Open lesson for the Day of National Unity: Minin and Pozharsky - examples to follow. Extra-curricular event "November 4, National Unity Day" "Glory to our Motherland to brave sons"

Open lesson for the Day of National Unity: Minin and Pozharsky - examples to follow. Extra-curricular event "November 4, National Unity Day" "Glory to our Motherland to brave sons"

Open lesson - an event on the topic:

"Day of National Unity"

for students in grades 5-9.

Kishchenko Anastasia Alexandrovna,

geography teacher, social educator

MBOU Lyceum №1 named after G.S. Titov Krasnoznamensk

Moscow region


    foster a sense of citizenship and patriotism;

    to form responsibility for the fate of the Motherland;

    to give a general idea of ​​the history of the holiday and the events associated with 1612;

    broaden the horizons of students;

    develop the ability to draw conclusions, generalize;

    promote the development of the ability to participate in dialogue, defend their point of view;

    foster interest in studying the history of their country, a sense of pride and respect for the defenders of the state.

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, computer presentation, video film.

Event progress:

The stage is framed by decorations in the form of Cathedral Square in Nizhny Novgorod.

    Bell ringing sounds. Introductory speech of the teacher:

They don't argue with history,
They live with history
She unites
For feat and work
One state
When the people are one
When great power
He moves forward.
He conquers the enemy,
Uniting in battle
And Russia liberates
And sacrifices himself.
For the glory of those heroes
We live by the same destiny
Today is Unity Day
We are celebrating with you!

    The anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

    Holiday storytelling with slideshow elements:

Leading : Hello guys. Today our event is dedicated to one of the most patriotic holidays in Russia - National Unity Day.

November 4 - the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God - since 2005 has been celebrated as the "Day of National Unity".On December 16, 2004, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted simultaneously in three readings amendments to the federal law “On the days of military glory (Victory days of Russia)”. One of the amendments was the introduction of a new holiday, National Unity Day. In December 2004, the President of Russia, V.V. Putin, signed the Federal Law "On Amendments to Article 1 of the Federal Law" On the Days of Military Glory (Victory Days) in Russia ", which declared November 4 as the Day of National Unity.

In an explanatory note to the draft law, it was noted: “On November 4, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took Kitay-Gorod by storm, liberating Moscow from Polish invaders and demonstrating an example of heroism and solidarity of the entire people, regardless of origin, religion and position. in society".

Guys, do you know well the events associated with the National Unity Day? Grade 7 students will now tell us some historical facts that influenced the course of events of that difficult time.

    Students present presentations with performances.

Student 1. From the end of the 16th century, the so-called Time of Troubles began in Russia - a difficult time of crisis for our country.

Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich (son of Ivan IV the Terrible) died in 1598. Since he was childless, his death ended the dynasty of "born rulers". After his death, elected people from different cities gathered in Moscow and elected Boris Godunov to the kingdom. The time of his reign promised to be happy. The construction boom began. Godunov sought to alleviate the situation of the townspeople, and in foreign policy he staked on rapprochement with the West. Boris invited foreigners to public service, exempted them from taxes. But in the fall of 1601, torrential rains began, and then early frosts struck. The crop remained in the field. The tragedy repeated itself the following year. A terrible famine began, which lasted for three whole years. Boris forbade the sale of bread more expensive than a certain limit, trying to keep the price rise. But it did not help. The price of bread has increased a hundredfold.

The tsar ordered to give money from the treasury to the poor, but the money began to lose value. The tsar ordered to open state barns for the starving, but the bread did not last long. Riots began. The tsarist troops defeated the rebels, but were unable to calm the country.

Student 2: On April 13, 1605, Tsar Boris Godunov died suddenly. The new tsar was named Fyodor (son of Boris), an educated and intelligent young man. Soon there was a mutiny in Moscow. The young king and his mother were killed, and the people were told that they had poisoned themselves. The path to the throne was open. Who became king? False Dmitry became the king. This is Grigory Otrepiev, who fled to Poland in 1602, who came from the Galician nobles. But he was soon killed. After his death, the boyars chose Vasily Shuisky as tsar, but calm in the country was not restored. More and more impostors appeared.

At this time, the Polish king Sigismund II invaded Russia. The Poles defeated the army of Tsar Vasily Shuisky, the Muscovites were in great excitement, and Vasily Shuisky was removed from the throne. After the overthrow of Shuisky, Russia was left completely without a king. The Poles besieged Smolensk. The Polish king wanted to become king. Power in Moscow was seized by the "seven-boyars" headed by Prince Fyodor Mstislavsky, who sent Polish troops into the Kremlin with the intention of placing the Catholic prince Vladislav on the Russian throne. In this difficult time for Russia, Patriarch Hermogenes called on the Russian people to defend Orthodoxy and expel the Polish invaders from Moscow. "It's time to lay down your soul for the House of the Most Holy Theotokos!" - wrote the patriarch. His appeal was taken up by the Russian people. A broad patriotic movement began to liberate the capital from the Poles. The first people's (zemstvo) militia was led by the Ryazan governor Prokopy Lyapunov. But because of the feuds between the nobles and the Cossacks, who, on false accusations, killed the voivode, the militia broke up. The anti-Polish uprising, which began prematurely in Moscow on March 19, 1611, was defeated.

