Surroundings of Raskolnikova. How does the Environment affect the heroes of the novel f

Surroundings of Raskolnikova. How does the Environment affect the heroes of the novel f

Its idea is simple: to kill anyone who is not the necessary old-year-older, steal money accumulated by it and consult them for the benefit of the disadvantaged. "One death and one hundred people in return. But here there are arithmetic, "says the author of the theory. So, the goals of the Raskolnikov are quite worthy, but, as you know, the good intention is used by the road to hell; A question arises: Does the target justify the purpose? Deciding for murder, Raskolnikov ranks themselves to "right having", that is, to a special group of the strengths of this, which is allowed. The crime for him is a test, and if he cannot stand it, he will remain "the creature of trembling", like most people on the planet. It was amenable to the influence of this idea, the Raskolnikov makes the murder, which immediately entails another one.

Man and society in the work of a crime and punishment (see)?


In the novel of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", the conflict between society and the personality is clearly traced. Raskolnikova is a darling mother, Skolnikova sister has all the time to avoid harassment, the splitters, smart and not a lazy person, are forced to stagnate in poverty. Many believe that in addition to their own theory, the Raskolnikov "helped" to prite the crime to the crime also many external factors, in particular, the injustility of the world around and the difficult conditions of the life of the Skolnikov himself and his relatives.

Plus to all, his theory. Well, if more detailed about the theory, but what has been here, everything is known. Roalescence, clearance, punishment.

Argument crime and punishment person society

You can say for a long time how this act is immune to what extent it contradicts moral, ethical, religious polls, not to mention the legal norms. One thing is clear - the murder is terribly, monstrously, and his idea is no better, for it justifies violence. There is a character in the novel, the position of which is clearly opposed by Skolnikovskaya.

This is Sonya Marmaladov, an expressant of Christian morality. She is good for violence and malice and considers all people worthy of compassion for the social status of Sonya even below Skolnikov. She is a prostitute. Only Christian ideas help her to survive, moreover, to live in spirit, despite the constant humiliation.
Thus, on the example of Sony Marmalade and Skolnikov, it can be understood how different influence can have an idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality. She can raise a person from Niza himself, and can get sink to the bottom, to marry in the greatest sins.

How society affects man crime and punishment

If the idea is mastered by a person, this is one thing, another thing, if she masters the masses. Last Skolnikov's sleep shows the possible consequences of mass hobbies of a false, dangerous idea. In my opinion, in our century the dreams of the unfortunate killer began to come true.

  1. The meaning of the name of the novel "Crime and Punishment" The Great Russian Writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky sought to show the ways of moral renewal of human society.
    A person is the center of life to which a writer's look is chained. "Crime and Punishment" is a novel of Dostoevsky, ... Look entirely
  2. I killed myself, not an old woman. An essay on the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky is the greatest Russian writer, an unsurpassed realist artist, an anata of the human soul, a passionate advocacy of ideas of humanism and justice.

The impact of the idea of \u200b\u200ba person on the novel Fyodor Dostoevsky crime and punishment


But after all, the novel "Crime and Punishment" - the work is very bright, although the tragic one. The writer expressed his innermost thoughts about the moral ideal of humanism. The protagonist of the novel comes to the moral ideal, having experienced many suffering.

Tolstoy Dostoevsky moral hero

At the beginning of the work, this is a person who is disappointed in humans and believes that only with violence can be restored by the blast and justice. Rodion Raskolnikov creates a cruel theory, according to which the world is divided into "the right of having" and "creatures of trembling." The first is allowed by everything, the second is nothing. The main topics and the motives of the novel "Crime and Punishment" The main philosophical question of the novel - the borders of good and evil.

The writer seeks to identify these concepts and show their interaction in society and in a separate person. In protest, the Raskolnikova is difficult to hold a clear line between good and evil.

Theme of man and society in a crime and punishment

Dostoevsky is very few copyright monologues, the voice of the writer is far from the foreground, and with all the variety of ideas reflected in his novels, there is not one that can be clearly defined as the author. Therefore, it is impossible to say that in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich, some kind of defined copyright position is formulated and defended, these are not novels with the idea, but rather novels about the idea and its influence on a person. In the "crime and punishment" the strongest influenced by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scholars.

This is not a finished education student living in a camork, which is more like a closet. Rodionna Romanovich is barely enough for meals. Around himself he sees the bench life of the St. Petersburg "slums", full of social injustice and unauthorizedness.
And in this dust, stuffing and dirt in the inflamed Raskolnikov reason is born a terrible thought.

How does society affect a person? (final essay)

He realized that the traditions of grandfathers and fathers could be wrong or unfair. Arguments from literature on the topic: A man outside of society He is a bark, hot, seeks to learn something new, impatient and passionate. It is he who becomes defense of freedom, art, mind and carries a new high morality to the Famówov world, however, the Morusov's Poor World does not accept change and rubs any rustles of the new, light and beautiful on the root.

Such is the eternal conflict of the progressive personality and the crowd, which is to conservatism.

