The cause of death of Oksana Aplekaeva. The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is pursued by a maniac

The cause of death of Oksana Aplekaeva.  The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is pursued by a maniac
The cause of death of Oksana Aplekaeva. The sister of the murdered Oksana Aplekaeva is pursued by a maniac
June 12, 1977 - September 01, 2008

Russian fashion model, film actress and TV presenter

The autopsy results confirmed that 31-year-old Oksana Aplekaeva died as a result of mechanical asphyxiation (strangulation).

Versions of what happened and legacy

It is known that Oksana was threatened by a young man on the website. On her forum and under the photos, he wrote a bunch of spiteful comments. After Aplekaeva disappeared from the site, the profile of the user who threatened her disappeared, and with him all his messages and comments, but the answers of Oksana's acquaintances to threats and insults remained, and this confirms that there were indeed threats.

In 2008, participants in the famous show "Battle of Psychics" tried to find the reasons for this incident.

In 2009, a film was made about Oksana: "Who killed Oksana", where many versions and variants of what happened were put forward. All relatives, friends and acquaintances of Oksana agree that she was a very kind, sweet and harmless person and could not cause harm or grief to anyone.

A lot of TV shows were filmed about Oksana, such as: "The main character", "Let them talk" and others. They told about how Oksana achieved fame all her life and then she came to her, only too late - after a mysterious murder.

Despite the fact that many versions and reasons for what happened, the murder of Oksana Aplekaeva remains unsolved to this day.

Killed in 2007

Kristina in 2006 participated in the TV project "Hunger", immediately after which she came to "Dom-2". “Behind the perimeter” Kalinina left her little daughter, and it was this fact that the children did not like. Christina did not develop a relationship with anyone, the girl was constantly in conflict with the participants in the TV show. Two weeks later, Christina decided to leave "House-2". After leaving the show, Kalinina began to feel depressed, later she refused food and water. This played a fatal role in her life: at the age of 22, Christina died of heart and kidney failure.

Oksana Aplekaeva

Killed in September 2008

Oksana Aplekaeva lived on the project for two and a half months. During this time, the blonde beauty turned the head of many men. The girl admitted that she always wanted to become a model and came to the TV set in order to fulfill her dream. After 72 days of being at Dom-2, the blonde left the project hoping to start a career, but she did not succeed in becoming a famous fashion model: in September 2008, the girl was killed.


In early autumn 2008, Aplekaeva's body with traces of suffocation was found in the Istra district of the Moscow region. The body was found by truck drivers. According to one version, Oksana was killed by one of her former lovers. The investigation of the crime went on for two months, but the culprit was never found. The searches were suspended "for the impossibility of identifying the persons subject to criminal prosecution," and all the suspects had an alibi. There were a lot of rumors around the mysterious death of Oksana. The girl's friends were sure that Aplekaeva was dealt with, since she was a witness to many of the criminal cases of her boyfriends.

Oksana Korneva

Died in January 2009

The guys on the TV show called Oksana Korneva "Kesha". A sociable girl with a short haircut easily joined the new team and was liked by many guys. Nevertheless, the girl did not manage to build love - Oksana left the project. In 2009, it became known that the girl's life was tragically cut short - Kornev was hit by a car. A terrible incident happened on New Year's Eve. Oksana with her friend and her boyfriend ran across the Garden Ring. The young people were hit by a minibus - the couple died on the spot, and Kornev was taken to the intensive care unit. The girl passed away the next day.

Peter Avsetsin

Died of cancer in December 2009

Petr Avsetsin was a participant in the telestroke for only 17 days. It turned out that the young man had oncology, and the man had to leave the project. After the show, Avsetsin fought cancer for a long time, but the disease did not recede. In December 2009, the man died.

Andrey Kadetov

Killed in December 2010

Andrey Kadetov came to the project in April 2010 and immediately attracted the attention of the girls of the TV set. The blue-eyed blonde about two meters tall flirted with almost all the girls and had affairs with several participants. Later it turned out that the handsome man behind the perimeter has a wife. The TV presenters gave the guy an ultimatum: a project and a divorce or a family. The cadets traveled to their native Petersburg many times to complete paperwork, but returned without the "divorced" column in their passport. Then Borodin deprived Andrey of the status of a project participant, and the young man left the show. Outside the perimeter, Kadetov's life ended tragically. On December 24, 2010, a young man was killed near his home while walking his dog. Andrey was attacked by a man who inflicted 11 stab wounds. Investigators found out that a month before his death, Andrei met in St. Petersburg a girl, Alexandra, with whom he spent the night. The next day, a Petersburg woman wrote a statement to the police about the rape, but later took it away. The “victim” asked her ex-boyfriend to talk to Andrey “like a man”. Former Alexandra Yuri Zhidkov could not talk, but inflicted mortal wounds on Kadetov.

The permanent foreman of the TV set Ksenia Borodina believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral.

(Kazan, September 12, Tatar-inform). The funeral of a project participant was held in Ufa yesterday. The body was brought to her hometown of Ufa in a closed coffin.

