Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary. Baby's first birthday, one year old - congratulations

Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary.  Baby's first birthday, one year old - congratulations
Congratulations on your 1st year anniversary. Baby's first birthday, one year old - congratulations

Congratulations to a child on his one year anniversary are addressed not so much to the baby himself as to his parents, and sometimes even grandparents.

This first real birthday in the baby’s life, which begins the countdown not of months, but of full years lived, has some specific celebrations that need to be taken into account by both the organizers of the celebration, that is, the parents, and the guests preparing gifts and congratulations.

What is special about congratulations?

Many limit themselves to giving a useful gift to a child or simply asking parents what they should give. Of course, such gifts and congratulations on one year old are also appropriate, but they are not entirely correct.

The peculiarity of this holiday is that it is simultaneously a celebration of both the parents and the little birthday boy. In some cases, the holiday is also relevant to the older generation. For example, if the parents are busy and the baby is raised by the grandmother. That is, this celebration, on the one hand, is a family holiday, and on the other, it is the birthday of a specific person, albeit a small one. You shouldn’t forget about this when preparing birthday greetings and gifts.

Who should be congratulated?

Of course, the birthday boy himself should be congratulated first of all. Often people who do not have children of their own do not quite understand why it is necessary to address congratulatory words to a small child, believing that he still does not understand anything. In fact, the baby perfectly understands the appeal to himself and, most importantly, unmistakably senses falsehood.

Therefore, if there is no sincerity, then there is no need to tell the child poems or otherwise admire him. The little birthday boy will start to yawn or cry.

This is a fairly common situation that puts parents in an awkward position. The baby is given a beautiful toy, warm words are said, but the child throws the gift on the floor and begins to cry or simply does not show interest. Parents, as a rule, begin to explain that the baby is tired, overtired, or say something similar. Mom and dad feel especially uncomfortable if their offspring rejected a gift from their grandparents.

Such situations occur due to the fault of the guests themselves. A child subtly senses the true attitude of an adult. Therefore, although it is necessary to congratulate the baby, there is no need to do it falsely. It is better to utter a simple, not entirely original sentence, coming from the heart, than to read enthusiastic poetry with a false smile.

After congratulations on the baby’s birthday have been voiced and the gift has been given to the birthday boy, it’s the family’s turn. Sparing speech is inappropriate here. You need to talk a lot and be sure to admire the child, of course, within reason; you shouldn’t pronounce a half-hour monologue either.

If the whole family is present at the celebration, then the baby is the first to receive congratulations on his one-year anniversary, followed by the parents, and then the grandparents. You need two gifts - for the child and for his family.

What to give?

The gift for the birthday boy himself should be just for him. The gift should be chosen that the child can use. This should be something he will be happy about. That is, such types of gifts as bedding, playpens, strollers or clothes are not suitable. These gifts are addressed to the family of the birthday person, and not to himself.

That is, in addition to a meaningful present, you should purchase a toy or something else that the child will use himself. Educational games are often the best gift for kids every year. Of course, the gift should take into account the age of the baby and the fact that the birthday boy will develop very quickly. Accordingly, you should not give him rattles or logic games marked “8 months +”. If you have difficulty choosing a gift, you can do it simply and traditionally. The win-win options are:

  • Stuffed Toys;
  • sets of dishes for dolls;
  • themed corners - from kitchens to workshops.

Of course, when purchasing a themed play corner, you need to take into account the age of the baby and purchase an option that is safe for him. Children also like horses they can climb on and cars they can ride in. But when purchasing such a gift, you need to know for sure that there is somewhere to use it. After all, not in every apartment a child can ride along the corridor in a play car.

A gift to the family, on the contrary, implies something useful and necessary for the baby. That is, a bicycle, a stroller, clothes, food, dishes and other similar gifts should be given to the child’s parents, and not to the child himself.

If you want to show originality, you can present a photo shoot. Of course, this gift is also given to parents.

Do you need a postcard?

A postcard is an integral part of gift wrapping; of course, it is needed. However, it has the meaning of an accompanying annotation for congratulations spoken out loud and also indicates the one who gives this or that thing. This is important when the birthday is celebrated on a grand scale, many guests are invited and the gifts are simply piled up in a certain place.

The text in the postcard should contain the following points:

  • appeal to parents;
  • congratulations on the baby’s birthday mentioning his name;
  • wishes;
  • signature.

There is no need to write anything extra, everything is said in words.

If the holiday takes place in a restaurant, then the gift for the child is packaged together with the family gift; there is no need to write two cards.

What should I say to the birthday boy?

Congratulations on a boy’s one year anniversary can be prose and poetic, serious and funny. The main thing in them is sincerity and, of course, the degree of closeness with the child.

