Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character Fathers and children nikolai petrovich

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character.  Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character Fathers and children nikolai petrovich
Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: characterization of the character Fathers and children nikolai petrovich

Moscow has the functions of a capital city.

Modern Moscow is the capital of the Russian Federation.
This means that Moscow is the seat of the highest bodies of state power in our country. Now it is the President of Russia, the Federal Assembly is the highest legislative body, consisting of the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Federation Council consists of heads of administrations and heads of local elected bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, elected locally. The State Duma consists of deputies elected by all residents of Russia according to party lists and majoritarian districts. The government of Russia and the Constitutional Court are located in Moscow. Thus, Moscow is the center of control of Russia, and this is one of its main functions.

But Moscow is not only a control center, it is also the largest cultural center in Russia. The editorial offices of the largest mass media - television, radio, newspapers, magazines - are located in Moscow. TV broadcasts from Moscow are watched by residents of all regions of Russia and the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. Moscow has the largest concentration of art workers: writers, artists, actors, journalists, architects, composers, etc.

The largest scientific institutions of Russia are located here, as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow has long been “overcrowded” with scientific institutions, and they have gone beyond its borders: in the Moscow region there are more than two dozen specialized “cities of science”.

The largest banks of Russia are located in Moscow, through which 70% of the total money turnover of our country passes. The largest Russian enterprises prefer to keep money in their accounts in Moscow banks. Many banks became owners of enterprises in different regions of Russia.

As for the economy of Moscow and the Moscow region, we can say that they have already passed into the post-industrial stage of development. In Moscow, the first place is occupied by mechanical engineering, followed by light and food industries, which are almost equal in terms of production, and non-ferrous metallurgy is the fourth in importance. The Moscow region is more “textile” than “machine-building”. The prevalence of the textile industry is obvious here, and mechanical engineering plays a more modest role than in Moscow.

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Life is full of paradoxes, and you can easily find many such examples. One of them is the diametrical opposition in the character and life principles of the closest, in related senses, people.

Very often, brothers and sisters radically differ from each other, which causes genuine bewilderment. A similar situation is described by I. Turgenev in the novel "Fathers and Sons".

The place of the image of Nikolai Kirsanov in the novel and its relationship with his brother

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is one of the main characters of the novel. He is not an active figure in the events described, but his importance and participation in the conflict can hardly be overestimated. Compared to other characters, Turgenev deprives Nikolai Petrovich in the activity of actions - the character appears at key moments, and his image is composed mainly of fragments and a hint of the author, but at the same time, one cannot fail to note the influence of Nikolai Petrovich on the outcome of the conflict and the strong influence of this very conflict on the life of Kirsanov.

Ivan Turgenev closely connects his character with the image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov - his older brother. All descriptions and events of the life path of Nikolai Petrovich are compared with certain events or qualities of the brother's character. In other words, we can say that the whole life of Nikolai Petrovich passes in comparison with the life and personality of his brother.

Childhood and adolescence of Nikolai Kirsanov

The tendency to compare and contrast the personalities of brothers dates back to childhood. In the descriptions, the reader notices that the image of the older brother contradicts the image of the younger brother.

First of all, this is expressed in the willingness to follow in the footsteps of his father. Peter Kirsanov was a hereditary nobleman by birth, but their family did not have much influence. The situation was corrected by merits in the field of military service - his authority increased significantly, and in the rural wilderness, where their family estate was located, he became an irreplaceable and highly respected person.

Based on this turn of events, the fate of the boys was predetermined - they also had to start military service. For the eldest son, it was a feasible task - he had a tough and firm character. The younger, however, was a man of a completely different composition - soft and impressionable, he was not at all suitable for a military career. To all this was added a certain timidity and cowardice: he "not only did not differ in courage, but even earned the nickname of a coward." A leg injury that left the boy lame for the rest of his life saved Nikolai Kirsanov from a heavy burden. Parents had no choice but to send their son to the university. "Father waved his hand at him and sent him into civilian clothes ..."
In "1835 Nikolai Petrovich left the university as a candidate."

