Musical composition Victory Day. Script of literary and musical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren

Musical composition Victory Day.  Script of literary and musical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren
Musical composition Victory Day. Script of literary and musical composition for the Victory Day for schoolchildren

Sharapova Olga Petrovna,

primary school teacher the highest qualification category



Sounds "Let us bow to those great years" (Appendix # 1)

  1. There are many holidays in the world
    They are loved by adults and children.
    And everyone eagerly awaits
    Eighth March, New Year.
  2. But today is a special day with us.
    Happy Day, Great Victory Day.
    Our great-grandfathers and grandfathers achieved it,
    And we will tell you about it now.
  1. Here is the forty-first year, the end of June,
    And people went to bed quietly the night before.
    But in the morning the whole country already knew
    That a terrible war had begun.
  1. That longest day of the year
    With its cloudless weather
    Gave us a common misfortune

    She so pressed the mark
    And laid so many on the ground,

    The living cannot believe that they are alive. (K. Simonov)

(Appendix # 1)

Birds don't sing here
Trees don't grow.
And only we are shoulder to shoulder
We grow into the ground here.
The planet is burning and spinning.
Smoke over our Motherland

Chorus.A deadly fire awaits us,
But all the same he is powerless.
Doubt away
Goes into the night
Our tenth
Airborne battalion.

As soon as the battle died down
Another order sounds.
And the postman will go crazy
Looking for us.
A red rocket takes off
The machine gun beats indefatigably.
And that means we need one victory,


From Kursk and Orel
The war has brought us
To the very enemy gates.
Such, brother, things ...

Someday we will remember this
And he will not believe it himself ...

One for all. We will not stand behind the price!

  1. The fascist invaders were defeated.
    The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
    Berlin was taken, and the Reichstag
    Our flag was hoisted proudly.
  2. Forty-fifth!
    There was still a dumb darkness
    The grass was crying in the fog.
    The ninth day of May
    Already came into its own.
    All over the country from end to end
    There is no such city, there is no village,
    Wherever May Victory Comes
    The great ninth.
    Someone sang and someone cried
    And someone slept in the damp earth ... (slides 26-27)
  3. The war went on for 4 years - that's 1418 days and nights! 34 thousand hours and 27 million dead people! (slides 28 -29)

Quiet, guys, a minute of silence

  1. We will honor the memory of heroes,
    And their voices once sounded
    In the morning they met the sun,
    Our peers are almost.
    There are no those among us
    Who went to the front and never returned.
    Let's remember through the centuries, through the years,
    About those who will never come again.
    Let's remember!

A minute of silence (slides 30 - 34 )
Bells are ringing (Appendix # 1)

The children are singing. "Cranes" (Music by Y. Frenkel, poems by R. Gamzatov)(Appendix # 1)

1. Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers

And turned into white cranes
They are to this day from the days of those distant
They fly and give us votes.
Isn't that why it's so often and sad
Do we fall silent, looking up at the heavens?

From the bloody fields that did not come,
Once upon a time they did not fall into our land,

  1. Great May, victorious May!

    You fought a sacred battle!
    Even then we were not in the world

    Thank you soldiers

    For silence, for a peaceful home,
    For the world in which we live! (M.Vladimirov)

The cinema is on -
A platoon is at war.
A distant year
On the old film.
Not an easy way -
A little bit more
And they will burn out
Wars fires.

Happy May! ..
Favorite land
Your soldiers
Meet soon!
From wounds, insults
The earth is shaking.
With the warmth of the soul
We will warm her!


And everything about that spring
I saw in a dream.
Dawn has come
And he smiled at the world -
That the blizzard swept away
That the willow has blossomed
And my great-grandfather from the war
Back home! ..

In a dashing battle
In a foreign land
Let them take care
Love and faith
So that there are more of them
Came alive -
And the privates
And officers.

Will come in the spring
Like my great grandfather
And to my dear home
Will open the doors.
I remember the light
Distant years.
To your country
I will believe!


  1. The cannonade was suffocated.
    There is silence in the world.
    Once on the mainland
    The war is over.

    Believe and love.
    Just don't forget it!
    All just not to forget.
  2. How the sun rose in burning
    And the darkness swirled
    And in the river - between the banks -
    The bloodstream was leaking.
    Were black birches,
    Long years.
    Tears were cried -
    Widows - forever ...

    Just don't forget it!
    Just not to forget!
  3. This memory - believe it, people -
    The whole earth needs ...
    If we forget the war,
    War will come again!
  4. And if thunder breaks out again
    Like our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,
    We will save our homeland,
    And there will be Victory Day again!

The children are singing. "Victory Day"(Appendix # 1)


This Victory Day
Smell of gunpowder,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It is joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day! - 3 times.

Our Motherland did not close eyes ...

We brought this day closer as we could.


We brought this day closer as we could.


36 slide

Video clip (Appendix # 1)

  1. Soldiers were returning from the war.
    On the railways of the country

    Their uniforms were covered in dust
    And the sweat is still salty
  2. Soldiers returned from the war

    They were hot and drunk,
    The parks were full of flowers.

(Appendix # 1)

1. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
You can not know
Share your own
Maybe you fold your wings
In the middle of the steppes.
Dust curls under the boots
Steppes, fields,
And the flames are raging all around
The bullets are whistling.

2. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
The shot will strike
The raven is circling.
Your friend in the weeds
Lies inanimate.
And the road rushes on
It is gathering dust, swirling,
And all around the earth is smoking -
Alien land!

3. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
The edge is pine.
The Sun is rising.
At the porch of a dear
The hero's mother is waiting.
And endless ways
Steppes, fields,
Everyone looks after us
Native eyes.

4. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snow or wind -
Let's remember, friends,
These are dear to us
You can't forget.

Slides 37 - 40

Slides 41 - 42

Nomination "Methodological Development"

"We did not know the war, but still ..."

Literary and musical composition

Sharapova Olga Petrovna,

primary school teacher

the highest qualification category


Target: expanding students' knowledge about the Great Patriotic War; fostering respect for the elderly: war veterans, home front workers - participants in the Great Victory, a sense of pride for the people - the winner, fostering a sense of empathy, compassion for those who survived the war years.

  1. That longest day of the year
    With its cloudless weather
    Gave us a common misfortune
    For all, for all four years.
    She so pressed the mark
    And laid so many on the ground,
    That twenty years and thirty years
    The living cannot believe that they are alive. (K. Simonov)

4-5 slide NS

Audio recording of the first verse "Holy War" (Appendix # 1)

The children are singing. "We need one victory"(Appendix # 1)

Birds don't sing here
Trees don't grow.
And only we are shoulder to shoulder
We grow into the ground here.
The planet is burning and spinning.
Smoke over our Motherland
And that means we need one victory,
One for all. We will not stand behind the price.

Chorus.A deadly fire awaits us,
But all the same he is powerless.
Doubt away
Goes into the night
Our tenth
Airborne battalion.

As soon as the battle died down
Another order sounds.
And the postman will go crazy
Looking for us.
A red rocket takes off
The machine gun beats indefatigably.
And that means we need one victory,
One for everything. We will not stand behind the price.


From Kursk and Orel
The war has brought us
To the very enemy gates.
Such, brother, things ...

Someday we will remember this
And he will not believe it himself ...
And now we need one victory
One for all. We will not stand behind the price! Do we fall silent, looking up at the heavens?

2. A tired wedge flies, flies across the sky,
Flies in the fog at the end of the day
And in that ranks there is a small gap,
Maybe this is the place for me.
The day will come, and with a flock of cranes
I will swim in the same gray haze,
From under the heavens - bird calls
All of you who were left on earth

3. It sometimes seems to me that the soldiers,
From the bloody fields that did not come,
Once upon a time they did not fall into our land,
And they turned into white cranes.

  1. Even then we were not in the world.
    When fireworks thundered from end to end.
    Soldiers gave the whole planet
    Great May, victorious May!
    Even then we were not in the world
    When there is a fire storm in a military storm,
    Deciding fate for future centuries,
    You fought a sacred battle!
    Even then we were not in the world
    When you came home with Victory.
    May soldiers, glory to you forever
    From the whole earth, from the whole earth!
    Thank you soldiers
    For life, for childhood and spring,
    For silence, for a peaceful home,
    For the world in which we live! (M.Vladimirov)

The children are singing. “About that spring” (Appendix # 1)

The cinema is on -
A platoon is at war.
A distant year
On the old film.
Not an easy way -
A little bit more
And they will burn out
Wars fires.

Happy May! ..
Favorite land
Your soldiers
Meet soon!
From wounds, insults
The earth is shaking.
With the warmth of the soul
We will warm her!


And everything about that spring
I saw in a dream.
Dawn has come
And he smiled at the world -
That the blizzard swept away
That the willow has blossomed
And my great-grandfather from the war
Back home! ..

In a dashing battle
In a foreign land
Let them take care
Love and faith
So that there are more of them
Came alive -
And the privates
And officers.

Will come in the spring
Like my great grandfather
And to my dear home
Will open the doors.
I remember the light
Distant years.
To your country
I will believe!


  1. The cannonade was suffocated.
    There is silence in the world.
    Once on the mainland
    The war is over.
    We will live, meet the dawns,
    Believe and love.
    Just don't forget it!
    All just not to forget.
  2. How the sun rose in burning
    And the darkness swirled
    And in the river - between the banks -
    The bloodstream was leaking.
    Were black birches,
    Long years.
    Tears were cried -
    Widows - forever ...
    Here again the solar thread pierces the summer.
    Just don't forget it!
    Just not to forget!
  3. This memory - believe it, people -
    The whole earth needs ...
    If we forget the war,
    War will come again!
  4. And if thunder breaks out again
    Like our great-grandfathers and grandfathers,
    We will save our homeland,
    And there will be Victory Day again!

