Rules of behavior in the theater: culture and norms of etiquette. How to behave in the theater? Tips from the Mayakovsky Theater Rules of good manners in the theater

Rules of behavior in the theater: culture and norms of etiquette. How to behave in the theater? Tips from the Mayakovsky Theater Rules of good manners in the theater

How to spend an evening at the theater and not screw it up? Specially for Balletristic etiquette consultant Yulia Yudina spoke about the basic rules of social behavior that will help you enjoy the performance and, among other things, yourself.

Lately I've been hearing a lot about etiquette- a unnecessary formality that is living out its last days in modern society. But in fact, etiquette today is an actively developing science that teaches us to look noticeable and dignified, to properly show attention to other people, to correctly navigate and choose the right line of behavior in any situation and with any crowd of people. In a word, it gives confidence and expands the boundaries of personal freedoms. Etiquette is not only a tool for personal use. This tool impact, influence and consolidation of positive results. It is behavior and manners that allow us to maintain and develop relationships. And the longer they communicate with us, live pleasant moments, the more beautiful we become in the eyes of those looking at us.

Secular etiquette (etiquette of behavior in society) has many directions. I propose to consider the basic rules of behavior in the theater.

About the dress code

When going to the theater, etiquette obliges a man to wear a dark suit (at matinee performances, a different color scheme is allowed), and a woman - a dress. If you are invited to the premiere, clothing should be evening - a tuxedo and tailcoat for men and an evening dress for ladies. Women, as well as men, going to the theater should not abuse perfume.

About early arrival

Don't be late for the theater! It is better to arrive 15-20 minutes before the start. At the entrance, a man or someone younger in the company hands over tickets. Upon entering the theater building, a man must take off his headdress, help his companion take off her outerwear, and only then undress himself. In the wardrobe you should behave calmly, without showing impatience or displeasure from the forced delay. A man buys a program and gives it to his lady. Is it possible ask program in the hall, from the neighbor sitting next to you? Yes, this is acceptable, but make sure he has already looked at it first. Previously, there was a custom to buy sweets for a lady; modern etiquette does not recommend this. You can always, if you wish, treat your companion during intermission at the theater buffet. There is no question of that to eat food or chew gum in the gym.

About behavior in the theater hall

You should go to your seat with your back to the stage and facing the seated, with a slight bow, apologizing for the inconvenience. The man goes to his place first and leaves the best place for the lady (the one with the best view), even if it is to his left. If the seats are located on the edge, the woman sits closer to the middle. When two couples sit in the auditorium, the women sit in the center, the men on both sides. Women sit in the box in front, men behind them. You should remember that you don't belong both armrests of the chair. If you meet people you know at the theater, greet them with a simple nod. You can talk to them during intermission. Ladies should think about their wardrobe and hairstyle in advance, remembering that an overly bulky hat or high hairstyle may interfere with the view of the viewer sitting behind.

About comments, exchanges of opinions and pleasantries

No comments or remarks, even in a low voice, may be made during the performance. You can talk during intermission, but even then not too loudly. Lovers should not abuse tenderness.

About mobile phones

The use of mobile phones in the hall is prohibited. It is not polite to take videos and photos when the artists come out to bow, not to mention filming during the performance. The best thing turn off completely gadgets before the start of the performance.

About gratitude to artists

roughest violation The norm of etiquette is to leave the hall before the end of the performance. If you do not like the performance, or have another good reason to leave, you can only do so during intermission. You should also not rush to the wardrobe until the action is over.

A very important point is gratitude to the artists for the pleasure they provided. Don't start clapping too early, during the actor's final words or the last bars of music. In addition to the final applause, it is customary in the theater to applaud after each act, at the end of a brilliant scene, and sometimes when a famous artist appears on stage. If the performance is musical - when the conductor or soloists appear. You should refrain from singing along with the artists and shouting enthusiastically. Do not shout “encore” after the end of the action - “encore” is shouted at a concert, where an aria or dance can be repeated. An "encore" is a request for the artists to repeat what they have shown.

Oscar Wilde has a quote: “People may not remember what you wore, but they will always remember your manners.” And, in my opinion, it only confirms the importance of the rules of secular etiquette.

It so happens that theatrical etiquette largely repeats the etiquette of official celebrations and receptions, so it has many conventions and restrictions. recalls the basic principles of behavior in the theater. Some rules may seem obvious, but you still shouldn’t neglect them.

