From Stools to Robots: How Technology Lessons Have Changed in Schools. Do I need a labor lesson at school

From Stools to Robots: How Technology Lessons Have Changed in Schools.  Do I need a labor lesson at school
From Stools to Robots: How Technology Lessons Have Changed in Schools. Do I need a labor lesson at school

If for another ten years not a single school did without a labor lesson, today this subject is considered by many to be "morally obsolete." Is this so, and are such classes necessary for modern schoolchildren? So, the parents, according to their views on the existing education system, were divided into two groups. The first group included those people who believe that labor lessons will not teach their child anything useful, therefore it is best to devote this study time to another occupation, for example, a lesson in English, mathematics, computer science or even economics. But another group of parents are convinced that “you can't even get a fish out of the pond without difficulty,” that is, such lessons are not only useful, but also informative for schoolchildren of all ages. That is, the child learns to work, to show his thinking and ingenuity, and also to realize himself in another area of ​​life. To understand for yourself whether labor lessons are needed at school, it is worth remembering what girls and boys do on them. As I remember from the school curriculum, girls in such classes sew a skirt and an apron, knit booties and socks, embroider with a cross and satin stitch, and also get acquainted with the basics of cooking. In addition, they prepare a sweet table with their own hands, and then invite classmates to a friendly tea party. In general, it is very interesting, but the main thing is that young ladies not only receive a sea of ​​positive from the work done, but also comprehend new knowledge that will certainly be useful to them in their future life and motherhood.

As for the boys, they always have fun activities, for example, working with wood, making crafts and souvenirs, the basics of carpentry and minor home repairs. Every boy will remember how he made an original flower vase from a tin can, a pots from old plates and a real kitchen stool with his own hands. There are a lot of impressions, but the main thing is that such a future man will at least be able to hammer a nail in his house, and this, as you know, is not so little. Having studied all these school memories, many parents come to the conclusion that labor lessons are still cognitive for every student, be it a boy or a girl.

But, nevertheless, each person must choose for himself what he wants to do in the future - physical and intellectual activities, but just such lessons helped him to set his life priorities and try himself in every business. The most surprising thing is that today physical labor has given way to intellectual labor, and the once fascinating lessons of labor have now been replaced by a new subject "technology". This innovation focuses on the child's acquaintance with the computer, as well as on the acquisition of basic skills at work. Of course, we live in a world of scientific progress, but this is not at all a reason to forget about the past no less entertaining classes at school. In order to finally decide whether it is worth studying such a subject as "labor" at school, he recommends carefully studying all its advantages and disadvantages, and based on the information received, draw appropriate conclusions. Of course, few people care about the opinion of children in a school. However, this is a fundamentally wrong approach, because a child, being a full-fledged person, can independently make his choice ...

So, among the significant advantages, it is necessary to remember that work allows children to get at least a little distracted from the school curriculum and relax morally, because, as you know, memorizing the rules, solving examples and equations, as well as reading large texts simply exhaust the child's psyche, requiring at least a short pause ... In addition, work contributes to the development of fantasy, abstract thinking and memory, and also allows you to get a handle on a certain occupation and gain valuable skills in life. This subject noticeably raises the spirit of collectivism and unites the moral class, because it is so interesting to work together and help each other.

Also, do not forget that such lessons are always noisy and fun, and this is not surprising, because every student simply offers numerous ideas, showing imagination and ingenuity. In addition, students develop love and attachment to work, and this will certainly come in handy in life. Many attentive mothers notice that their child is a creative person who strives to do unique things with his own hands, and, as you know, this potential is revealed by labor lessons at school. Among the advantages, it is also worth highlighting the knowledge of something new, and such a unique experience allows the child to grow above himself, realizing himself in new areas of life. So it is simply impossible to overestimate the benefits of labor, although, again, not all parents think so.

As for the shortcomings of the so-called "labor education", it should not be denied - they do exist. Firstly, today there are no longer those qualified specialists who instilled in children a love for work. Now such teachers only turn children away from this subject, as a result of bad behavior and regular absenteeism, leading to satisfactory grades. Secondly, the program proposed by the teacher is not always interesting for children, especially if classes for girls and boys are combined and, due to the lack of adequate space, are held in the same class. Thirdly, the lack of equipment necessary for lessons, and the theory is enough for children in other lessons. This is where all the disadvantages of labor end, but the advantages of such occupations are definitely much greater.

