Rectangle is a more or less conscious state of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty about oneself at a given moment in time. These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life that they are leading now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. Perhaps some of you have just experienced a change in professional status (transition to a new job, demotion or promotion that requires adaptation); perhaps someone foresees, anticipates such changes. Someone may have had a change in their personal life. In general, the reasons for a rectangular state can be very different.

Giving a general psychological characteristic of the personality of the Rectangles, it should be noted the inconsistency and unpredictability of their actions during the transition period. Rectangles can change a lot from day to day and even within one day! This happens because, as a rule, they have low self-esteem, strive to become better at something, look for new methods of work, styles of life. If you look closely at the behavior of the Rectangle, you will notice that during the entire period he tries on clothes of other shapes: "triangular", "round", etc. Lightning-fast, abrupt and unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarming other people. and they may deliberately shy away from contact with the "man without a core." Obviously, no one wants to get into a stupid position! Rectangles, on the other hand, need to communicate with other people.

Nevertheless, like all people, the Rectangles also show positive psychological qualities in characterizing the personality that attract others to them - curiosity, inquisitiveness, a keen interest in everything that happens and ... courage! The rectangles are trying to do things they have never done before: asking questions that they previously lacked the spirit to answer. During this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and life, they easily learn everything new. True, the flip side of this is excessive gullibility, suggestibility, naivety. Therefore, the Rectangles are easy to manipulate, which is what people who are not too scrupulous in matters of morality use. If you do wear a "rectangular" shape, be careful! And remember that "squareness" is just a stage. It will pass - and you will reach a new level of personal development, enriched by the experience acquired at this stage.

Psychological portrait and characteristics of the personality temperament of the "Circle" type

The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses a circle is sincerely interested in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people, their well-being. The circle is the friendliest of the five shapes. He most often serves as the "glue" that holds both the work collective and the family together, that is, stabilizes the group.

One of the most striking psychological characteristics of the Circle type personality temperament is excellent communication skills, the best among the five forms and the best listeners (Triangles are also good communicators, but they listen to themselves more than others). They are highly sensitive and empathetic. The circles sense the joy of others and feel the pain of others as their own. Naturally, people are drawn to Circles. By the way, Circles perfectly "read" people and in one minute they are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver. The circles "root" for their team (or, as they say now, "the team") and are popular among colleagues at work. However, they are mostly weak managers and leaders.

First, because of their focus on people rather than business, Circles are trying too hard to please everyone. They try to keep the peace, and for this they sometimes avoid taking a "firm" position and making unpopular decisions, which, however, can be effective from a business point of view. For the Circle, there is nothing more difficult than entering into interpersonal conflict. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will give in first. Reconciliation with others is a typical “circular” trait of behavior. Although this trait pleases others and makes the Circle popular among colleagues, too frequent concessions can lead to a loss of self-respect for the Circle and an increase in self-accusatory tendencies.

Secondly, such an individual psychological characteristic of a person as indecision is inherent in Circles. If they have to govern, they clearly prefer a democratic leadership style and tend to negotiate almost any solution with the majority and gain support. As you know, this does not always justify itself: you can miss the right moment. In addition, Kroogi are weak in "political games" and often cannot present themselves and their "team" properly. All this leads to the fact that stronger personalities, for example, Triangles, who manage to manipulate them, often take over the Circles. Fortunately for themselves, Kroogi doesn't seem to care too much about who will hold the power. If only everyone was happy and peace reigned around.

However, in one respect, Kroogi is admirably firm: when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice, the Circle becomes an ardent advocate of people. Here, Circles when they want to can be quite convincing. The fact that they, as a rule, are excellent at resolving interpersonal problems, is largely due to their special mindset.

The circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the circle are more likely to be "right-brain" thinkers. "Right-brain" thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, emotionally colored, more integrative than analyzing. Therefore, the processing of information in the Circle personality type is carried out not in a sequential format, as in Squares (and Triangles), but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs, with the omission of individual links, for example: a d. This does not mean that Circles are out of tune with logic. It's just that formalisms do not receive priority in solving life problems. First of all, in the sphere of human relations, they reveal a kind of "right-brain" thinking, which is also called the "idealistic" style of thinking. The main features of the psychogeometric typology of such a person are the orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find commonality even in opposite points of view. Psychologists see the umbrella as the symbol of an idealistic solution: a solution that embraces all views and is liked by everyone related to it.

We can say that the Circle is a born psychologist. However, to become the head of a serious, large business, the Circle lacks the "left-brain" organizational skills of its "line brothers" - the Triangle and the Square.

Characteristics of the individual psychological properties of the personality of the "Zigzag" type

The zigzag symbolizes creativity. He is the only open figure out of five. If you have firmly chosen the zigzag as your main shape, then you are most likely a true "right-brain" thinker, a dissenter, since linear shapes outnumber you. By the way, Square and Triangle often ignore your sign at all! To the psychologist's question: "Where will you place this figure?" in response you can hear: “Is this also a figure? I thought it was just someone scribbling here. " Finally, left-handers are more common among Zigzags than among other forms. And this is additional evidence in favor of the "right hemisphere" of the ZigZag.

So, just like your closest relative, the Circle, only to an even greater extent, you are characterized by imagery, intuition, integrativity, mosaicism. Rigorous, consistent deduction is not your style. The Zigzag thought makes desperate leaps: from a ... to ... me! Therefore, many linear, "left-hemispheric" people find it difficult to understand the ZigZags. "Right-brain" thinking is not fixed on details (figures and facts are needed in order to make a leap to a new idea), therefore, by simplifying in some way the picture of the world, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, to see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense.

The dominant style of thinking of the Zigzag personality type is most often synthetic. The leitmotif of this style is “What if? ..” What if you take this idea and this one and combine them together? What will we have as a result? Combining absolutely different, dissimilar ideas and creating on this basis something new, original - that's what ZigZags like. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and do not achieve synthesis by making concessions, but on the contrary, sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, “removed”. At the same time, they can be quite caustic, “opening the eyes of others” to the possibility of a new solution. Zigzags tend to see the world constantly changing. For this reason, there is nothing more boring for them than things that never change, routines, patterns, rules and regulations, the status quo, or people who always agree or pretend to agree.

The characteristic of the psychological portrait of the Zigzag personality is such that they simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are annoyed by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. They need variety and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. They also want to be independent from others in their work. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work. Zigzags are never content with the ways in which things are done in the moment or have been done in the past. Nothing annoys the ZigZag more than the maxim of the Square: "We have always done it this way." Zigzags are directed to the future and are more interested in opportunity than reality. The world of ideas is as real to them as the world of things is to others. They spend a considerable part of their lives in this ideal world, and this is where their traits such as impracticality, unrealism and naivety originate.

It is imperative to take into account such characteristics of the individual psychological properties of the Zigzag personality as enthusiasm and excitability. These qualities are inherent in Zigzags more than all the other five figures. When he has a new interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world! Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack politics: they are unrestrained, very expressive ("cut the truth in the eyes"), which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, in accordance with psychogeometric characteristics, such individuals are not strong in working out specific details (without which the materialization of an idea is impossible) and not too persistent in bringing the matter to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

And most importantly - other people consider Zigzags sexually attractive! And you yourself are not indifferent (to put it mildly) to this side of life.