Student 3: At the same time, the Swedes came to Russian land with the aim of capturing. The calamities of the Russian land have reached extremes. Russia seemed to be dead. And then the feeling of the people began to speak in the Russian people. They decided to stand up for their native country against foreigners. For this, the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod decided to formmilitia ... Meetings began: they talked about where to get people and money. On the advice of the headman from Nizhny NovgorodKuzma Minin each citizen of Nizhny Novgorod donated a third of his property to the militia, and the prince was chosen as the leaderDmitry Pozharsky ... Soon other cities joined the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod. In April 1612, a huge militia was already in Yaroslavl, led by Prince Pozharsky and Minin. Under the banners of Pozharsky and Minin, a huge army for that time gathered -more than 10 thousand local servicemen , up to three thousand Cossacks, more than a thousand archers and many "tributary people" from the peasants. With the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, revealed in 1579, the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo militia managed on November 4, 1612 to take Kitay-Gorod by storm and expel the Poles from Moscow. In August, a decisive victory over the Poles was won, and in October Moscow was cleared of the invaders. The Great Zemsky Sobor in 1613 became the final victory over the Troubles and the triumph of national unity.

Student 4:

Pozharsky's last camp

He stood at his native land *.

The prince did not need the royal throne,

And the sound is a loud HERO.

By the will of the heart, not pride,

He led a campaign against the enemy.

Minin was his ally,

He called the militia ahead.

So a citizen of a great soul

Glorified his ignorant family.

Our homeland is many-sided

The people responded to the call.

Collecting funds bit by bit,

They called the army of the militia.

And everyone who lived in the neighborhood

They decided to defend Moscow.

The glory of heroes will not fade!

I am proud that in dashing days

There were relatives of Smolensk,

And they fought for Moscow!

Again they threw down the adversary:

The army is always strong by unity!

The fighters were brother for brother,

Russia was saved in battles!

The face of Our Lady of Kazan

Kept everyone from hardships and troubles.

The dominance has fallen to the Polish landlord!

And the light of freedom shone!

The old time is close again.

The feat of ancient years does not fade!

In Rostokin, on the obelisk,

Heroes of those glorious victories!

    Conversation with the audience about the holiday:

Homeland and unity ... Tell me, how do you understand these words? (students answer)

What do you think the National Unity Day is calling us to? (students answer).

    A student comes out in the role of Kuzma Minin and a scene is played out:

A huge crowd filled the Cathedral Square in Nizhny Novgorod. The people did not disperse for a long time, as if they were waiting for something. Then the elected chief of the townspeople climbed onto an empty barrel. Headman Kuzma Minin.

Brothers! We will not regret anything! ”Said the headman.

We will give up everything we own to save the Motherland.

Pulling a wallet tightly packed with money from his bosom, he emptied it into a bucket next to him. All the people from the square began to throw money and jewelry here. Residents began to demolish everything that they have, that they have accumulated in their lives. And whoever had nothing, he took off the copper cross and gave it to the common cause. It was necessary to have a lot of money in order to collect a large and strong army, arm it and feed the soldiers.

The people began to think about whom to call as leaders. We stopped at Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky.

Sergius of Radonezh blessed Prince Dmitry Pozharsky to rule the army and fight against enemies.

    A film is being played on the screen: "November 4 - National Unity Day" (students watching a movie)

( )


November 4 (October 22 old style) 1612 the enemy army surrendered at the mercy of the victors, the militia led by Minin and Pozharsky took Kitai-Gorod. Moscow was liberated.

These are the real heroes. They managed to unite the people around the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland.

In memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles, a Kazan Cathedral was built in Moscow at the expense of D. Pozharsky, in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

A student reads a poem against the background of a video film ( ) :

Gone in the history of the year
Kings and peoples changed,
But the time is troubled, adversity
Russia will never forget!

The line is inscribed with victory,
And praises the verse of past heroes,
Has defeated the people of the outcast enemies,
Has found freedom for centuries!

And Russia rose from its knees
In hands with an icon before the battle,
Blessed with prayer
Under the ringing of the coming changes.

Villages, villages, cities
With a bow to the Russian people
Celebrate freedom today
And Unity Day forever!

    The teacher makes a speech against the background of the slide film:

The holiday DAY OF PEOPLE UNITY is a tribute of deep respect to those significant pages of national history, when patriotism and citizenship helped our people to unite and protect the country from invaders. Overcome the times of anarchy and strengthen the Russian state.

November 4 is the day of the salvation of Russia from the greatest danger that has ever faced it (slide);

November 4 is the day of real deeds, not dubious marches (slide).

November 4 is the day of remembrance of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (slide).


Remember this feeling of togetherness and keep it for life. Be worthy of your glorious ancestors.

Students take turns reading a poem against the background of music (Redemption_Denied _-_ 1612_ (

On the Day of Unity, we will be near
Let's be together forever
All nationalities of Russia
In distant villages, cities!

