We're expired (Stace Kramer). Not the kindest review

We're expired (Stace Kramer).  Not the kindest review
We're expired (Stace Kramer). Not the kindest review

Year of publication of the book: 2016

Stace Kramer's new book "We Are Expired" after the scandalous did not go unnoticed. This time, the work was not marked by scandals and litigation. Thanks to this, the book went on sale and was received with interest by the readers. Well, the numerous admirers of the young writer ensured a high interest in her new creation.

The plot of the book "We Are Expired" briefly

In Stace Kramer's We Are Expired, you can read about seventeen-year-old Virginia Abrams, or simply Gina. This girl is doing well - she is leaving school today, she has a boyfriend Scott, she is the best student in school and she is predicted to succeed at Yale University, where she plans to go. Today's prom could be the best night of her life. Moreover, dad even gave Scott the keys to his Cadillac. The party for twins Paul and Sean really turned out to be excellent. Virginia decided to have a full blast - alcohol flowed like a river, and then there was also a joint. In general, when the main character came to her senses, she decided that she had simply lost Scott. The search ended in the shower, where her boyfriend hugged some Pamela. Then it turned out that, like in, Scott had already decided to break up with Jean for a long time. Not remembering herself from anger and resentment, the main character gets into the car and drives home. The result of this crazy race is an accident and disability. As predicted, the happiest day of my life turned into an inability to walk.

Jin's adaptation to the new reality is going very badly. She even nearly commits suicide. Therefore, the parents decide to send her to a rehabilitation center for people like her. Contrary to the expectations of the main character of the novel "We Are Expired" by S. Kramer, here the girl finds new friends. And they differ in many ways from her. With new friends, she goes on a journey, she enjoys life and learns to live in a new way. Here, in the rehabilitation center, she finds new love.

As for the reviews on Stace Kramer's book "We Are Expired", they, as well as on the first book of the writer, are far from unambiguous. The cons of the work include the stereotyped and banality of the plot. Many of the actions of the main character are inexplicable and incomprehensible. The actions of others also raise questions. At the same time, the advantages of the book can be safely attributed to the simple and exciting language of the work, as well as the notable advances in literature that Stace Kramer makes. As a result, the book "We are with the expired date" can be advised to read the true admirers of the writer. If you are not, then the novel most likely will not impress you.

Book "We Are Expired" on the Top Books website

The novel "We Are Expired" by Stace Kramer is so popular to read that the work took a high place in our winter 2017. At the same time, interest in it is noticeably decreasing. Therefore, even in the next ratings of our site, he may not be included.

Great book and I really liked it. I learned about it even when only one part of the book was written, when it was not yet published. I waited at first to continue, and then tried to free up time to buy and read this work. And I was not disappointed. I read the previous work by Stace Kramer "50 DDMS: I choose life" and I can say with confidence that "We are expired" is in no way inferior to the previous work of the writer. The book itself is about the girl Gina, who lost almost everything she had in one moment. Just being stupid. The book makes you think about life, and about what we have, but do not value. When we say that "I am so poor and unhappy, nobody needs me, nobody loves me," we think that our troubles are a worldwide catastrophe. But we don’t think that nature has endowed us with two legs, two arms, two eyes, two ears, and so on. We do not think about such simple things, taking the given for granted. I compare the book "We Are Expired" to Stace's previous work, because both have the same meaning. If in her first job Gloria thought that her problems were the most terrible in the whole wide world - the divorce of her parents, a drinking mother, a tyrant father, falling in love with her best friend's boyfriend are reasons to die, but she FOUND THE MEANING OF LIFE. She realized over time that all the problems of the past are to some extent not that little things, but not a reason for suicide. She realized that she must live for the sake of those whom you love and who love you. So in the second work of Kramer. Gina thought life was over when she woke up and did not feel her legs. She dreamed of dying in her sleep, as she believed that this was a great way to end her suffering. There was also a scene of a suicide attempt, but also after a while, she found true friends and true love, people who accept her for who she is. To some extent, both works contain the thoughts "Time heals", "Life is an invaluable gift and you shouldn't waste it in vain.", "Suicide is not an option." Adults may not understand the book, but for an audience of 12-16 years old just right. It was at this time - a transitional age, a teenager is more emotional and adolescent selfishness is manifested when they consider their problems to be a worldwide catastrophe. It is these books that make you think about fate and about life in general. Most of all I liked the quotes - "Sadness is a side effect of the past" and "There is always someone who will give you happiness, and someone who will hurt you. But it is much worse when it is the same person." My personal opinion about creativity: I think that these books are worth reading for teenagers. It is unlikely that the meaning will be understood by children whose psyche has not yet been formed, or already adults with a formed psyche. These books are specifically for adolescents whose psyche is just being formed.

