Singer Tarkan is the prince of Turkish pop music. Tarkan Tevetoglu: biography What does Tarkan do now

Singer Tarkan is the prince of Turkish pop music.  Tarkan Tevetoglu: biography What does Tarkan do now
Singer Tarkan is the prince of Turkish pop music. Tarkan Tevetoglu: biography What does Tarkan do now

Tarkan is a famous Turkish singer, producer, who became famous not only for his original songs, but also for the fact that during concerts he puts on a real show on stage. Tarkan is dearly loved by fans - tribute must be paid to his interesting oriental appearance.

Tarkan - height and weight

Tarkan's songs are very popular all over the world. He is the only singer to become famous in Europe, despite not singing a single song in English.

Of course, fans are interested not only in Tarkan's work, but also in his personal life. For example, many are worried about the singer's parameters.

How tall is Tarkan - Western mass media sources are puzzled by this question; they believe that it varies from 172 to 174 cm. Russian curious fans also tried to find out the height of Tarkan in cm, they practically agreed with Western sources, although sometimes Tarkan "grows" up to 176 cm.

The approximate weight of Tarkan is 70 kg, this ratio can be considered excellent. singer looks fit and slender.

If you look closely at the photographs of Tarkan, you will notice that in most of them he is shod in boots with a high platform, sometimes even with heels.

At 42 shoe sizes, it looks very eccentric. Of course, it is important for the singer to demonstrate his entourage image, but perhaps Tarkan is simply complex about his very average height and does not want to look shorter than his colleagues.

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One way or another, Tarkan has remained a popular singer for many years and appearance, it should be noted, also plays an important role in his popularity.

The famous singer Tarkan left the bachelor ranks. The Turkish star, who has made a great contribution to the development of the music of her country, finally got married. Especially interesting is the fact that his old fan became Tarkan's wife.

Personal life of Tarkan

For a long time, there was no place for his wife in the biography of Tarkan. Moreover, he was suspected of homosexuality. He publicly denied these rumors, and at the same time said that he was dating girls, he simply did not see the point of tying his relationship by marriage. Perhaps the singer was a little cunning and rejected marriage due to the fact that he could not find a woman whom he would sincerely love. By the way, in Russia, Tarkan was spotted with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk - the couple walked around Peter and seemed quite in love. But by no means Bilge became the wife of a handsome man.

The wife of the singer Tarkan

More recently, it turned out that Tarkan got married. The happy chosen one of the successful singer was a fan who broke through to him behind the scenes a few years ago. The girl's efforts were not in vain, Tarkan noticed and singled her out from thousands.

The relationship between Tarkan and Pinar Dilek, which lasted 7 years, was kept secret for a long time, just as the details of the wedding ceremony were not disclosed. But still, a little information was leaked, and the public saw photos of Tarkan and his wife from the gala event. The wedding took place at the singer's villa in Istanbul - the newlyweds pronounced to love each other forever in a beautifully decorated garden.

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Only the closest people were invited to the wedding, but Tarkan let slip that he was going to arrange another, more magnificent celebration in honor of his marriage.

Our hero today is a singer with Turkish roots - Tarkan. The biography of this sweet-voiced handsome man is of interest to hundreds of thousands of his fans around the world. Do you also want to know where he was born and trained? How did you build your musical career? Does he have a wife and children? Then we recommend that you read the article from the first to the last paragraph.

Singer Tarkan, biography: family

He was born on October 17, 1972 in the German city of Alzai. The father and mother of our hero are pure-blooded Turks. How did they end up in a foreign country? Ali and Neshe Tevetoglu immigrated to Germany. They were forced to leave their homeland by the economic crisis that broke out in Turkey.

Husametin Tarkan Tevetoglu - this is the real name of our hero. It is not easy for a Russian to pronounce this. The first name (Husametin) is translated as "sharp sword". And his parents named him Tarkan after a humorous book that is very popular in Turkey.

The future artist was brought up in a large family. He has two sisters (on his father's side) - Gyulai and Nurai, brother Adnan (from his mother's first marriage). That's not all. The singer has a brother (Khakan) and a sister (Khandan).

