What "noble amusement" Troyekurov did you learn about? How does it characterize? Noble amusements How did Lev Oborin become so creative, erudite, sane? What helped him.

What "noble amusement" Troyekurov did you learn about? How does it characterize? Noble amusements How did Lev Oborin become so creative, erudite, sane? What helped him.

1) Hanging with a bear A bear was pushed into the room with Deforge, but he was not frightened and killed him. This made a huge impression on Masha. After this episode, he and Deforge became close and fell in love. And Troyekurov is a tyrant, this is his fun with a bear. him as a spoiled man, intoxicated with his own worth!

2) On the day of the temple holiday, guests come to Troyekurov's house. At lunch we are talking about Dubrovsky. One of the guests, a landowner named Anton Pafnutich Spitsyn, admits that at one time he gave false testimony in court against Dubrovsky in favor of Kirila Petrovich. One lady reports that a week ago Dubrovsky dined with her, and tells the story that her clerk, who was sent to the post office with a letter and 2,000 rubles for her son, a guard officer, returned and reported that Dubrovsky had robbed him, but was caught in lies by a person who came to visit her and identified himself as a former colleague of her late husband. The called clerk says that Dubrovsky really stopped him on the way to the post office, but after reading the letter from his mother to his son, he did not rob. The money was found in the clerk's chest. The lady believes that the man who pretended to be a friend of her husband was Dubrovsky himself. But according to her descriptions, she had a man of 35 years old, and Troekurov knows for certain that Dubrovsky is 23 years old. This fact is confirmed by the new police officer who dines at Troekurov's.

The holiday in Troekurov's house ends with a ball, where the teacher dances as well. After dinner, Anton Pafnutich, who has a large amount of money with him, expresses a desire to spend the night in the same room with Desforges, since he already knows about the courage of the Frenchman and hopes for his protection in the event of an attack by robbers. The teacher answers with consent to the request of Anton Pafnutich. At night, the landowner feels like someone is trying to take the money hidden in a bag on his chest from him. Opening his eyes, he sees that Deforge is standing over him with a pistol. The teacher informs Anton Pafnutich that he is Dubrovsky

3) Anton Pafnutyevich Spitsyn in his story says about Dubrovsky: "He is not a small mistake, he will not let anyone down, but he will probably pull off two skins from me." Anna Savishna Globova does not give a direct characterization of Dubrovsky, but retells the words of the visiting general: "... Dubrovsky attacks not everyone, but recognizable rich people, and here he shares with them, and does not rob him clean, and no one blames him for the murders ..." Globova reads: "I wondered who his excellency was, there was nothing for me to talk to him about." But in the words of the landowner, there is a certain sympathy and respect for the person who exposed the clerk's tricks and returned her funds.

4) At a dinner in Pokrovskoe, a description of Vladimir Dubrovsky was read. It was standard and you couldn't find anyone on it. The age is indicated, it is written that he shaves his beard cleanly, and his hair is light brown, brown-eyed, and his nose is straight. No special features are indicated.

5) None of Troekurov's guests thought that Desforge was Dubrovsky, since no one could even expect that Troekurov's enemy would be at his home in the role of a French teacher. Dubrovsky did not betray himself in any way. He did not react to stories about himself and spoke only with Sasha and only in French. Nobody even suspected that he knew the Russian language.

Troekurov's Noble Amusements. Troyekurov pitched cubs with cats and puppies, kept the animals on a chain, amused himself by driving the bears into a frenzy with a barrel studded with nails. Another fun was to harness the bears to the cart, willingly or unwillingly to put the guests in the cart and let them "gallop to the will of God." But Troekurov considered "the best joke" to push the novice guest into the room with the tied bear. The author's attitude to Troekurov's "amusements" is an ironic condemnation of wild morals, impunity and tyranny of the nobility in general.

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Literature grade 6

summaries of other presentations

"Operas based on Pushkin's plots" - Opera "Mermaid". A.S. Pushkin and operas. Works. The Queen of Spades. Opera. A.S. Pushkin. A number of operas. "Boris Godunov". In total, more than 20 operas have been created based on Pushkin's works. "Eugene Onegin". "Ruslan and Ludmila". Operas based on Pushkin's plots.

"Essay on a discussion topic" - Essay-reasoning on a discussion topic. Composition. Watch the video. Mom came home from work. Description. Relationship problems with parents. General impression of the subject. Composition-reasoning. Choose a title. Draft. Prompt. Means of communication of parts of reasoning. Your work plan. Discussion topic. Memo. Narrative composition. Boy. Think about it.

