Podkaminskaya interview. How is a perfect day for you? Can you describe it

Podkaminskaya interview.  How is a perfect day for you?  Can you describe it
Podkaminskaya interview. How is a perfect day for you? Can you describe it

On February 18, the Super channel aired the Pirogov IP series. According to the plot, the main character (Elena Podkaminskaya) divorces her husband because of his betrayal and begins to engage in the culinary business. “I Buy” talked to Elena Podkaminskaya about whether she is similar to her new heroine Vera Pirogova and why she could never have been such a “cozy” woman.

Back in the "Kitchen" I was constantly asked if I had learned to cook on the site.

Elena Podkaminskaya

As an art director of the restaurant, I had nothing to do with the kitchen. In the TV series "PI Pirogov" I also don’t mess with the ingredients. This is not a cooking show, we are interested in human relationships. And I, as Shirvindt says, constantly interact: with my daughter, dad, husband, ex-boyfriend or girlfriends ... So there is no time for recipes. I am very lucky in this story: I get drunk all the time and beat someone up (laughs).

"I love not sugary friendship"

I believe in female friendship. I have friends with whom I have been friends for many years. In general, I am lucky with my friends: I always come across very interesting people. And I am glad that my heroine Vera also has a friend. I like their relationship: not sweet or bland, but with humor and twinkle.

"I'm furious, but I've never hit anyone in my life."

In the story, my Vera throws a cake in the face of her rival, who stole her husband from her. But the worst thing is throwing eggs or flour. Even the fourth time you can't wash them out of your hair (laughs).

I never had to do that before (laughs). Although ask the director, I am very temperamental and furious, especially when it comes to work. Sometimes it’s not sweet with me. Finding the perfect scene is irreconcilable. But honestly, I haven't hit anyone in my life (laughs).

Elena Podkaminskaya and Vera Pirogova are two different people

For me, the Pirogov IP project is a paradoxical story, since I do not feel as homely and cozy a woman as Vera. My life mostly takes place at work. Unlike Vera, she has never had a sweet tooth: neither pies, nor cakes, nor pastries attract me. It was all the more interesting to play the role so that the viewer believed that I can, love and do it all easily! I hope I got it.

As for the tastes of men, we are not alike either. I, thank God, did not experience the horrors that befell Verka. I suppose that I could not forgive her husband for treason and betrayal.

And if they locked me at home, she would be an extremely unpleasant woman, gnawing at furniture and throwing herself at home. I need to work, move somewhere, and then go home tired and be happy both there and there. But of course, at home I control all the movement, I know what the children's schedule is, because I make it myself. And I am always in touch.

I am impressed by the image of Vera, her manner of dressing. I love this free and relaxed state: sneakers, jeans, shirts. Even for a date in the movies, she does not preen herself - she took off her apron, and order. Well, rightly so, this is her style, in the end, and why should it be changed ?!

It seems to me that in her youth, Vera was a little crazy and even daring and brave, with the twist of an adventurer. She has an inner core, pride and determination. Moreover, she is vulnerable and alive. There are many opposite qualities in Faith. As an actress, it is interesting for me to play an imperfect woman who can be carried away to risky distances and perform passionate, ambiguous actions.

The only thing in which we are similar to Vera is the manner in which we act in a stressful situation. Neither I nor she will sit back and bang our heads against the wall. It is important for us to switch and act.

Elena Podkaminskaya lives in Moscow, acts in Paris, rests in Sri Lanka, plays performances in Riga, celebrates her birthday in Verona. The actress believes that when we travel, we open ourselves up. Elena told HELLO! About her new discoveries.

On the winding streets of old Riga, along curved paving stones past colorful gingerbread houses in the rays of the spring sun, actress Elena Podkaminskaya runs - as if floating above the ground - in light dresses, with a laugh in her eyes, as if hurrying spring, urging summer on. She is cheerful, free, happy. And she is clearly glad to meet again with the old city, even though this is a business date.

