Features of school uniforms from around the world. School uniforms in different countries: what children wear in Russia, the USA and Uganda

Features of school uniforms from around the world.  School uniforms in different countries: what children wear in Russia, the USA and Uganda
Features of school uniforms from around the world. School uniforms in different countries: what children wear in Russia, the USA and Uganda

In Russia and other post-Soviet countries, there is a very ambiguous attitude towards the American secondary education system. Some believe that it is in many ways superior to the Russian one, while others are sure that schools in the United States have many shortcomings, therefore they criticize the American grading system, the lack of school uniforms and other distinctive features.

In the United States, there are no strict uniform standards for all educational institutions, and everything depends on the local government. A school in California may be different from a school in Virginia or Illinois. Nevertheless, the general aspects are the same everywhere.

As for the Russian and American education systems, there are many differences between them.

American estimates

If in Russia a five-point scale is adopted (in fact, a four-point one, since in practice a unit is usually not set) for assessing knowledge, where the highest score is "5", then in the USA everything is somewhat different. Grades in American schools are the first letters of the Latin alphabet from "A" to "F".

An excellent result is considered the letter "A", and the worst, respectively, - "F". According to statistics, most students succeed in "B" and "C", that is, "above average" and "average".

Also, sometimes three more letters are used: "P" - test, "S" - satisfactory, "N" - "failed".

Lack of school uniform

Apart from American grades, another difference is the lack of school uniforms and any formal dress code in most educational institutions.

In Russia, the first thing that comes to mind when the word “school” is the form: the traditional “black top, white bottom”, lush bows for girls and other attributes. In the United States, this is not accepted, and even on the first day of the school year, students come in whatever they want. All that is required of schoolchildren is compliance with some rules: not very short skirts, no obscene inscriptions and prints on clothes, closed shoulders. Most students dress simply and comfortably: jeans, T-shirts, loose sweaters and athletic shoes.

Choice of items

For a Russian school, this sounds unrealistic, because every student must necessarily attend all the subjects established by the program. But in America, the system is different. At the beginning of the year, students have the right to choose which subjects they want to study. Of course, there are also compulsory disciplines - these are mathematics, English, natural sciences. The student chooses the rest of the subjects and their level of difficulty on his own and, based on this, forms his own class schedule.

Zhdan Ekaterina

The presentation contains information about school uniforms from around the world.



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The school uniform began its history in Great Britain. Here, each school has its own uniform, which must be accompanied by a cap or hat with the school's logo, as well as a tie, outerwear and even socks.

School uniforms in England are respected not only by English schoolchildren, but also by the whole world. Students in English schools have prided themselves on their uniforms for centuries. British school clothes include not just a business suit designed for school, but a complete set of clothes, which includes shoes, outerwear, socks and knee-highs for girls.

On the form there is always an image of the logo of the educational institution, which is most often found on a tie. Young Britons take great pleasure in wearing shirts, ties, hats, blazers and other school wardrobe items.

Four first graders in traditional school uniforms in England.

As for the United States of America, the introduction of uniforms for schoolchildren is a necessity. Since with the help of the same clothes, you can reduce to a minimum all conflicts over expensive sneakers and fashionable clothes between students. Such changes were introduced at regular intervals, in the form of an experiment in different educational institutions. And only in 1996, the school uniform in America became the official clothing for all students in the country. The modern American school uniform serves more to distinguish the students of one educational institution from the students of another.

In Germany, the school uniform is not welcome: it is associated with the uniform of the Hitler Youth. In some schools, uniform school clothes have been introduced, in the development of which the students themselves can take part, but it is difficult to call it a uniform.

In France, each school has its own uniform, but a single school uniform existed only in 1927-1968.

School uniforms in Mexico

School uniforms in Ghana

School uniforms in Kenya

School uniforms in Australia

School uniforms in Japan are known throughout the world.