Live, work, build together
Sow bread, raise children,
To create, to love and to argue,
Protect the peace of people

Honor ancestors, remember their deeds,
Avoid wars, conflicts,
To fill life with happiness,
To sleep under a peaceful sky!

Leading : All the best!

MBOU Verkhnebykovskaya secondary school Teacher of history and social studies Ventsova L.A. Explanatory note. Much attention is paid to the educational orientation of the educational process in a modern educational institution. Today, as never before, the priority task of the young generation is shaping civic values: patriotism, an active life position, manifested in love for their country, responsibility for its fate, and respect for its history. The upbringing of the country's patriot is one of the main conditions for national revival. A competent patriot is a person who loves the Motherland, who knows how to respond to changes in society, and defend his human rights. The concept of patriotism includes the formation of love for your family, your native land, your society, nature, country, planet Earth. These are not only philosophical, social, economic problems, but also pedagogical ones. It is important to educate an active patriot of your country, and not an outside observer. When forming a patriot, we, first of all, must see in him a person, a personality. Therefore, a patriot is a person imbued with patriotism, i.e. devotion to their small homeland, their land, Fatherland, their people. From a pedagogical point of view, it is an original individuality, a personality with national identity, respect for the historical and cultural heritage of its people, for the human personality and human rights. This methodological development presents a lesson on the history of Russia for 59 classes, dedicated to one of the Days of Military Glory of Russia on November 4. This day is known as National Unity Day. In accordance with the Federal Law, on November 4, 2005, our country first celebrated the Day of National Unity, which has become an annual solemn and memorable Day.

Lesson topic: "National Unity Day". Epigraph to the lesson: "A patriot is a person who serves the Motherland, and the Motherland is, first of all, the people." (NG Chernyshevsky) Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the new Russian holiday, its origins and meaning, to educate schoolchildren of civic qualities, patriotic feelings. Expected results: Subject: the ability to answer the questions asked, carry out analysis, highlight the causes, results, consequences, master the concepts of the given period; Communicative: the ability to work in a group, distribute responsibilities, cooperate, listen to other students, prove their point of view; Regulatory: the ability to bear responsibility not only individually, but also jointly for the activities of the group; Personal: development of tolerance; Cognitive: continue the search for information and its analysis after the lesson, the use of additional literature to expand the horizons. Lesson progress: Teacher: In recent years, our country has officially found a new holiday, "National Unity Day", which is now celebrated annually on November 4. Question: Tell me, what is unity? Why is it needed? Under what conditions does it arise? Answer: The celebration of this day is associated with the events of Russian history back in 1612. Question: Tell me, what kind of events took place at this time?

Answer: these events were associated with the liberation of Moscow from the Polish interventionists. Teacher: Russian people have always loved their homeland. In her name, they performed feats, composed songs and epics, composed poems ... Widely you, Russia, across the face of the earth In regal beauty unfolded! Do you not have heroic forces, Holy old times, loud exploits? There is something for that, Mighty Rus, To love you, to call you a mother, To stand for your honor against an enemy For you, in need to lay down your head! Teacher: How did this poem make us feel? Answer: A feeling of triumph and pride for their Motherland - Russia, for its mighty and glorious people. Teacher: At different times, Russian people composed proverbs, sayings about the Motherland. Here are just a few of them. Its land is sweet in a handful. Your land - your ashes. Without a root and wormwood, every sandpiper praises its swamp. The native side is the mother, the stranger is the stepmother. Those who have not been to Moscow have never seen beauty. Teacher: Motherland and unity ... Let's talk about how you understand these words, what is the meaning of today's holiday? Answer: The strength of Russia is in the unity, the unity of the people. Teacher: But how do you and I know all this? That's right, from history! Russia has been tested many times, has experienced times of chaos more than once,

enmity and anarchy. When the country was weakening, neighbors pounced on it, in a hurry to grab a piece larger and fatter. However, one can always find the most plausible pretexts for robbery and robbery. These times were called vague in our country, and also bloody. Internal and external storms shook the country to its very foundations, so much so that not only the rulers changed, but also the forms of government themselves. But the country rose again and again from the ashes. After each tragedy, she only became stronger, to the envy of her enemies. Now let's fast forward 400 years back to the beginning of the 17th century. What event are we talking about? What kind of great turmoil shook the Russian land? (students' answers). Quite right. We are talking about the events of the distant 17th century, about the time of troubles when Russia faced a choice: to be or not to be. At that distant time, the fate of our country and our people was being decided. It was on November 4 4 centuries ago. That is why, when we talk about the holiday of November 4, we understand that November 4 is the day of the unity of all Russian peoples; this is the day of the salvation of Russia from the greatest danger that ever threatened her; it is a revived holiday with its own history. By the way, about history: November 4 is famous for various historical events. And we, in Russia, celebrate the liberation of Russia from the Polish-Lithuanian intervention on this day. Almost 4 centuries ago, at the beginning of November, the militia drove the Polish invaders out of Moscow and put an end to the so-called Time of Troubles. In the Time of Troubles, the boyars could not share power among themselves, and the Commonwealth had already planned where and what it would build in Russia when it got its hands on it. It dragged on for a long time, and if the plans of the Polish gentry had come true, then you and I will not live either in the USSR or in Russia. Who knows who we would be now? .. The militia is unique in that it is the only example in Russian history, when the fate of the country and the state was decided by the people themselves, without the participation of the authorities as such. The people went to free the land and restore order in the capital. They did not go to fight for the tsar - he was not there. Our great-great-great-great-grandfathers went to fight for the land, and they won. Then all estates, all nationalities, villages, cities and metropolises united. This day is rightfully called the Day of National Unity. There was no other such day in Russian history.

