Why is the novel of Golovlevs public? "public" novel "gentlemen Golovlevs"

Why is the novel of Golovlevs public? "public" novel "gentlemen Golovlevs"

"My Russia, my life"

(Theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of Blok)

(Grade 11)

Teacher MBOU "Secondary School No. 18": Kharitonova N.N.

Date of the event: 11/18/2015

Lesson objectives:

educational -by analyzing poems to show how the theme of the Motherland developed, how the poet saw the past, present and future of Russia.

developing - to create conditions for independent creative activity of students, to promote the formation of analytical thinking and intellectual skills of comparison, generalization, to prepare students for research activities;

educational - to instill a love of poetry as a special kind of art, to teach to understand the author's position, philosophical ideas, to form interest in philological analysis as a special kind of creative activity, to teach to feel, to foster a sense of patriotism.

Methodical techniques:teacher's word, expressive reading, text analysis, discussion of questions, teacher's comments.


During the classes

Epigraph: ... My theme is with me, the theme of Russia ...

This topic, I deliberately and irrevocably

I dedicate my life ...


The theme of the Motherland is one of the eternal ones in poetry. Poets have turned to her at all times. Inspired lines were dedicated to her by Zhukovsky and, Ryleev, Kyukhelbeher and Baratynsky, Koltsov and Tyutchev. In Pushkin's love for the Fatherland, the main thing is high citizenship: "My friend, we will devote our souls to our Fatherland with beautiful impulses." M.Yu. Lermontov writes: "I love the Motherland, but with a strange love." The poet's love for the Motherland is combined with hatred for the land of masters. Love - hate is especially characteristic of the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov. But in the work of A. Blok, in my opinion, this theme takes on a special sound. Which one? This is what we have to find out in today's lesson. Please think, what are the objectives of the lesson?

1) what kind of Russia is Blok,

2) determine how we see the Motherland in Blok's poems,

3) what constitutes our sense of the Motherland.

S. Study of new material

I the teacher's word

Blok called his work the process of "humanization" and divided it in three stages " .Name these stages.

The first there was worship of the ideal - "The Beautiful Lady".

Second - life disappointment associated with the loss of the ideal. Russia appears in Blok's lyrics from a completely new, unexpected side. The experiences of the lyrical hero are personal, intimate.

In the third stagethere is a "synthesis" - the acquisition of new positive values.

The homeland becomes the collective image of all lost values. The poet is seized with anxiety for her fate.

Russia is life itself, it is inseparable from the poet's heart: "My Russia, my life, can we suffer together?" This is a rhetorical question. The answer is clear: together.

The theme of Russia is central in the work of A.A. Blok. The different guises in which she appears in the poet's lyrics reflect her inconsistency, her dramatic history, her invariable attractiveness. The block seeks to penetrate the outer shell of the visible world and intuitively comprehend its deep essence, its invisible secret

Let's try to answer the question: what kind of Russia is Blok, determine how we see the Motherland in Blok's poems, let's think about what our sense of the Motherland is composed of.

The theme of the Motherland and Russia occupied a special place in Blok's work and was truly all-embracing for him.

In 1908, in a letter to K.S. Stanislavsky, he wrote: “... My theme is with me,the topic of Russia… I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this topic.I realize more and more clearly that this is the first question, the most vital, the most real. I have been approaching him for a long time, from the beginning of my conscious life, and I know that my path in my main aspiration is like an arrow, straight ... ”.

What do you think, what 2 place names were connected for the poet by the concept of Motherland?

(For the poet, two place names were connected with the concept of Motherland -Moscow region Shakhmatovo and Petersburg- life and art, searches and dramas are inextricably linked with them).


V. Soloukhin correctly noted: "Petersburg and Shakhmatovo are two wings of Blok's poetry, but he soared on them easily, widely, at such heights that he could see beyond two geographical points, which we sometimes want to limit him to."

II. Reading and analyzing poems.

1. Teacher: People's Russia, with its history, traditions, undisclosed, but huge potential gave courage to the poet and hope for future transformation. It was she who helped to resist the "terrible world", directed the movement to the "public" person

No ... more forests, glades,

And country roads and highways

Our Russian road

Our Russian fogs

Our rustles in oats ...

("The Last Parting Words", 1914)

The image of the Motherland manifests itself in Blok's poems gradually... She seems to open one face, then another. One feeling pervades all the poems - the feeling of reckless love: “How can I live and cry without you” (Autumn Will, 1905), the understanding that one cannot separate one's own fate from the fate of the Motherland.

Remember what book comes out in 1915?

Students: In 1915, a book entitled "Poems about Russia" was published. In the lyrical three-volume book, which the author called "a novel in verse", in the third part, the cycle "Homeland" unites what was written in 1907-1916.

Teacher: Yes, indeed, no one before Blok said those piercing, nagging words that are stored in the soul of every Russian. "Homeland is a huge, dear, breathing creature, similar to a person ...". Something ancient, pagan rises in the artist's memory. It was not for nothing that he said that he loved his native country "in the folk way, how can you love a mother, sister and wife in one person - Russia"

2. Poem "Rus"(September 24, 1906) - one of the first dedicated to the Motherland.

Questions for analysis:

1. What is the history of the creation of this poem?

A brief history of creation... The poem "Rus" was written on September 24, 1906 and was included in the second volume of the lyricsBlok ... You can feel the echoes of creativity in this piece.Gogol , images from folklore and ancient legends.

2. What is the theme of the poem?

Poem theme... With the advent of the revolution of 1905-1907. the theme of the Motherland becomes one of the key themes in the work of Blok.

3. Establish plot elements. What is the most important event in the life of the hero described here?

Plot ... It is night outside and the author is in a light state of slumber, where the facets of reality and sleep are intertwined. Mentally, he is trying to transfer us to those distant times when Russia was"Extraordinary": "Where are the wizards with the sorcerers", "And witches amuse themselves with devils"... The whole poem is imbued with the spirit of antiquity. And even the whirlwind sings to us"Legends of antiquity".

4. What is the homeland depicted in Blok's view?

But along with the singularity of his Rus, the poet sadly notes"The country dear to poverty" and scraps of "her rags" ... We see different Rus: both fabulous, and magical, and wretched, but still extraordinary

5. Why exactly Russia and not Russia? (ancient, pagan, bewitched)

6. What are the actions and soul of the lyrical hero of this poem?

as a confession of a lyric hero, his mental throwing, delusions:

and he did not understand, did not measure,

To whom I dedicated songs

What god did you passionately believe in,

What kind of girl he loved.

What is the poet talking about?

(On the intuitive comprehension of the secret of the people's spirit, the spirit of Russia, by which it is alive)

7. What is the lyrical hero of the poem?

Lyrical heropoem in love with his homeland and treats it with awe and reverence. For him, Russia is mysterious and extraordinary. Even in a dream, the lyric hero does not dare to open the veil of this secret “I will not touch your clothes”. She is different - his Russia. It contains not only the charm of antiquity, a fairy tale, a mystery, but also poverty, sadness, suffering. However, the living soul of the lyrical hero did not lose its spiritual purity. And this is the main mystery of Russia, which our hero is trying to comprehend. At the beginning of the poem, he turns to Russia"You are extraordinary in a dream", and at the end sums up his reflections"She is extraordinary even in dreams".

8. What is composition and what does it provide for understanding?

9. By what means is the image of Russia created?

Sleep motives and elements in her portrait.

Artistic means.

  • poetic meter , iambic tetrameter (stress on the second syllable), alternating with pyrrhic (two short unstressed syllables). Scheme:You / and / in / sleep ′ / not- / o- / by- / cha′y- / on.
    Thy- / e'y / o- / de'zh- / dy / not / touch / nu's.
    Drem- / ly ′ / - and / for / dre- / mo ′ - / to tai- / na,
    And / in tai- / not / - you / po / chi ′ - / eat /, Rus.

    _ _ /_ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_
    _ _′/_ _′/_ _ /_ _′
    _ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_ _′/_
    _ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_ _′

  • rhyme cross (abab), alternating masculine (stress falls on the last syllable) touch-Russia and feminine (stress on the penultimate syllable)extraordinary mysteryrhymes. According to the accuracy of the consonance, the rhyme is considered rich, tk. supporting consonants coincide.
  • ... extraordinary. (A)
  • ... I will touch. (b)
  • ... mystery, (A)
  • ... Rus. (B)
  • trails:
  • hyperbole (exaggeration) surrounded by rivers, surrounded by wilds. The block shows us how big Russia is.
  • impersonation (personification)Russia is compared to a woman: I will not touch your clothes, you will sleep, you will rock your living soul.
  • metonymy (renaming) burning villages.
  • stylistic figures:
  • ring (repetition of a speech structure) - in this case, a whole stanza is repeated. The poem begins with it, and ends with it.Thus, the author highlights the main idea that Russia was and will always be an incomprehensible secret.
  • epithets (figurative definitions)dull eyes, night dances, snow pillars, fragile housing, an evil friend, a live stick, bare twigs, native land, sad path, night, initial purity.

If you listen to the rhythm of the poem, then it all sounds like an incantation of the very sorcerer who stands over the fire and monotonously pronounces"Surrounded by rivers and wilds"... Magic sounds in every stanza"Night dances", "Sorcerers with sorcerers", "Witches with devils"... But gradually the big picture becomes more real"Blizzard", "fragile housing", "girl", "evil friend" ... Such an author sees"Countries of poverty" ... A tragic atmosphere is whipped up images "Paths of sad, night", churchyard, cemetery.And yet the light triumphs"alive soul" and spotless original purity.

10. What literary direction does Blok belong to?

What kind of symbolist poet is he here?