If we face the truth, we can safely say that it is economically unprofitable to conduct labor lessons. the fact is that all the equipment used, either due to the expiration of its service life, is simply out of order, or morally obsolete for children living in the era of nanotechnology. As a rule, the school does not have sufficient funding to acquire new machines, devices and mini-workshops, so you have to save money, and replace the labor lesson with technology. Parents, as a rule, do not interfere with such innovations, since they are sincerely happy that their offspring has the opportunity to additionally engage in mental work, mastering the work with a computer.

Today, a huge number of schools have abandoned labor lessons, sincerely believing that such classes are just a waste of children's time and nothing more. There are many reasons for this refusal, for example, in private schools this is an initiative of parents who want to focus on mental development in teaching their children. As for educational schools, the meager budget itself dictates its own rules, because it is clear that the maintenance of machines, the cost of purchasing materials, and even the teacher's salary are all those costs that not every school can handle. Also, many principals are afraid that the inexperience of schoolchildren can lead to increased injuries, and such a reputation is certainly useless for any school.

One way or another, there must be labor lessons in elementary school. Why? The fact is that physical activity trains the fine motor skills of the fingers, and, as you know, it is these parts of the body that transmit signals to the brain, that is, by attending such lessons, the child develops and grows above himself. That is why many parents, sending their child to the first grade, are keenly interested in whether the chosen school has labor lessons that are valuable for child development. If there are any, then there is no doubt that they will certainly interest the still not spoiled schoolchild who is striving for new knowledge.

What value do primary school students gain from labor lessons in school? Firstly, they solve developmental problems capable of training technical and visual-figurative thinking, independence, creativity, spatial imagination, memory and even speech of a child. Secondly, didactic tasks are provided that teach you how to work with reference literature and the attached instructions for a particular product. Thirdly, educational tasks teach you to be neat, frugal and tidy, which in the future may also come in handy more than once. The solution to such tasks at each lesson forms the personality, therefore, there will certainly be no harm from a labor lesson to the child.

Every parent must understand that a child must grow up comprehensively in order to be able to adapt in time to all life situations. This is not so little, because mom and dad will not always be there, and one day you will still have to enter adulthood with all its surprises and surprises. However, one way or another, the choice remains with adults, because only they decide which school to send their child to. Labor lessons today are not available in every school, therefore, when defining your child in the first grade, you should ask the director if the school curriculum includes labor education lessons ...

Theme:"Penguins on an ice floe" - origami.


  • Introduce the new model (penguin figurine) and manufacturing steps;
  • Introduce new terms;
  • Develop spatial imagination - the ability to read drawings, the ability to follow oral instructions;
  • Development of memory, attention in the process of making a model;
  • Development of creative imagination, imagination, sense of taste when creating a composition;
  • Review the rules for working with scissors and glue
  • To instill in children a sense of neatness and frugality while doing work
  • Development of the outlook of students

Material for doing the job:

  • Colored cardboard
  • Colored paper
  • PVA glue

Lesson equipment:

  • Sample work
  • Diagrams of the stages of the model execution
  • Tables with terms
  • Antarctica Map
  • Fragment of the film Reader's Digest "Symphony of Life" (penguins) or a fragment of the film video of the encyclopedia for public education "Biology-3" (penguins)


1. Organizational moment

2. Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson

- Today in the lesson we will design from paper and create a composition. Designing from paper or origami is an amazing transformation of a square (a sign with the term is hung on the board).
With the help of origami-type construction, you can make many toys, decorations, beautiful panels, and various compositions. Of course, the creators of the paper figures drew their models from nature. So we will turn to nature and go on a trip to Antarctica.
You guys know that the globe is a scaled-down model of the Earth. Look, the top of the globe is painted white and the bottom too. This is not without reason, as two opposite regions of the Earth are marked on the globe. The northernmost is the Arctic and the southernmost is Antarctica.
Antarctica is a huge white country - a land encased in an ice shell - a huge continent. The bowels of Antarctica store minerals: iron ore, diamonds, coal. Living and working in Antarctica is not easy. You will not find colder place in the whole world. Even in summer there is 50 frost. And there is nothing to say about winter all 90.
In the depths of the harsh Antarctica, you will not meet either an animal or a bird. All its inhabitants keep closer to the shore. It is warmer here, and food in the sea is easier to get. Antarctica is inhabited by seals, sea lions, elephant seals, whales, birds, and a lot of fish.
So, let's go, and the seven-flower flower from the fairy tale of V. Kataev will help us with this:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through the West to the East
Through the North, through the South
Come back in a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
Be, in my opinion, lead ...
Tell us to be in Antarctica!

