Irregular verbs with sound. English Irregular Verbs

Irregular verbs with sound.  English Irregular Verbs
Irregular verbs with sound. English Irregular Verbs

Remember the multiplication table in math? So, in English, this is a table of irregular verbs. This is one of the basics in English that you need to learn. An irregular verb is one that defies generally accepted grammar rules. Below is the table of irregular verbs in English with audio accompaniment. And if you really want to be fluent in English, you need to learn these verbs.

Infinitive Past simple
(simple past tense)
Past participle
(past participle)
be was / were been to be
beginbeganbegunstart off
cancouldcouldbe able, be able
catchcaughtcaughtcatch, catch
comecamecometo come
drawdrewdrawnto draw with a pencil)
eatateeateneat, eat
getgotgotreceive, become
givegavegivento give
growgrewgrowngrow, grow
hanghunghunghang, hang
hithithithit, hit
hurthurthurtto cause a pain
keepkeptkeptkeep; keep on doing
leaveleftleftleave, leave
makemademademake, make
meanmeantmeantkeep in mind
meetmetmetmeet; meet
paypaidpaidto pay
ringrangrungto call
saysaidsaidto tell
sendsentsentsend, send
shutshutshutclose, slam
spendspentspentspend time)
spreadspreadspreadspread out
stealstolestolensteal, steal
teachtaughttaughtteach, teach
telltoldtoldtell (smb.)
wakewokewokenwake up, wake up
wearworewornwear clothes)

Anyone who begins to immerse themselves in the fascinating world of learning English often faces a whole bunch of problems and difficulties. This is not surprising. After all, incomprehensible speech turns, confusing tenses and irregular verbs can darken the science even for the most cheerful student. Let's figure out how to be and where did irregular verbs come from in English?

It's no secret that every language goes through a lot of stages of its formation, is formed by the influence of neighboring countries and cultures. English is no exception. It is generally accepted that irregular verbs are echoes of the past, when the language was only at the stage of development.

The influence of European society on England was colossal and made its own adjustments to the sphere of communication. But, the British, a people who did not like changes too much and honored their native language. Therefore, he continued to communicate in his usual way. So, the verbs that have passed through the centuries have taken root in modern society. It is worth noting that with these words everything is in order, they are correct, they are just quite distinctive and do not obey any time frame, therefore they conjugate in their own way. So how do you master these parts of speech and finally learn? There are many ways.

How to learn English irregular verbs?

English Irregular Verb Table is quite extensive and has more than two hundred words. Wow, you tell me! Don't worry, most native English people don't know all of them themselves. It is enough to learn the basic words and you will be able to support any conversation and look at a decent level among the English-speaking society. And knowing a couple of effective ways, turn boring science into an exciting game.

To simplify this task, you need to visualize the object of study. To do this, write out irregular verbs on cards and hang them throughout the apartment, especially in places where you are most often. So, they will constantly be in front of your eyes, thereby helping to memorize them without much difficulty.

If you want to teach your child with a verb, you can prepare cards on which all forms will be written. So, folding the table like a jigsaw, the child will memorize more and more designs over and over again. Although, this option of study can be practiced by an adult.

Another effective method is to download the audio version of the verbs and listen to them systematically, for example, on the way to work and home. And for a child, an excellent option would be to compose a song that consists of these words. Hum it together on the way to the store or when doing a joint business and after a week you will notice the first results.

English is quite easy to learn if you approach it from a creative side. Throw away boring memorization and monotonous repetition, and soon you yourself will not notice how you begin not only to speak, but also to think in this language.

The same

Listen to 1st table

Listen to 2nd table

Listen to the 3rd table

Read 4th table

Well, now you will not only defeat verbs, but also ... suddenly fall in love with them! After all, competent knowledge of this topic in English will always be your automatic assistant in all aspects of the English language! Be it - studying English in educational institutions, or simple translations, or - live communication with native speakers of this language - for example, a spouse ... a prince of blood ... Well, if my lessons seem to really work for you, do not hesitate and share this topic - irregular verbs table- English with your friends in the social. networks. Like, don't hesitate!

I know these damn verbs are still that idiot for everyone, without exception! Naturally, I know firsthand! With tears in my eyes, at the time of "it" ... I could not look at these three "stupid" columns and fought with them, as with the Nazis))). But, it was in a past life, and now - with current technologies! Although without technology before, I first learned verbs, which in general do not change, then, which only change two forms, and so on. But this, too, not very much as it were ...

And now, I have divided the verbs into groups. Well, that's not news! But! I personally voiced them! Do not judge strictly, I am not a native speaker, but I tried! I tried to pronounce them as close to the British version as possible. British English is nevertheless clearer and more decent than 🙂 American English ... in which, for example, it is generally a separate language in English ... Here in the first table , English irregular verbs, which is very nice, do not change at all! Although in practice, by using them in a sentence, some confusion is created - try not to a native speaker, take a running start to figure out what tense this verb stands for ... Except from the context ...