The block belongs to the symbolist poets. In his poems dedicated to the Motherland, the depth of emotions and experiences is observed. Blok's understanding of Russia is tragic, lyrical and very personal. The author idealizes the past, in which fabulous and real events are intertwined.

- “Rus” - one of the first poems dedicated to the Motherland - appeared in 1906. Look at stanza 1. What state is Russia in? (dream, mystery)

How do you understand the word “will you sleep? Why does Block use it? (the outdated form "to sleep", gives solemnity to the poem)

2 stanza. What element does Russia merge with? (nature)

3 and 4 stanzas. Where did the poet get these images from? (from folklore) (Attachment 1 ... Slide 3.) Find the same root words (lead, witches, sorcerers). What does this root mean?

What is the symbol in verses 5 and 6? (symbol of movement - blizzard, whirlwind) What is this whirlwind singing about? (legends of antiquity)

Look at the following verses. How does the lyrical hero see Russia now? (beggar)

The penultimate stanza. Is poverty really the main sign of Russia? What else does the poet note? (original purity)

Last stanza. What stanza is she repeating? Why is this loop repeat needed? (the dream connects the hero and Russia)

Why does the poem sound so melodious? (assonance: a, oh, y) What kind of folklore genre is that like? (to the song)

II.Analysis of the poem "Russia"

1. The poem "Russia" is recited by a student.


What does Blok see and hear in the vastness of Russia?

He sees a “patterned dress up to the eyebrows,” that is, a peasant woman; forest, field and road, "loose ruts", gray huts; hears "songs of the wind" and how "the deaf song of the driver thunders with longing cautiousness"

3. Teacher:

What is the main idea of ​​the poem? Read it.

Russia, impoverished Russia,

I have your gray huts,

Your songs for me are windy

Like the first tears of love.

4.What artwork does this poem associate with?

The very beginning of the work evokes an association with a poem.Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol "Dead Souls" , more precisely, with the famous lyrical digression about the "Rus-Troika", which rushes off into the distance and does not give an answer where. Obviously, this is why Blok's "Russia" begins with the word "again":

Again, like in golden years,
Three worn out straps are fluttering,
And painted knitting needles stuck
In loose ruts ...


It is the image of the rushing Gogol troika that appears in the mind's eye of the reader. And after that he hears a shrill declaration of love for "impoverished Russia" with its "gray huts." Of course, the question involuntarily arises:

5. Why love a poor country that cannot give anything in return?


In the first publication, Blok gave an answer to this question, because the poem contained more stanzas, and they spoke about the fossil riches of Russia:

Russia, impoverished Russia,
Your promised land is generous!


It is, of course, much easier to love a country for its wealth. But this is not what the hero's love was born of. He accepts it both in poverty and in humiliation. For a lyric hero, this is"Like the first tears of love", which means that he does not even try to think about why to love Russia. By the way, Blok, in accordance with the spelling of that time -"Like tears of the first love" which means "Like tears of first love"... So the poet emphasized that love for the homeland is the first and most important for every Russian person.


Referring to the next line"And I Carefully Carry My Cross"... What associations does this line evoke in you?


It draws the reader to another tradition of Russian literature - the association with the exploit of Jesus Christ. Carrying his cross on himself meant that a person was not free to choose his own destiny, but had to live the one that was determined from above. Whoever is destined to be born in Russia means that his life should also be connected with this country.


Traditionally, the image of the homeland associated with the image of the mother, and therefore it is customary to say "Motherland". However, the Symbolists, following the idea of ​​the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov about Eternal Femininity, created a completely new image - Motherland-wife ... As you know, a wife is not a mitten: you cannot throw off your hand. Therefore, for Blok Russia is the Eternal Wife, and the declaration of love, bitter and inevitable, sounds completely sincere. The hero does not show himself in the least: he really loves his Motherland-wife as it is.

At the same time, a premonition of the tragic fate of his country sounded in the following prophetic lines:

What sorcerer do you want
Give back the robber beauty!

In them you can observe a purely Blok's miracle of transformation. image of a woman into the image of the homeland, and vice versa. His Russia is a beauty, but no longer asleep, as in the poem "Rus". Her beauty is Robbery , rebellious. Therefore, even in power"Sorcerer" it will not be lost"Will not perish." Only "Care will cloud" her "Beautiful features".


Read the lines where these beautiful features stand out especially clearly?


In the last lines, when the image of a Russian woman with her strict Old Believer face appears again:"Yes, the boards are patterned up to the eyebrows".


Yes, indeed, such a restrained description of Russian beauty is also a kind of tradition, because until the beginning of the 21st century it was not customary to emphasize physical beauty.


What is the motive at the end of the poem?


At the end it sounds again path motive , a road directed to the future. Belief in a bright future is very traditional for a Russian person, therefore"And the impossible is possible".


However, the ringing "The deaf song of the coachman with a longing cautious deaf song" returns to "Robber beauty"Russia and reminds of the beginning"High and rebellious days", the approach of which was prophetically predicted in the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" by a poet who is aware of his responsibility for the fate of the Motherland.

IV. Analysis of the poem "Railroad"

Teacher: The poem "On the Railway" (1910) is included in the cycle of poems by the Bloc "Homeland".

Poem "Railroad"inspired by L. Tolstoy's novel "Resurrection". Let's listen to an excerpt from the novel related to Blok's poem.

The student reads. “It was a dark autumn, rainy, windy night. In the field, underfoot, you could not see the road, and in the forest it was black, as in the night, and Katyusha, although she knew the way, strayed from it in the forest and reached the small station not ahead of time, as she hoped, but after the second ring. Having run out onto the platform, Katyusha immediately saw him in the window of the first-class carriage ... As soon as she recognized him, she knocked on the window with a chilled hand. But at that very time the third bell rang, and the train started.

Katyusha lagged behind, but she kept running along the wet planks of the platform. She ran, but the first class carriage was far ahead. The second-class carriages were already running past her, then the third-class carriages, but she still ran.

“He is sitting in a lighted carriage, on a velvet armchair, joking, drinking, and here I am, in the mud, in the dark, in the rain and wind, standing and crying,” Katyusha thought meanwhile.

The verse "Railroad" is recited by a student.


1. What do you notice in common in the poem "Russia" and "Railway"?

As in the poem "Russia", the fate of the homeland is interpreted here through a woman's fate:

Under the embankment, in the unmown ditch,

Lies and looks like she's alive

In a colored shawl, thrown on braids,

Beautiful and young.

This is how the poem begins.

2. With whom is Russia identified?

The heroine, identified with Russia, is a beautiful and young girl lying under an embankment in an unmown ditch.

2.What is Blok talking about in the second quatrain?

Already in the second quatrainthe poet brings us back to the past, when the heroine “waited, worried” for happiness and love. But faith and hope were replaced by disbelief and hopelessness:

But what - the heart has long been taken out!

So many bows are given

So many greedy eyes are cast

Into the desert eyes of the carriages ...

Do not approach her with questions,

You don't care, but she's enough:

Love, mud, or wheels

She's crushed - everything hurts.

  1. What symbols does the poet use?

The railway is a symbol of the path, a symbol of fate... Depicting continuous lines of passenger cars, Blok sets the theme of the road, a person's life path. Train, steam locomotive, station - a symbol of a stage or moment of travel. But the path, the road are also the harbingers of the outcome, towards which each person is moving.

2) Read it. please, 1st and last stanzas.

What motive sounds in them?

First and last stanzas, in which the motive of death sounds distinctly, they close the poem in a kind of "pessimistic" ring. The railway is a sign of a terrible world, ruthless to people.

Questions for text analysis.

1) How is the appearance of the heroine given?Confirm with text. (In a colored scarf, thrown over the shoulders, Beautiful and young).

2) How is the indifference of the riders shown?

(We got up, sleepy, behind the glass

And they looked round with an even gaze

A platform, a garden with faded bushes,

Her, the gendarme is next to her.

Explanation: Yellow- first class carriages, where the aristocrats traveled; blue - carriages of the second class; green - wagons for the poor.

(Do not approach her with questions; you don’t care, but she’s satisfied; With love, mud or wheels She’s crushed - everything hurts.)

4) How is this poem related to the theme of the Motherland?

(It is about women's fate, about the people, about their homeland.)

4. Teacher:

Gradually, Blok leaves mysticism and symbolism, real life with its sorrows and joys, worries and worries pours into his poetry. In this regard, the poetic cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is of great importance.

The cycle "On the Kulikovo Field", which includes 5 poems, is one of the central works of the third volume "Homeland". The cycle is not only and not so much a work on a historical theme as a work about modernity, more precisely, about an inextricable connectionpast, present and future of Russia.

“The Battle of Kulikovo belongs ... to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return.
Their solution is yet to come. "(A. Blok)

Let's listen to the 1st poem.

The student reads.

B) The poem "The river spreads out" (from the cycle "On the Kulikovo field")

Questions for analysis:

  1. What is a cycle? Explain the word order in the cycle name.
  2. What picture appears before us in the first stanza?
  3. How does a poet address his homeland? What is the singularity of the appeal? What pictorial and expressive means does the author use to create the image?
  4. Which word is repeated four times in verses 2 and 3? What do you mean by the word "way"?
  5. How is the movement of the warriors shown? What can you say about movement in a poem? Analyze how the author uses verbs - movements and for what purpose?
  6. What image is contrasted with the lazy sadness of the flowing river? Describe the movement of the steppe mare - what does it symbolize? Traditions of Russian literature in this image.
  7. What lines of the poem reflect not only the essence of time, but also human life in general?