1. It is recommended to come to the theater dressed more festively than usual. Men can wear a dark suit, light shirt and tie, while women can transform their outfit by adding accessories. Ladies should remember that refresh perfume just before the performance - bad taste. Eau de toilette, even the most expensive, should be used in moderation. Dozens of aromas will be mixed in the hall, which may cause dizziness or even an allergic reaction in some spectators.

2. The rules of good manners allow a woman to invite a companion to the theater, but in any case tickets must be presented to the inspector by a man. He is at the entrance to the theater opens the door for a woman. According to the rules of etiquette for the performance need to arrive early. Twenty minutes will be enough to quickly hand over your outerwear to the wardrobe and purchase a program that will introduce you to the line-up of performers.

3. In wardrobe a man must help his companion take off your coat and only then undress yourself. Having handed over his outerwear, the man keeps the numbers, and does not wear them on his finger like a ring, but immediately puts them in his pocket. Look at yourself in mirrors, walking through the theater foyer during intermission and before the performance, - tactless. If you need to fix something, tidy up the restroom.

4. The man enters the auditorium first, he also shows the lady the way to the place if the theater employee does not do this. You should go to your seat facing those sitting and ask for an apology for the disturbance in a quiet voice or a nod of the head (if the aisle between the rows is wide enough, then the person sitting does not have to stand up; if the aisle is narrow, then you need to stand up and let the passerby pass).
A man is always the first to pass between the rows., and his companion follows him. Having reached his chairs, the man stops near them and waits for the lady to sit down, and then sits down himself.

5. Take your seats in the hall no later than the third call. If they are in the middle of the row, then you should sit on them in advance so as not to disturb those already sitting on the edges of you. If your seats are not located in the middle of the row, then you can allow yourself to linger a little so that you don’t have to get up many times later, letting the spectators sitting in the middle pass.

6. If you find that your seats are taken- present your tickets to those sitting on them and politely ask them to vacate. If an error occurred and several tickets were issued for one seat at once, then contact the theater employees, they are obliged to solve the problem.
remember, that taking other people's places is indecent. Firstly, you are causing anxiety to those people who will have to prove that these are their places. And, secondly, you yourself will be embarrassed when they “drive you away” in front of the entire hall.

7. It’s indecent to be late for the theater(You can only enter the box after the lights in the hall have been turned off). In other cases, theater employees have the right not to let you into the hall until intermission. But if you are allowed to enter, do so as quietly as possible and sit in the first available seat. It is unacceptable to sneak into your seats in the middle of the action - during the intermission you will be able to take those indicated on the ticket.

8. Having taken your seats in the auditorium, you should not put your hands on both armrests- this may cause inconvenience to your neighbor. You should not sit very close, clinging to each other, as those sitting behind you may not see the stage behind you.
Crossing your legs, spreading your legs wide, sitting on the edge of a chair, leaning on the back of the front chair and resting your feet on it is also indecent.

9. Even if it seems to you that the auditorium has become stuffy, do not use the program as a fan. And remember that you cannot look at people in the audience through binoculars. It is intended solely to observe the action on stage.

10. The main rule in the theater is complete silence.. Before the start of the performance, turn off your mobile phones, they disturb not only the audience, but also the artists. Do not discuss the performance of the actors or the inappropriate behavior of other spectators during the action. It is acceptable to reprimand audience members who are disruptive in a quiet voice, but remember that this is the responsibility of the theater employees.
If you have a cold, then it’s better to miss the spectacle: nothing disturbs the audience and artists more than coughing and sneezing in the audience. And, of course, during the performance it is unacceptable to eat, rustle with bags, packages, or tap your feet.

11. During intermission you can sit in the hall, visit the buffet or stroll around the lobby. The same rules of behavior are followed here as on the street. Having met friends, you can exchange impressions, but quietly. If a woman wants to remain seated during intermission, her companion stays with her. And if he needs to go out, he apologizes and leaves her for a while.

12. Leaving the hall during the action- a clear indicator of the low culture of the viewer. Even if you are disappointed with the performance, wait until intermission and only then leave the theater. Undoubtedly, It is unacceptable to fall asleep during a performance, even if you had a hard day and the production turned out to be boring. Show excessive pleasure in what is happening on stage during the action is also considered bad form.
Applause should be organic: individual claps heard in complete silence can throw off the actors. But after the performance is over, you don’t have to hide your positive emotions. Applause is an expression of the audience's gratitude, but whistling, shouting, and stamping feet are unacceptable in the theater.

