Management process. Concept of management process

Management process.  Concept of management process
Management process. Concept of management process

The process (promotion) characterizes the sequential change of states (phenomena) in the development of a certain situation. The process also represents sequential actions to achieve a certain result (for example, in the production of products, preparation of management decisions).

Concept of management process


Management process is a set of purposeful actions of management (management apparatus) in the field of coordinating the joint activities of personnel in order to achieve the goals of the organization.

All processes in the sphere of production and management that exist in organizations can be considered labor processes, since production and management represent joint human labor, purposeful actions according to an appropriate program. The concept of the management process includes characteristics (parameters), which include: the subject and means of labor, the product and the performer of the labor process.

The concept of the management process is in close relationship with the concept of management potential, which is a set of resources and capabilities available to the management system (information, material, labor, financial resources, experience and qualifications of personnel, management traditions).

Composition of the management process

The concept of the management process consists of general management functions that are performed in all companies of material and spiritual production.

The formation of specific functions occurs depending on the specifics of the production system, as well as the sphere of activity of the organization. For this reason, the list of specific functions may vary (small or large) in accordance with the size of the enterprise and the scale of its production.

Each specific organization in the management process uses all general and some specific functions in order to prepare control actions, prepare, make and implement decisions.

Characteristics of the management process

The concept of the management process includes the activities of the subject of management in the sphere of coordinating the joint work of employees to achieve the goals of the enterprise. As a scientific concept, the concept of the management process may include the unity of 3 components: content, organization, implementation procedure (management technology).

From a substantive point of view, the concept of the control process is characterized as a purposeful influence on the state of the parts that form the control system. This process reflects the unity of several individual processes (technical, economic, social, etc.), which are executed by the management apparatus within the appropriate spatial and temporal boundaries.

The organizational characteristics of the management process concept express the spatial and temporal sequence of its existence, which is determined by the management cycle.

Elements of the management process

At the organizational level, several typical components of the management system can be distinguished as objects of the management process application: line management subsystem, target subsystem, functional subsystem, management support subsystem.

Line management subsystem consists of a set of line managers. Target subsystem covers management of the implementation of production plans and deliveries of goods, product quality, resources, production development, social development of personnel, environmental management.

Functional subsystems can be characterized by the specialization of management activities in the field of performing specific and special management functions.

Control support subsystem includes office work, legal and information support, organization and implementation of normative management, equipping the organization with technical means of managerial work.

Examples of problem solving


Exercise Determine which subsystem of the management process this component belongs to:

1. Legal and information support,

Performing control functions always requires a certain amount of time and effort, as a result of which the controlled object is brought into a given or desired state. This is the main content of the concept of “management process”. Most often, it is understood as a certain set of management actions that are logically linked with each other to ensure the achievement of set goals by converting resources at the “input” into products or services at the “output” of the system.

This definition emphasizes the purposeful nature of the process carried out by the organization’s management apparatus, as well as its connection with the functions, goals and resources necessary for their implementation. Along with this, another definition of the management process is widely used in the literature, in which its key point is considered not to be functions, but a management decision, to the development, adoption and implementation of which the efforts and organizational activities of professional managers are directed. The management process is presented as a set of cyclical actions related to identifying problems, searching for and organizing the implementation of decisions made.

Management is the process of organizational planning, motivation and control necessary in order to form and achieve the organization's goals.

Management is the conscious, purposeful activity of a person with the help of which he organizes and subordinates to his interests the elements of the external environment of society, technology and living nature. Management should be aimed at success and survival.

In management there is always: a subject - the one who exercises control and an object - the one who is controlled by the actions of the subject of management, i.e. The main task of management is to organize the work of other people, while the highest form of management art is such an organization in which the object of management has the feeling that no one is managing it.

There are management of technical systems, economic management, as well as social management, during which various relationships between people are regulated.

The goal of management is the desired, possible and necessary state of production, affairs, problems that must be achieved.

Tools of managerial work include: office equipment, computer equipment, providing the mechanism and automation of managerial work.