What kind of child was Tarkan? Biography indicates that he grew up an active and inquisitive boy. He liked outdoor games and dances.

Return to the homeland of ancestors

In 1986 the family left Germany. They decided to return to Turkey. By that time, the economic situation in the country had improved. Tarkan continued to study at school. Father and older brothers got a job. And my mother did household chores: cleaning, cooking, and so on.

In 1995, a grief happened in the family. Tarkan's father died of a heart attack. The man was only 49 years old. The singer and his relatives took this loss hard. After some time, the singer's mother got married for the third time. She was of considerable age. Therefore, there was no longer any talk about the birth of children.

Passion for music and the first difficulties

Immediately upon his return to Turkey, the young man decided to start realizing his old dream - to become a singer. To begin with, the boy entered a music school located in the city of Karamursel. He studied piano.

After graduating from school, the guy went to Istanbul. At first, Tarkan had a hard time. He rented a small room in which several people huddled. Tarkan earned money by performing in restaurants and cafes. Biography, personal life of this period does not contain any outstanding facts. The guy's priority was his studies and career.

The first time he managed to enter the local music academy. After receiving his diploma, Tarkan began to implement his creative plans. Let's take a closer look at this.

The beginning of a musical career

During his next trip to Germany, our hero met with the director of the İstanbul Plak recording studio Mehmet Soyutulu. They were united not only by Turkish roots, but also by their love for music. This man offered cooperation to Tarkan. The guy could not pass up such a chance.

In 1992, the debut album of a Turkish artist, Yine Sensiz, was released. While working on this disc, the singer met the composer Ozan Cholakolu. Their mutually beneficial cooperation continues to this day.

The singer with the fashionable name Tarkan has won incredible popularity among Turkish youth. Boys and girls heard European notes in his songs. They really liked it. In total, over 1 million copies of the Yine Sensiz album have been sold.

In 1994, the second album of the sweet-voiced singer went on sale. The record was called Aacayipsin, which translates into Russian as "You are beautiful." 2 million copies of the album have been sold in Turkey. Producer Ozan Colakol managed to "promote" his ward abroad as well. Almost 1 million copies of Tarkan's second album were purchased by people living in Europe.

Our hero was not going to stop there. He literally disappeared in the recording studio, working on the creation of new musical material. And his efforts were not in vain. Together with the Turkish pop singer Sezen Aksu, he recorded the composition Hepsi Senin Mi. Subsequently, this song became a real hit. In Russia and Europe, she is known under the name Şıkıdım.

Tarkan was invited to radio and television programs. In Turkey, his music sounded from almost every window. The singer's work schedule was scheduled by day and hour.

Conquest of the USA and Europe

Tarkan wanted to make himself known to the whole world. Soon the opportunity presented itself to him. In 1994 he went to the United States. The young man started studying English. Friends helped him rent an apartment in New York. Soon, the Turkish performer began recording an album intended for English-speaking listeners. The album was planned to be released in 1995. But I had to put it on the back burner.

The singer went on a tour of Europe. The local public liked Tarkan's work. And so in 1997 he presented a new album Ölürüm Sana ("Crazy about you"). Tarkan also released the single Şımarık, which immediately topped the European charts. In Turkey, the entire circulation of Ölürüm Sana (3.5 million copies) was sold out in a few weeks.

Career continuation: 2000s

In 2001, Tarkan delighted his fans with their fourth album, Karma. The singles Kuzu-Kuzu and Hüp included in it conquered the European charts.

In 2003, a new album, Dudu, was released. This time the singer recorded compositions on his own label HITT Music. Turkish fans have purchased 1 million records.

Tarkan has been working on the creation of an English-language album since the early 1990s. He recorded several incendiary songs. And only in 2006 these compositions were presented to English-speaking listeners. I must say that the album Come Closer did not live up to Tarkan's expectations. Therefore, he continued to write songs in


Tarkan, whose biography we are considering, has released 9 studio albums during his career. The total circulation of sold records was 19 million copies. The Turkish singer has toured almost all of Europe. He was in Russia as well. Everywhere his performances were received warmly.

