Transmission transformation “Beauty Workshop. About the program "Extreme Transformation Show about beauty and transformation

Transmission transformation “Beauty Workshop.  About the program
Transmission transformation “Beauty Workshop. About the program "Extreme Transformation Show about beauty and transformation

Imagine that you have the best fitness trainer. He selects exercises for you, hides hamburgers, monitors your diet and workouts, does not let you give up, and most importantly - he is there 24 hours a day!

Seems unreal? But the famous coach Chris Powell has already helped dozens of people in this way! Chris takes on the most neglected cases, when obesity is life-threatening, and psychological trauma interferes with coping. After all, it is known that most people reach obesity not just because of the love of food - often personal drama is hidden behind this.

Reality will introduce you to the amazing stories of women and men who are obese, but are ready to do anything to get rid of this burden. During the program, they not only lose extra pounds, but also change their outlook on life. Each episode shows the incredible transformation of a new hero: the story of his life, personal tragedy, as well as chronicles of the sacrificial path to a healthy, beautiful body and a long-awaited new life.

Each hero goes through 4 stages of 90 days.

First: hell for a newbie. Chris brings the participant in for a check-up at the California Institute of Health and Longevity. After being weighed and examined by specialists, Chris develops a personalized weight loss program and equips a sports area in the participant's home. From now on and for the next 3 months, he will be there 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Goal: lose up to 70 kilograms, reveal your personal drama and get used to a healthy lifestyle. As a reward, the participant will receive what he has long dreamed of: a car, a bicycle or something else.

Second: help yourself. After the second weigh-in, the participant is left to himself. Now training and diet are on his conscience. But for insurance, security cameras are installed in his house. Goal: lose up to 30 kilograms on your own and overcome psychological problems.

Third: all for a new body. If the third weigh-in shows a good result, the participant has a chance to reach 50% of his original weight by the 270th day of the program. At the end of this stage, an operation to remove and tighten excess skin looms, and this is a strong incentive to move on.

Fourth: don't give up on anything. Over the past 3 months, losing weight should get used to the fact that you can not stop there. From now on, sport is your best friend, and you will have to count calories for the rest of your life. But is this the price for a long life without the threat of heart attack and diabetes? A year after the start of a new life, the participant passes the final weigh-in in the presence of loved ones.

Yes, at first everyone hates Chris, but you can't stop him. After all, this is much more than just fighting with yourself.

On television, various TV projects are launched every now and then, in which fat people are transformed into slender ones, ugly people become handsome, and girls without taste suddenly begin to dress stylishly. But do they manage to become happy after that and enjoy their new appearance and image? Not always. For example, we are that almost all the couples from the show “The Bachelor” broke up after some time. We decided to find out what is happening with the participants of other popular television projects.

  1. American television project The Biggest Loser

The main task of the participants of this TV project is to lose weight as much as possible. The most impressive result brings a good reward. Oh, and great looks. However, everything is not as rosy as it seems.

"It was the biggest mistake of my life," last season's winner Kai Hibbard told the Guardian. The girl spoke about the constant bullying of trainers over fullness, terrible training and starvation. The producers of the show do not think about the health of the participants, but simply want to make a scandalous project out of this. The consequences for people are very sad: spoiled metabolism, rapid weight gain after the show, depression, eating disorders.

According to another participant of the show, due to the extreme weight loss tactics that are used in the project, the percentage of weight loss is very high. Last year, in an interview with the New York Post, Season 2 contestant Susan Mendonca said that the creators of The Biggest Loser don't want to have a reunion of previous seasons because "we're all fat again."

"It's clear that competitors are at a huge risk of developing eating disorders after participating in this show," said Dr. Ed Tyson, an eating disorder therapist. "It's a miracle no one has died yet," Tyson says. The doctor gave this interview before the tragic incident that occurred in 2014.