This holiday has been celebrated since 2005. The immediate reason for the introduction of the new holiday was the planned cancellation of the celebration of November 7, which in the minds of people is associated with the anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917. The idea of ​​making November 4 a holiday as National Unity Day was put forward by the Interreligious Council of Russia in September 2004. It was supported by the Duma Committee on Labor and Social Policy. On September 29, 2004, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy publicly supported the initiative of the Duma to establish a celebration on November 4. I will read you an excerpt from a poem, but do you remember from the course of national history what happened in that period in our country? Great confusion in Russia ... For twelve years there has been no good rest. From the kingdom of Boris - now In the government - discord, Among the people - confusion, And great emptiness across the lands, Yes, the tears of widows, Yes, the bitter crying of children ... There is something to nest in despair In my soul: The capital is burned, And the Kremlin is in the hands of presumptuous Poles, Oh , the draft people groan heavily! Devastation, disorder, desecration of the holy places of people and the holiness of churches ... Around whom should the Russian people rally? Who will bring us deliverance from our enemies?

The students answer that this is the period between the reign of two dynasties: from the death of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich to the accession of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, when the country was shaken by hunger riots, impostors appeared, and the Polish-Swedish invaders tried to seize Russian lands. Teacher: Yes, this is a very difficult period in the history of our Fatherland, when the independence of our Motherland literally hung by a thread, and the Polish-Swedish invaders already felt at home in the Russian lands. Teacher: today, let’s turn the pages of the history of that difficult time once again and try to answer the question: who helped the Russian people to cope with the enemy in the hard years? On the screen - portraits of historical figures without signatures: Fyodor Ivanovich, Boris Godunov, False Dmitry 1, Vasily Shuisky, Dmitry Pozharsky, Ivan Susanin. Teacher: Who are these guests? To summarize: students answered the question correctly. Further, the teacher proposes to mark in the list of historical personalities those personalities who played an important role in the liberation of Moscow and all of Russia from the Poles and helped Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to be crowned king. Students note: Dmitry Pozharsky, Kuzma Minin, Ivan Susanin. Teacher: On October 22, 1612, soldiers of the people's militia led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took China by storm. Prince Pozharsky entered the city with the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and vowed to build a temple in memory of this victory. This date in Russian history is considered the end of the Time of Troubles and the beginning of the unity of the Russian people. These are the real heroes. They managed to unite the people around the idea of ​​serving the Fatherland. They spoke of brotherly love and sacrifice. Among the anger, greed and despair that gripped the people, they reminded that there is no more heroic deed, how to give his life for his brother ... A native of the people Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky! Everything

their thoughts, all their will were directed towards the salvation of the Motherland and their father's faith. And they did the impossible, defeated the enemy who had flooded the country. These were difficult times for the Polish intervention. The Poles ruled in Moscow, the Swedes captured Novgorod. The government of the country was completely lost. In these conditions, the headman of Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin called on the people to liberate the Motherland. The command of the militia was headed by an experienced military leader, Prince Dmitry Pozharsky. In the spring of 1612, the people's militia set out on a campaign, and in November of the same year the invaders laid down their arms. The feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin will forever serve as a symbol of loyalty to the Motherland. He sacrificed his life for the sake of another person, the young man Alexei - the future Tsar of Russia. The patriotic movement of the people was crowned with complete victory. Power was being restored in the Kremlin. In February 1613, the Zemsky Sobor elected Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the throne. Teacher: I will read you excerpts from poetry, and you will try to answer which hero the lines belong to: Russian people! Orthodox people! Is the enemy invincible? Will we give up the land? No! Leading the people behind us, Let's go, not sparing life, Fatherland, loving homeland! Let's all who are rich in what, Not at all, not at all melting. We will help everyone, like a brother, brother, After all, we are one family! Pupils answer: Kuzma Minin Teacher: Which hero do these lines belong to? “Where are you taking us? ... you can't see it! -