We return to the class. Video showing.

Questions after viewing

- Who met us in Antarctica? (Penguins.)

- What kind of penguins are they? (Penguins are ancient birds. Currently, there are 16 - 18 species of these interesting inhabitants of Antarctica. Birds, but they do not know how to fly, because instead of wings they have paws-flippers that help them to swim. Penguins are excellent divers. Thousands of thin feathers and subcutaneous fat helps them endure such frosts.)

3. Analysis of the design of the sample

In memory of our trip, we will make just such an application. (Show)

It will be somewhat unusual, its main characters will be made using the origami method.

- Let's see, how many parts is a penguin figurine made of? (One.)

- What shape do you think the part was until it was folded? (Square.)

- What is this square figure? (Properties of the square.)

- I took a 10 cm square, but if you take a larger square, will you get such a penguin? (Yes, only larger.)

- The size of the square does not affect our model, but we must remember that the size of the penguin must match the size of the base. (Show.)

- How do we connect the model to the base? (We will glue it over the entire surface - this is an applique.)

4. Analysis of manufacturing technology

- What material are we going to do? (From colored paper.)

- Thin colored paper is easy to fold. Let's outline a plan. (An instructional outline map is posted.)

- What do we do first? (We mark the square by bending, cut off the excess part.)

- Let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors.

- How will we complete the work? (We glue the model to the base.)

- And what will we take as a basis? (Cardboard.)

- Why cardboard and not colored paper? (The paper bends, it does not look aesthetically pleasing.
The cardboard will not deform when it comes in contact with the glue.)

- Let's remember the rules for working with glue.

5. Workplace equipment

Let's check the workplace. Let's remember again what we need for the lesson:

- colored paper;
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- glue;
- napkin;
- backing oilcloth.

6. Independent work with frontal display

- Now we are going to do the work, so that everything works out well, you must clearly work according to the scheme.

1. Take a strip of black paper, fold out a square. The place of the fold, speaking in a special language, is called a fold.
Fold - fold in a specific order. (A sign with the term is posted.)
2. Took scissors cut off the excess part. They put down the scissors.

3. We need to glue the model to the base. Let's take a base, what's missing from it? (Ice.)
4. To do this, take a sheet of white paper and cut out the ice floes.
5. Place all the details on the base. I'll get through to check.
6. We glue.
7. Let's decorate our work (we will attach a beak, eyes).
8. Let's make some more penguin models. (If possible.)
9. Let's postpone our work, who got what.

7. Updating knowledge

- What new terms did you meet?

- How did we do the work so as not to miss any action? (According to the schemes.)

- What else did you remember in the lesson?

8. Display of works

- You worked well today.

9. Homework

- You can continue working, you can come up with a funny story about penguins for your application.

The lesson was prepared by the primary school teacher: Naydenova N.L.

Labor lesson: 3 "B" class

Theme : "Needle pad"

Lesson objectives:

Educational purposes:

  1. Formation of knowledge and skills in the work of processing needle pads in students.

2. Facilitate memorization of basic terminology.

3. Formation of ideas about creative work.

4. Promote an understanding of the quality of the finished product.

Correctional and developmental goals:

1. Correction and development of coherent oral speech of students (enrichment and complication of vocabulary).

2. Correction and development of mental activity (establishment of logical and cause - effect relationships, planning function of thinking).

3. Correction and development of fine motor skills of the hands (the formation of manual skill, the development of rhythm, smoothness of movements, proportionality of movements).

4. Correction and development of the sensory sphere of students (development of the eye, orientation in space, accuracy and subtlety of distinguishing color, shape).

5. Correction and development of personal qualities of students, emotional and volitional sphere (skills of self-control, perseverance and endurance).

Educational purposes:

1. Raise interest in learning, subject.

2. To foster interest in folk art.

3. To educate moral qualities (respect for school property, hard work, mutual assistance).

Methodological equipment of the lesson:

1. Material and technical base:

Instruments : needle, scissors; thimble

Materials (edit) : pad detailand for needles, thread, braid, synthetic winterizer

Didactic support:

Instructional cards;

Needle pad sample;

Teaching methods:

Verbal (conversation, explanations);

Visual (showing objects of labor, methods of work,

Practical (independent practical work of students).

Forms of organizing the cognitive activity of students: frontal.