Elena Podkaminskaya

Forgotten sensations

In Riga, Elena for the fourth time - the Theater of Satire, in which she has been serving for almost twelve years, every spring she comes here on tour. And for the actress, this is one of those cities where you want to return again and again.

For eight months in a row I haven’t left Moscow for a single day, ”says Elena. - I was as if chained to her, locked in the studio, in the pavilions, did not rest at all. And these spring tours in Riga freed me from the hustle and bustle, pulled me out of the vicious circle. Work has become a rest for me. I realized how much I missed the freedom of a tourist - when you can lie in the bed of a hotel room, sleep as much as you want, and then wander the streets of the old city, drink coffee in small cafes, look at passers-by - in a word, disconnect from your usual life. It's just some kind of happiness!

Elena Podkaminskaya on the set in Riga

When the trees were big

Elena Podkaminskaya is an experienced traveler. She was born into a family of classical musicians and from early childhood she went on tour with her parents, including abroad. Maybe that's why she has her own set of travel rules. For example, Elena does not like to be photographed against the background of attractions:

If you want to remember the city, shoot urban landscapes. If you want to remember yourself in the city - capture the mood on film, it is not at all necessary to smile against the background of Notre Dame Cathedral.

However, of course Lena has several amateur photographs on the Seine embankment. Then she was 19 years old, and for the first time she wanted to go to Paris. She prepared for this trip like a first date, carefully considering every detail:

My parents took me with them on a tour to Germany. From there, I persuaded them to take the bus to Paris. It seemed to me that Paris is an eternal holiday, and its streets are a podium. I thought that Parisian women walk on the Champs Elysees certainly in evening dresses, in high-heeled shoes and always with styling on their heads, - the actress recalls with a smile, - Therefore, I took with me all the most beautiful, sexiest that I had. On the first evening, I put on a slip dress, stiletto heels and twisted curls. I, of course, rubbed my feet into the blood, wandering around Montmartre, froze and generally looked too smart. But the worst thing is that I experienced an incredible shock when I saw that there was no haute couture on the streets of Paris.

Fall in love in Paris

Despite the disappointment that befell Elena in her youth, Paris remains one of her favorite cities. Last fall, fifteen years after the first trip, she again found herself in this city. Late in the evening, in the glow of the lights of the Eiffel Tower, right on the Champ de Mars, the actress was drinking champagne with Vincent Perez. He looked at her with admiration, kissed her hands, said something tender, it seems, confessed his love.

Recalling the shooting in the film "Kitchen in Paris", during which she met the legend of French cinema, Elena says:

Vincent - a real Frenchman, elegant - dressed with a needle, but as if a little casually, wears a fashionable cap and scarf, extremely gallant, attentive to women, smiling.

According to the scenario, the relationship between the hero Perez and the heroine Podkaminskaya is limited only to a romantic dinner.

We didn't even kiss. Vincent was indignant - "How so? Why not a kiss? What a wrong story."

"Kitchen in Paris" - on the one hand, is a logical continuation of the popular TV series "Kitchen", on the other, it is a separate story in full-length form.

We have gathered such a conscientious, perfectionist-minded group that it was easy for us to shoot in full length, - says Elena. - And, of course, it is joyful, because after all, this is a great movie. What will it be like? As they say, the screen will show.

Here and now

Bunin believed that three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel. If so, then Elena Podkaminskaya has all the conditions for happiness.

After a long filming process, the actress flew to Sri Lanka:

Sometimes I just go crazy in the pavilions, because there is not enough space and air. Therefore, if possible, I leave for the sea. I can just sit looking at the horizon or listen to the sound of the waves - it really heals.

And Elena celebrated her 35th birthday, which happened in early April, in Verona.

The actress belongs to that rare type of women in our time who sincerely believe in love at first sight and "until death do us part." An example of an almost perfect couple is her parents.

Mom is the personification of femininity, dad is a real man, a gentleman, a support, a wall. In addition, they are very good teachers and educators. I am largely guided by them, I always listen to their criticism. I want my family to be no worse, - says Elena, - At the same time, it is so difficult to remain sensitive, attentive, gentle to loved ones, relatives in a race. And right now, when there is so much interesting work and everything is so important - auditions, rehearsals, and interviews.

