Positive and negative traits of the nature of Oblomov, its inconsistency in the Roman Goncharov. The main features of the nature of Oblomov What features of the character are concluded in the image of Oblomov

Positive and negative traits of the nature of Oblomov, its inconsistency in the Roman Goncharov. The main features of the nature of Oblomov What features of the character are concluded in the image of Oblomov
Positive and negative traits of the nature of Oblomov, its inconsistency in the Roman Goncharov. The main features of the nature of Oblomov What features of the character are concluded in the image of Oblomov

It is not by chance that Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov wrote his famous Roman "Oblomov", recognized by contemporaries by classics after the publication, after ten years. As he himself wrote about him, this novel - about the "his" generation, about those Barchukov, who came to St. Petersburg "from good moms" and tried to make a career there. They, to really make a career, should have changed their attitude towards work. Ivan Alexandrovich himself passed through it. However, many local noblemen and in adult life remained idlers. At the beginning of the XIX century it was not rare. The artistic and holistic mapping of the representative of a degenerate in the conditions of the fastepan law of the nobleman for Goncharov became the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov - a typical character at the beginning of the XIX century

Oblomov's appearance, the image itself of this localist nobleman imagined as many characteristic features that he became a nominal one. As evidenced by the memories of contemporaries, during the time of Goncharov, even the wrong rule began not to call the son of "Ilya", if the same was the name of his father ... The reason is that such people do not need to work to ensure that they can not serve. After all, capital and fasteners already provide a certain weight in society. This is a landowner who owns 350 souls of serfs, but absolutely not interested in agriculture, which his feed, which is not controlling a quarreler, who his godless robs.

Dear mahogany furniture is covered with dust. All of its existence passes on the sofa. He replaces him all the apartment: living room, kitchen, hallway, office. The apartment runs mice, bugs are found.

Appearance of the main hero

The description of the appearance of Oblomov testifies to the special - satirical role of this image in Russian literature. His essence is that he continued the classical tradition of unnecessary people in his fatherland after the Pushkin Evgeny Onegin and Lermontov Pechor. Ilya Ilyich has an appearance corresponding to such a lifestyle. Its unstable full, but already loose body, it puts in a rather adjusted robe. His look is dreaming, his hands are still.

Main detail of the appearance of Ilya Ilyich

It is not by chance that, repeatedly describing the appearance of Oblomov in the course of the novel, Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov focuses on its chubby hands, with small brushes, perfectly fused. This artistic reception is not worked out by work - additionally focuses the passivity of the main character.

Oblomov's dreams never find their real continuation in affairs. They are his personal way to cherish her laziness. And he is busy with the very awakening: shown by Goncharov, for example, day from the life of Ilya Ilyich, it begins with one and a half hours of motionless dreams, naturally, while not peeling from the sofa ...

Positive features of Oblomov

However, it should be recognized that Ilya Ilyich is more kind, open. He is friendly than the greatness of France Onegin, or the Fatalist Pechorin, bringing the troubles surrounding only. He is not able to raise himself from a trifle with a man, and even more so cause a duel.

Goncharov describes the appearance of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich in full compliance with his lifestyle. And this landowner lives with his loyal servant Zakhar on the Vyborg side in spacious four-room apartments. Full, loose 32-33-year-old bald scattered with brown hair, a fairly pleasant face and with dreamy dark gray eyes. Such is the appearance of Oblomov in a brief description, which Goncharov represents at the beginning of their novel. This is an offacarious nobleman from once famous in the province of the genus, twelve years ago came to Petersburg to make a career with a ceremony. I started with the rank then by negligence sent a letter instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk and, frightened, quit.

His appearance, of course, has an interlocutor to communicate. And it is not surprising that guests come to him daily. The appearance of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" can not be called unattractive, it even to some extent expresses the non-odious mind Ilya Ilyich. However, there is no practical chain, focus. However, his face is expressive, it displays the flow of continuous thoughts. He utters a little word, builds noble plans. Already the very description of the appearance of Oblomov gives an attentive reader to the conclusion that his spirituality is zezub, and the plans never come true. They will be forgotten without reaching practical performance. However, new ideas will come to their place, as torn away from reality ...

Oblomov's appearance - degradation mirror ...

