The problem of historical memory (according to V. Soloukhin's text "The Last Step") (USE in Russian). Ege - Solouhin's conscience

The problem of historical memory (according to V. Soloukhin's text "The Last Step") (USE in Russian). Ege - Solouhin's conscience

Source text

As an artist creates a landscape painting, a whole people gradually, unwittingly even, perhaps stroke by stroke, over the centuries creates the landscape and landscape of their country.

The face of old, pre-revolutionary Russia was determined, for example, to a large extent by those hundreds of thousands of churches and bell towers that were placed throughout all its expanses in predominantly elevated places and which determined the silhouette of each city - from the largest to the smallest, as well as hundreds of monasteries, countless the number of wind and water mills. A considerable share in the landscape and landscape of the country was also brought by tens of thousands of landowners' estates with their parks and pond systems. But, of course, first of all, small villages and villages with willows, wells, sheds, bathhouses, paths, orchards, vegetable gardens, pledges, spinners, carved platbands, skates, porches, fairs, sundresses, round dances, mowing, shepherd's horns, sickles, flails, thatched roofs, small individual fields, plowing horses ... The face of the country changed when all these factors determining the landscape disappeared.

Just as a landscape painter puts a particle of his soul into his creation and creates a landscape, in essence, in his own image and likeness, so the soul of the people and that idea of ​​beauty that is in the soul of one or another is embedded in the landscape of any country. people live.

It is bad if the soul is asleep, if it is distracted, drowned out by collateral circumstances, interests, noises, greed or other considerations, if it is dead or, more precisely, is in lethargy. Then spirituality leaves the landscape. The landscape remains a landscape, but it seems to be empty, the form remains in the absence of content, it blows cold, alienation, indifference, and that's just emptiness. It becomes indifferent to an individual and an entire nation: how will it look? What will the house, village, river, valley, hills, country as a whole look like? What will the face of the country look like?

There are departments for the development and extraction of minerals, for the construction of roads, for agriculture, for electrification, for the light, heavy and automotive industries, but there is no department for the appearance of the country (land), for its neatness, tidiness, spirituality ... the strength of structures, the nature and volume of earthworks, the amount of timber, centners and tons, cubic meters and square meters, but we don’t think about how it will look like? How it will look not only in itself, but in combination with the environment, with the locality, in accordance with traditions and with a projection into the future.

The landscape in all its complexity and totality is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society. Trashy forest, trashed roads with bogged down cars, shallow rivers, green meadows strewn with tractor caterpillars, half-abandoned villages, agricultural machines rusting in the open air, standard houses, fields infested with weeds, speak of the inhabitants of this or that village, this or that area at all nothing less than an unsightly and neglected apartment about its tenants. (According to V. Soloukhin)



The style, spelling and punctuation of the author are fully preserved in the work

Nowadays, many people, on whom the level of development of their country depends, very rarely think about the role of landscape and landscape in the person of Russia. Very often we can hear such words as "Russian nature is the most beautiful". And very few people think that what they call Russian nature was created not by nature itself, but by the people, people who lived for many centuries and created the landscapes and landscapes of their country, which they would later call the most beautiful. It is not in vain that the author of the text V. Soloukhin compares the people with the artist. The people create a picture on the canvas in the form of the land, our land - Russia. Every detail, every particle into which the love, labor and soul of the artist, in the sense of the people, has been invested, gives the face of the country an extraordinary shape, beauty and meaning. The earth is a kind of child that grows depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and looked after. But in our time, and I would even venture to say that since the beginning of the last century, people began to focus their attention only on politics, war and money, which made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, the greatest work of art, like Russian nature. Churches, monasteries, noble mansions, gardens, boundless fields, hills and rivers were crumbling. And Russia gradually began to lose its true face, and with it the people, because it is inextricably linked with the form of the country where it lives.

V. Soloukhin is worried about this problem to the depths of his soul. Reading the text, one feels that the author is asking questions, to some extent, about the future of his country, and cannot find a clear answer. He believes that the meaning of any landscape is hidden not in the number of materials, not in volumes and sizes, but in neatness, tidiness and spirituality. Indeed, according to him, "the landscape is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society," that is, indeed, the people are inextricably linked with the landscape of the country where they live.

