People's magazine. Stories about Peter the Great S. Alekseev stories about Peter 1

People's magazine.  Stories about Peter the Great S. Alekseev stories about Peter 1
People's magazine. Stories about Peter the Great S. Alekseev stories about Peter 1

Stories about the transformations of Tsar Peter I, about how he strove to make the vastness of our country wider, and the people educated and enlightened.
For primary school age.

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User HZRDIRJ writes:

I don’t understand such a large number of positive reviews. I couldn’t read even half of it

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User RGLSCQS writes:

I remember the fairy tale of Maria Gripe for its almost carnival colorfulness, magical intricacy, and therefore I was quite surprised by such a Kafkaesque design. Frankly speaking, I am not sure that children will appreciate such sketchy minimalism. The illustrations can be called stylish rather than charming, but, as they say, there is no dispute about tastes (although, I confess, I would like Anton Lomaev to illustrate this tale, for example).
"Children of the Glassblower" is a mix of well-known motives, woven into a new pattern. Here are Hansel and Gretel, and a wise raven, good and evil sisters, a magic ring, an enchanted castle. But in everything there is a little bit of bitterness of life experience - the mother's fatigue, the father's enthusiasm, the Lady's boredom, the Master's fear. Indifference of adults and directly related loneliness of children. The vegetation of talent and the triumph of mediocrity. And, as a result, everything is crowned with an invariable paradise in a hut and imaginary buds instead of lush roses. Nice, but a little sad.
The book is good and in it, as if inadvertently, rather deep life moments are touched. It does not pull a masterpiece, but it will allow you to rest and reflect. Scandinavian restraint nevertheless again defeated the fantasy that was torn to freedom.

© Motyashov I., Nagaev I., introductory article, 1999

© Kuznetsov A., drawings, 1999

© Design of the series. Children's Literature Publishing House, 2003

© Compilation. Children's Literature Publishing House, 2003

The master of historical prose Alexei Yugov once exclaimed from the pages of Literaturnaya Gazeta:

“A brave author, a brave publishing house! - I thought when I opened Sergei Alekseev's book "The Unprecedented Happens." - Peter! .. The gigantic personality of Russian history. And suddenly - for the guys, and even the "primary school"! Let's see, we'll see! .. "And - read it ..."

I also read the historical stories of Sergei Alekseev. Read like a boy. And thanks to the author for that.

Sergey Mikhalkov

In 1958, the first book by Sergei Alekseev, "The Unprecedented Happens", was published in Detgiz. The book was noticed.

Following, already at the request of the editors, in one breath - in three weeks - he wrote the story "The Story of a Serf Boy." And this book comes out in the same year, 1958. So forty years ago a new author entered literature with a firm gait - the children's writer Sergei Petrovich Alekseev.

In one of the first interviews Alekseev said about himself: “My biography is unremarkable. I belong to the generation of those who immediately stepped into the soldiers from school. He was a military pilot, instructor pilot. After demobilization from the army, he worked as an editor at a children's publishing house. Then I tried to write a book myself. "

At the same time, in 1959, Detgiz decided to republish "The Unprecedented Happens", and Lev Kassil noted in the so-called "internal" review intended for the publishing house that "the writer manages ... to combine high cognition with genuine fascination. Extreme laconicism, lively lightness of language, accuracy of finds, allowing, in their own way, to re-reveal to the children very important moments ... of the brightest epochs in the history of our Motherland - all this makes the stories of S. Alekseev ... extremely valuable both from an educational and a purely literary point vision. And the ability to convey the originality of characters ... and the magnificent, precise and imaginative language give Alekseev's works a genuine charm. "

And then Lev Abramovich, instructing the novice author, said words truly prophetic. He said that the stories of "Sergei Alekseev are a definite event in our children's artistic historical prose." That “they are textbook simple and will enter the circle of favorite reading of schoolchildren, contributing to the creation in children of correct ideas about the important matters of Russian history. And at the same time, they bring real pleasure to everyone who loves smart, clear literature, imbued with a cheerful and fresh outlook on life, on history. "

The life and talent of Sergei Alekseev fully confirmed the words of the venerable writer said about him in advance ...

However, Alekseev became a children's writer not only because he once felt the need to write for children. He has been doing this for over thirty years. Through childhood in Pliskovo, not far from Vinnitsa, in the Ukraine, and adolescence in Moscow, in the house of his aunt-scientists. Through the school and the flying club. Through the war, and the flying school, and the history department of the evening department of the Orenburg Pedagogical Institute. Through editorial, literary-critical, organizational work in Detgiz and in the Writers' Union. Through the creation of a school history textbook of the USSR, which, albeit in the most remote degree, was the first outline-synopsis of his future stories and stories. Through a large school of life in children's literature, being for more than thirty years the editor-in-chief of the country's only literary-critical magazine "Children's Literature", dedicated to the problems of literature and art for children. And one day the moment came when everything that was experienced, felt, understood, everything heard, and read, and what was done merged into one big, huge whole, urgently demanded an exit and poured out in the Word.