Tarkan, biography: personal life

The burning brunette has never been deprived of female attention. In his youth, he had affairs with beautiful girls. Then the guy settled down. He wanted a serious relationship. And soon the Almighty sent him great love.

In 2001, Tarkan met Bilga Ozturk. The guy did his best to win the beauty's heart. And he did it. Soon the chosen one moved to Tarkan's apartment. The singer's friends and relatives were sure that the lovers would get married. However, fate decreed in its own way.

In 2008, Tarkan and Bilga announced their separation. They managed to maintain friendly relations. After some time, the girl met a new love. And Tarkan continued to carry the status of a bachelor.

Despite his advanced age, the popular singer is not married. He has no children. At one time, rumors about his unconventional orientation were spreading on the Web and in the print media. And to many people, this version seemed plausible. Such rumors only amuse the Turkish performer. He had never been attracted to men. At the same time, our hero does not condemn which are allowed in several European countries.

Our hero dreams of a magnificent wedding. Let's hope that in the near future this wonderful event will be replenished. The wife should be economic, caring, faithful and, of course, beautiful. These are the requirements a famous singer makes to his potential darling.

Russian fans

Tarkan first came to our country in 1998. Thousands of fans attended his concert. They sang along with him, not knowing Turkish.

Soon Philip Kirkorov performed the composition "Oh, mother, I will ladies chic!" The listeners immediately recognized in her the motives of the famous Tarkan song Sıkıdım. Many people were quick to accuse the king of the Russian stage of plagiarism. However, they were wrong. The fact is that Tarkan broke off business relations with the songwriter Sezen Aksu. She, in turn, began to sell the rights to perform her compositions to various performers. Philip Kirkorov liked the song Sıkıdım. He acquired the rights and translated it into Russian.


Today many of us know who Tarkan is. The biography, height, weight of the singer - all this interests his fans. We talked about childhood, creative activity and personal life of the Turkish performer above. Now let's dwell on its external data. He has naturally thick black hair. The eye color is green. A pleasant timbre of voice is another advantage that Tarkan has. Biography, the growth of the prince of Turkish pop - not only fans of his talent want to know about this, but also producers and directors. With a height of 174 cm, our hero weighs 70 kg.

With such figure parameters and external data, Tarkan could well build a successful career in the modeling industry. But he chose music. Although he still managed to visit the covers of fashion magazines. But the photographers saw in him not an attractive model, but a famous songwriter.


There is always a lot of unpleasant gossip around popular and talented personalities. Our hero was no exception. Several years ago, the world press circulated information that he was gay. And Tarkan is also suspected of alcohol and drug addiction. The prince of Turkish pop denies this. However, not all rumors are unfounded.

In February 2010, the Istanbul drug police raided the villa of the famous singer. Tarkan and 10 of his friends were detained on suspicion of using illegal substances. The star faced up to 2 years in prison. But nothing happened. Three days later, our hero was released from custody. The circumstances of this case were not disclosed.


Now you know what path Tarkan has made to world popularity. Photo, biography and details of the artist's personal life - all this is presented in the article. We wish Tarkan success in his work and great love!

Husametin Tarkan Tevetoglu(tour. Hüsamettin Tarkan Tevetoğlu; October 17, Alzey, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany), better known as simply Tarkan- Turkish singer, songwriter and producer. In Turkey known as "Prince of Pop" for influencing the country with his shows during concerts. Tarkan has released several platinum albums, selling around 19 million copies. Owns a music company "HITT Music" established in 1997. Tarkan is the only artist who managed to become famous in Europe without singing a single song in English. Tarkan also became the first and remains the only music performer from Turkey to receive The World Music Awards.

Music portal "Rhapsody" recognized Tarkan as a key artist in the history of European pop music with his song "Şımarık".

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    His parents, who are Turkish by nationality, immigrated to Germany after the economic crisis in the country. On the father's side, Tarkan's ancestors are military, for example, his grandfather is a hero of the Russian-Turkish war. Tarkan has a brother and sisters - Adnan, Gulay and Nurai, from his mother's first marriage. As well as his brother Hakan and younger sister Handan. When Tarkan was 13 years old, his family decided to return to their homeland. In 1995, Tarkan's father died of a heart attack at the age of 49. Tarkan's mother married for the third time, to the architect - Seyhun Kahraman.