Despite her professional rise, Elena believes that the best roles are ahead.

Elena Podkaminskaya

- Your heroine is going through difficult times: a break with her husband, pregnancy, a new restaurant. Did you often feel sorry for her?

- Yes. After all, who, if not me, know everything that happens in her soul. Vika has to overcome everything alone: ​​disappointment, separation from Max (), difficult career vicissitudes, unfulfilled hopes and expectations. But she steadfastly withstands everything, because she has a strong will, amazing determination and colossal self-control. Despite the fact that my heroine is very feminine, her character is masculine. She never gives up slack, and I admire that in her.

- But at the same time, Victoria Sergeevna becomes overly emotional, inattentive. Did you feel the same when you were expecting a baby?

- Something similar happened to me, although against the background of my energy it was not so noticeable. In the first four months I played in the theater, and there absent-mindedness is unacceptable. Throughout the pregnancy, I was focused exclusively on the correct and successful development of the unborn child, constantly thinking about childbirth and preparing for it. I cannot say that after the birth of my daughter, I have changed dramatically. I just now live in the world of my child and share all the emotions with him. Probably, she inherited this attitude towards children from her parents. They responded to everything that was important to me, experienced with me. Now this connection with my own daughter gives me joy and endless energy.

The heroes of Elena Podkaminskaya and Mark Bogatyrev in the TV series "Kitchen" had a romantic relationship that ended in a breakup

- What abilities do you see in Polina?

- She is super active and creative. The daughter is engaged in dancing, drawing, singing, musical rhythm. Who will become - it is up to her to decide. She is now only five years old. At this age, it is important to develop imagination. My daughter loves to fantasize on various topics. We, in turn, try to encourage creativity.

- Do you have a proven way to keep yourself in shape?

- I have never been involved in sports or fitness specifically, but I like dancing and yoga. I believe that every woman needs to keep fit. And training should be systematic - only in this case there will be results.

By the way, shooting the fifth season became a certain test for me, a supporter of separate nutrition. In one episode, pregnant Vika dips a pickle in chocolate, and then devours it with pleasure, and in another she devours 19 servings of veal on the bone, eating ice cream!

- I live in the world of my child and share all the emotions with him. Probably, she inherited this attitude towards children from her parents.

- On the red carpet, you always attract attention. Do you often replenish your wardrobe?

- Thanks for the compliment. (Smiling) I can't say that I love shopping. As a rule, I get into stores only in two cases: on the eve of the New Year's celebration or the birthday of someone close to me. And then I can't help buying something for Polina too. I often get carried away, so there must be a person nearby who will stop me in time. (Smiles.)

Photo: press service of the STS TV channel, instagram.com

"", STS, Monday-Friday, 17:00


This year, the Komsomol TV and Radio Broadcasting Company was pleasantly surprised by the invitation to the holiday of the star of Russian cinema and theater - Elena Podkaminskaya. Elena Podkaminskaya found time in her busy schedule to personally congratulate the residents and guests of Irkutsk on a significant event, the birthday of one of the most popular shopping and entertainment centers in the city

A socially responsible business is distinguished by the fact that it works not only to derive its own benefit, but also to bring joy and benefit to other people. So the shopping and entertainment center "Komsomoll", which is located in the heart of Irkutsk, has not been accepting for its own birthday for several years, but gives gifts to townspeople and guests of the city.

This year, the Komsomol TV and Radio Broadcasting Company received an invitation to the holiday by a star of Russian cinema and theater - Elena Podkaminskaya. The audience knows her for such theatrical works as the play "A Dog in the Manger", "Cabal of the Holy One". She took an active part in the project "Dancing with the Stars", which was a resounding success on one of the federal channels. In the films, the most notable roles were in the popular films "The Night Sisters", "Inhabited Island", and, of course, in the TV series "Kitchen".