One of the participants in the show Damian Gurganious died at the age of only 38 years. The man was diagnosed with a rare diagnosis - thrombocytopenic purpura. Damian's death was announced by his wife Nicole, with whom he participated in a project to lose weight for the wedding. “As you know, I never post anything on social media. It is very ironic and sad that my first post is dedicated to the tragic passing of my beloved husband.” Doctors suspect that radical weight loss is to blame for the death of a man, which accelerated the development of the disease.According to Nicole, Damian was a great father to their 2-year-old daughter Giselle, brother, cousin and uncle. “He was an inspiration and mentor to many. His love for family and friends was immeasurable."

  1. Russian fashion show - "Fashion sentence"

The essence of the show is simple - the girl is turned from a rural "simple" into a fashionable metropolitan "thing". But it's no secret that many of the heroines of television shows are professional actresses or just girls who want to light up on TV. So, one of the heroines of “Fashionable Sentence”, Daria, spoke about the reverse side of the show. She herself did not submit an application, she was invited to participate in the show on the social network VKontakte. As the girl explained, she decided to participate in the show because she was promised a lot of things for free. The girl says that there is no task to transform - there is a task to simply expose the girl as if she has no style, and then show the work of stylists. So there are no radical transformations on the show. But you can really get fashionable clothes for free.

  1. American TV project "Total Transformation"

One of the first television projects dedicated to plastic surgery made these services incredibly popular in America. But has it always been for the benefit of the participants of this show? In one of the seasons, doubles of famous people were made from patients, in another, teenagers lay down on the table, in the end, not very competent doctors began to participate in the show. And every mistake of a plastic surgeon can be fatal. In the USA, for example, there are a lot of requests to correct unsuccessful plastic surgery. The percentage of such applications in Russia is much higher.

Michael Olding, plastic surgeon: “The viewer sees how ugly, tired, sad patients quickly turn into sleek handsome men and beauties with excellent hair and makeup. And they talk much less often about how difficult the recovery period can be, that potentially any operation is fraught with complications, the most dangerous of which is death.”

True, one of the most famous participants in the show, Elisa Kotin, is glad that she decided on a transformation: “Our confidence leads us along the paths of our lives. And if you have a little more confidence in yourself, in your personal life, in the end you will be able to give more to people.”

  1. "Weighted and Happy" - Ukrainian TV show about weight loss

In the popular Ukrainian TV show, the characters were losing weight at an alarming rate. True, the frequency with which they die also looks frightening. During the existence of the program, three heroes have already died.

Evgenia Mostovenko came to the Weighed and Happy project in 2013, she was 40 years old and weighed 130 kilograms. The woman recovered after taking hormonal drugs. She lost 10 kilograms on the show, but at home she continued to lose weight. For 9 months it took 36 kg. She decided on such a radical transformation because her husband wanted a second child, and with excess weight she could not get pregnant.

In January 2017, Yevgenia's blood pressure rose at work, the woman lost consciousness, and Mostovenko died a few days later in intensive care. Diagnosis - cerebrovascular disease (develops against the background of hypertension, causes cerebrovascular accident), stroke. Perhaps hormone therapy is to blame, perhaps radical weight loss.

Ilya Yakovlev, 32, also died of a stroke. He, like Evgenia Mostovenko, was a participant in the 3rd season of "Weighted and Happy".

The guy came with a weight of 147 kg, dropped 48 kg, began to weigh 99 kg. In 2015, the guy died. Although everything seemed to be going well: a new figure, a happy marriage.Note that at the beginning Ilya Yakovlev was even considered lazy on the “Weighted and Happy”. The reason is that he did not seek to quickly lose weight, he refused heavy loads, deciding to lose several kilograms a month. The man was afraid to harm his health, which as a result happened.

People come to Reboot with a variety of problems: someone wants to change their appearance, and someone wants to recover from depression. But not everyone benefits from this show. So, Karina Ivanova from Ufa, after participating in the show, quarreled with her husband and mother and was left alone. The ex-husband even beat the girl, saying that she should not have brought family problems to the public discussion.