I believe that the landscape, the landscape, in a word, the face of the country really depends on the people, which, in turn, depends on the country. It is impossible not to notice that nature itself also depends on the condition of the people living in it. Let us recall the great play by Mikhail Bulgakov "The Run", the scene when General Chernota, looking around and seeing the gloomy ruins of churches, fields and mansions, where red flags are flashing everywhere, exclaims that the people have now forgotten their country, that what a people is, such is and Russia.

Once I asked my foreign friends, who came on their first trip to Russia, what they associated with our country before coming here. They replied: "Oh, this is green Moscow, ancient monasteries and temples in cities, endless fields and forests, snow-covered in winter, and all this is accompanied by Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony. To the question:" And after the trip? "They frowned and recalled the ruins churches, dilapidated villages, built-up fields ... They did not speak about the music of PI Tchaikovsky.

We have been given a great land for which we are responsible. We are obliged to save, help and develop Russia. Not only the economy, not only politics, not only culture, but also the look, face, image of our country, which was created by our people, everything - from poor peasants to great poets and composers.

Assessment of work

Criterion What are points awarded for? Maximum In this
K1 Source text problem formulation 1 there is 1
K2 Comment on the problem 2 there is 2
K3 Reflection of the author's position 1 there is 1
K4 His opinion and his argumentation 3 there is 3
K5 Semantic integrity, coherence,
sequence of presentation
2 there is 2
K6 Accuracy and expressiveness of speech 2 there is 0
K7 Spelling 3 0 errors 3
K8 Punctuation 3 4 errors 2*
K9 Compliance with language norms 2 8 errors 0
K10 Compliance with speech norms 2 7 violations 0
K11 Compliance with ethical standards 1 there is 1
K12 Factual accuracy 1 there is 1
Total: 23 16

The volume of work exceeds 300 words, so this is taken into account when calculating points.



K7. Compliance with spelling norms

Find spelling errors in your essay.

Total: no errors

K8. Compliance with punctuation norms

Find punctuation errors in your essay.

Error: ... the author asks questions, to some extent, about the future of his country ...
That's right: ... the author asks questions to some extent about the future of his country ... Or even better: ... the author asks questions about the future of his country ...
("To a certain degree" is not an introductory combination. And this combination of words does not carry much meaning: it is better to omit it altogether.)

Error: that the author is asking questions ... about the future of his country, and cannot find a clear answer.
Correct: that the author asks questions ... about the future of his country and cannot find a clear answer.
(Union and connects homogeneous predicates: no comma needed.)

2 errors: After all According to him"the landscape is not just the face of the earth, the face of the country, but also the face of a given society" ...
That's right: After all, According to him, "landscape is not just ...
(First, you need to highlight the introductory words " According to him", and secondly, it requires a dash, which is in the source text.)

Total: 4 punctuation errors

K9. Compliance with language norms

Find violations of language norms in the essay.

Mistake: people began to focus their attention not only on politics, war and money ...
That's right: people began to focus their attention not only on politics, war and money ...

Error: ... this is a certain child who grows depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and looked after.
That's right: ... this is a kind of child who grows depending on how he was raised, how much he was loved and looked after.

Error: ... what made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, the greatest work of art, like Russian nature.
That's right: ... what made them forget about the existence of the only human creation in the world, such a great work of art as Russian nature.
(Design: such as...)

Error: Reading the text, it feels ...
Correct: When you read the text, you feel ... Or: Reading the text, I felt ...
(An adverbial turnover cannot be in an impersonal sentence.)

Error: they frowned and remembered
Correctly: ... they frowned and remembered ... (both verbs of the NSV) or: ... they frowned and remembered ... (both verbs of the SV)

Error: ruins village
That's right: the ruins villages
(erroneous plural form R. p. word village)

Error: Us was donated great Earth...
Correct: Us was donated great Earth...
(The subject Earth in the singular form, I. p., the predicate agrees with the subject according to the number)

Error: We are obliged to save, to help and develop Russia.
That's right: We are obliged to save Russia, help her and develop her. Or: We are obliged to save and develop Russia.
(Word to help requires different control)

Total: 8 violations of language norms

K10. Compliance with speech norms

Find violations of speech norms in the essay.

