Is it possible to cure trichomoniasis forever? Effective drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men

Is it possible to cure trichomoniasis forever?  Effective drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men
Is it possible to cure trichomoniasis forever? Effective drugs for the treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men

Urogenital trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection common in men and women. If trichomoniasis is not treated in a timely manner, severe consequences may develop, leading to severe damage to the internal genital organs (uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries) and infertility.


More about trichomoniasis

Inflammation caused by the penetration of Trichomonas vaginalis into the genitourinary system is called trichomoniasis. The pathology is contagious and transmitted through sexual contact. In women, the infection is localized in the vagina, urethra or cervix; in men, it affects the prostate, epididymis, and skeletal tracts.

It must be taken into account that for trichomoniasis, treatment should be carried out on both partners, regardless of whether there are signs of infection.

Causes of trichomoniasis

The penetration and development of the pathogen is facilitated by:

  • Reduced immunity. A weakened body is an ideal condition for the development of pathogenic flora, including Trichomonas.
  • Constant change of sexual partners.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Violation of the vaginal microflora.
  • Regular hypothermia.

In addition, pathology can also develop in women during menopause, when hormonal levels change. A lack of estrogen reduces the functionality of the vaginal mucosa, thereby disrupting its microflora, which creates a suitable background for the growth of bacteria.

Types and symptoms of trichomoniasis

There are two leading forms:

  • Spicy. Acute trichomoniasis is manifested by the rapid development of inflammation and severe symptoms.
  • Chronic . The disease can occur in a latent form for several months, gradually turning into a chronic condition.

Trichomoniasis is also divided into:

  • Complicated . The disease is accompanied by the development of one or more diseases: colpitis, vulvovaginitis, inflammation of the fallopian tubes, cystitis and urethritis.
  • Uncomplicated . This is an independent disease.

Signs of the disease appear after an incubation period of 1-2 weeks.

Main symptoms in women:

  • Vaginal discharge.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the genital area, itching and burning.
  • Pain when urinating.
  • Swelling of the labia.

In men, trichomoniasis manifests itself as:

  • Discharge from the urethra.
  • Pain and burning when emptying the bladder.
  • Irritation and redness of the glans penis.

What happens if trichomoniasis is not treated?

If left untreated, trichomoniasis causes serious problems and significantly undermines health. In women, the disease can serve as a source of cervical erosion, urethritis, endocervicitis, and various pathologies of the fallopian tubes.

When carrying a baby, pathology can cause untimely birth and cause rupture of the membranes.

Among the complications of trichomoniasis in men, an increase in inflammation of the prostate gland, bladder and renal pelvis is possible, and the disease is also fraught with stenosis of the urethra.

Treatment of trichomoniasis using official medicine

An experienced doctor should treat the pathology. Treatment of infection includes: the use of general and local antibacterial and antifungal drugs, restoration of microflora, increasing defenses with the help of immunomodulatory agents.

Before prescribing any drugs, laboratory diagnostics must be carried out to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to drugs. Since the disease has symptoms similar to other STIs, it is impossible to cure urogenital trichomoniasis without tests.

Both partners undergo simultaneous treatment, which makes it possible to exclude re-infection. During this period, sexual intercourse is prohibited.

Treatment of trichomoniasis in women and men is carried out with drugs based on metronidazole. Tablets are taken only according to the regimen drawn up by the doctor. Exceeding or decreasing the dosage can not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, but also lead to the development of pathogen resistance to the drug.

In women, metronidazole is also used in the form of a vaginal gel. It is inserted into the vagina twice a day using a special applicator.

No less popular are products based on ornidazole, a substance that has both antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties. It effectively destroys the causative agent of trichomoniasis.

Approximately 7-10 days after treatment, tests are repeated. A vaginal smear is examined for the presence of the causative agent of the disease. The absence of trichomonas indicates a complete cure of the woman. To monitor the condition, repeated diagnosis after menstruation is recommended.

In some cases, treatment of trichomoniasis in women can be carried out using additional medications. This need arises with reduced immunity.