Obviously, not every literary gifted person is able to write a good book for little ones. S. Alekseev has a certain, maybe even innate, gift of talking with young children. And this gift is enhanced by a deeply meaningful, conscious approach to their work. “The main thing in a children's book,” says S. Alekseev, “… is not explanations, but dynamics, action, character that grows out of an act. The child quickly grasps such an effective character, feels it. "

This book contains two parts of the best stories of Sergei Petrovich Alekseev about Tsar Peter I and Generalissimo Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov.

"Stories about Peter the Great, Narva and about the deeds of the military" is the first part of the book. The reader gets acquainted here with the transformations of Peter I, with how he strove to see the vastness of the country as more extensive, and the people - educated and enlightened. The stories “What did the young boyars study abroad”, “Az, beeches, lead ...” tell about the young generation, the care of which is one of the first things of Peter. He was stern to those who did not want to give their children to study, and to those young nobles who, while studying abroad, tried to shirk the sciences, adopted only the outward signs of foreign culture, lost respect for their own Fatherland, or even allowed themselves to be flattered by someone else's. Guardian of the Fatherland, warrior and toiler, Peter I wanted to see future generations worthy successors of the glory of Russia.

Alekseev begins his acquaintance with the hero of the first part of the book with an external portrait, dynamic and lapidary. “The soldiers looked - the captain of the bombardier company. The captain's height is enormous, about two meters, his face is round, his eyes are large, on his lip, as if glued on, a mustache black as pitch. " This is Tsar Peter.

Gradually, from novel to novel, the secret of Peter's successful work and his statesmanship is revealed. This is the wisdom of human knowledge and experience, which Peter from his youth does not hesitate to adopt from everywhere. This is the wisdom of the people.

For all his intelligence and democracy, Peter remains the tsar, the lord of the feudal, boyar, noble empire. He cannot but defend his system, suppress popular discontent with the most brutal methods, and shift the main burden of the great state efforts undertaken by him onto the shoulders of the people. At the same time, Peter, without a doubt, is a patriot of Russia, and the whole aspiration of his state acts is patriotic ...

"Stories about Suvorov and Russian Soldiers" is closely related to the continuity of military-patriotic traditions and the characterization of the great Russian commander Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. “Eat, eat, get. Yes, henceforth, do not disdain the soldiers. Do not disdain the soldiers. The soldier is a man. A soldier is dearer to me "- this is what Suvorov says in the story" Soup and Porridge ", referring to generals who are disgusted with everything soldier, be it food or something else. For Suvorov, unity with the soldiers is the key to success in achieving military superiority.

In Suvorov, the writer seeks and notes, first of all, the features that allowed him to win victories with a minimum expenditure of human strength and lives. This Suvorov science of effective leadership of large human masses can, to a large extent, be perceived by today's reader as a science of leadership in general, as an example of successful state activity based on impeccable competence and humanistic concern for the immediate performers.

But, showing the harsh reality that does not make out whether a child is in front of her, whether an adult, Alekseev, as the most sacred duty, understands the adult's duty to protect the child's soul and child's life, even at the cost of his own life.

In the book, written in a vivid, figurative language, the reader will see vivid pictures of the historical past of our Motherland - Russia, people who have left a deep mark in its history: Stepan Razin, Peter the First, Suvorov, Kutuzov, the Decembrists.

Designed for children of primary and secondary school age.

Alekseev S. P
One hundred stories from Russian history

From the author

What made Field Marshal Suvorov famous?

What is Kutuzov famous for?

Why, in their stories, in legends, and in songs, the people cherish the name of Stepan Razin?

Why now, many generations later, do we remember Peter the Great?

Who are the Decembrists, what did they fight for?

Our Motherland is great.

There were many difficult and difficult things in her history.

There are many beautiful and great things.

We have something to remember and something to be proud of.

Here are the stories of what happened.

About our Fatherland and people.



A detachment of horsemen rode in a peasant field. The horsemen ascended the hillock. They are watching what a miracle? A man plows the land. Just not a horse in his plow. Instead of a horse, three were harnessed: a peasant wife, an old mother, and a young son.

People will pull the plow, pull, stop and again for work.

The horsemen drove up to the plowman.

The chief of them threw a stern look:

What are you, so - and so, people instead of beasts!

A peasant is looking - in front of him is a man of enormous stature. A hat with a red top on the head. Green morocco boots. Elegant caftan. Colored shirt under the caftan. The whip in the hands is twisted.

