How many kcal are in boiled beets with garlic. How many calories are in boiled beets with butter or sour cream and garlic (with mayonnaise)

How many kcal are in boiled beets with garlic.  How many calories are in boiled beets with butter or sour cream and garlic (with mayonnaise)
How many kcal are in boiled beets with garlic. How many calories are in boiled beets with butter or sour cream and garlic (with mayonnaise)

Beets have rightfully earned the love of many housewives who regularly prepare various salads from them. This is no coincidence, because this vegetable contains many different beneficial substances and vitamins. You can prepare many different dishes from this product. For example, a wonderful dish of beets with garlic and mayonnaise.

Beets have magical beneficial properties; they are a lifesaver for many diseases. Helps with constipation, hypertension, fluid accumulation in the body, does an excellent job of cleansing the gallbladder, blood, kidneys, liver, helps with anemia, and is also a good immunostimulant.

People suffering from these diseases are recommended to include this type of root vegetable and beet salads in their daily diet. Salads with beets are useful because they most often contain boiled beets, which is more gentle on the body and stomach. Those who are afraid that during heat treatment a vegetable loses its beneficial properties, I will rejoice - scientists have proven that the action of high temperatures does not have a negative effect on the properties of beets, they remain unchanged, without deteriorating at all. So you can cook beets with garlic and mayonnaise and not worry about a lack of vitamins.

Nutritional value and calorie content of the dish

Beets, which are part of beet salads, are rich in vitamins E, U, C, A, group B, PP, E, folic acid, as well as microelements: phosphorus, iodine, boron, silicon, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and many others useful substances. Beets also contain a large amount of antioxidants and fiber.

Many nutritionists, despite the benefits of beets, recommend excluding them from the diet due to their high calorie content. But in fact, the calorie content of beets per 100 g is only 40 kcal, which is not so much. At the same time, beets contain 1.5% proteins and 12% carbohydrates. It’s better to eat beets than bakery and confectionery products.

Recipes for beet salad (photo)

With cheese, garlic and mayonnaise

Hard cheese – 100 g
Medium beets – 2 pcs.
Garlic – a couple of cloves
Salt, mayonnaise - added to taste


With eggs and mayonnaise


Cheese – 150 g
Beetroot – 300 g
Eggs - a couple of pieces
Salt, mayonnaise, pepper and herbs
Garlic – a couple of cloves


With the addition of raisins and prunes

Beets - a couple of pieces
Cheese – 150 g
Carrots – 3 pcs.
Garlic – a couple of cloves
Walnuts, prunes and raisins – 50-100 g each


With walnuts

Walnuts – 10 pcs.
Beets – 2 pcs.
Garlic – a couple of cloves
Mayonnaise – 100 g


1. Boil the beets until tender
2. Grate the boiled beets on a coarse grater.
3. Peel the walnuts from their shells. Fry the freed nut kernels in a frying pan and then chop them.
4. Mix garlic, nuts and beets in a cup, pour in mayonnaise. Mix everything well and add salt.

Video recipe for making beet and carrot salad

Using the recipes for beetroot salads above, you can easily prepare this dish at home and please your household. Beetroot salad is not inferior in taste to other vegetable dishes. It will fit perfectly into a daily family meal, and can also decorate a holiday table. Perfect for those who are on a diet and want to diversify their diet menu. Of course, beets with garlic and mayonnaise will not be included in the diet. This can be corrected - replace mayonnaise with sour cream, you will get a tasty and healthy dish.

If you perceive video information better, we suggest watching a video that tells how to prepare beetroot and carrot salad. This lesson explains in an accessible form with step-by-step instructions how to prepare the dish.

A fairly frequent guest on our dinner tables is beets. In addition to the fact that it is indispensable for preparing many first courses, appetizers and salads, it also has enormous benefits for our body. Due to the presence of fiber, beets help cope with constipation and stomach disorders. Fights atherosclerosis and liver diseases.

Beets are combined with a large number of other vegetables, meat, etc. Salads are especially popular. Today we will share a couple of delicious recipes. We'll tell you what the calorie content is and mayonnaise. We'll tell you how to reduce calories in this salad and what you can replace mayonnaise with.

A little history

Did you know that beets were on the tables of the Babylonians back in 2000 BC? According to scientists, the peak of popularity of this vegetable occurs in the thousandth year BC. It is known that initially only the tops of the vegetable were consumed. They were especially appreciated by chefs from Europe. But in Asia they have already tasted the roots, realizing that the most delicious part is not the leaves, but the red, juicy pulp. The root vegetable turned out to be much more filling and tastier.

Calorie content

Due to its low calorie content, this vegetable is very popular in dietary nutrition. It is found on the menu of almost everyone who is losing weight or following a healthy diet. Of course, like any other product, the calorie content of beets will vary depending on the method of its preparation.