Note that even the appearance of Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" could be completely different - he gets another home education ... After all, he was an energetic, inquisitive child, not inclined to completeness. As it should be for their age, he was interested in what was happening around him. However, Mama put up for a child of unrefected nanny, who did not give him anything in his hands. Over time, Ilya Ilyich also perceived any work as the low-class car, men.

Appearance of opposite characters: gallez and broom

Why does an observer-physiognomist come to this conclusion? Yes, because, for example, the appearance of the gallery in the novel "Oblomov" is completely different: dwelling, movable, dynamic. Andrei Ivanovich does not tend to dream, he instead, rather plans, analyzes, formulates a goal, and then works for its achievement ... After all, the gallets, his friend from the young age, thinks dispelled, having a legal education, as well as rich service experience and Communication with people .. The origin of it is not soever anything as in Ilya Ilyich. His father is a German, working as a clerk on landowners (in our present sense - a classic hired manager), and the mother is a Russian woman who received a good humanitarian education. He since childhood knew that his career and position in society should earn labor.

Diametrically opposed to these two characters in the novel. Even the appearance of Oblomov and Stolz are completely different. Nothing like, not a single similar feature, are two completely different human types. The first is a wonderful interlocutor, an open soul person, however, the lazy in the last hypostasis of this shortage. The second is active, ready to help friends who fell into trouble. In particular, he introduces his friend Ilya with a girl who can "cure" him from Leno - Olga Ilinskaya. In addition, he suggests order in the landlord of agriculture. And after the death of Oblomov, his son Andrei adopts.

Differences in the method of presentation of the Goncharov appearance gallery and Oblomov

In different ways, we will find out the features of the appearance, which possesses bugs and galley. The appearance of Ilya Ilyich the author is shown classically: according to the author talking about him. The features of Andrei Stolz, we learn gradually, from the words of other characters of the novel. That is how we begin to understand that Andrei has a thin, housing, muscular physique. His skin is smoothed, and greenish on the color of the eye is expressive.

In different ways also apply to the love of brooms and gallets. The appearance of their elect, as well as relations with them, two heroes of the novel are different. Oblomov gets a wife-mother of Agafia Pshenitsyn - Loving, causing, not driving. Stolz marries formed by Olga Ilinskaya - Female-comrade, assistant wife.

It is not surprising that this person, in contrast to Oblomov, diluating his condition.

Appearance and respect of people related to whether they are connected?

Oblomov's appearance and galley are perceived in different ways. Moismage-obcomments Like honey attracts flies, "Mikhaya Tarantyev's fraudsters and Ivan Mukhoyarov entails. It periodically feels apathy attacks, feeling obvious discomfort from his passive life position. The assembled, the dilution gallery of such a decline of the spirit is not experiencing. He loves life. His insight and serious approach to life scares the villains. Not in vain, after meeting with him, Mikey Tarantyev "starts up. For


The appearance of Ilyich fully fits into the concept of "excess person, that is, the person who cannot implement itself in society. The abilities he possessed in his youth were subsequently ruined. Initially, a non-government upbringing, and then - idleness. Previously, the shouted boy was flicker to 32 years old, lost interest in the surrounding life, and by 40 years fell ill and died.

Ivan Goncharov described the type of nobleman-serf, having a life position of Earlier (money regularly go to the work of other people, and it doesn't arise such a desire for such a desire.) It is quite obvious that people who have such a life position have no future.

At the same time, the energetic and purposeful dispenser Andrei Stolz seeks to in the life of obvious success and position in society. His appearance is a reflection of his active nature.

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Characteristic Ilya Ilyich Oblomov Very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complicated and mysterious. Oblomov separates itself from the outside world, is separated from him. Even his accommodation is little like inhabited.

From early childhood, he saw a similar example from his relatives, who were also separated from the outside world and protected him. In his hometown was not customary to work. When he, being another child, played with the peasant children in the snowball, then it was heated for several days. In the Oblomovka with Otskaya, the new one - even a letter who came from a neighbor, in which he asked the beer recipe, was afraid to open three days.

