Fire show (fire show) prices. Fire fire show for a wedding or birthday Fire fire show

Fire show (fire show) prices. Fire fire show for a wedding or birthday Fire fire show

Fire show is an incredibly diverse genre. It includes dancing with fire, designer costumes, and pyrotechnic special effects ... And, of course, acting! After all, the main thing is people: the energy of the artists turns into the emotions of the audience. We were invited as judges by all the largest fire festivals in Russia and the CIS. We have performed in front of thousands of spectators - and in front of our professional colleagues. And they got a standing ovation. There are many fire shows in Moscow, but the AURUM fire show is one!

How to choose a fire show - video and photo

Of course, professionals view promotional materials in a completely different way from ordinary viewers. But there are general recommendations that you should pay attention to.

  • Are the fire show artists smiling on the video? Move freely and easily?
  • During tricks, firemen do not look sideways at each other, do they dance synchronously and harmoniously?
  • Are the costumes clearly visible in the photo with the fire? Do you like the costumes?
  • Are the special effects beautiful and appropriate, do not overshadow the show and do not cause safety concerns?
✓ If yes, then it’s a normal show, you can take it :-)

It's good if the video of the fire show is filmed at the performance - this is how you see the reaction of the audience and their emotions. Still, staged shooting, where the artists have as many takes as they want, and the show on a real stage are sometimes very different things. Therefore, most of our numbers were filmed both "on stage" and with the participation of the audience!

Fire-show Aurum - reviews

Before ordering a fire show, it is useful to read the opinions of other people. Does what they write about match your expectations? Perhaps in the process of reading important questions will come up that you have never thought about before. On this page you can see the opinions of our regular customers. And in our group Vkontakte- reviews of newlyweds and other individuals.

What does the AURUM fire show include?

We work in the genre of fire and pyrotechnic show. That is, apart from dancing with fire, we always use pyrotechnic special effects. In the continuation and in the finale of each number, the artists work with instruments that scatter powerful streams of gold and silver sparks in different directions. Depending on the configuration of the program, we also decorate the stage with pyrotechnic figures. You can see how they look in the configuration table. If there are too many unfamiliar terms, don't worry! Just call us, our manager will explain everything in order.

Musical pyrotechnic show. This is the pinnacle of skill, a real show of fire and light, each chord of which is emphasized by special effects. More often, such a fire show is made to order, as an author's work. The price of the show in this case depends on its scale. Here we use significantly more lighting, sound and pyrotechnic equipment.

Fire show price - what does it depend on?

The quality of pyrotechnic products + the work of professional artists + the cost of costumes and their depreciation + the work of technicians and pyrotechnics + fire, pyrotechnic, light and musical equipment = these are the components of a cool and safe fire show. Driving into Yandex the request "fire show is inexpensive" is worth thinking about which items from the above you are ready to donate.

How do you keep the cost of a fire show within budget?

We offer different program options - the fewer artists and pyrotechnics are involved in the show, the lower the cost. If the budget is limited, it is better to opt for a duet, but supplement it with good special effects. The price of a fire show performed by a duet with the "Extended" package is the same as that of a trio without add-ons (to be precise - like a trio with a classic set or a program for 4 artists without add-ons). But the effect is strikingly different!

How to order a fire show?

  • Contact us! The easiest way, of course, is to make a phone call. But if you, for example, are now abroad or are simply busy, you can send an e-mail with a request or write through the online form on the website.
  • Tell us, at what event is the fire show planned to be held? What date will the celebration take place and where will it take place?
  • Choose a number. If it is still difficult to decide - it does not matter, we will explain everything in detail and select the best option!
  • Check out the various add-ons to make your show even more colorful and personal. For example, for a wedding, it can be a pyrotechnic inscription with the names of the newlyweds or a common surname, for graduation - the number of the school or the year of graduation.
  • Sign a contract. To do this, we can meet with you at your office or at our office, and if necessary, we can drive up to inspect the site.
  • Fire show order confirmed! One day before the appointed date, our coordinator will contact you to once again confirm all the details and clarify the nuances.
  • Enjoy the fire show at the party!

Prepayment... When concluding a contract, the Customer usually pays 50% of the amount. Thus, he reserves the date, the selected show and the set of special effects, and the Contractor confirms that at the right time in the right place there will be a performance of exactly the program that was determined by the Customer.