"Sailor-fuku" is the name of the Japanese school uniform for girls, in Russian it is just sailor suits. But leaving the gates of their home school, schoolgirls are in no hurry to take off their school clothes, they are proud to be members of educational communities. Being a student of an educational institution in Japan is very prestigious, therefore pupils and female students are proud of their status, which is emphasized by the school uniform.

A bag or a briefcase is also attached to the form. An interesting detail of the form is the socks, neatly stretched and glued with special glue.

Boys in Japan wear "gakuran", which is a dark jacket with a row of buttons and a stand-up collar and trousers. The choice of this style is not accidental. It has Prussian roots, as the soldiers of the Prussian army of the 19th century wore similar clothes. At the time when the Japanese school uniform was being developed, the country did not hesitate to actively borrow ideas from enlightened Europe, which was more developed at that time.

School uniforms in North Korea. The main accessory for school uniforms is a red tie, a symbol of the communist movement.

School uniforms in South Korea

School uniforms in China

School uniforms in Sri Lanka are usually white. In a hot country, this color is best suited. In all public and private schools in Sri Lanka, students wear school uniforms. The boys' uniform consists of a white short-sleeved shirt and blue shorts (up to grade 10, about 15 years old). The uniform for girls differs from school to school, however, as a rule, it consists entirely of white cloth.

A light shirt and dark blue trousers - this is how a school uniform in India for boys looks, but girls need to wear a regular white blouse and a dark skirt, and in some schools, a school uniform may also be a sari.

School uniforms in India are always very smart.

In Cuba, the uniform is compulsory not only for schoolchildren, but also for students.

Colombian schoolgirls in school uniforms.

Form in South Africa

Form in Russia

Despite the ambiguity of approaches in different countries, the problem of the school uniform is one of the most discussed in society. In most countries, the school uniform is the main element of student clothing because carries a number of positive meanings, such as: social, disciplining, aesthetic and image.

The social significance of school uniforms. Uniforms, in this case, neutralize the difference in the financial situation of students' families, thus, blurring the line between strata of society and, as a result, helps in the assimilation of educational material, since students do not have the desire and ability to evoke feelings of inferiority and complex in their colleagues for study by defiling newfangled things and jewelry.

2. The disciplinary importance of school uniforms. The school uniform complements intellectual and physical education with disciplinary provisions such as leadership, status and certain bonds, contributes to the development of a respect for clothes, and is also an important tool for the social identification of students, it not only allows you to distinguish between students and non-students, but also creates the necessary distance between students and teachers.

3. The aesthetic value of school uniforms. The aesthetic value of the school uniform is appearance a student who is positively perceived by the student himself and the people around him. A strict suit on a student not only encourages him to comply with aesthetic norms and rules, but also as a result develops a sense of proportion in him and instills taste. A teenager in a school uniform will often always look nice and tidy.

4. The image value of the school uniform. The school uniform in this case acts not only as a reflection of a person's reality, but also as a general characteristic and emblem of an educational institution, which has its own respect, a high level of education, traditions and status. A student in uniform not only emphasizes the individuality of the school (its merits and strengths), which will certainly contribute to its prosperity and development, but also testifies to his belonging to it, thereby, having a positive emotional impact on the people around him. The presence of a uniform at the present time is an indicator of high corporate culture.

What school uniforms are worn in different countries. Photo.

In the modern era, school uniforms are compulsory in most of the developed countries of the world. Uniform advocates make the following arguments:

The form does not allow the development of subcultures in school.
- there are no interethnic, gender differences, the level of income of the parents is not visible from the clothes.
- children and students get used to the formal style of dress that will be needed in the future at work.
- students feel like a single team, a single team.

Let's see what kind of school uniform is worn in different countries of the world. It will be interesting.

School uniforms in Thailand are the sexiest.

Students in Thailand are required to wear school uniforms from elementary school to college. The new style of uniform for female students looks very sexy. A white blouse that fits snugly around the upper body, and a black mini skirt with a slit that fits the thighs just as tightly. Of course, not in all educational institutions, Thai students can contemplate the merits and demerits of female students. Previously, girls wore skirts below the knee, so the older generation of Thais believe that such school uniforms are detrimental to morality. In addition, schoolgirls with flaws in their figure and overweight are probably not very comfortable in such clothes.