That is, guests do not need to show the “goat” or coo with a baby whom they have seen a couple of times and briefly. But if the congratulator is a person who periodically fusses with the birthday boy and plays with him, then the “goat” and other tricks that make children laugh are completely appropriate.

Congratulations on one year old in prose, said in a serious tone, look very touching.

An example of what you can say: “Dear (child’s first and patronymic), today is a wonderful and important day. The day on which you celebrate your first real holiday. There will be a lot of them ahead, but the very first one will forever remain the only one. What do you, (child’s name and patronymic), wish (you need to wait for some reaction from the baby)? Don't rush to grow up, don't rush to grow up and always smile. Happy birthday, (child’s first and patronymic)!”

Congratulations on a boy’s one year anniversary, addressed to himself, can also be poetic. But before you tell your child a poem, you should also say a couple of introductory words.

An example of how you can congratulate with a poem:

The days flew by quickly,

You're already big.

Coming soon to adults myself poems

You will start talking.

But I haven't started yet

Songs to sing for the holidays,


And don't be a prankster.

Grow big and strong

Eat a lot of porridge

And to start growing up,

Listen to mom and dad.

What should I say to the birthday girl?

Congratulating a girl on her one year anniversary, of course, differs from the words that are said to boys. As a rule, girls at this age are already read fairy tales before bed, the characters of which include princesses, fairies, elves, and other magical heroes. Accordingly, the fairy-tale world is familiar to the little girl, and this should be used when congratulating the birthday girl.

Of course, you don't need to dress up as anyone unless your parents are having a theme night. But the congratulations on one year old in prose may well sound like a small fairy tale.

An example of how you can congratulate a birthday girl: “Hello, (girl’s name)! I want to congratulate you and tell you something. And I want to tell you, (girl’s name), a story that happened many days ago. A long time ago, on the same day as today, in the same family, Princess Sunny was born. She smiled a lot and ate well. And she was Sunshine because she gave a lot of joy to her mom and dad, grandparents. They all wanted to play with the little princess, but Sunny did not have enough strength, and she fell asleep. The princess also wanted to have time to play with everyone, so she began to eat a lot, grew big and very beautiful. Do you know who this fairy tale is about (wait for the child’s reaction)? That's right, about you, (girl's name). Happy Birthday, sunny!".

If it is customary in the family to affectionately call the baby something specific, for example, Star, Bunny, and so on, then in your congratulations you need to use exactly this nickname.

Congratulations on a girl’s one year anniversary can also be said in verse:

Today is a beautiful day,

You were born in it a year ago.

You are a little happiness for your parents,

Which is growing to the envy of everyone.

And in order to grow up to be a beautiful, rosy-cheeked laugher,

You, (girl's name), need more often

Play with your toys.

Today you will have many gifts,

You will get to know everyone starting tomorrow.

Today, congratulations, princess, accept

And celebrate your first birthday with laughter.

What to tell the parents of the birthday boy?

Congratulations on your son’s one-year anniversary are much more important for mom and dad than for the birthday boy himself. This must be taken into account and do not skimp on kind words and compliments. Of course, the best congratulations are said without any templates, from the heart. But such words are often difficult to find at the right time, so it’s worth being prepared.

An example of what a congratulation on a son’s birthday might be for his parents: “Dear (names of parents, starting with mother), today you have the brightest and kindest holiday of all that you can imagine - your son’s first birthday. Looking at (child’s name), you don’t know what to wish for the people who raised such a wonderful, sunny, smiling little one.

Of course, the most important thing is patience, happiness and joy in every day. Health and strength. Wisdom and kindness. May all that you wish for yourself come true on this wonderful holiday. Congratulations!".

In poetry, as a rule, congratulations are not offered to the boy’s parents. However, if there is a good poem that suits the occasion, then it is quite appropriate to say it or write it in a card.

What should I say to the parents of the birthday girl?

Congratulations on your daughter’s one year anniversary, addressed to her parents, should contain compliments and praise. It is appropriate to note that the baby is growing up as beautiful as her mother.

An example of what you can say: “Dear (names of parents, starting with mother), we sincerely congratulate you on this holiday, which happens only once in a lifetime. Exactly a year ago, a new meaning arose in your life, (child’s name) was born. And today we celebrate her first real holiday, which is yours too. It is difficult to choose wishes, because (child’s name) is already as beautiful as her mother, as smart and resourceful as her father. We wish you that it always remains this way! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on your daughter’s one year anniversary can also be delivered in poetic form:

The eyes shine with warmth and pride - a smile,

After all, my daughter is one year old. She's already gone

Take your gifts apart, baby.

Recently she couldn’t even hold a spoon,

Now he's eating the cake.