"Shukshin" Cut "" - Versions. Exercise. Problematic question. Why did the author call the story "Cut". Vasily Makarovich Shukshin. How the author relates to his hero. Gleb Kapustin. Keywords. V. M. Shukshin. Portrait.

"Lermontov's poem" Sail "" - Sail. Self-portrait. Word. Tasks for the text. Pushkin. Recollection of the Caucasus. Poet. View of Tiflis. Unusual word order. Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. Lermontov's childhood. Circassian. The sea worries a person.

"Nature in Russian Literature" - The image of nature in the works of A. Pushkin. The image of nature in the work of M. Prishvin. Autumn. Love for one's native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one's country. The image of nature in the work of A. Fet. The image of nature in the works of F. Tyutchev. The beauty of the native land. The world of nature in Russian literature. The image of nature in the work of S. Yesenin. Nature is a particle of a huge universe. Expressive means of language in the depiction of nature.

"The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of Lermontov" - Poem "Cliff". Epigraph. The motive of loneliness. Time. Literary living room. The color of the sky and the sea. Dictionary work. Analysis of the poem. The motive of loneliness in the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov. Encyclopedic page. Poetic warm-up. Learning terms. Brief analysis of the poetic text. Konchalovsky. The main motives of the lyrics. Guys. Lermontov. Painter.

Literature assignment for grade 6 What "noble amusement" Troyekurov did you learn about? How does this characterize him?


In his estate, Troyekurov kept three adult bears, which were caught as cubs, and these bears often served to amuse the owner himself, as well as some of his guests.

Sometimes they rode on bears, harnessing them instead of a horse, sometimes they rudely made fun of them, but the most noble thing was the amusement with the room.

A bear was placed in this room on a long rope, the length of which made only the corner farthest from the bear safe. Then they pushed a newcomer into the room, a person not familiar with this fun and watched him writhe for hours in fear.

This is a very tough amusement, which speaks of the toughness and tyranny of Troyekurov. That he put himself above other people.

lady 1

Only 2.

What is the reason for the quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov?

Guest 2

Once Dubrovsky was visiting Troekurov before the hunt and when the guests were examining the kennels, he noticed that Troekurov's servants, it is true, did not have such conditions of detention as dogs. In response, one of the servants very boldly replied that he didn’t complain about his life, but some nobles would do well to change their homestead to such a kennel. Dubrovsky took offense and left. Troekurov sent him an order to return, but Dubrovsky refused and demanded in response to give him a daring servant for trial. Troekurov was indignant and refused, arguing that only he himself could judge his servants. From this quarrel, their enmity began.

alice2014 1

Only 1.

Help write an essay about the love story of M. Troekurova and V. Dubrovsky

Introduction. History of heroes and their families
Main part:
The beginning of their relationship
Explanation of Dubrovsky with Masha
Masha's fear and insecurity in her feelings for Dubrovsky
Matchmaking and wedding with Vereisky
Conclusion. Why couldn't they be together?
Help please)
Guest 7

Dubrovsky was that bastard! This is, of course, for the cops. And for the common people he was a hero. He ran through the woods and watched who gape. Then he pounced on him and robbed. He made all his pockets turn out, took away change and cell phones. He had a large army, about 20 people. They divided the wealth among themselves equally, Dubrovsky half, because the main bandit. Some Masha, the daughter of the lame Timokha, to whom Dubrovsky gave 2 pigs, fell in love with him, so they already wanted to play a wedding, but it began

Guest 6

Only 1.

In which chapter was Troekurov's amusement in the story "Dubrovsky" please help

Luda Dubovik 5

The case with the bear, when Troekurov locked Deforge in the room with the bear and Deforge killed the bear with a shot, occurred in Chapter VIII of A. Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky".
A. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"
http://modernlib.net/books/pushkin_aleksandr_sergeevich/dubrovskiy/read Alexey. 37

Only 1.

How did Lev Oborin become so creative, erudite, sane? What helped him?

Max Turber 2

I will take advantage of my position (I have been friends with Lev Oborin since 2005) and say that Lev Oborin never missed lessons, always finished his meal, was polite with his elders and treated women with unwavering respect. It should be noted that the basis for all the aspects of the personality of Lev Oborin that you have named is the love for animals. And in general, Lev Oborin never offended those who are smaller, younger and weaker than him.

All these are inapplicable features, on which the rest is only superimposed, serves as a kind of basis for successful creativity, erudition and sanity.

Konstantine Filonenko 25

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