The patient may be prescribed special vaccines that strengthen the immune system and medications that restore the natural flora of the vagina. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly once, followed by revaccination after 2 weeks. This remedy works for a year, after which the dose of the drug is reintroduced.

Treatment of trichomoniasis with traditional medicine

Much has been written on the Internet about the fact that there are not only official methods of treatment. Traditional “Internet healers” recommend not going to a gynecologist, but using products based on natural ingredients. At the same time, they do not give any guarantees for a cure, hinting that treating trichomoniasis in women with traditional medicine may require a lot of patience and time.

Among the most popular traditional methods of treating trichomoniasis are the following:

  • Daily sitz baths with medicinal herbs that have antiseptic properties. The temperature of the solution ranges from 37-38°. You can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and sage for treatment.
  • Application of sea buckthorn oil. It is used to prepare tampons inserted into the vagina at night, or for washing the external genitalia. The substances contained in the oil quickly relieve irritation and disturbing itching, which often occurs with trichomoniasis.
  • According to “experts,” onions have a disinfecting effect against the pathogens of trichomoniasis. According to the recipe, it is cleaned, ground to a pulp, wrapped in 2-3 layers of gauze and placed in the vagina for 3-4 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • Herbal tincture for chronic trichomoniasis. A collection is prepared from 20 g of tansy flowers, 20 g of eucalyptus leaves, 15 g of birch buds, 15 g of Sophora fruits and 10 g of yarrow herb. A spoonful of the mixture is infused in a glass of boiling water, the strained product is drunk a day, dividing the entire volume into three portions. It is better to take before meals for 3 weeks.

Any gynecologist will call such treatment delusional and dangerous. Antiseptic baths and tampons will lead to vaginal dysbiosis. Onion gruel will cause severe irritation of the mucous membrane, equivalent to a burn. And homemade tinctures are a direct path to allergies and even poisoning.

The infection can only be cured using official methods.

Is it possible to completely cure trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis in women is a fairly common disease transmitted through sexual contact. You can get rid of it only if you follow all medical recommendations and prescriptions. Then you can avoid complications and the disease becoming chronic.

The disease can recur if it is re-infected, so it is important not to forget about the prevention of trichomoniasis.

The most effective preventive measures against any sexually transmitted infections are maintaining personal hygiene and maintaining sexual relations with only one partner. This will protect against infection and subsequent treatment.

In addition, you should strengthen the immune system, observe personal hygiene rules and treat all diseases of the genitourinary system in a timely manner.

Treatment of trichomoniasis should be carried out exclusively by an experienced venereologist; self-medication of such a disease is unacceptable, since arbitrary dosage of medications and incorrect choice of treatment regimen can lead to serious and even irreversible consequences. It is forbidden to use treatment methods that are recommended by other patients, since no two completely identical patients exist in nature.

There cannot be the same scheme for combating a disease such as trichomoniasis - treatment should always be purely individual, it is prescribed only after an in-person examination of the patient and a set of laboratory tests, therefore, reviews of cured people can be considered as the opinion of an individual patient about the recommended treatment program, and not as a guide to independent action. The treatment regimen for each patient is always selected depending on the form of trichomoniasis and the presence of concomitant sexually transmitted infections - for example, simultaneously diagnosed gonorrhea and trichomoniasis will require a completely different treatment regimen than the treatment of each of these diseases separately.

How can you get infected?

The symptoms of this disease in women and men are somewhat different. The main place of residence of trichomonas in the male body is the prostate gland, urethra, seminal vesicles; in the female body, preference is given to the vaginal mucosa, the route of transmission in this case is quite clear - it is sexual. Infection with Trichomonas is also possible through close household contact, but this route of infection involves close and prolonged contact between a sick person with clear clinical manifestations of the disease and a healthy patient.

How to treat?