Vocabulary work:needle cushion, pad for needles, braid, synthetic winterizer, forward stitch.

Lesson type: combined

Interdisciplinary connections:mathematics, Russian

During the classes

p / p No.


During the classes


Organizing time

Updating students' knowledge.

Topic message.

Goal setting.

Consolidation of students' knowledge

Final briefing by the teacher

Physical education

Practical work

Analysis of the implementation of independent work by students

Cleaning of workplaces.

Summing up the lesson by the teacher

Hello guys! We have a difficult lesson today. Guests came to our lesson.

Let's turn to them and greet them, to

Checking the readiness of students for the lesson;

Students' motivation for work.

In the last lesson, we have already started a conversation and making a needle cushion product.

Needle cushions can vary in shape, type of finish.

Teacher questions:

What are the items presented for? - (for storing needles and pins)

What are these items called? - (needle beds)

(Open the word "pincushion" on the board)

As you can see, the beds have different shapes and sizes.

What do you think is the most convenient needle bed for working in the classroom? - (pad)

The topic of our lesson


Before proceeding with the final work on the manufacture of the pillow, we will determine the work plan.

In the last lesson, we started making a pillow. She's half ready.

What shape will our needle pad be? - (square).

We will fill the pad with cotton wool or synthetic winterizer.

(Open the words on the board"Cotton wool", "sintepon")

When sewing products, sewing threads are used.

Tools and fixtures

What tools and accessories will we choose for the job?

Listen to the riddle:

On one finger
The bucket is upside down.


What is a thimble for?

Next riddle.

We know how to do a lot:

Cut, cut and cut.

Don't play with us kids:

We can punish it painfully!


Before you start working with scissors, you need to remember « Safe work rules "

3. Pass closed and rings forward; 4. Work at your workplace;

Guess what it is ?:

Steel maiden
Lays down on the fabric.
Rises again
The line leads.
(Needle). - What is a needle?

Needle - a pointed sewing rod with an eyelet at the end.

Before starting work it is necessary to remember the safety rules.

1. Store pins and needles in a specific place (pillow, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

The pillow will be decorated - braid

- You have a card on your table with the stage of making a pillow.

Observing the technological sequence, you will get a beautiful product, a pillow for needles.

1.Fill the pad with padding polyester.

2.Sew up the hole.

3. Decorate the pillow with braid.

So, we need ... It is necessary to remember the safety rules when working with them and the sequence of manufacturing the product.

We start to work

The attendant spends a physical training session showing the exercises.

All the guys turned around

All the guys reached out

And then they sat down

And they sat down quietly at the desk.

(To students, cat Some have already completed the work, I am giving the task to continue the proverbs that speak of the importance of labor.)

  1. Human labor feeds ... (and laziness spoils)
  2. Out of boredom ... (take matters in hand)
  3. Patience and a little effort)
  4. The eyes are afraid ... (but the hands do)

The teacher's message about the achievement of the lesson goals;

Assessment of the results of students' work in the classroom;

Marking the class journal and student diaries.

Demonstration of various types of needle beds.


on the chalkboard topic

"Needle pad"

The words are exposed:

Sintepon, cotton wool

sewing thread



on the board Safe work rules "

Word on chalkboard


On the desk

Needle Safety

On the desk


Technological map (lies on the desk)

On the blackboard accessories

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological chart for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3 .. Sew up the hole.

Technological card for the manufacture of pads for needles

1. Decorate the pillow with braid.

2. Fill the pad with padding polyester.

3. Sew up the hole.

Needle Safety

1. Store pins and needles in a specific place (pillow, special box, etc.), do not leave them at the workplace.

2. Do not use rusty needles and pins when working, as they break easily.

3. Never put needles and pins in your mouth.

4.During work, do not stick needles into clothes and random objects.

5.Sew with needles only with a thimble to avoid pricking your finger.

6.Do not bite off the threads with your teeth, but cut them off with scissors.

Safety precautions when working with scissors:

1.When cutting with scissors, guide them with the ends away from you;

2.Do not hold the scissors with the ends up;

3. Transfer closed and ringedforward; 4. Work at your workplace;

5.Can not be left open.


Scenario of the performance of the team "Green Light"

Children go on stage to the melody "Walking together merrily"

1 study .: Hello!

2 uch .: You are welcomed by the team of 3 "B" class

In chorus: "Green light"

3 account. - Our motto:

In chorus:

"Our green light"

Friend, faithful helper,

Make the path safe

It certainly can! "

1 account The traffic light is the most important road sign. He was born in London in 1868. Translated from Greek, the word traffic light means "carrying light."