The enemies cried out to the peasant with a heart: We are getting stuck and drowning in drifts of snow :; We know we can't get to bed with you. You have gone astray, brother, probably on purpose on purpose; But you can't save Michael with that! " "Where did you take us?" the old one cried out. "There, where you need it!" the peasant said. They thought you found a traitor in me: They are not, and will not be in the Russian land! In it, everyone loves his homeland from infancy, And will not destroy his soul by betrayal "" Villain! - the enemies shouted, boiling: You will die under the swords! " “Your anger is not terrible! Who is Russian by heart, will die in a harsh battle, defending his homeland! Students answer: Ivan Susanin. A message about the feat of Ivan Susanin, a previously prepared student. Ivan Susanin is a Russian national hero, a peasant from the Kostroma district. Almost nothing is known about the life of Ivan Susanin. There is also an opinion that Ivan Susanin was the patrimonial headman. The Polish king decided to destroy the pretender to the Russian throne, Mikhail Romanov, and sent his detachment to the place where Mikhail and his mother were at that time. Poles and Lithuanians in a detachment approached the village of Domnina in the Kostroma district in order to kill the newly elected Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich. The Poles hired Susanin as a guide. Ivan Susanin led a detachment of Poles into impenetrable swamps. Susanin himself died, but the Poles were no longer able to get out of the swamps. In the center of Kostroma there is a monument to Ivan Susanin. Ivan Susanin and his feat are dedicated to the works

musical, visual and verbal art: opera by M. I. Glinka "Ivan Susanin" ("Life for the Tsar"), thought by K. F. Ryleev "Ivan Susanin", drama by N. A. Polevoy "Kostroma forests", painting by M. I. Scotti "The Feat of Ivan Susanin". Teacher: Who is this poem about? This monument was erected to the Two Heroes by the whole country In honor of the fact that the native land was delivered from dishonor. Students: Minin and Pozharsky. Teacher: So who, after all, helped Russia overcome the turmoil and expel the enemy? Students: The Russian people themselves, united in one militia. Teacher: We know that at all times the unity of the people was, is and will be the main national idea for our country, both politically and spiritually. This is the historical basis that connects our past, present and future. The teacher offers to answer the questions for the quiz: (group work) 1. In what year was the Day of National Unity first celebrated in modern Russia? 2. What memorable date was replaced by National Unity Day? 3. Name the president under whom National Unity Day became the red day of the calendar? 4. Under what king was the holiday first introduced? 5. What was the historical reason for this memorable date? 6. From whom were Moscow and Russia liberated in the 17th century, what was the beginning of the history of the Day of National Unity? 7. Who suggested the idea of ​​making 4 November, September 2004, a holiday in Russia? 8. Who led the assault on Kitaygorod on November 1, 1612?

9. Which city became the center of the 2005 National Unity Day celebration? The teacher suggests doing the exercise: "Continue the sentences": (group work) 1. The most precious thing for a person is ... 2. The patriot of his Motherland is ... 3. Far from my home, I will remember ... 4. Duty for me is ... 5 The light in the windows of my house is ... 6. I would like the future of my country to be ... 7. To help the Fatherland means ... 8. The law for me is ... Teacher: Let us always remember that we, Russians, are one people with a common historical destiny and a common future. Let us work together for the welfare of our Motherland. We are all united by Russia, and may our love for the Fatherland serve the common good! Our people saved their homeland, saved their faith and statehood. The day of the liberation of Moscow from the invaders is celebrated as the Day of National Unity. This is not only a holiday for the expulsion of the invaders who carry values ​​alien to us, it is a holiday of friendship and unity, a holiday of love and harmony, the belief that God is in truth and not in power. Remember the slogan of the winners: stick together, love and help each other, be able to sincerely forgive the offender. In conclusion, let's join hands and all together say this oath: The main thing is together! The main thing is to be friendly! The main thing is with a heart burning in your chest! We do not need indifference! Drive anger, resentment away! Remember this feeling of togetherness and amazing elation and keep it for life. Be worthy of the glory of your ancestors. Thank you for the attention.