"Looks like a boyar, or maybe the voivode himself," the man thinks.

He fell at the feet of the noble master, stretched out on the furrow.

Orphans, we are orphans. There is no horse. They were taken away for the debts of the breadwinner.

The rider's face twisted. He got down to the ground. He turned to the peasant.

The peasant backed up jumped up - and ran out of fright.

Wait, you on foot! Stop you! Where?! - there was a mocking voice.

The man timidly returned back.

Take the horse. - The man held out the reins to the peasant.

The peasant was taken aback. The wife and the old mother froze. The little son's mouth opened. They are watching. They do not believe such a miracle.

The horse is stately, high. The color is gray, covered in apples. Princely horse.

"The master is joking," the man decides. Costs. Doesn't budge.

Take it. Look, I’ll change my mind, ”the man threatened. And he went to himself by the field.

The horsemen rushed after. Only one young man hesitated for a minute, he accidentally dropped his tobacco pouch.

"The Almighty, the Almighty sent," whispered the stunned peasant.

The man turned to the horse. And suddenly he got scared. Isn't all this witchcraft? I reached out to him. The horse pulled his hoof.

The man grabbed the bruised place.

Real! - howled with great happiness. - Who are you, where are you from ?! - he rushed to the young guy.

Vagrant people. Free falcons. Spring winds, - the fellow winked mysteriously.

Who should I pray for? Who is the one with the hat?

Razin. Stepan Timofeevich Razin! - already on the move shouted the horseman.

Streltsy strings

Razin, Razin is coming!

Stepan Timofeevich!

1670 year. Restless in the Russian state. The boyars and the royal servants are in great alarm. The servile, oppressed people rose up, roused themselves. Peasants, Cossacks, Bashkirs, Tatars, Mordvinians. Hundreds of them, great thousands.

The peasant army is led by the dashing ataman of the Don Cossack Stepan Timofeevich Razin.

Glory to Razin, glory!

The rebels approached Tsaritsyn. We stopped just above the city, on the steep bank of the Volga. We set up a camp.

We would not hesitate to take Tsaritsyn, - there was talk among the Cossacks.

In the evening, in the dark, the townspeople came to Razin:

Come, father, rule. Little people are waiting for you in Tsaritsyno. There are not many archers, and even those are not a hindrance. We will open the gate for you.

Take it, take it, ataman, Tsaritsyn, - the advisers press.

However, Razin was in no hurry. He knew that from above along the Volga a large rifle army was moving on plows towards Tsaritsyn.

The archers have guns, muskets, squeaks, and there is more than enough gunpowder. Sagittarius trained in military affairs. They are led by the noble commander, the head Lopatin. “How can we beat such an army with less strength?” Razin thinks.

Lopatin floats closer and closer to Tsaritsyn.

Take, chieftain, stronghold! - shout the Cossacks.

The ataman is in no hurry, hesitates.

Every day Lopatin sends scouts ahead. They inform the chief how the Cossacks behave.

They stand on the steep slopes. The city is not touched.

"Fools," Lopatin's head chuckles. "There is no good commander among them."

Father, father, father, take Tsaritsyn, - the rebels plead with their chieftain.

Razin is silent, as if he does not hear the calls.

In this case, the Lopatinsky caravan caught up with the Cossack slopes. Shooting began from there.

“Shoot, shoot,” Lopatin sarcastically. “It’s important who will shoot victorious.”

Lopatin is satisfied. Rubs his hands.

And suddenly ... What is it ?! Kernels fell from the Tsaritsyn walls. One, second, tenth. They fly into the king's planes. Plows tilt, sink like paper ships.

On the high city wall, someone noticed a broad-shouldered Cossack in an ataman's caftan.

Razin, Razin in Tsaritsyn!

Robbers in the city!

Wait, turn back!

But at this time, as if on command, boats with Cossacks rushed to the caravan from the left and right banks of the Volga. Like bees on honey, the Razins climbed onto the streltsy plows.

Hit them! Crash!

Cut the head off the head!

The streltsy plows surrendered.

Cunning, cunning chieftain, - the rebels admired after the victory. - Look - you deceived your head. Until the last minute he did not take Tsaritsyn.

The head has a head, Razin has two, - the Razin people joked for a long time.


Boyar Truba - Nashchekin tortured his serf. They twisted the unfortunate man's arms and legs, tied them to the bench with reins. A boyar stands next to him with a whip in his hand, beats the peasant on the bare back.

So for you, so for you, homespun tribe. Get it from me, slave. I will teach you to take off your hat in front of the master.

Trumpet will hit - Nashchekin with a whip, will lead the belt towards himself to rip the skin to blood. Catching breath, splashing salt water on the wound. And again for the whip.