Unjustified use of words: Nowadays, many people on whom the level of development depends his country...
That's right: Nowadays there are many people on whom the level of development of the country depends ... Or: the level of development our country...

Unjustified use of words: ... very rarely think about the role of landscape and landscape in the face Russia.
That's right: ... very rarely think about the role of the landscape and landscape of Russia.

Incorrect quote entry: Very often we can hear words like"Russian nature is the most beautiful".
Correct: Very often we can hear the following words: "Russian nature is the most beautiful."

Incorrect use of a verb with a number of homogeneous members: Churches, monasteries, noble mansions, gardens, boundless fields, hills and rivers were crumbling.
Right: Churches, monasteries, and noble mansions collapsed. Gardens, endless fields, hills and rivers perished.
(gardens, fields, rivers cannot crumble)

Unnecessary use of a particle: V. Soloukhina the same this topic worries to the core.
That's right: V. Soloukhin is worried about this topic to the core.
(Particle the same here carries a disgusting connotation unjustified by the context. Now, if the essay spoke about other authors, and V. Soloukhin opposed them, then it would be appropriate.)

Wrong choice of a word referring to a series of homogeneous members: ... looking around and seeing gloomy ruin churches, fields and mansions ...
(Word ruin cannot be combined with a word field)

Violation of the norm, a double interpretation is possible: The people create a picture on the canvas in the form of land, our land - Russia.
That's right: the people create on the canvas in the form of land, our land - Russia - a picture.
(Interpretation 1: a picture in the form of the earth ...,
interpretation 2: on the canvas in the form of the earth ...)

Total: 7 speech violations

K1. Formulation of source code problems

Is the problem of the original text correctly formulated?

The problem of the original text is understood and formulated correctly.

Who are we? Who are our people? What does it mean to deprive the people of the past? VA Soloukhin tries to answer these questions in his work "The Last Step".

The writer, wishing to unite friends of different nationalities sitting at the same table with him, invites them to think. He claims that the people of each of them are closely interconnected with great cities, and with famous writers, and with folk songs and legends, and with national cuisine. And if, for example, people in the countryside have forgotten how to sing folk songs, then this makes one wonder: is it not a people who have lost their origins turning into “just the population of a given country”?

One cannot but agree with the position of the author. I also think that belonging to your own people manifests itself when you are guided in the history of your country, speak your native language purely, know something from classical works and folklore, maybe you can sing folk songs or dance folk dances.

In confirmation of the above, a literary example can be cited. Favorite heroine of Leo Tolstoy in the epic novel "War and Peace" - Natasha Rostova - a noblewoman by birth. But visiting uncle “this countess, brought up by an emigrant Frenchwoman,” masterfully performs Russian dance, having managed to “understand everything that was in Anisya, Anisya’s father, an aunt, mother’s, and every Russian person. ".

Let's give one more example. In the story "Childhood" A.M. Gorky very warmly describes his grandmother: how quietly and mysteriously she tells fairy tales, how melodiously speaks, how fervently she dances. He claims that even in a difficult life, you can find a way to rejoice, which is characteristic of a man of the people. And songs and dances help in this. The author describes the grandmother's dance, sincerely admiring the dancer, her persistent, truly Russian character.

Thus, from all of the above, the following conclusion can be drawn. We must remember the history of our people, respect the purity of our language, continue traditions and, if possible, prolong the life of folk songs and dances. Otherwise, we will all turn into Ivanov who do not remember kinship. No wonder A.S. Pushkin wrote: “Disrespect for ancestors is the first sign of savagery and immorality. It is not only possible to be proud of the glory of your ancestors, but also should be; not to respect it is shameful cowardice. "

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The problem identified by the Russian writer and publicist VA Soloukhin, in my opinion, is as follows: the people began to forget their past. It seems to me that this very problem is the most significant of the passage from the book "The Last Step" by V. A. Soloukhin. The question arises: "What will happen if the people are deprived of the past?"

