Report of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the academic year. Where is MGMSU located? reviews of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University The path from foundation to

Report of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the academic year.  Where is MGMSU located?  reviews of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University The path from foundation to
Report of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Medical University named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the academic year. Where is MGMSU located? reviews of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University The path from foundation to

The history of the development of forensic dentistry in Russia is closely connected with the activities of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University (formerly MMSI named after N. A. Semashko). The department was founded on September 1, 1970. The first head was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor B. S. Svadkovsky, under whose leadership the department successfully developed issues of forensic dentistry. A number of candidate's dissertations were defended on this problem, 2 collections of scientific papers and several teaching aids were published. Until recently, the textbook on forensic dentistry by B. S. Svadkovsky was the only one for dental students in Russia.

From 1978 to 1989 The Department of Forensic Medicine of the MMSI was headed by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Major General of the Medical Service, Chief Forensic Expert of the Armed Forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Vitaly Vasilyevich Tomilin.

Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine MMSI, prof. B. S. Svadkovsky (right) and head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the II Moscow Regional State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogova, prof. V. M. Smolyaninov

After graduating from the Naval Medical Academy, V.V. Tomilin served as a naval doctor in the Pacific Fleet, worked at the Central Forensic Laboratory of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, first as an expert, and then as head of the laboratory, Chief Forensic Expert of the Armed Forces of the USSR (RF ).

V.V. Tomilin is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including 15 manuals, textbooks, and monographs. The scientist's scientific interests are diverse: problems of personal identification, forensic medical examination in cases of disputed paternity and maternity, genetics, physiology of handwriting, etc. The works of V.V. Tomilin are well known in our country and abroad, they are characterized by novelty and originality. His monograph “Hereditary polymorphism of isoantigens and blood enzymes in human health and pathology” (co-authored with A.K. Tumanov) was awarded the prize named after. N. F. Gamaleyi of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. His publication of several reference books on forensic medicine for lawyers and textbooks for higher and secondary legal schools testifies to the breadth of the scientist’s scientific horizons. Under his leadership, more than a dozen doctoral and master's theses were defended. Many of V.V. Tomilin’s students head departments of forensic medicine at universities across the country.

For many years, V.V. Tomilin was the director of the Republican Center for Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Chief Forensic Medical Expert of the Russian Federation. Being an expert of the highest qualification category, he participated in complex examinations, advised specialists, and passed on his wealth of experience to young experts.

For many years, the scientist was a member of the board of the All-Russian Society of Forensic Physicians, editor-in-chief of the journal “Forensic Medical Examination”, and was deputy chairman of the Expert Council on Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

For his great services to national healthcare, Professor V.V. Tomilin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, the Badge of Honor, and many medals. V.V. Tomilin - Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Forensic and Social Medicine.

From 1989 to 2006 The Department of Forensic Medicine of MGMSU was headed by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan.

G. A. Pashinyan was born on February 19, 1933 in Armenia. After graduating from high school, he entered the medical faculty of the Yerevan Medical Institute.

The young doctor’s career began as a forensic medical expert in the city of Kirovakan.

After 6 years of working as a district forensic expert, Gurgen Amayakovich in 1962 entered clinical residency at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the II Moscow State Medical Institute (RSMU). The head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the II Moscow State Medical Institute, Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Smolyaninov, sensed an interest in science in the clinical resident and suggested him the topic of his Ph.D. dissertation. Joint work with V. M. Smolyaninov largely determined his fate. He always considered V.M. Smolyaninov his teacher.

During the years of residency, a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences was completed and submitted for defense on the topic: “Forensic determination of live births using the method of emission spectral analysis of lung tissue of newborns,” which was defended in 1965.

After completing his clinical residency, G. A. Pashinyan began his teaching career.

From 1964 to 1966 He worked as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine at the Peoples' Friendship University. P. Lumumba (RUDN University). In 1966 Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor A.P. Gromov suggested that G.A. Pashinyan move to the position of assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the 1st MMI named after. I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov). Department of Forensic Medicine 1 MMI named after. I. M. Sechenov (MMA named after I. M. Sechenov) was located in an old building in Abrikosovsky Lane, no. 1. This building of the former Institute of Forensic Medicine of the Imperial Moscow University on Devichye Pole is a historical and cultural monument and is part of the ensemble of buildings of the clinical campus, closing the famous “Alley of Life”.

In 1967, Professor V. M. Smolyaninov invited G. A. Pashinyan to the position of assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the II Moscow State Medical Institute (RSMU). And in 1970 he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.

At the Department of Forensic Medicine II Moscow State Medical Institute named after. N.I. Pirogov (Russian State Medical University), the scientist continued to engage in scientific research on the problem of live births in forensic medicine. The result of this work was a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic: “Complex forensic medical diagnosis of live births (morphological, biochemical, histochemical and spectral studies)” (1971). At the same time, G. A. Pashinyan worked on the issues of lifetime and prescription of mechanical trauma, diagnosis of death in young children.

In 1980, G. A. Pashinyan was awarded the academic title of professor in the department of forensic medicine. From 1980 to 1989, he was a professor at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the II Moscow State Medical Institute named after N. I. Pirogov (RGMU).

Over the years of work at the II MOLGMI, G. A. Pashinyan was actively involved in social work: he was the chairman of the trade union committee, the dean of clinical residency and graduate school of the II MOLGMI named after. N.I. Pirogov, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians.

In 1989, G. A. Pashinyan was invited to the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. N. A. Semashko (MSMSU) to the position of head of the Department of Forensic Medicine.

During his time at the department, he turned it into one of the leading departments of this profile, not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

The Department of Forensic Medicine of the MMSI was the youngest of the departments of forensic medicine in Moscow. Since 1970, the teaching of forensic medicine has been carried out at the medical and dental faculties. From the same year, a student scientific circle began to function at the department. Classes with students were conducted by professors B. S. Svadkovsky, V. V. Tomilin, associate professors V. N. Guzheedov, Yu. D. Gurochkin, V. P. Belyakov, E. A. Krasovskaya, V. V. Zharov, G. M. Melnikova and other teachers. Members of the circle published over 30 scientific papers and read many reports. In 1985, the report of 5th year student E. Kh. Barinov took a prize at the scientific and practical conference of the SSS MMSI.

G. A. Pashinyan (born 1933)

The teaching of forensic medicine is carried out at the medical and dental faculties according to the cyclic system, and since the 1989/90 academic year - according to the block system. Medical law is taught to students from all faculties of the university. With the introduction of the block system, the system of teaching the subject was revised: modern computer methods of teaching and monitoring knowledge were introduced, a new program was developed, teaching materials were brought into compliance with the new legislative acts of the Russian Federation (“Constitution”, “Fundamentals of legislation on the protection of the health of citizens”, “ Criminal and civil codes”, etc.).

Practical classes, both at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, include the study of the main sections of forensic medicine (at the Faculty of Dentistry with an emphasis on forensic dentistry). To develop practical skills during the course of the cycle, students, under the supervision of a teacher, carry out a forensic medical examination of corpses with the obligatory drawing up of a test report (“academic” expert report); in the forensic medical outpatient clinic in Moscow they examine the victims and assess the severity of the harm caused to health. In other classes, to improve the quality of work, develop clinical thinking, gain knowledge and skills in making a diagnosis and expert opinions, as well as to systematize the work of students with textbooks and teaching aids on all topics, individual programmed tasks (15 options) have been developed, consisting of test control questions (initial level of knowledge) and special tasks for intermediate and final control of the level of knowledge, as well as containing graphs of the logical structure of the lesson, a list of educational elements, and, if necessary, a block of additional information. Each task requires the student to know the material on the academic topic in all its sections. Analysis of individual assignments is carried out by the teacher during a practical lesson and is assessed on a five-point system.

The database of programmed test control contains about two thousand questions on all topics, which are adapted to the textbook, but necessarily contain material from lectures and teaching aids.

At the end of studying the subject, students of the Faculty of Medicine take an exam, students of the Faculty of Dentistry - a test. Depending on the number of students, several (4-10) versions of exam tests are selected, each with 40 questions. The computer issues question numbers (and standard answers for the examiner) from the database on the day of the exam or test. The overall grade, which is included in the student’s examination sheet and grade book, is determined as the arithmetic average of the sum of grades for the test report, work in practical classes during the entire academic block and for the final test control.

On the basis of the department, Thanatology Department No. 9 of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Department of Health was organized and is actively functioning, which the scientist still directs.

G. A. Pashinyan was one of the first in the system of higher medical education to apply the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology in the teaching of forensic medicine, which was reflected in a number of scientific articles, 30 textbooks, and 2 series of tables on forensic medicine.

During the existence of the department, its employees made a significant contribution to the development of issues of forensic dentistry.

Over 20 candidate dissertations have been defended on the topic of personal identification by dental status, expert assessment of dental damage and damage caused by human teeth. On issues of forensic dentistry, four scientific conferences were held at the department (1972-1978), among which were the 1st All-Union and 2nd All-Russian scientific conferences, and two collections of scientific papers were published.

Currently, the department staff maintains scientific contacts with foreign forensic dentists. In September 1989, Professors G. A. Pashinyan and V. V. Zharov made a presentation on identifying victims in large-scale disasters at the International Congress of Forensic Dentists, as well as at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki. The department carries out joint scientific research with forensic dentists in Lebanon.