The children are singing. "Victory Day"(Appendix # 1)

Victory Day, how far it was from us,
As in an extinct fire, a coal was melting.
There were miles, burnt, in the dust, -
We brought this day closer as we could.


This Victory Day
Smell of gunpowder,
This is a holiday
With gray hair at the temples.
It is joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day! - 3 times.

Days and nights by the open-hearth furnaces
Our Motherland did not close eyes ...
Days and nights fought a difficult battle -
We brought this day closer as we could.


Hello Mom, we are not all back.
Barefoot to run through the dew ...
Half of Europe has walked, half of the Earth, -
We brought this day closer as we could.


36 slide

Video clip (Appendix # 1)

  1. Soldiers were returning from the war.
    On the railways of the country
    Day and night trains carried them.
    Their uniforms were covered in dust
    And the sweat is still salty
    These days of endless spring.
  2. Soldiers returned from the war
    And they walked through Moscow, like dreams, -
    They were hot and drunk,
    The parks were full of flowers.
  3. War ... From Brest to Moscow 1000 km, from Moscow to Berlin 1600 km. Total 2600 km.
  4. This is if you count in a straight line. So few, isn't it? 2600 kilometers. By train - two days, by plane - 3 hours, and running in bellies - 4 long years.

The children are singing. "Roads" (Mus. A. Novikov; poems by L. Oshanin)(Appendix # 1)

1. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
You can not know
Share your own
Maybe you fold your wings
In the middle of the steppes.
Dust curls under the boots
Steppes, fields,
And the flames are raging all around
The bullets are whistling.

2. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
The shot will strike
The raven is circling.
Your friend in the weeds
Lies inanimate.
And the road rushes on
It is gathering dust, swirling,
And all around the earth is smoking -
Alien land!

3. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
The edge is pine.
The Sun is rising.
At the porch of a dear
The hero's mother is waiting.
And endless ways
Steppes, fields,
Everyone looks after us
Native eyes.

4. Eh, roads ...
Dust and fog
Coldness, anxiety
Yes, steppe weeds.
Is it snow or wind -
Let's remember, friends,
These are dear to us
You can't forget.

Slides 37 - 40

Dance "Children of the Sun" (Appendix # 1)

Slides 41 - 42

Sounds "There was a war" (Appendix # 1)


Through the centuries,
in years -

About those,
who won't come
never -

Eternally worthy!


Tell the children of the children about them.
To be remembered too!
Through the centuries, through the years, -

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!

At what price happiness was won, -
Tell your children about them, so that
Tell the children of the children about them.
To be remembered too!

Lead 1:

Each of us had

Its own family, its own concern.

Your usual work,

And a world of familiar warmth.

Our garden was rich in cherries.

Lead 2:

Fighter 1:

They want to destroy us.
Than life is beautiful and kind.
To sum up all the joy of the world
With a bandit sweep of an ax.
They raised a crowd
Assassins savoring the pogrom
And many countries quartered
Bloody swastika hook.

Fighter 2:

We searched the German binoculars.

Such, everything breathed silence.

Fighter 3:

That longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
Gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She so pressed the mark
And she laid so many on the ground.

The living cannot believe that they are alive.

Fighter 1:


Fighter 2:

Even the dust of the times
This date cannot be delayed.

Fighter 3:

The country was rising
And she went to the front as a group.
Reddish stars
Carrying away banners on the canvases.

Lead 1:

Lead 1:

Lead 2:

(A fighter comes out.)

Literary and musical composition for Victory Day (grades 5-9)

The curtain is closed. Behind the stage, a student reads an excerpt from R. Rozhdestvensky's Requiem.

Through the centuries,
in years -

About those,
who won't come
never -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!
As long as hearts are knocking, remember!
At what price happiness was won, -
Tell your children about them, so that
Tell the children of the children about them.
To be remembered too!
Through the centuries, through the years, -
About those who will never come again -
Be worthy of the memory of the fallen!
Eternally worthy!
People! As long as hearts are knocking, -
At what price happiness was won, -
Tell your children about them, so that
Tell the children of the children about them.
To be remembered too!

The curtain opens. The melody of the pre-war tango sounds. It could be "Rio Rita" or "In the Chair Park". Several pairs of smartly dressed boys and girls dance this dance, which is suddenly interrupted by the sound of an air raid and the bursts of falling bamboos. The dancers freeze. The voice of Y. Levitan sounds. He talks about the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. The 1st verse of the song "Sacred War" sounds. The presenters come out.

Lead 1:

Each of us had

Its own family, its own concern.

Your usual work,

And a world of familiar warmth.

Our garden was rich in cherries.

It was a clean, good summer evening ...

Lead 2: The fascist leadership carefully prepared an attack on our country with the aim of destroying and conquering world domination. Hitler, characterizing the upcoming war, cynically declared: "I have the right to destroy millions of people of the lower race ..."

(The presenters leave the stage. 3 fighters come out, one of them is holding the Red Banner.)

Fighter 1:

They want to destroy us.
Than life is beautiful and kind.
To sum up all the joy of the world
With a bandit sweep of an ax.
They raised a crowd
Assassins savoring the pogrom
And many countries quartered
Bloody swastika hook.

Fighter 2:

It seemed that the flowers were cold
And they faded slightly from the dew.
I dawn that walked through the grasses and bushes,
We searched the German binoculars.
The flower, covered in dewdrops, nestled to the flower,
And the border guard held out his hands to them.
And the Germans, having finished drinking coffee, at that moment
We climbed into the tanks, closed the hatches.
Such, everything breathed silence.
It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left!

Fighter 3:

That longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
Gave us a common misfortune
For all, for all four years.
She so pressed the mark
And she laid so many on the ground.
That twenty years and thirty years
The living cannot believe that they are alive.

Fighter 1:

Year and month of the nationwide struggle.

Fighter 2:

Even the dust of the times
This date cannot be delayed.

Fighter 3:

The country was rising
And she went to the front as a group.
Reddish stars
Carrying away banners on the canvases.

(The soldiers leave. The presenter comes out).

Lead 1: June 22, 1941. Fascist Germany has unleashed a terrible blow on our country. It was a deadly avalanche of highly trained, disciplined German soldiers clad in Krupp steel. They have already taken over Europe. 190 divisions (5.5 million people), about 5 thousand aircraft, over 3 thousand tanks spewing fire and lead - all this moved towards us, towards our grandfathers and grandmothers, who were as young as you and me.

(The light in the hall goes out. The newsreel footage "The beginning of the war."

Lead 1: A sad fate was being prepared for our land. Hitler declared: “It is not enough for us to defeat the Russian army and conquer Leningrad, Moscow and the Caucasus. We must wipe this country off the face of the earth and destroy its people. " The most fertile lands and mineral deposits must be divided among the invaders in advance. First of all, the largest cities were subject to destruction - Moscow,
Leningrad, Stalingrad, as "traces of a barbarian civilization." The question: what to do with our people, was also resolved with the Aryan ruthlessness.
It was determined: how many people, where and how to destroy, how many to keep their lives, turning them into slaves of the Reich.

Lead 2: We on the other side of the front were called not even a people, but a herd of sheep, incapable of making history and developing independently.
We were prepared for the fate of slaves or raw materials in the production of soap and handbags ... and so that the "third-rate nation" would not rise from its knees, a program of birth control was invented. Alcohol and tobacco smoking, the encouragement of early sexual intercourse, drugs - this is the needle on which Russia was in a hurry to put it. Goebbels also believed that in each village they should believe in their own way, worship their god, even if it was a horse's shaft ... then it would no longer be the Russian people, but a servile crowd without a clan - a tribe.

(A fighter comes out.)


I passed, gritting my teeth,
Past burned villages, state-owned cities.
In the woeful, in the Russian, in the dear.
Bequeathed from grandfathers and fathers.
I remembered the flame over the trees,
And the wind blowing hot dust.

And girls with biblical nails
Crucified on the doors of the district committee.
And the crows were spinning without fear,
And the kite tore prey before our eyes,
And he was aiming at all the outrages and all the executions
Spider Writhing Mark.

(The fighter leaves. The presenters come out. The light in the hall goes out. Against the background of the story of the presenters, the illustrations "Brest Fortress" are shown.)

Lead 1: Great are the exploits of those who had to take the first blow of the enemy. On the wall of the Brest Fortress, a simple soldier wrote in blood: “I am dying, but I am not giving up! Goodbye, Motherland! " Yes, they fought to the death. Even having received permission to retreat, the soldiers of the 28th separate
machine-gun battalion did not leave their positions. Concrete shelter - bunker number 28 - beat the enemy to the last bullet. Eight more days this piece of land was ours! “Eight days? More during the day - less during the day ... what's the difference? " - maybe someone will throw it. But those soldiers knew the value of every inch of land, they paid for it with their lives. A note was later found in the Komsomol ticket of an ordinary soldier A. Sobolev: “Let the enemy remember; Russians do not give up, but they have to - they die as heroes. "

Lead 2: Even when the ammunition ran out, the last soldier, holding a bottle of combustible mixture in his hands, went to the enemy tank. And the best armor in the world cracked and burst. In those days, when the enemy was rushing to Moscow, the whole world learned the names of Panfilov's men ... 28 soldiers from the division of Major General I.V. Panfilov under the command of political instructor V.G. Klochkov buried near Dubosekovo station (east of Volokolamsk). They carried 50 German tanks. This line became the death line ... Ours did not flinch. The enemies retreated. 18 cars burned down on the spot.