The question of the disappearance of the history and customs of the people cannot leave anyone indifferent. The problem identified by VA Soloukhin is especially relevant today, because the enemies of our people, our history are trying to rewrite, forget, and disfigure the past of our people.

Why does VA Soloukhin's point of view seem correct to me? Firstly, I myself have often felt ashamed that I generally do not know the history of my backgammon, but I am proud that I know my ancestors from my mother's line until the eleventh generation. Second, knowledge is power. The history of the past unites our people in the face of vital difficulties, strengthens our national spirit. Thirdly, articles began to appear in the press about changing the name of historical settlements, about the destruction of historical monuments, about vandalism committed over the monuments of the heroes of our people.

In an excerpt from the book "The Last Step" by V. A. Soloukhin, a very important problem is raised. Although he wrote this at the end of the twentieth century, the problem is more urgent than ever. The people must learn the lessons of life from their history, remember, respect and never forget.

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Updated: 2017-12-14

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How often does a person think about how important nature is to him, what tremendous power it possesses, yet remaining defenseless in front of people? In the hustle and bustle of modern life, worrying about its own affairs and problems, humanity sometimes forgets that it is a part of nature, and therefore must protect and protect it.

In his text, Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin raises the problem of preserving nature and respecting man's attitude to it. Discussing this, the author recalls how he once ruined the lawn under his own window, and the earth in that place for a long time could not “heal the place of the burn,” reminding the author every day of his deed. Also VA Soloukhin represents the land without green vegetation, noting how “terrible, terrible, hopeless sight” it is. The position of the author is clear: he believes that a person should preserve and protect nature - his home. One cannot but agree with this idea, the confirmation of which can be found in works of fiction. Let's turn to them.

In the story "Farewell to Matera" by Viktor Grigorievich Rasputin, an entire island suffered at the hands of a man, which was not a home for one generation.

Because of the desire of man for his own benefit, because of the break in the connection between man and nature, so many living things went under the water, died and now will never come back to life. Nature resisted: the fields gave a wonderful harvest, and the old "larch" did not succumb to either fire or a saw blade. But no matter how powerful nature may have, often a person turns out to be more powerful thanks to his achievements in science and technology and causes irreparable harm to his native home, depriving himself of those benefits that a lost particle of nature could give him.

Viktor Petrovich Astafiev also speaks of the need for a careful attitude to nature in his "Zatesya". In the story "The Sign of Mercy" he tells about young guys who went to the "pristine nature" of the shores of Lake Khantayki. Valuable larch trees grew on the shore, and “different little people” thoughtlessly cut them down, but nature did not give up, and larch sprouts reappeared here and there. Young guys put triangles of poles over each shoot so that the trees would not die, could grow and benefit the planet. After all, if there are too few trees left on it, a person will also suffer, who did not manage to understand in time the full value and importance of nature.

So, nature is a man's house, and his duty is to guard, protect and preserve this house, to be in harmony with it. How people relate to nature determines not only its fate, but also the future of all mankind, since it is an integral part of it.


1) There are such deaf and secluded places on our river that when you wade through tangled forest thickets, filled with nettles, and sit down near the water itself, you will feel as if in a world fenced off from the rest of the earth's space.

(2) In bird cherry, future berries have grown to their size. (3) They are now smooth, hard, like carved out of green bone and polished. (4) The leaves of the rakita are turned now with their bright green, now with their back, matte, silver side, which is why the whole tree, its entire crown, everything, so to speak, a spot in the overall picture seems light. (5) Grasses grow sideways at the water's edge. (6) It even seems that further the grasses stand up on tiptoe, stretch with all their might to be sure, at least from over the shoulders, to look into the water. (7) Here and nettles, here and tall umbrella, the names of which here we have no one knows.