Alexandra, Irina and Valentina


Only great pain leads the spirit to the last freedom: only it helps us to reach the last depths of our being - and the one for whom it was almost fatal can proudly say about himself: I know more about life ...

Friedrich Nietzsche

I woke up as the midday sun brushed the edge of my hospital bed. After waiting for a moment's clouding of consciousness, I try to tear my head away from the pillow, which seems to have become several times heavier. The room is so quiet that I can hear every beat of my heart. I try to remember why I am here, but it turns out to be not such an easy task. Small scraps of memories float into my mind, and I try to grab hold of each of them. And when my gaze falls on my hand, which is pulled together by a bandage, all the memories come together in a single puzzle and finally give the long-awaited answer.

I tried to commit suicide.

I've waited so long for that evening. While still in elementary school, I imagined what dress I would wear at prom, with what jewelry and hairstyle. And when I was already dressed in the very dress I dreamed of, and holding in my hands a crumpled piece of paper with a solemn speech, which I was supposed to read to the rest of the graduates and teachers, I smiled and was amazed at how quickly time flies.

I could not even imagine that that long-awaited evening would overnight make my whole familiar world collapse.

If you met me by chance on the street, then you would not remember me. I am ordinary, with an ordinary figure, with ordinary black hair, which, coupled with pale skin, gives me the appearance of a vampire or a terminally ill girl. An absolutely unremarkable person with his own shortcomings and a handful of advantages.

But that evening I was not like myself.

I looked quite grown up. Even the expression on his face changed. It was now so focused, so serious. And this tailor-made dress complemented me so much. Black, covered with microscopic sequins. A luxurious, voluminous hem hid my legs.

For exactly three hours and fifteen minutes my mother circled over me with a comb and hairspray. It was worth it. She turned my lifeless hair into beautiful curls. Mom is a stylist in the past, so she is able to turn such a sloppy girl like me into a real princess.

Nina, my younger sister, all this time sat opposite me and watched my mother's actions.

Nina is only six, she is unconsciously in love with ballet, does not miss a single lesson in her ballet school, and all the walls of her room are covered with photographs of famous ballerinas, whom she tries to look up to.

“I want to be like Virginia,” Nina yelled.

- Why? I asked.

- Because you are beautiful, smart and also your boyfriend looks like Zac Efron.

I started laughing.

- By the way, where is this Scott of yours going to study? Mom asked.

- He hasn't decided yet. But he will still move to Connecticut to be with me.

“How sweet,” Mom said sarcastically.

I met with Scott for two years, and all the most beautiful moments of my life were associated with this period. Before him, I had no relationship with anyone, because my priority was always study and only study. We went to the same school with Scott, but we never spoke and met very rarely, and it was only at the birthday party of my friend Liv that we met. Although "met" is loudly said. He and Liv dragged my drunken body home. Frankly, this was the first time in my life when I got drunk to such an extent that my mind went blank for several hours. The next morning Scott came to visit me, and only then could I get a good look at him. His short-cropped light blond hair was pulled up, and he reminded me of a hedgehog. The upper lip is thin, the lower lip is plump. Eyes the color of a gloomy sky. Dark, beautiful. I never considered myself so beautiful that boys would like me, so I was very surprised when he drew attention to me. He has a peculiar sense of humor. A quick-tempered character, but it even attracted me to him.