The audiobook "Stories about Peter the Great", created at the ARDIS studio based on the works of an expert in Russian history and a wonderful children's writer Sergei Petrovich Alekseev, is a lively and fascinating journey into the past of our Motherland. Sounding stories arouse children's interest in studying the history of the Fatherland, teach them to be proud of their ancestors, and foster patriotism. In an accessible language, interesting and entertaining, the audiobook talks about the era of Peter I, about the great state transformations and the military campaigns of the reformer tsar. Young listeners will learn about the children's games of little Peter, about the creation of a fleet and factories in the Urals, about victories and defeats in the war with the Swedes for access to the Baltic Sea, about the construction of St. Petersburg. About how Peter I cut beards for boyars, and what digital schools are, how the first Russian newspaper appeared and what young boyars studied abroad. And also about the drummer of the bombardier company Babat Barabyk and about how the tsar's closest ally Alexander Menshikov ...

Publisher: "ARDIS"

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Alekseev, Sergey Trofimovich

Sergey Trofimovich Alekseev(p. 20.01.1952) is a modern Russian writer.


Sergey Trofimovich Alekseev was born on January 20, 1952 in the village of Aleika, Zyryansk district, Tomsk region. Since childhood, he began to engage in hunting and fishing. He studied at a school located seven kilometers from home, where he had to walk every day.

After finishing 8 classes, he went to work as a hammer in the forge of the industrial plant, continuing to study at the evening school. In 1968 he entered the Tomsk Geological Prospecting College. I worked part-time at a candy factory. In 1970 he volunteered for the army, served in a special-purpose battalion in Moscow, and guarded the facilities of the third special department of the USSR Ministry of Finance. He was demobilized in 1972 with the rank of senior sergeant and continued his studies at the technical school, periodically leaving for practice in field search units. After graduation in 1974, he left to work as a geologist on a polar expedition to Taimyr.

A year later he returned to the city of Tomsk and entered the service of the police, began to work as an inspector of the criminal investigation department, and received the rank of lieutenant. At the same time he entered to study in absentia at the Faculty of Law of Tomsk State University.

In 1977 he resigned from the police, left the university and plunged headlong into the world of creativity, began to write stories and stories. From 1978 and the next few years he worked in the Tomsk complex geological exploration expedition, in the Tomsk regional newspaper "Krasnoe Znamya" as a correspondent for the petrogeology and construction department and even as a technician at the Research Institute of High Voltages. He took part in solo expeditions to the Old Believer sketes, in the Northern and Subpolar Urals and other places. They were subsequently reflected in such novels as "The Word", "Treasures of the Valkyrie", "Wolf's Grip", etc.

From 1985 to the present, Sergei Trofimovich Alekseev lives and works in Vologda. He is fond of hunting and construction: he built five houses with his own hands, about a dozen baths, a chapel on the grave of his mother and grandfather, put together six Russian stoves, including one adobe, and two fireplaces.


He first wrote a story in 1976, but he got scared and burned it in order to resist the temptation. Nevertheless, a year later Alekseev was drawn to literature again.

In the first novels he followed mainly the traditions of the so-called

Roman newspaper for children No. 9, 2009

Sergey Alekseev

Stories about Tsar Peter I and his time

Artist Yu. Ivanov

What young boyars studied abroad

No sooner had Buinosov and Kurnosov forgotten the old tsarist grievances than a new one. Ordered
Peter to collect fifty of the most noble boyar sons and send them abroad to study. Buinosov and Kurnosov had to send their sons as well.

A cry, a cry arose in the boyar houses. Nurses are running, people are scurrying about, as if not seeing off, but grief in the house.

The Buynos' wife was dispersed:

A single son - and God knows where, to the foreign land, the devil in the teeth, the German in the mouth! I won't let you in! Will not give it back!

Shit! Buinosov shouted at his wife. - Sovereign order, you fool! I wanted to Siberia,
to the gallows?

And in the house of Kurnosov there is no less scream. And Kurnosov had to shout at his wife:

Stupid! You can't beat the butt with a whip, you can't get away from the enemy king! Be patient, old one.

A year later, the young boyars returned. Called them to the king to determine the sovereign

Well, tell me, Buinosov, boyar's son, - demanded Peter, - how did you live

Well, sovereign, life was, - Buinosov answers. - They are affectionate people, friendly,
not that our men are happy to cling to each other's beard.

Well, what have you learned?

- Much, sir! Instead of "father" - "fatter" I learned to speak, instead
"Mother" - "mutter".

Well, what else? - Peter asks.

I also learned to bow, sir, and I learned to bow by double and triple, I learned to dance, I know how to play overseas games.