The subject of managerial work is people, the relationships between them that relate to this production.

As a rule, management processes are very diverse, multidimensional and have a complex structure (consisting of a large number of stages and phases). In a general sense, the management process consists of general management functions that are combined into management cycles.

Management is a complex human intellectual activity that requires special knowledge and experience; it has always existed in some form where people worked in groups. For example, the Egyptian pyramids, Mayan pyramids and many other historical monuments required precision in planning, organization of the work of many people and control over their activities.

Ist historical period (until the 18th century) - accumulation of management experience.

II historical period (1776-1890) - industrial period. Works by A. Smith (public administration), R. Owen (humanization of production) and others. The emergence of factories as the primary type of production and the need to provide work to large groups of people. Individual owners are unable to monitor the activities of all workers. The first managers are the best workers who represent the interests of the owners in the workplace.

The third historical period is the period of systematization. Formation of management science.

Management arose from cooperation to coordinate the activities of people. One of the areas of application is economic - the search, production and distribution of resources;

An obvious characteristic of any enterprise is the division of labor, because an enterprise is an artificial system created by man for the sake of his own interests, primarily teamwork. Since work in an enterprise is distributed among subsections and individual performers, someone must coordinate their actions in order to achieve the overall goal of the activity. Therefore, objectively, there is a need to separate management activities from executive ones. So, the need for management is associated with the processes of division of labor in the enterprise.

Management, which (in a broad sense) is an activity aimed at coordinating the work of other people (work collectives), is based on the theory and practice of management, but is more an art than knowledge since it is rather a way of using knowledge in specific rational forms and modifications, than knowledge itself. Management is an art, the essence of which is the application of science to the realities of the situation.

Effective management of an enterprise should be based on the application of normative management methods.

The formation of the necessary regulatory framework for managing production, material and financial flows is mandatory; today, without this, it is impossible to increase the efficiency of economic activity. But creating a regulatory framework for all elements based on developed methodological documents through manual calculations is a rather labor-intensive and expensive task. Costs can be reduced to a significant extent when developing a system of standards through the use of automated software systems that make it possible to create and periodically update the regulatory framework. In addition, it will allow automated monitoring of the efficiency of the production, economic and financial activities of the enterprise. All costs for the formation of a regulatory framework will more than pay off in the future.

The norms of inventories of material resources and the norms of working capital invested in these inventories organically fit into this system. The owner and management of the enterprise are not indifferent to the level of production and sales reserves at which the uninterrupted production, supply and sales process is ensured, and how much is diverted from the circulation of its own financial resources for this, i.e. How the supply and sales services function successfully at the enterprise. In a market economy, the issues of rational and effective organization of management and control processes over the movement of material and financial flows in a joint stock company become especially relevant in order to increase the efficiency of the material and technical supply of the enterprise itself and the marketing of its finished products. This is necessary to optimize the level of inventories and their efficient use, reducing their level in the enterprise, as well as minimizing working capital invested in these inventories.

The lack of production reserves at an enterprise leads to a disruption in the rhythm of its production, a decrease in labor productivity, overexpenditure of material resources due to forced irrational replacements and an increase in the cost of products. The lack of sales reserves does not allow for the uninterrupted process of shipment of finished products; accordingly, this reduces the volume of its sales, reduces the amount of profit received and the loss of potential clientele of consumers of the products manufactured by the enterprise. At the same time, the presence of unused inventories slows down the turnover of working capital, diverts material resources from circulation and reduces the rate of reproduction and leads to high costs for maintaining the inventories themselves. The functioning of an industrial enterprise with a relatively high level of reserves will be completely ineffective. In this case, the enterprise has reserves for certain groups of inventory items that are greater than their actually necessary values ​​- excess inventories.

The management mechanism includes: goals, missions, functions, principles, management methods.