Our communication with Scott brought about a dramatic change in my relationship with my mother. She, probably, from the very beginning, dreamed that I would go to Yale University and devote my life to science. And, as expected, my mother considered Scott a direct threat to her plans. Often we had real family scandals when I was going on a date. Only dad was on my side, he always told mom that I was already an adult and could well make independent decisions. And even on that fateful prom night, he gave Scott and me his new convertible, since Scott's car was being repaired.

- Dad, are you serious?

- Yes, today I'm too kind.

- Thanks. - I threw myself into my father's arms. - I adore you.

- Here you go. “Dad gave me the keys to his new convertible. “I hope she’s okay?”

- Of course.

- Scott, do you drive well? Mom asked. Her cold tone gave me shivers down my spine.

“Um… of course.

- You just do not think anything, we just trust you with our daughter.

“She'll be all right, Mrs. Abrams.

I felt that Scott was getting nervous. He gripped my hand so tightly that I almost screamed.

“Well, I think we should go,” I said.

“Have some fun there,” said Dad.

I should have realized a long time ago that our relationship with Scott is not what it was before. We saw each other less often, talked on the phone. Scott became secretive, stingy with revelations. But then this did not bother me at all, it seemed to me that everything that was happening was explained by the stress of the exams.

The ceremonial part began. Our director Clark Smith walked into the center of the stage and began to recite his learned speech. He lisped, and because of that, half of what Clarke said was incomprehensible. At the end of his speech, the director put on a smile and left. Next, Mrs. Verkhovsky, the deputy director, appeared on the scene. On the screen, behind her, were pictures of the best students in the school. Among them I found mine. Verhovski began to talk about what this year was like. I, like everyone else present, could hardly resist falling asleep. But it turned out that this "fun" event did not end there. Every now and then some important people appeared on the stage with congratulations recorded on paper, then each of them talked about how he studied at school. My eyelids stopped obeying me, I felt that I was about to fall asleep on Scott's shoulder, but then my name came from the stage.

- And now we give the floor to one of our best students, Virginia Abrams.

I stood up to the sound of applause. How scared I was. Public speaking is not my thing. I already know in advance that I will definitely stumble somewhere or, even worse, fall, rising to the stage, because my legs tremble treacherously. When I got on stage, I started looking through the eyes of Liv or Scott. Everyone looked at me intently, I took the microphone with shaking hands and forced myself to speak a rehearsed speech.

- Hello everyone, I ... want to congratulate all of us on graduation. We all have been waiting for this day for a long time, and finally it has come. I want to thank the teachers who have put up with us for so many years. Now a new stage in life begins for all of us. When we were in school, we had two concerns. The first is how to imperceptibly write off a test. - Everyone started laughing, it instantly gave me confidence. - And the second - how to slip away from the physical education lesson unnoticed. And now new problems begin, new worries, and they are much more serious than those to which we are all accustomed. I wish all of us to cope with all the difficulties that we face. - After a second pause, I continued: - I love you, school, and I will miss you very much. Thanks.

A new book from the rising star of Russian contemporary literature - Stace Kramer "We Are Expired"... Not recommended for persons under the age of 18.

The book tells the story of a seventeen-year-old Virginia girl. Confident in her own beauty, well-being and career, she goes to her prom. But her whole life at one moment goes downhill: the guy leaves her and cheats, under the strong influence of alcohol she embarks on a risky journey in a car and gets into an accident. Her life is now connected with a wheelchair, but will she be able to believe in life again?

Read online and download the book "We Are Expired"

On our site you can read a new book by Stace Kramer thanks to a beautiful and very convenient reader that will perfectly fit your tablet or phone. The book comes out in the series "Star of the Runet" and, according to the author's statements, very soon we are waiting for the screen version of her works, but for now you can download the book in convenient fb2, txt, epub or torrent formats.