13. If you want to give flowers if you especially like an actor, then do it at the very end of the performance, without getting up on stage. Wait for the final bows, when all the participants in the performance are lined up on the proscenium, and present the flowers while standing in the aisle between the stage and the first row of the stalls. You can also give the bouquet to the artist through a theater employee.

14. At the end of the performance, do not immediately run to the wardrobe to get your clothes. Artists often bow more than once, so wait until the curtain closes. Only after this can you slowly leave the auditorium.
If, due to some circumstances, the viewer needs to leave the theater early, then, according to unspoken rules, he watches the last act on the balcony, then, without disturbing anyone, leaves.

15. In order not to waste time standing in the wardrobe line, you can wait by walking in the foyer and discuss the performance you saw.
In the wardrobe, a man must first put on a coat or cloak himself, and then give the outer clothing to his companion.

The prisoner is silent.
– Will you answer?

- Delicious, isn't it?

How to behave in the theater

There are always people who, for some reason, are late for the performance.

Theater etiquette. 15 rules of behavior in the auditorium

Latecomers will always disturb others. There will also always be people who arrive last. Try not to be one of them, and generally not to be late.

According to the rules of etiquette,... Although it is more convenient to walk with your back, since it will be much more convenient to get around the knees of sitting people. But here it is as it is. Politeness will not always coincide with convenience.

If a woman comes to the theater wearing a hat tall women's hairstyles


A man is obliged to offer and buy a performance program for his companion.

If suddenly this moment was missed, he can ask the viewer sitting next to him to make sure that he has finished viewing it.

Imagine that you are sitting in a theater and, holding your breath, looking at the stage. And exciting events take place on stage: pirates captured a brave young man.
- Tell me where your schooner was heading! - they shout.
The prisoner is silent.
– Will you answer?
Tense silence. And suddenly the young man says something. But you don’t hear what he said. Because at this most interesting moment some joker came up from behind and covered your ears with his palms. Well, what would you do with such a person? In any case, I would not thank him.
Otherwise, imagine such a case. The actors captivated the entire audience with their wonderful performances. The audience is excited, many have tears in their eyes. And suddenly one of the spectators, getting up from his seat, approached the stage and shouted:
- Just think, artists! You play and I don't care.
You will say that this does not happen. That's right, you won't meet such savages. But I saw something similar to this.
Once, at a matinee where there were a lot of guys, two girls were sitting behind me. One had a bag of cookies on her lap. The girls chewed without taking their eyes off the stage. The package rustled. The cookies crunched. And in addition, one girl asked her friend from time to time:
- Delicious, isn't it?
The girls did not think at all that they were disturbing everyone sitting nearby.
After all, by preventing others from listening, they acted almost the same as that “wit” who covered his neighbor’s ears.
Doesn't the spectator who, without waiting for the performance to end and the curtain fall, run to the cloakroom, doesn't such a spectator show by his act that he has no respect for the actors, does not appreciate their art? But such behavior not only offends the actors. It really prevents them from playing, from truly getting into character. Anyone who has played on stage at least once knows that a lot depends on how attentive and friendly the audience is. When the chairs in the audience creak, the audience coughs and whispers, the actor’s attention wanders, and self-confidence disappears. And the performance goes worse.
You always go to the theater in a good mood: happy to watch a good, smart performance, to meet its characters - various interesting people.
How annoying it can be when your mood is gradually spoiled! Then someone in the cloakroom will push you away and hand over their coat without waiting in line. Then, having found your place, you find that it is occupied. A man is sitting on it. And he sat down in this place, not just by mistake, for some reason he hoped that you would not come.
Then, during the action, someone in front of you began to whisper loudly, and a dropped number rang somewhere. Someone, making their way to their place, blocked the stage from you, even for a few seconds - it’s still unpleasant.
And all these annoying little things leave a bad aftertaste. And you go home after the performance in a bad mood, although the play was interesting and the actors performed excellently...
Have you ever thought about how you yourself behaved in the theater? Have you ruined someone's mood? Do you always treat the actors playing on stage and the audience sitting in the hall with due respect?

How to behave in the theater

1. Arrive at the theater ten to fifteen minutes before the start. It is not necessary to have some special (“going out”) costume for the theater. Clothes just need to be clean and not wrinkled.
2. Walk down the row to your seat facing those sitting. And if you arrived earlier than others, stand up, letting people go to their place.

How should audiences behave in the theater?

