Autumn is a time of inspiration. How to find inspiration in the fall On warm, fine autumn days

Autumn is a time of inspiration.  How to find inspiration in the fall On warm, fine autumn days
Autumn is a time of inspiration. How to find inspiration in the fall On warm, fine autumn days

We, creators and artists, must be able to work in any weather, even if it is cold and damp. But what if a gray blues and heartbreaking chills are not only outside, but also inside, when fears and uncertainty take over and a creative twilight sets in? Magic fairies, walks, writing techniques, little joys, determination and support from friends come to the rescue.

Julia Cameron has been creative for 40 years and has written 25 books. There are many exercises in the book to help cheer up and inspire enthusiasm in your inner artist. She also says that every day she brings new gifts with her. Untie the bow! Let's get started!

A word to the author

I am 58 years old. She became a writer at 18. So, I have been doing my craft for 40 years. I had a chance to write plays, novels, stories, songs, poems and articles. There have been lean years and fat years. I've been writing long enough and long enough to deserve to be called a writer. I have long lived with two twin riders who haunt any writer: with the desire to write and with the fear that this time nothing will work out.

Over the years I've been writing, I've learned that there is a stream of ideas that any of us - any artist - can tap into. Inspiration is just the ability to listen and the willingness to believe the quiet voice inside.

Julia Cameron is a writer, playwright, songwriter and poet, worked in the theater, film and television industries, author of the books The Artist's Way, Long Walks, Everybody Has an Artist, and The Right to Write.

Foundational tools

Some things are so important that it is impossible not to mention them. They are able to enrich and expand our lives. They never fail and therefore deserve to be mentioned again and again.

  • Morning pages... These are three pages of free writing, a stream of consciousness that helps you to discover your "here and now". They should be written immediately after waking up. They help to straighten the spiritual backbone and correct course. And how delightful it is to feel that you are becoming yourself. Real. Tell Pages every morning how you feel. This is the foundation and foundation of creative revival.
  • Walk... For those seeking to strengthen their creativity, it is always a good idea to get some air, especially on foot. The morning pages ask the question, and the walk helps you find the answer.
  • Creative date... You may suddenly find yourself in a new restaurant, stuck in a hardware store, or in an art supply store. A date date doesn't have to be big or expensive. You go on a date to juggle ideas, play with them - and the main word here is “play”.

However, in times of sudden or very large changes, additional measures may be required to gain a sense of security.

Be a newbie

When I finally started taking piano lessons, I was 54 years old. Between 40 and 50, I told myself that I was too old to start.

And then one day I realized that year after year will go by, regardless of whether I learn to play the piano or not.

It took me a lot of courage to start doing what I love. I had to afford the luxury of studying. I had to concentrate on the process, and not on the end result. It was scary even to think about how much I have to overcome to call myself a musician.

I had to remind myself that I was learning to play the piano and that the main thing here was the word “play”. -

I remember my friend Julianne McCarthy. She is 77 years old and recently completed her master's degree in poetry. "How are you?" I ask. And she calmly replies: "They're coming." When something "goes", a sense of flow descends on us. The river of life carries us. “Could anything be better?” I ask myself. Nothing comes to mind.

Be kind to yourself. Let yourself be a beginner.

Magic mirrors

Everyone has friends to turn to for moral support. These people are your "magic mirrors". Even if they themselves are not creators, it doesn't matter. If only they were optimists and believed in you. In them you, as in a mirror, see your abilities and potential. They are always on your side.

Be sure to try to communicate with these people regularly. - Photo @juliaevbeketova.

So, at the turning point of the very beginning of the creative path, Fitzgerald and Hemingway became friends and "magic mirrors" for each other. Fitzgerald was a subtle nature, prone to self-destruction. Hemingway exuded boldness and accentuated masculinity. And what united these writers was the respect that each had for the work of the other. Fitzgerald helped Hemingway get back on his feet and start earning money through literary work. Hemingway encouraged Fitzgerald to trust his imagination and write freely.

"For God's sake, write and don't worry about what the guys say - a masterpiece there or not a masterpiece." -

Grab your phone. Call "magic mirrors" or drop an SMS. Discuss the current state of affairs. The belief of the "magic mirror" has another distinguishing feature: it considers your dream "right and proper." And wants you to succeed.