(8) But most of all, our closed earthly world is decorated with a certain tall plant with lush white flowers. (9) That is, each flower individually is very small and would be completely invisible, but the flowers on the stem are gathered in countless numbers and form a lush, white, slightly yellowish cap of the plant. (10) And since its stems never grow alone, the lush caps merge, and now, as it were, a white cloud is dormant among the motionless forest grass. (11) Also, therefore, it is impossible not to admire this plant, because as soon as the sun warms up, invisible clubs, invisible clouds of strong honey aroma will float from a white flower cloud in all directions.

(12) Looking at the lush white clouds of flowers, I often thought about the absurdity of the situation. (13) I grew up on this river, I was taught something at school. (14) I see these flowers every time, and I do not just see them, but I single them out from all other flowers. (15) But ask me what they are called - I don't know, for some reason I have never heard their names from other people who also grew up here. (16) Dandelion, chamomile, cornflower, plantain, bell, lily of the valley - we still have enough for this. (17) We can also call these plants by name. (18) However, why generalize at once - maybe I am the only one who does not know? (19) No, whoever I asked in the village, showing white flowers, everyone threw up their hands:

- (20) Who knows! (21) It grows fully: both on the river and in forest ravines. (22) And what are they called? .. (23) What do you need? (24) Flowers and flowers, you can't harvest them, don't thresh them. (25) You can sniff even without a name.

(26) Actually, I would say, we are a little indifferent to everything that surrounds us on earth. (27) No, no, of course, we often say that we love nature: these copses, and hills, and fontanelles, and fire, in half the sky, warm summer sunsets. (28) Well, to collect a bouquet of flowers, and, of course, to listen to the singing of birds, to their chirping in the golden forest tops at a time when the forest itself is still full of dark green, almost black coolness. (29) Well, go for mushrooms, well, fish, and just lie on the grass, looking up at the floating clouds.

"(30) Listen, what is the name of the grass on which you now lie so thoughtlessly and so blissfully?" - “(31) So how is it like? (32) Grass. (33) Well, there ... some wheatgrass or dandelion. " - “(34) What kind of wheatgrass is there? (35) There is no wheatgrass at all. (36) Take a closer look. (37) In the place that you occupied with your body, there are two dozen different herbs, and each of them is interesting in something: either a way of life, or healing properties for a person. (38) However, this is a subtlety, as it were, incomprehensible to our mind. "

(According to V.A.Soloukhin *)

The work of Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, touches on the problem of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch upon such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text, the author gradually brings the reader to the topic of interest. In the first paragraphs, the author describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain plant with white flowers, which is unfamiliar to him, deserves special admiration (sentences 8-11). Further, the author, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about the indifference of people (26-29).
In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people are very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for it.
I agree with the author's point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such people. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the author's correctness, I will give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev "Tsar-fish" human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy end, because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, today's youth is practically impossible to "pull" out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. This is a sad situation. in my class, such people are half of the total.
I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return to the bosom of nature.

(was it possible to reveal the problems of just human indifference to everything around him? or is this an extension of the topic? thanks for checking.)
and another question (do the arguments prove the position of the author or mine?)

Answer accepted


V work(remove) Vladimir's text Alekseevich(Put away) Soloukhin, Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, affected by(remove) ADDRESSED is the problem of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature, which is important for many.
Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch upon such a problem that worries us? In the proposed text, the author (This is not the author, not Soloukhin, but the narrator) gradually brings the reader to the subject(the word for this work is forbidden: PROBLEM)... In the first paragraphs author describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. Particular admiration is given to a certain unfamiliar plant with white flowers and.( sentences 8-11). Further author with the help of several sentences (20-25) conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference in relation to flowers and nature in particular. This prompts the writer to think about indifference people (26-29) (FOR WHAT?).
Finally, author comes to the conclusion that people very often indifferent to nature, despite their apparent love for her. ( Remove repetitions of thoughts and words, straighten everything!)
I agree with author's point of view. Indeed, many e people indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, such of people getting bigger. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the correctness the author I will give examples.
For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev "Tsar-fish" human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to happy ending, because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
Another example is contemporary Russian reality. For example, today's youth is practically impossible to "pull" out of the virtual space into nature. They became indifferent to her. This is sad situation. in my class such people - half of the total . (THE ARGUMENT DOES NOT COUNT!)
I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return B camping in the bosom of nature.
K1-1 K2-2 K3-0 K4-2 K5-1 K6-0 K7-2 K8-3 K9-2 K10-0 K11-1 K12-1 = 15 points

The arguments prove your position: after all, you can disagree with the author's point of view.