3. Don't talk during the performance. You can express your opinion to your friend during intermission. Turn off your cell phone.
4. Put your wardrobe number in your pocket, don’t twirl it in your hands, otherwise it will definitely eventually fall, jingle, or even get lost.
5. If your place is taken and it is not immediately vacated, do not argue. Contact the usher, he will help you quickly resolve the misunderstanding.
6. Do not eat during the action. Wait until intermission.
7. Don't tap your foot to the music.
8. Do not get up from your seat until the end of the performance. The performance is considered over when the curtain falls.

As in any other public place, you should behave appropriately in the theater. Moreover, there are rules of behavior in the theater. Today we’ll talk about etiquette when going to the theater.

There are always people who, for some reason, are late for the performance. Latecomers will always disturb others. There will also always be people who arrive last. Try not to be one of them, and generally not to be late.

According to the rules of etiquette, you should go to your seats facing the person sitting.

Rules of behavior in the theater. Etiquette for men

Although it is more convenient to walk with your back, since it will be much more convenient to get around the knees of sitting people. But here it is as it is. Politeness will not always coincide with convenience.

The woman should always be allowed to go ahead. The man should also hold the reclining chair for his companion.

If a woman comes to the theater wearing a hat, be sure to ask if it will interfere with those sitting behind. If your answer is "Yes", you must remove the headgear. When a woman forgets to take off her hat, a spectator sitting behind her can politely ask her to do so. Moreover, the request must be fulfilled unconditionally. It can also cause inconvenience tall women's hairstyles. Unfortunately, there is no way to cope with them, so women should take this into account when going to the theater.

If you go to the theater in pairs, women should be seated next to each other and men should sit on the sides. The last places in the box should be given to women. As a rule, the stage is not very clearly visible in the boxes, so women should position themselves so that men can also see the performance. When you met friends in the theater and want to sit next to you, you might want to ask if other viewers can switch places with you. Moreover, the exchange should take place only at places of equal value or offer more convenient ones.

Lovers who sit with their heads bowed to each other look tactless. Thus, they prevent other viewers from enjoying the performance. Also, do not abuse tenderness; other spectators came to watch the performance on stage, and not two performances including yours.

A man is obliged to offer and buy a presentation program to his companion. If suddenly this moment was missed, he can ask the viewer sitting next to him to make sure that he has finished viewing it.

There used to be an unspoken rule to treat a lady with sweets. Now this is only permissible in box seats, but it is better to do it during intermission in the buffet.

Before going to the theater, women don't overuse perfume, apply them sparingly, because there may be people sitting in the hall who are very sensitive to odors.

Coughing loudly in a theater hall is bad manners. You will distract not only the audience, but also the artists. If you feel unwell, cancel your trip to the theater. Also, you should not comment on what is happening on the theater stage or make comments to the artists. You can discuss the acting during a break without being too loud.

Binoculars are designed to better see what is happening on stage, and not to look at other spectators.

Don't leave your seat until the performance is over and the artists take their bows. Of course, you don’t have to enthusiastically clap and shout “Bravo” after the performance, but you usually don’t leave without saying goodbye after visiting someone.

Imagine that you are sitting in a theater and, holding your breath, looking at the stage. And exciting events take place on stage: pirates captured a brave young man.
- Tell me where your schooner was heading! - they shout.
The prisoner is silent.
- Will you answer?
A tense silence. And suddenly the young man says something. But you don’t hear what he said. Because at this most interesting moment some joker came up from behind and covered your ears with his palms. Well, what would you do with such a person? In any case, I would not thank him.
Otherwise, imagine such a case. The actors captivated the entire audience with their wonderful performances. The audience is excited, many have tears in their eyes. And suddenly one of the spectators, getting up from his seat, approached the stage and shouted:
Think, artists! You play and I don't care.
You will say that this does not happen. That's right, you won't meet such savages. But I saw something similar to this.
Once, at a matinee where there were a lot of guys, two girls were sitting behind me. One had a bag of cookies on her lap. The girls chewed without taking their eyes off the stage. The package rustled. Crispy cookies. And in addition, one girl asked her friend from time to time:
- Delicious, right?
The girls did not think at all that they were disturbing everyone sitting nearby.
After all, by preventing others from listening, they acted almost the same as that “wit” who covered his neighbor’s ears.
Doesn't the spectator who, without waiting for the performance to end and the curtain fall, run to the cloakroom, doesn't such a spectator show by his act that he has no respect for the actors, does not appreciate their art? But such behavior not only offends the actors. It really prevents them from playing, from truly getting into character. Anyone who has played on stage at least once knows that a lot depends on how attentive and friendly the audience is. When the chairs in the audience creak, the audience coughs and whispers, the actor’s attention wanders, and self-confidence disappears. And the performance goes worse.
You always go to the theater in a good mood: happy to watch a good, smart performance, to meet its characters - various interesting people.
How annoying it can be when your mood is gradually spoiled! Then someone in the cloakroom will push you away and hand over their coat without waiting in line. Then, having found your place, you find that it is occupied. A man is sitting on it. And he sat down in this place, not just by mistake, for some reason he hoped that you would not come.
Then, during the action, someone in front of you began to whisper loudly, and a dropped number rang somewhere. Someone, making their way to their place, blocked the stage from you, even for a few seconds - it’s still unpleasant.
And all these annoying little things leave a bad aftertaste. And you go home after the performance in a bad mood, although the play was interesting and the actors played perfectly...
Have you ever thought about how you yourself behaved in the theater? Have you ruined someone's mood? Do you always treat the actors playing on stage and the audience sitting in the hall with due respect?