At the funeral, there were only relatives of the model. None of the participants in the TV project came to see Oksana on her last journey. Young people, busy with their own affairs, simply did not find time for this sad event.

Alena Vodonaeva, who left the project that made her a star more than a year ago, learned about the death of her colleague from the press. She was not even going to go to Oksana's funeral. And Vodonaeva is now brushing off her acquaintance with the tragically dead model, fearing to get involved in this whole "muddy history."

“Why did I have to go to the funeral at all?” The girl wondered. “We didn’t communicate with her all these two years. I don’t want a funeral. Moreover, it’s too muddy a story ... "

Roman Tretyakov found out only on the day of her funeral. The young man returned today from his honeymoon trip. The tragic news very worried the former participant in the reality show.

"Nobody even called me and said," Roman admitted in a sinking voice. "I just found out. I don't want to talk about it now."

The permanent foreman of the TV set Ksenia Borodina believes that neither she nor the guys should have gone to Oksana's funeral. Too much time has passed since the girl was a participant in the project. For the past two years, the beautiful model has not communicated with any of the participants.

“I didn’t consider it necessary to come to the funeral, because I didn’t know this person closely,” Ksenia explained to LIFE.Ru. “She did not maintain a relationship with anyone, so none of the guys went to the funeral. Many people like to go to a funeral in order to light up once again, knowing that they are burying a public person. Everyone here acted honestly. Including me. At such moments only relatives and closest people should gather. "

Oksana was buried on the outskirts of the Severnoye cemetery in Ufa, surrounded by several funeral wreaths from her parents, grandmother, sister, neighbors and loved ones. Even Oksana's old grandmother came to the cemetery. “Do not open her face,” Oksana's mother asked the loaders. “We don’t want anyone to see him after death, we want everyone to remember her as she was, smiling and cheerful Oksana Aplekaeva.”

For many of the Dom-2 participants, the project has become a kind of springboard for starting a family and further career growth. For some - a step into the abyss of greed and vices. There were also guys who, barely having time to light up on the screen, tragically left this world, not having time to realize their plans and dreams.

Oksana Aplekaeva

Andrey Kadetov

Another outstanding participant in the Dom-2 project. He spent 212 days on the project, trying to build a serious relationship with Olga Agibalova, but was forced to leave the "telestroke" due to an unbroken marriage with his ex-wife. A tall, slender blonde with blue eyes was liked by many women and often "got stuck" because of this in various stories. One of them led to tragic consequences.

A month before his death, Andrei met a resident of St. Petersburg named Alexandra, whom he invited to his friends at their dacha. A few days later, the girl wrote a rape report against him and began to extort money. Then Andrei himself took to the police a counter statement of extortion, and a few days later he was killed by Aleksandra's former lover Yuri Zhidkov. On the evening of December 24, 2010, he lay in wait for Kadetov near the entrance and stabbed him fourteen in the back. He was sentenced to fifteen years and is serving a sentence in a strict regime colony.

Oksana Korneva

Oksana Korneva, nicknamed Kesha, stayed on the project for only 48 days, but for a long time she was remembered for her cheerful disposition, rich inner world and outstanding culinary skills. She tried to build a romantic relationship with May Abrikosov, but he was seriously attracted by a girl named Sun and did not reciprocate Kesha.

On January 8, 2009 at 1 am a girl and her friends tried to cross the Garden Ring in the wrong place near the exit from the tunnel under Mayakovsky Square. They were hit by a Toyota minibus that suddenly appeared. Oksana's friends died on the spot, and she was taken to the hospital, where after a while she died from injuries incompatible with life. Pedestrians, who grossly violated traffic rules, were found guilty of this accident.

Christina Kalinina

I also did not stay on the project for long, only three weeks. Before the "telestroke" she managed to appear in the reality show "Hunger", and on "Dom-2" she came to find her beloved man. Behind the perimeter, the girl had a little daughter, and when this fact surfaced, Christina was sharply criticized both from the “household” and the viewers. This was the main reason for her leaving the project. A year later, the 22-year-old girl died of acute renal failure. Christina's little daughter remained in the arms of her grandmother. The first to know about the tragedy and to offer help to the Kalinina family was a participant in "Dom-2" Olga Nikolaeva (Sun)

In the course of a two-month investigation, investigators of the Moscow region managed to establish the causes of death of the model and former participant of the reality show "Dom-2" Oksana Aplekaeva. The girl was strangled during sex and investigators do not rule out that it was manslaughter.

The shocking forensic evidence casts doubt on the original version of the brutal rape and murder of a model who allegedly crossed the path of one of the influential regulars of secular parties. Now detectives are inclined to believe that Oksana Aplekaeva's death occurred as a result of sadomasochistic intercourse, Trend News Agency reports citing a source close to the investigation.

In any case, the investigators are now confident that Aplekaeva's death was violent, although at first there were doubts about this.

"Various versions were being worked out," the source explains. "This examination should have clarified a lot." According to one of the initial versions, the girl died from poisoning or an overdose of potent drugs. If this was confirmed, the criminal case would have to be closed altogether.

Now the investigation has entered a new round. The fact of the murder has been proven, and the perpetrators must be punished.