2 account To help you

The path is dangerous

We burn day and night

Green, yellow, red.

3 uch ... Our house is a traffic light

We are three siblings

We have been shining for a long time

All the guys on the road.

2 account You cross the street-

Stop for a moment.

Stand still and calm

Wait for my signals.

1 account

Brake quickly, chauffeur!

The red eye glows point-blank.

He makes a formidable look,

2 account

Yellow, flashed after him-

Let’s wait a little.

Yellow warning light

Wait for the signals to move!

3 account.

And behind him is a green eye

Flared up ahead.

He will say: there are no obstacles,

Go boldly!

4 account.

Let other people wait

Until the green light is given.

I won't wait in vain-

I'll skip to red!

The screeching of the brakes is heard. The pedestrian falls, gets up, grabs his head.

1 account

He was running at a red light

And got into an accident.

It's good that he stayed alive.

4 room - Only teeth were missing.

2 account

A pedestrian needs to know

Where to walk and where to walk

And the driver must drive

So that people do not interfere.

4 account.

And who will tell them on the way,

Where to go, where to go?

Where is the dangerous road

Is it safe to go?

3 account.

On the road what and how

Explain the road sign.

You must definitely know them,

In order not to be trapped.

1 account

You will meet a blue sign - a square,

You will be very happy with the sign.

A man walks on the "zebra"

Without fear, without barriers,

The people know this sign

CHORUS: " Crosswalk".

2 account

But if the sign is different-

White with a red border

Means something forbids

Don't rush to go, wait!

Man, bike-

There is no road for them here,

If the red line

The silhouette is crossed out.

3 account.

Where is the school, kindergarten

The triangles are hanging

And the kids are running inside.

Signs to adults say:

“Children are close to the road here!

The cars are slowing down here! "

The sign is called "Children!"

Only it is not for the guys.

1 account

We are pedestrians today

Tomorrow we are the drivers

Let's be careful children

CHORUS: Let's be super-vigilant!

4 account.

I understand now, guys,

I will teach the rules.

I'll be on my way now

Go right!

Children sing a song to the melody "Chunga - Changa"

So that there is no trouble in life,

We must abide by the rules.

To live calmly, without anxiety,

You need to memorize them by tooth.

Children need, without a doubt,

Remember the traffic rules

Remember the traffic rules

No doubt about it.

On the road, on the road

There is a very strict order

There is a very strict order

On the road.

2 account

We showed the program

But we don't want to say goodbye.

Everyone who listened to us today

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

3 account.

There are many road rules in the world.

All would not hurt us to learn them.

1 account

But the main rule of movement is

In chorus: Know how the multiplication table should be!

4 account.

- Manage to tell yourself "Stop" in time(in chorus) and your health and life will be safe!



Technology lessons in Moscow schools are evolving. Homemade stools are being replaced by hand-made robots, and the usual aprons are giving way to fashionable dresses ..

The discipline "work" accompanies students practically all school life: from the first to the eighth to ninth grades. In elementary school, children sculpt from plasticine, make origami and appliques. From the fifth grade, "work" turns into "technology", which is aimed not so much at needlework as at mastering the advanced skills of modern everyday life.

As a rule, in high school, boys and girls are trained separately: some are trained to become jack of all trades, others - exemplary housewives. But there are also exceptions. In some schools, technology is taught to the whole class. For example, at school № 1601 young representatives of the stronger sex learn to cook and embroider together with the beautiful half of the population.

There are also educational institutions where computer science teachers teach boys how to work, considering the basics of programming to be the work of real guys. Regardless of the curriculum, these activities will adapt children to real life, where the do-it-yourself principle is still important.

Expert opinion

"It's not about what exactly is being learned in technology lessons, but what it's done for. A technology lesson is an experiment that we do with our own hands. Even a stool can be made tastefully if you know it's a useful skill."

Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Victor Fertman

21st century technology: what has changed

Today, according to the requirements of the state educational standard, technology lessons should teach children to navigate in modern medicine, production and processing of various materials, mechanical engineering, food and service, as well as in the information environment.

Recently a member of the Public Chamber of Russia to teach within the discipline of fundamentals of agriculture.

At the same time, schools and teachers are free to choose the program. Viktor Fertman, deputy head of the Moscow Department of Education, explained to the website that educational institutions are now keeping pace with the times: in technology lessons, children study robotics and design, gain knowledge in the fields of physics, drawing and computer science. In some schools, children are taught to make devices for people with disabilities or cases for mobile phones.