What can I say here?

Please accept my congratulations,

After all, a miracle was given life.

And let no tears darken the day or the year

Never in life.

Like grandfathers?

Congratulating a grandson on his one year anniversary never causes any difficulties for those grandparents who are in constant contact with the baby.

But if representatives of the older generation live far away and have no idea what size clothing their descendant has, then congratulating them on their one-year anniversary becomes a real problem for them.

There are no special nuances in what a congratulation from loved ones and relatives should be. The only difference is that you can give your loved ones something more personal to the family than what is presented by just acquaintances.

In the absence of constant communication, grandparents should not take the initiative. The position of relatives allows them to ask the child’s parents about their wishes regarding the gift. But the older generation can easily choose a gift for the smallest birthday boy, focusing only on his own taste.

Happy Birthday,
After all, this is the first time for us!
There is joy and excitement in the house,
The sparkle of your happy eyes!
Grow up and become stronger
Never be discouraged!
Become older and smarter
Explore the huge world!

The very first year in life -
Bright, interesting,
Full of new things to do, troubles,
But so wonderful!
Can't be found in the whole world
The best child!
To grow in happiness, in joy,
Laugh loudly, baby!

Your steps are still small -
Only a year ago was it possible to be born!..
But eagles grow from eagles,
A lion cub grows into a lioness!
Stronger, wiser in many days
You will become, coming out of diapers...
Be happy, because there are no relatives
You, our beloved child!!!

Happy first year! A bright ray
May the sun always warm you,
May every day give you gifts!
Remember that we love you very much!

Sunny bunnies
They shine joyfully
Your eyes are bright
The lights are on!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a sight for sore eyes,
You are a treasure
You are a treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Cheerful, funny hippopotamus,
I smiled at you, lovingly,
Baby, you are already a year old,
And everyone congratulates you!
All roads are always open
Wonderful kids like you!
Grow up, get healthy
And explore the world slowly!

You are exactly one year old today,
The house is full of different toys,
And your mouth smiles,
And the eyes glow with fire.
Foxes, bunnies and bears
Everyone came to congratulate you,
And, to please the little one,
They brought a huge cake!

May your first birthday
It will be a holiday for loved ones!
Treats instead of pacifiers
Chocolate and toffee.
Let all the guests entertain,
Together they crawl, babble,
They make "magpie" themselves
And they laugh along with “okay”!

The day smiles with bright colors,
The sun is shining and the birds are singing!
You are turning one year old today,
Guests are waiting with holiday gifts.
Smiles and happiness, laughter and joy,
True friends and a straight path,
Mountains of chocolate and all other sweets
We wish you to find it!

Your baby has already left -
Even though it's only been a year!
He'll start talking soon
And there the kindergarten is waiting for him!
What can I wish for my mother?
How can I support my dad?
You've been living in trouble for a year,
And there is no peace for a long time!
But someday you will understand
What's happier, you, everyone!
Be grateful to God
What a child you have!
Let him be healthy
Many, many more years!

The year flew by like a dream.
Birthday, this is it
I knocked on your door today,
A year has flown by like one day.
Celebrate, mother, celebrate, grandfather,
First year!.. But many years
A child is waiting ahead,
Let him grow strong.
Today you are a whole year old,
Accounts right turnover.

Quatrains for 1 year

Angel, Happy Birthday!
Happy first year to you!
New bright impressions,
Happiness, light and goodness!

Happy Birthday -
You are one year old!
Be you our delight
The bright sunshine in fate!!!

On your very first birthday
Lots of wishes!
Happiness, joy, luck!
May all your wishes come true!

The year has brought so many events!
We hasten to wish you
Happiness, joy, discoveries!
Happy first big holiday!

First year! Happy Birthday!
Have a joyful mood!
Explore the wonderful world!
Have fun, grow, play!

You are exactly one year old today!
How quickly our bunny is growing!
You become strong, become brave
And reach straight for the sun!

Gifts for you
Cake, congratulations!
The brightest holiday -
First Birthday!

Laugh more fun
On your most important day,
Grow up quickly
Our child is glorious!


Happy Birthday Baby),
You are one year old today!
I wish you to live in love,
Don't let your tummy bother you
Let my little one's teeth
They don't bother me at all.
Know, little one, that I love you,
You deserve better.
Grow up, healthy baby,
To the joy of all relatives,
We are very glad that we have you,
We thank fate every day.

The whole year passed unnoticed,
And the next one (Name) meets!
Our daughter is growing, growing,
Parents don't notice!
The days are flying by so quickly,
Recently I was just a lump,
And daddy and mommy are waiting
Daughter's second birthday!