The principle of management is the rules, norms that should guide one’s activities in the course of solving problems facing a company or enterprise:

1. Determination of management goals and objectives;

2. Development of specific measures to achieve them;

3. Dividing tasks into separate types of work;

4. Coordination of interactions between various departments within the organization;

5. Formation of a hierarchical structure;

6. Optimization of decision making;

7. Motivation, stimulation of effective work.

Management methods

Management methods - methods, forms of influence of a leader on subordinates:

1. organizational and administrative (instructions, control of execution)

2. economic (economic calculation)

3. socio-psychological (taking into account the psychology of the individual and the team)

The nature and efficiency of the process of production of goods or services is determined by the level of organization of its management. It is inseparable from the production process, is its integral part, a necessary element. The main objectives of management are to ensure the most efficient use of material, labor, financial and information resources, to create the prerequisites for a comprehensive increase in production efficiency. The complexity and dynamism of modern technological processes, information flows, production and economic relations, a significant amount of work on collecting and processing information - all this causes increased requirements for the organization of enterprise management. The functional purpose of management is to ensure the unity, compliance and consistency of all levels of production, so that production and economic activities are carried out uninterruptedly and contribute to the achievement of planned goals with the least expenditure of resources.

The real estate management system must have conceptual unity, contain a single accessible terminology; the activities of all departments and managers must be built on common elements (stages, phases, functions) for management processes that differ in economic content,

According to the content of the management process, there are prospective (forecast, preliminary) analysis, operational analysis, and current (retrospective) analysis based on the results of activities for a particular period. This classification of economic analysis corresponds to the content of the main functions, reflecting the temporary stages of management

The implementation of these principles constitutes the main content of the process of managing the formation of investment resources of an enterprise.

The formation of a market, or rather competitive, environment presupposes other processes of demonopolization of the economy. The dominance of monopolies in the economy is associated with the very content of the management process from a single center, since the presence of a few large and largest enterprises greatly simplifies centralized management. Therefore, one of the most negative

The first approach involves identifying general, universal management functions. It reflects the content of the management process in any organization and does not depend on the specifics of the management object. The functions can be classified as follows: planning, organizing, motivating, controlling.

The second approach is based on the primacy of criteria that determine the characteristics of the control object. Within the framework of this approach, a system of private management functions for a specific object (production, science, other specific management objects) is identified, implementing the above universal management functions (in full or in part), taking into account the specifics of the object in question and the content of the process of managing it. Such functions are performed by the corresponding specialized divisions of the organization (enterprise).

Constantly changing content. management processes in connection with changing conditions leads to a discrepancy between the applied methods, means and organizational forms for improving management and the structure of the problem being solved. Efforts are aimed at solving each new problem within the framework of existing bodies, methods and processes for improving the management of the national economy, which does not correspond to the dynamics, pace and timing of solving new socio-economic problems. This is manifested, for example, in the fact that major national economic problems related to improving management, which have a pronounced intersectoral and interregional nature, cannot be solved within the framework of sectoral and regional management. In such conditions, the implementation of many tasks of improving the management of the national economy can be achieved only on the basis of a program-targeted approach. Its use in the construction of the KSSU will allow, on the basis of a common goal, to improve the management system as a whole and its elements, and will ensure the possibility of coordinated achievement of both general and specific goals at various levels of management.

If there are significant changes in the managed object or when designing a new object, when it is necessary to justify a new control system and management methods, the sequence of analytical work changes. First, the content of management processes is analyzed, and the analysis of the integrity of the system becomes the final stage.

The internal content of the management process, the dynamics of the managed production system should be reflected by its organizational structure, which is an ordered set of autonomous units and performers, located in a hierarchical relationship, between which duties, rights and responsibilities associated with making management decisions are distributed.

Studying the essence of individual stages of the decision-making process allows us to assess the possibilities of formalizing individual nodes and the entire work as a whole. Complete formalization of the entire decision-making process and the creation of an automated system for managing human activity in the economy are unrealistic and cannot be the main directions for improving management work. Routine (repeating in the same qualitative content) management processes, including the decision-making process, can be formalized in order to free up the creative forces of management subjects for

The most useful experience gained in the process of using various management systems The main content of the management process but the results

They will master the content of the management process according to the situation, corresponding to management and results, to such an extent that they will be able to adapt the thoughts presented here to everyday management situations.