    The beginning of a musical career

    After the Tarkan family moved to Turkey, he began studying music in the city of Karamursel, before going to study at the Istanbul Academy of Music. In Istanbul, he had no acquaintances and no money, and he had to earn money as a singer at weddings. During one of his visits to Germany, Tarkan met the head of the label İstanbul Plak Mehmet Soyutulu. He subsequently produced Tarkan's debut album, Yine Sensiz, which was released in 1992. During the recording of the album, Tarkan met with an almost unknown then composer - Ozan Cholakolu, with whom he works to this day. The album was a success among Turkish youth, as Tarkan brought Western influences to traditional Turkish music.

    "Most likely this happened for the first time - Turkish slang began to be actively used in the lyrics of a brave guy with green eyes."- this is how the Turkish magazine described Tarkan's debut album "Milliyet".

    In 1994 the second album "Aacayipsin" was released. At the same time, Tarkan began working with composer Sezen Aksu, who wrote two songs for the album, including "Hepsi Senin Mi?", Which later resulted in a European single "Şıkıdım"... In the same year, Tarkan went to the United States to continue his studies in New York and learn English. A video for the song was also filmed there. "Dön Bebeğim"... In America, Tarkan met Ahmet Ertegun, who was the founder of the American label Atlantic Records and wanted to start producing Tarkan's songs in English. But Tarkan's first English-language album was released after Akhmet's death, in 2006.

    Success in Europe

    In 1997, Tarkan released his third album Ölürüm Sana, and in parallel the single Şımarık, which was successful in Turkey. But in Europe, the single was released only two years later, together with "Şıkıdım". Following the success of the songs, the compilation "Tarkan" was released in Europe. In the same year, Tarkan received the World Music Awards for album sales. Then the single "Bu Gece" was released.

    In 2000, Tarkan had a falling out with Sezen Aksu, who wrote the songs "Şıkıdım" and "Şımarık"... After the termination of the contract, Sezen began to sell copyrights to various artists who made covers of these songs. For example, Holly Valence as "Kiss Kiss", and Philip Kirkorov as "Oh, Mama Shika Dam".


    In 1999, Tarkan was drafted into the army, from which he had a reprieve from 1995, which ended in 1998. Due to the fact that he was drafted into the army, he did not return to Turkey after he released a compilation in Europe "Tarkan"... This aroused great interest in the press, and the Turkish parliament also discussed the issue of the possible deprivation of Tarkan of Turkish citizenship. After the Izmit earthquake at the end of August 1999, a law was passed on 28-day military service, on condition that the future soldier pays $ 16,000 to a fund to help victims of the earthquake. Taking advantage of this, Tarkan returned to Turkey in 2000 and completed 28 days of military service. Before leaving for the army, Tarkan gave a concert on his return to Istanbul, the money from which also went to charity. Tarkan said about his military service: “It was January and a wild snowfall. It was difficult, the food was terrible. Eighteen months of my life for free. I think my dreams are more important ".

    2001-2002: Karma

    In 2001, Tarkan becomes the face of Pepsi in Turkey. At the same time the album "Karma" and two singles "Kuzu-Kuzu" and "Hüp" were released. The album was released in both Turkey and Europe. And in Russia, Tarkan became the most popular singer of non-Russian origin. The album sold 1 million copies in Europe. Fans refer to the period from 2001 to 2002 as "Period of karma" because the album is radically different from the previous and subsequent albums. Along with the musical style, Tarkan's appearance also changed. He grew his hair, began to wear tight trousers, unbuttoned shirts and T-shirts. This trend has been adopted by many young guys in Turkey. ... At the Woodstock Festival, Tarkan met his future international affairs manager Michael Lang, according to whom “Tarkan is an excellent artist and the current success is just the beginning. He will be a star in five years and will not disappear. No, he will remain a star. "

    In 2001, the book went on sale "Tarkan: Anatomy of a Star"(tour. Tarkan - Yıldız Olgusu), but after a while it was withdrawn from sale by a court decision, as the book violates copyright. Also, another scandal erupted after the release of the video for the song. "Hüp", people who saw the clip argued that the kiss scene was too pornographic. But the video was not banned, and it was nominated for an award from the Turkish music channel. "Kral".