School uniforms in England are the most classic.

The style of the school uniform is classic and traditional. Secondary school students are expected to wear their common English style school uniform. Boys wear classic suits, regular leather boots and a tie. Girls also wear western-style clothes, regular leather boots and a bow tie. It is believed that this classic style of dress subconsciously influences the temperament of English students as well as the sense of beauty.

The school uniform in Japan is the cutest.

For students in Japan, school uniforms are not only a symbol of the school, but also a symbol of modern fashion trends, which is often a decisive factor when choosing a school. Japanese school uniform for girls looks like sailor suits. An indispensable attribute of a school uniform for girls is a short skirt and knee-highs. Such schoolgirls are well known to anime lovers. The Japanese school uniform for boys is a classic dark suit, often with a stand-up collar.

School uniforms in Malaysia are the most conservative.

Students in Malaysia are subject to fairly strict rules. Dresses for girls should be long to cover the knees. Shirts should cover the elbow. The complete opposite of Thai schoolgirls. This is understandable - an Islamic country.

School uniforms in Australia are the same.

Both boys and girls in Australia are required to wear black leather boots, matching jackets and ties.

The school uniform in Oman is the most ethnic one.

School uniforms in Oman are believed to be the most striking demonstration of the ethnicity of the nation. Guys should wear traditional, white Islamic clothing to school. Girls should cover their faces, and even better stay at home.

School uniforms in Bhutan are the most practical.

It is said that students in Bhutan do not carry school bags. All textbooks and pencil cases are placed under their clothes, because school uniforms are always bulging in different parts of the body.

School uniforms in the United States are the craziest.

Students can decide for themselves whether they buy and wear school uniforms or not. By the way, and how they will wear it, they also decide for themselves.

School uniforms in China are the most athletic.

School uniforms in most schools in China differ only in size. You won't see much of a difference between girls 'and boys' clothes because, as a rule, schoolchildren wear tracksuits - cheap and practical!

The school uniform in Cuba is the most ideologically correct.

The most important part of a school uniform in Cuba is the pioneer tie. Greetings from the USSR!

In many of its former colonies, the form was not canceled after independence, for example, in India, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, South Africa.

The form In Great Britain is part of the history of the educational institution. Each school has its own uniform, which is accompanied by a headdress, tie, outerwear and even socks. Each prestigious school has its own logo.

In Germany there has never been a uniform school uniform. Some schools have introduced uniform school clothing, which is not a uniform, as students can participate in its design.

In France the situation is similar, each school has its own uniform, but a single school uniform existed only in 1927-1968.

In 1918 the uniform was canceled. After the revolution, they did not think about it until 1949, when tunics with a standing collar were introduced for boys, and brown dresses with a black apron for girls.

In 1962, the boys were dressed in gray woolen suits, and in 1973 - in suits of blue wool blend, with an emblem and aluminum buttons. In the 1980s, blue jackets were made for boys and girls. And in 1992, the school uniform was abolished, the corresponding line was excluded from the law "On Education".

Since September 1, 2013 in Russian schools. In some regions, schools will follow the recommendations of local authorities, while in others they will set the clothing requirements for students themselves.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

There has been a long history of debate over how children wear uniforms in schools. Some believe that the same appearance equalizes children of all social strata. It allows you to better concentrate on your studies, without being distracted by the new blouse of a neighbor on the desk or trendy jeans of a classmate. Others, on the other hand, vote against, claiming that such measures prevent adolescents from expressing themselves, turning everyone into a monochromatic mass. However, the obligatory form in school does not mean that it should be gray and ugly. Surely many of you, watching foreign films about teenagers, have noticed, for example, how stylish the school uniform of American schoolchildren looks. In America, it is supposed to be worn in private schools or even elite ones. In state educational institutions there is either a lax dress code, which is observed at special events, or its complete absence. Let's take a closer look at what the American school uniform is.