The work of a student of school number 1021. Photo courtesy of the author

"There is a curriculum, while teachers have a certain degree of creative freedom: you can add something from yourself ..

In recent years, schools have the opportunity to do design work, arrange presentations and open lessons. An interactive form of communication motivates students and makes classes even more interesting.

Expert opinion

"Previously, children wrote essays, now in technology lessons, schoolchildren can immerse themselves in the study of a particular topic more deeply. For example, if a student chose" knitting ", she will not just knit a scarf or crochet. To do the task thoroughly, the student will study the history of this species handicrafts and collect the necessary materials, after which he will demonstrate his work to the whole class during a presentation or speech "

Teachers have become increasingly creative. Technology teacher at school # 1021 Alexander Smetov told the site that their institution plans to purchase special kits for creating robots. According to the teacher, robotics is interesting for children of any age.

Technology classes now look like full-fledged workshops. At school no. 1021, they are equipped with multifunctional machines, including models that are allowed to be admitted to children from eight years of age. On one such machine, you can perform many actions: sawing, drilling or doing the work of a turner.

Interesting and tasty: young housewives

Cooking, sewing and handicrafts are the three pillars of a technology program for girls. School number 1415 will serve as a striking example of creative teaching of young ladies.

There, schoolgirls, instead of the annoying vinaigrette, prepare hamburgers, learn to make decorative elements for dishes and invent their own salad recipes. And during sewing classes, they put on real fashion shows, dressing their classmates in stylish hand-sewn dresses.

Expert opinion

"During technology lessons, it is very important to interest children, only then they will want to come to class. Once upon a time in labor lessons we just drew a diagram of an apron. Today children do not just draw sketches, but perform creative tasks. For example, make a mannequin out of paper and put on him in a handmade costume. Such activities motivate the child. "

Technology teacher at school No. 1415 Irina Smirnova

Technology lessons are now aimed not only at teaching the work of a housewife. Girls also do hair projects, learn to count calories correctly, and take psychological tests. In addition, the school has a museum that contains tools and various household appliances from the 15th – 17th centuries. For example, students can see how the fabric was created many years ago.

By the way, projects made by schoolchildren are put up for various competitions. This year, in technology lessons, the children made huge applications in the form of the coats of arms of the North-Eastern Administrative District, which were sewn to dresses on a sewing machine. Their work won the district competition. In the next academic year, the school plans to create a hand-made panel on the theme "Streets of Moscow". Teachers of technology, geography and literature are going to participate in the project.

To the machine: the factory of real men

Handmade wood box made in technology lesson. Photo courtesy of the author.

In teaching young people, teachers' opinions differ. Someone gives preference to information technology, while others prefer manual work. Wood and metal processing are still included in the "technological set" of young gentlemen.

The technology teacher at school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov believes that working with your hands ennobles a person and makes a real man out of a teenager. The teacher himself has the badge "Excellence in military construction" and is not just a teacher of technology, but the first man in the history of school No. 1021 to take over the class leadership.

Expert opinion

“Sometimes it just hurts me to watch how children can’t tear themselves away from their phones and sit still. So I want to say, it would be better to master some craft or go in for sports. The main thing in technology lessons is to captivate the children with something truly useful. When students realize the benefits of what they are doing, they strive for knowledge and want to master more and more. "

Technology teacher at school No. 1021 Alexander Smetov

In labor lessons, the guys make decorative work from wood, using the technique of carving, burning and painting. Students are also taught to work with plywood and paper. Many of the works of pupils of school No. 1021 won the interdistrict competition of fine and decorative-applied arts "Pantry of Crafts - 2016".

However, the boys' works are not only of aesthetic value. According to Smetov, his students know how to make a beautiful birdhouse, hammer or nut of their own production. While the fifth-graders are mastering the machines, the older children are told how to build a house.

Margarita Maslova

Today the system of labor education in schools is undergoing changes. Their engine is the new norms of federal state educational standards (FSES), which, in particular, provide for the reduction of hours for technology lessons. A more detailed study of this subject will go into the so-called elective, that is, compulsory courses for attending the students' choice, and more attention will be paid to extracurricular activities. And then the children themselves must make a decision, what will become a priority for them - technology in courses and in circles or some other science for in-depth study.

