Muslim Magomayev from an unexpected perspective. Muslim Magomayev in an unexpected perspective Muslim Magomayev biography his children

Muslim Magomayev from an unexpected perspective.  Muslim Magomayev in an unexpected perspective Muslim Magomayev biography his children
Muslim Magomayev from an unexpected perspective. Muslim Magomayev in an unexpected perspective Muslim Magomayev biography his children

Muslim Magomayev is a whole era, the largest star in the cultural horizon of the country at that time, a person of a high level of culture, an opera vocalist, a pop singer, an outstanding composer. Until now, fans are interested in the biography, years of life and the cause of death of Muslim Magomayev.

His life was so bright and fulfilling that it is quite possible that it was for this reason that it ended so early.

Many believe that this person was a real darling of fate, of course, this is the way it is, but this is also his great merit. He multiplied and polished his natural talent with his incredible diligence, turning him into a real rare diamond.

PHOTO: Muslim Magomayev at the peak of his musical career

We will dwell in this material on the most significant moments in the life of Muslim Magomayev. We will tell in a short description, based on the dates, how bright this short life was.

Immediately, we note that Muslim Magometovich was lucky to be born in the famous creative family of Azerbaijan, which originates from his grandfather, a famous original composer, Magomet Magomayev.

The father of the future genius singer and composer was also an extraordinary person, he found the application of his creative potential in applied arts.

The talented artist worked in the most famous theaters in Baku as an artist-designer, however, the war interrupted his creative life, Magomet Magomayev left to fight. He could no longer return home, he died in Berlin a few days before the victory, when his son was already three years old.

Magomayev was born in the most difficult time for the country, it was 1942, on August 17, Aishat Magomayeva, the mother of the future celebrity, gave the world an extraordinary personality.

It should be noted that the famous singer’s mother was also a gifted person, a talented dramatic actress worked in the theater under the pseudonym “Kinzhalova”, was also awarded a Stalin scholarship, which speaks of her creative merits.

Why did nature not stint and endowed the future vocalist not only with an amazing voice, a talent for a unique perception of music and the ability to compose it, but also with excellent external data.

Trying to understand such natural generosity, you involuntarily pay attention to the genealogy, and with great interest you learn that several peoples have left their mark on it. The Russian, Adyghe, Turkish and Tatar peoples turned out to be not at all alien to the future Azerbaijani singer.

However, already in adulthood, Muslim Magomayev, whose biography we get to know, learn about the years of life and the cause of death, uttered his famous phrase that "Azerbaijan is his father, and Russia is his mother," expressing all his love and devotion to this peoples.


After the war, the boy was taken by his father's side, deciding that he would be better in their family, his father's brother Jamal made such a decision, with which Aishat was forced to agree.

Mom missed her son, loved him very much, but she understood that the boy needed a man's upbringing and a big family. Left alone, she decided to continue her career and left for Vyshny Volochok, where she got a job at the local drama theater.

But love for her son made it impossible to live a full life and Aishat decided to secretly take him to her, taking him away from Azerbaijan. For a while they lived together, it seemed that life was getting better, she felt that her son also loved her very much.

And Muslim, who at that time was 9 years old, already quite meaningfully got acquainted with the theatrical life and its musical side. He showed organizational skills, together with his classmates he created his own puppet theater, wrote plays and made characters for the performances themselves.

But, a year later, Jamal insisted that the boy return to his family, and this was the final point. Mom began to live her life, got married and gave birth to two more children, Tatiana and Yuri.

Having moved completely to Baku, Muslim, who had shown musical talent before, began to study at the music school at the conservatory, in the piano class.

Jamal's family was highly intelligent and belonged to the elite Baku society, the uncle gave the boy everything he needed and strove to develop the child's musical talent, which was obvious to everyone.

General education was given to the boy with great difficulty, he was completely absorbed by music, especially there was a strong desire to study vocals. So, in 1956, fourteen-year-old Muslim became a student at the Baku Musical College named after Zeynalli Asaf.

Already quite an adult life began, filled with meaning, my favorite hobby for music captured completely. The first public performance took place secretly from everyone, in 1957 Muslim Magomayev performed on the stage of Baku sailors.