For girls

As mentioned earlier, school uniforms in America can be very different. Very often you can find the emblem of a school or college on it. Thus, students of a certain institution can be distinguished from students of another. Apart from the emblem, there are no more restrictions. The color, material and style of uniforms for schoolchildren are determined by the director, teachers and parents. The most common option for girls is a skirt, blouse, and jacket.

The skirt is usually short or medium in length, with wedges. Dark blue, green or burgundy colors, and the cage is also quite popular. Slim fit blouse, white. And the jacket is the same color that was chosen as the main one. Quite often, in addition to it, schoolchildren also have a vest that is worn over a shirt. For hotter weather, the choice falls on a polo shirt, which is also complemented by a jacket or a plain button-down half-over. The American school uniform for girls is restrained, but at the same time, it looks stylish enough so that the younger generation does not have rejection for its everyday wear.

Uniform for young men

For boys and young men, the uniform is selected with a focus on comfort and compliance with the rules of the school dress code. Usually it is gray or beige. White or light-colored shirt and jacket with an emblem. Also, depending on the weather conditions of the particular place where the school is located, the shirt can be replaced with a polo shirt or have short sleeves. American school uniforms for boys and young men almost always look simple, even a little baggy. But young people are inherently more mobile than girls, so clothes should be the most appropriate. But this style is more often used in less elite schools, where equality is above all else. In more expensive private educational institutions, the uniform of young men is thought out to the smallest detail. Why its general appearance looks more neat and stylish.

Other school attributes

While watching films or photographs showing American schoolchildren, one cannot fail to note some of the stylish details of their images. For example, a tie. It is worn by both girls and boys. It can be bright, again in the official school color, or just plain, restrained shade. Also an interesting detail of the American school uniform is the socks. This bow looks incredibly stylish. In general, I must say that it is the knee socks that give that very chic to the image as a whole. Knee white or tall burgundy with two white stripes, they can be very different. The photo shows an American school uniform. You can see what the students of prestigious schools look like.

Backpacks or bags, although they do not belong to school uniforms and are chosen by students regardless of general requirements, nevertheless perfectly complement the overall look. The trendy solid color backpack is perfect for the discreet outfit of students.

Relaxed dress code

As noted earlier, the school uniform is not present in every educational institution. On the contrary, about half of the schools currently manage without it at all. But still, in the absence of an approved uniform in schools, there is often a lax dress code. Guys most often wear jeans and T-shirts, sweaters and trousers. Usually these are convenient and comfortable things that do not restrict movement. However, there are still certain prohibitions.

What is prohibited for American schoolchildren to wear?

So, for example, girls in an educational institution should not appear in too revealing T-shirts and dresses and too short skirts. Boys are not allowed to wear hanging trousers that expose inappropriate places. A similar style was fashionable several years ago among young people, with which school principals had to fight hard. Also, in the uniform of American schoolchildren, baggy is highly discouraged. Because, unfortunately, one of America’s huge problems is child shooting. Based on this, large and dense items of clothing are undesirable, because weapons or illegal drugs can easily be smuggled into them. Another rule of American schools is the prohibition of wearing metal chains on clothes or bags. Again, for the safety of other students, as a similar item can be used as a weapon. The last thing that almost any school will be against is absolutely any piercing, except for the ears. True, in certain cases, it is permissible for a student to have an earring in a non-standard place, with the written permission of the parents.

Support Group

Almost all American schools and colleges have their own basketball and soccer teams. This means there are fans. And also the girls from the cheerleading group are cheerleaders, whose appearance is always very remarkable and bright. During the breaks, they dance dynamic dances with elements of gymnastics. Most often, the girls from the cheerleading group perform in the same bright T-shirts with the logo of the sports team, short skirts and socks.

Overall, the American school uniform can be considered a good role model. But our country does not stand still, more and more educational institutions are making the wearing of uniforms a mandatory requirement. And this cannot but rejoice.