Professor G. A. Pashinyan is a highly qualified specialist in the field of forensic medicine, an experienced teacher and researcher. He is the author of more than 650 scientific works, including 25 monographs. The scientist is one of the authors of the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms”, “Dictionary of Forensic Medical Terms”, a guide for investigators, many inventions and rationalization proposals, including those of industrial significance. He published works about the life and work of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor O. Kh. Porksheyan “Doctor, warrior, scientist, teacher” and about his teacher and scientific supervisor “Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Smolyaninov” (co-authored with E. Kh. Barinov ). Under the editorship of G. A. Pashinyan, 5 collections of scientific works have been published.

The scientist’s works have been published in the Great Medical Encyclopedia, in the journals “Forensic Medical Examination”, “Urology and Nephrology”, “Issues of Maternal and Child Health”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Healthcare”, “Aesthetic Medicine”, “Deputy Chief Physician” ", "Chief Doctor", "Quality Issues", "Medical Law", "Dentistry", "Clinical Dentistry", "Department", "Dermatology", "Expertise Issues in Medicine", "Kazan Medical Journal", "Nizhny Novgorod Journal ", "Pediatrics", "Bulletin of Dermatovenereology", "Biophysics", "Morphological Reports", "Biological Journal of Armenia". In addition, the scientific works of Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan were published in a number of foreign journals in Finland, Great Britain, and the USA. A number of his scientific works were published in the American Journal of Anatomy.

The main directions of scientific activity of G. A. Pashinyan are currently the problems of developing and improving methods for examining the corpses of newborns and young children, the use of modern biophysical research methods for diagnosing the duration of death, lifetime and duration of mechanical, as well as traumatic brain injury, identification individuals by dental status and anatomical and morphological features, issues of defects in the provision of medical care, organization and improvement of forensic dental examination, history of domestic forensic medicine.

Professors G. M. Barer and A. I. Doynikov as part of the expert commission on identifying the remains of the Yekaterinburg burial

The following books, written in collaboration with other scientists, are devoted to these issues: “Forensic medical diagnosis of live births”, “Morphological and biophysical indicators of the liver in mechanical trauma”, “Pathomorphology and expert assessment of brain damage in traumatic brain injury”, “Forensic medical examination in large-scale disasters”, “Biophysical research methods in forensic medicine”, “Organization of an inspection of the scene of an incident”, “Essays on the history of forensic medicine in Russia (XVI-XIX centuries)”, “Forensic medical examination in civil proceedings”, “Forensic -dental identification of a person (status and development prospects)”, “Legal literacy of dentists”, etc.

G. A. Pashinyan developed three main scientific directions in forensic dentistry: identification of a person by dental status; development of scientifically based criteria for assessing the severity of harm to health in cases of damage to teeth and bones of the facial skeleton; examination of adverse outcomes due to improper provision of dental care. The research carried out was highly appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Among the forensic dental issues that need to be resolved, the most common are those related to conducting identification studies to establish identity.

When identifying individuals, when the objects of study are bone remains, dismembered and charred parts of corpses, as well as when detecting putrefactively transformed and mummified corpses, dental methods for identifying individuals are often leading, and therefore continue to be intensively improved.

Therefore, teeth acquire special value due to their significant resistance to various unfavorable physicochemical factors, temperature, putrefactive transformation, etc.

This circumstance is of significant importance for forensic medical examination, since a person’s teeth are unique in their set of characteristics that individualize a person.

The evidentiary significance of forensic dental research in identifying a person largely depends on the correct choice of methods for their sequential research and knowledge of the basics of forensic identification, on taking into account the degree of variability of the properties of objects and their characteristics. It should be remembered that during identification, specific details of the identified object are especially important, which may turn out to be decisive.

To identify a person by dental status, methods of photo alignment, a comparative study of the anterior teeth using an intravital photograph of the face and skull, methods for comparing intravital and postmortem radiographs of the maxillofacial area, studying traces and imprints of teeth, anatomical and morphological features of the dental system, relief can be used. back of the tongue, hard palate, etc.

When studying an object, identifiable features are identified, which are recorded in various ways (in the form of a cast, optical or photographic images, odontograms, graphs, etc.) using methods such as comparison, sliding, superimposition and reperage. When studying the anatomical and morphological features of teeth and dentition, identification signs are divided into: anatomical and morphological parameters of teeth, anomalies of teeth and jaws, and signs acquired during life (caries and its complications, extracted teeth, orthopedic and orthodontic structures and their traces).

The study of anatomical and morphological features of teeth and jaws includes:

Clinical examination of patients (questioning, examination), corpses (examination);

Inspection and morphometric study of plaster models of teeth and jaws;

X-ray examination;

Statistical method.

To create a bank of dental data, in each examined case, a specially designed examination card is filled out, which records passport data, results of an examination of the oral cavity, dental formula, etc.

Particular attention is paid to the presence or absence of dental diseases, such as:

Carious and non-carious lesions of teeth (caries, pulpitis, erosion, fluorosis, wedge-shaped defect);

The presence of roots of decayed teeth, artificial crowns, implants;

The presence and nature of the filling material;

Anomalies of the dental system.

Examination of teeth and dentition is carried out using dental instruments, as well as an intraoral video camera. To obtain a video image on a computer monitor, the image is processed using licensed software.

For each patient, an electronic card of 21 images is created to create an archive of studies, into which information about the patient is entered (personal code, gender, age, date of study, etc.).

One of the important stages of research when creating a data bank is obtaining an accurate plaster model (copy) of teeth and jaws.

To do this, using a standard technique adopted in orthopedic dentistry, impressions are taken with an alginate mass using an individual tray suitable for the size of the patient. Then, combined models are cast from supergypsum or ordinary medical plaster for subsequent study. Odontometric measurements of plaster models are also carried out using generally accepted methods with an accuracy of up to 0.1 mm. Particular attention is paid to the geometric dimensions of teeth: width, height and thickness.

When identifying a person, the rational use of plaster models is of great importance, because they are stored for a long time in dental institutions during orthopedic treatment and are repeated several times for dynamic observation.

The significance of using the X-ray method for studying the dentofacial system in identifying a person is well known.

To identify a person, the ethno-territorial, gender and intra-population characteristics of the morphology of the human dental arches were studied, a hardware-software computer complex was developed for it, a database and a method for determining the intra-population variability of the signs of the dental arches were created, taking into account possible application in forensic medicine and ethnic anthropology.

A method has also been developed for determining the ethno-territorial affiliation of an individual based on the parameters of the dental arches in relation to the purposes of forensic medical examination.

The first domestic textbook on forensic medicine for dental students

The system for measuring the signs of dental arches is detected using the specified complex for non-contact measurement according to a program that includes 50 measuring linear and angular signs.

A computer database has been created for the study of dental arches for ethno-racial groups.

To identify a person, for the first time in forensic medicine, a study of the pattern of the mucous membrane of the back of the tongue was proposed, the anatomical location of which makes it accessible to study by visual methods, as well as using various optical instruments.

Impressions of the tongue are taken using alginate masses and special trays, and then plaster (positive) models are made. To accurately indicate the location, shape and number of groove-shaped, leaf-shaped, mushroom-shaped and filiform papillae, the angles of their location, which are strictly individual, a diagram-map is used, proposed by G. A. Pashinyan and F. Ayub (1992), according to which the back of the tongue is divided into 10 squares (five on each side), separated by a midline running from the marginal sulcus to the middle of the tip of the tongue. The 1st to 5th squares are located on the right, and the 6th to 10th squares are on the left.

Particular attention is paid to the number and location of the circumvallate papillae, which are the most informative in identification studies. To register them, a fairly simple scheme is used.

The diagram is presented as follows: along the midline, the magnitude of the angle (in degrees) from the center of the terminal sulcus is noted.

On the upper horizontal line on the right and left, Arabic numerals indicate the number of papillae located on the I and X squares. On the lower horizontal line, the number of circumvallate papillae on squares II and IX is determined.

Similar schemes can be used to determine the localization and quantitative characteristics of leaf-, fungi- and filiform papillae.

In addition, the pattern of the mucous membrane of the dorsal surface of the tongue of 272 corpses of persons of both sexes aged from 4 to 87 years, of which 110 women and 162 men, was studied.

To reliably study the pattern of the back of the tongue, a set of modern research methods has been developed that maximally conveys information about the structure of its mucous membrane.

A comprehensive study includes: examination of the tongue, both in living persons and corpses, determination of its geometric parameters using a device specially designed for these purposes (certificate No. 11042 dated February 17, 1999); making plaster models based on impressions of the mucous membrane of the dorsal surface of the tongue of corpses; the use of computer research using an Olimpus digital camera, a Telicam intraoral video camera from Schik Technologies, and video recording using a Sony Handycam Video camera to record the anatomical and topographical features of the structure of the dorsal surface of the tongue; histological examination of the mucous membrane of the tongue to confirm the identified macroscopic changes in its relief.

Statistical processing of the material is carried out using the application package “Excel 7.0”, “Statgraphics 2.1”.

Methods of one-dimensional and multidimensional mathematical analysis made it possible to create a model of the topographic-anatomical structures of the tongue in health and in diseases of internal organs. The oral cavity is examined using a dental probe and a mirror.

The study included 4 physiological characteristics of an individual (age, gender, height, weight) and 26 parameters of the tongue and dental system, which had its own coding.

The research results made it possible to identify 7 age intervals, which form the basis of diagnostic rules for identifying a person, depending on the initial identification characteristics.

Starting at age 10, differences in tongue length become statistically significant by gender. Comparing the maximum dimensions of the tongue (9.5 cm for women and 11 cm for men), it should be noted that only men can have a tongue longer than 9.5 cm. The maximum width of the tongue in women is 7 cm, while in men it is 7.8. Only men can be in the width interval of more than 7 cm.