Methodical development of a lesson for primary school students.
Author: Elizarova Maria Alekseevna, primary school teacher, municipal state educational institution Galkinskaya secondary school, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Kamyshlovsky district, village Galkinskoye, 2016.
Grade: 1-4
Topic: "National Unity Day".
Event form: Travel lesson
Purpose: Formation of knowledge of students about the history of the holiday National Unity Day, through conversations with problematic issues.
To form a general idea of ​​the events associated with 1612;
develop the ability to analyze historical facts, compare, draw conclusions; develop self-control skills;
to foster a sense of pride in the Motherland on the example of the feat and dedication of the great citizens of Russia - Minin and Pozharsky.
Planned result:
Personal: show love and respect for the Motherland, understand the role of cohesion and unity in a person's life.
Metasubject: students show personal UUD (self-determination to the topic of the classroom hour, assess the content being learned; self-assess); regulatory UUD (self-regulation, as the ability to mobilize forces and energy, to volitional effort; students exercise self-control.); communicative UUD (express their point of view, clearly and fully arguing their thoughts, know how to work in a team); cognitive UUD (formulate a goal, analyze, compare the proposed information, search for and highlight information, formulate a problem)
Subject: demonstrate knowledge about the history of the National Unity Day holiday, understand the importance of unity in human life.
Lesson plan:
Organizational moment 2 minutes
Motivational target stage. Stop "Target". 5 minutes
The main stage. Learning new material. Stop "Explanatory". 5 minutes
Physical. Minute. 3 minutes
Continuing to study new material. Stop "Historical". 10 minutes
Consolidation of the acquired knowledge. Stop "Experts" 5 minutes.
Stop "Typewriter" 5 minutes
Summarizing. 5 minutes
Equipment: computer, projector, screen, presentation "National Unity Day".
Course of the lesson:
Org. Moment
(slide 1)
The teacher reads a poem.
They do not argue with history, They live with history, It unites For heroism and labor One state, When one people, When with great power He moves forward. Today is the Day of UnityWe celebrate with you!
Motivational target stage
- It is very important for each of us to know the history of our Motherland. Our great homeland has a glorious, eventful, heroic history. For centuries, the people of our country have had to fight numerous, strong and cruel enemies in order to defend the freedom and independence of their homeland.
(slide 2)
- Today we will go on a journey in a time machine into the past. But in order for us to return back to the present, we will need to visit all the stops of our car.
- Let's hit the road? (YES)
- We close our eyes, sit down more comfortably and count down 10 magic seconds into the past: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,1 ... Here we have arrived.
(slide 3)
1) Stop "Target".
- First stop "Target". On it, we need to determine the purpose of our arrival here.
(slide 3: mouse click)
- Look, there is an inscription on the time machine. Read it. (National Unity Day).
- What is this? Maybe some kind of holiday?
- Formulate the topic and purpose of our activity? (Topic: National Unity Day holiday. Purpose: to find out the history of the holiday, the meaning of the word "unity") - Well done, let's go further….
3. The main stage. Learning new material.
2) Stop "Explanatory".
(slide 4)
- Next stop "Explanatory". We need to know the meaning of the word "unity".
- What is unity? (children's opinions)
- Where can we find out the meaning of this word? (In the explanatory dictionary).
- Let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary.
1. Community, complete similarity. unity of views.
2. Integrity, solidarity. unity. nation,
3. Indissolubility, mutual connection. unity of theory and practice.
(slide 5)
- What do you think, to what, then, is the National Unity Day calling us? (To the unity of Russians. After all, it is in the unity, in the unity of the people, the strength of Russia). - Tell me, are people united in our time? Are they all friendly?
- Unfortunately no. Now in the world there are conflicts and wars: Ukraine, USA, France, Syria, as an example to you. All of this is due to discord, disrespect and power struggles. What should be done to avoid conflicts and wars? (Children's opinions).
- That's right, you need to respect each other, be friendly, be able to find a compromise, always remain a Human.
- Well done, we continue our journey ...
4. Physical minute.
(slide 6)
“But we can't move on. Our machine is running out of energy. Let's charge it. Let's jump, run, pat, drown. Our car is charged, let's move on ...
(sweet 7)
5. Continuation of the study of new material. Conversation about the history of the holiday.
3) Stop "Historical".
(slide 8)
- Before us is the stop "Historical". Here, you will carefully listen to the history of the formation of the holiday, because the next stop is "Experts", where we have to answer questions.
“It's so dark and gloomy at this stop. What happened here? (Children's opinions). Let's find out.
- Now we are in 1612, at that time the Great Troubles began in Russia.
- Tell me, how many years ago did we go back if it's 2016? Let's count? That's right, 404 years ago. (Slide 9)
- And what is this time - Troubles? This was the name of the restless time of crop failures, famine, riots and uprisings. Taking advantage of this, the troops of the Polish and Swedish kings invaded the Russian lands. Soon the Poles were in Moscow, the capital of our Motherland. A mortal threat looms over the state. Polish troops burned out the Russian state, devastated, killed people. Sighs and sobs were heard around, and then the end of the patience of our people came. The Russian people decided to merge into one united to expel opponents from their native land. (Slide 10)
It was on November 4 that the people's militia - the country's armed forces, led by the Nizhny Novgorod voivode - military commander - Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky successfully stormed (attacked) Kitay-Gorod - a region of Moscow inside the Kitaygorodskaya fortress wall, forcing the command of the Polish army to sign an immediate surrender, i.e. That is, to abandon the upcoming struggle, to admit defeat.
(slide 11)
Dmitry Pozharsky was the first to enter the liberated city with the sacred icon of the Kazan Mother of God in his hands.
(slide 12)
It was she, as they sacredly believed in Russia, and helped to defend the State of Moscow from the Polish invasion.
(slide 13)
In honor of the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the glorious victory of the Russian army over the Polish invaders, Russian President V. Putin in 2005 signed a decree on the establishment of a new national holiday in Russia on November 4, National Unity Day.
(slide 14)
In 2005, Nizhny Novgorod became the center of the celebration. The opening of the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky took place there.
(slide 15: watching a fragment of the film)
In 2007, Vladimir Khotineko, a Russian film director, shot the historical film "1612", which shows the life and fate of the events of the Troubles - times of riots, riots, unrest.
(slide 16)
On this day, November 4, a solemn government reception is always held in the Great Kremlin Hall, at which people who have made a great contribution to the development and prosperity of Russia are awarded.
(slide 17)
Now in Russia the Day of National Unity is becoming more and more popular. After all, pride in our Motherland, for its past and present, and faith in its happy future - this is what invariably unites people and makes them a single people.
Look around, everything has brightened, freshened up. We continue our journey.
6. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge
- Let's check how attentively you listened.
(slide 18)
4) Stop "Experts".
In what year did the Great Troubles begin? (1612)
What people were at enmity with the Russian people? (Poles)
At the head, with what governors did the Russian people storm Kitay-Gorod? (Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky)
With what icon did Dmitry Pozharsky enter the liberated city? (icon of the Kazan Mother of God)
In what year did the President of the Russian Federation V.V. signed a decree establishing the National Unity Day holiday in Russia? (2005)
In which city was the monument to Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky unveiled in 2005? (Nizhny Novgorod)
What is the name of the Russian filmmaker's film dedicated to the events of the Time of Troubles? (1612)
It is in honor of this event that National Unity Day is celebrated. 400 years have passed, during this time many times different countries tried to seize Russia, but they failed, all people stood up to defend their country.
(slide 19)
5) Stop "Typewriter".
We will soon have to return to our time, but we still have one more stop "Typewriter".
The teacher gives letters to each child. The letters make up the phrase "United and united, our people are invincible." Then the phrase should be said as quickly as possible, with everyone calling their own letter, and in the intervals between words, everyone claps their hands.
- Look, only by joint efforts, when we united, rallied, we were able to pass this stop. Well done! And what does the phrase that you uttered mean? (Children's opinions).
- Under no circumstances should we forget that our strength lies in our unity, in our solidarity. It is absolutely not important what surname this or that person bears, what nationality he is, it is important that we all treat each other with respect, because only together we are capable of more than alone.
7. Completion of the activity.
- We drove through all the stops, completed all the tasks. It's time to return to our time. We close our eyes, hold hands and count 10 magic seconds forward: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
(slide 20)
- So we are back in 2016. Let's summarize. What goal have we set for ourselves?
- Do you think we have achieved the goal?
(slide 21)
- What conclusion can we draw with you? What is the role of cohesion and unity in a person's life?
-I hope that now you will respect each other, listen and help.
(slide 22)
- Our country is multinational, more than 180 nationalities live in Russia and each has its own customs, fairy tales and songs. But we all have one big, united Motherland, Russia!