From the baby's parents to guests for one year

The child is one year old
There is noise and commotion in the house,
Children's laughter is cheerful, ringing,
It is heard here and there.
Our little son is very smart,
He wants to know everything himself,
A mischievous and braggart
There is bedlam in his house.
But our little son is our happiness,
Only with him there is meaning in life.
That's why we wish everyone
Understand one thought in life -
Children bring happiness to the house,
Making life beautiful!
Children's laughter brings joy
And your career goes up!

A child's birthday is not only his holiday, but also his parents and loved ones. If your little boy or girl is celebrating his 1st birthday, congratulations will also be sent to his parents. His parents took an active part in everything that the baby achieved this year. Therefore, when preparing your congratulations, mention in them the child’s father, mother, and grandparents. If you are invited to the birthday party of a child who is one year old, be sure to buy him a gift. It’s for him, not for dad or mom. Don't buy diapers and other similar things. A small child will appreciate a beautiful, bright rattle or educational toy with lots of flashing lights and fun sound effects.

Today is the most important holiday!
My son is turning one year old!
Your baby is so funny
We kiss him tenderly on the cheek!
May your son be cheerful
Growing up smart, mischievous,
Happy, smart and healthy -
To the joy of your friends and family!

Sunny bunnies
They shine joyfully
Your eyes are bright
The lights are on!
Laughter is funny, dear,
Cheeks - a sight for sore eyes,
You are a treasure
You are a treasure!
Happy first birthday!

Happy Birthday!
With the very first
We congratulate the baby!
Let it be for joy
Mom and dad
My daughter is growing up healthy
Both beautiful and cheerful,
And a little naughty,
And continue on in life firmly
He stomps his feet forward!

Happy first year! A bright ray
May the sun always warm you,
May every day give you gifts!
Remember that we love you very much!

May your first birthday
It will be a holiday for loved ones!
Treats instead of pacifiers
Chocolate and toffee.
Let all the guests entertain,
Together they crawl, babble,
They make the “magpie” themselves
And they laugh along with their hands!

Real family:
Mom, dad and child -
Dear child,
The sun is golden!
Cute creature
For your admiration,
Your joy is forever,
A year has passed, and then two...
Let ten pass by -
Your joy will not be interrupted.
It will only multiply
If you try really hard!
What do you put in your child?
Even twenty years later
You will have plenty.
May God give you a smooth life!

Our dear baby. Happy Birthday - you are one year old! What a joy it is to look at your first steps and hear your first words, which you still hesitantly pronounce. You are our sunshine, you are our joy, you are our happiness in our destiny.

Goodbye pacifiers, goodbye diapers -
Our baby has become an adult and smart child!
The mouth is full of teeth, and the pot has submitted,
You've already come to terms with the tasteless cutlet.

More surprises await parents soon -
Drawings on the walls, funny whims.
Get ready, baby, there are a lot of worries.
After all, you are already an adult - you are a whole year old.

Good day to everyone who has visited my site. So you, like me, are interested in everything related to holidays, gifts and good mood)

Today I have prepared for you an article on the topic “congratulations to a child’s 1st birthday.” Therefore, if you are going to a party for a little birthday boy or you yourself will soon organize such an event, then this article was written especially for you.

The first year of life is a real test for young parents. The sleepless nights are behind us, the first inept steps in the role of mom and dad.

Therefore, the first birthday is more of a holiday for the baby’s parents.

It is customary for us to celebrate this holiday widely and on a grand scale, inviting all relatives, friends and, of course, godparents of the birthday person.

How to congratulate

When going to your one-year-old baby’s birthday, don’t forget to congratulate your mother. Be sure to take a bouquet of flowers in addition to the toy. This is a special day for mom and she will be very pleased that you congratulate her first.

Remember the basic rule - we congratulate the parents and give a gift to the child. It’s better to congratulate in prose, it comes out more from the heart.

How to celebrate a birthday

Young parents really want this day to be remembered forever, so they need to prepare in advance for the celebration of their 1st birthday.

Deciding on venue of the holiday. Of course, if your budget allows, you won’t have to rack your brains for long. It’s much easier to order a restaurant to which you can invite all your relatives, and for little guests, order an animator.

But, if you have a very limited budget, then this is not a reason to be upset and give in to despondency. You can have a wonderful holiday at home, but for this you will have to turn to relatives and friends for help.

Menu. If the composition of the guests implies the presence of more children, in addition to the smallest birthday boy, then be sure to make 2 tables: an adult and a child.

It's better to separate them. Then children will not disturb adults, and they will have more fun with their peers. (Of course, we are talking about older children; you obviously won’t be able to keep one-year-olds away)).