Analysis of the poetic cycle by A. Blok "On the Kulikovo field"

The theme of the homeland is directly related to the poet's ideas about the historical process. Cycle notes« On the Kulikovo field» Blok wrote: “The battle of Kulikovo belongs, according to the author's conviction, to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return. Their solution is yet to come. " Thus, it is pointed to the modern sounding of poetry, to the close connection of history, art, life of the past, present and future. “The past is passionately looking into the future,” said Blok in his poem “The Artist” (1913). These words can be used as an epigraph to the cycle.

Reading a poem to students.

The cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is a presentiment of the coming storms, a prediction of the tragedy. The poet sees the entire historical path of the country - from the "Kulikov field" to contemporary events. The lyrical hero is both an ancient Russian warrior and a contemporary of the poet.

The plot of the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" has a historical basis - the age-old opposition of Russia to the Tatar-Mongol invasion.The lyric-epic plot combines a concrete historical eventual canvas: battles, military campaigns, a picture of a native land covered with a conflagration - and a chain of experiences of a lyrical hero who is able to comprehend the entire centuries-old historical path of Russia.


When was the cycle created?


The cycle was created in 1908. This is the reaction time after the defeat of the 1905 revolution.


What is the central theme?


The central theme in the cycle isthe theme of the homeland, thoughts about its complex historical fate.


8Analysis of the poem “The river spreads out. It flows, sadly lazily ... "

1) How does the poem begin? (unhurriedly, the sadness of the described dull beauty is mentioned twice)

- What landscape appears in the poem?

"Scanty clay of a yellow cliff", "haystacks are sad in the steppe."

Teacher: Let us recall the landscape by Pushkin "The road pitted with rains", "the windmill twisted" Pushkin motifs sound in Blok's poems.

2) Why does the poet turn to his homeland? (introduces the theme of Russia into the cycle)

3) Which word is repeated four times in verses 2 and 3? (the path is steppe, in boundless anguish)

4) How is the movement of the warriors shown? (Let the night. Let's go. Let's light up the steppe distance with bonfires)

5) - What mood creates the abruptness of this rhythm? (tense, anxious, anticipation of the forthcoming, the pace of the race and the mood of anxiety are growing: "The steppe mare flies, flies And crumples the feather grass")

6) Teacher : At Blok, a steppe mare is racing across the steppe. And what image do we find in Gogol?

Gogol compares Rus to a bird of three.

"Isn't it so you, Russia, that the brisk, unstoppable troika are rushing?"

6) What image is contrasted with the lazy sadness of the flowing river of people's life? (the image of a steppe mare, which "rushes at a gallop")

7) What lines reflect the essence of time and human life in general? ("And the eternal battle! We only dream about peace.").

  1. The third poem of the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is played

In the third poem, the image of Russia is multifaceted. In what images is Russia manifested?

Who is the address "You" addressed to in the 3rd part?

(these are the words to the image of the Virgin, to the wife, to the mother. To the homeland? How did you understand?)

  1. The 4th poem of the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is played

Teacher: - What feelings is this poem filled with?

The fourth poem is full of anxiety and foreboding, but here is the meaning of the victorious movement. What is it?

Tell me is this tense past or present?

Prove your point.

  1. Reading the 5th poem.

What explains the words of V. Solovyov. taken as an epigraph to chapter 5?

And the darkness of irresistible troubles

The coming day was clouded over.

Vl. Soloviev

In the fifth poem, the Kulikovo field is interpreted by the author as what?

Which one does the Bloc show Russia?

- Why does the last part end with the words:

“The heart cannot live in peace,

No wonder the clouds have gathered.

The armor is heavy as before a fight

Now your hour has come. - Pray!

  1. To whom are the last words addressed?

(Here, the homeland is the beloved and only wife with whom the future is connected, and the poet, his lyrical hero, like the heroes of antiquity, cannot imagine himself without Russia.)


What images and pictures remind of that distant era?

(The Nepryadva River, Khan Mamai; "And Nepryadva got away with a fog like the princess with a veil", "the face not made by hands", "the quiet lightnings of the prince guarded")

The lesson ends with a table

Questions and Answers

Blok's poem "Rus"

Poem by the Bloc "Russia"


"On the railway"

Cycle of poems "On the Kulikovo field"

What year was the work created?

1910 g.

How does the homeland appear in each work?

Russia is a sleeping beautycoming from the depths of centuries, the author is in awe of her, afraid to disturb her peace. She is a mystery that cannot be solved. Therefore, it is only possible to bow down.

Russia is a beautiful young womancheated by her boyfriend. Yes, she had difficult times, but she managed to survive and continue her path with dignity. This is a country of joy that comes through tears and trials, a country where any miracles are possible, since love is at the heart of everything, all life. Russia has experienced many difficulties, will survive and revived.

Here the Motherland is the beloved and only wife with whom the future is connected.The poet (and his lyrical hero), like the heroes of antiquity, cannot imagine themselves without Russia. Therefore, it must not only be loved, but above all - PROTECTED.

Which of the images of the homeland corresponds to the present?





Alexander Blok in his works created a surprisingly accurate image of the Motherland, considering it in historical development, from pagan times ("golden years") to contemporary trials. The poet proved the extraordinary originality of Russia, its strength and ability to revive despite difficult times. The bloc stressed the need to love and protect this country. The poet believes that the path of Russia is special, and this path has never been easy. At all times, Russia has loved, fought and revived.

I began the lesson with words from the chronicle, and I want to end with the words of our contemporary poet E. Yevtushenko:

What is the homeland for a poet?

Compilation of syncwine

Syncwine plan

  • 1 line - 1 noun
  • 2 line - 2 adjectives
  • 3 lines - 3 verbs
  • 4 line - utterance
  • 5 line - a synonym for the 1st noun

Beggar, alive
I met, inspired, discovered
"I rocked my living soul" Rus

Ancient, pagan
Enveloped, caressed, bewitched
"In your open spaces you ..."
Snow mask

Bride and wife
Foreshadows, comforts, pleases
"It's all about Russia"
Bird - three

It's amazing how many poems are dedicated to your favorite poet! (the teacher recites a poem)

v. Summing up the lesson.

1) - Now tell me, how does Blok's view of Russia differ from that of historians? (For Blok Russia is not a state; it is a symbol of the unity of the spiritual, feminine and natural principles.)

2) -What feeling are the poems of A. Blok filled with?

In his article about the work of A. Blokpoet Mikhail Dudin wrote: “Russia! How many times A. Blok touched your wounds and your history, with what faith in your fate he filled the music of your name, glorifying you! ”.

3) - What mark did Blok's lyrics leave on the soul?

What new have you learned about the personality of the poet and his lyrics?

In poems about Russia A.A. Blok achieved a penetrating understanding of its diversity, pagan, fairytale and historical. Blok created a special poetic image of Russia. Its vast expanses, wind songs, distant roads, daring triplets, foggy distances - such is the beautiful, unique Russia of Blok. He loved her, waited for her changes, hoped that with the advent of 1917 the light would overcome the DARKNESS.

Was the lesson useful?

Vi. I want to finish the lesson with the words of our contemporary poet E. Yevtushenko:

There is no sense of the Motherland without a sense of humanity.

Nothing was born from heartlessness.

Love your homeland like a miracle of infinity,

Like the wind of eternity that touches the hair.

Love your homeland as your betrothed,

so that she does not feel ashamed for you.

Love your homeland, but only imprudently.

Love your homeland, and only forever.

Love, if it is real, is expressed in deeds. And the deeper and more quivering our feeling for the Motherland will be, the more effective and necessary for the people will be our deeds. After all, in the end, the life of each of us is in the name of the Motherland, in the name of Man.

Vi. Homework

1. To memorize the most favorite poem about the Motherland.

2. In the next lesson we will get acquainted with the poem "Twelve" by A. Blok, after writing which the poet exclaimed: "Today I am a genius!" You need to read the poem, find associative-symbolic images in it and reveal their meaning.

"My Rus, my wife!"

The theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of A.A. Blok.

Research lesson.

Grade 11

Frolova L.V., teacher of MCOU "KSOSH №2"

Date of the event: 25.12.2018

Lesson objectives:

educational - by analyzing poems, show how the theme of the Motherland developed in the work of Russian poets during the 19-20 centuries, how the poet saw the past, present and future of Russia.

developingcreate conditions for independent creative activity of students, contribute to the formation of analytical thinking and intellectual skills of comparison, generalization, prepare students for research activities; teaching expressive reading of poems.

educationalinstill a love of poetry as a special kind of art, teach to understand the author's position, philosophical ideas, to form interest in philological analysis as a special kind of creative activity, to teach to feel, to foster a sense of patriotism.

Methodical techniques: teacher's word, expressive reading, text analysis, discussion of questions, teacher's comments.

Equipment: multimedia.

During the classes

Epigraph: ... My theme is with me, the theme of Russia ...

This topic, I deliberately and irrevocably

I dedicate my life ...


The theme of the Motherland is one of the eternal ones in poetry. Poets have turned to her at all times. Zhukovsky and Ryleev, Kyukhelbeher and Baratynsky, Lermontov and Tyutchev, Yevtushenko and Talkov dedicated inspired lines to her. In Pushkin's love for the Fatherland, the main thing is high citizenship: "My friend, we will devote our souls to the Fatherland with beautiful impulses." M.Yu. Lermontov writes: "I love the Motherland, but with a strange love." The poet's love for the Motherland is combined with hatred for the land of masters. Love - hate is especially characteristic of the poetry of N.A. Nekrasov. But in the work of A. Blok, in my opinion, this theme takes on a special sound. Which one? This is what we have to find out in today's lesson. Please think, what are the objectives of the lesson?

1) what is Russia like for Blok?

2) determine how we see the Motherland in Blok's poems,

3) what constitutes our sense of the Motherland.

Learning new material

I .The teacher's word

Blok called his work the process of "humanization" and divided itin three stages.

The first there was worship of the ideal - "The Beautiful Lady".