    After Tarkan became the face Pepsi, he also became the official mascot of the Turkish national football team at the 2002 World Cup, for which he wrote the song "Bir Oluruz Yolunda", which became the anthem for the fans.

    2003-2004: Dudu

    In the summer of 2003, Tarkan released a mini-album "Dudu", which was the first album released on his own label "HITT Music". The album sold 1 million copies in Turkey, and in Russia the song "Dudu" became "Song of the Year". Also this year, Tarkan released his own perfume called "Tarkan".

    Once again, along with the musical style, the singer's appearance also changed. He made a short haircut and began to wear simpler clothes, implying that looks and glamor are no longer a way of selling his music - "It doesn't matter how sexy I look or dance, the music I make matters."

    2004-2006: English language album

    The idea to release the album in English came to Tarkan back in 1995, when he met with Ahmed Erteun, but due to problems with his old producer, the release was postponed. In October 2005, Tarkan released his first single in English "Bounce". And the album Come Closer was released six months later on the Universal Music label. With the recording of the album, Tarkan was helped by the authors who worked with many famous singers. In August, the second single "Start The Fire" was released. In the fall, Tarkan went on a European tour. The album was not as successful as the producers hoped for it, and sales in Turkey were only 110 thousand copies.

    2007-2008: Metamorfoz

    In 2007, after the failure of the English-language album, the Turkish-language album "Metamorfoz" was released. The album sold 300,000 copies in its first two weeks. Videos were filmed for four songs. The new album caused great controversy among critics, someone said that Tarkan returned to his past, someone on the contrary. In 2008, a collection of remixes of the songs from the previous album, Metamorfoz Remixes, was released.

    2010-2011: Adime Kabine Yaz

    On July 29, 2010 Tarkan released his eighth studio album "Adime Kabine Yaz", consisting of eight new songs and one remix for each of them. The album received rave reviews from fans and critics and sold 300,000 copies throughout Turkey in its first week. After its release, Tarkan partially goes underground, only occasionally giving concerts, but almost never appearing in the press.

    2016-present: Return

    In 2016, Tarkan came out of the shadows with the digital release of his highly anticipated ninth album "Ahde Vefa" on March 11. On this album, the singer again went to experiments, recording all the songs in the style of Turkish folk music. Despite the complete absence of ads and singles, the album became a hit immediately after its release, reaching number one on the iTunes charts in the Americas, England, Denmark, Holland and Germany - a total of 19 countries around the world, thus proving that Tarkan is still popular.

    On June 15, 2017, the tenth album was released, which was simply titled "10" and marked the return of Tarkan to dance pop music with oriental motives. Some of the songs Tarkan wrote again in collaboration with Sezen Aksu. On the 27th, the video for the single Yolla was released.

    Personal life


    On February 26, 2010, Tarkan was detained by the Istanbul drug police at the villa of the famous Turkish musician Omerli along with ten other people, after which they were taken to the police station together, where they underwent a medical examination and then interrogation. Tarkan was detained as part of an operation by the Turkish police to combat drug trafficking. Tarkan faces from one to two years in prison on charges of "using, acquiring, storing and selling drugs." This is stated in the indictment of the Istanbul Prosecutor's Office. At Villa Tarkana, 12.5 grams of hashish were found. During interrogation, Tarkan allegedly confessed that he started using drugs six years ago and wants to undergo treatment. But that turned out to be untrue. Three days after the arrest, the singer was released from custody. At the same time, his lawyer denied allegations that cocaine was found in Tarkan's villa.