This performance captured him completely, probably then he made a firm decision to forever link his life with the stage. The fears of the teachers and uncle regarding the mutation of the voice did not come true and great prospects opened up for the singer.

The rapid beginning of the creative path

In 1959, Muslim graduated from a music school, continued to perform at various concerts, and two years later he became a soloist in a professional song and dance ensemble at the Baku military district. Concert activity did not interfere with the continuation of the professional development of the young artist, the filigree work on the formation of the voice continued.

The first awards, prizes also appeared, and in 1962 Muslim Magomayev went to his first performance at the international platform in Helsinki, as part of the delegation of our country. Glory came with lightning speed and deafening, Muslim became a laureate at this festival of youth and students, performing an amazing song "Buchenwald Alarm".

The older generation of our country perfectly remembers the impression of the song they heard - it was a real shock, goosebumps ran through the body, tears in the eyes and a lump in the throat.

The country, which not so long ago defeated a terrible evil and lost its best sons, froze from such an execution - they were proud of such a compatriot.

Immediately after this incredible success, in the same year, Muslim Magomayev performs on the Kremlin stage at the festival of Azerbaijani art, and literally "wakes up" incredibly famous.

Muslim Magomayev with Soviet leaders of that time

Magomayev literally burst into the musical life of the country, conquered it not only with his voice, but also with a special manner to behave with great dignity, while demonstrating natural modesty and intelligence.

Everyone at that time only talked about Magomayev and Gagarin's flight into space, these were two practically equivalent events.

Life is like a bright comet

Muslim Magomayev - not a day without music

In 1960, Muslim Magomayev, as is known from his biography, when familiarizing himself with the years of life and the cause of death, married a classmate, about whom it is only known that her name was Ophelia. A year later, they had to part, the marriage was not saved even by the birth of his daughter Maria.

Muslim transferred the divorce easily, the rapidly gaining momentum along with music captured the life, and the singer always enjoyed incredible popularity among women.

Awards literally fell on Muslim Magomayev

Creativity brought more and more pleasure, contributing to the further growth of skill, and in 1963 Muslim Magomayev already held his first solo concert at one of the country's main venues - the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall. Professional growth in chamber art continues, Magomayev becomes a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after Akhundov.

In 1964 Magomayev trained abroad, honing his operatic skills in Italy, at the famous Milan opera house "La Scala". After Italy, Magomayev toured the country with the performances "The Barber of Seville" and "Tosca", the success was simply deafening, the entire intelligentsia of the country visited his performances.

The logical result of success was an invitation to work in the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, but Magomayev chose creative freedom and diversified musical activity.

Successful performance in the 66th year on the stage of the Paris Olympia was also appreciated by the French, Magomayev received an offer to conclude a contract for a year.

However, in those days, no one could make their own decisions about working abroad, even such great and popular artists. And in order to make it more intelligible, a whole company turned against Magomayev, with the involvement of state bodies, guarding socialist legality.

Magomayev showed wisdom and did not go against the system, to stay abroad forever, as the "Soviet dissidents" suggested to him, he also did not, being an unconditional patriot of his small homeland of Azerbaijan and the country as a whole.

Muslim Magomayev - short rest

In 1969, when the campaign to discredit him ended, Muslim Magomayev, according to his biography, with which we study his years of life and the cause of death, was again able to perform on the stage of Olympia.

I must say that 1968-1969 years were especially successful in his creative career, the award in Cannes "Golden Disc" and the first prize at the International Festival in Sopot.

A new stage, both in his personal life and in his musical career.
In 1972, a significant event took place in the singer's personal life, he met his future wife Tamara Sinyavskaya in Baku, at the festival of Russian musical art.

Young people were possessed by a feeling of attraction, they were united by many things, both were incredibly popular and recognized by both society and the authorities, young and beautiful, but the main thing is, of course, music.

Magomayev was a free man, although he was spoiled by female attention, but Sinyavskaya decided not to change her status as an unmarried woman and left for an internship in Italy, with the firm intention to forget everything.