And the most important and pleasant thing is you you can listen to the sounds of verbs on your phone, and literally on the go, learn them automatically by ear! Well, to deal with their writing, this will be a secondary task ... I suppose ... So, I present to you the first batch of irregular verbs, which in general do not change! Yes, the first one, because I will press your brains unobtrusively and gently, in small groups of verbs, otherwise in your head you will just get a cocktail of them called - "Where did I go and where are my things!"Blue - identical shapes. So - irregular verbs - tables - listen and enjoy! 🙂

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In English, all verbs are formed according to simple rules and have three forms. But among them there are those who defy any educational rules. Therefore, they are called "wrong". Naturally, this is not very convenient in the process of mastering such a "correct" and almost mathematically exact language.

For most of those who study English, mistakes in the use of forms of irregular verbs often slip through their speech. Those who studied English at school even then managed to hate these tables when they crammed them, not really understanding the meaning and purpose, why it was needed. As an adult, we already perfectly understand why we need to know them, but still, it's hard for us to force ourselves to learn this list.

Irregular Verbs are words that are not conjugated according to the rules. Irregular verbs partially retain their ancient forms. This type is most often found in auxiliary linking verbs. There are only about 500 irregular verbs in the English language, the most common of which are 190 words.

It is important to understand that most of these words are high-frequency vocabulary, which is needed for full speech, like bricks for walls. It is also encouraging that there is no need to memorize all 500 Irregular Verbs, it is enough to learn 180-190 lexemes to comfortably use English in everyday communication. However, this part will have to be memorized, since irregular verbs are remnants of Old English, and they were formed without rules and a system - chaotically.

These verbs in a special way create the forms of the participle of the past tense and the past indefinite. You can learn all irregular verbs only by memorizing them. True, for the convenience of memorization, you can divide them into certain groups. Since there is no logical connection between them, everyone must create their own memorization algorithm.

There are several main ways of forming "incorrect" verbs:
It is recommended to study the methods of forming the basic forms of irregular verbs Irregular Verbs in three forms:

  • Infinitive - initial form: see
  • Past Simple - past indefinite: saw
  • Past Participle - Past participle: seen

How to learn irregular verbs?

It's good that there are verbs in which all three forms and pronunciation are the same (put-put-put). But there are “harmful” irregular verbs that are spelled the same, but their transcription is excellent, that is, pronounced completely differently: (read - read). To make it easier for yourself to memorize, these verbs need to be divided into the appropriate groups.

Another way would be to learn words alphabetically. For example, today on "A", tomorrow on "B", the day after tomorrow on "C", etc. You can also divide verbs by the same endings or by the same alternation of vowels or consonants in the root.

The vocabulary is much easier to remember if you divide it by subject. For example, irregular verbs of movement, mental activity, speech, the subject of money, education, etc. A great way is rhyming. Short rhymes or small mp3 songs will help you learn fame much easier and faster.

Learn the following Irregular Verbs group with a fun mp3 song:

Irregular Verbs

You can print this list, as well as download the audio file and listen to it in your free time, thus practicing and pronunciation. After all, listening to audio is a change in the type of activity, which is very important when learning a language. And always teach with translation!

Create your own classifications, invent games, watch video courses, listen to instructional audio, use flashcards. The most important advice is to do everything in a good mood!

Watch the video: How to learn English irregular verbs

    Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 05 (1:05)

    Repetitor- English English- Recording - Verbs to repeat - Verbs to repeat (5:57)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 09 (1:05)

    4_02. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 02 (1:09)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 14 (1:00)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 20 (1:06)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 12 (1:04)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_18. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 18 (1:02)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_01. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 01 (1:13)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 18 (1:04)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 04 (1:03)

    ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS- Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 02 (1:00)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_11. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 11 (1:03)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_17. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 17 (1:05)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_19. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 19 (1:01)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_12. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 12 (1:04)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_14. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 14 (1:00)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_16. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 16 (1:03)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_20. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 20 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_18. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 18 (1:04)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_03. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 03 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_22. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 22 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_13. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 13 (1:01)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_08. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 08 (1:07)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_03. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 03 (1:10)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_28. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 28 (1:10)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_27. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 27 (1:04)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_07. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 07 (0:59)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_15. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 15 (1:07)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 2_06. Basic vocabulary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 06 (1:01)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_06. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 06 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_26. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 26 (1:07)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_16. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 16 (1:03)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_05. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 05 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_12. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 12 (1:06)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_25. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 25 (1:08)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_04. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 04 (1:07)

    ENGLISH WRONG VERBS.- 4_13. Additional dictionary. Working out translation from Russian into English. Fragment 13 (1:08)