We begin to slip into despair when we lose our sense of support. To fight this, one must try to feel the joy of being. Simply put, count your joys. Gratitude is a common but effective antidote to despair.

Explore your life piece by piece and count all the joys that are bestowed on you.

Take a pen. Number lines 1 through 21. Start with the essentials. "Today I am healthy" - and then: "I have a place to live." Moving on from the big to the little things: "I like my bed, it is so cozy." “I really love my flannel sheets. So soft. " The list may include not only things, but also people. "I'm grateful to be friends with Sonya." "I am grateful that my daughter and I understand and love each other so."

You are charming. Thank yourself for this.

Small pleasures

If we lack joy, we should actively seek it ourselves. Sometimes, in times of greatest depression, it is difficult even to remember that there is something joyful in life.

Write down 50 things you love. For example: raspberries, kittens, bullfinches, flowers, nut latte, Greek olives, MYTH books, autumn leaves, clown fish, tricolor cats, stained glass ...

Have knew this girl from Montmart? This is Amelie and she is crazy about raspberries. What are you crazy about? -

Arm yourself with this list and plan one week to see and taste whatever you love. Go to the pet store and admire the goldfish. Buy a tray of raspberries and read a good book. Look out for tricolor cats as you walk. There are many ways to fill your life with things that bring happiness.

Many small pleasures make up happiness.

Charles Baudelaire

A sense of determination

Creativity is based on concrete actions. There are no fairies with magic wands in the artist's world. This world needs to be controlled. To create, you need to work vigorously. The key to success is in action.

Every artist should be ready to become Don Quixote and fight windmills, no matter how stupid he may look in the eyes of others, and in his own.

The magic that we need for creativity is nothing more than the courage to go forward. The singer must sing scales. Actor - to teach monologues. Writers should sit at their desk. The phrase "eat the elephant piece by piece" is appropriate in art like nowhere else. Major achievements are made up of small steps that we take every day.

Back in the book

With this book, you will experience freedom. Get bigger and stronger. Exercises and assignments will set your imagination free. You will feel that your creativity is alive.

The book also includes themes and tools for inspiration:

  • Outsmarting Your Inner Critic
  • Gorgeous wise quotes
  • How to cope with periods of discouragement and despair
  • What are "sandwich calls"
  • How to create permanently
  • Finding a sense of balance
  • How to find support and be support for others yourself
  • Recommendations for creating artists' circles

… And 320 pages of creative atmosphere, tools for inspiration and advice from experts on the artist's journey.

A few decades ago, a beautiful inspirational song about the complexity of the structure of the universe sounded from the TV screen for the first time. The fairy-tale princess Melisenta sang that autumn is sure to come after a serene summer. This is really so, an immutable law of nature. In recent years, for some reason, it is customary to elevate summer to the rank of "little life", and wait for autumn as a sad time of the year. But the many-sided autumn also has its advantages and a certain flair.

Something autumnal appears already in the last decade of August, when the day becomes shorter, the nights are cooler, and the piercing freshness of the morning makes you shudder and involuntarily shiver. However, on September 1, summer does not turn off with a flick of a toggle switch, at least this applies to the first days of a gentle southern autumn.

The first month of autumn is a great time to take a vacation and head to. Nice cool weather allows you to make your dreams come true and go to the sea and mountains.

Yes, such a trick allows you to extend the summer a little, relax in maximum privacy, wander around beautiful places without suffering from the heat. And it's just nice to sit in the mountains, enjoying the fresh air and the first signs of autumn.

But as time goes on, the leaves turn yellow, giving the trees a special charm. The golden "Pushkin" autumn is coming, inviting for a walk along the paths of yellow leaves.

This is a time that brings a special, challenging desire to take a million photographs in autumn leaves, write heartfelt poems and stories, and walk on the bright green grass in your arms. Well, or chasing the chestnuts that have fallen from the tree, as my dog ​​does.

This is the most beautiful time. City streets drenched in the sun are transforming, golden trees and pillars entwined with crimson grapes distract from the problems and disorder of life.