In terms of tongue thickness, differences are observed in age groups I (5-9), II (10-13), V (25-44). With a tongue thickness of up to 0.4 cm, women are identified with a confidence probability of 80%, and with a thickness of 1.72 cm, men are identified.

The volume of the tongue depends to a certain extent on age. Starting from the age of 5, its volume increases naturally until the age of 61, then by the age of 80 it decreases slightly, without reaching the original figures.

To solve problems of personal identification using multivariate statistical analysis, calculating 18 diagnostic classes, of which 1 to 7 inclusive characterize the age periods of women: 5-9 years, 10-13, 14-16 years, 17-24 years, 25-44 years, 45-64 years, 65 years and older; from 8 to 14 - for men, according to the previously indicated age; from 15 to 18 - their race: Sudan, Jordan, Morocco and South Asia, and the coefficients of the discriminant function are calculated.

To establish a person’s gender and age, the physiological parameters of the individual are taken into account. An automated program “Gender” and “Age” has been developed, containing an established natural connection between the external characteristics of a person and topographic-morphological qualitative and quantitative indicators of the relief of the back of the tongue.

Thus, taking into account the studied physiological parameters of the individual and the morphological structures of the relief of the dorsal surface of the tongue, using multidimensional mathematical analysis and the linear regression function, it seems realistic to simultaneously determine gender, age and ethnic-racial affiliation in the presence of only the oral organs of the studied object.

Relatively recently, data appeared in forensic medicine about the possibility of identifying a person based on the structural features of the hard palate. The choice of the hard palate as an object of study for these purposes is due to its resistance to the effects of various endo- and exogenous factors. The lateral folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, located perpendicular to both sides of the palatal suture and limited by the alveolar edge of the upper jaw, have a statistically significant individuality.

Guide to practical training in forensic dentistry

The study of the anatomical features of the lateral folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate can be carried out using a visual method (using a dental mirror) and using alginate casts and a plaster model, which makes it possible to use the relief features of the hard palate as an additional criterion in the forensic medical examination of personal identification.

Moreover, it should be noted that the putrefactive transformation of a corpse within 4 months. after death does not affect the topographic and anatomical features of the main relief elements of the hard palate.

Based on the characteristics of the pattern of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, 5 lateral folds can be roughly distinguished: 1 form - linear, it can be straight and tortuous; 2 form - two diverging lines in the form of a tick, which with its apex rests on the middle seam; 3 form - a line coming from the middle seam and bifurcating into two branches from the middle; 4 shape - a line coming from the middle seam and forming a ring-shaped pattern at its free end; 5 shape-line coming from the middle seam and dividing into three branches from the middle.

The levels are limited to the right and left by the upper edge of the alveolar process: 10th - projection of a conventional straight line between the interdental spaces of the canine and first premolar; 2nd level - projection of a conditional straight line between the midpoints of the crowns of the first premolars; 3rd level - projection of a conditional straight line between the interdental spaces of the first and second premolars; 4th level - projection of a conditional straight line between the midpoints of the crowns of the second premolars; Level 5 - projection of a conditional straight line between the interdental spaces of the second premolar and first molar.

The side fold at each level can be paired or single, located on one or the other side.

Taking into account the presented data, a classification of the main elements of the hard palate is proposed, based on the identification of 5 anatomical forms of the lateral folds of the hard palate mucosa and a certain level of their location in each individual case. This classification can be presented in the form of an accessible schematic drawing.

The center of the diagram is the median (palatal) suture, the apex is the incisive papilla, the lateral sides (right and left) are represented by folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, running perpendicular to the median suture in a certain sequence (corresponding to the designated conventional levels).

The structural features of the relief of the mucous membrane of the hard palate can be described using a simple mathematical model that characterizes both the various anatomical forms of the lateral folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate and the levels of their location.

The mathematical model reflects the strict individuality of the relief of the mucous membrane of the hard palate for each case, is simple to compile and does not require special knowledge and can, along with the odontogram, be filled out by the dentist in the outpatient card directly upon seeing the patient.

When summarizing the above data, it is necessary to emphasize that at present, when studying the dental status, there is a real opportunity to establish the identity of a person even in the presence of putrefactive transformation, mummification, when dismembered, skeletalized parts of a corpse are discovered, etc.

However, forensic dental methods, unfortunately, have not received sufficient application in expert practice, including due to the lack of a database, even for people involved in dangerous and risky work, due to insufficiently clear maintenance of medical records.

The methods proposed by the staff of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law for the purpose of identifying a person by dental status received wide coverage in the pages of the journal “Forensic Medical Examination”.

The first publications by G. A. Pashinyan and his co-authors on the study of the anatomical and morphological features of the dental system date back to 1993. For the first time in forensic medicine, panoramic radiography and an extended odontogram were used for personal identification. These data were published in the journal Forensic Medical Examination and received some resonance in many countries.

On the pages of the journal “Forensic Medical Examination”, other sections of forensic dentistry, including those related to the responsibility of dentists for improper provision of dental care, received wide coverage.

The development of modern medical science and legal practice of society has led to the fact that forensic dentistry should be presented as an independent section of forensic medicine. The future of this section is not conceivable without the widespread use of the achievements of modern dentistry, which can be applied in expert activities. Forensic dentistry will, without a doubt, attract medical specialists who will choose forensic medicine as their profession, adding to the cadre of forensic experts.

The department has developed and proposed new methods for identifying individuals based on the anatomical and morphological characteristics of teeth and dental arches, the mucous membrane of the dorsal surface of the tongue and gums, the relief of the hard palate, scientifically based criteria for assessing the severity of harm to health in isolated injuries of the teeth, lower jaw, doctoral and candidate's dissertations on the development and medico-legal substantiation of standards for orthopedic and therapeutic dentistry;

An analysis of errors and unfavorable treatment outcomes in dental practice was carried out.

On the initiative of G. A. Pashinyan, 2 international conferences were held on the problem of forensic dental examination with the participation of leading dentists from foreign countries.

In the activities of G. A. Pashinyan, a large place is occupied by the issues of training scientific and pedagogical personnel and forensic experts. Under his leadership, 25 doctoral and 80 candidate dissertations have been defended, many clinical residents and interns have undergone and continue to undergo training, and currently 6 doctoral and 17 candidate dissertations are being completed.

In 2006, the Department of Forensic Medicine of MSMSU was merged with the Department of Medical Law. A student of G. A. Pashinyan, Professor Pavel Olegovich Romodanovsky, who continued the scientific traditions laid down by his predecessors, was elected head of the department of forensic medicine and medical law.

The problem of identifying objects and processes in forensic medicine occupies an important place, which has been repeatedly emphasized in the decisions of the All-Russian Congresses of Forensic Physicians, Plenums of the Board of the VNOSM and VOSM. For further development, it is included in the targeted comprehensive program of the Scientific Council for Forensic Medicine under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

The department is developing two main areas: forensic medical diagnostics and expert assessment of brain damage due to traumatic brain injury (TBI) and organizing the activities of the forensic medical service in large-scale disasters with a large number of victims (including taking into account new methodological methods of identification victims according to their dental status: according to the characteristics of the state of the dentition, the pattern of the back of the tongue, the shape and pattern of the hard palate).

Most of the studies on the diagnosis and expert assessment of brain damage in traumatic brain injury (establishing the mechanism, lifetime, duration and consequences) were carried out jointly with scientists from the laboratory of pathomorphology of the Research Institute of Neurosurgery named after. N. N. Burdenko S. Yu. Kasumova and G. F. Dobrovolsky.

The main place in the work of the department is occupied by the issues of pathogenesis and pathomorphology of cerebral reactions in closed traumatic brain injury. The research carried out by G. A. Pashinyan and P. O. Romodanovsky developed an expert assessment of the main types of focal and diffuse (generalized) brain reactions that occur in response to injury, features of the clinical course and forensic diagnosis of postanoxic traumatic encephalopathy. Scientists gave a classification of the main types of cerebral edema (vasogenic, hydrostatic, interstitial, cytotoxic and ischemic), their pathomorphological diagnosis, development mechanisms, expert diagnosis and assessment of acute and delayed swelling (hyperemia) of the brain in the dynamics of a traumatic disease.

The works of G. A. Pashinyan, P. O. Romodanovsky, E. V. Belyaeva, E. Kh. Barinov are devoted to the analysis of the relationship between various types of inertial loads (translational and rotational acceleration) of the head and the morphological substrates of brain damage. Scientists conducted a comparative clinical and morphological analysis of lethal contusional and axonal brain injuries, noted differences in the neurological picture and data from computer tomography studies of the victims’ brains.

G. A. Pashinyan and others studied the possible mechanisms of physical processes in the cranial cavity and in the brain, leading to focal and diffuse brain injuries. For the first time, a method was proposed for quantitative assessment (determining damage indices) of brain contusions and diffuse axonal brain injury; A connection was revealed between the indices of morphological substrates of cerebral damage and the severity of the clinical condition of victims in the acute post-traumatic period.

Proceedings of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of MGMSU

Diagnosis of head injury is based on morphological changes in the choroid plexuses and ependyma of the ventricles of the human brain during traumatic brain injury. The studies of G. A. Pashinyan, G. F. Dobrovolsky, P. O. Romodanovsky and R. G. Alimova were the first to provide a pathomorphological and expert assessment of changes in the cerebrospinal fluid circulation system during trauma in general and the morphological substrates of its main links - cerebrospinal fluid production and cerebrospinal fluid circulation.