But Ilya Ilyich gladly remembers his childhood. He worship the nature of the crushing, although this is an ordinary village, no particularly remarkable. He is brought up by rustic nature. This nature instilled in him the poetry and love for beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only all the time on something complains and is engaged in verbal. He is lazy, nothing does anything and does not expect anything from others. He takes life such as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and tell about their lives, he feels that in the bustling of life, they forget that they are in vain to waste life ... And he does not need to fuss, act, do not need to prove anyone. Ilya Ilyich just lives and enjoys life.

It is difficult to imagine in motion, it looks ridiculous. Alone, lying on the sofa, it is natural. It looks at ease - it is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize the read:

  1. The appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man 33 years old pleasant appearance, medium height, continued. The softness of the face expression was issued in it of a human-speaking and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, the bugs are not married, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel marries and happy in marriage.
  3. Description of the dwelling. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in the apartment on a pea street. The apartment is launched, the servant Zakhar is rarely pierced in it, which is also lazy, like the owner. The sofa occupies a special place in the apartment, on which the breakfasts are broken.
  4. Behavior, actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich is difficult to call an active man. Only his friend is a gallery of the gallery. The main character lies on the sofa and only dreams that he will soon rise from it and will do business. He cannot even solve urgent problems. His estate came into decline and does not bring money, so the breakdown even nothing to pay for the apartment.
  5. The author's attitude to the hero. Goncharov with sympathy belongs to Oblomov, he considers him a kind, mental person. At the same time, he sympathizes him: it is a pity that young, capable, not a stupid man lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude towards Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and brighted, so can't cause respect. In places, he just infuriates me, I want to approach and shake it. I do not like people who are so mediocare their lives. Maybe I am so sharply reacting to this hero, because I feel the same flaws in yourself.

Roman "Oblomov", who wrote Ivan Goncharov, became one of the key in the literature of the XIX century, and such a concept as the "Oblomovshchyna", which was superbly opened by Goncharov in the novel, reflected how it is impossible to the character of the society of that time. When we consider the characteristic of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich, the main character of the novel, the concept of "granious" will become even more understandable.

So, Ilya Oblomov was born in the landowner's family with her lifestyle and accepted standards. Ros boy, absorbing the environment and the spirit of life of the landowners. With his priorities, he began to consider what he learned from his parents, and, of course, his personality was formed precisely in such circumstances.

Brief description of Oblomov Ilya Ilyich

Already at the beginning of the novel, the author introduces us with the way Oblomov. This is an introvert that has experienced to all apathy, which is indulging in his dreams and lives illusions. Oblons can be so bright and vividly to draw a picture in their imagination, inventing her that he himself often crying or from the soul rejoices that scenes that do not really exist.

Oblomov appearance in the novel "Oblomov" as if reflecting his inner state, his soft and sensual character traits. It can be said that his television flows were smooth, graceful and gave some unacceptable for a man with tenderness. Characteristic of Oblomov is pronounced: he had soft shoulders and small chopped hands, long ago, it was already frozen and led a low-effective lifestyle. And the view of Oblomov is always sleepy, devoid of concentration - testifies to him brighter than the rest!

Bakes in life

We proceed from considering the image of Oblomov to describe its life, which is importantly understood by studying the characteristics of the main character. First, reading the description of his room, it seems that it is perfectly removed and cozy: there is a pretty wooden bureau there, and sofas with silk upholstery, and hang carpets with curtains, and paintings ... But here we are looking at the package to the decoration of the Oblomov Room And we see a web, dust on the mirrors, dirt on the carpet and even an unlocked plate, on which a uniform bone is lying. In fact, his housing is abandoned, abandoned and sloppy.

Why is this description and analysis in the scramblement characteristic for us? Because we make a significant conclusion about the main character: he does not live by reality, he plunged into the world of illusions, and his life worries little. For example, meeting acquaintances, bugs not only do not welcome their handshake, but it does not even get to get out of bed.

Conclusions about the main hero

Of course, the upbringing of Ilya Ilyich played an important role in the formation of his image, after all, he was born in the distant estate of a crushing, which was famous for his peaceful life. Everything was calm and measured there, ranging from the weather and ending with the lifestyle of the life of local residents. These were lazy people who are constantly in vacation and dreaming of heartfelt food from morning to evening. But the image of Oblomov, which we see, starting to read the novel, will vary greatly with the characteristic of Oblomov in childhood.