The design of management processes and managerial work is carried out through their decomposition into three main aspects of the content: object-target (functional), technological and labor. Decomposition consists in dividing larger goals, tasks and processes into smaller ones, and the design of the labor content of management processes is carried out by the method of synthesis - combining elements of lower levels into elements corresponding to higher levels.

After we have discussed the content of the risk management process and how the range of management actions currently appears, we can draw some general conclusions regarding what characteristics the entire risk management system should have.

From a management perspective, all enterprises have a common feature - they are all organizations. An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals. All complex organizations have characteristics common to all of them. These include resources, dependence on the external environment, horizontal and vertical division of labor, division, and the need for management. The essence and content of the management process are manifested in its functions. From these positions, enterprise management is understood as a process of planning, organization, motivation and control necessary in order to formulate and achieve the goals of the enterprise. Management in the modern world acts not only as an integral part of joint, combined labor, but also as a function of the sale of property. At the control center are people (cadres of specialists) who form the basis of any enterprise. From this perspective, management is also the ability to achieve set goals by directing labor, intelligence, and the motives of behavior of people working at the enterprise.

It is known that the performance of any work presupposes the need to select certain techniques and methods of its execution. Therefore, a method is defined as a method of implementation. Based on the content of the management process, the management method should be understood as the method of carrying out management activities. Personnel management methods are understood as the ways in which a team leader influences employees to make fuller use of existing capabilities in order to effectively solve the problems facing the organization.

The following functions and controls can be cited that reveal the content of the risk management process.

In organizational and technical terms, production management can be divided into functions according to two main characteristics: the content of the management process and belonging to spheres (types) of production and economic activity.

Topic 8

Management process

This topic will cover the following topics for management students:

The concept of the management process;

Properties of the management process;

Stages of the management process;

Stages of the management process;

The role of control influence in the management process;

Constant impacts;

Periodic exposures;

Concepts: “action”, “impact”, “interaction”;

Directions and types of impact;

Sources of influence in the management process.

In the previous topic, we showed that each of the enterprise systems (as management systems) - managed and control - has its own organizational structure, which serves as a form of process existence. Consequently, each of the named systems has its own process. Earlier we discussed the process of a controlled (production) system, called production, regardless of whether it is material or spiritual (immaterial) production, where it takes place.

The management process taking place in the management system has similarities with the production process and its own characteristics, explained by the nature of managerial work. The production process is aimed at the production of goods and services, and the result of the management process is the preparation of control actions and decisions. This is the main difference between these processes.

8.1. Concept of management process

Process (from Latin processus - advancement) means:

Consistent change of phenomena, states in the development of something;

A set of sequential actions to achieve a result (production, preparation of decisions).

Management process - this is a set of purposeful actions of the manager and management staff to coordinate the joint activities of people to achieve the goals of the organization.

Table 8.1.1.



Management process

Manufacturing process

Subject of labor


Material, blanks, part, etc.

Means of labor

Tools, office equipment, computer equipment, etc.

Equipment, accessories, devices, etc.

Product of labor

Information in transformed form (decision, plan, report)

Part, unit, unit, product

Performer of the labor process

Manager, specialist, technical executive

Production worker

Process stages

Goal setting, information work, analytical work, choosing an action option (decision development), organizational and practical work

Procurement, processing, assembly, testing

Process components

Operations, procedures


Workplace of the labor process performer

With wide boundaries

With narrow boundaries

Control process parameters. All processes occurring in an enterprise (in the sphere of production and management) are, first of all, labor processes, since both production and management are the joint work of people performing purposeful actions according to a specific program. The parameters (characteristics) of the management process include:

Subject of labor;

Labor tools;

Product of labor;

Performer of the labor process (Fig. 8.1.1.).