Lately, parents have repeatedly noted that technology lessons in schools are outdated. Life goes on, and labor education is marking time in one place, in most schools equipment is not updated, more modern technologies are not being introduced.

"Bird cherry" decided to find out if this is really so? What has changed in labor-technology lessons in recent years, apart from the name, how did the standards within which the school lives affect them?


So that children literally leave school as generalists.

Nikolay Solovyov, dad of 12-year-old Anton and 14-year-old Natasha:“Girls would not be able to cook trivial dishes such as sandwiches and salads, but more complex ones, they would have mastered cutting and sewing, the basics of housekeeping, and would be psychologically ready to start a family. Boys would know wood and metalworking, become tech-savvy. It would be nice if the children had medical knowledge. "

I agree with one - the foundations of medical knowledge in a person should be laid from adolescence. But this must be done by specialists. But why not put the above knowledge into the child's parents? But the realities of our time are such that almost half of the children in each class are from single-parent families. As a rule, dads are absent. Mothers and grandmothers can still show and explain the basics of housekeeping to girls. What about the boys? The burden falls on technology teachers. And in complete families, parents concerned about making money practically do not see their children.


Technology teachers believe that today there is a stereotype about technology lessons that need to be broken. There is an opinion: in the classroom, schoolchildren only do what they make stools and mops, and girls embroider with a cross. In fact, this is not the case. At least in those schools that I managed to visit during the preparation of this material. Today, the guys get acquainted with many areas - drawing, electrical engineering, processing technologies for various materials, housekeeping, repair and construction. For example, eighth-graders, within the framework of the regional program of vocational training for schoolchildren, study modern industries and industries of the Yaroslavl region, universities and educational institutions of the region.

Technology includes several interrelated subjects: labor training, computer science, mathematics, geometry, drawing, physics. New educational standards provide for the possibility of introducing modern educational blocks into the educational process at the discretion of the teacher.

The problem is just who will promote modern trends in the schools of the city? Average age technology teachers - about 45 - 50 years old. In addition, there are not very many young specialists willing to go to work in school. There is a stereotype that people do not earn much here. But with a good workload of a teacher, you can get an average salary in the city. Plus summer vacation - 56 days, three times a school year vacation. There are also social guarantees. There is a regional mortgage lending program for the purchase of housing for young professionals.

Teachers are sure that the prestige of the profession of a school teacher must be restored and, as soon as possible, talk about its advantages, and propagandize among teenagers and parents. Maybe you shouldn't wait for young specialists from pedagogical universities? Rybinsk has its own technical university. Why not introduce pedagogy into the student curriculum as an elective course? And after graduation, attract them to work in schools.

That in modern world technology lessons are changing, told and Galina Chepurina, teacher of technology at secondary school № 12 named after P.F. Derunov:“We are working on the program of Irina Sasova, which is based on the project method. And children do their work from idea to implementation. If earlier in labor lessons girls sewed napkins, and they all turned out to be almost the same, now everything is different. Recently we carried out a project on a theatrical puppet - and each child got his own, who wanted what and chose for himself. "

Galina Alekseevna showed several design dolls - smeshariki, others are made of ordinary spoons, the third looks like a tablet doll for a real puppet theater.

Galina Chepurina:“After completing the project, the children present the results of their work - someone simply tells the production technology, and someone prepares a whole performance. Isn't that interesting "?

Only the technology of making things remains the same - taking measurements, mastering the seams. But the main role is played by creativity.

Lilia Gladkova, teacher of technology at secondary school No. 26:“I liked the new standards better, because they make it possible to develop the imagination of children through project activities. And children take up projects with great interest. Our goal as teachers is to introduce girls to new trends in applied arts, to broaden their horizons. We are now studying the interior of the house, even the formation of the family budget. And what we do not do - we knit a crochet, on knitting needles, we sew various products, we make pictures in the batik style. With the advent of the Internet, the guys now have more opportunities - they saw something there, and in the classroom we do it. We even cook cabbage soup virtually. The only pity is that they reduce the time for technology lessons. "

Photo from the personal archive of Stanislav Matchin

And what about the boys?

There are so many handicrafts in the workshop of Stanislav Matchin, a technology teacher of secondary school No. 12, who this year won the Rybinsk stage of the "Teacher of the Year" competition. Stands for flowers, tablets and cell phones, notebooks made of outdated computer materials - floppy disks, praying mantises from the "filling" of incandescent light bulbs, kits for the care of indoor flowers, clocks from old records, model airplanes, wooden devils for Halloween. The boys study the basics of wood and metalworking, various technologies and tricks that will undoubtedly be useful to them in later life.