Second - life disappointment associated with the loss of the ideal. Russia appears in Blok's lyrics from a completely new, unexpected side. The experiences of the lyrical hero are personal, intimate.

In the third stage there is a "synthesis" - the acquisition of new positive values.

The homeland becomes the collective image of all lost values. The poet is seized with anxiety for her fate.

Russia is life itself, it is inseparable from the poet's heart: "My Russia, my life, can we suffer together?" This is a rhetorical question. The answer is clear: together.

The theme of Russia is central in the work of A.A. Blok. The different guises in which she appears in the poet's lyrics reflect her inconsistency, her dramatic history, her invariable attractiveness. The block seeks to penetrate the outer shell of the visible world and intuitively comprehend its deep essence, its invisible secret.

Let's try to answer the question: what kind of Russia is Blok, determine how we see the Motherland in Blok's poems, let's think about what our sense of the Motherland is composed of.

Who first spoke about the "strange" love for the Motherland?

The poem "Russia" by M.Yu. Lermontov sounds.

Let's try to figure out how the “strange” love for the homeland sounded in the works of A. Blok.

In 1908, in a letter to K.S. Stanislavsky, he wrote: “... My theme is with me,the topic of Russia… I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this topic.

2. Individual assignment: presentation “The theme of the Motherland in the work of AABlok.” (Presented in the multimedia application).

I I ... Reading and analyzing poems.

People's Russia, with its history, traditions, undisclosed, but huge potential gave courage to the poet and hope for future transformation. It was she who helped to resist the "terrible world", directed the movement to the "public" person

The image of the Motherland manifests itself in Blok's poems gradually ... She seems to open one face, then another. One feeling pervades all the poems - the feeling of reckless love: “How can I live and cry without you” (Autumn Will, 1905), the understanding that one cannot separate one's own fate from the fate of the Motherland. In 1915, a book entitled "Poems about Russia" was published. In the lyrical three-volume book, which the author called "a novel in verse", in the third part, the cycle "Homeland" unites what was written in 1907-1916.

No one before Blok said those piercing, nagging words that are stored in the soul of every Russian. "Homeland is a huge, dear, breathing creature, similar to a person ...". Something ancient, pagan rises in the artist's memory. It was not for nothing that he said that he loved his native country "in the folk way, how can you love a mother, sister and wife in one person - Russia"

1. Poem "Rus" ( September 24, 1906 ) - one of the first dedicated to the Motherland.

Questions for analysis:

What is the story behind this poem?

A brief history of creation ... The poem "Rus" was written on September 24, 1906 and was included in the second volume of the lyrics ... You can feel the echoes of creativity in this piece. , images from folklore and ancient legends.

What is the theme of the poem?

Poem theme ... With the advent of the revolution of 1905-1907. the theme of the Motherland becomes one of the key themes in the work of Blok.

Set the elements of the plot. What is the most important event in the life of the hero described here?

Plot... It is night outside and the author is in a light state of slumber, where the facets of reality and sleep are intertwined. Mentally, he is trying to transfer us to those distant times when Russia was"Extraordinary": "Where are the wizards with the sorcerers" , "And witches amuse themselves with devils" ... The whole poem is imbued with the spirit of antiquity. And even the whirlwind sings to us"Legends of antiquity" .

How is the homeland drawn in Blok's view?

But along with the singularity of his Rus, the poet sadly notes"The country dear to poverty" and shreds "Her rags"... We see different Rus: both fabulous, and magical, and wretched, but still extraordinary

Why exactly Russia and not Russia? (ancient, pagan, bewitched)

What are the actions of the lyrical hero?

Lyrical hero poem in love with his homeland and treats it with awe and reverence. For him, Russia is mysterious and extraordinary. Even in a dream, the lyric hero does not dare to open the veil of this secret “I will not touch your clothes”. She is different - his Russia. It contains not only the charm of antiquity, a fairy tale, a mystery, but also poverty, sadness, suffering. However, the living soul of the lyrical hero did not lose its spiritual purity. And this is the main mystery of Russia, which our hero is trying to comprehend. At the beginning of the poem, he turns to Russia"You are extraordinary in a dream" , and at the end sums up his reflections"She is extraordinary even in dreams"

By what means is the image of Russia created?

Artistic means.

    poetic the size, iambic tetrameter (stress on the second syllable), alternating with pyrrhic (two short unstressed syllables). Scheme:

    You / and / in / sleep ′ / not- / o- / by- / cha′y- / on.
    Thy- / e'y / o- / de'zh- / dy / not / touch / nu's.
    Drem- / ly ′ / - and / for / dre- / mo ′ - / to tai- / na,
    And / in tai- / not / - you / po / chi ′ - / eat /, Rus.

    _ _ /_ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_
    _ _′/_ _′/_ _ /_ _′
    _ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_ _′/_
    _ _′/_ _ /_ _′/_ _′

    rhymecross (abab), alternating masculine (stress falls on the last syllable)touch-Russiaand feminine (stress on the penultimate syllable)extraordinary mystery rhymes. According to the accuracy of the consonance, the rhyme is considered rich, tk. supporting consonants coincide.

    • Extraordinary. (A)

      I will touch. (B)

      Mystery, (A)

      Rus. (B)


    • hyperbola(exaggeration) surrounded by rivers, surrounded by wilds. The block shows us how big Russia is .

      impersonation (personification)Russia is compared to a woman: I will not touch your clothes, you will sleep, you will rock your living soul .

      metonymy (renaming)burning villages.

    stylistic figures :

    • ring (repetition of a speech structure) - in this case, a whole stanza is repeated. The poem begins with it, and ends with it.Thus, the author highlights the main idea that Russia was and will always be an incomprehensible secret.

      epithets (figurative definitions)dull eyes, night dances, snow pillars, fragile housing, an evil friend, a live stick, bare twigs, native land, sad path, night, initial purity .

If you listen to the rhythm of the poem, then it all sounds like an incantation of the very sorcerer who stands over the fire and monotonously pronounces"Surrounded by rivers and wilds" ... Magic sounds in every stanza"Night dances" , "Sorcerers with sorcerers" , "Witches with devils" ... But gradually the big picture becomes more real"winter storm", "Fragile housing", "girl", "Evil friend"... Such an author sees"Countries of poverty"... A tragic atmosphere is whipped upimages "Paths of sad, night" , churchyard, cemetery. And yet the light triumphs "alive soul" and spotless original purity. What literary direction does Blok's work belong to?

The block belongs to the symbolist poets. In his poems dedicated to the Motherland, the depth of emotions and experiences is observed. Blok's understanding of Russia is tragic, lyrical and very personal. The author idealizes the past, in which fabulous and real events are intertwined.

- “Rus” - one of the first poems dedicated to the Motherland - appeared in 1906. Look at stanza 1. What state is Russia in? (dream, mystery)

How do you understand the word “will you sleep? Why does Block use it? (the outdated form "to sleep", gives solemnity to the poem)

2 stanza. What element does Russia merge with? (nature)

3 and 4 stanzas. Where did the poet get these images from? (from folklore). Find the same root words (lead, witches, sorcerers). What does this root mean?

What is the symbol in verses 5 and 6? (symbol of movement - blizzard, whirlwind) What is this whirlwind singing about? (legends of antiquity)

Look at the following verses. How does the lyrical hero see Russia now? (beggar)

The penultimate stanza. Is poverty really the main sign of Russia? What else does the poet note? (original purity)

Last stanza. What stanza is she repeating? Why is this loop repeat needed? (the dream connects the hero and Russia)

Why does the poem sound so melodious? (assonance: a, oh, y) What kind of folklore genre is that like? (per song

2. The poem "Russia".

- What does Blok see and hear in the vastness of Russia?

He sees a “patterned dress up to the eyebrows,” that is, a peasant woman; forest, field and road, "loose ruts", gray huts; hears "songs of the wind" and how "the deaf song of the driver thunders with longing cautiousness"

-How does the main idea of ​​the poem sound? Read it.

Russia, impoverished Russia,

I have your gray huts,

Your songs for me are windy

Like the first tears of love.

4.What artwork does this poem associate with?

The very beginning of the work evokes an association with a poem. , more precisely, with the famous lyrical digression about the "Rus-Troika", which rushes off into the distance and does not give an answer where. Obviously, this is why Blok's "Russia" begins with the word "again":

Again, like in golden years,
Three worn out straps are fluttering,
And painted knitting needles stuck
In loose ruts ...

It is the image of the rushing Gogol troika that appears in the mind's eye of the reader. And after that he hears a shrill declaration of love for "impoverished Russia" with its "gray huts." Of course, the question involuntarily arises:

Why love a poor country that cannot give anything in return?

In the first publication, Blok gave an answer to this question, because the poem contained more stanzas, and they spoke about the fossil riches of Russia:

Russia, impoverished Russia,
Your promised land is generous!

It is, of course, much easier to love a country for its wealth. But this is not what the hero's love was born of. He accepts it both in poverty and in humiliation. For a lyric hero, this is"Like the first tears of love" , which means that he does not even try to think about why to love Russia. By the way, Blok, in accordance with the spelling of that time -"Like tears of the first love" which means "Like tears of first love" ... So the poet emphasized that love for the homeland is the first and most important for every Russian person.

Referring to the next line "And I Carefully Carry My Cross" ... What associations does this line evoke in you?

It draws the reader to another tradition of Russian literature - the association with the exploit of Jesus Christ. Carrying his cross on himself meant that a person was not free to choose his own destiny, but had to live the one that was determined from above. Whoever is destined to be born in Russia means that his life should also be connected with this country.