“After returning from Moscow, a terrible, really difficult period in my life awaited me,” the girl told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - I decided that after everything that happened with my husband, we were not on the way, but for the sake of the child I pulled myself together and tried to make a conflict. We got together and, despite all the relatives and old grievances, started a new life, moved to Kazan. It took us six months. My husband has always been an infantile person, I tried to close my eyes - I loved. But he never started working, and treated me ... cruelly. I returned with a little son in my arms to Ufa, and we decided to get a divorce.

Makeover shows are a popular television format. Everyone likes to watch how Cinderella, through the efforts of stylists and makeup artists, turns into a princess. But what do the program participants themselves think about these changes and what has changed in their lives after filming?

Ksenia, editor, participant in the Fashion Sentence show:

“Participation in Fashion Sentence was an experiment for me. I can’t say that all the images suited me according to my inner feeling - but this is not the fault of the stylist girls, but rather my personal quirk. Apparently, love for the style of "boy" is ineradicable. I liked the set with jeans, but the images with dresses are just not mine.

Prior engagement


© photo: frame from the program of Channel 1 "Fashionable Sentence"



Do I now look the same as in the finale of the Fashion Sentence show? I think it would take incredible perseverance to do so. At least wake up at five in the morning to come to work in full dress. I can’t boast of such willpower, so I sleep to the last, paint five minutes before going out and prefer the hipster “bun” to styling.

My hair was dyed dark on set, but I almost immediately returned to my natural shade, red. Donated things wear, but not all and infrequently. In general, no, I don’t look the same as after filming.”

The Fashion Sentence show has been airing on Channel One since 2007. The heroes change their style first on their own, then under the guidance of the program's stylists. At the end of the show, the audience in the studio votes for the better of the two transformations.

Vika, cosmetologist, participant in the Fashion Sentence show:

“I got to the shooting thanks to my friends: they were bored and decided to have fun. The best friend, a screenwriter, wrote such a letter to the program that they called back almost immediately. I had never seen the show before and agreed. I didn’t need any dressing up, but it became interesting.

It was stated that I had nothing to wear and for bread I go in goods from my store. I have a sex shop.

I am 45, and the stylists of the program were 20-25 years old, for them I am literally a pensioner, so the team can be understood and forgiven. What I picked up, I would never wear in normal life. Of the donated items, I took one dress as a keepsake.

Prior engagement




On the set, I felt confident, because I perform in a stand-up show. The only moment of discomfort is a quick change on stage behind a screen with a bunch of cameramen and male sound engineers. I am far from a model build, and, according to the terms of the transfer, I am wearing beige corrective underwear. It's uncomfortable for men.

What has changed since the program? After the fashion show backstage in those Bridget Jones slimming panties and the same beautiful bra, I lost all shame. The camera, as you know, is overweight by 10 kilograms, so there was a shock from the seen picture. She went on a diet, went to the gym, started making videos for Instagram.

After the release of the program, they began to recognize in stores, on the street. I have a peculiar appearance. It was a great case at the checkout. Aunt with daughter: “Oh, I saw you somewhere! You are probably my followers on Facebook or Instagram. And then the girl for the whole store: “No, mom. It's that aunt from Fashion Judgment who dresses horribly!" I already bowed out.

“I accidentally learned from a friend about the casting and decided that we should definitely try, because I really wanted to change my mother's clothes.

At the beginning of filming, I laughed and asked not to make me a glamorous blonde in a leopard. How I felt! But the amazing thing is, I didn't look stupid or vulgar. Everything was surprisingly stylish and harmonious. This is not a style that is close to me, I don’t even like it, but they made me a superstar.

Prior engagement




Filming was fun and interesting. Each shooting day brought something new and unique to my life, helped me to look at myself from the outside. And of course, we laughed a lot when we watched the episode.

To say that the family was shocked is an understatement. Some admitted that they looked at me in a new way, exclaimed: “And you, it turns out, are very beautiful!”

But for me, something else was important: my mother remembered that she was a woman, that she could be attractive and stylish. I was especially happy for her."