Lead 1: In 1943, the quiet and friendly Belarusian village of Khatyn disappeared from the face of the earth. Its inhabitants burned alive:
the old men, women, children were punished in the barn.

Lead 2: Countless atrocities were committed on our land: the Nazis organized a terrible in its cruelty destruction
of the Russian people.

(The light goes out in the hall. In complete darkness, in black clothes with a burning candle in her hands, a girl comes out. She reads a poem against the background of music
M. Jalil's "barbarism".)

They drove their mothers with their children
And they forced to dig a hole, but themselves
They stood - a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys.

The drunken major came and with copper eyes
Threw away the doomed.
Muddy rain hummed in the foliage of the groves
And in the fields dressed in darkness,
And clouds fell over the ground
Driving each other furiously.
No, this I will not forget the day!
I will never forget!
I saw: rivers cried like children,
And mother earth sobbed in rage.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Like a mournful sun washed with tears
Out through the cloud into the fields
The last time I kissed the children
Last time...
Child, little boy sick
I hid the head in the folds of the dress
Not an old woman yet.
She looked, full of horror.
How not to lose her mind.
The little one understood everything, the little one understood everything.
“Hide me, mommy!
Do not die!"
He cried and, like a leaf,
can’t hold back a shudder.
The child that is most dear to her
stooping down, she raised her mother with both hands.
I pressed it to my heart against the muzzle straight.
- I want to live, mom! Don't, Mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for!
And the child wants to escape from the hands,
And crying is terrible and his voice is thin,
And it stabs into the heart like a knife.
“Don't be afraid, my boy.
Now you will breathe freely.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head.
So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.
Be patient son, be patient. It won't hurt now! "
And he closed his eyes and the blood turned red,
Writhing like a red ribbon around my neck.
Two lives fall to the ground, merging,
Two lives and one love!

(The light in the hall turns on. The presenters come out.)

Lead 1: The myth of the inferiority of the Russians has collapsed. Yes, we had something to clean up. We weren't going to give up. Our composers
composed songs, and the people sang them loudly. There was no despondency or fear of death in the scores of those songs. They had amazing feelings - faith, hope, love.

(The song "In the dugout" sounds.)

Lead 2:

Did you bequeathed to us to perish?
Life has promised, love has promised.
Are children born to die?
Did you want our death?
The flame hit the sky - do you remember.
Quietly said: "Get up to the rescue ..."
Nobody asked you for fame.
Everyone just had a choice: me or
The best and most expensive is the Motherland.
Your grief is our grief. Homeland.
True, yours is our truth. Homeland.
Your glory is our glory. Homeland!

Lead 2: Our peers walked along the roads of war together with their fathers and older brothers.

Lead 1: Children of war ... how many of them, small, brave hearts, how much love and devotion to their Motherland ... Who are they, these boys
and girls? Fearless heroes ... Eaglets of the Great Patriotic War!

(On the screen, portraits of heroes-pioneers. A roll call is carried out.)

Lead 1: Lenya Golikov. He died on January 24, 1943 in an unequal battle near the village of Ostraya Luka, Novgorod Region.

Lead 2: Marat Kazei. He died in May 1944 in a battle with the Nazis near the village of Khorolischin in Belarus.

Where sweat burned the fabric mercilessly
Fraternal graves in which
Friends of the dead are lying.

(The song "Mass Graves" is played.)

Lead 1: Today we again remember that war. But not in order to hate those who brought death and suffering to our land, but to always remember those who did everything so that we, who live now, could laugh and cry, rejoice and be sad, study, work - and just live ...

Lead 2: Volleys of the Great Patriotic War died down. Cities and villages rose from the ruins, but Afghanistan and Chechnya came, where our young guys are dying. Blessed memory of them.

(The song "Memory" is played.)

Lead 1: Let each of you feel the stern eyes of the fallen, the purity of their hearts, feel the responsibility to the memory of these people. And let this question worry us: are we worthy of the memory of the fallen. Let us bow our heads before the greatness of their feat. Let us honor the memory of those who did not return from the war with a minute of silence.

I ask everyone to stand up!

(MINUTE OF SILENCE (metronome sounds).)

I ask everyone to sit down.

Lead 2:

The planet is not calm now.
But we believe in the blooming of spring.
We don't need Star Wars
Let us have starry dreams!

(The dance "How beautiful this world is" is performed.)

I don’t know war.
Why do I need it?
I want to live peacefully, sing hymns to beauty.
The world must be strengthened.
So that always and everywhere
They would only know about the past war.

(The song "Big round dance" is played.)

There is a memory that will never end


Remember how the thundering of the guns thundered,

How the soldiers died in the fire

At forty-one,

Forty-fifth -

Soldiers for the truth went to battle.

Remember how the earth shook and went blind

As the dawn rose from the ashes

The thunder of guns

Let's not forget

We are with you.

Remember: a formidable tornado over the earth in the blue sky -

This is the black death in Hiroshima

In Hiroshima,

In the blue sky -

Black ash in our hearts forever.

Remember, do not forget the burned faces -

This could happen again.

Let's not forget

This people

Remember, in our power and thunderstorms and wind,

We are responsible for happiness and tears,

On the planet

Our kids -

A generation of young people lives ...

Remember that spring shoots rustle, -

Don't forget those terrible years!

Our path is difficult

Stand up people

Life is calling!

Lead 1: There are events that, after decades, are erased from the memory of people and become the property of archives. But there are such events, the significance of which not only does not diminish over time, but, on the contrary, acquire more and more special significance, become immortal.

Host2: These events include the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War, the 70th anniversary of which we are celebrating today. The victory is great, incomparable. Many-sidedly experienced by the heart, it has become a part of our consciousness, inseparable from a sense of duty to the creators of victory.

Lead1: This war is the most popular and truly the most sacred of all wars on Earth, it will forever remain a great lesson in human courage.

Host2: Of course, historians can meticulously calculate the number of divisions that took part in one or another battle, the number of villages burned, cities destroyed ...

Lead1: But they cannot tell what the 7-year-old girl felt, in front of which her sister and brother were torn apart by a bomb.

Host2: Or what was thinking about a 10-year-old boy in besieged Leningrad, boiling a leather boot in water, looking at the corpses of his relatives.

Lead1: They can tell about it themselves.

Host2: Those who saw this war

Lead1: Those who survived that war
Host2: Those who are still alive
Lead1: Those 70 years ago were not yet sixteen
Host2: Those whose childhood was scorched by the fire of the Great Patriotic War

(musical number "Do not take the sun away from children")

Lead1: On May 9, the victory salute will be thundered for the seventieth time. And in the memory of the people, the immortal sufferings of the war years and the immense courage of the people are still alive.

Host2: Year 1941. June. The country lived a peaceful life, hoping that the fire of war that broke out in Europe would not affect our country.

("School Waltz" sounds) 2 girls and 2 boys

Girl1: And our director said great today!
Boy1: Yes ... (imitating a man's voice) Today you have a wonderful day! Today we see you off on your last journey ...


Boy2: Look - the sun is rising! What a morning! What a dawn! That would never end our last school night.
Girl2: Everything ends someday, but that's not bad - after all, there will be real life further. A new day begins!
Boy1: The day of our new life. We are no longer schoolchildren.
Girl1: Yes ... But it seemed that this is so far away!
Boy1: And now the prom is over ...
Girl1: It’s hard to believe that we are all together for the last time.
Boy2: Goodbye, school! Goodbye teachers! What lies ahead for us ?! Unknown ...
Girl2: Why "unknown"? What do you want to become?
Boy2: And I, probably, will rush into the taiga, I want to become a geologist ... My dream is to travel around the country, sit by the fire with a guitar.
Girl2(to others): And you?
Boy1: And I will become a famous football player. I have already been invited to Dynamo. I will defend the honor of the country in international competitions.

Girl 2:
And now I don't know what to do. This triple in chemistry bothers me so much!
Boy 2:
Oh, stop getting upset. Well, just think, one triple in chemistry. I have five of them, why shouldn't I live now?
Girl 2:
It's good for you to argue, you go to work in the taiga, but I have to go to college. And where am I going with this troika now?
Girl 1:
Are you really going to go to the taiga?
Boy 2:
Truth. I want to see life in other places. Come with me!
Girl 1:
Here's another, I thought, I'm nowhere from my hometown. I will study here in the pedagogical school, and then I will return to my native school ... Imagine, in about 10 years you will become an honored geologist, return to your native places, bring your children to our school, and I will teach them!
Boy 1:
Guys, let's take a picture for memory!

(everyone says "Let's go" and starts to line up for photography)

Boy 2:
Attention! Historical moment, remember June 21, 1941. School 204 of the city of Moscow, our 10 "A"!
Girl 1:
There are 35 of us: 17 girls, 18 boys.
Boy 1:
We are young and happy ...
Girl 2:
We dream of exploits, glory, we believe in our high destiny on this earth ...
Girl 1:
We dream in five years to become geologists, teachers, doctors ...
Boy 2:
I dream of bringing goodness to people.
Girl 2:
I dream of love.
Boy 1:
I'm dreaming…
Girl 2:
I'm dreaming…
Boy 2:
Dreamed ...

Lead1: (behind the scenes)
dreamed, dreamed, dreamed ...