A new methodological approach to the study of macro- and microtopographic relationships of cerebral structures and bone formations of the vault and base of the skull in traumatic brain injury was proposed by G. A. Pashinyan, G. F. Dobrovolsky, P. O. Romodanovsky and A. V. Dzhamiev, the technique three-stage sectional examination of the brain in case of injury: directly in the cranial cavity, after removal from the cranial cavity and after fixation in preservative solutions. Scientists presented and substantiated original morphometric approaches to quantitatively substantiate the degree of disturbances in the cerebrospinal fluid circulation system and expert assessment of cerebral edema in traumatic brain injury.

A significant role in the expert assessment of head trauma was assigned to the issues of biomechanics of brain damage.

P. O. Romodanovsky, using sectional material, analyzed the relationship of external and internal mechanisms of head injury with certain types of morphological manifestations of brain damage under various types of mechanical loads (shock, whiplash and compression), substantiated the role of the pressure gradient and cavitation, local and general deformation of the skull in formation of morphological cerebral substrates of injury. He was the first to consider options for deformation of brain tissue under shearing, compressive and tensile stresses in cases of contact and non-contact head injuries.

When studying issues of expert assessment of intracerebral traumatic substrates (G. A. Pashinyan, P. O. Romodanovsky, E. V. Belyaeva and G. M. Melnikova). The clinical and morphological manifestations of cerebral hemorrhages at various times in the post-traumatic period were analyzed. Based on comparative topographic-anatomical, pathomorphological, morphometric and statistical analysis, diagnostic criteria for various types of hemorrhages in the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem, their quantitative indicators (intraventricular hemorrhage index) and principles of expert assessment were presented.

Another scientific direction in the activities of the department in recent years has been the problem of organizing the work of the forensic medical service in emergency situations. The basis for solving its various aspects was a series of large-scale disasters with mass casualties, which showed that it is difficult for the territorial bureau of forensic medicine to ensure the timely and effective implementation of the required volume of expert research without attracting additional resources from other regions on their own. The situation was complicated by the lack of scientific developments and justification for calculating the need for expert personnel, the volume of research they conduct, and the approved forms and methods of medical provision of victims by clinical specialists that existed in the civil defense system turned out to be unacceptable for the purposes of forensic medical examination.

An analysis of the work of forensic medical examination in eliminating the consequences of accidents on water transport and railways made it possible to develop the basic organizational principles of the expert service in emergency situations. G. A. Pashinyan and E. S. Tuchik scientifically substantiated the tasks and ways of implementing a set of measures to ensure the constant readiness of the forensic medical service to work in extreme conditions, developed examination actions in the preparatory period, in the conditions of an emergency that has already arisen and after it. The given principle of organizing the activities of the forensic medical service in emergency situations, tested in practice, was recommended for use by territorial Bureaus of Forensic Medicine in eliminating the consequences of various types of natural disasters, technological, environmental and social disasters with human casualties.

When analyzing the studied material on large-scale technological disasters, G. A. Pashinyan and E. S. Tuchik revealed a significant number of deaths with varying degrees of destruction of bodies, which made it difficult to identify them by anthropometric indicators. Identification of corpses of unknown persons by dental status was carried out only in 55.7% of cases. This low figure is due to the fact that there is still no unified system for registering identification features that could be used to identify the dead. Therefore, along with the study of the organizational aspects of “disaster medicine,” the department attempted to study the dentofacial apparatus and maxillofacial area for the purpose of personal identification.

For the first time, to study and describe the condition of the dentofacial apparatus, G. A. Pashinyan and F. Ayub proposed to use the odontogram they developed, which allows recording not only the anatomical features of the structure of the teeth, their therapeutic, surgical and orthopedic treatment, types of occlusion, but also the condition of the surfaces of the roots of the teeth , the number of which for each tooth varies from 1 to 3. The authors showed that according to odontogram data, another 60 are added to the already known 160 signs of 32 teeth by assessing their root surfaces using magnified panoramic radiography, which provide valuable information about individual personality characteristics .

G. A. Pashinyan, F. Ayub showed that along with the study of the dentition, the relief of the back of the tongue can be used for identification purposes, the anatomical location of which makes it accessible to study visually, as well as with the help of various optical instruments. Using impressions obtained using their own developed method using alginate masses and plaster models (positive images), they established that the shape, topography and number of mushroom-shaped, leaf-shaped and grooved papillae have strictly individual characteristics, on the basis of which the authors proposed a topographic-anatomical classification of these formations according to their localization and a diagram-map, which can be used for identification examinations and risk groups.

E. V. Belyaeva confirmed the fundamental possibility of using the relief of the hard palate for personal identification purposes. Studying impressions of the relief of the hard palate of corpses of people of both sexes, different age groups in the dynamics of the postmortem period, she, based on the quantitative determination of relief elements and the degree of their severity, established the individuality of the pattern of the mucous membrane of the hard palate for each person.

It was revealed that the lateral folds of the hard palate have 5 different forms, the main contour of which was not affected by the processes caused by the putrefactive transformation of the corpse during a long (up to 4 months) postmortem period.

G. A. Pashinyan and E. V. Belyaeva established that each of the described forms of lateral folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate can occupy one or several specific levels, both on one and the other side of the median palatal suture. This made it possible, taking into account the data obtained, to develop a classification of the main elements of the relief of the hard palate, which can be presented in the form of an accessible schematic drawing.

Having analyzed the distribution of the frequency of occurrence of various anatomical forms of lateral folds of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, taking into account the sex of the individual and the shape of the bone base, G. A. Pashinyan and E. V. Belyaeva using the method of correlation analysis established the absence of a relationship between the nature of the above-mentioned anatomical features relative to each other and in depending on the levels and sides of their location, which allowed us to come to the conclusion that it is impossible to repeat the relief pattern of the hard palate in two people according to all the specified parameters. Based on the data obtained, the authors proposed a mathematical model (formula) of the relief of the mucous membrane of the hard palate, which (along with the odontogram) can be used as a source of information when creating a data bank for identifying a person by dental status.

The given brief review does not exhaust all aspects of the scientific activities of the department’s team on such a diverse problem as the identification of processes and objects of forensic medicine, however, it traces the main stages of research and development of knowledge in this area. In total, 8 doctoral and 17 candidate dissertations were defended on the problem, 3 monographs, 2 collections of scientific papers, more than 350 articles were published, more than 10 methodological recommendations and letters were prepared, more than 50 certificates of authorship and certificates for rationalization proposals were received.

Currently, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of the Moscow State Medical University is an educational and expert association. The thanatology department of the Bureau of Medical Examiner's and Medical Examiners of the Moscow Health Department operates on the basis of the department. The department's employees are highly qualified specialists (almost all are forensic experts of the highest qualification category) who perform a great deal of expert work. Serving the South-Eastern Administrative District of the capital, the department's staff performs about two thousand autopsies of corpses per year. They repeatedly took part in the work of State Expert Commissions in connection with the study of the remains of the royal family, with the liquidation of the consequences of large-scale disasters accompanied by mass deaths (Novorossiysk, Armenia, Arzamas, Bashkiria, Moscow and many others). They mastered and for the first time in the country applied a new type of forensic medical examination - an examination of determining the volume and quality of medical (including dental) care.

The administration of the Bureau of Medical Examinations of the Moscow City Health Department constantly attracts leading employees of the department to conduct particularly complex forensic medical examinations in criminal and civil cases.

The department, in addition to constant consultations with law enforcement officials, carries out a lot of work to provide effective assistance to practical healthcare, both at the municipal and city levels.

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law at MGMSU is the basis for training forensic experts for Moscow and the Moscow region. Over the past few years, more than 30 interns and clinical residents have studied and completed internships at the department, most of whom continue to successfully work in the Moscow City and Moscow Regional Bureau of Medical Examinations. Professors P. O. Romodanovsky, G. A. Pashinyan, E. S. Tuchik, associate professors A. V. Skrebnev, E. Kh. Barinov are involved in the training of young specialists.


Pavel Romodanovsky, professor, head of department

Department of Forensic Medicine, Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. ON THE. Semashko (now Moscow State Medical and Dental University) was founded on September 1, 1970. The first head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. B.S. Svadkovsky. Under his leadership, the staff of the department began to develop issues of forensic dentistry for the first time in the country, giving impetus to a new direction in forensic medicine. A number of candidate's dissertations were defended on this problem (V.N. Guzheedov, Yu.D. Gurochkin, E.S. Krasovskaya, etc.), 2 collections of scientific works and several teaching aids were published. Textbook on forensic dentistry by prof. B.S. Svadkovsky is still a fundamental textbook for dental students in Russia.

WITH From 1978 to 1989, the Department of Forensic Medicine was headed by a prominent domestic scientist, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Major General of Medical Service, Chief Forensic Expert of the Armed Forces of the country, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. V.V. Tomilin.

V.V. Tomilin was distinguished by his deep knowledge of the subject; former graduates of MMSI recall the professor’s interesting, informative lectures, which were given to a full audience. V.V. devoted a lot of effort. Tomilin worked in the student scientific circle, conducted excursions to the Central Scientific and Cultural Center, discussed cases from expert practice with student members of the circle, edited student scientific reports and communications.

Under the guidance of prof. V.V. Tomilina defended more than a dozen doctoral and master's theses (Yu.I. Sosedko, V.V. Kolkutin, G.Yu. Sakharov, etc.). Many students of V.V. Tomilina heads the departments of forensic medicine at universities in Russia and the CIS countries.

WITH From 1989 to 2006, the Department of Forensic Medicine of MGMSU was headed by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Prof. G.A. Pashinyan(1933–2010). Prof. G.A. Pashinyan will appear


Professor B.A. Svadkovsky

He was a highly qualified specialist in the field of forensic medicine, an experienced teacher and researcher. He is one of the authors of the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms”, “Guide for Investigators”, many inventions and rationalization proposals. Edited by prof. G.A. Pashinyan has published 5 collections of scientific works.

