Renewal of license to conduct educational activities. North Bridge - educational license, licensing educational activities, obtaining an educational license

Renewal of license to conduct educational activities. North Bridge - educational license, licensing educational activities, obtaining an educational license
Renewal of license to conduct educational activities. North Bridge - educational license, licensing educational activities, obtaining an educational license

Licensing of educational activities - obtaining an educational license. Registration of the package of documents for obtaining an educational license turnkey - promptly and with a guarantee! License for additional education. Professional retraining license. Licenses for educational activities - receipt, renewal of licenses. Moscow, Moscow region, RF. Consultations on the conduct of educational activities.

The Legal Bureau "Vendict-NPK" offers the acquisition of an educational license for organizations and IP. We often ask a question, whether all "educational activities" requires compulsory licensing. Not all types of educational activities require mandatory licensing.

Licensing of educational activities and obtaining a license for education is not required in cases:

  1. for holding one-time lectures, training, internships and seminarsAfter passing over which the final certification is not conducted, and the submission document is not issued, on education or on qualification assignment. In the event that the seminars do not bear the character of "digesion", in this case, it is necessary to obtain an educational license for legitimate activities.
  2. for providing educational services with individual entrepreneurs. Obtaining a learning license is not required even if the individual entrepreneur prepares students of preschool, basic medium, higher and preschool education programs. It remains unchanged so that the activities carried out is precisely individual, that is, was carried out by the individual entrepreneur himself.

In all other cases, licensing educational activities are required, and the acquisition of an educational license is a mandatory step to start the educational process!

ATTENTION: Obtaining an educational license from September 1, 2013 has undergone significant changes.:

  1. It became possible to get an educational license for IP. Individual entrepreneurs can only be licensed to keep the following types of educational programs:
    • major and additional general education programs (for example, developing classes with children, training in foreign languages, etc.);
    • major vocational training programs (for example, training to the professions of workers and employees, etc.).
    Attention: IP cannot get a license for additional vocational education (advanced training and professional retraining) - To implement these programs, it is necessary to open either a commercial or non-commercial organization.
  2. It became possible to obtain an educational license for structural divisions of commercial organizations (LLC, JSC, other) in the following areas of educational programs:
    • major vocational training programs, including their employees.
    • programs of additional education and additional vocational education (professional retraining programs, advanced training programs).
  3. And, of course, various forms of non-profit organizations, mainly private institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations (according to their charter and OKVED codes) can be engaged in the full educational activity.

ATTENTION: If you find it difficult to determine if you need to undergo mandatory licensing of educational activities, do not waste time to study information on the Internet (it often carries outdated). Call our company, in our company consultation on commonquestions (not related to the analysis of the specific situation of the customer) are free!

Please note that in the framework of the free consultation on the phone / email, we answer only a general question, for example:The cost of our services, The general algorithm for obtaining a license is required or not to undergo licensing educational activities for a specific organizational and legal form of the enterprise, etc.

All questions on the analysis of the specific situation of the Customer, including the requirements of the controlling authorities to the premises, the legal analysis of the concluded lease agreements, the package of documents provided in each specific case, the correctness of the documents and the like follows. Questions -We are considered only in the framework of paid advice. ! The cost of paid advice is 10,000 rubles (up to 1 hour).

License is issued indefinite And only on place of actual activity.

Obtaining a license for education in Moscow refers to the management of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, and the acquisition of an educational license in the Moscow Region is to the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. It must be remembered that the receipt of a learning license takes place in several stages, one of which is to check the compliance of the stated data specified in the statement of registration and issuance of a license. In particular, the verification of the Special Place Commission is being checked, where educational activities are planned. In the event that this place does not comply with the legislative requirements, the license seeker refuses to obtain a license.

Algorithm for obtaining a license for educational activities in the legal bureau "Vendict-NPK":

1. Consultation on licensing educational activities and obtaining a license. It is conducted by our specialists in the office of our company (as well as by phone or by email). At consultation, our specialist will examine in detail the submitted documents and your situation, clarify the correctness of their design, will tell relative to the forms of documents necessary for the successful license to be received. Also on this consultation, you can ask all your questions regarding not only licensing, but also the further activities of the educational organization after receiving the educational license, etc.