You are unlikely to be able to prepare the table yourself, so ask your close friends and mothers to help you with this. There is no need to prove to everyone on this day what a wonderful housewife you are, capable of baking a cake of 16 layers.

Mom should be cheerful, rested and receiving guests with a smile. Better save your energy for entertaining your guests.

You don’t need a lot of alcohol, after all, this is a children’s holiday and it should not turn into a long adult feast.

Leisure. In order for guests to have fun and not forget that they came to a children's party, it is necessary to think through the program. Prepare comic competitions in advance with the obligatory presentation of prizes from the birthday person. These can be pleasant and useful little things.

Consider diplomas and certificates for grandparents and godparents of the birthday boy. During the feast, under the next toast, you can make a speech of gratitude for their worries and care this year, and then present a memorial document.

Room decoration. Everything in your home should tell visiting guests that this is a baby shower. Inflate and hang more bright balloons. Make pompoms from colored paper. An excellent design idea would be a train with 12 carriages, where instead of each carriage there is a photograph of the birthday boy.

Number the carriages in chronological order as your child grows older. Guests will be interested in looking at funny pictures of how he grew up.

Musical accompaniment. The holiday atmosphere consists not only of deliciously prepared dishes and a beautifully set table. Think about the musical accompaniment in advance. Let these be songs from children's cartoons. This will immediately put your guests in a festive mood.

Photo zone. Nowadays it is very fashionable to set aside space for photographs. This could be a sofa, an armchair, decorated with balls, pompoms, etc.

You can prepare funny and humorous accessories for adult guests: caps, hats, funny glasses made of paper, mustaches on sticks - the photos will turn out to be very original and funny.

What to give a little birthday boy

For many, especially those who do not yet have their own children, the question of what to give their baby becomes a real problem. I want to please the parents, please the baby, and bring benefit to the family.

By 12 months, the child can already walk and is now actively exploring the space around him.

Adults need to do a lot of work with the baby, developing fine motor skills, speech, coordination and logical thinking. Therefore, when choosing toys, it is better to give preference to educational games.

The cost of the gift is not at all important to the child; the parents are more likely to appreciate it. But the toy must be of high quality. A curious fidget puts everything in its mouth, so the material from which the toy is made must be environmentally friendly and have a quality certificate.

You should not give toys that do not have an age limit. All of them should have large parts that the little one cannot swallow. Avoid bright, acidic colors and battery-powered games.

Can be given as a gift

Educational books. These are textile soft bright books with pages of different textures. Rustling, clinking, cracking, etc. All this greatly amuses the baby and through tactile sensations he learns to understand the world around him.

Sorter toy. Nowadays there is a wide variety of toys in children's stores, the purpose of which is to teach the child to correctly select the shapes of objects.

Choose large sorters with large holes. The baby is still very inexperienced in such games, so he may simply not have the patience to tinker with small details.

Bike. Of course, some time will still have to pass before the baby masters the art of independently driving children's transport, but in the spring and summer, the baby will be interested in walking with his mother on such a bicycle.

Wheelchair. A toy that the baby will roll in front of him. You can choose one with musical accompaniment, then the walks will become twice as fun and interesting.

Cubes. Be careful when choosing these toys. The baby may start throwing them, so it is better to choose lightweight plastic or soft ones so that he does not harm himself.

Stroller will make the girl very happy. She has not yet learned to play with dolls, but is already beginning to imitate her mother. When going for a walk, your little one will definitely want to take her own little doll stroller with her.

Rolling car. A little boy will love to sit in such a toy, which will be controlled by dad.

Cloth. This is a very practical and useful gift, which the mother of the little birthday boy will undoubtedly appreciate, but the baby himself, of course, is not interested in it. Therefore, be sure to buy in addition a small toy that the child can play with.

Money. Of course, many people prefer not to give money, but sometimes parents hint that they would like to choose a useful gift themselves. In this case, be sure to supplement the envelope with a small toy for your baby.

Many of these ideas will also be useful for celebrating your little one’s second birthday.

If you liked my tips and ideas for celebrating your first birthday, share the link with your friends. Subscribe to the blog and come visit! See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Where can I find happy birthday greetings for a 1 year old girl or boy? Beautiful and funny congratulations are presented on our website. Choose your favorite and congratulate the birthday boys on their 1st birthday. There are congratulations in verse and prose for a girl’s 1st birthday and a boy’s 1st birthday. Congratulations are a great part of the holiday, especially for children. Happy holiday!


Congratulations to mommy and daddy -
The baby is already one year old today.
Your child is just a sweetheart.
How quickly the baby is growing!

I wish your baby to make you happy,
To be healthy and beautiful,
Smart, brave, mischievous, resourceful.
I would grow up and value you!