Traditionally image of the homelandassociated with the image of the mother, and therefore it is customary to say "Motherland". However, the Symbolists, following the idea of ​​the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov about Eternal Femininity, created a completely new image -Motherland-wife... As you know, a wife is not a mitten: you cannot throw off your hand. Therefore, for Blok Russia is the Eternal Wife, and the declaration of love, bitter and inevitable, sounds completely sincere. The hero does not show himself in the least: he really loves his Motherland-wife as it is.

At the same time, a premonition of the tragic fate of his country sounded in the following prophetic lines:

What sorcerer do you want
Give back the robber beauty!

In them you can observe a purely Blok's miracle of transformation.image of a womaninto the image of the homeland, and vice versa. His Russia is a beauty, but no longer asleep, as in the poem "Rus". Her beauty isRobbery, rebellious. Therefore, even in power"Sorcerer" it will not be lost "Will not perish"... Only "Care will cloud" her "Beautiful features" .

Read the lines where these beautiful features stand out especially clearly?

In the last lines, when the image of a Russian woman with her strict Old Believer face appears again:"Yes, the boards are patterned up to the eyebrows" .

Yes, indeed, such a restrained description of Russian beauty is also a kind of tradition, because until the beginning of the 21st century it was not customary to emphasize physical beauty.

What is the motive at the end of the poem?

At the end it sounds againpath motive, a road directed to the future. Belief in a bright future is very traditional for a Russian person, therefore"And the impossible is possible" .

However, the ringing "The deaf song of the coachman with a longing cautious deaf song" returns to "Robber beauty" Russia and reminds of the beginning"High and rebellious days" , the approach of which was prophetically predicted in the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" by a poet who is aware of his responsibility for the fate of the Motherland.


Gradually, Blok leaves mysticism and symbolism, real life with its sorrows and joys, worries and worries pours into his poetry. In this regard, the poetic cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is of great importance.

Cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" including 5 poems, - one of the central works of the third volume "Homeland". The cycle is not only and not so much a work on a historical theme as a work about modernity, more precisely, about an inextricable connectionpast, present and future of Russia .

“The Battle of Kulikovo belongs ... to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return.
Their solution is yet to come. "
(A. Blok)

3. The poem "The river spreads out" (from the cycle "On the Kulikovo field")

Questions for analysis:

What is a cycle? Explain the word order in the cycle name.

What picture appears before us in the first stanza?

How does a poet address his homeland? What is the singularity of the appeal? What pictorial and expressive means does the author use to create the image?

Which word is repeated four times in verses 2 and 3? What do you mean by the word "way"?

How is the movement of the warriors shown? What can you say about movement in a poem? Analyze how the author uses verbs - movements and for what purpose?

What image is contrasted with the lazy sadness of the flowing river? Describe the movement of the steppe mare - what does it symbolize? Traditions of Russian literature in this image.

What lines of the poem reflect not only the essence of time, but also human life in general?

The theme of the homeland is directly related to the poet's ideas about the historical process. Cycle notes« On the Kulikovo field» Blok wrote: “The battle of Kulikovo belongs, according to the author, to the symbolic events of Russian history. Such events are destined to return. Their solution is yet to come. " Thus, it is pointed to the modern sounding of poetry, to the close connection of history, art, life of the past, present and future. “The past is passionately looking into the future,” said Blok in his poem “The Artist” (1913). These words can be used as an epigraph to the cycle.

The cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" is a presentiment of the coming storms, a prediction of the tragedy. The poet sees the entire historical path of the country - from the "Kulikov field" to contemporary events. The lyrical hero is both an ancient Russian warrior and a contemporary of the poet.

The plot of the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" has a historical basis - the age-old opposition of Russia to the Tatar-Mongol invasion. The lyric-epic plot combines a concrete historical eventual canvas: battles, military campaigns, a picture of a native land covered with a conflagration - and a chain of experiences of a lyrical hero who is able to comprehend the entire centuries-old historical path of Russia.

When was the cycle created?

The cycle was created in 1908. This is the reaction time after the defeat of the 1905 revolution.

What is the central theme?

The central theme in the cycle is the theme of the homeland, thoughts about its complex historical fate.

Analysis of the poem “The river spreads out. It flows, sadly lazily ... "

1) How does the poem begin? (unhurriedly, the sadness of the described dull beauty is mentioned twice)

- What landscape appears in the poem?

"Scanty clay of a yellow cliff", "haystacks are sad in the steppe."

Let us recall the landscape by Pushkin "The road pitted with rains", "the windmill twisted" Pushkin motifs sound in Blok's poems.

2) Why does the poet turn to his homeland? (introduces the theme of Russia into the cycle)

3) Which word is repeated four times in verses 2 and 3? (the path is steppe, in boundless anguish)

4) How is the movement of the warriors shown? (Let the night. Let's go. Let's light up the steppe distance with bonfires)

5) - What mood creates the abruptness of this rhythm? (tense, anxious, anticipation of the forthcoming, the pace of the race and the mood of anxiety are growing: "The steppe mare flies, flies And crumples the feather grass")

At Blok, a steppe mare is racing across the steppe. And what image do we find in Gogol?

Gogol compares Rus to a bird of three.

"Isn't it so you, Russia, that the brisk, unstoppable troika are rushing?"

6) What image is contrasted with the lazy sadness of the flowing river of people's life? (the image of a steppe mare, which "rushes at a gallop")

7) What lines reflect the essence of time and human life in general? ("And the eternal battle! We only dream of peace.")

In the third poem, the image of Russia is multifaceted. In what images is Russia manifested?

Who is the address "You" addressed to in the 3rd part?

(These are the words to the image of the Virgin, to the wife, to the mother. To the homeland? How did you understand?

What feelings is this poem filled with?

The fourth poem is full of anxiety and foreboding, but here is the meaning of the victorious movement. What is it?

And the darkness of irresistible troubles

The coming day was clouded over.

Vl. Soloviev

In the fifth poem, the Kulikovo field is interpreted by the author as what?

Which one does the Bloc show Russia?

- Why does the last part end with the words:

The heart cannot live in peace,

No wonder the clouds have gathered.

The armor is heavy as before a fight

Now your hour has come. - Pray!

To whom are the last words addressed?

Here, the homeland is the beloved and only wife with whom the future is connected, and the poet, his lyrical hero, like the heroes of antiquity, cannot imagine himself without Russia.

What images and pictures remind of that distant era?

(The Nepryadva River, Khan Mamai; "And Nepryadva got away with a fog like the princess with a veil", "the face not made by hands", "the quiet lightnings of the prince guarded")

4. Poems from the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" will sound in a literary and musical composition, composed to the music of our fellow countryman, composer, poet and performer Igor Talkov.

Why was A. Blok's poetry in the composition associated with the work of Igor Talkov?

Talkov largely continued the traditions of M.Yu. Lermontov and A.A. Blok. The work of our fellow countryman, who was born in the Shchyokinsky district of the Tula region, will be studied later. From the poems read and the songs we listened to, we have already concluded that Talkov's feeling of homeland was as piercing, honest and passionate as that of Lermontov and Blok. A. Blok's poems from the cycle "On the Kulikovo Field" are superimposed on V. Talkov's song "Russia", and it seems to us that they sound very harmonious.

The composition is presented in a multimedia presentation.

5. The pinnacle of A. Blok's creativity was A. Blok's poem "Scythians". It contains a deep philosophical meaning, his understanding of the great role of Russia for the development of mankind.

The poem is sung by the students. (Presentation in a multimedia application).


Alexander Blok in his works created a surprisingly accurate image of the Motherland, considering it in historical development, from pagan times ("golden years") to contemporary trials. The poet proved the extraordinary originality of Russia, its strength and ability to revive despite difficult times. The bloc stressed the need to love and protect this country. The poet believes that the path of Russia is special, and this path has never been easy. At all times, Russia has loved, fought and revived.

Love, if it is real, is expressed in deeds. And the deeper and more quivering our feeling for the Motherland will be, the more effective and necessary for the people will be our deeds. After all, in the end, the life of each of us is in the name of the Motherland, in the name of Man.

7. Summing up the lesson.

1. How does Blok's view of Russia differ from that of historians? (For Blok Russia is not a state, it is a symbol of the unity of the spiritual, feminine and natural principles.)

2. What feeling are filled with A. Blok's poems?

In his article about the work of A. Blokpoet Mikhail Dudin wrote: “Russia! How many times A. Blok touched your wounds and your history, with what faith in your fate he filled the music of your name, glorifying you! ”.

3. What mark did Blok's lyrics leave on the soul?

4. What new have you learned about the personality of the poet and his lyrics?

In poems about Russia A.A. Blok achieved a penetrating understanding of its diversity, pagan, fairytale and historical. Blok created a special poetic image of Russia. Its vast expanses, wind songs, distant roads, daring triplets, foggy distances - such is the beautiful, unique Russia of Blok. He loved her, waited for her changes, hoped that with the advent of 1917 the light would overcome the DARKNESS.

Love, if it is real, is expressed in deeds. And the deeper and more quivering our feeling for the Motherland will be, the more effective and necessary for the people our deeds will become. After all, in the end, the life of each of us is in the name of the Motherland, in the name of Man.

Vi. Homework.

Writing a mini-essay.

    The theme of the homeland in the works of A. Blok.

    The theme of the homeland in the works of M. Lermontov, A. Blok, I. Talkov.

    What is patriotism in my understanding?

    What mark did the lyrics of A. Blok leave in the soul?

Homeland !? Everyone is talking about it, but what is meant by this word. The real homeland is a place where a person feels like a part of this place. This is a country where a person seeks to return, regardless of age and circumstances. The homeland is the corner that we strive to preserve, protect, preserve. Where we feel good and free. Where we can be ourselves. To protect and love the Motherland is the duty of every person. And it is not nationality or place of residence that determines this, but inner feelings.