  • The Bunlet Spirit is filled with the main character of Roman M.Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time." Pechorin does not accept many well-established public rules, but still trying to find a common language with his peace. The personality, as the identity of many others, is formed under the action of several forces: the first - his will, the second - society and the epoch in which it exists .


In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, a lot of ideas and theories of various kinds are reflected, often not coinciding with the author. These ideas interact with each other, encourage collisions, affect human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, his throwing, doubt, the writer was interested in the relations of the already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them.

In my opinion, that is why Dostoevsky's heroes almost do not remember anything, and their life attitudes do not have strong changes in the course of the work of works. Being a deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experience of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; And even trying to penetrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious, which no one in Russian literature did so clearly before him. In the works of F. M.

Society affects man crime and punishment

In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, a lot of ideas and theories of various kinds are reflected, often not coinciding with the author. These ideas interact with each other, encourage collisions, affect human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, his throwing, doubt, the writer was interested in the relations of the already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them. In my opinion, that is why Dostoevsky's heroes almost do not remember anything, and their life attitudes do not have strong changes in the course of the work of works. Being a deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experience of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; And even trying to penetrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious, which no one in Russian literature did so clearly before him. In the works of F. M.
Here is a clear protest against murder and cruelty, here sympathy for someone else's pain. Under the influence of sleep, there are two motifs of the alleged murder. One - hatred of tormentors. Another - the desire to rise to the position of the judge.

But the Raskolnikov did not take into account the third factor - the inability of a good person shed blood. And as soon as this thought came to his head, he pulled his plans in fear. In other words, not yet raising the ax, the Raskolnikov understands the doomedness of his idea. Waking up, the hero was almost ready to refuse the conceived: "God! - he exclaimed, - Yes, really, really, I really, I will take an ax, I will beat my head on my head, I smack her skull ... People, in the novel, can not make money on their existence. And this consciousness provokes people to what gradually, they fall lower and lower, are engaged in prostitution, theft.

How society affects man an essay crime and punishment

In addition, remember the surroundings of the main character: this is Sonya Marmaladov, a very good girl who has a positive effect on Skolnikov. All these factors led to the fact that the protagonist is confined in a committed crime. In this literary work, we clearly observe how society influenced a person, forcing him to do what was needed. In conclusion, I would like to say that a person is inextricably linked with society. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to abstract from it for a hundred percent. And from this approval it follows that society directly proportionally affects the person who belongs to him.
Raskolnikov, a former student of the Faculty of Law, "left the university for non-dissimilarity than herself", and was forced to make a living, giving a penny lessons. When "lessons and other funds stopped", the Raskolnikov had to lay the most valuable that he had, and the most expensive things for him are the old fatherly watches and the golden ring, donated with his sister for memory. "Crushed by poverty," he did not have his own dwelling, and hired a Camork from the residents, "who was more on a closet or a chest", a tiny nurse, being in which "became terribly, and the eyes and thoughts were involuntarily asked for a donor." Moreover, he "was owed around the hostess" and was constantly hiding from her. Without having almost no means to exist, he, it happened, did not eat anything for several days, but "dressed was so bad that other<… посовестился бы днём выходить в таких лохмотьях на улицу».

Roman F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was written in 1866. It was the time of reforms, when new - bourgeois delint-entrepreneurs of Luzin and Svidrigaylov began to change the old "owners of life", when a new one came to replace the old morality - "Love before all myself." F. M. Dostoevsky, as a writer, subtlyly feeling all changes in society, reflected these changes in his novel "Crime and Punishment".

The main character of this work is Rodion Raskolnikov - poor student of St. Petersburg

The university, who was forced to quit his studies due to the fact that he did not have enough money because of nervous and physical exhaustion. With Raskolnikov, we meet in the first pages of the novel. We see, in what horrendous conditions the main character lives: he is poor, he has no decent clothes, his room is more like a closet than a person's dwelling, he has no money to pay the housing for housing, and he is forced from Her hide. A poverty, human suffering, death see around himself around himself. He asks himself a question why some people, such as Luzhina and Svidrigailov, live in luxury, and others who are much better, morally, the first, type of Sonia and Katerina Ivanovna, must die from hunger and poverty.

Raskolnikov understands that the world is arranged unfairly. He wants to change the existing order of things, but he understands that only an extraordinary person can change the world - "Lord". Rodion Raskolnikov creates its theory, according to which all people are divided into two categories: the first - "lords", these people are very small in the world, these are those who carry out society progress, such as Napoleon or Newton. Their main task is to manage the rest of the mass, "ordinary people", as Raskolnikov calls them. The main task of "people of ordinary", according to Raskolnikov, is the reproduction and submission of "Lords". For the sake of any great idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Lord" can sacrifice by any means, including human life. They can throw millions of people to death, as Napoleon did, and at the same time remain great. Raskolnikov was a supporter that the great goal justifies any means. He considered himself the "lord", but he wanted to consume his capabilities and his power is not for his own glory, but in order to help poor people. Sonechka Marmaladov asks Okolnikov, what to do to help "humiliated and offended", to which the splitters answer: "What to do? Break what you need, and suffering to take on yourself! Freedom and power, and most importantly - power! Over all the creatures trembling, over all the anthill. " Raskolnikov asks themselves: "Creator I tremor or right I have?"