Here is the main holiday -
First birthday!
Lots of gifts
Words and admiration.

Didn't even notice
How the year has flown by!
You sit at the head of the table
And you walk by the hand.

Ahead, I know
Paths and paths,
On which they will run
Little feet.

Let the paths be paths
Everything comes easy.
And more often with glasses
Sparkles laugh.

Mom and dad love
Grandmothers cherish.
And for a little bit of happiness
Let life have no regrets.


The year flew by unnoticed -
It's your first birthday!
Everyone is in a hurry to congratulate you,
Time to spend with you.

Wish you more happiness
Listen to your elders, don’t get sick,
Laugh loudly and have fun
It's joyful to look at the world.

May your angel protect you
Protects with his wing.
Let the world be filled with miracles,
Light, magic, goodness.


First tooth, first step, first year.
Oh, how time goes by quickly.
We know we can't catch up with him.
Let your childhood be bright, we want it
Make you laugh and play,
And for all your days I wish
Magic, like in a joyful fairy tale,
Amulet of parental affection,
You can't be a whimsical crybaby,
... to appreciate and love mom and dad.
Develop, grow and mature,
Smile, laugh and sing.


A year ago, a treasure appeared in your house, a noisy, small, but such a dear and very beloved little ball. I want to wish that your baby is always surrounded by only love. And so that for now, small achievements in life, like the first steps, bring only cheerful laughter and a storm of joy. Also, of course, health, for rapid growth and endless energy, for daily knowledge of such a large and interesting world.

Poems for 1 year old. Happy Birthday 1st Birthday Wishes


I congratulate you today
This little sun!
A year ago with mom and dad
The light in the window came on.

May miracles surround you
Your little life
Let no one offend.
Sleep, play, have fun!

The first paths in life
Let them be full of victories!
Your tiny feet
Let them leave their mark everywhere!


Our sun, our little bunny,
Our flower is golden!
You grow up quickly, child,
Be under a happy star!

So much joy and laughter
How many colors are ahead!
To a world of happiness and success
Take your first steps.

Happy first birthday!
May the angel protect you.
The moments fly by quickly,
Grow in peace and love!


You are one year old today.
How fast you are growing!
We wish in this world
More kind words,
May it always be fun
Let the laughter be loud
Health will be good
You are happiness for us all!


How quickly time flies -
Your child is already one year old today.
May the sun shine for the rest of your baby’s life,
And let luck sing like a bird.

May all your wishes come true,
Which will be heard more than once today.
Let love, and hope, and faith
They will surround you with their halo.

Every year more and more luck,
Aspirations, fun and strength.
May a happy child grow up!
He was healthy, cheerful, beautiful!


Oh, where from, oh where from
Have you taken such a miracle?
They raised him for a whole year,
They baptized with a glorious name,
Kissed and pardoned
Taught, pampered,
Dressed up, dressed up,
Amused, developed
And they loved selflessly!
Your baby has grown noticeably.

Be healthy, glorious little boy,
Sweet, affectionate, funny.
Gain new knowledge
Crawl, run and play.
Smile with your full mouth,
After all, you are one year old today!

Happy birthday to 1 year old baby


I wish the child health at one year old,
New successes and new victories,
Many discoveries, steps and smiles -
I wish you a lot!

I wish mom and dad patience,
Fewer sleepless nights with your child,
A lot of health and a lot of luck.
He is the best of your children!


Our dear angel,
Sweet little lump
Happy first year
And with all our hearts we wish:

Be healthy, smart, brave,
Kind, strong and skillful,
To give joy to all relatives,
To be above everyone!


How important is the first year in life?
When everything new comes,
And everything around is so beautiful,
When it's easy to bring happiness.
Your first year and first tooth,
Your first laugh... You are a ray of sunshine.
When there is so much affection nearby,
And they read bedtime stories,
When everything is strange and for the first time,
And everyone is so kind.
When success is behind every step,
And all the best is nearby.
Let life teach you
Always be the very best!


Time flew by quickly:
Just yesterday the baby was lying,
And today it’s so skillful
You are already standing on your feet.

The man has a lot to do,
What the first year produces:
Every day there are more successes,
A new twist beckons.

Happiness and health, baby!
Strong, grow up, smarter,
Cat, bunny, light in the window,
Mommy's pride.


Happy birthday, little angel!
Everyone congratulates you lovingly.
All hobbies, smiles, gifts,
This life, this world is for you!

You are one year old today, so what?
This is just the beginning of the journey.
You, our little one, of course you can
Walk firmly on this ground.