Each person has the right to be proud not only of his Homeland - the country of which he is a citizen, but also of his Little Homeland - the area in which he lives: his city or village. It is necessary with the heart to feel that this is the most dear and will remain with him for the rest of his life, be proud of her and love her. This feeling of empathy is especially vividly expressed by poets.

Purpose: consideration of the image of the motherland - Russia in the poetry of Russian poets.

Set tasks:

    analyze verses

    conduct a short study of the relevance of this topic for the modern generation using a questionnaire

    reflect personal perception of the Motherland


    study and analysis of literature



Object of research: the work of Russian poets.

Subject of research: the theme of the homeland in the works of poets.

A hypothesis put forward: poems about the Motherland are needed by the modern generation.

Relevance of the topic: the need to instill the love of modern youth for their homeland. It is important that the modern generation sees her beauty through poetry and skillfully defend her interests.

To write the work, I studied the literature:

1. "And I will respond to you in the song." Collection of poems by Sergei Yesenin Moscow, "Moscow worker", 1986

2.L. P. Belskaya. Song word. Poetic mastery of Sergei Yesenin Moscow, "Enlightenment", 1990

3. Russian Soviet literature. Reader, grade 10, parts 1 and 2 Moscow, "Education", 1987

Stage I: preparatory - defined the goal, tasks

Stage II: work planning - picked up the literature, analyzed the literature, determined the way of presenting the results

Stage III: research - compiled questionnaire questions, conducted a survey of classmates

Stage IV: results and conclusions - presentation, analyzed the information and made conclusions

Stage V: presentation - spoke at the school conference

The practical significance of my project is the presentation at the classroom hour, the formation of love for the Motherland in the modern generation.

Reflection of personal perception of the Motherland

1.1 My Motherland - Russia

This is the name of our country (Russia or the Russian Federation).

Russia is the largest country in the world. Look at the map. No other state has such a large territory and such a long border. The borders of Russia run both by land and by water.

There is a lot of blue on the map (Appendix I). These are rivers, seas and lakes. Our country is very beautiful and rich. And what wonderful cities there are in our country. (Appendix II).

Moscow is the capital of Russia, the largest city in the state, as well as an industrial, political, cultural and scientific center (one of the most important in the world). It is located in the European part of the country, on the Moscow River, between the Volga and Oka rivers. The capital is the main city of the state, country. And the symbol of the capital of our state with you is (the Kremlin). And above the Kremlin, the state flag - the symbol of the state - flies.

1.2 Acquaintance with state symbols

Each country has its own coat of arms, flag and anthem. They are state symbols. The word "symbol" in translation means a sign, a password, a signal.

The coat of arms is a distinctive sign of a state, city, clan, depicted on flags, coins and other official documents (Appendix III).

The golden two-headed eagle is depicted against a red background. The eagle squeezes the scepter with its right paw. In his left paw is the power. We see crowns over the heads of the eagle. The scepter is a wand decorated with intricate carvings, gold and precious stones.

The orb is a golden ball with a cross at the top.

On the chest of the eagle there is a red shield with the image of a horseman. This is Saint George the Victorious. He is on a white horse. A blue cloak develops over his shoulders. In his right hand he has a silver spear that helped him defeat the dragon. Terrible. The black serpent is a symbol of evil. He is defeated by a hero. The warrior's faithful horse tramples the dragon with its hooves.

The coat of arms of Russia symbolizes beauty and justice, the victory of good over evil.

Another important symbol of our state is the flag.

The flag (Appendix IV) of our country also has its own history. Many centuries ago, instead of a flag, people used a pole, tied bundles of grass, branches or a ponytail to its top. It was called a banner.

Then the banners began to be made of fabric. A red oblique wedge was attached to the shaft. The banner flew in the wind, giving courage and confidence to the soldiers.

Then the saints began to be depicted on the panels - “signs”. This is how the word "banner" appeared. The banners were then of different colors. They were decorated with rich patterns.

Our Russian flag is tricolor. The color is given a special meaning. White means peace and purity of conscience, blue means heaven, loyalty and truth, red means fire and courage.

The day of August 22 is celebrated in our country as the day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

Often on holidays, military parades, we hear a solemn song called a hymn. The Hymn (Appendix V) is a solemn song sung on special, most important occasions.

1.3 Ugra land - my homeland (Appendix VI)

I live in the city of Nizhnevartovsk, which is located in the northwest of Siberia. My parents work here, I went to the first grade here, I live and study here, I go in for sports. I dedicate my sporting successes in table tennis to my city - my small homeland. (Appendix VII)

Severe frosts, impenetrable swamps, mosquitoes, midges. Life itself here is overcoming. Previously, there were no good roads, sidewalks in the city, rubbish was everywhere. Today the city is changing for the better. The townspeople plant different trees here every year to make it more green. Many beautiful lawns, high-rise buildings and fountains appeared; for example, Komsomolskoye Lake became its attraction. Now it is the best place for rest of the townspeople. In the mornings, residents who take care of their health jog around it, in the evenings couples in love and young mothers with their babies walk around, enjoying the beautiful landscape.

1.4 Russian poets about the Motherland

Only true patriots can love and glorify their homeland. Such patriots were A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, S.A. Yesenin, I.A. Bunin and other Russian poets.

A.S. Pushkin in his poems speaks of the power of Russia: (Appendix VIII)

“Is Russia strong? War and pestilence

And the riot, and external storms pressure

She was shocked, raging.

Look: everything is worth it! "

About her Great Future:

“Holy Russia ... My Russia:

A meek face, a martyr's halo ...

I believe righteous Messiah

Will reward your suffering! "

M.Yu. Lermontov praised the immensity and beauty of his native land: (Appendix IX)

But I love - why, I don't know myself,

Her steppes are cold silence,

Its boundless forests sway,

The floods of its rivers are like the seas.

S.A. Yesenin loved his people and was devoted to him and his homeland and expressed this in the poem "Goy you are my dear Rus": (Appendix X)

If the saint's host cries out:

"Throw you Rus, live in paradise!"

I will say: "There is no need for heaven,

Give me my homeland. "

1.5 Poets of Ugra about the Motherland

The main motive of the poetry of the northerners is the native nature of the harsh land, its wealth:

V.N. Kozlov

Our Motherland - Ugra

We live with you in Ugra!

There is no freer and kinder

And richer than the edge

than the native land.

We must protect her

Like my own speech.

And love and respect

Like your own mother.

Sergey Trokhimenko

Despite the bitter cold

All adversity and fatigue.

Nizhnevartovsk, a bright city,

It was built, to the delight of everyone.

Over the years, he is very young,

Sweet and dear to the heart.

Monument at the entrance to the city,

We call tenderly - "Alyosha".

How do they get to know the Motherland in the family?

These questions are in my questionnaire for my classmates and their parents.

(Appendix XI, XII, XIII)

Analysis of the answers to the questionnaires showed that the children know little about their homeland in the poetry of Russian poets and very little about the poetry of the Ugra poets.

(Appendix XIV, XV)

Elena Ivanovna organized an open lesson in literature, on the topic "The Motherland and its Image in the Poetry of Russian Poets", in which I read poetry about the Motherland. Poetess Alexandra Dar'ina was invited to the lesson. A. Darina read her poems about Russia.


Lermontov lyrical homeland

The theme of the Motherland will exist as long as a person lives. Everyone has a homeland, a place that always attracts, wherever you are. The relevance of this topic reflects the reason for choosing the topic of the course work. There was a desire to consider the specific view of M.Yu. Lermontov to this question.

The aim of the course is to study the lyrics of the poet Lermontov. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize that the themes of his lyrics are diverse, but at the same time, the theme of the homeland also has a place to be. And she is not in the last place.

Based on this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

consider the creative path of M.Yu. Lermontov. Capture the main stages of life;

to form a system of themes for the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov;

identify the theme of the homeland in the context of other topics and determine the peculiarities of its interpretation by the author on the basis of specific works.

Thus, the object of study for us will be Lermontov's lyrics, against the background of which it is necessary to determine the subject of scientific consideration - the theme of the homeland directly in the lyrics.

Lermontov's lyrics have been studied for a long time, by many people, ranging from ordinary readers who tried to discover new horizons of consciousness through his work, and experienced literary critics and critics, for whom the works of Mikhail Yuryevich are an invaluable gift that has passed centuries without losing their brilliance, relevance and depth of disclosure of various life topics. Our task will be to bring something new to the study of this information layer. This is undoubtedly a difficult task, but the experience of past research and a fresh look at the topic will be faithful companions in the work on the work.

Chapter I: The creative path of M.Yu. Lermontov

The beginning of the 19th century was the time of the cultural and spiritual upsurge of Russia. It was at this time that the great Russian poet, writer, playwright - Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov (1814 - 1841) was born. His life and destiny were eventful and allowed Mikhail to form his own special view of the world, of the era during which he lived. Lermontov's romantic outlook, to a certain extent, predetermined his "strange love" for the Motherland. About how irrational his feeling in reality is, the patriotic motives that can be traced throughout the poet's career give an idea.

The theme of the homeland for Mikhail Yuryevich occupies a special niche in his work. His childhood, trips to the Caucasus, upbringing by his grandmother, who spared neither effort nor money in order to give her grandson a decent and high-quality education, the military-political situation of those years - all this made it possible to create in the minds of Lermontov, as a prominent cultural figure, a unique view of Russia as a homeland, a fatherland, as a place where he was born and raised, created, felt and eventually perished.