Elena Podkaminskaya found time in her busy schedule to personally congratulate the residents and guests of Irkutsk on a significant event, the birthday of one of the most popular shopping and entertainment centers in the city. She also shared her own secrets of popularity and views on modern life.

The famous actress, as it is widely known, grew up in a musical family. It was this fact that predetermined her future future. Elena chose her profession not with her mind, but with her soul. According to her, this is what, first of all, predetermines the success of any undertaking. Another passion of the star, according to her, is dancing. Surprisingly, this seemingly fragile woman finds the strength to also develop and implement her own projects. An example of this can be a one-man show staged on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater in the capital. The secret of any undertaking and subsequent success, according to Podkaminskaya, is an all-encompassing love for the work being performed. Such a life motto should be for everyone who wants people to like his works.

Irkutsk also pleasantly surprised Elena, despite the fact that her stay in the city was limited by her busy work schedule, she really liked it. Future plans include not only a closer acquaintance with the regional center of the region, but also a visit to the pearl of the Irkutsk region - Lake Baikal.

The place, which became the center of attraction for a star of such a large scale, the Komsomoll shopping and entertainment complex, pleased and surprised Elena Podkaminskaya. Impressed by the scale, diversity and warm attitude towards each visitor. According to the actress, she does not have enough time to visit the shops, but in a place like the Irkutsk Komsomoll, she would gladly spend more than one hour.

Having sincerely and warmly thanked the organizers of the event and the administration of the shopping and entertainment center, Elena Podkaminskaya wished well-being, all-round development and many years of work. This year the Komsomoll shopping and entertainment center crossed the three-year line of its work. It is worth noting that during this time, literally every year it has become and continues to become a more comfortable, convenient and cozy place not only for shopping, but also for a pleasant pastime for the whole family.

Yelena Podkaminskaya, an actress of the "Kitchen" series and a participant in the "Ice Age" show, spoke about her daughter and why she would not start a dog.

Elena wants to spend more time with her daughter

Elena, what or who is your main outlet between filming?

My main outlet is my daughter Polina. She is now three and ten. There is a colossal closeness, warmth and love between us. But I just can't manage to properly distribute my strength in order to be with my daughter more often. I know that Polina needs more, and I am unhappy with the way my life is developing, which does not allow me to eradicate the lack of communication.

You have the TV series "Kitchen", there is "Ice Age", before that there was a project "Dancing with the Stars." Why so much work?

I love to work and I simply cannot not work. Although what is happening now shocks me extraordinarily. The Ice Age is, of course, a grandiose project. But fantastically difficult. Trying to conquer this peak, I throw all my strength, worry, remain unhappy, worry about the result. These new activities - dance, sports - require tremendous endurance. And then, I dreamed so much that one day they would invite me to such creative projects as "Dancing with the Stars" and "Ice Age" that I simply could not refuse ...

Do you take your daughter with you to the shooting to be together more often?

From time to time I take her with me on the ice and I can say that she has discovered outstanding plastic abilities.

So that your daughter does not miss so much, do not think to get her a pet?

Yes, Polina wants both a dog and a kitty. She now has a general theme of motherhood: she puts the dolls to bed and repeats all my words: "You are my swallow, you are my sladula, golden little girl, you are my ass, sleep, my love." Kisses dolls' heels - just like I do to Polina (smiles, - ed.).

Oh, and Polina's cat will get it if you take her in: it will be washed, combed, and put in a doll's bed ...

I don't really like cats, I think about the dog. I've always liked Labradors, and recently I saw an Akita - and I really wanted to have it. But I understand that the dog will lie on the shoulders of our nanny. I tried to find out if the nanny was ready for such a surprise, but she invited me to give birth to another child (smiles - ed.). And I realized that our nanny will definitely not pull the dog.

How does Polina affectionately call you?

Mommy, Mommy. A few days ago she suddenly announced: "Mother." I have no idea where she heard that. I immediately tried to explain to my daughter that I was not even a mother at all (smiles - ed.).