They were still laughing that day
They loved greenery and fires.
Neither the voice of violins nor grand pianos
They did not predict wars.

Everything breathed such silence
It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left!

(graduates come forward)

June ... the sunset was falling
And the sea was overflowing on a white night.
And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard,
Not knowing, not knowing grief.
June ... Then we did not know yet,
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war
And it will end only in 1945, in May ...
I put on my first adult dress,
The first shoes with heels.
Oh, I wanted to dance this waltz so much!
Beads and ribbons, hand in hand!
The prom ball spun you and me ...
Here is the dawn in the window opening!
No, not dawn, this is the glow of battle!
This is June - 22nd
Year 41 - war!

The growing drone of aircraft, explosions, shooting. Graduates get scared, boys hug girls.
Levitan's voice about the beginning of the war
Song "Goodbye Boys"

We had a premonition of the blaze
Of this tragic day
He came. Here is my life
Homeland! Take them from me!
I love you with a new love
Bitter, forgiving, alive,
My homeland is in a crown of thorns,
With a dark rainbow overhead.
But our hour has come, and what does it mean
Only you and I have been given to know.
I love you - and I cannot do otherwise
You and I are still one.
Ah, war, what have you done, vile:
Our courtyards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads -
They have matured for the time being,
On the doorstep they barely loomed
And they went after a soldier - a soldier ...
Goodbye boys!
Boys, try to get back!

Graduates leave

On an early sunny morning in June
At the hour when the country was awakening.
It was performed for the first time for young people
This is the terrible word "war".

To reach you, forty-fifth,
Through hardship, pain and trouble,
The guys left childhood
In the forty-first, distant year.

Girls and boys of grades 7-8 come out

Girl 1:
It seemed like it was only yesterday:
And songs by the fire
And school waltzes in the evening
And see you until the morning.
Girl 2:
And now at seventeen years old
I get into a soldier's formation.
All greatcoats have a gray color,
All have the same cut.

Girl 3:
We left behind
Leaving school thresholds
And a mother frozen in sorrow
On a dusty and empty road
Girl 1:
The girls did not welcome us with delight
A hoarse military commissar drove us home ...
So it was in 41st, and the medals
And other regalia later ...

Young man 1:
What we have experienced, the historian will tell,
Our sleep was disturbing, and our bread was bitter.
What is there! Comparisons will never be found
To describe the path where we had to go.
Young man 2:
No, we didn’t think about rewards,
About their medals, orders,
They understood that it was necessary to fight,
Defending the Motherland in battles.
Young man 1:
And by the measure of us, whatever you measure,
How do not rate us,
We looked death in the eye here,
And we didn’t look away!
Girl 2:
And in a leaden blizzard and blizzard,
Reflecting enemy attacks
At that harsh time they wanted
So that there will never be wars!

Young man 2:
We rushed under the tanks with a grenade,
Everyone did what he could conscientiously
Because we are just soldiers
They did their duty as a soldier.
Girl 3:
Oh, how many attacks were there during the war,
Successful, and, sometimes, repulsed by the enemy,
On the fields scorched by fire
And those fields are watered with our blood.
Young man 1:
No, Motherland, you did not order me
But I understood your choice by the eyes,
There, by the poster, in the twilight of the station,
I volunteered to undertake the feat myself
Girl 1:
The military commissariats did not lock the doors,
The people did not leave the loudspeakers
And we never lost our faith
That will be May and the forty-fifth year.

(musical number "And the Scarlet Sunsets")

Lead1: War ... From Brest to Moscow 1000 kilometers. From Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total 2600 kilometers.

Lead1: War ... This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest. These are 900 days of besieged Leningrad. This is the Panfilovites' Oath: “Not a step back! Moscow is behind us! "

Host2: This is a victory obtained by fire and blood at Stalingrad. This is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge. This is the storming of Berlin. This is the memory of the heart of the whole people.

Lead1: Forgetting the past means betraying the memory of people who died for the happiness of other people, for the freedom of the Motherland.

Host2: No. Neither we nor our children should forget about it! We must not forget those men and women, boys and girls who, not sparing themselves, stood up to defend the world!

Lead 1: In the early days of the war, those who served in the 30s went to the front. With them, almost at the same time, and the guys of military age. Long lines of volunteers lined up at the military registration and enlistment offices. Piles of statements were piled on the tables of mobilization points with a request to immediately send them to the front.

(Mobilization footage. There is a table on the stage, at which the military commissar is sorting out a stack of statements.)

VOENKOM: (looking up from business) These were hastily torn from student notebooks, notebooks, notebooks, postcards and office stationery. The statements were written in different handwriting and different people. Next to the statements of fathers and mothers were statements of their children, often written in an unstable half-childish handwriting. Parents and children, gray-haired old people and teenagers wrote about their readiness to join the ranks of the defenders of the Motherland.
(A young man hesitantly enters into the office of the military commissar.)
VOENKOM: (noticing the young man) You again! I already told you my no!
YUNOSHA: (fiddling with a cap, shifting from foot to foot) But why? Why not? I'm 18 soon, and what a month is not enough. I am a Voroshilovsky shooter (holds out his certificate). Doesn't the front need Voroshilov's riflemen? I'm not complaining about my health, so there is a certificate ... (readily holds out another document).
VOENKOM: You have - yes. What about your mother? Do you really not understand that you are holding a disabled mother, that you are her only hope and support? Do you really want her without you ...
YUNOSHA: (interrupting) Take a look. (Holds out a sheet). I beg you, take a look.
VOENKOM: (silently unfolds the sheet, a little later reads it aloud)“I, Z. G. Gedz, ask you to enroll my son, Peter Gedz, as a volunteer in the ranks of the Red Army. And if necessary, I will also go, despite the fact that I am disabled. I have not yet forgotten the whip of the German interventionists. "

(On the screen footage of mobilization, they are voiced by the military commissar.)

: In Moscow alone, the military registration and enlistment offices received 170 thousand applications during the first week of the war, demanding to immediately send them to the front. The chronicle of all wars did not know such courageous cohesion and resilience that our people showed from the very first hours of the war. Railway stations, stations became like a halted camp. Everywhere people, carts, cars. Photography works fast. Filmed by families. Heartfelt farewell words. Crying, songs, accordion, abrupt, short dances ...

YUNOSHA: Then people were sure that this war was not for long. And if then someone said that it would last 1418 days, no one would have believed it! Everyone was sure that our state was ready for this test. Until then ...

VOENKOM: Echelons with troops and military equipment rolled and rolled along the railway to the west, towards them - with the wounded. The reports from the Soviet Information Bureau were not comforting ...

(musical number "I'll be back a winner")

Lead1: The war whirled around, scattered human destinies, crippled young shoots, tore the bonds of friendship and love. She fell like a black raven on Russian villages and cities. Grief, hopeless grief, women's tears and cries, the last look of beloved eyes ... And they, still very young boys, left, went to the front, left here, in the rear, the same young girls, kissed their beloved eyes and said in a young voice: “I I'll be back. " But it was not true, a cruel, insane lie. After all, most of them will never, never return.

Host2: They were expected, but they did not come. And then their girls, their beautiful lovely girls, cheerful and cheerful girls of the pre-war period, having matured during these four terrible years, became widows, not having time to get married.

Lead1: They, mothers and wives, brides and sisters, knew how to wait. Wait, hope, love. And instill hope in those who are at the front, at the forefront. Who is in the war. But they could not just wait and hope. Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front - this is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.


... But can you tell about it -
What years have you lived!
What an immeasurable weight
Lay on women's shoulders! ..

Reader: That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband or brother or son
And you are with your destiny
Left alone ...

Reader: You walked, hiding your grief,
In a harsh way of labor.
The whole front from sea to sea
You fed with your bread.

Reader: In cold winters, in a blizzard,
That at the distant line
The soldier warmed his greatcoats,
What did you carefully sew.

Reader: Throwing themselves in a roar, in a smoke
Soviet soldiers into battle
And the enemy strongholds were crumbling
From the bombs you filled ...

(Musical number "Lullaby")

Lead1:: “While the front was living with the idea of ​​expelling the fascists from their native land as soon as possible, the rear was guided by the state slogan“ Everything for the front ”and the unabated thought“ It’s even more difficult at the front ”, because these sleepless fronts needed a lot: weapons, ammunition, medicines, clothing, food. The country worked with inhuman tension. Of course, men, specialists who were given the reservation, worked at aviation, tank and other defense factories. But most of the men in the city, and especially in the village, replaced their wives, sisters, and daughters. They launched production lines in the most difficult conditions of evacuation from the wheels, in the rains, severe cold. In record time, they mastered the production of equipment and weapons of new types and brands. Our Army received combat vehicles superior in basic parameters to the enemy's systems.