When Ilya was a child, he was interested in everything, thought a lot and imagined, actively lived. For example, he loved to consider the world around the world with his diversity, go for a walk. But Ilya's parents brought up him according to the "greenhouse plant" principle, they tried to protect him, even from labor. How did this boy grow up? What they sowed, it grown. Oblomov, being an adult man, did not respect the work, did not want to communicate with anyone, but difficulties preferred to decide the challenge of the servant.

Turning to the childhood of the main character, it becomes clear why the image of Oblomov has developed exactly the one who is to blame. Yes, because of this upbringing and nature of Ilya Ilyich, which and so on itself was very sensual with a good imagination, he was practically not able to solve problems and strive for something high.

Character of Oblomov

Roman I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" was printed in 1859. It took almost 10 years to its creation. This is one of the most prominent novels of classical literature of our time. So spoke about the novel known literary critics of that era. Goncharov managed to convey realistic objectively and reliable facts of the reality of the layers of the social environment of the historical period. It is necessary to assume the most successful achievement was to create an image of Oblomov.

It was a young man of about 32-33, medium height, with a pleasant face and a smart look, but without any definite depth of meaning. As the author noted the thought walked around the face of a free bird, fluttered in his eyes fell on the half-open lips, hid in the folds of his forehead, then completely disappeared and a careless young man turned out to be. Sometimes on his face it was possible to read boredom or fatigue, but still there was a softness of the nature of the warmth of his soul. All the life of Oblomov accompany the three attributes of the Meshchansky well-being - a sofa, a bathrobe and shoes. The houses of Oblomov went in an eastern soft spacious bathrobe. He spent all his free his time. Laziness was an integral line of his character. Cleaning in the house was carried out superficially, creating visibility, cobwebs breathed in the corners, although at first glance it was possible to think that a well-removed room. There were two more rooms in the house, but he did not go there at all. If an unlucky plate with dinner with crumbs everywhere, a short-sized tube, it was possible to think that the apartment was empty, no one lives in it. He was always surprised at his energetic friends. As you can spend your life, spraying at dozens of things right away. Its financial condition wanted to be the best. Lying on the sofa, Ilya Ilyich always thought in any way to fix it.

The image of Oblomov is a complex contradictory, even a tragic hero. His character predetermines the usual, not interesting fate, devoid of energy of life, bright events. The main focus of Goncharov draws to the established system of that era that affected his hero. This influence was expressed in an empty and meaningless existence of Oblomov. Helpless attempts to revive under the influence of Olga, gallery, marriage on wheat, and death itself is defined in the novel as a breakdown.

The character of the hero on the writer's plan is much larger and deeper. Sleep Oblomov is the key of the entire novel. The hero moves to another era, to other people. Many light, joyful childhood, gardens, sunny rivers, but first it is necessary to pass obstacles, an endless sea with raging waves, moans. Behind him, the rocks with the abuse, the crimson sky with a red glow. After the exciting landscape, we get into a small corner where people live happily, where you want to be born and die, otherwise you can not be, so they think. Goncharov describes these residents: "Quiet and sleepy everything in the village: Silent huts are dismissed; There is no soul; Some flies are flying with clouds and buzz in a stuff. " There we meet the young Oblomov. In childhood, the bugs could not get dressed himself, he was always helped by servant. As an adult, he also resorts to their help. Ilyusha grows in an atmosphere of love, peace and excessive guardianship. The crushing is a corner where calm and calm silence reigns. This dream is in a dream. Everything around it was frozen, and nothing can wake these people who live easily in a distant village without any connection with the rest of the world. Ilyusha rose on fairy tales and legends that nanny told him. Developing a dreaminess, the tale tied more Ilyusha to the house, causing inaction.

In the dream, Oblomov describes the childhood of the hero, his upbringing. All this helps to know the nature of Oblomov. Life of broken, this passivity and apathy. Childhood here is his ideal. There in the crushing - warm, reliably and very protected Ilyusha felt. This ideal and part of it for aimless further existence.

The rays of the character of Ilya Ilyich in his childhood, from where the straight threads stretch to the adult hero. The character of the hero is an objective result of the conditions of birth and upbringing.

oblomov Roman Laziness Character

National character traits in the image
I. I. Oblomova

In 1859, one of the most wonderful works I. A. Goncharov - "Oblomov" was published. This novel was perceived by readers ambiguously: some praised him, read it, others scolded and expressed all sorts of neglect. Critics also did not agree out, everyone gave their assessment to the novel and did not want to agree with someone else's. But meanwhile, the novel was diverged, and soon the entire Petersburg knew and discussed "Oblomov".