In terms of the complexity and richness of its motives, Lermontov's poetry occupies an exceptional place in Russian literature. "In her," according to Belinsky, "all the forces, all the elements that make up life and poetry: the indestructible power of the spirit, the humility of complaints, the fragrance of prayer, fiery, stormy animation, quiet sadness, meek pensiveness, cries of proud suffering, groans of despair , mysterious tenderness of feeling, indomitable impulses of daring desires, chaste purity, ailments of modern society, pictures of world life, reproaches of conscience, touching repentance, sobs of passion and quiet tears flowing in the fullness of a heart placated by the storm of life, ecstasy of love, the thrill of separation, the joy of a date, contempt for the prose of life, insane thirst for delight, fiery faith, the torment of spiritual emptiness, the groan of a feeling of frozen life turning away from itself, the poison of denial, the cold of doubt, the struggle of the fullness of feeling with the destructive power of reflection, the fallen spirit of heaven, a proud demon and an innocent baby, violent Bacchante and pure virgin - everything, everything in this poetry: heaven, earth, heaven and hell. " ... But in this wasteful luxury, in the amazing wealth of motives, ideas and images, one can, however, notice the main tendency of his creative process, that psychological core around which they all revolve. From this point of view, Lermontov's work can be divided into two periods: the first lasts until approximately the mid-30s, the second - until the end of his short life. In the first period, he is completely at the mercy of his unbridled fantasy; he writes solely on the basis of his inner experience, feels terribly painfully and experiences all the irreconcilability of two opposing principles, two elements of his soul: heavenly and earthly, and in it he sees the main cause of the tragedy of his life. In the second period, he is already closer to reality, his experience expands towards studying the people around him, everyday life and society, and if he does not completely abandon his antithesis, then, of course, softens it. He begins as a dualist, acutely aware of the twofoldness of his psyche, as a person doomed to permanent residence "between two lives in a terrible interval." The reason for all his painful experiences is clear to him, it is clear why he is possessed by such an irresistible desire to be as far away from the low and dirty land as possible. There is an eternal antagonism between the heavenly soul and the "involuntary" burdensome and burdensome, "life partner" - the body; no matter how they are connected with each other in the short period of coexistence assigned to them, they gravitate in different directions. He is drawn to the night, sky, stars and moon. On a quiet moonlit night, his gardens bloom, the world of his enchanting dreams awakens, and a light-winged fantasy makes its high flight, takes you to the "distant heavens". A faint ray of a distant star "brings dreams to his sick soul; and then it is free and easy for him." The stars in the clear evening sky are as clear as the happiness of a child; but sometimes, when he looks at them, his soul is filled with envy. He feels unhappy because "the stars and the sky are the stars and the sky, and he is a man." He does not envy people, but only "beautiful stars: only they would like to take their place." There is a wonderful "Nadezhda bird". During the day she will not sing, but as soon as "the earth will fall asleep, dressed in darkness in the silence of the night," she "sings on a branch so sweetly, sweetly for the soul, that involuntarily you will forget the burden of torment while listening to that song." And his soul, akin to heaven, strives upward; she would also like to physically break away from the sinful earth, to part with her "involuntary companion of life," with her body. That is why Lermontov greets the blue mountains of the Caucasus that they are "the thrones of the Lord", they taught him to heaven, for whoever "once prayed to the creator on the heights despises life", he will never forget the sky that opened to him. Here is a wooden cross turning black over a high rock in the gorge of the Caucasus: "Each of his arms is raised upward, as if he wants to grab the clouds." And again an unearthly desire is born: "Oh, if I could ascend there, how I would pray and cry then ... And after that I would throw off the chain of being, and with a storm I would call myself a brother." In these hours of lofty dreams, he once saw how "an angel flew across the midnight sky", and how "the moon and the stars and clouds in a crowd listened to that holy song", which the angel sang before parting to the soul descending into the "world of sorrow and tears." He knows that there was once a close communication between the world of people and the world of angels, they lived like two native families, and even the angel of death was not afraid, and "meeting with him seemed to be a sweet destiny." Lermontov languishes as in a dungeon; he is "bored with the songs of the earth," and all life with all its joys, bright hopes and dreams is nothing more than "a notebook with long-known verses."

Lermontov's too active, too energetic nature, with an insatiable thirst for being. He knows that first of all "he needs to act, he wants to make every day immortal, like the shadow of a great hero, and he cannot understand what it means to rest." That is why those "twilight of the soul, when the object of desires is gloomy, between joy and grief, dim light; when life is hateful and death is terrible" frighten him.

And from the very first years of creativity, at the same time and in parallel with these heavenly sounds, passionate, earthly, sinful sounds sound, and much more depth, the power of tension is felt in them. The poet passionately loves the Caucasus not at all for its proximity to heaven; he sees on it the traces of his passions, signs of his rebellion: after all, "from an early age, heat and storms are boiling in his blood and a rebellious gust".

The sea element captivates his ardent imagination with its agitated power, and in her he looks for images to express the state of his soul. Now it looks like a wave, "when it, driven by a fatal storm, hisses and rushes with its foam," then a lonely sail, whitening in the mist of the blue sea; "under him is a stream of brighter blue, above him is a golden ray of sun ... And he rebellious asks for storms, as if there is peace in the storms." In such a state, the peace and silence of heavenly joy seem to him absolutely unacceptable, and he confesses that he loves the torments of the earth: "they are dearer to him than heavenly blessings, he is used to them and will not leave them." The path of salvation is too narrow and it demands too many sacrifices from it; it is necessary for this that the heart be transformed into stone, for the soul to be freed from the terrible thirst for chanting, and this is tantamount to death ("Prayer", 1829). And he refuses this bodily way of salvation.

In all this riot of colors of his thematic palette, the theme of the homeland left a bright imprint. She is tightly intertwined with other themes, complementing them and at the same time enriching her semantic load. Sometimes the shade of the homeland was drawn by Lermontov so skillfully that you will not notice him at first glance.

The thematic variety of Lermontov's lyrics is striking and makes it clear that there are so many unresolved topics in life, unsolved problems, misunderstood thoughts. This once again reminds us that there is no limit to perfection. And Mikhail Yuryevich had this perfection of his own, special, characteristic and understandable to those people who, like him, lived in turbulent times.

Thus, the conclusion should be determined. The thematic variety of Lermontov's lyrics is off the charts. Many topics are touched, deeply touched, thoroughly. We only have to determine what place among this variegation the homeland occupies, how it is understood by the creator, and what it waited for and saw in it.

The theme of the Motherland in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov

In the early period, Lermontov was characterized by the continuation and development of the genre of the romantic, mainly Byronic, poem, refracted through the work of A.S. Pushkin and the Decembrists (K.F. Ryleev), as well as V.A. Zhukovsky, I.I. Kozlova, A.A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky. This is reflected not only in the direct imitation of Pushkin ("Prisoner of the Caucasus") and J. Byron ("Corsair"), but above all in the character characteristic of the romantic poem - an incomprehensible, lonely, dying, in the struggle for the freedom of his homeland, for the right to think freely, to love. The romantic hero of Lermontov is endowed with violent passions, possessed by an indomitable desire for freedom, boundless love for the homeland and is always doomed.

One of the first poems by Mikhail Yuryevich, in which we can assess his attitude to his homeland, is a poem written in 1828 "Complaints of a Turk".

“… Life there early is hard for people,

There, for the joys, reproach rushes,

There a man groans from slavery and chains!

Friend! This land ... my homeland! ... "

An unfriendly description of the "homeland", given the fact that at that time the poet was only fifteen years old. Already at this age, the author realized some of the socio-political aspects of the life of his homeland. "... Early life is hard for people ...". Sounds like a sentence, an inevitable circumstance that haunts a person from an early age. This picture is not at all happy. A sensation arises that is difficult for a cosmopolitan person to experience. It is a feeling of resentment and bitterness. Only a highly moral person will have the spiritual strength that will help to call such a land his Fatherland.

“… Where do cunning and carelessness pay tribute to malice?

Where is the heart of the inhabitants agitated by passions? -

And where are sometimes

Minds both cold and hard as stone? ... "

Human malice, cunning, carelessness do not give rest to the soul of the poet. He is amazed. His consciousness is unable to come to terms with the fact that the hearts of people, instead of loving, experience sincere outbursts of wonderful feelings, are "agitated by passions." The poet's rebellious soul revolts against the indifference, passivity, cowardice of his generation. Lermontov cannot come to terms with the fact that educated, humanely thinking people, having assimilated the "late mind" of their fathers, are aging in inaction, living without any purpose, humbly bowing their heads before the forces of reaction. It was not Lermontov's style. His lyrical hero is so patriotic that he is ready to spend his emotional impulses without a trace on serving the fatherland. He only needs to be sure that all this is not in vain. Let the poet in his early work be carried away by romanticism, all its charms and difficulties. Lermontov sees and feels a lot and with great enthusiasm tries to reflect with the help of the lyre everything that haunts him. But this does not kill a deep philosopher in him, who is able to think not only about himself, not only about the people, but what he can bring to this people.

The cry of the soul is felt in the words: “Friend! This land ... my homeland! ... ". This is the homeland. She is like a mother, she is not chosen. She is sincerely loved, whatever she may be. They are ready to defend it from the attacks of those who dare to desecrate what we keep in our souls with such trepidation and what we associate with our homeland.

“… Ah! if you understand me

Forgive the loose hints; -

Let the truth hide the lie:

What can you do? - we are all human! ... "

The last lines of the work are filled with hope. “What can I do? - we are all human! ... ". Lermontov realizes that we are all people, we are all not ideal, and it is so difficult to cleanse oneself of the vices of one's own soul at times. It is only from such vicious inhabitants of various villages and cities that the society in which we live is formed, with which in the future we correlate our concept of homeland. In the poem “I saw a shadow of bliss; but quite ... ”it can already be noted that Lermontov's attitude to his homeland is already different. He remembers and knows his homeland as a place where "... sorrow began to know ...".