    Studio albums

    • 1992: "Yine Sensiz"
    • 1994: "Acayipsin"
    • 2001: "Karma"
    • 2010: "Adımı Kalbine Yaz"
    • 2016: "Ahde Vefa"
    • 2017: "10"
    • 1999: "Tarkan"
    • 2008: "Metamorfoz Remixes"
    • 1998: "Şımarık"
    • 1999: "Bu Gege"
    • 2001: "Kuzu-Kuzu"
    • 2001: "Hüp"
    • 2005: "Bounce"
    • 2006: "Start The Fire"
    • 2016: "Cuppa"
    Promotional singles released only in Turkey
    • 2002: "Özgürlük İçimizde"
    • 2002: "Bir Oluruz Yolunda"
    • 2005: "Ayrılık Zor"
    • 2008: "Uyan"
    • 2010: "Sevdanın Son Vuruşu"
    • 2012: "Benim Sadik Yarim Kara Topraktir"

    Notes (edit)

    1. Turk prince of pop (unspecified) . Chacko, Jessica © Hillsdale Collegian... Retrieved November 11, 2004. Archived February 18, 2012.
    2. News Bulletin (unspecified) . The sofia echo... Retrieved May 26, 2006. Archived February 18, 2012.
    3. Key Artists in Euro Pop (unspecified) . Rhapsody... Retrieved May 18, 2007. Archived February 18, 2012.
    4. Sezgin Burak "s Tarkan (unspecified) . Sezgin Burak Foundation... Retrieved May 3, 2007.
    5. Tarkan News Coverage in Brief (unspecified) . Osmanli, Adelind © Tarkan Deluxe... Retrieved September 29, 2009. Archived February 18, 2012.
    6. Tarkan "ın dedesi teşkilatçıydı (unspecified) . Sabah(July 15, 2007). Archived February 18, 2012.
    7. Tarkan finds his moves take him across borders(English).

    TURKISH singer Tarkan loves to tell the story of his birth, which has already become a legend. A few months before little Tarkan was supposed to be born, his mother fell into a coma after the accident. Doctors, fearing for the patient's life, offered to terminate the pregnancy, but the father of the future celebrity had a prophetic dream. He saw a perfectly healthy boy screaming loudly and ... with a star in his forehead.

    "Dad made the decision to leave the child, he was sure that everything would end well," says Tarkan. "I was really born healthy. And to this day, pah-pah-pah, I'm not complaining about anything. And my mother feels great." ...

    WHAT in this story is true, and what is the invention of the singer's image-makers, probably only Tarkan himself knows. However, fortune undoubtedly favors the artist.

    The first album of the twenty-one-year-old artist - "Yine Sensiz" ("Again without you") - was sold in 1993 in Turkey with a circulation of 700 thousand copies, and the circulation of the next one was more than two million copies. In just a few years, Turkey has been seized by "tarkanomania". The publishers of the local "Cosmopolitan" took an unprecedented step - for the first time, instead of a seductive girl, the cover of a women's magazine was decorated with a photo of Turkish man No. 1.

    And then Tarkan began to look at Europe. Germany was chosen as the first country to conquer. It was there in 1994 that Tarkan went on his first overseas tour. By the way, Tarkan himself, although he is an ethnic Turk, was born in Germany, in the town of Elsee, not far from Frankfurt am Main. The family, where, in addition to Tarkan, five more children grew up, returned to Turkey when the guy was 14 years old.

    Before the start of the tour, the singer's manager, without much hope, sent Tarkan's Turkish recordings to leading German radio stations. And I was quite surprised when they not only got into rotation, but began to win in prestigious charts, ahead of famous American performers. Tarkan himself looked no less shocked: "This is fantastic, people fell in love with my songs, not knowing the words."

    Newspapers interviewed the newly-minted celebrity, since Tarkan spoke German fluently, with only a slightly noticeable accent. He did not fail to tell the story of his happy birth. However, the artist expounded the rest of the biography facts very sparingly: “As a child, I grew up a lively boy, was fond of football. I dreamed of becoming an ecologist or a veterinarian. But when our family returned to Turkey, I began to attend a music school and seriously thought about the singer's career. True, after school I tried to enter the University of Engineering, but, fortunately, failed. After all, my vocation is music. "

    Since 1995, Tarkan's discs have been in more and more demand not only in Germany, but also in other European countries. For several years, about one and a half million records were sold in Europe.