"Daughters vs Mothers" was a TLC show in which the relationship between children and parents was "tested by fashion." The essence of the project: daughters and mothers are invited to dress each other according to their taste, which inevitably results in a confrontation between generations.

Ekaterina (Alexandra's mother), lawyer, participant in the show "Daughters vs Mothers":

“One day my daughter came home and categorically stated that we would participate in the filming. You just need to pass the audition. She had no doubt that we would pass it, but I did not believe. To do this, I had to put on all my things that I knitted with my own hands. This is very funny - in such knitted dresses and coats you just don’t walk down the street, I’m not crazy not to understand this. But everyone was blown away by my knitting and approved us instantly.

I really liked how I looked as a result. But this is a difficult image for an elderly woman. In my understanding, green shoes, for example, cannot be combined with a blue dress. I still do myself a similar hairstyle and makeup, did a facelift, began to take care of myself more. I wear such clothes for events, in everyday life I prefer something more comfortable.

Prior engagement




There was a moment on set when I almost cried. According to the plot, my daughter and I had to buy each other clothes. I put on everything that she chose for me, and I was just horrified, I didn’t even want to go out and show myself to people, I covered myself with a bag.

But everyone was delighted with the end result. Relatives could not recognize us. And I looked only at my incredibly beautiful daughter and thought that this does not happen. The main thing that the program gave me: I stopped considering myself old and not worthy of attention, realizing that even at that age I can look amazing. You will not return youth, but a well-groomed woman is always beautiful.

Svetlana, designer, participant of the Fashion Sentence show:

“I didn’t think that participation in Fashion Sentence would change so much in my life. After the program, I believed in myself and found what I want to do. Previously, I tried myself as a designer. However, relatives not only did not approve of my hobby, but also suffered from it: their things, which I tried to remake, could only be thrown away. The presenters pointed out my main mistake: I tried to do everything at once, but it was better to choose a narrow focus in creativity for myself.

Prior engagement




Now I don't sew or cut anything myself. I found myself in painting - clothes, walls, interiors. I opened my studio and recruited a group of students. I also made the most important decision - I adopted a girl with a mild form of autism. I thought about this for a long time, but for a long time I could not decide.

Diana, lawyer, participant of the show "Catch in 24 hours":

“I think that I was just lucky: out of 100 people who applied for participation in the “Run in 24 Hours” program, four were chosen, including me. I not only liked the transformation - I was amazed. Working with the guys from the film crew was so nice that I sadly parted with them.

My husband was speechless at my transformation, and my husband's mother-in-law and in-laws were also impressed. Only the husband's brother was dissatisfied, he did not like that family relations were discussed throughout the country. But I think this happens with all the heroines of such programs.

Julia, fitness trainer, manager at the blacksmith shop, participant in the show “Catch up in 24 hours”:

“I decided to shoot because I wanted to impress my husband on the anniversary of marriage. Increasingly, he saw me in the form of a fighting girlfriend and a kind of "his boyfriend." Passion for motorcycles for two, playing sports, working in a forge, hunting and fishing trips added to the general impressions, made us closer, but left almost no room for dresses, heels, hairstyles and femininity as such. And then - a questionnaire on the official website of the program, a short casting, and now I'm already in the studio in front of the camera.

I went to the show with absolute readiness for change. Even if “bald and green,” as the hairdresser joked. They left me an unusual hairstyle, picked up outfits for my character and hobbies. As a result, I saw exactly myself in the mirror, only in a different, improved version.

And all the readers want to say: do not be afraid to change yourself. After all, any changes are an experience and an opportunity to look at your life from an unusual, interesting side.”

And let you have a heart of gold, an angelic character and a crystal clear soul, but men in life will not get to the bottom of this wonderful “stuffing” if it is hidden under a layer of terrible gray and shapeless wardrobe. Television came to the aid of our women, creating a bunch of “dressing up” programs designed to turn all the Cinderellas of the country into real princesses. With the help of stylists, make-up artists, and in some cases even plastic surgeons, girls gain not only a new image, but also self-confidence. We have compiled a guide to such programs for you. By the way, you can become one of the participants of these shows.