Nikolay Kirsanov and Masha Prepolovenskaya

The troubles associated with Nikolai were not limited to physical injury. Soon, parents were shocked by another unpleasant news about their youngest son. This time the reason was falling in love - their Nikolai was head over heels in love with the daughter of "the official Prepolovensky" Masha. Turgenev does not go into the details of the case, but states a fact - the parents were extremely unhappy with the choice of their son, they believed that the girl was unworthy to be Nikolai's wife.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the "characteristic of Pavel Kirsanov"

The tense situation was defused by the death of parents - authoritarianism in relation to Nicholas was excluded, and there were no longer any obstacles for the marriage of lovers. After waiting for the right time for mourning, the young married. The parents' fears about the inconsistency and fallacy of marriage with Masha were in vain. "The couple lived very well and quietly: they almost never parted." Kirsanov's family life looked like a utopia, but this tale was suddenly interrupted - Masha dies after ten years of married life. Nikolai Petrovich has only memories of her and his little son Arkady.

Nikolai Petrovich's appearance

"Nikolai Petrovich limped, his features were small, pleasant, but somewhat sad, small black eyes and soft liquid hair."

Turgenev pays little attention to describing the appearance of his characters, especially in cases where the wardrobe does not become the subject of constant attention of the character. Nikolai Petrovich belongs to the second category of characters - he is indifferent to fashion trends, and appreciates convenience in clothes. He does not spend a long time, like his older brother at the toilet and with a certain degree of indifference to the state of his suit, but at the same time he does not start it.

Relationship between Nikolai Petrovich and Arkady

It was in Arcadia that Nikolai Petrovich found consolation and the meaning of life after the loss of his wife. Despite all his gentleness of character and a huge grief that suddenly surged, Kirsanov understands that he cannot afford to be covered with a wave of blues - in this case, he will lose absolutely everything and, after that, he will hardly be able to change the situation.

In relation to Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich does not hesitate to show the most tender feelings, he is alien to the rigidity and pragmatism, which were common among fathers. He can tenderly hug his son, languish in anticipation of his arrival and be incredibly bored. In a word, the behavior of Kirsanov the father is more similar to that of his mother than his father. This state of affairs does not bother either father or son.

Arkady is also very attached to his father, he considers him a good and kind person. Arkady often speaks well of his father: "Father is a kind fellow, you are the kindest and smartest person in the world."

Life after the death of his wife

After the loss of his wife, Kirsanov finally moved to the village and took up the affairs of the Maryino estate. Their family estate was "a good estate of two hundred souls, or, as he puts it since he dissociated himself from the peasants and started a" farm, "- two thousand acres of land."

Unfortunately, the gentleness of character and the lack of practicality do not allow Nikolai Petrovich to establish business on the estate “life did not develop very nicely in Maryino, and poor Nikolai Petrovich had a bad time. The troubles around the farm grew every day - the chores were bleak, stupid. "

Thanks to the diligence of Nikolai Petrovich, things do not look completely awful - the estate somehow keeps afloat. Pavel Petrovich believes that the main reason why things have started to decline is the brother's impracticality: "The brother is not quite practical," he reasoned to himself, "he is being deceived."

Romance in the life of Nikolai Kirsanov

Nikolai Petrovich has always been an impressionable and romantic person. Most young people have such a commitment, but over time, under the influence of life's difficulties, romanticism is replaced by pragmatism. This did not happen in relation to Nikolai Petrovich - he retains a romantic mood until the end of his days. The bulk of the events of the novel fall on the age qualification of Nikolai Petrovich at 44 years old.

In part, his country life affected the preservation of romanticism. “He loved to dream; village life developed this ability in him. "

Nikolai Petrovich did not leave music lessons, and although his musical skills were far from perfect, he still does not neglect playing the piano and cello - he is experiencing catharsis.

The next way for Kirsanov to find peace of mind is to read books. The poetry of Pushkin was especially popular with him. Often, admiring nature, a wide variety of poems came to his mind and he enjoyed scrolling a familiar text in his head.

Nikolay Petrovich and Fenya

Undoubtedly, the death of his wife was a huge loss in Kirsanov's life. The image of Masha became key, ideal for him. Sometimes he was given nostalgia and dreamed of the old days when he was happy with his wife. He sincerely wanted Masha to come to life and he could again feel her warmth next to him. Whatever the significant loss, time gradually supplanted it in the life of Kirsanov, 10 years after the death of his wife, a light of new love arose.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the “image of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov” in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. Turgenev.