It's even more pleasant to go to work when bright yellow crowns appear outside the minibus window every now and then, which yesterday so habitually turned green in the general mass. Even the cracked asphalt and pits are glamorously covered with a shiny golden carpet, not disturbed by the broom of the ZhEK's janitor.

And how much pleasure a walk in the park or in the forest gives! A fine sunny day allows you to wander for hours along the paths and trails. The rustling of foliage always calmed and translated the usual train of thought into a romantic mood.

And there is also a special, incomparable scent of autumn. Its aroma consists of notes of fallen leaves, fresh breezes, the ghostly scent of autumn flowers. In the forest, additional notes of decayed foliage and hidden mushrooms are added to the "autumn spirits".

A cool autumn evening makes it possible to light a lamp and slowly, enjoying every sip and warming your hands, drink freshly brewed tea with lemon. A luxury not available on hot summer days. On autumn evenings, there is a desire and inspiration to bake something tasty and unusual, since this time of the year there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

It is the golden autumn that becomes the overtone of a new life. She, every year, persistently reminds of the value of being. Not about the pleasures invented by human civilization that allow you to freely kill time, but about real eternal values, without which life becomes a meaningless existence. This is how she is in the middle of autumn, the time to collect bouquets of leaves and indulge in philosophy.

The third hypostasis of autumn is rainy, damp weather, slush and mud, covering the once delightful golden carpet. The leaves have flown around, and in the morning you wake up not from the sun's rays, but from the cries of crows.

But here, too, not everything is so bad. The cold autumn rain does not dispose to walks and contemplation of nature, but you can spend time at home with your family, get carried away or take a movie. And it's high time to do creative work, to remember the pleasant things to which hands did not reach in the summer.

We can say that autumn is an amazing and many-sided time of the year! And, in the end, autumn is not yet winter, which may be close, but has not yet arrived. It's time to rethink your life and direct it in a new direction.

Autumn sprinkles leaves ...
Chilled on the asphalt.
Birds fly away to warm lands.
Above me a waltz ...
Silence whirls quietly.
In deserted parks ...
Once again ... the fires are burning.

Autumn sprinkles leaves ...
On houses and roofs.
The whole city is shrouded in a shroud of rain.
Echoes of summer ...
Not audible and quiet.
Quietly hits the glass ...
September wind.

Autumn sprinkles leaves ...
The carnival is sad.
And in the sadness of this ... the thought of you.
Thoughts of separation ...
And about our meeting.
The turns are strange ...
In life and destiny.

Larisa M.

Autumn sneeze time

Nadezhda Muntseva

Friends, greetings!

Autumn season, in addition to charm, brings with it a runny nose and sneezing.
I suggest, in addition to the medications that you will take ... well, if you will, a few sneezing sentences:


Sneeze for pain, for fear, for harm!
I have health for a hundred years!
If I want more,
I will order and receive ...

In autumn, the landscape is miraculous and beautiful.
Recoloration of bright colors enchants the eye
And gives inspiration to the poet and the dream of an autumn fairy tale
And even a light rain does not spoil the golden picture of autumn.

The autumn forest shines with colorful flowers
Divinely enchanting autumn colors -
Lilac, gold, crimson and yellowing green
Leaves that are full of tall slender trees
And the road is lined with gold crimson.

A rain-washed road running through the gilded forest
Hurrying somewhere into the distance, running away to ...

Creations sung by inspiration,
You whisper in my ear, be kinder ...
And then in times of suffering, awareness comes the thought
what a beast I am ...
So to reach for the higher worlds ...
So want warmth and cleanliness ...
And then, like a bell of insight, the answer came to me,
- That all this is not you.
All that was suffered with pain,
Everything that lay in torment in my heart ...
In five minutes a cruel thought erased
And like a stone thrown to the bottom ...
I'm reaching out, trying ... see?
I'm getting brighter already
And I do not respond to an evil call ...

Autumn silently enters the houses,
There are high migratory birds in the sky.
Well tell me: what can be the fault,
As in the fall, people dream of falling in love.

When it rains endless day after day
Falls from the trees, as if in a dance of foliage.
But love on earth remains forever
Falling in love, you will understand everything about it yourself.