Cost consultation: 10 000 rubles. Consultation duration - up to 1 hour.

2. Creating an educational license through our bureau. In the event that you are not sure that you can make a license yourself either from your organization's employees lacking time to spend it on a rather difficult license issue, we recommend contacting our specialists.

For registration of a license for educational activities with the help of our legal bureau (provided a pre-assembled package of documents, including a decorated legal entity or IP, a valid rental agreement, obtained conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and Emergency Situations, written educational programs in 273-FZ) you can contact We are by phone or email.

!!! To calculate the cost of services, send us a request for the cost of services by email [Email Protected] With the obligatory indication of the following information:

1. The license applicant is a legal form, a legal entity registry office, a region of finding training classes, preferably with the district of Moscow.

2. In what stage is the collection of documents (there is a premises for conducting activities, whether the conclusions of Rospotrebnadzor and the like are obtained.).

3. What educational programs are you planning to implement - whom and what to teach (children / adults, direction of preparation).

We offer different options for cooperation with our company, depending on the possibilities and wishes of the customer.

4. It is also possible to design a license for educational activities. "turnkey" in Moscow. The cost of obtaining an educational license "turnkey" is contractual and is determined in each particular case separately.

Our services include:

Analysis of documents and customer premises - the customer should have a room with an existing lease agreement. If there is no room - we can choose the room on the basis of the requirements of the controlling authorities;

Obtaining the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor for adults or children: familiarization of the Customer with current Sanpines on its activities, providing the necessary contracts for the passage of the Rospotrebnadzor check, the departure of the employee of our company for full support of the verification of Rospotrebnadzor, the design of expert opinions and research protocols, receiving ready-made documents. Deadline for the detention - 1 month;

Writing educational programs for filing licensing documents. We have experience in writing any programs on the additional education of children and adults, according to the requirements and needs of the customer. The deadline for the design of one educational program - from 1 week, the larger amount of work is determined individually.

Checking the current organization or Customer's IP for compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of licensing, if necessary, give relevant recommendations for making the necessary changes to the Charter, EGRUL / EGRIP, etc.;

Registration and submission of documents in the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, the service includes: collecting the necessary documents and certificates, making photocopies, registration of license affairs, filling out all the necessary applications and certificates for registration of license case, sending documents to the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, answers to the Department's notifications The formation of the city of Moscow, the maintenance of other correspondence with the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, participation in the visiting department of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, receiving a ready-made license and transfer to its customer. The deadline for obtaining a license in the Department is up to 45 servants (in practice 1-1.5 months).

Our company has tremendous experience in the design of educational licenses and the expectancy of interaction with the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, as well as the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. We can proudly say that all license applicants through our company received their licenses and have not received a single refusal, including non-standard situations, even if there are failures from the controlling bodies obtained by independently or other legal companies.

For issues of obtaining license for educational activities, contact our company, we we also assist in registering non-profit organizations for the subsequent receipt of the educational license in Moscow and the Moscow region!

5. Services to correct refusal notifications from the Department of Education of the city of Moscow.If you filed a license case in the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and received a notice of refusal to accept documents for consideration on the merits - come to us. We will prepare an answer to the refusal notification of the Department of Moscow , with the possibility of fixing such a notification, which will allow you to get the required license .

6. Obtaining an educational license in the Moscow region. In the Moscow region our company offers services only to licensing educational activities, namely interaction with the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region.

For organizations and IP, registered and leading activities in the Moscow region, before contacting our company, it is necessary to get alone:

-lease contract(subleases, use) to the room where educational activities will be held;

-conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor in activity- educational activities, indicating the level of education - for all organizations and IP;

-conclusion of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - For educational organizations (non-commercial organizations). Ltd. and IP Conclusions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not receive!

The cost of our services for obtaining a training license for the Moscow region is:

1 Option: 60000 rubles + 7500 rubles of state duty.Without leaving our expert on the departure check of the Ministry of Education.