“It is possible that some of the injuries were received during sexual pleasures,” continues the source.

Regarding the strangulation of the victim, he says that it could have happened by accident, "in a fit of passion." “And then the frightened lover got scared and decided to throw the body on the highway,” the law enforcement officer concludes.

In favor of the version of sexual contact with a tragic end, the records found in Aplekaeva's notebook also speak. "Party, Rublyovka. Oligarch's birthday. 18 girls", - wrote Oksana. Investigators suggested that the famous model organized parties for the wealthy residents of Rublyovka. And later, in Oksana's phone, they found a photo of intimate content from these same parties.

We will remind, the spectacular 31-year-old blonde Oksana Aplekaeva disappeared in late August, and in early September her friend sounded the alarm. About a week later, the body of the model with traces of strangulation was found in the Istra district on the side of the 50 kilometer of the Moscow-Riga highway. The body was found by truck drivers.

Since the deceased did not have any documents, for a long time she was listed as unidentified. It took more than a week to establish the cause of the girl's death.

There were no signs of a struggle at the place where Aplekaeva's corpse was found. It looks like she was brought there, already dead, shortly after the murder. The body was only slightly covered with branches. The victim also had no jewelry and a mobile phone.

According to preliminary data, before her death, the model was severely beaten and raped.

In the last days of her life, Aplekaeva worked as a model at the Moscow International Motor Show, which opened on August 26. The girl represented cars at one of the stands.

On August 29, the model left the car dealership in the company of a businessman, and since then no one has seen her. Shortly before her death, she made a mysterious call to her friend, saying that she needed to stop by "one event." The investigating authorities have not found out where this mysterious meeting was held and why.

The defiler of the grave of Aplekaeva was detained

Meanwhile, in Bashkiria, operatives detained a 50-year-old vandal who allegedly desecrated the burial of the deceased model. The attacker was caught red-handed at the Northern cemetery of Ufa, where the infamous star of the Dom-2 television project is buried.

"This man stole metal gravestones, fences and monuments and sold them to non-ferrous metal collection points," police officers say.

In the detainee's garage, police officers found a whole "collection" of fences, monuments, plates with photos and names of the deceased, as well as a full bucket of crosses, crescents and stars from the gravestones.

According to operatives, the detainee will be charged with vandalism.

“Unfortunately, Aplekaeva’s relatives did not write a statement to the prosecutor’s office on the fact of the arson of her grave,” the operatives complain.

Recall that the grave of the notorious model Oksana Aplekaeva, who died under mysterious circumstances in Moscow, was burned on the day of her 40s. The fire destroyed the monument to the deceased and all the wreaths on the grave.

Escort diva could be killed for chatting

According to one of the latest versions, before her death, Oksana Aplekaeva spread incriminating rumors and gossip about her influential acquaintances. She enjoyed rotating in various metropolitan parties, and among her friends were both big businessmen and alleged crime bosses. The model meticulously collected any interesting information about them, and shortly before her death, she allegedly witnessed a scandalous episode shrouded in mystery.

In part, this version is supported by the results of a search in the apartment of the deceased. Various records were found there, which contained the names of young men and women, as well as various amounts of money. The media reported that Oksana could be involved in the business of providing sex services for wealthy people.

“The materials we have seized do not allow us to say unequivocally that Aplekaeva was involved in such cases,” the operatives say cautiously.

The entries are similar to a kind of diaries: who was at what party, what he did there, what things (sometimes very dubious) did certain stars and different wealthy people, who, how much and to whom gave money, etc. “Of course, she had information that could compromise some people. The case with Mikhail is indicative in this situation,” the investigators concluded.

From the records of Aplekaeva it also followed that the model took her acquaintances girls with her to the birthdays of rich people, thereby providing escort services. The girls were taken to Rublyovka in whole groups, at one of the dachas 18 model-looking students took part in a sexual orgy. Aplekaeva filmed the lecherous pleasures of rich and famous people on mobile phones, and after her death, both mobile phones disappeared.

As previously reported, the murder of Aplekaeva could result in a real porn scandal. According to some reports, the model was involved in organizing group sex parties for the oligarchs from Rublyovka. Aplekaeva's clients included people with very high-profile surnames. Numerous debts, which have long poisoned Oksana's life, could have pushed her to a risky step, the newspaper believes. However, one of her wealthy acquaintances could commit murder in response to sex blackmail.

On one of the pages in Aplekaeva's notebook there is an entry: "Rublyovka, oligarch, birthday, 18 girls." It is not difficult to guess what scale the sexual orgies were organized by the ex-participant of "House-2", given her extensive connections in the modeling and show business.

How a charming girl got involved in a criminal business, now no one can say. However, during the searches, computer disks with address databases were seized from Aplekaeva's apartment. All of them are encrypted, and specialists still have to work on them.

In addition, there were several cells in Aplekaeva's apartment. We can say with almost one hundred percent certainty that Oksana provided a room for filming a home video, and her apartment was turned into a kind of porn studio.

The investigation is being conducted by the Investigation Department for the city of Istra at the Regional Prosecutor's Office. The criminal case was initiated under part 1 of article 105 (murder) of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.