The fact is that for the most popular dates, for example, summer Fridays and Saturdays, graduation dates or New Year's Eve, all good artists are often booked several months in advance!

Organization and holding of a pyrotechnic show in Moscow - what does a customer need to know?

If you want to order a fire show, first of all it is worth checking with the site where the event will be held, whether your desire does not contradict their internal rules or federal legislation. Most establishments, especially suburban ones, have nothing against a fire show. If the site as a whole does not mind, but the director of security has a number of questions, it is better to contact him directly with us. We will provide our permits, licenses, certificates and certificates for pyrotechnics. The organization of a fire show is a responsible business, in which only professionals can be involved.

Do you need a site inspection?

Quite often, our shows are booked for events in the same places. Of course, in this case, site inspection is not required. We are well acquainted with most of the popular establishments of Moscow, St. Petersburg and their suburbs, so most likely the manager will be able to advise in the first telephone conversation where it is better for the artists to settle down and where for the guests. Another thing is a large-scale musical pyrotechnic show, which is often created individually for a specific customer. But even in this case, it is highly probable that we have already conducted a similar performance and can tell in advance how to position ourselves on the ground.

Nowadays, this kind of street art, like a fire show, has become very popular. Many people order such shows for a holiday: they often invite fire show artists to a wedding, arrange fiery performances at beach parties and corporate events. The fire show is now a frequent guest on television - it can be seen in various TV projects to find talent. Read more about what a fire show is.

What is a fire show?

The word "fire show" comes from the English phrase "fire show", although in English this concept is more likely to be answered by the term "fire performance". It consists in performing various manipulations with fire, dancing and tricks with burning objects, either for the purpose of their own amusement, or, as a rule, for the entertainment of the public. The fire show itself is a kind of street art, or rather, a kind of contemporary art such as street performance.

Fire show performers are commonly referred to as firemen. A professional fire show is distinguished by the participation in its preparation and execution of a whole team of people, the presence of rich props and the possession of all kinds of "fire" techniques.

History of the genre

The main element of the fire show artists' props are poi - an instrument that is a wick attached to chains or ropes. Their predecessor was invented by the Maori people of New Zealand, who did not even know what a fire show was. Initially, Maori women began to train their arms by rotating bags for transporting eggs around their bodies: they attached strings to them, and the eggs were replaced with stones. Soon Maori warriors took notice of this training. And already in the XX century, the artists of the traveling circus borrowed poi for their performances, instead of bags, attaching wicks to the ropes, and later replacing the ropes with chains.

Dances with fire, dedicated to a fiery deity named Shiutekutli, were performed by the ancient Aztecs, and in our time this old dance is shown to tourists in Mexico. And the fire dance performed by the inhabitants of the island of Bali was called Shanghuang Haran and was performed in order to drive away the "witches" who brought an epidemic to the village.

In the 90s of the XX century, the popularity of fire shows has grown significantly. Fire control skills have become in demand in nightclubs, rave parties, beach parties and music festivals. This genre has also become very common as an element of entertainment at corporate events, street festivals, holiday parties. A fire show can also be part of a flash mob, or it can precede a pyrotechnic show.

Fire show types

The rise in popularity of fire shows and the increased availability of appropriate props have contributed to the emergence of various types of fire shows.

  • Traditional fire show. Such performance often includes the use of Polynesian dress and other cultural elements. Many of these shows are inspired by world famous festivals such as the Samoa Festival and the World Fireknife Competition.

  • Ritual fire show. This type of fire show is characterized by the use of fire in occult and pagan ceremonies, and the technique of performing tricks by firemen is not so important here - the artist's ability to emphasize the specifics of the ritual is important.

  • Modern fire show. There are practically no specific restrictions here: firemen put their numbers to different music, introduce elements of street theater into the performance and experiment with the level of interaction with the audience, sometimes allowing their direct participation in the performance. Fire shows are also often combined with belly dancing. Such performances are characterized by a wide range of fire tricks and a wide variety of equipment.
  • Comedy fire show. A classic situational comedy or stand-up performance containing juggling with various objects and tricks with fire - this is what this type of fire show is. May include such a dangerous stunt as setting fire to body parts of the performers.

  • Fire theater. In these shows, fire tricks are an element of the dramatic performance, often not too significant. Shows like these, compared to traditional shows, place more emphasis on costumes and sophisticated equipment than on the technical skills of the actors.