2 Option: 80,000 rubles + 7500 rubles of state duty.Full legal support for obtaining a license, with the departure of our specialist for the field inspection of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region. This service is provided for settlements within finding 30 minutes to 1 hour by public transport from Moscow or by the client's car from the subway.

7. Services to licensing educational activities - remote services for the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as Moscow and the Moscow region in terms of obtaining and renewing educational licenses:

- Removing remote consultations (telephone / email) on the design / renewal of licenses for the right to conduct educational activities. Advanced educational advice. Cost of consultation - 10,000 rubles.

- Registration of a package of documents for submission to the licensing authority (application for issuing / re-issuing a license, a certificate of material and technical compliance, other certificates depending on the nature of the appeal to the licensing authority). Cost - from 20,000 rubles, depending on the amount of services.

- Writing educational programs for submitting documents to the licensing body / for scheduled inspections by the licensing authority, based on the requirements of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ. We will write to you a program that will satisfy the requirements of controlling authorities by 100%. What programs we write - we can write both "from scratch" and put your developments in order:

1) any programs for the additional education of children and adults (foreign languages, cosmetology, early development, programming, etc.).

2) Any programs for additional professional education.

3) any basic training programs.

The cost of writing programs - from 15,000 rubles, period - from 7 working days.

The legislation regulating in Russia the scope of educational services in recent years has changed quite significantly. On the one hand, not only government agencies, but also commercial organizations can be exercised now, but also commercial organizations, with the other, it was introduced to the mandatory licensing of any similar activity. That is why a particular relevance acquired the question, whether the educational license is needed in one way or another.

If you need an educational license of turnkey without unnecessary bureaucracy, then order its design from professionals.

Legislative acts that determine the need for educational license

Before you consider the types of services when you need a license for educational activities, it is necessary to list the main legislative acts regulating the education sector at the present time. These include:

  • Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" №273-ФЗ, published on 12/29/2012
  • Law "On Licensing ..." №99-ФЗ, signed 04.05.2011
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №966, dated October 28, 2013

In the first two indicated federal laws contain the main provisions regulating the scope of the provision of educational services. Especially a lot of innovations contains a new law on education adopted. It is that it contains an affirmative answer to the current and topical question, whether the educational license is needed.

Developed and signed by a somewhat later resolution No. 966 contains a specific list of services when a educational license is needed, as well as a description of cases when its receipt is not required.

Types of educational services, when providing a license

The above legislative acts provide for the mandatory obtaining license for educational activities, if the organization or individual entrepreneur provides services for pre-school, common, professional, additional vocational education or vocational training. For a more accurate idea of \u200b\u200bspecific types of educational activities that are subject to licensing, each of them should be considered separately.

Pre-school and secondary general education

The type of educational activity with which absolutely every person faces. After making changes to federal legislation, such services can have both non-commercial and commercial organizations. At the same time, they need a mandatory license.

Professional education

One of the most common types of educational services. It includes four levels:

  • secondary vocational;
  • higher with assignment of the degree of bachelor;
  • higher with the assignment of a master's degree or specialist;
  • higher with the preparation of specialists of the highest category (graduate school, internship, ordinature).

Only educational organizations have the right to engage in vocational education.

Additional professional education

This type of educational services can have only non-commercial organizations. There are two main types of educational programs whose goal is:

  • training;
  • professional retraining.

Professional education

Educational services for vocational training can also be provided by any organizations, both commercial and non-commercial. At the same time distinguish three types of programs:

  • preparation of workers by professions serving positions;
  • retraining of workers and employees;
  • improving the qualifications of workers and employees.

The above services listed above contain a practically complete list of situations when a license is needed for educational activities.

Cases when a license for educational activities is not required

Currently, the current legislation provides for only one case when the license for educational activities is not required. It represents a situation in which a personally registered individual entrepreneur is personally provided. At the same time, he cannot hire other specialists, working only on its own. Examples of such activities are the services of a tutor, a private teacher who has the necessary work experience and education. Also without a license allowed personal maintenance of circles, sections or studios carried out by an individual entrepreneur without attracting additional specialists.