Book Review

text version: If you are a fan of Stace Kramer's work, then we strongly recommend that you not read this review, especially if you cannot take criticism of your favorite author normally. Well, if you love watching me tear books to smithereens, you are welcome!

I have a new review in which I will discuss, condemn and criticize the new book of the Runet star Stace Kramer "We Are Expired." In January, I learned that Stace Kramer's underage fans don't know how to take criticism and don't know about concepts such as black humor and sarcasm. So that you die a piece of shit! The book is awesome, unreal book. You just didn't get it. The book is amazing.

A novelty from Mrs. Kramer, popularly simply called Anastasia "We are expired." Even at the moment when I was reading the first chapters of this book, I honestly set myself a goal: that until the very last page I abstract from the factor that it all came out of the hands of Nastya "Stace" Kramer. To abstract from this fact and get an unbiased opinion about the work. I practically succeeded, I want to say in advance that I have no goal of belittling or offending anyone, especially the author of this book.
What I like about the book is the cover. It is quite interesting, enticing, better than most of the covers that are generally in bookstores. Apart from those terrible birds that fly away in the background, but since they are part of the plot, this principle is understandable.

First of all, I want to say that this is really a hint of a book. God forgive me, but this is really something like a book, in contrast to "50 days before my suicide", where there was nothing like a book at all.

This book can not only be crammed for money, but also evaluated! The book is divided into four parts, but it seems to me that the reader will find it clear in two parts. Before travel and after travel. But the car did four parts, thirty-one chapters, but the book is half the size of "50 days before my suicide", about 300 pages.
I want to say in advance that, in principle, this entire review - spoiler so look at your own risk.

The main innovation of this book by Stace Kramer is logic, or rather some kind of premonition of it. As if the spirit of logic was flying around and decided to hit Nastenka so that she would realize that logic is a very important part of the book. You heard right - I put the word logic and the name Kramer in one sentence.

The plot revolves around a girl named Virginia, who calls herself Gina's contraction, which for some reason reminds me of the nickname of a stripper, but that's not what we're talking about. This same Gina, on the day of her graduation, finds out that her boyfriend is cheating and getting drunk. Sits behind the wheel. Boom. Crash. Gina is confined to a wheelchair.
Her parents send her to a rehab center, which she herself calls an expired center. The main character can be praised, she is not so bad and formulaic. She is quite adequate, more or less shows the existence of her gray matter and even the ability to use the cranium. She grows spiritually throughout the entire plot of the book. We no longer have the idiot main character who decided to dye her hair blue, thinking that because of this all her life problems and the problems of the whole world would be solved.

Another positive aspect of this book is the sensitive topic of disability, which was raised in the book. We put such a small plus sign to Anastasia's karma because she was not afraid to sanctify such a complex topic.

Now I will start distributing the book, you did not think that I would only extol the book. The first part describes the clinic where Virginia is undergoing rehabilitation, it is described rather uninteresting and monotonous. The mother of the protagonist abandons her daughter by Chapter 4, saying that she needs the help of professionals. How fast? There are only four chapters. It is necessary to bring the plot to the main part, but still not so quickly and in general there the mother drove off, and we will not see her until the middle of the book.

Stace Kramer in the book "We Are Expired" tries to make everything look very romantic and attractive to a female audience, but the author's style is incredibly weak. The incredible artificiality and sugaryness caused me to twitch my nerves and roll my eyes for a long time. Sentences are sprinkled with sophisticated words. Phrases as if taken from numerous VKontakte publics. Only one phrase about "Falling in love is not a diagnosis, but you suffer from it no less" in the context of the location of the main character, she looked inappropriate.

The atmosphere of the dark and gloomy Stace clinic cannot be created, the descriptions are scarce, there is no drama, there is no ideology, the dialogues between the characters do not really fit in with each other. Everything pours out some kind of incomprehensible, simply flat picture, which is impossible to imagine in your head.