(Film "Home front during the war")
(There is a group of women on stage, having dinner in a hurry.)
1 WOMAN: Oh, and I got tired, old ladies! I can't feel my legs! (Takes off his shoes).
2 WOMAN: Yeah, we've worn out, girls, for 4 years. The peasants will come and will not know. They will say: "Where have our women gone?" (Laughs)
3 WOMAN: Yes, just let them come back, we will find them ourselves. (Winks). Probably, everyone knows his own special signs, huh? (General laughter).
4 WOMAN: Well, you, Lyubka, give it! (Alarming)... Women, what if the German gets sick again?
1 WOMAN: Not allowed! This is enough for me for the rest of my life. All my life I will remember logging, and mines, and bonds.
2 WOMAN (agreeing): Yeah, you got it, you didn't miss a single logging. And remember how the last potatoes were taken to sell in the spring, just to pay off, for which they signed up.
3 WOMAN: And yet it is more difficult for our peasants. Every day they go into battle, under fire, but what are we?
4 WOMAN: What are we? Yes, we beat a cursed German with bread! Here are our guns! (Points to bread)... Just count, Lyuba, how many Germans our brigade knocked down. I think we dumped a dozen of them ?!
1 WOMAN: That there are a dozen, we dumped a thousand of them.
2 WOMAN: Right! Here they are, our Katyushas! (Points to her hands).
1.WOMAN: Babies, you are my family, we have done everything, we have completely settled with the state, we have overfulfilled all our plans, but it will be necessary - we will cut off a slice of our loaf, if only to exterminate this nit forever! (Stands up). Well, have you got some rest? Then get up. The words of a German cannot be achieved, he does not understand this. (To the second)... Yours, Katerina, where is tomorrow? Alfalfa?
2 WOMAN: And on alfalfa, and on potatoes, and on beets. (Joyfully)... We are advancing on all fronts.

(musical number "Chastushki")

Lead1: At the front, soldiers fought for every inch of their native land, for their father's house, for their loved ones! And between the front and the rear, field mail went, with triangles of letters, as if by racing threads, connecting what had been torn apart by the merciless war.


The return address is field mail ...

(This is how my father once wrote to me.)

By letters from the front -

No matter how much you read them -

We are unlikely to know everything about the war.

You can often hear in them

You will understand yourself

A native echo of our batteries.

About the worst

They did not write in letters,

So as not to disturb the mothers.

When the fighters retreat in a fierce battle,

The soldier will write, restraining a groan:

"Don't you worry, mom,

Everything is fine.

The battalion is attacking again ... "

And they wounded - and in some Sarapul

They will take the soldier: he is no longer fit for service.

"Do not be afraid, mom, just scratched", -

He will write with only one hand.

He will write how brave a comrade was,

And how the company died - not a single line.

And only after:

Will survive - he will tell

What are they silent about, front-line soldiers.

They shared everything themselves long ago

In its cool,

In his holy destiny:

Everything bright and joyful - to mom,

And bitter and terrible - to yourself.

By letters from the front -

You re-read them

And you yourself will become stricter and stronger! -

You will learn everything about our warrior.

And that will be the truth about the war.

Emilia Boyarshinova.


Front letter, do not be silent, tell
About a brutal war and about the time
How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,
How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father's house.

(musical number "Front letters" )

Host2: And the enemy was on a rampage. On the front line, explosions of shells and bombs wounded every piece of the earth. But again and again the fighters rose to the attack.

Lead1: The Germans did not expect that, having met with grief, death, the Russian people would be able to live, love, and rejoice. The poems and songs sounded at the front in the intervals between battles gave strength to the soldiers, made them forget for a short time that there was a war going on.
Now sad, now free, like the wind,
That formidable, calling for battle,
Girlfriend is a song! Nowhere in the world
Another such friend is dear.

Host2: What helped people to endure hunger and cold, hard hours of work in the name of Victory? The song ..., the song of the war years. It was the song that shared with the warrior both sorrows and joys, encouraged them with a cheerful and mischievous joke, saddened with them about the abandoned relatives and loved ones.

Only the flashes were extinguished in the stormy sky,

And the cannonade of the battle died away.

A waltz was heard in the front-line forest,

Giving the soldiers a short moment of peace.

Bayan sighed for girls' eyes,

Forgotten nightingale trills

And a soldier's tear fell,

Frozen like a dewdrop on overcoats.

(musical number "Clouds in blue")

Lead1: How many different roads
How many destinies
Came across him on the way
A soldier walked through the lights, through the bullets
I knew one thing - you need to go further!

Scene "Soldier and Mother"
The soldier walks across the stage, the Mother comes to meet him.

Mother: Alyosha! Alyosha! Son!
Soldier: I'm not Alyosha.
Mother: Forgive the soldier, I made a mistake ... my son is the same height and years. How much would you like?
Soldier: Eighteen.
Mother: And my Alyosha is eighteen. Have you met my son there, at the front? Alexei Petrov ... huh?
Soldier: No, I have not.
Mother: If you do, then tell me, let him give you a message. I yearned for it. I have one.
Soldier: I'll pass.

The mother leaves. The continuation of the melody sounds. Against the background of music.

Soldier: And I could tell this woman:
I saw a son, yes, I saw a heart,
But I could not lie ...
Mom, if I forget the song
The one that you sang at the cradle
In the middle of the nights under showers and blizzards,
Bowing your head over me,
Forgive me!
Let the motive of a war song sound in me
The song of the heart, of the sky, this song.

The soldier leaves the stage.

Reader: Soldiers are missing
And the share of wives and mothers:
Familiar steps at the door.

Everyone has their own luck
Although they walked in the same ranks.
You would have given them the Lord salvation -
Missing in action.

I gave them strength not to lose heart,
And do not suffer before death.
And he didn’t let the rumors be believed
That they can sell their homeland.

They left and did not return
But there is no funeral and no.
And they turned around in anticipation
Already seven decades.

Their life is just a moment for us,
But everyone knows, old and young,
That we owe a generation
All those who are missing.

Soldiers are missing
And the share of wives and mothers:
Wait, from dawn to dusk,
Familiar steps at the door.

(Musical number "Only he did not return from the battle")

Lead1: The war fell not only on adults, but also on children - the same bombing, cold, hunger, separation. War unceremoniously invaded their childhood. Heroic and tragic times simultaneously minted their characters. Many of them found themselves in the circumstances of a choice between life and death.

Lead2: War and youth ... War for mothers ... and widows ... But the worst, most inhuman thing is War and children. Children of war ... They were children of war tore down at the machines, buried their loved ones, froze to death, starved to death in besieged Leningrad

(elementary school students come out)

Reader1: Children of war - and it blows cold.
Children of war - and smells like hunger
Children of war - and their hair on end:
On children's bangs ... gray stripes.

Reader 2: The eyes of a seven-year-old girl,
Like two dim lights.
More noticeable on a child's face
Great, heavy melancholy.

Reader 3: She is silent, whatever you ask,
You joke with her - she is silent in response,
As if she's not seven, not eight,
And many, many bitter years.

(musical number "Children of War")

Lead1: Children met the war at different ages. Someone is very tiny, someone is a teenager. Someone was on the verge of youth. The war found them in capital cities and small villages, at home and visiting grandmothers, in a country camp, in the front line and in the deep rear. They became guardsmen of the front and rear: they were on duty on the roofs of houses, prevented an attack by enemy aircraft, helped build defensive lines, extinguished fires from incendiary bombs, provided medical assistance to the injured, helped workers forge weapons and produce ammunition. They became messengers and scouts, miners and military pilots.

Reader... (knock of wheels)

Carries a boy to the front

Comrade military doctor ...

"My mom, mommy,

Don't stroke me and don't cry!

I'm wearing a military uniform

Do not pet me in front of others!

I'm wearing a military uniform

I'm wearing your boots.

Do not Cry!

I'm already twelve

I'm almost an adult ...

Double, double, double

Rail tracks ...

My documents are in my pocket,

The military seal is strict.

My documents are in my pocket,

For which I am the son of the regiment.

Illustrious, guards,

Checked in fire ...

I'm going to the front, I hope

That the Browning will be given to me.

That I will not scatter in the attack,

That my time has come ...

Seeing me, old women

They groan hard:

“Son, little soldier ...

Now the days have come ... "

My mom, mommy!

Hurry to explain everything to them!

Tell me what it is for

Are they roaring over me?

Why are they stroking me?

Why is your son called?

And something is whispering indistinctly,

And they shove a warm roll ...

My Russia, don't!

Don't stroke me! And don't cry!

Don't stroke me!

I'm just the future son of the regiment,

And no heroism

I haven't done it yet!

And it’s not even clear to you

What's ahead of me ... "

Double, double, double

Rail tracks.

The train goes smoothly

Rocking ridiculous

Long and very slow

Like a line for bread.

R. Rozhdestvensky. "At forty-third."

Lead1:: Moving eastward, the Germans announced the so-called mobilization of the population to work in Germany. Whole trains of teenagers were taken abroad. In July 1944 alone, more than 40 thousand children were taken to Germany.
Host2:: It's hard to talk about the war. It is difficult, because it shakes to the depths of the soul, and hands reach at once to all the books and letters, and the pages seem not just squares of paper with imprinted typographic signs, but those sheets torn from school notebooks, those pages from Komsomol tickets, those boards of camp bunks and even rough bricks on which the heroes left their last words, addressed to those who will be left to live.