Prior to the introduction of the decision No. 966, the license was not required in cases where the certification was not certified as a result of studies, and did not issue a final document on the education received. Examples of such situations are trainings, seminars or lectures. Recent changes led to the fact that this activity can be done without a license, but this is due to the fact that it is not educational. According to a new classification, such services belong to cultural or leisure.

Educational activities are the provision of services in the field of education, learning, personal or professional development. They can be provided by private companies and government agencies.

The main condition for the maintenance of this activity is to obtain an appropriate license, in which there are many nuances.

For what types of activity it is needed

Permission must be obtained in the following situations:

  • non-profit companies (private and state), the main purpose of which is the provision of education services, and not profit;
  • commercial companies whose work is based on the profits received from the sales of services;
  • divisions of working companies (their branches);
  • individual entrepreneurs (IP) attracting employees;
  • scientific enterprises.

All specified subjects must provide services for one or more education programs, the list of which is listed in the Government Decree:

  • professional secondary or higher;
  • preschool;
  • full, basic or initial general;
  • training in the ordinature, graduate school, assistant, adjuncture;
  • passing retraining (qualifying and professional);
  • additional education;
  • training.

The permit does not need to be obtained in individual pedagogical activities, the upbringing and maintenance of children without the implementation of education programs, with one-time classes (seminars, internships or lectures). In the first case, activities are subject to taxation. Therefore, it is necessary, otherwise it is possible to apply criminal liability.

The document provides the right of benefits, including tax. The law "On Education", the relevant activities are exempt from all tax contributions, including land.

Requirements and conditions for receipt

Obtaining permission is time consuming and long-term procedure. The main difficulties of the applicant is experiencing at the initial stage, gaining in the staff of specialists, selecting the room and establishing special equipment in it:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the right-layering documents on the premises, buildings where training will be conducted. All facilities must be responsible for fire and sanitary and epidemiological requirements. They must be built, renovated and operated. Inside, the necessary furniture and equipment must be installed in accordance with age standards and legislative requirements. With the planned feeding of students, a kitchen and dining room should be equipped with sanitary standards.
  2. The following condition is the availability of education programs developed and approved in the institution and relevant standards. All existing profiles must be coordinated to be applied to the document set.
  3. Equipment of staff by specialists with profile education, qualifications, experience, are confirmed in documentary order.
  4. Coordination of the program by the head, the application of the necessary references.

All the collected documents are complemented by the statement, are drawn up into a shared set under the inventory. During the delivery, the original documentation is provided for comparing it with photocopies or wrapped in a notary. When sending documents by mail, they need to be notarized.

After registering the application is carried out verification of all conditions of the Specially Created Commission of Experts within a month. On the basis of the audit, a conclusion is issued, approved by all specialists.

In case of inconsistency of the information provided with the actual implementation of activities, sanctions are imposed. The reason for the failure of the license can be non-payment state duty in the amount of 7.5 thousand rubles (p. 92 tbsp. 333.33 NK).

What documents will required?

The list of necessary documents includes:

  • decorated statement;
  • original document confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • for a legal entity - notarized copies of constituent documentation;
  • copying certificates certified by a notary: about making changes, tax accounting and state registration;
  • documentation on the possession of premises, objects, territories;
  • document on logistical equipment, facilities for food, health;
  • developed educational programs and curricula;
  • information about specialists (copies of labor books and diplomas);
  • the conclusions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, SES, fire supervision for the compliance of objects established requirements;
  • document on the availability of conditions for people with limited abilities;
  • information about electronic and remote learning;
  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • invention of all documentation.

Others may be added to the list of documents, which depends on the type of institution and the selected education program.

The procedure for obtaining permission is disassembled in detail in the following video:

Where to serve them?

A complete set of documents The head of the company transmits to the licensing structure. In the subjects of the Russian Federation, these are regional, republican and regional ministries, committees, departments. Also, documents can be submitted to the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science.

The licensing authority takes a set of documentation in accordance with the description, puts the mark. In addition, the date is indicated from which the verification process begins.