As soon as I began to think that this is only the beginning of the book and the author will show and be able to reveal the clinic from the other side, as it already sends the heroes on a round-the-world journey: starting with Mexico, end with New Zealand. An unexpected plot twist from bad fanfiction. It seems that this part of the book was written by a schoolgirl who, at the age of ten, went with her parents to Turkey and there decided to play a mystical and mysterious girl.

The whole plot boils down to a simple formula: there is a disabled person or a person who has fallen into a difficult life situation and there is his hen-hen mentor who takes care of him, tries to return faith in life, a joint journey takes place all his life and the main characters fall in love with each other against the background of this drama ... That's the whole plot "We are expired" and "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes(the novel was written in 2012, filmed in 2016). The plots are very similar.

The very idea of ​​a disabled person's journey is quite interesting, it is even intriguing in some moments. But the descriptions of the places are described as if they were taken from the interesting facts page on Wikipedia. The love line is of course present, unlike her previous book, here Stace Kramer decided to limit herself to one love line, not counting her ex-boyfriend. In fact, by the middle of the book, you have already written out all the love lines without any problems and there will be no intrigue left for you. Psychotherapist Adrian embarks on a journey as an assistant, finds himself in love with the main character from the moment they first met. Meanwhile, towards the end of the book, idiotic throwings typical for romance novels begin, but the time for these drinking has already passed - the book is almost over, so everything is rather boring in the final part.

Here is an overview of the book. After reading, do you think this book is worthy of adaptation? Is it good? Write - in the comments!

I've waited so long for that evening. While still in elementary school, I imagined what dress I would wear at prom, with what jewelry and hairstyle. And when I was already dressed in the very dress I dreamed of, and holding in my hands a crumpled piece of paper with a solemn speech, which I was supposed to read to the rest of the graduates and teachers, I smiled and was amazed at how quickly time flies. I could not even imagine that that long-awaited evening would overnight make my whole familiar world collapse.

Stace Kramer's debut novel "50 Days Before My Suicide" became a real sensation. The book was published in a record circulation for a novice author, exceeding 100,000 copies; it was read by more than 5 million people on the Runet. Stace Kramer's new novel also promises to be a bestseller. Even before the book was published, the rights to film the novel were acquired by one of the film companies. And the author's fans are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the book in bookstores - unlike the first novel, the text of this work was not published on the network.

The main character of the novel "We, Expired" will soon turn 18 years old. She looks forward to how she will shine at the prom, how to have fun at the party, where she will go with her boyfriend. And then everything went according to plan - admission to a prestigious university, eventful life on a student campus, a respectable job, career, family ... But a tragic accident completely changes the girl's life. Gina has a long journey ahead, thanks to which she will get a rare opportunity - to see the world, meet amazing people and learn a lot of new things about herself ... on a boat trip on the Orinoco River in Venezuela, getting caught in a real tropical rainstorm in Brazil, seeing the majestic Cape Roca in Portugal, marveling at the heat in distant Tanzania, taking advantage of the hospitality of the people of Australia and New Zealand ... Stace Kramer's new novel is a story about growing up, love, happiness, humanism and fortitude. The book will become one of the brightest literary events of this year.

Once again I am convinced that in our life losses and gains exist in an interesting pattern: the more we lose, the more we gain. It is truth. I lost my friend, but I found even more real friends with whom we have a lot. I lost Scott, but Adrian came into my life and made my heart love again. I lost my past life and got a new one in return. And even if there are a thousand times more difficulties in it that I have to overcome - that is why it is interesting. Every day is a struggle. A new day brings with it new challenges, and if before I doubted that I could cope with them, now, having reached the apotheosis of moral recovery, I can firmly declare that I can do everything. I am much stronger than I thought. I feel happy.

Stace Kramer is the pseudonym of a young and popular writer, Runet star Anastasia Kholova. The writer's debut work received many rave reviews and blew up the Internet. As of the end of 2015, more than 100 thousand copies of the book were purchased, which is a very high result for a young author.