Yes, - said Peter, - you were taught a lot. Well, how did you like it abroad?

How much you liked it, sir! I want the Ambassadorial order: it hurts me to love
to live by the border.

Well, what do you say? - Pyotr asked the young Kurnosov.

What can I say, sir ... Ask.

Okay, says Peter. - And tell me, Kurnosov, boyar's son, what is the form-

Fortification, sir, - replies Kurnosov, - there is a military science that has
aim to cover the troops from the enemy. Fortification should be known to every military commander like the back of his hand.

Smart, - says Peter. - Good. And what is a pilot?

- Pilot, sir, - replies Kurnosov, - there is a description of the sea or river with an indication of the shallows and depths, winds and currents, everything that can become an obstacle in the way of the ship. Pilot, sir, the first thing you need to know when taking on nautical affairs.

Effectively, efficiently, - Peter says again. - And what else did you learn?

Yes, sir, I looked closely at everything, - replies Kurnosov, - and how to build ships, and how the ore business is organized there, and how they treat diseases. Nothing, thanks to the Dutch and the Germans. They are knowledgeable people, good people. Only I think, sir, it is not our own, Russian, to find fault with us. Our country is no worse, and our people are no worse, and no less good.

Well done! - said Peter. - Justified, consoled. - And Peter kissed the young Kurnosov.

And you, ”he said, turning to Buinosov,“ you must have remained like a fool. I wanted to go abroad! Look, Russia is not dear to you. Get out of my sight!

So the young Buinosov remained in obscurity. And Kurnosov soon became a prominent person in the state.

Az, beeches, lead ...

There were few literate people in Russia at that time. Taught the guys here and there at churches, yes
sometimes they had invited teachers in wealthy homes.

Schools began to open under Peter. They were called digital. Studied in them
grammar, arithmetic and geography.

They also opened a school in the city of Serpukhov, which is halfway between Moscow and Tula. I arrived

The teacher came to school, waiting for the students. Waiting for a day, a second, a third - no one

Then the teacher got together, began to go home, to find out what was the matter. I went into a house
called the owner, a local merchant.

Why, - asks, - the son does not go to school?

There is nothing for him to do there! - the merchant answers. - We lived without a diploma, and he will live.
A demonic occupation is school.

The teacher came to the second house, to the shoemaker.

Is it really our mind's business - school! - the master answers. - Our business is to wear boots. There is no need to waste time exhausting, listening to all sorts of nonsense!

Then the teacher went to the Serpukhov governor and tells what was the matter. And the voivode
only throws up his hands.

What can I do? - speaks. - It's a father's business. There is something to whom: one - a letter, and the other, go, and do not need a letter.

The teacher looks at the voivode, realizes that there will be no help from him. Got angry, says:

If so, I'll write it off to the Emperor myself.

The governor looked at the teacher. He looks determined. Got it: he will contain his threat.

Okay, take your time, - he says, - go to school.

The teacher returned to school and waited. Soon he hears stamping outside the window. I looked: soldiers with guns were walking, they were leading the guys.

For a whole week, the guys were accompanied by soldiers. And then nothing, you see, the fathers resigned themselves, got used to it. The students themselves began to run to school.

The teacher began to teach the children grammar. We started with letters.

Az, says the teacher. (This means the letter "a".)

Az, - the students repeat in chorus.

Buki, says the teacher. (This means the letter "b".)

Then came arithmetic.

One and one, - says the teacher, - there will be two.

One and one - two, - the disciples repeat.

Soon the guys learned to write letters and add numbers. Found out where the Caspian
the sea, where the Black, where the Baltic. The guys learned a lot.

And once Peter was driving through Serpukhov to Tula. The tsar spent the night in Serpukhov, and in the morning he decided to go to school. Peter heard that fathers are reluctant to send their children to study. I decided to check it out. Peter enters the classroom, and there are a lot of children. Peter was surprised, asks the teacher how he gathered so many students.

The teacher told everything as it was.

That's great! - Peter laughed. - Well done voivode. It's our way. Right. I’ll punish the children to be dragged to schools in other places as well. Our little people are sickly minds, they do not understand their benefits, they do not care about the affairs of the state. And oh, how we need competent people! Death of Russia without knowledgeable people.

Rejoice in the small, then the big will come

“It’s time for us to have our own newspaper,” Peter said to his entourage more than once. - From the newspaper to the merchant, and the boyar, and the city dweller - everyone benefits.

And then Peter somehow disappeared from the palace. He did not appear until the evening, and many already thought if something bad had happened to the tsar.

And Peter, meanwhile, was selecting together with the printing master Fyodor Polikarpov
materials for the first issue of the Russian newspaper.