The ministry specialists must no more than 3 days Check the completeness and loyalty to the compilation of the applicant's documents, when identifying deficiencies, they are returned to refinement (within 1 month).

In the absence of claims, their verification begins (reliability of information, compliance with the conditions for regulatory requirements). In coordination with the applicant, exit control can be carried out in accordance with its legal rights.

Failure or approval in granting permission is accepted within 2 months from the date of registration of the application.

Getting refusal

The basis for the failure of the IP license may be:

  • court decision on the prohibition of pedagogical activities;
  • recognition of incapacity;
  • the presence of criminal proceedings;
  • the presence of certain diseases;
  • lack of educational cencing.

The general conditions for refusal treats:

  • non-compliance with the established requirements;
  • providing incorrect or distorted information;
  • the presence of permission annulled earlier.

The applicant is notified within 3 days using the notification by registered mail or personally in hand. The decision should be a substantiation with the indication of legislation.

Composition of document

The license must contain the following information:

  • the name of the structure provided by the document;
  • registration number and date of the decision on the provision;
  • location and name of the applicant;
  • Inn licensees;
  • duration of action.

The document has an application where educational programs, specialty and directions of training are reflected, the duration of development, assigned qualifications, the maximum number of students, etc.

Validity and price

The institution can get permission for some time (for 1 year) or indefinite. The cost of execution of the document (payment of state duty) equal to 7.5 thousand rubles.

If the applicant cannot or does not want to independently work, he can contact the services of a special legal organization.

What will happen when working without a license?

Institutions carrying out educational activities without permission belong to illegal entrepreneurs.

  • In accordance with Art. 14.1 Administrative Code, on legal entities imposed administrative responsibility with a fine of 2 to 50 thousand.
  • According to Art. 171 of the Criminal Code, criminal punishment may be provided for half a year, forced activities for 20 days or a fine up to 300 thousand rubles.
  • Some individuals provide for criminal prosecution with sanctions up to 500 thousand rubles. or imprisonment for 5 years.
  • Under art. 19.20 Part 1 For non-commercial companies, unlicensed activity is subject to a fine of up to 250 thousand rubles.

In each situation, for the lack of a document, serious punishments are envisaged, in which the losses are incommensurable with the cost of registration of documentation.

In September 2013, a new version of the Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-F3 came into force. Along with the rest of the provisions, an article on licensing educational organizations has undergone significant changes. This item is extremely important because training centers (dance schools, foreign language courses, yoga studios, centers of creativity) are functioning in a general education system.

What institutional-legal forms need a license?

According to the law, almost all organizations leading educational activities (Article 91, paragraph 2) are subject to licensing: "Applicants of the license for educational activities are educational organizations, organizations engaged in training, as well as individual entrepreneurs, with the exception of individual entrepreneurs engaged in educational Activity directly. "
Another innovation - individual entrepreneurs who attract other pedagogical workers to the exercise of the educational activity should be obtained by the license until 01.01.2014 (Art. 108, paragraph 10).

What activity is subject to licensing?

The range of education species, according to the new law "On Education", is quite wide (Article 91, paragraph 1): "Licensing of educational activities is carried out by types of education, on education levels, by profession, specialties, training areas (for vocational education), According to the subspecies of additional education. " License for foreign language courses is necessary as well as for the dance school.

Who gives a license?

The issuance of educational licenses occurs on two levels (Article 91, paragraph 3): "The federal executive body, which performs functions to control and oversight in the field of education, or the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, carrying out the powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education" . Such an authority is the Federal Service for Supervision in the field of education and science. In Moscow, the Executive Authority is the Department of Education of the City of Moscow.