A girl comes out, reads a letter

Young woman:: March 12, Liozno, 1943.
Dear kind papa!
I am writing you a letter from German bondage. When you, papa, read this letter, I will not be alive. And my request to you, father: punish the German bloodsuckers. This is your dying daughter's will.
A few words about the mother. When you get back, don't look for mom. The Germans shot her. When inquired about you, the officer hit her in the face with a whip. Mom could not stand it and proudly said, here are her last words: “You will not intimidate me with beating. I'm sure my husband will come back and kick you out of here, the dastardly invaders. " And the officer shot mom in the mouth ...
Daddy, I turned 15 today, and if you met me now, you would not recognize your daughter.
I became very thin, my eyes sunk in, my pigtails were shaved off, my hands dried up, like a rake. When I cough, blood comes out of my mouth - my lungs have been chopped off.
Do you remember, papa, two years ago, when I turned 13? How good my name days were! You told me, dad, then: "Grow up, daughter, great for joy!"
The gramophone was playing, my friends congratulated me on my birthday, and we sang our favorite pioneer song.
And now, dad, when I look at myself in the mirror - the dress is torn, in rags, the number on the neck, like a criminal's, she herself is thin as a skeleton - and salty tears flow from my eyes. What's the use that I'm 15 years old. Nobody needs me. Here many people are not needed by anyone. Hungry roam, hunted by the shepherd dogs. Every day they are taken away and killed.
Yes, papa, and I am a slave to a German baron, I work for the German Charlene as a laundress, wash clothes, wash floors. I work a lot, but I eat twice a day in a trough with "Rose" and "Clara" - this is the name of the master's pigs. The baron ordered so. “Russ was and will be a pig,” he said. I am very afraid of "Clara". This is a big and greedy pig. She almost bit off my finger once when I took out potatoes from the trough.
I live in a wood shed: I cannot enter the room. Once the Polish maid, Jozef, gave me a piece of bread, and the hostess saw and beat Jozef on the head and back with a whip for a long time.
Twice I ran away from the owners, but their janitor found me. Then the baron himself tore off my dress and kicked me. I was losing consciousness. Then a bucket of water was poured over me and thrown into the basement.
Today I learned the news: Jozefa said that the gentlemen are leaving for Germany with a large party of slaves and female slaves from the Vitebsk region. Now they are taking me with them. No, I will not go to this thrice damned Germany. I decided it would be better to die on my own side than to be trampled into accursed German soil. Only death will save me from a cruel beating.
I don’t want to suffer any more as a slave with the accursed, cruel Germans who did not let me live! ..
I will, dad: avenge mom and me. Goodbye, good papa, I'm going to die. Katya Susanina.
My heart believes: the letter will reach.

Host2:: A selection was made in Germany. Someone stronger - to the labor exchange, who is weak, the patient - to a concentration camp - for experiments.

Lead1:: The most ominous symbol of the brutal appearance of fascism has become the concentration camps. In Buchenwald, 56 thousand people were killed, in Dachau - 70 thousand people, in Mauthausen - more than 112 thousand, in Majdanek - the number of victims of about one and a half million people, in Auschwitz more than 4 million people died.


M. Jalil "Barbarism".
They drove their mothers with their children
And they forced to dig a hole, but themselves
They stood, a bunch of savages,
And they laughed in hoarse voices.
Lined up at the edge of the abyss
Powerless women, skinny guys.
The drunken major came and with copper eyes
Threw the doomed ... Muddy rain
Buzzed in the foliage of neighboring groves
And in the fields, dressed in darkness,
And the clouds fell over the ground,
Driving each other furiously ...
No, this I will not forget the day
I will never forget, forever!
I saw: rivers cried like children,
And mother earth sobbed in rage.
I saw with my eyes
Like a mournful sun washed with tears,
Out through the cloud into the fields,
The last time the children kissed
Last time...
The autumn forest was rustling. It seemed that now
He was distraught. Raged angrily
Its foliage. The gloom thickened around.
I heard: a powerful oak fell suddenly,
He fell, letting out a heavy sigh.
The children were suddenly seized with fear, -
They clung to their mothers, clinging to the hem.
And the shot rang out a sharp sound,
Breaking the curse
What escaped the woman alone,
A child, a sick boy,
I hid the head in the folds of the dress
Not an old woman yet. She
She looked, full of horror.
How not to lose her mind!
The little one understood everything, the little one understood everything.
- Hide, mommy, me! Do not die! -
He cries and, like a leaf, cannot hold back a shiver.
The child that is most dear to her
Bending down, mother raised with two hands,
I pressed it to my heart, right against the muzzle ...
- I, mom, want to live. Don't, Mom!
Let me go, let me go! What are you waiting for?-
And the child wants to escape from the hands,
And crying is terrible, and the voice is thin,
And it stabs into the heart like a knife.
“Don't be afraid, my boy. Now
you will sigh freely.
Close your eyes, but don't hide your head
So that the executioner doesn't bury you alive.
Be patient, sonny, be patient. It won't hurt now. -
And he closed his eyes. And the blood turned red
A writhing red ribbon along the neck.
Two lives fall to the ground, merging,
Two lives and one love!
Thunder struck. The wind whistled through the clouds.
The land wept in deaf melancholy.
Oh, how many tears, hot and flammable!
My land, tell me, what's the matter with you?
You have often seen human grief,
You have bloomed for us for millions of years
But have you experienced at least once
Such a shame and barbarism?
My country, enemies threaten you
But raise the banner of great truth higher,
Wash his land with bloody tears
And let its rays pierce
Let them destroy mercilessly
Those barbarians, those savages
That the blood of children is swallowed greedily,
The blood of our mothers ...

Host2:: 1418 days and nights fighting raged. The Soviet people waged a liberation war for 1418 days and nights. The path to victory was long and difficult.


Do you remember, soldier, many springs ago
Was the sky blazing with sunsets?
You walked through the pain and kept repeating like a password
As a sacred oath: "Victory."
Do you remember, soldier, burned Reichstag,
A scarlet banner that lit up half the sky?
Do you remember your friends?
To them for a few days
The victory was late in Berlin.
The world remembers, soldier, many springs ago
Your firm word: "Victory!"

(musical number "The Last Battle")

Lead1:: Time has its own memory - history. And therefore, the world never forgets about the tragedies that shook the planet in different eras, including the brutal wars that claimed millions of lives, threw back civilizations, destroyed the great values ​​created by man.
Host2:: More than half a century has passed since the end of the Great Patriotic War, but its echo still does not subside in human souls. And time has its own memory.
Lead1:: We have no right to forget the horrors of this war so that it does not repeat itself again. We have no right to forget those soldiers who died in order for us to live now. We must remember everything ...


Mother has aged for many years,

And there is no news from the son and no.

But she keeps on waiting

Because she believes, because her mother.

And what is she hoping for?

Many years since the end of the war.

Years since everyone came back

Except for the dead that lie in the ground.

How many of them are there in that distant village,

No mustache boys have come.


Once they sent to the village in the spring

A documentary film about the war,

Everyone came to the cinema - old and young,

Who knew the war, and who did not know,

Before the bitter human memory

Hatred flooded like a river.

It was hard to remember it.

Suddenly, from the screen, the son looked at his mother.

The mother recognized her son at the same moment,

And a mother's cry rang out:

As if his son could hear.

He lunged out of the trench into battle.

Mother got up to cover him with herself.

I was afraid that suddenly he would fall

But through the years, the son rushed forward.

Alexey! - shouted fellow countrymen.

Alexey! - asked, - run away! ..


The frame changed. The son stayed to live.

Asks the mother to repeat about her son.

And again he runs to the attack.

Alive - healthy, not wounded, not killed.

Alexey! Alyoshenka! Son! -

As if her son could hear her ...

At home, everything seemed to her like a movie ...

I waited, just about now out the window

In the midst of an unsettling silence

Her son will knock from the war.

(musical number "Prayer")

Lead1: And, nevertheless, a turning point came in the war and the liberation of the occupied territories began. Having cleared the territory of our country from the fascists, our soldiers liberated the peoples of Europe from the fascist yoke.

Reader: And we went to liberate Europe.
Our soldiers are in dugouts, in trenches,
In dugouts, tanks, pillboxes, bunkers,
On ships and on airplanes ...

Reader: Fascist invaders were defeated.
The Germans were driven all the way to Berlin.
Berlin was taken, and the Reichstag
Our flag was hoisted proudly.

Reader: You walked and attacked relentlessly
Berlin was on fire, every house was smoking
And May covered the chestnuts with candles
In a dug-out park where thunder rolled.

Reader: There was a hot battle for every house and ledge,
Towers tumbled down in broken crosses,
How eager you were to rush to the attack,
Break through to the center where the Reichstag was burning.

Reader: Before the arches of the charred vault
In some pristine silence
Soldiers of the greatest campaign
They signed right on the wall.

Reader: Everyone wrote their name openly,
So that people of future times know
That this feat accomplished by all of them,
Completed in the name of humanity.

War newsreel "Berlin 1945"

Host2: Victory in the war is glee and sorrow. Time does not muffle them. And you and I owe this memory of the most terrible war that touched every family to pass on from generation to generation. Victory Day was, is and should remain the most holy holiday. After all, those who paid for it with their lives gave us the opportunity to live now. We must always remember this.

Lead1:: During WWII, the Soviet armed forces carried out 6 gigantic battles and about 40 offensive operations, which ended in the defeat of enemy groups and formations, thereby multiplying the heroism and feat of the soldier and home front workers. Every 8th died. There are more than 27 million of them dead. Among the living there was no man who did not know the bitterness of the loss.
27 million went into immortality for us to live.


A minute of silence ...

Bow down, young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.


Summer sky above us.

Wormwood smells bitter.

Black bells

The bottomless blue groans.

Moans with earthly sorrow

Those whose hearts are not beating.

Even in a moment of silence

The bells are not silent.


A minute of silence ...

Bow down, young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.


I see in silence a ringing

In the light of a bitter day:

Old child peasant

Silently carries from the fire.

He won't kneel

This silent old man.

Listen - on a pedestal

Scream carved in stone.


A minute of silence ...

Bow down, young and old.

In honor of those who are for happiness,

Who gave his life for the sake of life.