Open lesson for grades 5-11

Theme. National Unity Day.

Methodical development

An open classroom lesson


Artist: history teacher

Olkhovskaya secondary school

Chernyshova S.A.

Open class hour topic. National Unity Day.


Formation and development of a personality with the qualities of a citizen-patriot.

Educating students' patriotic feelings on the examples of historical events, on the example of the unification of popular patriotic forces for the expulsion of the invaders from the Russian lands in the beginning. 17th century.

Moral education.

Maps on the history of the Fatherland: “Time of Troubles in Russia at the beginning. 17th century "," Polish-Swedish intervention and the liberation of Moscow in 1612 ".

Presentation of the open lesson "National Unity Day".

Lesson type:

Explanatory and illustrative (If desired, the teacher can distribute the lecture part to the most prepared children.) With elements of students' creative work.

Classroom plan:

    Organizing time. Entering the lesson.

    Lecture. Presentation.

    Creative work of children in groups. Traditions and symbols of the holiday.

4. Conclusion.

Announcement of the topic and purpose of the lesson. Questions to the children: What do you think the name of this holiday means, what kind of holiday is it? (They may offer their own options for questions, and then fragments of the beginning of the presentation may be presented).

Start of presentation.

October 22 (November 4, new style) 1612 - Day of the liberation of Moscow by the forces of the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

On November 4, a public holiday in the Russian Federation, National Unity Day, was first celebrated in 2005.

Nationality is an expression of love for the Fatherland. National Unity Day is a day of expressing love for one's Fatherland, realizing oneself as a part of a great people and willingness to sacrifice oneself at any moment for the salvation of one's Fatherland.

A.2. Lecture using maps and presentation fragments.

The teacher's words: "Today we have to get acquainted with the history of this holiday."

With the death of the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1584, the time of Troubles began for almost thirty years. The Troubles began with popular unrest associated with the great famine at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries. For two summers in a row there was extraordinary weather, in the summer of 1601, first there were heavy rains, cold rains, snow fell in July, and snowfalls began in August. We went on a sleigh like in the middle of winter. Bonfires were burned in the fields to save unripe ears, but this did little to help. Everything would not be so tragic if the next year was fruitful. But nature was "confused" again. Spring began as warm as it should be, winter crops grew rapidly, but, like last year, frosts "great and terrible" burst out, followed by dry and hot summers. Instead of bread, weeds reigned in the fields. In the third year in 1603, nature did not "rebel", but there was nothing to sow. Hunger began. They ate everything: cats, mice, chaff and hay, manure and roots. And the worst thing that never happened in Russia was cannibalism.

People starved to death in the streets. In Moscow, only three mass graves were buried 127 thousand people, mainly those who came to the capital in the hope of salvation. Muscovites, as a rule, were buried in church cemeteries. Contemporaries believed that a third of the Moscow kingdom died out.