As it follows from her story, what was her surprise when she found out that she and Magomayev, who at that time also ended up in Milan, were accommodated in the same room. The incident, of course, was settled, but Sinyavskaya decided that this was a sign of fate and did not resist the surging feeling with renewed vigor.

The very Italian atmosphere and music united these two talented people even more tightly. According to the stories of Pakhmutova and Dobronravov, many were worried about this couple, especially for the situation, the song "Orpheus" was written, which became the anthem of their joint happiness. In 1974, they got married, lived together until the very end of the great artist, despite the fact that the relationship was not easy.

And while everything was going incredibly well, 73 became especially significant in the biography of Muslim Magomayev, in his years of life, before his death, he was awarded the highest title "People's Artist of the USSR". You have to understand that the 70s are simply fantastic popularity of the artist, both in the country and abroad.

Continuing to tour the country, Magomayev did not leave the republic and in 1975 created a pop and symphony orchestra there. Having become the artistic director of the created orchestra, he remains so for many years, up to 1989. In those days, without the participation of Muslim Magomayev, not a single festive concert took place in the country, he is invited to all government events.

The stormy creative life did not allow one to relax for a minute, Magomayev performs with various musical works, he is equally good both in opera and on stage, arias, symphonies, are replaced by romances and pop compositions.

It is even impossible to imagine how densely his life was filled with music. Moscow attracted more and more and did not want to let go, so in 1989 Magomayev, tired of constant travel, finally settled in Moscow.

Life becomes less dressed up, and the woman you love is always there, but a busy life makes itself felt. Problems with the heart and blood vessels no longer allow you to work as before, Muslim Magomayev appears less and less at concerts, not missing the most prestigious ones.

But after 4 years, at the age of 60, Magomayev decides to leave concert activity, but he is still active and does not quit his job. Together with Tamara Sinyavskaya, they devoted more time to rest, traveled, but the strength remained less and less. After 6 years, Magomayev died of an ischemic attack, next to him was his muse and the love of his life.

The beloved artist is gone, but he will be remembered for a very long time with surprise from such a bright and talented personality, and great gratitude. Muslim Magomayev and his biography, the bright years of his life, the tragic cause of death - will forever remain in our hearts.

LIFE.RU obtained documents showing that Muslim Magomayev could have been saved from a fatal disease. Doctors of the cardiology center named after Bakulev prepared the great singer for complex heart surgery. Muslim Magomedovich did not live to see her for only a few days.

On November 11, the master of the national stage had to go to preoperative examination. Coronary bypass surgery was the last hope to save Magomayev's life. Only those closest to Muslim Magomayev knew: what is hidden behind the dry cliche "after a long and prolonged illness he died ..."

Muslim Magomedovich courageously fought against a terrible disease. Muslim Magometovich has been feeling very bad lately. He practically did not leave the house. The 66-year-old singer had serious problems with blood vessels, which provoked malfunctioning of the heart.

The circulatory disturbance caused a part of the heart to stop supplying blood. On examination at the cardiology center. Bakulev, where Muslim Magomayev was treated, in addition to tachycardia and hypertension, doctors discovered that he had a pathology of the heart muscle. Six months ago, the singer underwent vascular surgery, but, unfortunately, it did not give the expected result. "Angioplasty, on which the cardiac surgeons were betting, did not give results," the doctor of the cardiology center does not hide. To improve blood circulation, doctors had to insert a special catheter into Muslim Magometovich's vessels. The world famous Baku resident was operated on by the best specialists of the cardio center.

Despite all the efforts of the doctors, Magomayev did not get better. The singer continued to suffer terrible pains. Then the doctors decided that only coronary bypass surgery could save Muslim Magometovich's life.

"The singer had a very weak heart," said the doctor of Bakulevka. "In addition to narrowed vessels, atherosclerotic plaques were found in him." With this diagnosis, bypass surgery is often the only option. During surgery, a shunt is inserted into the clogged vessel and the blood flow is redirected around the clogged artery. “But for a long time they did not dare to perform this operation,” continues our interlocutor. “If angioplasty is done under local anesthesia, then full bypass is required. And at a venerable age it is a huge risk. You can never be completely sure that the patient's heart will withstand anesthesia ".