Polikarpov, tall, thin, with glasses at the very end of his nose, stands at attention before the tsar, like a soldier, reads:

Sovereign, from the Urals, from Verkhotursk, they report that many cannons were cast by the local craftsmen.

Write, - says Peter, - let everyone know that the loss near Narva is nothing with what you want to do.

And yet, sir, it is reported, - continues Polikarpov, - that in Moscow four hundred cannons have been cast from bell iron.

And write this, - says Peter, - let them know that Peter did not take off the bells in vain.

And from the Nevyanovsk plant, from Nikita Demidov, they write that the factory peasants have perpetrated a riot and now the boyars and merchants have no place to live on.

Don't write this, - says Peter. - Better order to send soldiers and pour the peasants for such things.

And from Kazan, sir, they write, - continues Polikarpov, - that they found a lot of oil and copper ore there.

Write this, says Peter. - Let them know that in Russia there is no end of riches, those riches have not yet been counted ...

Peter is sitting, listening. Then he takes the papers. He puts a red cross on what to print and puts the unnecessary aside.

Polikarpov reports everything new and new. And that the Indian king sent an elephant to the Moscow king, and that three hundred and eighty-six men were born in Moscow in a month, male and female, and much more.

And also, - says Peter, - write, Fedor, about schools, but it's great - so that everyone
they saw the benefit of this business.

A few days later the newspaper was printed. They called it “Vedomosti”. The newspaper turned out to be small, the font is small, it is difficult to read, there are no margins, the paper is gray. The newspaper is so-so. But Peter is pleased: first. I grabbed Vedomosti and ran to the palace. Whoever he meets
shows the newspaper.

Look, - he says, - the newspaper, its own, Russian, the first!

Met by Peter and Prince Golovin. And Golovin was known as a knowledgeable person, he was abroad, knew foreign languages.

Golovin looked at the newspaper, twisted his mouth and said:

What a newspaper, sir! Here I was in the German city of Hamburg, here is a newspaper so a newspaper!

Joy vanished from Peter's face. Darkened, frowned.

Oh you! - said. “You’re thinking in the wrong place, prince. And also Golovin! And also the prince! I found something to surprise - "in the German city of Hamburg"! I know myself. Better, but someone else's. Tea, and they weren't doing well right away. Give me a time. Rejoice in the small, then the great will come.

City by the sea

Soon, Tsar Peter began a new war with the Swedes. Russian troops won their first victories and reached the Gulf of Finland, to the place where the Neva River flows into the bay.

The banks of the Neva are deserted: forests, swamps and impassable thickets. It’s hard to drive, and there’s nowhere to live. And the place is important: the sea.

A few days later, Peter took Menshikov, got into the boat and went to the sea. At the very confluence of the Neva into the sea - an island. Peter got out of the boat, began to walk around the island. The island is long, smooth, like a palm. Frail bushes stick out like tufts, moss and dampness underfoot.

What a place, sir! - said Menshikov.

What is a place? A place as a place, - answered Peter. - Notable place: the sea.

Ah yes Aleksashka, ah yes view! - Peter laughed.

Well, damn places! - Menshikov said resentfully. - Sovereign, let's go back. There is nothing to measure these swamps.

Why go back, go forward, Danilych. Tea, they came to host here, not guests, - answered Peter and walked to the sea.

Menshikov reluctantly staggered behind.

- But look, - Peter turned to Menshikov. - There is no life, you say,
and this is not life for you?

Peter went to the hummock, carefully parted the bushes, and Menshikov saw the nest. IN
a bird was sitting on the nest. She looked at people and did not fly away.

Look you, - said Menshikov, - brave!

The bird suddenly flapped its wing, took off, began to scamper around the bush.

Finally, Peter and Menshikov went out to sea. Big, gloomy, it has a camel hump-
it rolled its waves, threw it on the shore, hitting the pebbles.

Peter stood with his shoulders squared, breathing with all his chest. The sea wind ruffled the floors of the caftan, then turning it with the front green side, then with the inside - red. Peter looked into the distance.

There, hundreds of miles to the west, lay other countries, other shores.

Menshikov was sitting on a stone, changing his shoes.

Danilych! - said Peter. Either Peter spoke softly, or Menshikov pretended not to hear, only he did not answer.

Danilych! - Peter said again.

Menshikov became wary.

Here, by the sea, - Peter waved his hand, - here, by the sea, - he repeated, - we will build a city.

Even Menshikov's boots fell out of his hands.

City? he asked. - Here, in these swamps, a city ?!

Yes, - answered Peter and walked along the shore.

And Menshikov was holding the jackboot and looked with amazement and delight at the retreating figure of Peter.

For the construction of a new city, artisans from all over Russia were gathered to the Neva: carpenters, joiners, masons, they overtook ordinary men.