Crowds of people walked along the roads, gangs of robbers gathered. The ordinary life of the state was disrupted by rebellious strife, unrest, and unrest. The tsars were still crowned in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, but they did not remain on the throne for long. After the death of the childless Fedor in 1598 and in May 1591 of Tsarevich Dmitry, the Rurik dynasty was suppressed. The commission that investigated the circumstances of the death of the latter came to the conclusion that the death was caused by an accident. But in the time of troubles, another version appeared: the tsarevich was killed by people sent by Boris Godunov. Events responded with tragedy 10 years later: False Dmitry appeared, who announced that he was Tsarevich Dmitry, who escaped death and with his accession to the country there would be order. The Polish princes, who were not satisfied with peace with Russia, decided to seize the opportunity and help False Dmitry to ascend the Moscow throne. In exchange for support, False Dmitry agreed to fulfill a number of conditions. To the Polish nobleman Mnishek, he promised a million zlotys and to marry his daughter Marina, as well as to transfer to her the inheritance of Pskov and Novgorod, to the Polish king - Part of the Russian lands and to convert Russia to Catholicism.

In the fall of 1604, the army of False Dmitry (about 2 thousand mercenaries) invaded Russia and, relying on those who were dissatisfied with the policy of B. Godunov, quickly advanced to Moscow with hunger. By 1605, after the death of B. Godunov, the way to Moscow was free. On June 20, 1605, False Dmitry1 entered Moscow. 21.07.1605 crowned in the Assumption Cathedral. But already in February 1606, the ambassadors of King Sigismund came to Moscow with territorial claims. The willfulness of a Pole in Moscow was the main reason for the conspiracy, as a result of which False Dmitry was killed, and Vasily Shuisky was shouted out by the tsar.

The inglorious reign of V. Shuisky began. By the fall of 1611, Russia had ceased to exist as a single state. A significant part of the territory was seized by the Poles, numerous impostors acted in the south, the Novgorod land came under the rule of Sweden.

Mortal danger forced citizens to forget their personal troubles and rise to defend the Fatherland. Patriarch Hermogenes became the banner in this struggle. He called on all people to rise to war for the Orthodox faith, for the Russian land. From Moscow, captured by the Poles, he sent out his letters of appeal. His last letter was an appeal to the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod. The Poles starved the Patriarch to death, but it was no longer possible to stop the people who rose to fight. A powerful patriotic wave, which was born in Nizhny Novgorod, put an ordinary citizen Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky at the head of the popular movement.

It all started with the fact that the Nizhny Novgorod zemstvo head Kuzma Minin had a vision: the Monk Sergius appeared to him, ordered to collect the "treasury" for military needs and ordered to cleanse the Moscow state. Minin realized that the Lord himself was patronizing him, and in the fall of 1611 he turned to the people of Nizhny Novgorod, urging them to sacrifice everything for the liberation of the Russian land. Minin, calling on people for help, said: “Our faith and our Fatherland are perishing, but we can save them. We will not spare our life and property for the deliverance of Moscow, we will sell our houses, we will mortgage all our property and redeem the Fatherland out of trouble! " Tears flowed down Minin's cheeks when he uttered these words, the holy fire of love for the Fatherland shone in his gaze. Citizens shouted: "Let's die for Holy Russia!" All hearts, all souls, all desires were united in this cry. It was distributed in all remote places of Russia, it led to one goal, it inspired all its defenders.

Voluntary donations allowed the formation of a militia. Each gave one-fifth and even one-third of his property to the treasury. The one who was poorer gave the last, those who had nothing went into bondage. Many cities of the Volga region and other places responded to the call of Nizhny Novgorod residents to stand up for the liberation of their land. The gathering of the new militia was appointed in Yaroslavl. Here the government "Council of the Whole Earth" appeared. In the summer of 1612, the militia moved to Moscow. On November 4, according to a new style, they managed to conquer a part of Moscow-China city. Soon the militia entered the Kremlin, devastated and desecrated by the invaders. Kuzma Minin walked ahead with the icon of the Kazan Mother of God in his Hands. Muscovites celebrated their victory vigorously. With the liberation of Moscow from foreigners, the people's militia began the work of liberating the entire country from Polish and Swedish invaders and restoring the independence of the Russian state.

A.3. Creative work.

Teacher's words: “Each holiday has its own symbols. For example, a Christmas tree is a symbol of the new year, a symbol of the holiday celebrated in the USSR on November 7, as a holiday of victory in the revolution, there were red flags that were hung in squares and other public places, the victory parade on Red Square and the song Victory Day and etc. And each holiday has its own traditions. The still new holiday "National Unity Day" has no traditions yet. I suggest you break up into groups (preferably 7 people in each) and complete the following tasks: come up with and draw the symbols of this holiday; come up with the traditions of this holiday. "

Group work (5-7 min.)

Groups defending their proposals (2-3 min.)

Possible options:

Symbols. Monument to Minin and Pozharsky; the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, etc.

Traditions. Theatrical performances of various significant historical events (the Battle of the Ice, the Battle of Kulikovo, the liberation of Moscow from the invaders, etc.); folk festivities (with elements of folk games, songs)

A.4. Conclusion.

Discussion of the work of the groups. Summarizing.

To children “What do you think, do we need this holiday? Do we need to remember the events of 1612 and the role that the people played in the liberation of their Fatherland?