The object of tender feelings this time was a girl of ignoble origin - Fenya. She moved with her mother to the Kirsanov estate after Nikolai Petrovich offered the woman a service on his estate. At that time, Fenya was a little girl. Time passed, and from the little girl, it turned out to be a very attractive and pious woman. Kirsanov falls in love with her, and after the death of her mother begins an affair. These relationships do not become a fleeting hobby in Kirsanov's life - he nurtures love for the girl, and this feeling is mutual. Kirsanov is in no hurry to get married - he is worried about possible condemnation from the aristocracy, but he lives with Fenya as with a legitimate wife. Under the influence of Pavel Petrovich's request, the wedding still took place.

Nikolay Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov

The appearance of Arkady's friend, the nihilist doctor Yevgeny Bazarov, could not pass unnoticed in the life of Nikolai Kirsanov.

The life positions of Nikolai Petrovich and Yevgeny are too different. Eugene is a specific person, he likes to provoke people into conflict, but, despite all the disagreements, Nikolai Petrovich does not enter into an argument or discussion. Kirsanov gently asks Bazarov about his position, but at the slightest hint of discussion, he stops the discussion. This behavior of Kirsanov is associated with a desire to please his son. Arkady is delighted with his new friend, and his father does not want to become a stumbling block between them. On the other hand, Nikolai Petrovich realizes that his time has come to "swallow the bitter pill" of the new time - new orders have come and such old people as he are not able to succeed in the course of their development.

The third reason that impedes the discussion is Kirsanov's dislike of conflicts and disputes.

Thus, Nikolai Kirsanov has a calm temperament, he is not characterized by harsh judgments or actions. He is a romantic and emotional person - not capable of meanness and deceit. A distinctive feature of Nikolai Petrovich is a sense of tact and delicacy. In general, he is a positive and kind person, endowed with wisdom and the ability to deeply analyze the situation.

Nikolai Petrovich is one of the main characters in Ivan Turgenev's novel "Fathers and Sons". He is the father of Arkady Kirsanov and the brother of Pavel Petrovich. In the past he was happily married, but remained a widower. Now he has a young girl named Fenechka, who gave birth to his son. Despite the fact that Nikolai Petrovich is no longer young, he tries to keep up with the times, is interested in music, poetry and art in general. And also his thoughts are occupied with progressive ideas in agriculture.

This character is described with the author's sympathy. For all his weakness, he is kind, sensitive, delicate and noble. His loyalty and benevolence are manifested in everything, in particular, in relation to modern youth, despite the fact that they try to live and think differently from their fathers. Unfortunately, his kindness does not find an adequate response. Bazarov says about Nikolai Petrovich that the man is retired, that is, his song has already been sung. And even his son Arkady, whom he loves so much, tries to "re-educate" his father and often wounds with his tactlessness.

However, at the end of the novel, Kirsanov's meek patience is rewarded. His son matures with dignity, chooses the right path and becomes closer to his father in family matters.

It seems like he is one of the quietest, and not noticeable characters in this work. But he is a very good-natured, gentle, empathetic, and tactful hero. It only seems so at first. But in real life, Nikolai Petrovich is one of those people who are balanced, harmonious, who have learned what happiness is, who understand what a goal in life is.

Nikolai Petrovich is not practical at all, and not adapted to life. This can be understood as a writer describes to us the lands that are not needed by anyone, which belong to this character. That his peasants are very poor, the fields are not in order. But regardless of this, Nikolai lives with a rich inner world, he is very emotional about his existence, and lives in peace with himself. The author describes him in great detail and from this we see that he is very similar to Turgenev himself. After all, Nikolai Petrovich was brought up, just like Turgenev. The author demonstrates that Nikolai has deep real feelings. For him, this is the most valuable thing in life. He was a faithful spouse, they lived quietly, almost never parted. When his wife Masha passed away, Nikolai barely survived this stress. He gave himself all of himself to his son Arkady, whom he loved madly.