In order to check which category of people it belongs, the Raskolnikov is solved on the killing of the old-year older. He knows that she has a lot of money. She is very rich, but all her money disappears in vain, and after death she took them to the monastery. Raskolnikov understands that this money can be saved not one dozen lives. But in fact, the true reason for the murder was the desire of Raskolnikov to test himself and his theory, find out what category of people he belongs, and the help of "humiliated and offended" is only a morality for him. After killing the old woman, the distributor, the splitters seemed to cut themselves from around the world, from all other people. He can not even hug a mother and sister, as it feels that he has "blood hands." Dostoevsky step by step follows the hero, does not miss anything, shows each trifle, every item. Dostoevsky comes to the conclusion that the person who made such a brutal murder on the basis of its at least brutal theory should have a forked character, and indeed, the Rodion of Raskolnikov, on the one hand, is endowed with the best human qualities, on the other - it focuses a lot of negative. With his inhuman theory of Raskolnikov put himself above other people, but by this he broke himself from all society. Raskolnikov assigned the right to "execute and pretty" - the right to which Dostoevsky believes, only God has. Raskolnikov is not only outside of society, but also out of faith. He denies God, and otherwise he would not have committed this murder.

After the crime, the "punishment" of Raskolnikova begins. It is very symbolic in the novel that only one part is devoted to the crime, and the remaining five - punishment, and Dostoevsky believed that the moral punishment is much stronger than physical. Raskolnikov suffers mostly because he understands that as a result, he remained "creating a trembling", and only through the Schedule of the Rasselniki was able to realize all the inhumanity of his theory, to cleanse spiritually and morally and start a difficult and gradual path of returning to people.

In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky, one of the greatest writers and thinkers of the last century, a lot of ideas and theories of various kinds are reflected, often not coinciding with the author. These ideas interact with each other, encourage collisions, affect human consciousness. Unlike L. N. Tolstoy, F. M. Dostoevsky did not describe the formation of the human spirit, his throwing, doubt, the writer was interested in the relations of the already formed personalities and the ideas expressed by them. In my opinion, that is why Dostoevsky's heroes almost do not remember anything, and their life attitudes do not have strong changes in the course of the work of works.

Being a deepest psychologist, the writer very convincingly draws the experience of the hero, reflections through internal monologues; And even trying to penetrate the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious, which no one in Russian literature did so clearly before him.

In the works of F. M. Dostoevsky very few copyright monologues, the voice of the writer is far from the foreground, and with all the variety of ideas reflected in his novels, there is not one that can be clearly defined as the author. Therefore, it is impossible to say that in the works of Fyodor Mikhailovich, some kind of defined copyright position is formulated and defended, these are not novels with the idea, but rather novels about the idea and its influence on a person.

In the "crime and punishment" the strongest influenced by the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scholars. This is not a finished education student living in a camork, which is more like a closet. Rodionna Romanovich is barely enough for meals. Around himself he sees the bench life of the St. Petersburg "slums", full of social injustice and unauthorizedness. And in this dust, stuffing and dirt in the inflamed Raskolnikov reason is born a terrible thought. Its idea is simple: to kill anyone who is not the necessary old-year-older, steal money accumulated by it and consult them for the benefit of the disadvantaged.

"One death and one hundred people in return. But here there are arithmetic, "says the author of the theory. So, the goals of the Raskolnikov are quite worthy, but, as you know, the good intention is used by the road to hell; A question arises: Does the target justify the purpose? Deciding for murder, Raskolnikov ranks themselves to "right having", that is, to a special group of the strengths of this, which is allowed. The crime for him is a test, and if he cannot stand it, he will remain "the creature of trembling", like most people on the planet.

It was amenable to the influence of this idea, the Raskolnikov makes the murder, which immediately entails another one. You can say for a long time how this act is immune to what extent it contradicts moral, ethical, religious polls, not to mention the legal norms. One thing is clear - the murder is terribly, monstrously, and his idea is no better, for it justifies violence.

There is a character in the novel, the position of which is clearly opposed by Skolnikovskaya. This is Sonya Marmaladov, an expressant of Christian morality. She is good for violence and malice and considers all people worthy of compassion for the social status of Sonya even below Skolnikov. She is a prostitute. Only Christian ideas help her to survive, moreover, to live in spirit, despite the constant humiliation.

Thus, on the example of Sony Marmalade and Skolnikov, it can be understood how different influence can have an idea of \u200b\u200bpersonality. She can raise a person from Niza himself, and can get sink to the bottom, to marry in the greatest sins.

If the idea is mastered by a person, this is one thing, another thing, if she masters the masses. Last Skolnikov's sleep shows the possible consequences of mass hobbies of a false, dangerous idea. In my opinion, in our century the dreams of the unfortunate killer began to come true.