    "I'm not gay"

    BUT THE GROWING popularity did not always please Tarkan. In Turkey, he had no peace of mind from the paparazzi. One day he opened a newspaper and saw himself kissing a man. The signature under the material read: "Tarkan hid his homosexuality for a long time." It soon became clear that it was a photomontage.

    Nevertheless, the alleged homosexuality of the singer continued to be actively discussed in the press. The book of memoirs of the former producer Tarkan added fuel to the fire. Thanks to the efforts of the singer, the sale of the book was stopped, and the published edition was destroyed by bailiffs. But the echo of those scandals still haunts the Turkish celebrity. This summer, while on tour in Moscow, Tarkan was again forced to answer a question about his attitude towards sex minorities.

    “I’m not gay, I have a girlfriend. But I don’t blame homosexuals, moreover, I respect them very much,” the singer said. unpleasant. This is a show. I've never made a show out of myself. "

    Whatever it was, but Tarkan wanted a quiet life. To do this, he went overseas, to the United States, where almost no one knew him by sight. In New York, the singer bought himself an apartment.

    True, evil tongues claim that Tarkan left Turkey not only because of the paparazzi. According to Turkish laws, the singer had to serve in the army for about a year. However, referring to his beliefs as a pacifist, he categorically refused to do so. It is in Germany that such excuses could pass, and in Turkey, all deviators face prison and criminal prosecution. For a while, the singer really did not appear in his homeland because of the order for his arrest.

    But recently, the Turkish parliament passed a new law, according to which for 15 thousand dollars any Turk can declare himself a pacifist. Tarkan immediately paid the required amount and became a law-abiding citizen. Now nothing prevents him from moving freely between Turkey and the United States.

    In America, the singer underwent plastic surgery - he corrected his cheekbones and upper lip. It was there that he became infected with the spirit of entrepreneurship and expanded the scope of his activities. Like Hollywood stars, he launched his own perfume line. "Pleasant smells contribute to a good mood, like pleasant music," - says the singer. Recently, anyone can buy Tarkan eau de toilette for $ 80. Those on modest incomes can get by with a $ 30 shower gel. The fees for shooting in a commercial for one of the Turkish cellular companies also made a good addition to the millionth fortune. And recently, Tarkan signed a contract with one of the world's carbonated drinks giants. The singer will become the advertising face of the company in Turkey.

    Love and drying

    HOWEVER, the main sources of income for the singer, as before, remain the sale of discs and touring tours. This year he visited Russia for the second time, visited Moscow and St. Petersburg.

    According to the organizers, the Turkish star did not put forward any special requirements. The singer brought three guards with him. He was content with the food that the hotel chefs prepared for him. The eminent guest was especially delighted with dumplings and pancakes with caviar.

    In St. Petersburg, the singer made an independent trip to the city with his girlfriend Bilge Ozturk. Friends had a meeting in a small cafe, where they chatted for about half an hour, until one of the fans recognized Tarkan. The girl expressed her love with an unusual gift - a bunch of dryers.

    Bilge and Tarkan have been together for several years. Prior to this acquaintance, the singer spoke very negatively about the institution of marriage: “I don’t like the very word“ marriage ”, - he said. - A person should live and enjoy life, love and have no restrictions. Marriage is not a panacea for loneliness. Marriage must be suffered and want to ".

    But, as the singer's inner circle notes, recently Tarkan is no longer so categorical. Rumor has it that the couple has already agreed on the wedding. True, the date of the wedding is kept in the strictest confidence. They say that Tarkan promised to almost personally strangle one of his friends who blurted out information about the upcoming celebration to the paparazzi.

    Superstar Dossier

    Height: 1m 74 cm.

    Weight: 70 kg.

    Shoe size: 42.

    Residence: Manhattan (USA) and Istanbul (Turkey).

    Marital status: single.

    Religion: Islam.

    Hobbies: music, sports, literature, girls.

    Favorite singers: Prince, James Brown, Steve Wonder, Madonna.

    Favorite actors: Al Pacino, Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman.

    Family: mother, two brothers and three sisters. My father died in 1995.

    Phobias: afraid to walk under the stepladder.

    Favorite slang expression: dumbass.

    Favorite flowers are orchids.