We see Nicholas already at the age of forty-something, who lives, according to the author, filled with deeds and worries. The hero of this novel believes in the same way. He prefers nature, music, and literature. He admires ordinary things, is able to give love, and support. Proof of this is his young wife and her little son. The main thing is that he considers Fenya his wife, and his son his real heir, despite the fact that his wife is of unknown origin. From this we can understand that Nicholas is all about class prejudices. For him, the main thing is what is inside him and on his heart. He is good-natured and sensitive, this person is always ready to lend a helping hand to anyone in need, especially when it comes to his family. He gave advice to his brother, who, after an unsuccessful relationship, did not know what to do next. Nikolai Petrovich is very wise, and the patient does not like to conflict, does not chop off the shoulder, resigns himself to the choice of his son. But at the same time he has his own opinion.

At the end of the work, Nikolai Petrovich is the most cheerful, satisfied person. He is surrounded by people who love him - his family. Nikolai Petrovich expresses the view of the writer when he talks about values ​​in life. These are: love, friendship, prosperity, and these values ​​are worth keeping. That is why Turgenev wrote "Nikolai Petrovich is me."

Option 2

Evgeny Bazarov is the main character of the novel "Fathers and Sons". But, besides him, there are many other heroes who surpass him in many ways. Perhaps Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is one of such characters, moreover, it is worth remembering about him, because one gets the impression of his resemblance to Turgenev. Initially, it seems to the reader that this is a rather insignificant character. Kirsanov is a gentle, sympathetic person, often showing kindness to people. And these features contribute to the fact that many people simply do not hear his words. But, this is only the initial opinion that the reader may have. Later you can understand that Nikolai Petrovich is a very harmonious hero, he is a person who understands something in life, he is a happy person.

The author presented the reader with Kirsanov as a person who is not particularly adapted to practical life. Turgenev shows the reader Kirsanov's uncleared and abandoned lands, his peasants beggars in tattered things. But, this does not prevent Nikolai Petrovich from developing his inner world. The main thing for him is that he is calm, nothing scratches his soul. Everything suits him, one of the main things in life for him is harmony.

The author gives the reader a rather detailed biography of Kirsanov, and, proceeding from it, one gets the impression of a similarity between the hero and Turgenev. Like the hero, the author was brought up in the family of a strict mother, who commanded like a commander. Kirsanov, like Turgenev, studied in St. Petersburg. Both had brothers who studied at a military institution. Kirsanov is a hero who does not hide and quite openly shows his feelings, shows what is inside him. He loved his wife very much and was always with her. His wife died, and Nikolai Petrovich took the death of his beloved very hard. Quickly turned gray. Now Kirsanov transfers all his enormous power of love only to his son.

In the work, Nikolai Petrovich is a little over 40 years old and the hero lives a rather multifaceted life filled with different events. Kirsanov really likes music, but even more poetry. This is a person who appreciates what he has and knows how to thank life even for the simplest things. Kirsanov does not hide feelings and openly shows love and joy. The hero lives in simple concepts. For example, his young wife, who gave him a son of an ordinary family, but this does not bother him at all. He does not look at any rules, the son of this woman is his rightful heir.

At the end of the novel, it becomes clear that Kirsanov is happy. He has the most important thing in life, it is love and friendship. He is supported by his beloved wife with a little son and Arkady, who is a worthy follower of his father.

Composition by Nikolay Kirsanov

In the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" there is a clash of views of two different generations. Nikolay Kirsanov is one of the representatives of the previous generation.

The image of Nicholas shows all the positive features of the aristocracy, which stand out clearly against the background of the new generation. It is hard not to notice that the author sympathizes with this hero of the novel.

Nikolai Kirsanov looks rather skimpy. He is an ordinary man who has passed forty years, turned gray, over the years, a little hunched over. Nikolai was born into a wealthy family that owns an estate. His father was a general, and his mother was engaged in the household and children.

Nikolai dreamed of a military career, just like his older brother, but instead entered the University of St. Petersburg, and later returned to his parental home. When Nikolai's parents died, he married a beautiful girl who became his faithful companion in life. Then the only son was born in the family - Arkady. The child was surrounded by the love and care of his parents, who devote all their time to him. When the boy was ten years old, his mother died. Then Nikolai Kirsanov took the upbringing of his son into his own hands, devoting his whole life to him.