Rice. 8.1.1.

General functions are performed in all organizations with material and spiritual production without exception. The formation of specific functions depends, as is known, on the specifics of the production system and the areas of activity of the enterprise. Therefore, the list of specific functions can be as small or as large as desired, depending on the size of the organization and the scale of its production.

At each specific enterprise, the management process involves general and specific functions for preparing management actions, preparing, making and implementing decisions.

8.2. General characteristics of the management process

Management process This is the activity of the subject of management in coordinating the joint work of workers to achieve the goals of the organization.

As a scientific concept, the management process appears in the unity of its three sides:

2) organizations;

3) implementation procedure (control technology).

1. From the content side, the management process can be characterized as a targeted impact on the state of the elements that form the management system. This process expresses the unity of various partial processes (technical, economic, social, etc.) performed by the management apparatus within certain spatial and temporal boundaries in relation to specific objects and levels of management.

2. The organizational characteristic of the management process expresses the spatial and temporal sequence of its occurrence, determined by the management cycle. The latter includes 1) defining goals and 2) implementing management functions. An important role in this aspect belongs to the division of the management process according to the components of the management system and its levels.

At the enterprise level, the following typical components of the control system are distinguished as objects of the control process application:

1) line management subsystem;

2) target subsystems;

3) functional subsystems;

4) control support subsystem.

The line management subsystem includes all line managers - from the foreman to the director of the enterprise. Target subsystems cover:

Management of implementation of the production and supply plan;

Product quality management;

Resource management;

Production development management;

Management of social development of the workforce;

Environmental management.

Functional subsystems characterized by the specialization of management activities to perform the corresponding 1) specific and 2) special management functions.

Control support subsystem covers:

1) legal support;

2) information support;

3) organization and implementation of regulatory management;

4) office work;

5) equipping the enterprise with technical means of management work.

3. On the procedural (technological) side, the management process is a connection between certain of its stages and phases, which are expressed and consolidated in their further division into types of work, operations and actions, as well as procedures, algorithms, etc.

The concept of the management process is closely related to the category of management potential, which is understood as the totality of management capabilities and resources available to the management system: information, material, labor, financial, experience and qualifications of personnel, and management traditions.

The management process from the content side may look like this (Fig. 8.3.1.):

Rice. 8.3.1.

Methodological content,

Functional content,

Economic content,

Organizational content,

Social content

Methodological content of the management process involves the identification of certain stages that reflect both the general features of a person’s work activity and the specific features of management activities. The stages characterize the sequence of qualitative changes in work in the management process, being stages of internal development impact in every act of its implementation

Stage this is a set of operations (actions) characterized by qualitative certainty and homogeneity and reflecting the necessary sequence of their existence.

The management process can be represented as a sequence of the following stages:

Goal setting (goal setting),

Assessments of the situation,

Definitions of the problem

Development of management decisions.

Let us reveal the step-by-step sequence of the control process visually (Fig. 8.3.2).

Rice. 8.3.2.

Target is the manager’s idea of ​​what the system he manages should be like. In a scientific definition, it can be formulated as an ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state of the system. The management process begins with setting an impact goal. If it is a consciously carried out process, purposeful and expedient, it can only begin with understanding, defining and setting the goal of influence.

Situation – this is the state of the controlled system, evaluated relative to the goal. By situation it would be incorrect to understand only deviation from the program or conflicting cases of work. Management is carried out regardless of whether there is a deviation or not, whether the situation is conflict or non-conflict. The state of the system can never be identical to the goal, therefore, a situation always exists.

The difference between a situation and a goal usually involves many contradictions. The act of influence is necessary to resolve these contradictions, to bring the state of the system closer to the goal. But this is only possible if we find a leading contradiction, the resolution of which will lead to the resolution of all the others.

Problem – this is the leading contradiction of the situation and the goal, the resolution of which should be aimed at. Without defining the problem, a management decision is impossible.