Data is for 100 grams of product. The calorie content will also change if beets are included in the dish or are simply supplemented with some other product. For example, the calorie content will be far from 40 or 49 kilocalories. Calorie content is calculated by adding all the ingredients. If you don’t have a kitchen scale, you can always calculate the calorie content of beets “by eye.” On average, a root crop weighs from 250-300 grams. Therefore, one small beet will contain about 120 kilocalories.

Let's name a few of the most popular dishes involving beets.

  • Salad "Beets with garlic and mayonnaise." Calorie content - 122 kilocalories per hundred grams of dish.
  • The vinaigrette. Calorie content - 120 kilocalories per 100 grams.
  • The New Year's and everyone's favorite salad, where the salted fish is hidden “under a fur coat,” will count 190-200 kcal per hundred grams.
  • Salad with beets and cheese. This is about 211 kilocalories per hundred grams of food. Here everything will also depend on the type of cheese that you decide to use for cooking.

Raw or boiled

The calorie content (with garlic and mayonnaise or with cheese - it doesn’t matter) will still be higher than the calorie content of the raw product. Some people prefer to eat beets raw, believing that this way they are much more filling, healthier and tastier. However, not everyone can do this due to health reasons. For example, people suffering from diabetes, urolithiasis or acute gastritis are not allowed to eat raw beets.

In most cases, the vegetable is still boiled. Boiled beets can be used for side dishes, salads and first courses. Even beetroot desserts are surprisingly tasty dishes. And the boiled version is safer for health.

Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise

Since today we are talking about the calorie content of beets with garlic and mayonnaise, then for cooking you will need a boiled vegetable. This salad is a favorite appetizer for many, which always decorates the holiday table.

The recipe is very simple. To prepare, you will need boiled beets (250 grams), mayonnaise (45 grams), salt and pepper, and also a little chopped garlic to spice up the dish. Grind the beets on a fine grater, add spices and garlic. Then add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise. The dish is ready. Garnish it with a couple of bright green parsley leaves and you are ready to serve.

Salad with beets, cheese, garlic

It is clear that the calorie content of beets with garlic and mayonnaise due to the latter product will be quite high. Not everyone can afford such a snack. Mayonnaise is prohibited for consumption in many diets. What to do? in a salad with beets?

Olive oil can easily be replaced in a salad, where the main ingredients are beets and garlic. Calorie content without mayonnaise will be an order of magnitude less. Just take good, high-quality oil, since cheap analogues will have even more calories than mayonnaise, which you want to give up.

Cheese would be an excellent alternative. Lettuce, beets, garlic and cheese, which combine perfectly, very often appear on the tables of those people who are losing weight or maintaining weight. For cooking, you can use absolutely any cheese. If you follow a diet and keep a log of the calorie content of the foods you eat, then take cheese with a low fat content. As a result, the salad will turn out to be less caloric.

For example, Gouda cheese contains about 360 kilocalories, but amber cheese contains 280. Want to make your salad even healthier? Please. Goat's milk cheese will always come to the rescue - 208 kilocalories, ricotta - 174, homemade cheese - 113 kilocalories. There is always a choice, it’s easy to diversify the dish.

with nuts

We continue to look for alternatives. Eating a salad consisting of boiled beets, walnuts and prunes will greatly benefit your figure and health. The proportions of ingredients may vary. Instead of mayonnaise, it is also acceptable to use oil (unrefined or olive). Or you don’t have to dress this salad at all.

The calorie content of the dish will average about 152 kilocalories per hundred grams. If you add a little less nuts and a little more prunes, the calorie content will decrease.

Beetroot salad is an excellent addition to a meat dish. When boiled, the vegetable turns out to be very tender, and its calorie content reaches only 49 kcal per 100 g. Very often, housewives prepare such an appetizer with garlic and mayonnaise. Certainly, the calorie content of beetroot salad with garlic and mayonnaise immediately increases to 122 kcal per 100 g- this is not so much and the snack can be safely eaten even by those who are on a diet.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of beets with garlic and mayonnaise is low, the salad contains too much fat - up to 35%. Reducing the calorie content of beet salad with mayonnaise is quite simple: the sauce can be safely replaced with low-calorie sour cream or yogurt. To give the salad a little sourness, you need to add a little soy sauce or sprinkle with lemon juice.
If you absolutely cannot do without mayonnaise, then choose low-calorie sauces.

You can add other ingredients to such a completely dietary dish: nuts, fried seeds, pickled or boiled mushrooms - this way you get a complete snack that can be served as a separate dish.

As you can see, beet salad with garlic can be used as a basis for preparing other, no less healthy, snacks.


