Oscar from house 2 now. Oscar Karimov: “I don’t regret parting with Ksenia Borodina

Oscar from house 2 now.  Oscar Karimov: “I don’t regret parting with Ksenia Borodina
Oscar from house 2 now. Oscar Karimov: “I don’t regret parting with Ksenia Borodina

Member Name: Stanislav Karimov

Age (birthday): 14.12.1980

City: Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan

Job: DJ

Family: married

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Stas Karimov was one of the first participants who appeared on the site of "House-2", but this is not why the fans of the TV project remembered him at all. So why do viewers refer this hero to the golden composition of the "builders of love"?

Stas is a very creative and active guy... From childhood, his favorite hobbies were dancing, sports and music. His twin brother Oscar was always there and even on the show they came together. It happened on May 11, 2004.

The first girl to whom he expressed his sympathy was Maria Myshelova. With her, the young man drove into a separate room, by the way, they became the first couple who did this within the framework of "House-2".

Only this fact did not bring them happiness - soon conflicts began to arise in the couple, which Stas did not tolerate. Despite Marina's persuasions, her tears and tantrums, the young man never returned to her.

For a very long time Karimov passed from one girl to another but the seriousness in all these respects was not perfect. The young man was even given the nickname "eternal bachelor" behind his back.

For the entire time of being on the TV set, Stas Karimov can be distinguished among all the girls.

It was evident that he sincerely sympathized with the girl, but Olga herself was not sure of him and soon switched to another. This incident led to the fact that the young man stopped even starting any relationship within the framework of the project.

After spending some time alone, he left "Dom-2" without regret. At that time, he spent about a year within its walls! As it turned out, he did not leave in vain - outside the perimeter he very quickly met his love. The young man was not even embarrassed that his beloved had a child from a previous relationship.

At the moment Stanislav is married, professionally, Karimov also took place - in 2016 he can be called a successful DJ, showman, producer and remix-maker.

Stas Photos

Stas Karimov is a popular DJ, on his instagram you can see photos from performances and announcements of events.

Stas: Yes, I have a beloved wife Lena and a 13-year-old daughter Uma: she already, by the way, has a black belt in taekwondo. My daughter is my greatest pride, she is an excellent student at the gymnasium, draws, sculpts.

Social network

Is there any secret of an ideal family life?

Stas: The most important thing is to trust each other, support and not succumb to provocations, no matter which side they are. No need to swear over trifles: if you have real, sincere feelings, you need to fight for them. Now, at the same “House 2” and just in life, people converge, disperse, look for new partners and never find anyone. You need to forgive and accept a person. And, of course, never regret anything. I do not regret anything in my life.


The daughter, of course, knows about the television past?

Stas: Yes, Uma is used to being recognized, but we don't include House 2: I don't allow my daughter to watch this madhouse, and she won't be there either. If earlier the TV set was a really interesting, experimental project, now there is, excuse me, some rabble. 13 years is a long time even for such a successful project, so it is not surprising that the ratings began to fall. An alternative has appeared - the same "Vacation in Mexico". I would like to appeal to the producers and directors of “House 2”: you will not be full of scandals alone, without some kind of positive morality the project will die.

“But before the grass was greener” turns out? Do you keep in touch with the old people?

Stas: If possible: they are all part of an important period in my life. Styopa Menshchikov, Roma Tretyakov, Lena Berkova, oddly enough, with the Sun (Olga Nikolaeva, project participant - author) we went to perform together so many times…. Of course, not everyone wants to communicate: Borodina cut all contacts long ago. I understand her: a new life, a family, she is not interested in us. But I always respected Ksenia and in no case refuse my words.

How do you feel about the musical success of another leading project, Olga Buzova?

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Stas: We always sang at “House 2”, went on tour, so why not? On our stage, more than half of the artists do not know how to sing, who bothers? I, of course, only heard one of her songs, it is difficult to somehow evaluate. Olya is talented, intelligent, she achieved everything herself. In addition, she has a multi-million audience that supports her. What else to say here, I can only wish you great luck. I myself cannot live without creativity, without the emotional return of the audience, so I fully understand it. By the way, I am always happy to communicate with fans on social networks and feedback about my musical work.

In 2004, it seems, there was not a single girl in the country who did not secretly dream of meeting the Karimov brothers. Having decided to change their lives in an instant, Stas and Oscar went through a difficult casting, being one of those “fifteen cool people”.