Together with his father, Silantiy Dymov, little Nikitka came to the new city. Dymov was given a place, like other workers, in a damp dugout. Nikitka settled next to his father on the same bunks.

Morning. Four o'clock. A cannon is firing over the city. This is a signal. The workers get up, and Nikitkin's father gets up. The workers dig in the mud and swamp all day long. They dig ditches, cut down the forest, drag heavy logs. They return home after dark. The tired ones will come, they will hang wet footcloths near the stove, arrange holey boots and bast shoes, sip on empty cabbage soup and tumble on the bunks. Sleep until the morning as if killed.

And as soon as the light is on, the cannon rumbles again.

Nikita is alone all day. Everything is interesting to Nikita: the fact that there are a lot of people, and the soldiers are dark, and the sea is nearby. Nikita had never seen so much water. Even looking scary. Nikitka ran to the pier, marveled at the ships. I walked around the city, watched how glades were cut down in the forest, and then houses were folded along the glades.

The workers got used to Nikita. They will look at him - the house, the family will be remembered. We fell in love with Nikita. “Nikita, bring some water,” they will ask. Nikita is running. "Nikita, tell me how you stole tobacco from a soldier." Nikita tells.

Nikita lived happily until autumn. But autumn came, the rains fell. Nikita got bored. Sits for days in a dugout, alone, in a dugout of knee-deep water. Nikita is bored.

Then Silantius knocked out a toy for his son - a soldier with a gun.

Nikita cheered up.

Stand up! - gives the command.

The soldier stands, does not blink an eye.

Get down! - Nikita shouts, and imperceptibly pushes the soldier with his hand.

Nikita will play enough, will start to scoop out the water. Drags water to the street, only
will take a break - and the water has accumulated again. Cry at least!

Soon famine began in the city. They did not stock up on food for the fall, and the roads were soggy. Diseases have gone. People began to die like flies.

The time has come, Nikita also fell ill. One day the father returned from work, and the boy has a fever. Nikita rushes about on a bunk, asks for a drink. All night Silantius did not leave his son. Didn't go to work in the morning. And in the afternoon, an officer with soldiers appeared in the dugout.

You don’t know the order ?! the officer shouted at Silantius.

My son is here. Ailing. Little son is dying ...

But the officer did not listen. He gave a command, the soldiers twisted Silantius' arms, drove him to work. And when he returned, Nikita was already cold.

Nikita, Nikita! - Silantius bothers his son.

Nikita is lying, does not budge. Nikitkin's toy is lying nearby - a soldier with a gun. Nikita is dead.

Nikita's coffin was not done. They buried, like everyone else, in a common grave.

Silantius did not live long after that. Silantius was taken to the cemetery by the frost. Many people died then. Many peasant bones were killed in the swamps and marshes.

The city that Nikitkin's father built was Petersburg.

A few years later, this city became the capital of the Russian state.

About Danila

Danila was known throughout the district as an intelligent man. He had his own idea of ​​every business.

After Narva in the village, there was only talk about the Swedes, King Karl, Tsar Peter and military affairs.

Strong Swede, strong, - said the men, - we are not a match. And why do we need the sea? Lived
and live without the sea.

That's not true, - said Danila. - The Swede is not strong, but we are weak. And it is wrong about the sea. Russia cannot be without the sea. And fish and trade, for many things the sea

And when the bells were removed, there was a noise in the village again for several days.

The end of the world is coming! - shouted the deacon and tore his hair.

The women cried, crossed themselves, the men walked gloomy, everyone was in for trouble. And Danila is not like everyone else here either. Again in its own way.

This is how it should be, - he said. - Here the interest for the state is more expensive than the bells. The Lord God will not condemn for such deeds.

Blasphemer! - Father called Danila then, and from that time on he harbored great anger at him.

And soon Peter introduced new taxes. The men groaned, dragged the last to the treasury

Well, how do you like, - they asked Danila, - the new tsarist order? Again, right?

No, - answered Danila, - I do not have a common agreement with the tsar in everything.

Look you! - the men snapped. - He's with the king! Found a boyfriend. The king will not even look at you.

Few will not, but he will not forbid to think in his own way, - answered Danila. - That he gets glory for the state, thanks to Peter, and what he fights three skins from a peasant - the time will come, to be responsible for it.

The men agree with Danila, nod their heads. And take one and shout out:

And you tell the king about that!

And I will tell you, - answered Danila.

And said. Only it did not happen right away, and here's how.

Someone reported about Danilov's speeches to the authorities. Soldiers arrived in the village, tied Danila, and took him to Moscow to the chief, to Prince Romodanovsky himself.

They twisted Danila's arms, pulled him on a rack, and began to torture.

What did he say about the sovereign, who advised him? - asks Prince Romodanovsky.