The homeland of beets, which have become indispensable in the kitchens of many peoples, is considered to be the Far East and India, where they are still found naturally. Beetroot gained fame and popularity back in ancient times - it was used as food in Ancient Greece, Persia and Ancient Rome, where they used not only the roots, but also the leaves of the plant soaked in wine. The main feature of beets is its “versatility”, because it can be eaten raw and boiled; baked fried beets, as well as dishes with its addition, have an excellent taste. Such popularity is associated not only with the appearance and taste of beets - they are also incredibly healthy, and, moreover, they are perfect for the dietary table. Boiled beets are especially popular, which people rush to include in their diet after finding out how many calories are in boiled beets.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties of beets

Before you start finding out how many calories are in boiled beets, it is worth talking about their beneficial properties and effects on the human body, for which it is enough to study the chemical composition of this popular vegetable. Beets contain a large number of vitamins, including vitamin P, ascorbic acid, which has a beneficial effect on human immunity, vitamin B3, or nicotinic acid, which is involved in the body's metabolic processes. Beetroot also contains sufficient amounts of folic acid, or vitamin B9, which helps normalize the functioning of the circulatory system. Pantothenic acid (vitamin b5) is involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, thiamine, known as vitamin B1, supports the proper functioning of the heart, nervous system and digestive tract. Boiled beets also contain vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - one of the most useful vitamins.

Considering the fact that beets retain their beneficial properties when cooked, they are most often included in the diet. It is useful for liver and kidney diseases; it is recommended for patients with cardiovascular diseases; beets help prevent atherosclerosis, as they have a laxative and diuretic effect. Beetroot contains many chemicals and compounds, among which iron, which improves the condition of patients with anemia, is especially valued. Beetroot helps remove toxins from the body and has a bactericidal effect. At the same time, it is considered a low-calorie product.

Calorie content of boiled beets

If you want to make an amazing quick snack, you can boil the beets, grate them and mix with garlic and mayonnaise. Naturally, you will be interested in how many calories are in boiled beets with mayonnaise and garlic, and you will want to compare this value with boiled beets in their pure form. If the “weight” of boiled beets is approximately 50 kcal, then beets with garlic and sauce already contain over 120 kcal. You can reduce the calorie content by replacing mayonnaise with vegetable oil or using another low-calorie dressing. When experimenting with different types of sauce, you should know how many calories are in boiled beets with different types of mayonnaise. If we are talking about low-fat salad mayonnaise, then the “weight” of such a dish does not exceed 120 kcal.

By removing mayonnaise from the composition, you can calculate how many calories are in boiled beets with garlic, and this is a little more than simple boiled beets, because the calorie content of garlic is insignificant. For those who are worried about every calorie, we suggest replacing mayonnaise with less high-calorie sour cream, but in this case you will have to understand how many calories are in boiled beets with sour cream. If you use the traditional 20% product, then 100 grams of the product will contain approximately 55 kcal, which means that it is not only tasty, but also safe. Those who want to replace mayonnaise with vegetable oil should know how many calories are in boiled beets with oil, and this is approximately 80-90 kcal (depending on the type of oil). No matter how many calories there are in dishes with beets, it is worth knowing that in your diet, given the enormous benefits of the vegetable, beets should occupy the most honorable place.

Today we will analyze the nutritional value and calorie content of beets with mayonnaise and garlic - a fairly popular and tasty salad that is easy to prepare and often found on holiday tables.

Some people prepare it regularly and include it in their regular daily diet.

Calorie content of boiled beets with garlic and mayonnaise

Beets boiled with mayonnaise and garlic are not very high in calories. The combination of these ingredients appeals to many people, but how nutritious is the dish? When preparing a salad with homemade sauce, the calorie content will be slightly lower - about 100 kcal per 100 g, and when using store-bought sauce, the nutritional value will increase to 120-130 kcal.

The calorie content of boiled beets with garlic and mayonnaise for one standard serving (about 130 g) is 160 kcal, including 2.9 g of protein, 10 g of fat and 15 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits and harms of boiled beets with mayonnaise

Despite the low calorie content of boiled beets with garlic and mayonnaise, the dish has many beneficial properties. It contains many vitamins, including: groups B, A, C, PP, K and E. There is a large amount of magnesium, beta-carotene, calcium, iron, choline and some zinc, manganese and selenium. By regularly eating salad, you will strengthen your immune defense and regulate your digestive system.

We figured out what the caloric content of beets with mayonnaise and garlic is and how the dish is beneficial, but we need to mention the possible harm. The salad can only be harmful if the dish is abused by people with an individual intolerance to the burgundy vegetable.

Recipe for beets with mayonnaise and garlic

To prepare a salad with beets, garlic and mayonnaise, you will need two medium-sized burgundy tubers, a couple of cloves of garlic, 100 g of hard cheese (optional ingredient), the mentioned sauce and a little salt.

To preserve vitamins and bright color, it is better to cook beets in a double boiler or slow cooker, and you can also bake them in the oven without peeling the skin. The heat treatment time depends on the size of the beets, but not less than 80 minutes.

Cool the cooked vegetable and peel off the skin. Then cut or grate, place on a plate, grate cheese on top, squeeze out garlic and cover with a little mayonnaise.