After much deliberation, the doctors decided to undergo bypass surgery. The singer's medical record made a note that on November 11 he should go to the last preoperative examination. But Muslim Magometovich did not live to see this day.

In the section to the question When and from what did Muslim Magomayev die? given by the author sleepy The best answer is Muslim Magometovich Magomayev died today, on October 25, 2008, at 6 hours 49 minutes Moscow time in his Moscow apartment after a serious long illness at the age of 67. At 6 a.m. the singer's wife Tamara Sinyavskaya called an ambulance ", which arrived just five minutes later. Muslim Magomayev was unconscious. All the efforts of the doctors were in vain. At 6:49, the singer died. In recent months, Magomayev suffered from severe pain, often lay in the hospital, and only next to his beloved wife felt better. Muslim Magomayev is a People's Artist of the USSR, a renowned baritone, the idol of millions in the Soviet era. The author of more than 20 songs, music for films. He was born in the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku - on August 17, 1942. His parents were creative people: his father was an artist, his mother was a dramatic actress. Magomayev's finest hour came in 1962, when in the Kremlin Palace at the festival of Azerbaijani culture he sang the song "Buchenwald Nabat" and Figaro's cavatina from the opera "The Barber of Seville" by G. Rossini. Farewell to the artist will take place on Wednesday, October 29, at the Moscow Theater Stage ".

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: When and from what did Muslim Magomayev die?

Answer from Flush[guru]
Naverone, age. He still was 67

Answer from YOKIF[guru]
They write that my heart ached. Like a heart attack. He smoked incessantly ..

Answer from Anatoly M.[guru]
Today at six o'clock in the morning, singer, People's Artist of Russia Muslim Magometovich Magomayev died in his Moscow apartment. Magomayev's wife Tamara Sinyavskaya said that at six o'clock in the morning Muslim Magomayev died after a long illness. He died at the age of 67. Sources in the medical community also told Interfax about this. The Moscow mayor's office confirmed this information. Magomayev was born in Baku on August 17, 1942. Until recently he lived in Moscow. It is reported that the singer was seriously ill. In the concert repertoire of Magomayev there were more than 600 works, he is also the author of more than 20 songs and music for films.

Answer from Ostroslov[guru]
Damn, do you think 66 is the age for a man ?? ? I think he died because no one needed him in this fucking country. Because she doesn't need anyone at all. And everyone remembers people only when they leave. And then eulogies are heard and plucking films are shown ... WHERE WERE YOU BEFORE, WHEN HE WAS ALIVE?! ..

Answer from Mercedes[guru]
He became a star early and died early, because one of the solar systems was named after him! tin. Died yesterday

Answer from Muhammat Bostanov[newbie]
Lungs' cancer

Answer from Natasha shtanchaeva-Kazhlaeva[newbie]
My dear ones, I am a fan of Muslim from the 1st grade, my aunt treated him in Baku and took an autograph for me there, it was 1966, I want to say how Muslim was laid out on stage, none of their singers did this, everyone sang to the veneer He burned out too early because he gave himself completely their work. Then the time changed, new idols appeared. He understood this and it was very hard for him

August 17 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of the famous opera and pop singer Muslim Magomayev.

Opera and pop singer, People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomedovich Magomayev was born on August 17, 1942 in Baku (Azerbaijan). His father - Magomed Magomayev, a theater artist, died at the front, his mother - Aishet Magomayeva (stage name - Kinzhalova), dramatic actress, grandfather - Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer, whose name the Azerbaijan Philharmonic Society bears.

Magomayev studied piano and composition at the music school at the Conservatory. In 1956 he was admitted to the Baku Musical College named after Asaf Zeynalli. In 1968 he graduated from the Azerbaijan Conservatory (now the Baku Music Academy named after Hajibeyov), singing class of Shovket Mammadova.

All-Union fame came after his performance at the Kremlin Palace of Congresses at the final concert of the festival of Azerbaijani art in 1962. Magomayev's first solo concert took place on November 10, 1963 in the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall.