The work stirred up a new wave in the ocean, raging in Russia at that time: to be a true Russian character and lifestyle or try to imitate foreign style. People construed in the opinion that, indeed, Goncharov put Oblomov in too unsightly light.
What are the same National character features in the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, where were there so many disputes and discussions? The main character of the novel is a slow, unusually lazy man. He never hurried anywhere, loved to postpone the works "in a long box", did not hurry to do today what could be done tomorrow. His favorite occupation was a dream, in second place was a meal. Ilya Ilyich woke up to dinner, and only extraordinary events could pull him out of the cozy bed. All day, he spent her brooms in idle and rest, he did not go anywhere, was not interested in anything, and every day there would be a measured life, his life, if they were not familiar and friends, occasionally visited him.

Damage of national character in the image of Oblomov Goncharov, exaggerating a little, showed unusually accurately. Recall at least the spiritual qualities of Oblomov. According to the author of Roman, Ilya Ilyich had a clean heart to which all the dirt did not appear, and transparent, like a crystal, soul. Oblomov was very kind, soft, man. His house has always been opened for visitors: both for close friends and ordinary friends. Ilya Ilyich's harb-solidity also did not know the limit, he never denied people, even unpleasant for him: Oblomov always treated Tarantyev, although it is very difficult. suggest that they were close familiar ..

It is these qualities that the spells of ages distinguished Russian people. Inomes, traveling around Russia, always amazed the latitude of the soul of Russians, their generosity, kindness and openness.

In Oblomov, there is another amazing feature, inherent in all Russian people without exception, is hope for "avos." Which of us ever used this magic word? Ilya Ilyich hopes that there may be a matter of moving to another apartment by himself, having everd a stroke to correct the financial position of the crushing.

Where do these come from Fights of national character In Russian character? The answer to this question of Goncharov gives in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov", which, it seems to me, is the key to all of the novel. Since childhood, Ilya Ilyich was brought up in such conditions when it was easier to say a few words than to do the case. As a child, Ilya Ilyich watched the nature, tried to do something with his own hands, but her parents carefully protected him from any work, from making independent decisions. All his life, Ilya Ilyich felt the hidden forces, but could not free them and use them for the benefit of Russia or at least for her good. In the broom, the stereotype of a happy life is firmly fixed - peace, rejection of all kinds of activity. Symbols of happiness become a cozy bathrobe and soft perina for Ilya.

Bakes could not stand the test of sincere hot love to Olga Ilinskaya. At first, when their attraction to each other flared up in passion, Ilya Ilyich changed a lot to the better: he forgot about the bathrobe, afternoon sleep ... Oblons began to appear in society, dressed, often met with Olga, and it seemed that he had changed forever , buried former life. But as soon as a serious situation was formed, demanding from Ilya Ilyich decisive actions (it was necessary to make an offer to Olga, to remove a new apartment, to put in the order of business in the estate, etc.), the bugs did not find the strength to fulfill the conceived and again dropped: I stopped video with Olga, I returned to the old my friends - a coat and a sofa, I began to sleep again and, finally, moved to the Vyborg side, where she took away from society, as if hermit.

Moving to the Vyborg side and acquaintance with Agafei Pshetitsyna played a tragic role in the fate of Oblomov: he finally sank, and nothing, even friendship with the gallery and the love of Olga, unable to pull him out of that pit, where Ilya Ilyich got it.

After reading "Oblomov" * I have long reflected on the Russian character, compared myself, my relatives and acquaintances with the hero of the novel and, confess, was surprised to find in all very similar features. Oblomov lives in each - from Russian people to one degree or another. In the nature of Ilya Ilyich, there are many positive and many negative features, in "his image reflected a typical Russian national character, however, not without some exaggerations. And for a very long time, Russian people will suffer from the inherent contemplation, illuminating in fruitless dreaminess, but I want to believe That, despite all the peripetics of fate, they carry them through the years of the open good heart their own and clean, like a crystal, soul.