Answers (8)

  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


  • Answer accepted


    In the text (is the work a hackneyed word?) Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of village prose, poses an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    Who, if not a representative of village prose, should touch upon such a problem that worries us? (Abrupt transition?) In the proposed text, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain plant with white flowers, which is unfamiliar to him, deserves special admiration (sentences 8-11). Further, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replicas of fellow villagers play important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals (or the book word does not look good in this context?). We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... To confirm the correctness of my judgment (then write not “the correctness of the author”, but “my judgment”?) I will give examples.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev "Tsar-fish" human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy end (what is the mistake?), Because the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics (or is it also impossible?), The problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but it is displayed in a completely different way in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation.
    I conclude that the author was right in arguing that many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will again return to the bosom of nature.

    (or A, P is a judgment that every part of nature (plants, flowers) has an interesting history .....?)

  • Answer accepted


    In the text ( this is an excerpt from the work) Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of rural prose, posed an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    In this passage, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. Some unfamiliar ( is it unfamiliar?) for him a plant with white flowers (sentences 8-11). Further, the narrator with the help of several sentences (20-25) conveys thoughts fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. Replicas fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.
    In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature (or not A.P.) (Don't be original! Write according to the template!)
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good ... RUSSIAN CLASSICS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MORE TIME.
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafyev "Tsar-fish" human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea (TO WHOM?), that such an attitude will not bring people to a happy ending ( Speech: Find another expression.) after all, the main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Others an example is other V. Astafiev's work "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics, the problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but in a completely different way it is displayed in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation. (WHOM?)
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the environment. nature... I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to the fold nature.

  • Answer accepted


    The text of Vladimir Soloukhin, a Russian writer and poet, author of rural prose, poses an important problem for many of human indifference in relation to the surrounding nature.
    In this passage, the narrator gradually brings the reader to the question of interest. In the first paragraphs, he describes his native land in which he grew up. With the help of various lexical and grammatical means of expressiveness V.A. Soloukhin draws the reader's attention to the wondrous beauty of the native flora. A certain unfamiliar (is it unfamiliar? Sentence 8) plant with white flowers deserves special admiration for him (sentences 8-11). Further, the narrator, with the help of several sentences (20-25), conveys the thoughts of fellow villagers, the meaning of which reflects their indifference towards flowers and nature in particular. The replies of fellow villagers play an important role in understanding the problem of the text.

    The author comes to the conclusion that people have become indifferent to nature
    I agree with his point of view. Indeed, many people are indifferent to nature, and now, in the age of high technologies and technological progress, there are more such individuals. We are moving away from mother nature. In my opinion, this is not good. (RUSSIAN CLASSICS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS MUCH TIME)
    For example, in the work of Viktor Astafiev "Tsar-fish" human indifference to nature is shown, which has turned in the main character, a poacher, into a predatory attitude towards it. In this work, the author tries to convey the idea of ​​the reader that such an attitude will not bring them to good. The main character almost dies from the Tsar-fish, which personifies an angry nature. This attitude is a derivative of human indifference.
    Another example is another work of V. Astafiev "Lyudochka", in which, in addition to acute social topics, the problem of interest to us is also raised. The park is a refined piece of nature, a place for spiritual relaxation. This is how the named place appears in our imagination, but it is displayed in a completely different way in Astafiev's story. Dirt, garbage, stench - this is such a park. And all why? Because people have become indifferent to nature. What's the bottom line? Moral and moral degradation of people.
    Thus, many people are indifferent to the surrounding nature. I would like to believe that a revolution in thinking will take place in human consciousness, and they will return to it again.