Kirsanov has a lot of positive traits that help him in life. He is punctual, kind and tactful. The meaning of life for Nikolai was his family. He is a person who is not afraid to show warm feelings to his family and be sincere with them.

Nikolai Petrovich is an educated, wise man who is inspired by music and poetry, which becomes the reason for the silly ridicule of Bazarov, Arkady's friend. Although the author, on the contrary, emphasizes the best qualities of the aristocracy, which will be forgotten. Nikolai Petrovich reflects the values ​​of the old generation, which are being replaced by the insensitive progressive approach of young people to life.

Bazarov considers Nikolai Kirsanov a sentimental, gentle person, incapable of great accomplishments and ambitious goals, only making fun of the positive qualities of a man. But Nikolai Petrovich is a person who, first of all, lives in harmony with himself, so he manages to ignore all the guest's stinging jokes.

For the author, Nikolai Kirsanov is the most beloved hero. Because for him the family is the most important thing in life. Nikolai devoted all his years to his son in order to raise him into a worthy and kind person. This hero evokes not only the sympathy of the author, but also the warm feelings of the readers.

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  • "Fathers and Sons" is a novel by I. S. Turgenev, significant for that time. It was written in 1860. His heroes have become an example for Russia to follow. And people like Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristics are given in this article, simply lived out their days.

    What place does Kirsanov take in the novel?

    Turgenev's novel shows an acutely social period of time when old foundations are crumbling at an incredible speed, and new, progressive ones are replacing them.

    Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization shows his position as "old-timer", occupies a central place in the work. He, along with several other characters, represents the "fathers", an established social class.

    Pavel Kirsanov represents a whole generation that receives only reproaches and condemnation from others. And all that remains for them is to live out their days, looking at the growing progress of society.

    From the title it is clear that the novel is a kind of opposition: young and old, new and old. Pavel Kirsanov, Turgenev pairs with the nihilist and the revolutionary of thought Bazarov. At the end of the work, the reader should find out which of them will win.

    Life story

    The events of the novel date back to 1859. The landowner Nikolai Kirsanov has an older brother, Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. The characteristic immediately betrays a strong and intelligent person in him. He is a military man, graduated from the page corps. Because of his status, he has always been successful in society, especially among women.

    At twenty-eight he received the rank of captain and was preparing for a brilliant career. But suddenly his whole life changed dramatically. Of course, he met a woman who became fatal for him.

    A certain princess R. in Petersburg society was known as a frivolous young lady and a coquette. But Kirsanov fell in love with her without memory. The princess, who at first answered him in return, quickly lost interest in the officer.

    Pavel Petrovich was deeply impressed by this outcome, but did not give up. Passion for this woman engulfed him, incinerated from within. It is surprising that he did not feel satisfaction from their meetings, there was no joy in his heart, only bitter vexation in his soul.

    In the end, having broken with the princess, Kirsanov tried to return to his old life. But she would not let him go. In every woman he saw her features. Even in Fenechka, the beloved of his brother Nikolai.

    Together with his brother, he lived in the Maryino estate, and then left for distant Dresden, where his life died out.


    The appearance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov changed with the development of the events of the novel. Initially, a real aristocrat appears before the reader, a sleek man, dressed with a needle. Only by looking at him, it was possible to understand that Kirsanov was a noble dandy and a secular person. The demeanor and manner of speaking betrayed it in him.

    Turgenev points out that his gray hair was in perfect order, his face had no wrinkles and was unusually beautiful.

    However, in disputes with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich was transformed. He no longer exuded complete calm. As his irritation grew at not understanding the young man's views, the number of wrinkles increased, and the hero himself turned into a decrepit old man.


    Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characterization is very positive, is shown to be smart, impeccably honest, principled. However, he is a representative of the old generation with prim habits and attitudes.

    Kirsanov is far from the common people, does not understand and does not accept him. And the people are afraid of him, as Bazarov aptly put it. The hero is an adherent of everything English. This is expressed in his behavior, habits, conversations. Quotes by Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov fully reveal his character and views. Liberal principles, which he boasts, remain only on the lips. But, despite this, he is a worthy rival of Bazarov, although he always loses to him.

    Pavel Kirsanov characterizes the "old guard". His departure for Dresden is very symbolic, as it represents the departure of an entire generation into the past.