Lead1:- Those who boldly went into battle for the Motherland died, but did not break

Host2: - To those who were burned in the Buchenwald ovens

Lead1:- To those who went on river crossings like a stone to the bottom,

Host2: - To those who have sunk forever, nameless, sunk in fascist captivity,

Lead1:- To those who gave their hearts for the sake of a righteous cause

Host2: - For those who went under the cars instead of pontoon bridges

Lead1:- To those who went into immortality and won

Let's honor their memory with a minute of silence

A minute of silence is announced

Lead1: Today we are celebrating a great day - the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany. 70 years have passed! Children born after the war have already become grandparents ... War is gradually becoming a thing of the past, becoming only a page in history. But the grateful memory of descendants should not fade away ... Today, across our vast country, at every monument, large and small, rural and urban, people gather to bow down to the living and the dead, immortal and fearless. And to those who took the first battle at dawn on June 22, 1941 at the walls of the Brest Fortress, and to those who, having gone through the whole war - such a war! - finished off the enemy where it began - in the defeated Berlin!

Host2: Victory Day! Memory of each of those days, when the war imposed on us by Nazi Germany was bubbling in roar and fire! Memory of everyone and everyone who forged victory! Memory of those who fell on the battlefield for the glory of our Motherland, in the name of its freedom!

(musical number "Victory Day")


I do not want the famine of Leningrad to touch them with a blockade hand.
I don't want pillboxes to be exposed like a cancerous tumor of the earth,
I don't want them to come to life again and take someone's life with them!
May people throw up a million palms and protect the beautiful face of the sun
From the burning of the ashes and from the Khatyn pain. Forever! Forever and ever! And not for a moment!
I don’t want my child to hear the voice of the cannon fire. Mine and yours!
Let the world explode with a cry:
Children:"No! Do not!"
Lead1: We need a peaceful vault over our heads !!!

(children read poetry)

Reader: We need peace - you and me, and all the children in the world,
And the dawn must be peaceful, which we will meet tomorrow.

Reader: We need peace, grass in dew, smiling childhood,
We need a world, a beautiful world inherited.

Reader: "No!" - we declare to the war, to all evil and black forces ...
The grass should be green, and the sky blue-blue! ..

Reader: Do you hear, friend, the streams are ringing, birds are singing on the branches.
We were born on a wonderful land.

Reader: So let it always bloom, let it make noise in the gardens.
Let people look at her with loving eyes!

Host2: So that again on the earthly planet
That trouble did not happen again.
We need,
So that our children
They remembered this,
Like us!
I'm not worried in vain
So that that war is not forgotten:
After all, this memory is our conscience
How strong we need ...

Lead1: (against the background of music)
Congratulations today to the hero-fathers,
All the military, home front workers!
Congratulations to those who shed blood for the Motherland,
And those who gave their last strength!
We condole with the fallen, they will be remembered forever,
And for all time in our heart!
Congratulations on Victory today and those
Who are among the missing!
Congratulations to the living, those who are with us now,
Let them surround you with worries
Your great-grandchildren, grandchildren and sons,
And all those who love and know you.


Today the holiday is included in every home.
And joy to people comes with him.
We congratulate you on a great day,
Happy day of our glory!
Happy Victory Day!

Song "Victory Day", soundtrack

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  • study the history of your country, your people;
  • to form patriotic feelings;
  • foster respect for the past and present of their country;
  • develop communication skills.

Equipment: personal computer with PowerPoint, media projector.

Event progress

Lead 1: Slide number 1

Dear Guys! We were born and raised in peacetime, we never heard the howling of sirens announcing a military alarm, we did not see houses destroyed by fascist bombs, we don’t know what a meager military ration is. We find it hard to believe that ending a human life is as easy as a morning dream. For us, war is history. We dedicate today to the glorious victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War.

1st reader: Slide number 2

Today will be a day of memories
And in the heart it is cramped from lofty words.
Today will be a day of reminders
About the exploits and valor of the fathers.

2nd reader:

June ... The sunset was approaching the evening.
And the sea poured over the white night,
And the ringing laughter of the guys was heard,
Not knowing, not knowing grief.

3rd reader:

June ... Then no one knew yet
Walking from school evenings,
That tomorrow will be the first day of war
And it will end only in the forty-fifth, in May.

Slide number 4. The phonogram of the chime of the Kremlin chimes. Against the background of the chimes, Levitan's voice (recording) about the beginning of the war sounds.

Lead 2:

On June 22, 1941, disrupting the peaceful life of people, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country. On a quiet, peaceful Sunday morning, while the people were still asleep, the war broke out.

Everything breathed such silence
It seemed that the whole Earth was still asleep.
Who knew that between peace and war
There are only five minutes left!

Slides number 5-7. The song "Sacred War" sounds in the recording.

This war was so terrible and unexpected that many went to war without even saying goodbye to their families.

4th reader: Slide number 8

From the endless Siberian plain
To Polesie forests and swamps
The heroic people rose,
Our great Soviet people.

He went out, free and right,
Answering war to war,
Stand up for the native state,
For our mighty country!

Lead 2: Slide number 9

Soon the war was already at sea, in the air and on land.

5th reader: Slide number 10

Thunder and smoke. Fire and blood.
Flame in the kingdom of darkness.
At six in the morning the attack is again
At seven - another attack.

6th reader: Slide number 11

If you need it, then you need it!
Necessary! The platoon rises.
Resounding shells burst
The machine gun hits aimingly.

7th reader: Slide number 12

It is necessary to support the brave -
The major shouted: "forward"!
And giving the command to the detachment,
Stands in front of him.

8th reader: Slide number 13

And already mixed up "must"
And "forward, friends, forward!"
They are an obstacle - not an obstacle -
The frontline people are repeating.

Lead 3. Slides number 14-16

In the battle for their native land, everyone who could hold a weapon in their hands fought to death. And the Nazis were ferocious. On the front line, not a single piece of land remained intact from the explosions of shells and bombs. But again and again our fighters rose to the attack. What helped them survive in this bloody battle, in every deadly attack, maybe the last? Love of mother, wife and children, bride. On the front line from the house came letters, so desired by the soldiers. The soldiers wrote to them about how they yearned for their native land, home, family, beloved, dreamed of victory.

9th reader: Slide number 17

Wait for me and I will come back,
Just wait really hard
Wait for the sadness
Yellow rains
Wait for the snow to sweep
Wait when it's hot
Wait, when others are not expected, forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
Letters will not come
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.
Wait for me and I will come back
To spite all deaths.
Who did not wait for me, let him
Say: "Lucky."
Do not understand those who did not wait for them,
As among the fire
By their expectation
You saved me.

(K. Simonov)

Lead 3. Slide number 18

In the fire of battles, from bombs and shells, from fascist captivity, soldiers rescued civilians - women, children, old people. One of the most popular songs of the wartime was "Katyusha".

10th reader: Slide number 19

There were battles on the sea and on land,
Shots rumbled all around.
We sang the song "Katyusha"
Near Rostov, Kursk and Orel.

11th reader:

Oh, you, song, song of fire,
Let the enemies tremble at you.
You sound, sound, without stopping,
Help us to win soon.

12th reader: Slide number 20

And shells fly into the thick darkness,
And the sky is painted with fire.
We protect our native country
And "Katyusha" sings to us in battle!

Slide number 21. Pupils perform the song "Katyusha" (lyrics by M. Isakovsky, music by M. Blanter).

Apple and pear trees were blooming,
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha came ashore,
On a high bank on a steep one.

I went out, started the song
About the gray-gray steppe eagle,
About the one she loved
About the one whose letters I took care of.

Oh, you, song, girlish song,
You follow the clear sun,
And to the fighter on the far frontier
Say hello from Katyusha.

Let him remember a simple girl
Let him hear her sing
May he protect his native land,
And Katyusha will save love.

Apple and pear trees were blooming,
Mists floated over the river.
Came ashore Katyusha
On a high bank on a steep one.

Lead 1. Slide number 22

The Great Patriotic War lasted four terrible years. The enemy of our people and all mankind has been defeated. On May 2, 1945, Yegorov and Kantaria raised the Victory Banner over the Reichstag. On May 8, 1945, the act of surrender of Nazi Germany was signed.

Slides number 27-28

On June 24, at the Victory Parade, Moscow honored the heroes, and the defeated Nazi standards lay at the Mausoleum on Red Square. The people held out. The country won.

Slides number 29-34. The song "Victory Day" is played.

13th reader: Slide number 35

All over the country from end to end,
There is no such city, there is no village,
Wherever May Victory Comes
The great ninth.

14th reader: Slide number 36

No matter how quickly the years fly by
She does not move away from us.
And the soldier's medals match her,
Combat orders suit her.

15th reader: Slide number 37

Victory! Glorious victory!
What happiness was in her!
May the sky be clear forever
And the herbs will turn green!

16th reader: Slide number 38

In the name of the Fatherland -
In the name of the living -

Lead 2. Slide number 39

Every year on these May days, our people remember the terrible years of the war, honor the memory of the fallen. Although more than half a century has passed since Victory Day, time has no power over the memory of people of different generations.

17th reader Slide number 40

Victory comes to us again and again
Beautiful and young, as in the forty-fifth,
Comes in the splendor of the old orders
On a veteran soldier's jacket

18th reader Slide number 41

Washed with tears - not by rain
Flashing not with fire, but with the happiness of life,
Victory comes to us in a spring day,
So that you never forget
What a feat was accomplished by the Fatherland!