Lyuba works as a cartoonist on television and, among other things, draws caricatures of Comedy Club residents. At a friend's wedding, I met a guy from St. Petersburg. Everything was fine until she went to visit him. Apparently, the young man was disappointed in the appearance of the girl. For help, Lyuba turned to a TV show.

What did they do

1. We try not to interfere deeply in nature, - beauty expert Andrey Drykin told us. - We just change clothes, paint, give advice. When we saw Lyuba, she looked very ordinary, it was not interesting to look at her. But we picked two outfits for her. One is for everyday life, the other is for evening events. Since Lyuba is a creative person, we decided to make her brighter and more visible. We found interesting details of clothing for her, tried to place the right accents, combined seemingly incongruous things - and as a result we got a very bright, attractive image.

2. Hairstyle. I cut Luba's hair and changed her hair color. From a dull brunette turned into a red-haired beast.

3. Makeup. We tried to teach our heroine how to do both everyday and festive make-up, which would be ideal, for example, for such an event as the opening of her own exhibition.

4. The most important thing is that we not only make up and change clothes, but also teach our heroines the tricks of make-up, hair and style. We explain what suits them and what is better to avoid. We show what they can become by following our advice, and everything else is in the hands of the girls themselves.

Result: Thanks to the presenter Sasha Podielskaya and beauty expert Andrey Drykin, Lyuba will turn into a daring "crazy artist". And at the end of the program, she had her own exhibition of caricature works, which was attended by Comedy residents Le Havre and Dyusha.

How to get

If you are between 18 and 28 years old and you live in Moscow or the Moscow region, fill out the form on the TNT channel website or write to the mail [email protected] In the letter, tell us what you dream about, where you see yourself in five years, what you would like to change in yourself.

TNT. on Saturdays/11.30

"Take it off immediately!"


Irina Kryukova is 29 years old, and after her divorce from her husband, she stopped taking care of herself. The girl is raising her daughter alone and believes that dresses and heels are a luxury that only car owners can afford. Relatives dream that Irina has a man, and her daughter has a real father.

What did they do

1. The hosts Tasha Strogaya and Natalya Stefanenko arrived at Irina's house without warning, studied her wardrobe, took it to the studio for a "debriefing".

2. During the shooting, they tried to find out the psychological problems of Irina's low self-esteem and depression, and then convince the girl to start a new life.

3. We carefully studied the heroine in underwear in order to know exactly all the advantages and disadvantages of the figure.

4. New style. They told me what models and styles would suit Irina, what is fashionable now and what mistakes should not be made when choosing clothes.

5. Shopping. They handed the heroine a check for 100 thousand rubles so that she picked up clothes and shoes. Advised in the selection of suitable items.

6. A haircut. Hairdresser-stylist Roman Moiseenko cut off long hair, emphasized the color of Irina's eyes with a beautiful hair color and made a haircut like Milla Jovovich's.

7. The presenters themselves presented Irina with handbags and accessories for her new costumes.

Result: Irina was not just dressed in fashionable clothes. In just one transmission, she was changed internally. Strangers began to treat the girl differently, and she herself believed in her own strength. As the creators of the program say, this is not a show-reincarnation, but a program about women's destinies, where dressing up is only the first step to success.

How to get

Submit your story and photo to: [email protected]

STS. "Take it off immediately!" Sundays/12.00

"Shopping Queen"


28-year-old Julia came to the “Queen of Shopping” from Orel, where she works as a designer. On the program, she was given the task of choosing an outfit for a bachelorette party before her best friend's wedding.

What did they do

1. They gave 15 thousand rubles to create a new image. This is not a typical “transformation show”, where beauties are made from an “ugly duckling”. Already held bright girls who are ready to demonstrate their taste and style get on this program. Yulia had to find an outfit for a bachelorette party in three hours, which would take place before her friend's wedding.

2. The girl, who prefers original and original things in life, chose a completely non-extravagant dress.

3. True, she nevertheless added a “zest” to the costume - she became a diadem.

Result: Julia was highly appreciated by her rivals and stylist Mikhail Baryshnikov, she became the “shopping queen” last week.