And what he said, the wind carried away, - Danila answers.

What?! - shouted Romodanovsky. - Yes, for such speeches to impale you, you filthy troublemaker!

Plant, - Danila answers. - A peasant is all the same, where to be. Maybe a stake is even better than bending your back to the boyars.

Prince Romodanovsky got angry, grabbed an iron rod, red-hot in the fire, and started applying it to Danila's naked body. Danila was exhausted, hung as if it was wet.

Meanwhile, Peter entered the hut.

Why is a man on a rack?

Troubled, - says Prince Romodanovsky. - Contrary to power, sir, bad

Peter approached Danila. He opened his eyes, looks - in front of him is the king. Plucked
then Danila was strong and said:

Eh, sir, you have started a great business, but only the common people are gone. They knocked everything out of the people, like robbers on a high road. The people will not forget, sir, about such things, they will not remember with a kind word.

And again Danila closed his eyes, dropped his head on his hairy chest. And Peter seemed to burn from the inside. He jerked his head to the left, to the right, threw an angry glance at Danila.

Hang up! - shouted, as if stung, and went out of the hut away.

For the glory of Russian

In 1704, Russian troops approached Narva for the second time. The hard battle ended in complete victory for the Russians.

Peter and Menshikov rode out of the fortress on horseback. Following, a little further off, the Russian generals rode in a group. Slouching his shoulders, Peter sat heavily in the saddle and looked wearily at the red withers of his horse. Menshikov, standing up on the stirrups, now and then turned his head from side to side and waved his hat in greeting to the oncoming soldiers and officers.

We drove in silence.

Sovereign, - Menshikov suddenly said, - Pyotr Alekseevich, look. - And he pointed to the bank of the Narova.

Peter looked. On the bank of the river, the barrel raised up, stood a cannon. Soldiers crowded around the cannon on all sides. Climbing onto the carriage with a bucket in hand, stood the sergeant. He lowered the bucket into the barrel of the cannon, scooped something up with it and handed it out to the soldiers.

Sovereign, - said Menshikov, - look, they don't drink at all. Well, they came up with it! Look, sir: wine has been poured into the barrel of the cannon! Oh yes, scorers! Eagles! Heroes!

Peter smiled. He stopped the horse. Soldiers' voices began to be heard.

What shall we drink for? the sergeant asks and looks expectantly at the soldier.

For Tsar Peter! - rushes back.

For Narva!

For the glorious city of St. Petersburg!

For the artillery!

For comrades who laid down their bellies!

Danilych, - said Peter, - let's go to the sea.

An hour later, Peter stood at the very water. Waves licked the soles of Peter's big boots. The king crossed his arms and looked into the distance. Menshikov stood a little further away.

Danilych, - called Pyotr Menshikov, - do you remember our conversation then, in Novgorod?

And Narva?

That's it. It turns out that it was not in vain that we used to come here, the Russians shed blood and sweat.

No wonder, sir.

And the factories, it turns out, were not built in vain. And schools ...

Right, right, - Menshikov assent.

Danilych, now it's not a sin for us to drink. Is it not a sin, Danilych?

That's right, sir.

So what are we going to drink for?

For Tsar Peter Alekseevich! - Menshikov blurted out.

Fool! - Peter interrupted. - You need to drink for the sea, for the glory of Russia.


Alekseev Sergey Petrovich was born on April 1, 1922 in Ukraine. There, in the wide countryside, eight happy childhood years passed. Then the parents of little Sergei sent him to Moscow, to his aunts, to receive a metropolitan education.

School, flying club, flight school. Then all the boys dreamed of becoming pilots - Chkalov, Baidukov, Belyakov. Sergei was no exception.

On June 22, 1941, the cadet of the flight school Sergei Alekseev met on the western border - there their entire course was sent to "practice". And on the very first day of the war - the bombing. German aircraft destroyed our entire airfield along with the pilots. Alekseev was among the few who survived.

Then he worked as an instructor pilot. And then there was an accident - the engine stalled during a training flight. Treatment in a hospital, a sanatorium and vain attempts to return to

While still in the army, S. Alekseev graduated from the institute in absentia. A diploma of higher education gave him the right to become an editor at the Detgiz publishing house. There he began to write. Soon his books, written in a lively and exciting way, won the hearts of little readers.

Writer S.P. Alekseev was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR and the Lenin Komsomol Prize, an international diploma named after G. H. Andersen and many national prizes. S.P. Alekseev's books have been translated into dozens of languages ​​of the world. He wrote stories about the first Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, about the uprising of Stepan Razin, about Catherine the Second, about Suvorov, about the feat of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812, about the fate of the Decembrists, about the Great Patriotic War.

The writer died in 2008.