Under the guidance of prof. G.A. Pashinyan developed and proposed new methods for identifying a person based on the anatomical and morphological features of teeth and dental arches (R.A. Chemekov), the mucous membrane of the dorsal surface of the tongue (F. Ayub) and the relief of the hard palate (E.V. Belyaeva). A number of doctoral and master's theses on the development and medico-legal substantiation of dental care standards have been successfully completed (Yu.A. Malyi, N.N. Bondarenko and many others).

On the initiative of Prof. G.A. Pashinyan held 2 international conferences on the problem of forensic dental examination with the participation of leading dentists from a number of foreign countries.

A big place in the activities of prof. G.A. Pashinyan was occupied with the issues of training scientific and pedagogical personnel and forensic experts. Under the leadership of G.A. Pashinyan defended 20 doctoral and 60 candidate dissertations.

Prof. G.A. Pashinyan was Chairman of the Presidium of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians, Chairman of the problem commission of the interdepartmental Scientific Council on Forensic Medicine, member of the editorial board of the journal “Forensic Medical Examination”, Deputy Chairman of the dissertation council at MGMSU. Professor G.A. Pashinyan was elected academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences and the International Academy of Integrative Anthropology. For great services to the Motherland G.A. Pashinyan was awarded the Order of Honor and many medals.

IN In 2006, the Department of Forensic Medicine was merged

With Department of Medical Law. Professor Pavel Olegovich Romodanovsky, who until that time headed the department of medical law formed at the university in 2004, was elected head of the department.

Professor P.O. Romodanovsky is a student of Professor G.A. Pashinyan. Under his leadership, the staff of the department continued research related to the issues of traumatic brain injury, personal identification by dental status, legal regulation of medical activities and the responsibility of medical workers in the field of healthcare. Under the leadership of P.O. Romodanovsky, 15 candidate's dissertations have been defended, 3 doctoral and 5 candidate's dissertations are being carried out.

IN Currently, many experienced people work at the department

Professor V.V. Tomilin specialists in the field of forensic medical examination,

Department staff

doctors are forensic medical experts of the highest qualification category. Among them, one should highlight the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor V.V. Zharov, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, professor S.A. Korsakov, associate professors E.Kh. Barinova, A.V. Skrebneva, Z.P. Chernyavskaya, N.E. Dobrovolskaya.

Professor V.V. Zharov led the forensic medical service of Moscow for many years, was the head of the State Budgetary Institution "Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Moscow Department of Health", strengthened and improved the forensic medical service of the capital. In the sphere of scientific interests of Professor V.V. Zharov includes issues of organizing forensic medical services and forensic thanatology.

Scientific research of Professor S.A. Korsakov are devoted to the issues of biomechanics of injury, mechanics and morphology of skull fractures.

Associate Professor Z.P. has been working at the department for many years. Chernyavskaya, who is actively working in the trade union committee of MGMSU. Scientific research of associate professor Z.P. Chernyavskaya are devoted to issues of forensic dentistry, the problem of personal identification by dental status.

Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov is the head of the academic department of the forensic medicine course. Directions of scientific research of Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov includes issues of forensic medical examination of living persons, lifetime and age of formation of injuries, forensic medical examination in civil proceedings and the history of domestic forensic medicine. For many years, Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov is engaged in journalism, is a member of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation, chairman of the editorial board of the journal “Medical Expertise and Law”.


Associate Professor N.E. Dobrovolskaya is in charge of the academic department of the jurisprudence course. Scientific interests of Associate Professor N.E. Dobrovolskaya include issues of professional errors and defects in the provision of medical care in dentistry.

Professor P.O. Romodanovsky and Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov do a lot of public work in the Moscow Society of Forensic Physicians, being members of the board of the Moscow Society of Forensic Physicians, they are responsible for organizing and conducting scientific and practical conferences of the Moscow Society of Forensic Physicians, publishing collections of scientific papers. Under their editorship, 10 collections of scientific works by MOSM have been published.

For many years, a student scientific circle has been successfully functioning at the department, in which students of all courses of the medical and dental faculties, the economics faculty are actively involved, who, under the guidance of teachers, master practical skills of expert activity, engage in scientific work, prepare abstract reports on current problems of forensic medicine and medical law. Currently, the circle is headed by Professor P.O. Romodanovsky, the curator of the circle is Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov and assistant L.V. Sahakyan. In recent years, members of the circle have published over 30 scientific papers, made many reports, most of which were awarded with awards, prizes, and certificates of honor from the International Society of Young Communists.

Many former circle members chose forensic medical examination as their specialty, and some, like L.V. Sahakyan, M.A. Sukhareva, O.I. Kosukhina, I.L. Balashov became employees of the department.

The Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law of MGMSU is the base for training forensic experts for Moscow and the Moscow region. Over the past few years, more than 50 interns and clinical residents have studied and completed internships at the department, most of whom continue to successfully work in the Moscow City and Moscow Regional Bureau of Medical Examinations.


Department of Therapy, Clinical Pharmacology and Emergency Medicine

Arkady Vertkin, professor, head of department

The department was organized in 1991 on the basis of one of the oldest and most famous departments of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute, Department of Internal Medicine.

The Department of Internal Medicine was created and over the years headed by outstanding scientists and health care organizers, who are the pride of national medical science: Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences V.F. Zelenin, professor L.I. Fogelson, M.I. Teodori, I.A. Chernogorov, P.A. Barkhash, S.O. Badylkes, I.B. Kabakov, D.F. Presnyakov and E.I. Zharov.

Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Filippovich Zelenin (1881–1968) is an outstanding domestic physician, full member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist, whose scientific works were devoted mainly to cardiovascular diseases. He was the founder and director of the Clinical Institute of Functional Diagnostics and Experimental Therapy of the Main Science of Moscow State University (later the Medical-Biological Institute), director of the hospital clinic of the medical faculty of the 2nd MMI, director of the Institute of Therapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. One of the founders of Russian clinical electrocardiography, he proposed the bicardiogram theory, which received universal recognition, and contributed to the widespread introduction of electrocardiography into medical practice.

One of the founders of electrocardiography in our country, he did a lot not only in studying ECG changes in various diseases, but also contributed to the widespread introduction of electrocardiography into healthcare practice. His work on the study of “angina pectoris” (angina pectoris) led to the creation of “Zelenin drops” containing nitroglycerin, menthol, belladonna and valerian, which became widely known not only in medical circles, but also among the population. It was in the forties and fifties of the last century one of the most popular means of treating coronary heart disease.


Professor Lazar Izralevich Fogelson (1890–1979) headed the department in 1937–1938. Famous therapist, professor of cardiology, founder of Russian electrocardiography, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, head of the therapeutic clinic of the Central Research Institute for the Examination of Working Capacity and Labor Organization of Disabled People. Lazar Izrailevich became famous for his numerous works on the electrical systole of the heart and systolic indicator, stages of hypertension, chronic collaptoid condition, work on electrocardiography of the dying heart, the influence of extracardiac nerves on the heart, differentiation of degrees of coronary insufficiency and disorders of the pulmonary circulation.

Professor Chernogorov Ivan Alekseevich (1894–1971) headed the department in 1951–1959. Prominent Russian cardiologist. Since 1959, he headed the department of diseases of the cardiovascular system at the Institute of Therapy of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Author of over 60 works on theoretical and practical issues of pathology of the cardiovascular system, including 5 monographs. The works of I.A. are important. Chernogorov, devoted to the experimental and clinical study of the laws of the physiological doctrine of excitation and inhibition of Vvedensky-Ukhtomsky. Work on introducing this teaching into clinical practice began with his doctoral dissertation “On the physiological nature of heart block,” published in the monograph

V 1946, and continued in his works such as “Pectoris angina”, “Heart rhythm disturbances”. Of great interest are his works on the study of myocardial biochemistry in coronary circulation disorders.

Professor Dmitry Fedorovich Presnyakov (1908–2000) headed the department from 1960 to 1980.

Professor Evgeniy Iosifovich Zharov (1929–1997) headed the department from 1975 to 1997. Student of Professor P.E. Lukomsky, Evgeniy Iosifovich Zharov, having headed the department, continued to develop issues of treatment of acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, congestive heart failure, and cardiac arrhythmias. E.I. Zharov was one of the first at the institute to organize clinical testing of new drugs, many of which are now used in medical practice.

He is the author of over 150 scientific papers on current issues in cardiology and internal diseases. He trained 18 candidates and 6 doctors of medical sciences. Under his leadership, doctoral dissertations of professors N.I. were successfully defended. Bodruga, I.V. Butorova, A.L. Vertkina, S.V. Zitsa, A.I. Kabakov and M.S. Benyumovich.

For almost 40 years, the creative and therapeutic activities of Prof. M.S. Benyumovicha was associated with the department and City Clinical Hospital No. 50. At the department, for the first time in the country, he conducted a study on infarction-like changes on the ECG. Based on a huge number of clinical and anatomical comparisons, hundreds of cases of errors in the diagnosis of myocardial infarction were analyzed. This research went

V the basis of his doctoral dissertation. In 2002, the Council of the University of Cambridge (UK) included M.S. Benyumovich among the outstanding intellectual leaders of the world. He was Corresponding member of the Academy of Natural Sciences and the American Biographical Institute (USA). Professor M.S. Benyumovich devoted a lot of energy, attention and soul to his pedagogical work.