How to get

Send an application from the STS website, as well as by e-mail: [email protected] Don't forget to send your photo and tell us why you consider yourself a "shopping queen".

STS. "Queen of shopping" on weekdays / 17.00

"Fashion sentence"


At the insistence of her husband, 35-year-old Ksenia Gorelikova traveled by train from the Far East for six days, so that the capital's stylists would help pick out outfits worthy of her forms for a chic, puffy Russian woman. Once upon a time, the girl wore bright suits and smiled from the cover of magazines.

And when she got married and gave birth to two children, she began to wear black hoodies and practically stopped wearing makeup.

What did they do

1. To begin with, the husband chose Xenia's outfit in which he would like to see her.

3. The hairdresser dyed the hair from a "thermonuclear" eggplant color to a more natural dark one. To make it easier to care for a mop of thick hair, I had to cut my hair shorter.

4. Ksenia's makeup was made a little brighter and more expressive to emphasize expressive eyes and juicy lips.

Result: 85 percent of the audience voted in favor of the heroine's new outfit, which the stylists picked up for her. Xenia herself was pleased with her new image. Especially the white trousers that didn't make her look fat at all, and the delicate peach evening dress.


Send an SMS with the word FASHION to 4444. Answer additional questions, and perhaps your profile will be selected. Find out the cost of messages on the website of Channel One or from telecom operators.

First. "Fashionable sentence" on weekdays / 10.55


28-year-old Nastya Shubina came to the Reloaded show because she wants a different life for herself and her daughter. What exactly is bothering her? Husband is a loser, a small kopeck piece where you need to huddle with a bunch of relatives, lack of education and work. But most importantly, Nastya is tired of being a gray, insecure “mouse”.

What did they do

1. Enlarged lips. Despite all Nastya's fears, the operation was painless.

2. They did laser vision correction. The heroine has always been a bespectacled man. The laser allowed Anastasia to forget about glasses and even lenses once and for all.

3. Whitened teeth. An experienced dentist put the girl's mouth in order.

4. Arranged a session of psychotherapy. Andrei Kukharenko found out from the heroine everything about her goals, plans and dreams. And also figured out why Nastya does almost nothing to bring her life closer to the ideal.

5. Throw away old stuff. After Nastya tried on a pink dress, top stylist Alexander Rogov had a fit of laughter. How else? All the clothes of the heroine would suit only pensioners over 70. The specialist picked up a new style for the girl.

6. We tried to motivate the heroine. Anastasia and her daughter spent one perfect day of her life - they lived in a chic house, ate chic food, etc. All so that Nastya would always want to live like this and strive to earn more.

7. Fashionably cut. Nastya lost her long hair. Now the hairstyle, which needs to be styled with hot irons, hides the flaw - the girl does not have a clear chin line.

8. "Made a face." Nastya underwent eyebrow correction, mustache removal, facial cleansing and professional makeup. In her former life, the girl almost never painted.

Result: It took a month for Nastya to transform. Now the girl is ready to study, work, be a stylish mother and, perhaps, find herself a new husband. Psychologist Andrei Kukharenko noted that the girl is “trainable in a good way,” which means that she will succeed in life!

How to get

Fill out the form on the TNT channel website: Tell us in it about your hobbies, why you want to get into the program, and wait for an answer.

More recently, Irina Chesnova has already assessed which ones. And today, she shares her observations on how women are affected by watching transformation programs.

Increase self-esteem

Transformation stories are always very attractive. It's beautiful, it's change, it's, as one of the heroines said, "a necessary step on the way to a new life." This is an amazing, unique opportunity for the participants to look at themselves in a completely different way - such as they have never seen themselves and are unlikely to create themselves. Such a "magic pendel" that can start huge changes in a woman's life (provided, of course, that she is internally ready for them, even if she does not yet suspect it).