List of necessary documents

  • Charter (notarized copy);
  • Certificates of state registration and implanted changes (notarized copies);
  • Decision on the creation and changes (copies certified by the head);
  • Expanding documents on premises involved in the educational process;
  • Information about the organization of the educational process (form a file):
  • 1.1. Name of the program.
    1.2. Demavation.
    1.3. View, level of education.
    1.4. Lead teacher.
    1.4.1. FULL NAME.
    1.4.2. Basic education, advanced training, retraining.
    1.4.3. Degree, qualifying category, honorary title.
    1.4.4. Pedagogical experience is common (of them for this discipline).
    1.4.5. Basic place of work, position; Terms of attraction to work in the organization.
  • Material and technical means that are used (computers, projectors, library resource, etc.).
  • Conclusions of the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

  • For individual entrepreneurs, this list is relevant, with the exception of items related to legal entities (charter, decision on the creation).

    Terms and payment

    The deadline for preparing documents for licensing - from 3 working days. The term of consideration of documents by the licensing authority is 45 business days. The license fee (from 2013) is 6000 rubles. Separately, an invoice for the work of the expert commission is paid (about 6000 rubles)

    What time do you need to have a license?

    For individual entrepreneurs, the deadline for issuing a license is January 1, 2014. All other types of organizations are obliged to issue a license until January 1, 2016. The action of licenses for educational activities issued earlier continues. It is necessary to re-order them until 01.01.2016 (Art. 108, p. 9).

    Should I turn to intermediaries?

    For registration of the educational license, intermediary firms take from 30,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles. If an intermediary firm works without using corruption schemes, then you still have to collect the entire package of documents, and you will not save time. The mediator company only helps determine the list of documents. Checking your premises from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the SES will also take the time. It will not work very quickly to get an educational license. If an intermediary firm promises to issue a turnkey license for 2 days, in this case you, ordering their services, support corruption. For preliminary examination of documents, you can go on a free 15-minute consultation in the Department of Education. You will competently tell all the details, but you have to stand in the queue of about 30-40 minutes.

    Punishment for work without a license

    For the implementation of educational entrepreneurship without a license, it is possible to criminalize under Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The punishment on this article may be a fine up to 300 thousand rubles, mandatory work up to 480 hours, arrest for a period to six months. If it is proved that the activity was carried out by a group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy, fines can reach 500 thousand rubles, and condemnation to forced work and imprisonment for up to 5 years.

    Is it possible to give certificates to students?

    P.15 of Article 60 directly says that now training centers have the right to issue any documents that can only be invented: at least diplomas, certificates or references, even medals: "Organizations engaged in educational activities have the right to issue people who have mastered educational programs for which It is not provided for the implementation of final certification, documents on training on the sample and in the manner established by these organizations on their own. "

    Case from Practice - Training Center

    "When the documents began to fill out, they found out a lot of interesting details, for example, a curriculum can be specified any. The main time went to the inspection of the premises, it was necessary to even measure the level of microbes and show the evacuation plan for fire. Do not speak SES that you use computers! Otherwise, they can make the level of radiation. By the way, the license is issued indefinite. But, if the rental period is limited, then the license can be given for the rental period. "
    Anastasia Fomina, Head of Training Center "National Project", Moscow

    Another case from practice - foreign language courses

    "Checking the premises is a completely unpredictable process, may take several weeks, it's how lucky. Everything else is quite simple, only one day went to the collection of other documents. Get the educational license for foreign language courses turned out to be easier than we thought. "
    Kristina Gugnyeva, head of foreign language courses "Deutschkurse", Moscow


  • educational license is necessary for all legal forms, except individual entrepreneurs who do not hire teachers
  • the license is necessary for all types of educational centers: courses of foreign languages, schools of dance, training centers and other things.
  • the license must be issued until January 1, 2016. For individual entrepreneurs, January 1, 2014.
  • you do not need to contact intermediaries. Legal mediators will not be able to quickly get the approval of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SES.
  • the most difficult stage - receiving certificates from the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the SES for your premises
  • usually, the entire process of preparing documents takes 1-2 weeks.
  • Obtaining licenses for educational activities - a rather laborious process. At the same time, its presence is necessary for work and, as a result, gives the owner a number of advantages:
  • - legalizes the activities of the educational institution;
    - confirms the proper level of the training center (the availability of audiences, learning tools, etc.), which strengthens the business reputation of the organization;
    - gives the right to the training center to issue a document of its own sample about the listened courses, which is an additional marketing tool.