And then, the gray day changes in an instant
And the foliage will whirl around you, caress it with a border.
Will sing in my soul, a voice with inspiration,
And the dreary autumn will become golden again ...

Autumn marathon of trembling destinies ...
Silent and drawn-out kisses ...
Someone else's answers to my questions ...
Or maybe you don't exist at all?

In idle and abrupt doubts
Autumn comes magical inspiration ...
And only echoing on paper,
Dissolving in me like autumn rain ...

And again this wind of change ...
September brilliant leaves captured ...
And a jazz tune from afar ...
He will dispel my doubts ...

He will lightly touch his cheek ...
And a drop will spill over the hand ...
It will stay warm for a long time ...

Most people dislike autumn. We see only slush, rain, dullness and cold in this time of the year. But it is worth discarding this negative, and you will see how wonderful this time is. Therefore, you should not get depressed and experience autumn. Today we will tell you why autumn is the best time for inspiration.

1. Color palette

The most obvious and most controversial point. Of course, in many cities, the golden-red carpet of leaves quickly turns into a muddy mess. And if this is exactly your case, then you just need to lift your head up and you will plunge into the abundance of warm and bright colors that trees delight us with every autumn. All this beauty cannot but inspire.

2. Romance

Autumn is the most romantic time of the year, no matter what they say about spring. Summer heat is not particularly conducive to the desire to lie hugged in bed or even walk holding hands. Autumn coolness is just created for hugs and tenderness. When the wind is blowing outside the window, you just want to snuggle up to a loved one and warm up a little in a cozy embrace. Look for inspiration in this warm romance. Then you don't have to fight your creative stupor.

3. A valuable lesson from autumn

Every year, autumn teaches us one important truth - you need to appreciate what you have. For three whole months the summer pampered us with hot sun and warmth, but what did we do? Hiding under air conditioners and whining about how hot it was outside? So, as soon as autumn gives a hint of the coming winter cold, the heat ceases to seem like something bad. Many even try to escape from bad weather to hot countries. So, appreciate the warmth that we still have left.

4. Delicious

It is in autumn that the last and most generous harvest falls. This is just the time when it is worth recharging with vitamins to the fullest and taking your soul away, having eaten your favorite vegetables and fruits. After all, very soon ripe and inexpensive gifts of nature will disappear from the shelves, and they will be replaced by unripe fruits and vegetables of dubious quality, which will also cost quite decently.

5. Long nights

Night is an unusual time of day. It is at night that the most unusual and entertaining ideas come to mind. It is at night that incredibly powerful inspiration can attack us. There is something in this mysterious darkness and tranquility. Therefore, lovers of the night simply have to fall in love with autumn, as at this time of the year the nights become much longer. Well, owls can also sleep peacefully in the morning and not hide their eyes from bright sunlight.

6. Cozy clothes

In the fall, no one will be able to laugh at you if you are sitting in front of the computer in old warm pajamas with children's drawings. It is at this time of the year that we can wrap ourselves up in a warm sweater and enjoy its comfort and softness. Autumn is the time for elegant coats and raincoats, favorite scarves and funny hats. Experiment with your wardrobe, add a couple of bright details to it. Let your clothes inspire you.

7. Autumn is the time for books

It seems that autumn is just made for reading. You just want to wrap yourself up in a warm blanket, grab a cup of something hot and plunge into a good book. Reading lovers will no longer need to come up with an excuse to stay at home. Bad weather outside is an excuse for all occasions. And now you can calmly delve into reading without fear of being distracted again.

8. Last gatherings by the fire

In the summer you want to stay as far away from the fire as possible. The autumn bonfire helps companies to rally, because because of the cool weather, everyone, huddling against each other, will surround him. Treat yourself to a kebab, bread fried on a fire or baked potatoes, because you will not taste this for quite a long time.

9. Appeasement

After a stormy summer, you want to retire, to be in a calm and peaceful atmosphere. Autumn evokes a slightly melancholic and creative mood, which may well attract a long-awaited muse. Give in to the calmness of autumn, watch what is happening around. Take inspiration from the world around you and pour it into your creativity.