Today 37-year-old Stas and Oscar Karimov answered StarHit five of the most popular questions asked by fans.


Stas Karimov: “We live in Moscow and still do everything together. Together we overcame difficulties and took the first steps in music. Now we work with my brother like DJs. This is our element! We can say that we have come a long way from novice DJs to touring producers of our own projects. 14 years of endless touring are bearing fruit: your musical skills are improving, you begin to more and more often go to large venues throughout the country. In addition, for the last years we have been writing our own songs. Some songs even got into various chats and charts. Of course, I work with Oscar, but lately, more and more often we perform separately ”.

Oscar Karimov:“The main direction of my activity is music. I work as a DJ, my music can be found in social networks in the public domain. I perform in different cities, I also earn money by mixing sound for a variety of tracks. We work with Stas both together and separately. Sometimes I can replace him at concerts, but this does not happen often. "


Stas Karimov: “Everything is good and stable here. Since 2006, nothing has changed: I am still married to my beloved Elena. Together we bring up our daughter Uma. We live happily. Together we are engaged in social projects: we hold festivals, we organize sports events, we organize holidays in general, we create a healthy and positive atmosphere around us. "

Oscar Karimov:“I don't like to advertise my personal life. I can say that I live in marriage with my beloved girl named Lena. We have been together for 10 years, but there are no children yet. They will definitely be in the future, believe me. "


Stas Karimov:“I try to keep in touch with everyone I was friends with on the project. I communicate with Stepa Menshchikov, we often work with him at events. I keep in touch with Sam Seleznev, Olga "Solntse" Nikolaeva, Elena Berkova, Roman Tretyakov. These are the main guys with whom we have kept in touch. Almost nothing is heard about the rest. Only the leaders of the project are in sight.

I'm not very good at the show now. Everything there seems insincere, pretentious to me. In our time, this was not the case, everything was somehow simpler, without a script. This is confirmed by many acquaintances, I am often told that the project is not the same. I never watched DOM-2 after I left. Sometimes I caught sight of some passages, but I immediately switched the channel. "

Oscar Karimov:“I communicate with the same guys as my brother. These are Styopa Menshchikov, Roma Tretyakov, Lena Berkova. I have the best memories of the project, but the most vivid of them is, of course, my relationship with Kseniy Borodina. I have not followed DOM-2 for a long time. About 10 years ago I stopped watching TV, and since then the show has hardly caught my eye. "


Stas Karimov:“I treat Olya very well. I am sincerely happy for her and believe that she has achieved a lot. Buzova is an incredibly strong person, purposeful. I saw these inclinations in her back then, back in 2004. I have great approval for her current success. I think she did the right thing by starting to position herself as a singer. This is an expansion of creative horizons. I really hope that Olya will find her ideal man and someday be very happy.

True, I have not communicated with either Olya or Ksyusha for a long time. I understand perfectly, they have a great fame, and there is simply not enough time to communicate with all the former participants. "

Oscar Karimov:“I have not communicated with Ksyusha Borodina for a long time. Once, after parting, we called each other up once every five years, but that was the end of it. We simply do not have common friends, interests, and therefore there is no incentive to maintain communication. I heard she was married more than once after our relationship. Well, everyone has their own path. The main thing is that the person next to you is reliable. How can you regret parting with someone with whom you have not grown together? So I have no regrets! We went our separate ways, each found his own happiness, so everything was done correctly. "


Stas Karimov: “The plans for the future are very simple: to raise my daughter to be a good person, to spend time with my family and to develop creatively. I want to be useful to society. I never thought about returning to the project, although such proposals are regularly received. I just don't need it. Why go back to DOM-2? Everything I wanted, I have already done there. And now my life is going in a completely different direction. "

Oscar Karimov:“There are plans for development in the music field, a lot of creative ideas and ideas. I don’t think about returning to the project. First, the age is not the same. I am already too old for the project, I have achieved a lot outside of it. Secondly, I have a loved one, a family. "

Many residents of our country in the evening sit comfortably in front of the TV to watch the next episode of the reality show "Dom-2". The participants in this TV project come and go, but they remain in the memory of the fans forever. The very first time the doors of the TV project were opened by the first participants in 2004. It was this season that became the kindest and warmest in comparison with the current ones. Oscar Karimov was among the participants of that year. He came to the shooting with his twin brother Stas. These muscular guys immediately became the favorites of the girls living with them on the TV project, and the viewers.