Evelina Khromtchenko in the Fashion Sentence program

We all wish ourselves a good, perhaps even better life. The transformation of the screen heroine allows you to touch this. It is intuitively clear to us that a successful suitable outfit is the fastest way to increase self-esteem, feel spiritual comfort, feel alive, free, light. Any woman who likes how she looks in the mirror feels more confident and secure. Fashion shows instill a sense of style and taste and show that there are no ugly women - everyone can pick up a great look. Each, if she wants it, can be made a star.

Encourage social pressure on women

On the other hand, these programs reflect the enormous social pressure that exists in our society and how much it affects people - women, men, everyone. Our culture is a culture of constant “pointing the finger at someone” and judging (“look how wrong he is!”), which we always defend ourselves against and feel terrible shame. In almost every “Fashion Sentence” you can see how the heroines upset their loved ones with their “boring” appearance, and they criticize and shame them: “You should be different! Well-groomed! Beautiful! Change!"

We still consider it acceptable to tell another how terrible he looks / dresses / arranges life / raises children. These are unacceptable things. I never get tired of repeating: if another person can criticize something, then only inappropriate, in his opinion, your behavior towards him. Behavior! And not what kind of person you are, what style of dress you have, walk, hairstyle, voice, friends and outlook on life. The way you look, how you live, with whom you communicate is personally yours. No one can approach this with their supposedly only correct template and evaluate it.

Stylist Alexander Rogov in the program "Catch up in 24 hours"

And instead of freeing participants from the yoke of social expectations and demands, some programs only cement them. The creators of the program "Ten Years Younger" put their heroine in the middle of a shopping center and ask passers-by to say how old she is. “She’s plucked like a chicken,” one woman says to the camera, and this is broadcast. No tact, no delicacy, no banal politeness. Okay, I want an “outside opinion” in the program, let it be! But after all, this opinion can be expressed in another way: “this woman looks tired, constrained, perhaps a difficult period in her life, I see a lot of pain in her eyes.” And no judgments or judgments.

Help by humiliating

The transformation of the heroines in the programs is often mixed with their humiliation and disbelief that the woman herself - this transformation - really needs it (the champion here is the same program "Ten Years Younger"). I don't understand why do this at all? As if you can appreciate the full power and depth of transformations only after experiencing heartache, and if you just receive them as a gift, then it seems somehow too easy and undeserved. What is it about? The fact that happiness can only be achieved by suffering a lot?

Help through humiliation - how it is our way! We will first show you how miserable and insignificant you are, and then we will have mercy and save you. We know what a “real woman” should look like! And about admitting that it’s not from a good life that a person has brought himself to a “such” state that he is not in his best physical and emotional shape and suffers greatly from this, that he is embarrassed and scared - no, that’s about it does not go. But you can easily hear "truthful feedback" like: "You do not know how to be open, and because of this it seems that you are angry."

On our television, as well as in society, there is a global lack of respect - for the person himself, his feelings, for his right to make mistakes and "wrong" life decisions. Instead, there is public exposure and stone-throwing to evoke emotion in the viewer. Very rude and inhumane.

Reinforce stereotypes

A lot of the right things sound in the programs about transformations: for example, that you need to take care of yourself first of all, and not strive to become a mother to your husband. Or that you don't have to wait for a nice figure on the scales to put on something stylish and beautiful. To wear beautiful, as well as to live, you need right now. But also in them you can find a lot of stereotypes and unviable ideas - about relationships, about the role of a woman in the family. The fact that one has only to become (or look) different - and everything will magically work out. If you put on a dress - your husband will finally pay attention to you, change your hairstyle - you will arrange your personal life.

And hope - I'll dress up now, and my husband's faded look will come to life again and sparkle - is unlikely to justify itself. The problem is not in the outfits or how you look, but in your emotional connection with each other, and in what everyone puts into the relationship.

If the external transformation is accompanied by internal, deep, qualitative, mutual changes, then it will really become "an essential step on the way to a new life." And this applies not only to relationships in the family, but also to any changes in a woman's life after she has discovered her living, free, real herself through new images.