With girls, mastering the basics of cooking, learning cutting and sewing is easier. In what respect? The materials are not that expensive. I do not argue that sewing machines, electric stoves, dishes also cost money, but it is much cheaper than purchasing metal, wood and corresponding machines, tools and devices for technology lessons from boys.

Sergey Zanin, a technology teacher for boys at secondary school # 26:“Technology lessons in schools are expensive. They "eat up" about 40% of the total financial support. Today, the cost of a school screw-cutting lathe is about 240 thousand rubles, plus its installation and connection will result in 50 thousand. And also the cost of tools and fixtures. Therefore, the hours for working with metal are reduced. More time has been devoted to arts and crafts ”.

Sergey Nikolaevich showed samples of wood and metal products that they made and are doing with the boys in technology lessons. Modern children make products that are simpler than those of children in the 80s and 90s. The reason is logistical problems. The equipment and tools are worn out, and, as always, there is not enough money to purchase new funds. At one time, enterprises provided assistance to schools with both tools and machine tools.

To make labor lessons more high-tech today, we need a base, equipment, materials, specialists, after all. Today, unfortunately, there is no continuity among teaching staff. After all, a teacher himself, before giving a child knowledge, must be able to work on machines and with his hands. There are currently not enough technology teachers for boys. In some schools this subject is taught by women. What can they teach the boys? Yes, they will give you theoretical knowledge from the textbook, but the most important thing is practice, for which 75% of the study time is given according to the program.

Photo from the personal archive of Stanislav Matchin

Sergey Zanin:“I believe that we should teach a child to work with his hands and give the basics of working with various tools, on machine tools. And then he himself will decide in which direction to improve. If we go a little deeper into history. You know that Bismarck introduced labor training in German schools for the first time. And the emphasis was placed on manual labor. After that, Germany began to develop rapidly as an industrial country. And it is still developing. France, England and the USA followed her example. At the beginning of the 20th century, our country was one of the leaders in manual labor, at that time there were about 5 thousand teachers. "

After our conversation, I go up to the boys who have just mastered the electrical business in a technology lesson. Judging by the burning eyes, they like it.

- What else would you like to do in technology lessons? - I ask them. The guys just smiled and ran to recess. Sergey Nikolaevich came to their aid:

“Our goal is to instill a love of work, to interest children, to captivate them with creativity. But this requires materials, tools, machines, designers. "


Standards aside, what could be the technology lessons in school? This question "Bird cherry" addressed to one of the teachers of the Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University. He has his own vision, quite original.

Andrey Pechatkin, Head of the Department of Radioelectronic and Telecommunication Systems of the Russian State Technical University, Candidate of Technical Sciences: “In my opinion, you can go into more interesting areas, for example, robotics, which combines many areas of knowledge. And both girls and boys can do this. At the first stage, the child constructs his own robot. What function he will perform depends only on his imagination. In this case, children turn to such an area of ​​knowledge as mechanics. Created an object. Now it is necessary to "breathe" life into it so that the robot can carry out the simplest commands - move in different directions, raise its hands, take something. Here such sciences as programming and informatics already "come into play". After that, it can be made more graceful - using a 3D printer to shape it. In this case, children are already mastering computer-aided design systems. You can make a robot multi-colored. "

Modern technology, which, by the way, is safe for a child, allows you to do this. In addition, the robot can be radio-controlled. And let these toys grow with the children. And you can arrange a competition - for whom the robot overcomes obstacles faster, gets from point A to point B - to fantasize ad infinitum. But it is possible to create more real devices for the needs of the school, for example, thermal imagers - devices for monitoring the temperature distribution of the investigated surface. With their help, record whether heat leaks occur at school, examine the body of humans and animals, plants, answer the question of what happens to a conductor when an electric current passes through it.

What will it take to build robots? Typical kits for their creation, a computer and software, design programs and a 3D printer - everything, by the way, can be purchased today.

What will the reduction in technology classroom hours lead to? Probably to the fact that children will work less and less with their hands. Everything that surrounds us is created by labor and hands. Labor is the basis of human life. Therefore, technology lessons in school must be productive. Labor is associated with the foundations of all sciences. He fosters many qualities in a person: discipline, caution, perseverance, an eye, perseverance, attentiveness. In the end, it forms a person out of a child.

  • Svetlana Bakunina