May you be surrounded by love
Everyone who is near you today.
And to parents - happiness and health!
God bless your family peace!

happy birthday 1 year old girl, boy


Congratulations, little sun, on your first year, on your first significant date. I wish you to stomp along the roads of good luck, clap your hands cheerfully, charm everyone around with your beautiful smile, and be the greatest joy for the whole family. I wish that every day be an interesting hobby, I wish you, my dear, to grow up as a healthy, loved, kind, happy child.


I congratulate you on your first year of life! On this small, but very solemn date, I wish to grow, not getting sick or being capricious, but learning new things and becoming more and more mature and independent every day. May you have many interesting, joyful moments and events ahead. Happy birthday!


One year old Exactly! That's the date!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish to live a lot
And we hasten to say:

Achievements and discoveries,
Happiness, laughter and victories!
The year is an important event
It's like a start for many years!


This is a miracle, this is happiness,
There is noise everywhere, lots of toys,
It's just your little one
I've grown a whole year.

First year, one hundred discoveries,
The world is beautiful and great
How many joyful events
They stand in front of you.

May your health be good,
Happiness, laughter, bright days,
Be like the sun among the clouds,
You are a joy to all your family!


The first year has flown by
Quickly, unnoticed,
Much is already behind us
You have grown remarkably.

You make the world happy,
You understand a lot
Mom and Dad love you
And you know about it.

Let them live in your soul
Kindness and fairy tale
They will be full of joy
And fun eyes.

Be healthy, be strong
And always happy.
May it always be around you
The world will be beautiful.

Happy 1st birthday to a girl or boy


First adult anniversary
Start of toys and ventures,
The first cake with one candle,
Unexpected, big.

We wish the baby
Experiencing a wonderful world,
Develop, don't get sick,
A difficult step to overcome.


A year is good
You are already big.
Soon he will sit on the potty -
Rejoice, dear ones.

Cognize and study
Peace, of course, is necessary.
Interesting things around
You have to touch everything.

Happiness, joy, love
I wish from the bottom of my heart
And blow a kiss
I send you gently.


The first year is the most important:
You can crawl nicely
You've been trying to stomp for a long time,
Talking is funny.

Let parents cherish
They love and regret greatly.
Make them happy every hour
Happy first year to all of you!


Health, happiness to a small miracle,
Let everything in life always be just smooth.
May good luck accompany you everywhere,
And life will turn out well, and not otherwise.

More magic and fairy tales,
More parental affection.
To the parents themselves - prosperity and patience,
And many happy birthdays for the child!


Why are you giving me a pacifier?
It's time to learn from books.
Why are you feeding puree?
It's time to go to the cafe.

Throw away the diapers, sippy cup
And show me the refrigerator,
And the baby will quickly decide
What is your soul on now?

The baby is one year old! This is the date!
Drive away, Daddy, the salary -
Today we need to cut some slack,
Place the load of gifts on your back.

And your child will be happy,
Let the strength increase
And let the cheerful laughter sound
From dancing, cartoons, fun.

1st birthday greetings in prose


Counted the days and months
Eagerly. And so,
We suddenly realized
That you are one year old today.

Hitting it hard with your foot,
You walk proudly in diapers.
Who is this honey here?
Carefully! You'll fall!

We'll never stop
Be amazed at miracles.
From what distant distances
Did this happiness come to us?

Got fatter, got wiser,
It just grows before our eyes!
Amazing thing -
The very, very first year.


Happy birthday,
Happy first year, baby!
We wish the little one happiness.
Be healthy, strong guy!

Mom and dad have a lot of patience,
Raise an angel.
And the baby is lucky...
And get to know the world sooner.


You were born, baby,
We've been waiting for you.
It lit up at that moment
There's a lucky star in heaven!

You are an angel, God's gift,
Thank you for being here.
All the words of love and words
You can't count the praises enough.

Grow healthy, baby,
To the delight of the whole family.
You sleep sweetly with us at night
And in the morning everyone is more cheerful!

Let the first year fly by
Here's my first birthday.
We congratulate you all
And we love you very much!


Congratulations to your little treasure on the first year of life, which became his first step in this world! I wish you, happy parents, patience, and your child a good fate, good health and smiling fortune. Happy holiday!


Mom is very happy
Dad is all blooming
After all, their child
Birthday is a year!

Let there be toys all around
Noise and disorder -
Isn't this happiness?
And a gift from fate?

Congratulations for a 1 year old child


Happy birthday!
I wish you to grow up soon,
Make mom happy, love,
And live in friendship with everyone.

Don't be idle and listen to your loved ones,
Eating porridge with gusto,
Don't be sad, but have fun,
And glow with joy!


Live the first year with you,
How fast are you growing?
You wave your hand nicely to everyone,
You count the first teeth.