Management decision – this is finding ways to solve a problem and organizational work to implement a solution in a managed system. It is the final stage of the management process, its connection with the production process, the impulse of influence of the control system on the controlled one.

Functional content of the management process. It manifests itself in the large-scale consistency and preference for the implementation of basic management functions. The following stages can be distinguished here.

The management process from the content side may look like this (Fig. 8.3.1.):

Methodological content,

Functional content,

Economic content,

Organizational content,

Social content

Methodological content of the management process involves the identification of certain stages that reflect both the general features of a person’s work activity and the specific features of management activities. The stages characterize the sequence of qualitative changes in work in the management process, being stages of internal development impact in every act of its implementation

Stage – this is a set of operations (actions) characterized by qualitative certainty and homogeneity and reflecting the necessary sequence of their existence.

The management process can be represented as a sequence of the following stages

Goal setting (goal setting),

Assessments of the situation,

Definitions of the problem

Development of management decisions.

Let us reveal the step-by-step sequence of the control process visually (Fig. 8.3.2).

Rice. 8.3.2.

Target is the manager’s idea of ​​what the system he manages should be like. In a scientific definition, it can be formulated as an ideal image of the desired, possible and necessary state of the system. The management process begins with setting an impact goal. If it is a consciously carried out process, purposeful and expedient, it can only begin with understanding, defining and setting the goal of influence.

Situation– this is the state of the controlled system, evaluated relative to the goal. By situation it would be incorrect to understand only deviation from the program or conflicting cases of work. Management is carried out regardless of whether there is a deviation or not, whether the situation is conflict or non-conflict. The state of the system can never be identical to the goal, therefore, a situation always exists.

The difference between a situation and a goal usually involves many contradictions. The act of influence is necessary to resolve these contradictions, to bring the state of the system closer to the goal. But this is only possible if we find a leading contradiction, the resolution of which will lead to the resolution of all the others.

Problem– this is the leading contradiction of the situation and the goal, the resolution of which should be aimed at. Without defining the problem, a management decision is impossible.

Management decision– this is finding ways to solve a problem and organizational work to implement a solution in a managed system. It is the final stage of the management process, its connection with the production process, the impulse of influence of the control system on the controlled one.

Functional content of the management process. It manifests itself in the large-scale consistency and preference for the implementation of basic management functions. The following stages can be distinguished here:





The leadership function is carried out through these stages.

Economic content of the management process. It is due to the fact that in the management process the use of production resources finds its expression - from assessing their availability to transforming them into a product. Based on this, the economic content of the management process can be represented as stages of the use of resources, the movement of funds, which is carried out by labor in the managed system, but is determined by the activities of the management system. The economic content of the management process can be expressed in the following stages:

Establishing economic needs;

Assessment of resource availability;

Resource allocation;

Resource usage.

Organizational content of the management process. It manifests itself in the sequence of use of organizational levers of influence in stages:





Each act of influence requires that the manager must clearly formulate the task (what needs to be done). This is a regulation that may vary in duration. Next you need to establish their permissible deviations. These are the standards. Then it is determined how best to perform the task, what to use, what to follow, etc. This is instruction. Each task must include an indication of the extent of responsibility for failure to complete it or incorrect execution.

In a multi-level management system, the organizational content of the management process is also manifested in the order of interaction of various links and levels of this management system. The order of interaction is determined by the nature of the specific goal and the peculiarities of the situation, which does not allow constructing a general scheme of organizational interaction between the links and stages of the system. It is different for each specific act of influence.

Social content of the management process is revealed by the role of man in its implementation. Each stage of the management process requires the indispensable participation of humans. At the same time, the management process requires mechanization and automation of its operations. The most appropriate stages for using modern technology are the stages of assessing the situation, searching for a problem and developing solution options, i.e. those stages, the implementation of which largely depends on information processing.

Consequently, the social content of the management process can be represented as a sequence of purely human and man-machine operations. With any degree of mechanization of managerial work, the management process begins and ends with purely human activity.