“... I love my homeland

And more than many: among her fields

There is a place where I began to know sorrow;

There is a place where I will rest

When my ashes mingled with the earth

Forever the former look will leave its ... "

But the homeland for him is preserved not only in the present, he plans to associate his life with it, and even death ("... When my ashes, mixed with the earth, forever leave their former form ..."). The lyrical hero is tied to his native land, it is close to him. She is not only his place of residence. And Lermontov's homeland is special, his own. Its main features are not associated with power, a great state. The homeland of Lermontov is wide fields, endless spaces, fertile fields, peasants who tirelessly reap these fields from year to year, toil. And their work is not for the sake of glory, but for the prosperity of their own homeland.

Lermontov the poet is depressed by the fact that the younger generation is indifferent and ill-mannered. Young people are indifferent to the country, its future, they do not try to follow an example from their elders, and sometimes the elders cannot give this example. This is clearly seen in the poem "Two Falcons":

“Brother, brother, what have you seen?

Tell me soon. "

Oh! I hated the light

And ruthless people. -

"Why did you see that bad there?"

A bunch of stone hearts:

Virgo laughter, longing sweet,

For children, a tyrant is the father.

Virgin tormented truthful tears

Have fun like a game;

And at the feet of the proud

Young men are dying in a crowd! ...

Brother, brother! what did you see?

Tell me soon! -

"Light and I hated

And changeable people.

Wearing hidden deceptions

Youth there is dejected;

Poisonous memories

Gloomy old age is full.

Pride, believe me, beautiful

It is sometimes forgotten;

But the betrayal of a passionate virgin

Deep disappointment flows from the lines of the poem. "I hated the light ...". Any personal aspirations and impulses fade, looking at such a situation in society. I just want to become that very falcon, soar and no longer see all this disgrace. In this work, the themes of the moral education of society and the understanding of the homeland are closely merged, such as what is visible in society, what values ​​reign there and whether they are there at all. But it should be noted that if everything is so gloomy and helpless in society, then the question is involuntarily posed: do you need such a life where there is “a bunch of stone hearts”? But Lermontov needs it because this is his place, his homeland. And if he was born here, then it must be so. And only one thing can make the poet's shining soul think that his homeland is boring to him:

I can't languish at home,

Get out of there, there, in a bloody battle.

There maybe it will stop beating

This is a heart full of you.

Love for the homeland can fit into the heart of the creator with feelings for the opposite sex. But here some special thoughts immediately arise. Hide from love for a girl exactly where he can repay his debt to his homeland, on the battlefield. Especially when this topic is so relevant. The war with Napoleon was another reason to be convinced of the strength and might of the state of Russia. Lermontov could not remain indifferent and once again expressed his dissenting opinion:

Tell me, uncle, it's not for nothing

Moscow burned by fire

Is it given to the Frenchman?

After all, there were fighting fights,

Yes, they say, some more!

No wonder all of Russia remembers

About Borodin's Day!

These lines live to this day, and everyone, having heard them, recalls those times when the military power and wisdom of the Russian commanders was unshakable. The feeling of patriotism embraces any, even the slightest bit patriotic, citizen of the Russian state.

Yes, there were people in our time,

Not like the current tribe:

Bogatyrs are not you!

They got a bad share:

Few returned from the field ...

Do not be the will of the Lord,

They wouldn’t give Moscow away!

But here, too, the theme of disappointment in the younger generation is inevitable: “… the heroes are not you! ... ". Belinsky noted this, revealing yet another thought inherent in the poem: "This thought is a complaint about the present generation, dormant in inaction, envy of the great past, so full of glory and great deeds." The poet's soul yearns for effective, active contemporaries:

“... Yes, there were people in our time,

A mighty, dashing tribe ... "

It is for such people that the poet sees the future of his own homeland, who can perform great deeds, do fateful deeds not by order of the top, but by their own free will, which gives strength to build a bright future for themselves and their people. Although Lermontov was not sure about the bright future of the country. This is evidenced by the poem "Prediction":

The year will come, Russia is a black year,

When the crown of kings falls;

The rabble will forget their former love for them,

And the food of many will be death and blood;

When children, when innocent wives

The overthrown will not defend the law;

When the plague from the stinking, dead bodies

Will begin to wander among the sad villages,

To call from the huts with a handkerchief,

And the smooth will torment this poor land;

And the glow will color the waves of the rivers:

A powerful man will appear on that day

And you will recognize him - and you will understand

Why is his damask knife in his hand:

And woe for you! - your cry, your moan

It will then seem ridiculous to him;

And everything will be terrible, gloomy in it,

Like his cloak with a lofty forehead.

Not kind is emanating from these lines. Plague, stench, gloom - impartial, but these are the thoughts that have arisen and cannot be avoided. They would not have arisen from scratch. The harsh reality of everyday life of society in the long term does not give rosy predictions.

It was a fact that Lermontov was not indifferent to the Caucasus. A whole cycle of poems was dedicated to this part of the homeland.

Caucasus! distant country!

The dwelling of liberty is simple!

And you are full of misfortunes

And bloodied by the war! ...

Really caves and rocks

Under the wild shroud of darkness

They will also hear the cry of passion,

Clink of glory, gold and chains? ....

Not! do not expect past years

Circassian, to his fatherland:

Freedom was formerly a sweet land

Dies noticeably for her.

The image of the Caucasus in Lermontov's mind is hot, ardent, like his own heart. The sensations of the Caucasus, absorbed in childhood, served Lermontov as the basis that gave rise to his work, aimed at revealing the multifaceted image of the Caucasus.

Mikhail Yurievich loves everything in the Caucasus: the rebelliousness of the highlanders, the beauty of the mountain women, the majestic mountain ranges, the sea element. All this, undoubtedly, entered the consciousness of the poet, as part of his homeland. The image of nature, and in particular the image of the Caucasus, is associated with Lermontov's understanding of the homeland, its depth and features. Innokenty Annensky in his article "On Lermontov's aesthetic attitude to nature" writes that many reasons contributed to the development of a sense of nature in Lermontov. The nature of the Caucasus influenced him in the years of his earliest childhood, when his spiritual world was still taking shape; over it he learned to dream and think, so that later, in his next trips to the Caucasus, he stopped not at the new, but as if deepened his early impressions.

Terek howls, wild and vicious,

Among the rocky masses,

His cry is like a storm,

Tears are splashing.

Clouds, snakes, dance, curl, separated from the brothers in a whirlwind of waltz. Lermontov, in his descriptions, was not a botanist, he played with feelings, images that arose in consciousness. It is so easy for us to understand him, because the images drawn by him are able to adapt to any imagination, in any way they can play on the strings of the human soul.

Another image associated with the theme of the homeland, which Lermontov calls. This is the image of the journey. Here the author shows that freedom and serenity are good, but where is the attachment to the family.

Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers!

Azure steppe, pearl chain

You rush like me, exiles

From the lovely north to the south.

In the continuation of the poem, it is clear that, on the one hand, Lermontov is sorry that the clouds have such a fate, but on the other hand, he expresses a kind of envy:

Forever cold, forever free

You have no homeland, you have no exile.

Eternal wanderers who cannot be expelled, since they have no homeland. "... Eternally cold, eternally free, ...". They have nothing to worry about and worry about. They are wanderers.

And yet, no matter what thoughts Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov interprets, he still loves his homeland, loves Mother Russia:

I love my homeland, but with a strange love!

My mind will not conquer her.

Not blood-bought glory

No peace full of proud confidence,

Neither dark antiquity cherished traditions

They do not stir in me a pleasant dream.

The feeling of love for the motherland is unshakable in him. She is sacred to him. "... My mind will not conquer her ...". The poet feels love for his homeland not with his mind, but with his soul. This is how you need to love the Fatherland: to stick to it with your heart, and not give anyone the opportunity to spoil the bright image of the Motherland. In spite of everything, love, and believe that she, like a dear mother, will never forget about you. The rulers, the people can forget, but the homeland will not forget. You will feel her love even after death.

But I love - for what, I don't know myself -

Cold silence of her steppes,

Its boundless forests sway,

The floods of its rivers are like the seas;

I like to ride in a cart on a country road

And, with a slow gaze piercing the night shadow,

To meet on the sides, sighing for an overnight stay,

The flickering lights of the sad villages.

This passage contains the main idea of ​​what kind of love Lermontov burned for his native country: “... Her steppes are cold silence, Her boundless forests sway, Her rivers floods like seas; ... ". This is what will never be replaced by another, this is what is unshakable in the image of the homeland, and this is what, under any circumstances, you need to love the place where you were born. Here is such a strange, at first glance, love. But imbued with the thought further, it is worth understanding that, ideally, this should be true, sincere love.

The work of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is an inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom, philosophy and thoughts about how it is necessary to understand the world around us. Thanks to him, we were able to determine the special meaning of the homeland, study the different sides of this issue and realize for ourselves what it is necessary to imagine when thoughts about the homeland come.


In the sea of ​​works of M.Yu. Lermontov. you can see a huge number of both sketches and finished creations. This made it possible to cover a colossal problematic and thematic layer. But against the background of all the other topics, the theme of the homeland stands out, which we had the opportunity to consider from different angles. This theme sometimes leads us into the bright expanses of being, then hides us in gloomy nooks, but still one thing remains clear: this topic is sacred and unshakable, it is difficult to understand it, and to know it to the end is even more difficult. And what will open before our consciousness the next time we return to these lines is not yet known. This is the main point. No matter how Lermontov interprets the topic of homeland, no matter how he imagines, we will not be able to understand it in the same way as he does. But there is an opportunity to glean thoughts, mostly correct thoughts. And already on the basis of this, form your own view of the understanding of the homeland.


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Fundamental Electronic Library - http://feb-web.ru