You will grow up to the delight of your mother
And be your father's pride
May it not disappear over the years
Joy from your face.

May you be confident and brave
There will be every new step
Let it be with mad fun
Life brings many blessings.


One year has passed,
Full of joyful events.
And your little lump squeaks
Made a thousand discoveries.

The child stood on his feet,
I learned to eat from a spoon.
And a magical ringing laugh
Illumines everyone with happiness.

Let the first birthday
It will be bright and colorful,
Let it give you the mood
For the baby and all the family!


Today is the baby's one year old
Today is the baby's birthday!
He smiles with all his might
He laughs so loudly.

The first step has already been taken
And the first tooth came out.
He likes to make a mess like that
But he doesn’t like to eat soup!

May his life be easy
The wind will be fair
Good luck good star
His life is bright.

May heaven protect him
From sadness and evil.
And let your gaze sparkle forever
From rays of goodness!


It's been a year since the miracle happened -
You have great joy.
A child was born into your friendly family,
He came down to you from heaven like a bright angel!

And suddenly the house became more comfortable, brighter,
Everyone’s heart felt more pleasant, warmer,
Happiness lay quietly in the crib!
And time kept running at breakneck speed...

In the year of your new life, you have accomplished a lot:
We learned to sit and walk, sang...
We wish you the same growth and development.
And, of course, meet with us more often!

Congratulations on your 1st birthday


Birthday, first one,
The main holiday for the family.
Mom and dad are next to you,
We congratulate you together!

Cake, gifts, kisses,
And balloons.
Today everyone is spoiling you,
Be healthy (howl) always you.

Many joyful moments
Every day we wish.
Bright days, bright emotions,
Let your dreams come true.


Everything for the first time: the first step, the first toys,
Baby's first tooth, books, rattles.
So the year flew by in quiet rapture,
And today is your first birthday!

How many joyful discoveries, words, steps and kindness,
Everyone’s favorite faces are here, and the reason for this is you!
It’s okay that your step is timid and you can’t go anywhere without your mother,
This is just a matter of skill, the rest is nonsense!

You will be brave, kind, strong,
Smart and diligent
We all love you very much
Trembling and gentle!


You don't need diapers
After all, my strength has increased.
You've taken your first steps
You've done so many things:

I dismantled the pyramid
I tore the letter from the book,
I broke the best vase,
You got a bump on your forehead.

You're already a year old
You ride your horse dashingly,
Do you like to have fun playing?
Have fun on the swing.

Happy birthday.
I wish you to be healthy
Be happy and obedient
We really, really need you.


It's a beautiful day
First birth.
The year flew by quickly -
Like a moment.

How your little one has grown up,
He walks on the floor by himself.
Laughter, fun and courage
Let them not go.

Let him grow healthy
Kind, energetic.
May happiness be in his destiny
It will be limitless!


Happy first birthday
Congratulations, no doubt
Mommy and Daddy...
And a sweet girl!

Raise your sweet daughter,
The happiest one.
Help her in everything
Discover the world together.

We hug the bird
We give you a gift.
Don't sulk, smile
Let's get started on the cake.

Blow out the candle soon,
Make your wish!
After all, everything you want
Of course it comes true.

Happy birthday 1 year in verse


The baby is one year old!
I'll ask God
So that he is healthy
And it didn’t spoil your sleep.

Let it grow without knowing any problems,
Filling your house with happiness,
Laughs loudly and joyfully
You will achieve a lot in life.


Today everything shines from smiles,
Everything around is illuminated with joy.
Celebrates his first birthday
Our little angel, a mischievous bunny.

Little god, this million events
And gave me a sea of ​​impressions,
But there are still plenty of discoveries ahead.
We wish the sun health and strength.

Let him absorb kindness and happiness,
Growing up with an open, pure soul.
May there be no bad weather in life
And mother’s love gives tenderness!


1 year - and there are so many discoveries in life,
Many different fun and good events:
First snow, first rain, November and heat.
It's time to congratulate you on your first year in life.

Let your path be illuminated with light,
There are answers to any questions.
May mom and dad be healthy
They will be ready to support you in life.


Wow, it's already been a whole year
Our little man is growing.
For the baby this is the date:
The stroller is already too small,
The first step in life has been taken,
Baby with a spoon, with teeth.
So let's congratulate
Celebrate birthday.
We wish you health
There is never too much of it.
And also, as in a good fairy tale,
Happiness out of the stroller
Moved into the room
Quietly huddled in the corner,
Growing up with you
And it never left my whole life.


Today your child is one year old,
We sincerely welcome you.
Let your child grow
Sorrow, not knowing bitterness.

Let him always smile
After all, happiness is created by laughter.
Let him never get sick
Let him achieve the best in life!