IN late 1970s prof. E.I. Zharov invited young active doctors to work at the clinic, who were given the task of developing at a modern level.


not a medicinal business. Among them were prof. Anatoly Ivanovich Martynov (now an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, head of the Department of Hospital Therapy at Moscow State Medical University) and assistant Arkady Lvovich Vertkin (now a professor, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation). The department became a member of the USSR Pharmacological Committee. For the development and implementation of methods for the production and clinical diagnostic use of thallium-201 E.I. Zharov, A.L. Vertkin and A.I. Martynov were awarded the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Together with pathophysiologist and radiologist Professor K.D. Kalantarov began to develop methods for radioisotope studies of cerebral and hepatic blood flow to assess the effectiveness of drugs. For the first time in the country, a program for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis using food supplements based on polyunsaturated fatty acids was introduced.

IN In 1989, on the initiative of prof. E.I. Zharova, a course of clinical pharmacology was transferred to the Department of Internal Medicine. The course was headed by professor, now academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Anatoly Ivanovich Martynov.

IN In 1991, the course of clinical pharmacology was separated into an independent department, headed by Professor Arkady Lvovich Vertkin. Clinical pharmacology is taught to students of medical and dental faculties, interns and residents. From the very beginning, the department paid special attention to the issues of pharmacotherapy of emergency conditions at the prehospital stage.

Professor A.L. Vertkin is the initiator of the creation and permanent leader of the National Scientific and Practical Society of Emergency Medical Care. On the basis of the department, doctors and paramedical personnel of emergency medical services stations are trained, and a lot of organizational and methodological work is carried out.

Professor A.L. Vertkin is the editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation journal “Emergency Doctor” and the scientific and practical journal “Emergency Therapy”. Since 2008, the department has been renamed the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Emergency Medical Care. The department's staff is well known abroad thanks to its publications, numerous professional contacts, organization of exchanges between doctors from different countries, and participation in major world and European conferences.

WITH 1980s The department conducts active international activities. Employees regularly undergo internships in leading clinics in the USA and European countries, participate in the work of international scientific societies, congresses and conferences.

Faculty of the department

Vilkovysky F.A. – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology since 1995. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. He completed his residency in emergency medicine at the Research Institute named after. N.V. Skli Fosovsky. Worked on the first cardioreanimobile in Moscow from the Research Institute named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky. He defended his PhD thesis under the title “Cardiology” (treatment of pulmonary edema). In the future, the main direction of scientific activity is chronopharmacology and chronotherapy in cardiology. He worked directly with the founder of chronobiology in the world, Professor F. Halberg (USA). In 1990 he defended his doctoral dissertation in this area. Based on research in this area, a patent for an invention has been registered (chronotherapy for arterial hypertension). Lectures were given on this topic at New York Medical University. Has more than 100 printed


works, including foreign ones. Certified in three specialties: internal medicine (highest category), cardiology and clinical pharmacology. Currently works as a professor at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Emergency Medical Care at Moscow State Medical University.

Professor Prokhorovich E.A. – author of more than 100 works published in domestic and foreign medical publications. Doctoral dissertation E.A. Prokhorovich, “The role of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 class in the primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease,” summarizing these studies, was recognized by the Higher Attestation Commission as the best work of the year. E.A. Prokhorovich continues to actively work in the field of primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerotic diseases, and pays much attention to the pharmacotherapy of infectious and inflammatory diseases.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Naumov A.V. oversees the study of osteoporosis in patients in a therapeutic clinic, clinical pharmacology of NSAIDs.

Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Aleksanyan L.A. – Deputy Chief Physician for the Medical Unit of City Clinical Hospital No. 50

Associate Professor Candidate of Medical Sciences Rodyukova I.S. came to the department in 1994. After graduating from Moscow State Medical University, she completed her residency and postgraduate studies at the department and defended her thesis on the topic “Improving the pharmacotherapy of emergency conditions at the prehospital stage using distance learning for doctors.” At the department, he directs the work of the SNK, is a member of the group for conducting clinical research, deals with issues of express diagnostics in cardiology and the clinic of internal diseases, primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, identification of comorbid pathology in people with CVD, organization of medical examination rooms at large enterprises .

Associate Professor Candidate of Medical Sciences Topolyansky A.V. Since 1994, he has been the head of the 2nd cardiology department, specialized for the treatment of chronic forms of coronary artery disease. Author of more than 80 published works, including the monograph “Silent Myocardial Ischemia”, “Practitioner’s Handbook”, “Emergency Aid” reference guide for practitioners, a universal medical reference book and other reference books for practitioners, nursing staff and a wide range of readers .

Associate Professor Doctor of Medical Sciences Lyubshina O.V. In a short time she went from a resident physician to a candidate of medical sciences and an associate professor and, having demonstrated good administrative abilities, she currently heads the laboratory of somnology and neuropathy and the department of premorbid conditions of City Clinical Hospital No. 81.

Associate Professor, Ph.D. Ivanov V.S. Head of the therapeutic department of City Clinical Hospital No. 50. Currently, on the basis of the department, 10 graduate students and residents are engaged in therapeutic work, 4 assistants of the department are engaged in pedagogical and advisory work, 3 of whom are candidates of medical sciences. V.S. Ivanov was awarded the “Professional of Russia” medal in 2006.

City Clinical Hospital No. 50 of Moscow is the base of the department.

For more than 50 years, the clinical base of the department has been the largest multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow, City Clinical Hospital No. 50. The hospital has general and cardiac intensive care departments, cardiology, therapeutic, gastroenterology departments, a department of functional diagnostics, a clinical laboratory, and a large consultative and diagnostic center. On the basis of City Clinical Hospital No. 50 there are clinics


specialists in general and pulmonary surgery, urology, ENT diseases, neurology at Moscow State Medical University, department of operative gynecology, which allows us to offer patients the full range of modern high-tech medical care.

The staff of the department carry out a lot of medical work: planned patient care, hospital duty. Associate Professors A.V. Topolyansky, A.D. Fishchenko, assistant V.S. Ivanov are the head of the departments of cardiology, cardiac resuscitation, and

pii. The department's employees carry out extensive advisory work in therapeutic departments, related departments, and the CDC.

Educational work of the department

The student clinic has 7 well-equipped training rooms, in addition, the department has: a computer class (with Internet access), an educational information center (video library), a separate training room for classes on clinical research for conducting cycles of thematic improvement of specialists and students in the basics Good Clinical Practice (GCP), a museum of the history of the development of emergency medical care in the Russian Federation.

At the Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacotherapy and Emergency Medicine, students of the Faculty of Medicine of the 4th and 6th evening and day courses, and the Faculty of Dentistry of the 4th and 5th courses are trained in the specialty of clinical pharmacology.

WITH Since 2008, the department has been training specialists in the specialty “General Medicine”, qualification – paramedic in accordance with the State educational standard of secondary vocational education in the following disciplines:

– “Syndromic pathology, differential diagnosis with pharmacotherapy”;

– “Diagnostics and treatment of emergency conditions”;

– Industrial practice: “primary professional skills”; “according to specialty profile”; “qualifying practice” (internship).

The department includes four research laboratories - somnology, neuropathy, erectile pathology and osteoporosis; two schools for students, doctors and patients with asthma and thyro-schools; classrooms for classes - a simulation class, a computer class, a conference room and 7 training rooms.

Making up for missed classes is carried out using situational tasks, tests and personal conversations with teachers.

The department carries out constant educational work with students, interns and residents to form a deontological approach to patients, develop clinical thinking, and caring attitude towards patients. Teamwork is aimed at optimizing the interaction between patient and doctor.

The department annually hosts the internal medicine section of the final conference of young scientists and the student Olympiad in therapy.

WITH For the purpose of in-depth study, elective courses are conducted on the following topics:


Student scientific circle

– basics of Good Clinical Practice (GCP);

– evidence-based medicine;

– pharmacotherapy of emergency conditions at the prehospital stage.

The department pays great attention to the educational process. The staff of the department are pioneers in the country in the preparation of medical performances (educational games), in which the pedagogical process is carried out based on the classics of the genre. A fund of videos has been created, including clinical examples; presentations, methodological

There is a student scientific circle at the department, headed by Associate Professor Irina Sergeevna Rodyukova, Candidate of Medical Sciences. All the years the Student Scientific Society worked at the department. Many of its active members linked their future fate with the department. Among them is I.S. Rodyukova, E.G. Silina (associate professor of the department), O.B. Polosyants (associate professor of the department), E.M. Skvortsova (doctor of functional diagnostics), F.A. Semenov (reanimatologist), E.A. Krivtsova (department assistant), E.A. Algiyan (senior laboratory assistant of the department).

Postgraduate education

The department trains residents and interns in clinical pharmacology, therapy and emergency medicine. There is postgraduate training in clinical pharmacology and therapy. The department trains students from various regions and cities of Russia: Stavropol, Ivanovo, Ulan-Ude, Smolensk, Pyatigorsk, Rostov-on-Don, etc.

Young employees successfully participate in the “Contest of Young Scientists of MGMSU” and scientific conferences. All residents and interns are given the opportunity to engage in scientific activities.

Scientific work

More than 100 candidate and 11 doctoral dissertations have been defended at the department. Employees of the department have written 5 textbooks, 8 monographs, and 447 articles have been published in domestic and international journals. 12 teaching aids have been written for teachers and 13 for students, and 24 educational posters have been created. The magazines “Emergency Doctor” and “Emergency Therapy” contain both scientific articles and clinical information materials necessary for a practicing physician and are deservedly popular in the medical community.

Since 1996, the department has been an active participant in international clinical trials of new drugs. The department conducted 54 studies: 3 – phase I, 12 – phase II, 39 – phase III.