Karimov Oscar before "House-2"

A guy was born in Bashkortostan on December 12, 1980. He has a soul mate - a twin brother named Stas.

Oscar never sat in one place. Since childhood, he has been studying music, dancing, hand-to-hand combat. In his turbulent youth, he was a real macho and adventurer, constantly urging his brother to exchange dates.

He has always been in the center of female attention, broke more than one heart. In companies, he was a ringleader, without him the communication of friends was not like that.

Thanks to his well-hung language and mobility, he got a job as a sales assistant in a radio store. His salary was directly related to sales, but he sold well!

Participation in a TV project

We have already written that Oskar Karimov constantly urged his brother to take part in various adventures. So this time, Stas could not resist his brother's offer to participate in the television project "Dom-2".

The guys have successfully passed the qualifying round. In many ways, they were facilitated by their identical and more than attractive appearance. The guys also showed their best side in communication. They have always been balabolians, so they instantly conquered the commission that was selecting for participation in the show.

So easily and simply, the brothers entered with the rest of the participants on the perimeter of the TV project on May 12, 2004.

Beautiful and inaccessible

Karimov Oscar and his brother instantly attracted the attention of the participants of the show. Some thought they were crazy and clowns, but most were crazy about them.

The brothers did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate their bodies: they often wrestled and fooled around on the site without T-shirts. The guys made fun of them, and the girls sighed languidly.

Many tried to attract Oscar's eyes, only he was friendly to all the girls of the TV project, nothing more. One only stood before his eyes in the form of a bride - the host of the television project.

Ksenia Borodina from the first days of the show captured the heart of a young man, but she herself did not respond to his attention.

I got it on my head

Karimov Oscar constantly showed signs of attention to Ksyusha, but the girl did not dream of an office romance. She avoided him in every possible way and asked to stop grabbing her in her arms at least on cameras.

Over time, she decided that it was better to be friends with the enemy. The audience watched their friendly conversations, funny jokes. Ksenia constantly offered Oscar to start building a relationship with one of the participants, but he only explained his love to her.

Such gentle words, which Oscar spoke to her in private, eventually melted the ice in the host's heart, and she allowed herself to relax.

Many viewers of the TV project followed their romance, rejoiced for the couple, called their relationship the most tender and romantic.

Only such a turn of events was not needed by the organizers of the project. They asked the girl to end the relationship with the member. Oscar was scared that they would simply remove him from the set.

Soon he was given an ultimatum: either he begins to love one of the participants and build a relationship with her, or he leaves the perimeter.

Oscar Karimov simply could not imagine another girl next to him, he loved Ksenia very much, so he chose the second option - leaving the project. Thus, his participation in the TV show lasted 218 days.

Leaving the project is not a reason to leave

After the project, Oscar Karimov did not leave for his hometown, as many of his friends and fans assumed. He stayed next to his beloved. With Ksenia, they began to live together, trying to build their relationship outside the project.

Only a romance on a project is one thing, but living together is quite another. At first, they were incredibly happy, they spent a lot of time together. But Borodina's work obliged her to spend more time within the walls of the "home", which began to annoy Oscar.

As he later admitted, he was tired of waiting for his beloved from work, she sometimes simply did not come. Of course he was jealous. Ksenia was enraged by his possessive attitude, against the background of mutual irritation, they began to constantly swear.

Swearing, they lost all warm feelings and decided to leave.

Oscar's new relationship

Oscar was not lonely for long, soon he met a girl Alena. The couple met for a long time, after which they decided to live together in a Moscow apartment. Oskar Karimov and his wife, whose photos you can see in this article, are really happy.

Oscar admits that he does not maintain any relationship with Ksyusha, but still communicates with the participants of his TV project season.

Oscar also says that he is insanely happy with his Alena, they literally understand each other perfectly and hardly ever quarrel.

Oscar Karimov now

Immediately after the project, the guy took up the fact that he began to build a career as a DJ. He and his brother traveled around the country with their disco projects.

Subsequently, Oscar and Stas went into business, now they are wealthy people. They have a travel agency, fashion stores and a real estate firm in Moscow and Cheboksary.

Also, the guys professionally hold parties. But this activity for them is just a hobby and rest.