Lead 3. Slide number 42

The memory of the war, of the victims of the war ... It beats an alarm bell in our hearts, commanding us not to forget the heroic deed of the people, to carefully preserve the peace won at the cost of more than 20 million human lives. Honor and eternal glory to those who during the war years defended their Motherland from the enemy, who stood in the rear at the machines and grew bread in the fields, to all those who, with their labor and feat of arms, brought the long-awaited victory closer.

A minute of silence ...
Bow down and young and old,
In honor of those who are for happiness
Who gave his life for the sake of life.

Slide number 43-48. A minute of silence. The song “Buchenwald alarm” sounds.

Lead 4. Slide number 49

Through the years, through the centuries -
About those who will never come again -
At all times of the immortal earth

Leading ships to the twinkling stars
Remember the dead!
Meeting the quivering spring
People of the Earth, kill the war
Carry the dream through the years
And fill with life!
But about those who will never come again,
I conjure - remember!

19th reader: Slide number 50

We need peace on a blue planet!
Both adults and children want it.
They want, waking up at dawn,
Do not remember, do not think about the war.

20th Reader: Slide number 51

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the field.
All people of goodwill want it -
We need peace forever! Forever and ever!

Slide number 52. Children perform the song “Solar Circle”, to lyrics by L. Oshanin, music by A. Ostrovsky.

1. The solar circle, the sky around -
This is a drawing of a boy.
He drew on a piece of paper
And he signed in the corner:

    May there always be sunshine
    May there always be heaven
    May there always be mom
    May there always be me.

2. My dear friend, my dear friend,
People want peace so much.
And at thirty-five hearts again
Doesn't get tired of repeating:

3. Hush, soldier, do you hear, soldier, -
People are afraid of explosions.
Thousands of eyes look into the sky
The lips stubbornly repeat:

4. Against disaster, against war
Let's stand up for our boys.
The sun is forever! Happiness is forever! -
So the man commanded.

Lead 4: Slides number 53

Burns, burns inextinguishable
Fire of losses, fire of losses.
Do not pass by, people,
And remember all the soldiers.

They, who died in battles,
Cry out to souls and hearts:
To keep their memory for generations
It got to their descendants, to us.

Spring came so immediately
We bring them flowers again.

On May days, celebrating the Victory Day, the whole country honors the memory of the dead with a minute of silence, and people lay flowers on the graves of the soldiers, to the monuments in their honor. And we guys, remembering the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, in the days of May, must bow to those great years and lay flowers at the obelisk of the fallen heroes - the Balakians.

State budgetary health-improving educational institution "Novokashirovskaya sanatorium boarding school" for children in need of long-term treatment of the Almetyevsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Extracurricular activity

Valiakhmetova Gulshat Shamgunovna,

Novokashirovsk sanatorium boarding school,


the village of New Kashirovo, 2014

I created a script for an extracurricular event dedicated to Victory Day. The event was held at the required level. The children took an active part. We developed oral speech and communication skills. The veterans were satisfied.Literary and musical composition dedicated to Victory Day

Target: To instill a sense of patriotism, pride in Russian soldiers, to foster love for the Motherland, for people who have won a victory over fascism.

Decoration and equipment : Stand with drawings "Victory Day", the hall is decorated with flowers.

Grandparents are invited to the holiday - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, children who survived the war.

The song "Cranes" is played (music by Y. Frenkel, lyrics by R. Gamzatov).

Event progress


What could be worse than war?

She brings only tears and suffering.

And it breaks people's happiness,

Separating loved ones and friends.


How to justify the innocent children of torment,

The grief of mothers gray from grief and separation,

Hopes that caress life, ruin

And the world is barbaric destruction.

Leading: Oh, Russian land! You have seen a lot in your life over the long years of centuries. Our people had to endure a lot of grief during the war of 1941 - 1945. Ominous tongues of flame, rushing upward and incinerating everything that stands in their way. The faces of women, distorted with horror, pressing to death the frightened children, the heartbreaking groans of the wounded. The roar of guns. The whistle of bullets. Pain, dirt, hatred and death are everywhere. This is what war is. The most terrible thing that can happen in the fate of a person and the whole country.

Leading: Our people survived the Great Patriotic War. And not only survived, but also came out victorious. 1418 days and nights this war continued. She claimed almost 26 million lives. Our land was washed with streams of blood and tears. But the strength of the human spirit turned out to be stronger than metal and fire. We must look with great respect at those who have gone through hell and retained the best human qualities.

The song "Sacred War" is played (music by Al. Aleksandrov, lyrics by V. Lebedev-Kumach).

Get up, the country is huge
Get up to fight to the death
With a dark fascist force,
With the damned horde!

May the noble rage
Boils like a wave!
There is a people's war
Holy war!

May the noble rage
Boils like a wave!
There is a people's war
Holy war!
May the noble rage
Boils like a wave!
There is a people's war
Holy war!


Almost four years

The formidable thundered in

And again all our nature

Full of living awe

And now on the way back,

Never subdued

Goes, who has accomplished the feat of arms,

Our steadfast, courageous person.

He did everything, he is quiet and humble

He saved the world from dark death.

And the world is beautiful and huge

He is welcomed now

The song "In the Dugout" is played (music by K. Listov, lyrics by A. Surkov).

Leading: Thousands of innocent people of different nationalities were killed by the Nazis in concentration camps. Every year, poppies bloom on the sites of the former death camps. They redden like the spatter of blood of the victims of fascism, recalling the tragedies of the war.


Flowers bloom in Buchenwald -

Scarlet poppies.

In the museum room there are shields,

And next to the barracks.

Flowers bloom in Buchenwald -

Scarlet flashes.

They look at poppies from above

Permanent towers.

There are no Estonians on the towers.

The smoke does not swirl.

The flowers are on fire and the light

Lies on faces.

Death does not walk around the camp,

Dogs don't bark

But all the same it is creepy to watch

On scarlet poppies

The song "Buchenwald Nabat" is played (music by V. Muradeli, lyrics by A. Sobolev) .

It's being heard in Buchenwald

It's revived and strengthened

There is righteous blood in the copper hum.

These sacrifices came to life from the ashes

And they rose again, and rose again!

And they rebelled

And they rebelled

And they rose again!

Hundreds of thousands burned alive

Are being built, are being built in a row to a row a row.

International columns

They talk to us, they talk to us.

Can you hear the thunderclaps?

This is not a thunderstorm, not a hurricane -

This, enveloped in an atomic whirlwind,

The ocean is groaning, the Pacific Ocean.

It groans

It groans

Pacific Ocean!

People of the world, stand up for a minute!

Listen, listen: buzzing from all sides -

It's being heard in Buchenwald

Bell ringing, bell ringing.

The ringing floats, floats over all the land

And the ether is buzzing excitedly:

People of the world, be vigilant three times,

Take care of the world, take care of the world!

Take care,

Take care,

Protect the world!


The war ended in victory

Those years are behind

They say medals, orders

Many on the chest.

Who wears the order of battle

For feats in battle.

And who - for the feat of labor

In his native land.

Leading: The memory of the fallen is a minute of silence!

Leading: Memory of the war, of the victims of the war. It beats an alarm bell in our hearts, commanding us not to forget the feat of the people, to carefully preserve the peace won at the cost of 20 million human lives. Honor and eternal glory to all who, during the war years, defended their Motherland from the enemy, then stood in the rear at the machines and grew bread in the fields, to all those who, with their labor and feat of arms, brought the long-awaited victory closer.

Today we feel the winners, our dear veterans, with flowers. We lay wreaths and flowers on the graves for the heroes who fell for our happiness.

The song "Victory Day" is played

Victory Day, how far it was from us,
As in an extinct fire, a coal was melting.
There were miles, burnt, in the dust, -

This Victory Day
Smell of gunpowder,
This is a holiday.

With gray hair at the temples.
It's joy
With tears in his eyes.
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Victory Day!
Days and nights by the open-hearth furnaces
Our Motherland did not close eyes.
Days and nights fought a difficult battle -
We brought this day closer as we could.
Hello mom, we have not all returned ...
Barefoot to run through the dew!
Half of Europe has walked, half the ground, -
We brought this day closer as we could.


Memorial Day is a holiday of victory!

They are carrying wreaths in a living ligature.

The warmth of bouquets of different colors,

So that the connection with the past is not lost.

And the sorrowful slabs are warmed by flowers by the breath of the field.

Accept the fighter as a gift, all of this

After all, it is necessary



Little girl:

We do not want war, anywhere, ever.

May peace be in the world everywhere and always.


Let the life of children be bright!

How bright the world is in open eyes!

Oh, do not destroy and do not kill -

The Earth has enough dead!

Let the birds chirp and the bees hum

And the children are looking at the peaceful sky.

The song "Street of the World" is played (music: A. Pakhmutova Lyrics: N. Dobronravov)

There are cheerful people on the street of Peace.
Above the street Mira - in a hundred suns the firmament.
We will build a house on Mira Street.
And we ourselves and our friends will live in it!

The house that we will build
Time won't ruin
The sun will not yield to black haze
Because friendship is a powerful weapon
The main weapon on earth!
There is anxiety about the world on the street of Peace,
The world has many reliable defenders.
Any road can end
And there is no end in sight for Peace Street!

On the street of Peace, work in the morning,
The science of goodness has been taught there since childhood,
There is a bridge over the street of Peace from the rainbow,
It is laid from Mira Street to the stars.

There are a hundred thousand miracles on Mira street,
There are scarlet grasses, there is a forest to heaven,
Bananas grow on every balcony
And in every apartment there are fairy tales.

Leading: Today at our holiday guests, veterans. Let's
Let's congratulate them on the Great Victory Day.
Children give flowers to veterans.