Publication in print media: Forensic medicine and medical law: Current issues. Materials of a scientific and practical conference with international participation, dedicated to the memory of the Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Professor G.A. Pashinyan. – Moscow 2011

P.O. Romodanovsky, E.H. Barinov, S.A. Korsakov, A.V. Skrebnev, Z.P. Chernyavskaya

Department of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law, State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGMSU, Moscow

In 1989, Professor Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan (1933-2010) was invited to the Moscow Medical Dental Institute named after. N.A. Semashko (MMSI) to the position of head of the Department of Forensic Medicine.

From 1989 to 2006, Professor Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan headed this department and turned it into one of the leading departments of this profile not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

This department of forensic medicine was the youngest of the departments of forensic medicine in Moscow. G.A. Pashinyan’s predecessors were prominent domestic forensic doctors, Professor B.S. Svadkovsky and Professor V.V. Tomilin.

By the time Gurgen Amayakovich arrived at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the N.A. Semashko Moscow Medical Institute, the department was experiencing significant difficulties with material and technical equipment. However, Gurgen Amayakovich was not embarrassed by difficulties; he was used to overcoming them.

When it was formed, the Department of Forensic Medicine of the MMSI (MGMSU) occupied one classroom and a professor’s office. Autopsies with students were carried out on the basis of the former Lefortovo morgue of the Bureau of Medical Examiners in Moscow and in the pathological department of City Clinical Hospital No. 70. Currently, the department has two sectional halls, six monothematic rooms equipped with methodological aids and electrified stands, an auditorium with 120 seats, modern computers, duplicating equipment, audio and video equipment, etc. In addition, the department has a library, numerous textbooks, and other educational and scientific literature. All this is the undoubted merit of Gurgen Amayakovich.

The teaching of forensic medicine is carried out by the staff of the department at the medical and dental faculties according to the cyclic system, and since the 1989/90 academic year - according to the block system. Classes in medical law are conducted with students from all faculties of the university. With the introduction of the block system, the system of teaching the subject was completely revised and modern computer methods and methods of teaching and monitoring knowledge were introduced. A new program has been developed, methodological materials have been brought into compliance with the new legislative acts of the Russian Federation (“Constitution”, “Fundamentals of legislation on the protection of citizens’ health”, “Criminal and Civil Codes”, etc.).

Practical classes, both at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, include the study of the main sections of forensic medicine (at the Faculty of Dentistry with an emphasis on forensic dentistry). At the department, in order to develop practical skills, students, in the process of completing the cycle, independently, under the supervision of a teacher, carry out a forensic medical examination of corpses with the obligatory drawing up of a test report (“academic” expert report), in the forensic medical outpatient clinic of Moscow they will examine the victims and assess the severity of the harm caused to health . In other classes, to improve the quality of independent work, develop clinical thinking skills, gain knowledge and skills in making a diagnosis and expert opinions, as well as to systematize students’ work with textbooks and study guides on all topics, individual programmed tasks (15 options) have been developed. consisting of test control questions (initial level of knowledge) and special tasks for intermediate and final control of the level of knowledge, as well as containing graphs of the logical structure of the lesson, a list of educational elements, and, if necessary, a block of additional information. Each assignment is designed in such a way that it requires the student to know the material on the educational topic in almost all its sections. Analysis of individual assignments is carried out by the teacher during a practical lesson and is assessed on a five-point system.

The database of programmed test control contains about two thousand questions on all topics studied, which are mainly adapted to the textbook, but necessarily contain material from lectures and teaching aids.

At the end of studying the subject, students of the Faculty of Medicine take an exam (students of the Faculty of Dentistry - a test). Depending on the number of students, several (4 - 10) versions of exam tests are selected, each with 40 questions. The question numbers (and standard answers for the examiner) are provided by the computer from the database directly on the day of the exam or test. The overall grade, which is included in the student’s examination sheet and grade book, is determined as the arithmetic mean of the sum of grades for the test report, for work in practical classes during the entire academic block and for the final test control.

Gurgen Amayakovich paid a lot of attention to issues of organizing and improving the educational process. Thanks to his efforts and concerns, the material and technical equipment of the Department of Forensic Medicine has improved; on the basis of the department, Thanatology Department No. 9 of the Bureau of Forensic Medicine of the Moscow Department of Health has been organized and is actively functioning. Being a highly qualified specialist and experienced organizer in the field of forensic medicine, Gurgen Amayakovich headed this thanatological department until January 2010.

Gurgen Amayakovich was one of the first in the system of higher medical education to apply the fundamentals of pedagogy and psychology in the teaching of forensic medicine, which was reflected in a number of scientific articles, 30 textbooks, and 2 series of tables on forensic medicine.

During the existence of the department, one of its significant merits was the significant contribution made by employees to the development of issues of forensic dentistry. This happened largely thanks to the direct participation of Gurgen Amayakovich. Over 20 candidate dissertations have been defended on the topic of personal identification by dental status, expert assessment of dental damage and damage caused by human teeth. On issues of forensic dentistry, four scientific conferences were held at the department (1972 - 1978), among which were the 1st All-Union and 2nd All-Russian scientific conferences, and two collections of scientific papers were published.

In 1990, the Department of Forensic Medicine of the MMSI (MGMSU), together with the Bureau of Medical Examinations of the Moscow Department of Health, held a scientific conference of young specialists from the Bureau of Medical Examinations and the Department's SSS. From 1989 to 1990 Three scientific and practical conferences of young scientists and specialists in Moscow and Leningrad were held, at which prizes were taken by reports made by graduate students and applicants of the department S.G. Sternik, E.Kh. Barinov. In 1992, a scientific and practical conference “Current issues in the theory and practice of forensic medicine” was organized on the basis of the department, at which reports were presented by graduate students of the department R.G. Alimova, E.H. Barinova, E.V. Belyaeva, E.S. Tuchik, as well as graduate students of the departments of forensic medicine and pathological anatomy of other universities in Moscow.

Currently, employees of the department are establishing close ties to establish scientific contacts with foreign forensic dentists. Back in September 1989, Professor G.A. Pashinyan and Professor V.V. Zharov made a presentation at the International Congress of Forensic Dentists on the identification of victims in large-scale disasters, as well as at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki. Joint scientific research is being carried out with forensic dentists in Lebanon.

On May 22-23, 1997, the International Conference on Forensic Dentistry was held at the Moscow Medical Dental Institute. Much credit for organizing this conference belongs to the Department of Forensic Medicine of MSMSU and directly to Professor G.A. Pashinyan with the active participation of the British Association of Forensic Odontologists. The conference was attended by leading experts in forensic medicine from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, as well as England, France, Lebanon and other countries, including employees of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examinations of the Moscow Government. The conference program was extremely interesting not only for forensic scientists, but also for lawyers specializing in the field of criminology, who also took part in the conference. The reports covered issues related to personal identification, the work of the forensic medical service during large-scale disasters, and the use of new techniques in forensic medicine and forensic dentistry.

Currently, the department hosts annual scientific and practical conferences of young scientists and specialists of the Moscow Society of Forensic Physicians, organized by Professor E.S. Tuchik and Associate Professor E.Kh. Barinov.

Everyone with whom Gurgen Amayakovich had the opportunity to work noted his friendliness, sensitivity towards people, deep decency and high erudition.

Professor G.A. Pashinyan was a highly qualified specialist in the field of forensic medicine, an experienced teacher and researcher. His works have been published in the Great Medical Encyclopedia, in the journals “Forensic Medical Examination”, “Urology and Nephrology”, “Issues of Maternal and Child Health”, “Obstetrics and Gynecology”, “Healthcare”, “Aesthetic Medicine”, “Deputy Chief Physician” ", "Chief Doctor", "Quality Issues", "Medical Law", "Dentistry", "Clinical Dentistry", "Department", "Dermatology", "Expertise Issues in Medicine", "Kazan Medical Journal", "Nizhny Novgorod Journal ", "Pediatrics", "Bulletin of Dermatovenereology", "Biophysics", "Morphological Reports", "Biological Journal of Armenia". In addition, the scientific works of Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan were published in a number of foreign journals in Finland, Great Britain, and the USA. A number of his scientific works were published in the American Journal of Anatomy.

The main directions of scientific activity of Professor G.A. Pashinyan were the problems of developing and improving methods for examining the corpses of newborns and young children, the use of modern biophysical research methods for diagnosing the duration of death, lifetime and duration of mechanical, as well as traumatic brain injury, personal identification by dental status and anatomical and morphological features, issues of defects in the provision of medical care, organization and improvement of forensic dental examination, history of domestic forensic medicine.

The books written in co-authorship with other scientists are devoted to these issues: “Forensic medical diagnosis of live births”, “Morphological and biophysical indicators of the liver in mechanical trauma”, “Pathomorphology and expert assessment of brain damage in traumatic brain injury”, “Forensic medical examination in large-scale disasters", "Biophysical research methods in forensic medicine", "Organization of an inspection of the scene of an incident", "Essays on the history of forensic medicine in Russia (XVI-XIX centuries)", "Forensic medical examination in civil proceedings", "Forensic -dental identification of a person (status and development prospects)”, “Legal literacy of dentists”, etc.

During the leadership of the Department of Forensic Medicine of the MMSI named after N.A. Semashko (MGMSU), Gurgen Amayakovich developed three main scientific directions: identification of a person by dental status; development of scientifically based criteria for assessing the severity of harm to health in cases of damage to teeth and bones of the facial skeleton; examination of adverse outcomes due to improper provision of dental care. The research carried out was highly appreciated not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Under the leadership of Professor G.A. Pashinyan, new methods of personal identification were developed and proposed based on the anatomical and morphological features of the teeth and dental arches, the mucous membrane of the dorsal surface of the tongue and gums, and the relief of the hard palate. Scientifically based criteria for assessing the severity of harm to health in isolated injuries of the teeth and lower jaw have been developed. A number of doctoral and master's theses on the development and medico-legal substantiation of standards for orthopedic and therapeutic dentistry have been successfully completed; analysis of errors and adverse outcomes in dental practice.