Fire show props

The fire show uses only equipment that has been made specifically for this purpose. It can be very diverse. Here are the most basic props used to create a fire show:

  • A poi is a pair of chains with a wick attached to one side and a handle on the other. The chain should be about the length of your arm.

  • The hoop, or hula-hoop, looks like a hoop with wicks attached to it around the circumference, the minimum number of which, as a rule, is five pieces.

  • Staff is a metal or wooden tube 1–2 meters long with wicks attached to either side. Most often, firemen perform with one or two staffs, although using three or more staffs is also possible.

  • A fan is a large fan-shaped instrument made of metal. One or more wicks are fixed along the edges of this fan.

  • A torch is a short mace or torch with a wick at one end.

  • Fiery fingers are rods made of metal, to the ends of which wicks are attached, and the rods themselves are attached to individual fingers with the help of attachments.

  • Aramid whip that is set on fire during performance and spun. It can create large pillars of fire when struck against a hard surface. The handle of the whip is made of metal and is about thirty centimeters long.

  • The rope is a long, fired aramid rope with two handles attached to the ends.

  • A ball, or fireball, is a specially designed juggling ball. These can be either balls dipped in a combustible substance, which the fireman sets fire to and juggles with them in protective gloves, or balls, the flame of which is contained only in their center.

Fire show training

Sometimes fire show numbers look more dangerous than they really are, but it should be remembered that firemen really work with real fire, so there is always a big risk of causing serious damage to your health. Especially dangerous is such a trick as breathing out fire. The professionals know what they are doing, so if you really want to learn the art of fire show, then the best way to do it is to find a professional teacher. You may be able to find a themed festival or convention nearby where there is an experienced fireman who will not mind taking a beginner under his wing.

In any case, the training of a fire show should be started during daylight hours, with a sufficient amount of free space around you and with someone responsible nearby who can hedge you. The practice must be started with an unlit object! Only after gaining sufficient skill in handling the selected props can one try to move on to training with fire.

You can watch a professional fire show in the following video:

This section of the portal contains information from artists of the city of Moscow who work in the genre of fire show or fire show. Want to add sparkle and dynamics to your party? It couldn't be easier, because at an event with a fire show it won't be cold and boring. Fire show is a kind of circus art, which is a combination of acrobatics with a special projectile topped with special lighted wicks.

Fire show at the holiday

Colorful fire show tricks will make the festive event unforgettable, and the party truly unique. Our ancestors also used fire in religious ceremonies and rituals. And today the fire show pays tribute to the traditions that were laid down by our ancestors. Even in those distant times, fire was an indispensable companion to any holiday. Today the fire show is a combination of unreal bales of fire, dancing and plastic. This is a real sight that not only cheers up, but also stirs up the blood of the invited guests. The party, in the show program of which there is a Fire Show number, will certainly be greeted with enthusiasm and will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time. If you want to order a fire show, first make sure the fire safety of the place where you plan to hold it.

We invite Moscow artists working in the fire show genre to cooperate. If you want to take part in show programs of holidays and corporate events, weddings and anniversaries with fire show numbers, register on the portal soon., and today your profile will be available to potential customers. Interesting proposals for holding a fire show will not be long in coming.

This section of the portal contains information from artists of the city of Moscow who work in the genre of fire show or fire show. Want to add sparkle and dynamics to your party? It couldn't be easier, because at an event with a fire show it won't be cold and boring. Fire show is a kind of circus art, which is a combination of acrobatics with a special projectile topped with special lighted wicks.

Fire show at the holiday

Colorful fire show tricks will make the festive event unforgettable, and the party truly unique. Our ancestors also used fire in religious ceremonies and rituals. And today the fire show pays tribute to the traditions that were laid down by our ancestors. Even in those distant times, fire was an indispensable companion to any holiday. Today the fire show is a combination of unreal bales of fire, dancing and plastic. This is a real sight that not only cheers up, but also stirs up the blood of the invited guests. The party, in the show program of which there is a Fire Show number, will certainly be greeted with enthusiasm and will remain in the memory of all those present for a long time. If you want to order a fire show, first make sure the fire safety of the place where you plan to hold it.

We invite Moscow artists working in the fire show genre to cooperate. If you want to take part in show programs of holidays and corporate events, weddings and anniversaries with fire show numbers, register on the portal soon., and today your profile will be available to potential customers. Interesting proposals for holding a fire show will not be long in coming.