10. Opportunity to be children

They will never look askance at a person playing with autumn leaves. For some reason, this childishness is forgivable at any age. Therefore, allow yourself to fully rustle the leaves and feel like a child. It helps to overcome creative decline and significantly improve mood.

Halloween is also celebrated in autumn. And this holiday is a great way to express yourself by creating an unusual costume. And when you come to the party, you will see so many different and creative outfits that you simply cannot be in a state of creative crisis anymore.

Main photo taken from the site

In the fall, the days get shorter and colder, it often rains and cold winds blow. Thoughts more and more often return to the hot summer season. In fact, the onset of autumn is not a reason for sadness. After all, autumn is a time of inspiration. And if in the summer we swam, sunbathed and had fun, then in the fall we should start a new project, find a new hobby - to change something in our life.

On warm, fine autumn days

If the weather is good, then it's time to go to nature. What can you do outside?

Here are some options:
arrange - bright multi-colored leaves, red rowan - all this is an excellent background for photography. Take pictures with your family, friends, or take a beautiful photo in which only you will be;
go to the forest for mushrooms - not only will you enjoy the process itself, you will also have a rest in nature, you can breathe fresh air and listen to birdsong. And, of course, you collect a lot of mushrooms for harvesting;
picnic is another great pastime. It doesn't matter if you go on a picnic with family or friends. The main thing is that you will relax and feel the unity with nature;
walk - just take a walk in the park, collect an autumn bunch of leaves. Such autumn walks are soothing, help to gather thoughts together, to tune in to a new period in life.

On gloomy rainy days

If it is raining outside the window, it is not. You can find a lot of interesting things even in bad weather.

Here's what you can do:
invite friends and have a party or just sit down for a cup of tea. You can make a delicious tea with orange, cinnamon and apples, or make hot chocolate with mint. And you can cook light snacks and cook mulled wine;
get creative - if you have long wanted to try drawing or knitting, composing a poem or learning to sing, now is the time. After all, autumn is a time of inspiration;
make an autumn craft with a child - you can make an interesting craft or applique from natural material collected on a warm autumn day. And then she will decorate the interior for the whole autumn;
cook a new dish - autumn is the season of fruits and vegetables. Try to cook something original and healthy with these products. A delicious casserole, an unusual salad or a fragrant cake will help brighten up a rainy day;
movie or book - make yourself a hot drink (tea, coffee, chocolate), cover yourself with a blanket and enjoy an exciting movie or an interesting book.

What can be changed in life?

Summer is over, which means the entertainment is over. In the fall, you need to tune in to a working mood. In a sense, with the beginning of autumn, a new year begins - a working year that will last until vacation or vacation. Of course, you can continue to go to work or study and not change anything, but you can change something, open a new page in life.

Autumn is a great time to study. A lot of courses and master classes start working precisely at the beginning of autumn. If you have long wanted to learn a foreign language, it is worth signing up for courses in the fall. Choose what you need for work, life, or just remember your old dream and go to study.

You can study not only in courses, but also at home. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of training master classes, trainings, courses. Therefore, engage in self-education: set aside some time for study and study at home.

If life gets boring, find a hobby. You can try everything in a row until you find what you like best. Or, if you have long wanted to learn how to embroider, make kanzashi, do scrapbooking or learn to play a musical instrument, start doing it in the fall. After all, autumn is perfect for creativity.

Do you want to tighten your figure or lose a few extra pounds? Sign up for yoga, fitness, Pilates, dance, or just start running. It is especially good to start the last lesson at the very beginning of autumn, when the weather is still good. Then you will have time to get involved.

And it’s worth it in the fall. Remove everything unnecessary from it, starting with things that you have not used for a long time and ending with bad habits. You may want to pay more attention to your health in the new working year, go in for sports, and switch to proper nutrition. Or maybe you decide to start a new project that will bring money in the future or just satisfaction? Or you decide to learn time management to keep up with everything. Have you dreamed of writing a book for a long time? Autumn is just the time to start fulfilling your dream.

Autumn with its bright leaves, cobwebs, lingering rains is a wonderful and unique time. During this period, it is worth stopping and looking around, and not only to enjoy the beautiful nature, but also to think about your life.