On the initiative of Gurgen Amayakovich, 2 international conferences were held on the problem of forensic dental examination with the participation of leading dentists from a number of foreign countries.

A large place in the activities of Gurgen Amayakovich was occupied by the issues of training scientific and pedagogical personnel and forensic experts. For many years he led the work of the student scientific circle. Many circle members, thanks to Gurgen Amayakovich, chose forensic medicine as their profession.

In 2006, the Department of Forensic Medicine of MSMSU was merged with the Department of Medical Law. Professor Pavel Olegovich Romodanovsky, a student of Gurgen Amayakovich, was elected head of the department of forensic medicine and medical law. Gurgen Amayakovich Pashinyan continued to work at the department as a professor until January 2010.

I would like to note that Gurgen Amayakovich was very friendly and attentive to his colleagues, principled and tactful, and always distinguished by intelligence and modesty. Gurgen Amayakovich, like a real scientist, was always full of ideas and creative plans.

In Moscow, future nurses, doctors and pharmacists study at several higher educational institutions. One of the universities is the Medical and Dental University, named after the Soviet scientist-dentist and maxillofacial surgeon Alexander Ivanovich Evdokimov. This is a government institution that has been conducting educational activities in the capital of our country since 1922. A huge number of students annually choose MSMSU based on positive reviews and a good reputation.

The path from the founding to the present day

Modern MSMSU grew out of the State Institute of Dentistry (abbreviated designation - GIZ). It was opened in 1922. The institution operated under this name for approximately 5 years. Then it was renamed the Institute of Dentistry and Odontology. The purpose of the institution was postgraduate training. In addition, it was engaged in providing dental care to people.

In 1932, the institution became a research institute. A higher educational institution was opened on its basis to train students in the dental specialty. The university was named the Moscow Dental Institute. In 1939, the research institution and the higher education institution were merged. As a result of this, the Moscow State Dental Institute appeared. 60 years later it acquired its modern name as a result of a change in status.

Moscow State Medical and Dental University is located, as its name suggests, in the capital of our country. Its address is Delegatskaya Street, 20, building 1. This is where you should contact when making a decision about entering the university.

University structure

MSMSU has been able to achieve excellent results in its activities over several decades. It has become the leading higher educational institution in the field of dental education in our country, the largest educational and scientific-practical center, and has gained fame abroad. The organizational structure of the university is represented by several faculties, as evidenced by reviews of MSMSU:

  • dental;
  • medicinal;
  • economic;
  • clinical psychology;
  • social work;
  • education;
  • pedagogical education in higher medical school;
  • additional professional education.

Judging by the reviews, the Faculty of Dentistry at MGMSU is the most popular. The profession of a dentist is in demand and profitable. People come to specialists not only for treatment, but also for aesthetic correction and the elimination of external imperfections. Future dentists after graduating from university can work in dental clinics or open their own office.

All faculties offer students quality education. Training is carried out in modern educational buildings, laboratories, and clinics. There is a library. It has been operating since 1926 and is one of the leading structural divisions of the university. It stores several thousand books necessary in the educational process and the development of medical specialties.

Consultative and diagnostic clinic

Judging by the reviews about MSMSU, the university consists of more than just faculties. It also has other structural divisions. An example is a consultative and diagnostic clinic located in Moscow on Dolgorukovskaya Street, 4. In it, the university provides medical assistance to the population. This department of the university has a dental department. It consists of 6 rooms equipped with the latest foreign equipment.

A very well-thought-out material and technical base has turned the clinic into a medical institution of a high European level. Patients here receive qualified medical care, and students learn the necessary practical skills and knowledge from qualified employees focused on the highest quality work.

Students speak positively about the institution, because here they get involved in their future work and get an idea of ​​​​the activities of doctors. But people who come here for medical help sometimes leave negative reviews about the MGMSU clinic. One of the patients did not see any advantages in the institution. She came here with inflammation of the salivary gland. First, students conducted an examination at the clinic. Then they invited a doctor. After all the examinations, the patient was prescribed a paid one. All manipulations were carried out, naturally, for money, but they did not bring any results. The specialists were unable to prescribe any treatment because they were unable to determine the cause of the inflammation.

Description of the Clinical Medical Center (CMC) MGMSU, reviews

Another structural unit of the university is the clinical medical center. It is located in Moscow (Eastern Administrative District) on Kuskovskaya Street, vl. 1 A. Reviews about the MGMSU center say that it has 8 departments where people turn for medical care. So, here is a list of these structural units:

  • endoscopy department;
  • department of plastic and;
  • radiology room;
  • Department of Surgical Otorhinolaryngology;
  • Department of Urology;
  • ophthalmology office;
  • department of intensive care and anesthesiology;
  • Department of Neurosurgery.

The center employs qualified specialists and university students undergo internships. Various diseases are treated here and plastic surgery is performed. For example, reviews of neurosurgery at Moscow State Medical University indicate that the center’s specialists deal with a wide range of diseases and injuries of the brain and spinal cord. Modern equipment allows you to quickly make diagnoses and perform surgical interventions of any complexity.

Training of students in higher education programs

So, we got acquainted with the structural divisions of the university. Let us now consider the features of studying at the university. People who decide to get a higher education at a medical university enroll here in the following areas of training:

  • "Dentistry".
  • "Healing."
  • "Clinical psychology".
  • "Social work".
  • "Management".

More than 80 departments are involved in the educational process. Lectures and seminars are organized for students. Students receive the first skills necessary for future activities at the university during practical classes in specially equipped rooms in which there are various medical instruments, devices, and phantoms. Upon successful training, university staff offer students a variety of forms of educational and research work.

Training in secondary vocational education programs (SVE)

Applicants, leaving reviews about MSMSU, write that the university is not limited to training in higher professional education programs. When enrolling here, you can choose vocational education programs. Applicants are accepted for 3 specialties:

  • “General Medicine” to qualify as a paramedic.
  • "Orthopedic dentistry" for qualification
  • “Preventive dentistry” for qualification

Studying in secondary vocational education programs can be chosen for several reasons. Firstly, it is easier to enroll in the offered specialties. Applicants are not required to take the Unified State Exam. At the “General Medicine” course, they must undergo a psychological test - an interview. At Orthopedic Dentistry they take a drawing. Secondly, after graduating from college it is easier to go to university. You will not need to take the Unified State Exam. Exams will be held at the university in prescribed subjects. Thirdly, mid-level medical workers are in demand in medical institutions.

Residency training

Any graduate after graduating from a medical university cannot engage in practical activities. In order to obtain this right, it is necessary to complete a residency and acquire a specific specialization. Moscow State Medical and Dental University invites you to a huge number of areas:

  • "Gynecology and Obstetrics."
  • "Immunology and allergology."
  • "Anesthesiology and resuscitation."
  • "Genetics".
  • "Pediatric surgery".
  • "Cardiology".
  • "Oncology".
  • "Orthodontics".
  • "Ophthalmology".
  • "Radiology".
  • "Reflexology".
  • “Maxillofacial surgery”, etc.

There are many specializations in the MSMSU residency program in “Dentistry”. Reviews indicate the following options:

  • "Children's Dentistry".
  • "General Dentistry".
  • "Orthopedic dentistry."
  • "Therapeutic dentistry."
  • "Surgical dentistry."

Teaching Staff

The staff of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University are highly qualified specialists, true professionals in their field. Among them are professors, doctors of medical sciences, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureates of international and Russian awards, honored doctors of the Russian Federation, and honored scientists.

A lot of reviews were left by students about the teachers. Some students say that there are many good people in the university staff. They can help in difficult times, give advice and not only on studies. Many teachers make concessions and allow bad grades to be corrected any day after class. But, unfortunately, not the whole team is like that. MSMSU students, in their reviews of teachers and classes, note that there are some individuals whom you don’t even want to come to lectures with. Such teachers do not provide useful information to students and constantly deviate from the topic. Students are only pleased with the fact that there are very few such employees at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

student life

When choosing a university, applicants are interested in more than just their studies. The richness of student life plays an important role. Every applicant wants to join an active student group, where it will be interesting and useful to spend extracurricular time. To do this, they study reviews about MSMSU named after. Evdokimov.

In comments dedicated to the university, they write that a doctor is the noblest of all existing professions. Its goal is to help people. However, this does not mean that until you receive your diploma, you cannot help others in any way. From the very first course you can do good deeds, even without the relevant knowledge. This is precisely why student groups were created at the university. The initiatives of the people included in them extend to different areas. Some work with orphans, collect toys and stationery for them, some help the elderly, and others are ready to help anyone in need of a blood donor.

In reviews of MSMSU, students write about the presence of a cultural and business center at the university. It gives students the opportunity to develop their personality from a creative side:

  1. Attend creative workshops. They include various clubs and sections for talented musicians, singers, dancers, and readers.
  2. Sign up for the Leadership Center. It helps students develop business and personal qualities. Interesting trainings, seminars, business games, and master classes are regularly held here.

Dorm life

When a student comes to study from another city, one of the main questions for him is where to live. Renting an apartment in Moscow is very expensive. Not every student can afford this. To obtain housing, it is recommended to contact the staff of the Moscow Medical and Dental University about obtaining a place to live.