How to behave in the theater

1. Arrive at the theater ten to fifteen minutes before the start. It is not necessary to have some special (“going out”) costume for the theater. Clothes just need to be clean and not wrinkled.
2. Walk down the row to your seat facing those sitting. And if you arrived earlier than others, stand up, letting people go to their place.
3. Don't talk during the performance. You can express your opinion to your friend during intermission. Turn off your cell phone.
4. Put your wardrobe number in your pocket, don’t twirl it in your hands, otherwise it will definitely eventually fall, jingle, or even get lost.
5. If your place is taken and it is not immediately vacated, do not argue. Contact the usher, he will help you quickly resolve the misunderstanding.
6. Do not eat during the action. Wait until intermission.
7. Don't tap your foot to the music.
8. Do not get up from your seat until the end of the performance. The performance is considered over when the curtain falls.

24.09.2015 06.06.2019 by root

As in any other public place, you should behave appropriately in the theater. Moreover, there are rules of behavior in the theater. Today we’ll talk about etiquette when going to the theater.

There are always people who, for some reason, are late for the performance. Latecomers will always disturb others. There will also always be people who arrive last. Try not to be one of them, and generally not to be late.

According to the rules of etiquette, you should go to your seats facing the person sitting. Although it is more convenient to walk with your back, since it will be much more convenient to get around the knees of sitting people. But here it is as it is. Politeness will not always coincide with convenience.

The woman should always be allowed to go ahead. The man should also hold the reclining chair for his companion.

If a woman comes to the theater wearing a hat, be sure to ask if it will interfere with those sitting behind. If your answer is "Yes", you must remove the headgear. When a woman forgets to take off her hat, a spectator sitting behind her can politely ask her to do so. Moreover, the request must be fulfilled unconditionally. It can also cause inconvenience tall women's hairstyles. Unfortunately, there is no way to cope with them, so women should take this into account when going to the theater.

If you go to the theater in pairs, women should be seated next to each other and men should sit on the sides. The last places in the box should be given to women. As a rule, the stage is not very clearly visible in the boxes, so women should position themselves so that men can also see the performance. When you met friends in the theater and want to sit next to you, you might want to ask if other viewers can switch places with you. Moreover, the exchange should take place only at places of equal value or offer more convenient ones.

Lovers who sit with their heads bowed to each other look tactless. Thus, they prevent other viewers from enjoying the performance. Also, do not abuse tenderness; other spectators came to watch the performance on stage, and not two performances including yours.

A man is obliged to offer and buy a presentation program to his companion. If suddenly this moment was missed, he can ask the viewer sitting next to him to make sure that he has finished viewing it.

There used to be an unspoken rule to treat a lady with sweets. Now this is only permissible in box seats, but it is better to do it during intermission in the buffet.

Before going to the theater, women don't overuse perfume, apply them sparingly, because there may be people sitting in the hall who are very sensitive to odors.

Coughing loudly in a theater hall is bad manners. You will distract not only the audience, but also the artists. If you feel unwell, cancel your trip to the theater. Also, you should not comment on what is happening on the theater stage or make comments to the artists. You can discuss the acting during a break without being too loud.

Binoculars are designed to better see what is happening on stage, and not to look at other spectators.

Don't leave your seat until the performance is over and the artists take their bows. Of course, you don’t have to enthusiastically clap and shout “Bravo” after the performance, but you usually don’t leave without saying goodbye after visiting someone.