In 1963 Magomayev became a soloist of the Azerbaijan Opera and Ballet Theater named after A. Akhundov and continued performing on the concert stage. In 1964 1965 he trained at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, in the 60s he performed in the largest cities of the Soviet Union in the performances Tosca and The Barber of Seville. In 1966 and 1969 Magomayev toured the famous Olympia theater in Paris with great success.

In 1969, at the International Song Festival in Sopot (Poland), Magomayev received the 1st prize, and in Cannes (France) at the International Festival of Recordings and Musical Publications (MIDEM) - the Golden Record prize.

In 1973 he was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

From 1975 to 1989, Magomayev was the artistic director of the Azerbaijan State Pop Symphony Orchestra, which he created, with which he toured the USSR a lot.

In the concert repertoire of Magomayev there are more than 600 works (Russian romances, classical, pop and Neapolitan songs). He starred in the films "Nizami", "Muslim Magomayev Sings" and "Moscow in Music". Magomayev is the author of more than 20 songs, music for films. He was the author and host of a series of television programs about the life and work of the American singer Mario Lanza, wrote a book about this singer.

In 1997, one of the minor planets of the solar system was named after him 4980 Magomaev.

In September 2011, in Moscow, at the Azerbaijani embassy.

Magomayev was awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labor (1971), Friendship of Peoples (1980), (2002), the Orders of Azerbaijan "Shohrat" (1997) and "Istiglal" (2002). In 2005, he was awarded the Peter the Great National Prize for his outstanding personal contribution to the development of Russian culture. He was a Knight of the Order of the Heart of Danko, awarded for outstanding achievements in the development of Russian culture.

Magomayev was married twice. From the first marriage, which broke up a year later, a daughter, Marina, was born. The second wife was the singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, People's Artist of the USSR.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Calling Russia his mother, Muslim Magomayev considered himself an Azerbaijani, although Turkish, Adyghe and Russian blood was mixed in his veins. Everyone loved him and for representatives of any people of Russia he was a real folk singer. The creative activity of this remarkable artist, singer and composer covered the classics and stage, national and foreign art. His whole life was entirely devoted to the stage. The cause of Muslim Magomayev's death was heart disease.

He was born in 1942 in Baku. His grandfather was Abdul-Muslim Magomayev, a famous Azerbaijani composer. My father died in the war, not having lived only 15 days before the Victory. Mother, actress Aishet Kinzhalova left for the Far East, where she got married, the boy remained in the family of his grandfather and uncle. Since childhood, he had an excellent ear for music and a strong voice. The first public performance of the 15-year-old singer took place in the House of Culture of Baku sailors, despite the prohibitions of relatives who are worried about his voice.

Then, in 1961, work in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Baku Military District and the first prize of the laureate in Helsinki at the World Festival of Youth and Students for the performance of the song "Buchenwald Alarm" followed. The first solo concert of the singer took place in 1963 in the Concert Hall. Tchaikovsky. Having become an opera singer, Magomayev did not stop performing on the stage and at the end of the 60s, after his second performance at the famous Parisian theater "Olympia", he received an offer for a contract in it. The Soviet government did not give him such an opportunity.

Once he was almost put on trial for a performance in Rostov and was banned from touring outside Azerbaijan. He used this time to graduate from the Baku Conservatory, and then again was invited to perform in Moscow: they could not do without him. In 1973, after many victories and awards at home and abroad, Muslim Magomayev was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Its popularity in the 60-70s broke all records. He made endless tours with his orchestra, released thousands of gramophone records, participated in all government concerts, and traveled abroad. His repertoire included more than 600 songs, and 20 of them were written by the singer himself. His name was given to one of the minor planets of the solar system. In 1998, Magomayev ended his concert activities and began to live a private life in Moscow. His wife, opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, recalled that he smoked 3 packs of cigarettes a day.

Many experts argue that smoking weakens the body and puts it at risk for a variety of diseases. The singer had coronary heart disease, which develops imperceptibly and does not like the abuse of tobacco - that is why Muslim Magomayev died at the age of 66. It is difficult to say whether they are right or not: in the life of this great artist there were many worries that could break the heart. Magomayev died in October 2008 in the arms of his wife.

He was buried in Baku on the Alley of Honorary Burials next to his grandfather.