As a therapeutic treatment for trichomoniasis in women and men, specific anti-Trichomonas drugs are often used, which have a bacteriostatic and antibacterial effect (in some cases, the drugs can completely destroy the causative agent of the infection, in others they can limit the number of microorganisms). These drugs must be used simultaneously as general and local therapy: drugs for internal use suppress the development of trichomonas within the body itself, and local administration of antimicrobial substances has an effect on symptoms of the disease such as irritation, inflammation and itching. Local treatment is used, as a rule, as an auxiliary therapy to reduce discomfort.

How to treat?

Like any antimicrobial therapy, treatment with antitrichomoniasis drugs must be carried out in certain courses, which must not be interrupted even after the disappearance of the characteristic signs of trichomoniasis. Compliance with this simple rule will be a reliable prevention of the transition of the disease to the chronic stage and relapse of the disease. On average, treatment with metronidazole, as well as other drugs from the same clinical group, for example, ornidazole and tinidazole, is approximately 10 days.

In some cases, the duration of anti-trichomoniasis therapy exceeds the average - treatment of advanced trichomoniasis requires a course of therapy of a longer duration, in some cases it is necessary to prescribe two or more drugs sequentially. In such cases, the course of treatment with even one drug may be longer. If at least one infectious agent remains in the human body, in our case Trichomonas, then after a certain period of time the disease will begin to progress with renewed vigor. Therefore, a full course prescribed by a specialist is necessary to recover completely.

While taking antibacterial drugs, healthy microflora also suffers (saprophytic microorganisms that live on the surface of the mucous membrane are destroyed) - which is why complex therapy should include measures aimed at restoring the normal microflora of the intestine and vagina.

Measures are needed to strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance. For this purpose, medications with a general strengthening and immunomodulatory effect can be prescribed - multivitamin and mineral complexes, immunostimulants and tonic preparations.

In men

During therapy with anti-trichomonas drugs, you should abstain from sexual intercourse and begin to follow a diet that excludes the consumption of spicy, fried, salty foods and alcohol. During the treatment of trichomoniasis, you need to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, change your underwear daily and go to the shower - you should remember that only compliance with all of the above rules and following the instructions of the treating specialist can give an effective result. In certain cases, treatment of trichomoniasis in men can be supplemented by the following measures: physiotherapy, massage of the prostate gland, as well as instillation of the urethra (infusion of solutions of drugs with an anti-trichomoniacal effect into it).

Among women

Urogenital trichomoniasis during pregnancy is very dangerous. While carrying a child, various complications may occur, for example, premature rupture of amniotic fluid and premature birth, as well as the birth of a child with low body weight (due to intrauterine infection, the rate of fetal development slows down, but such infection is not fatal to the embryo). While passing through the birth canal, a child can get this disease from an infected mother.

For girls, a condition such as acute urogenital trichomoniasis is typical; in both sexes, cases of pneumonia caused by Trichomonas are common. That is why therapy for trichomoniasis should be carried out in a hospital setting and under the close supervision of a specialist.

Therapy for this disease should include a whole range of measures:

  • general and local antimicrobial therapy;
  • normalization of intestinal and vaginal microflora;
  • increasing immune defense.

It should be remembered that sexual partners should always undergo treatment at the same time in order to avoid re-infection. Passive trichomonas carriers should also be treated for trichomoniasis, since chronic trichomoniasis can go into the acute phase at any time. Provocateurs can be acute illnesses and exacerbation of concomitant chronic diseases in the patient, as well as the consumption of spicy, fried, salty, pickled foods, foods rich in spices and seasonings. Even a small amount of alcoholic drinks (even low strength) can activate the disease.

Treatment with folk remedies for a disease such as trichomoniasis does not guarantee a cure for the patient.– it is impossible to treat a disease caused by a pathogenic microorganism without antimicrobial drugs. Any methods of alternative medicine will bring only temporary relief - they cannot destroy the pathogen, but they can eliminate the unpleasant sensations that become symptoms of the disease. However, as soon as the use of these methods is stopped, the patient's complaints will return again. There is no need to treat trichomoniasis in a hospital setting - this disease does not pose a threat to human life, and with correct and timely detection, following the doctor’s recommendations and taking prescribed medications, improvement in the patient’s condition is guaranteed.

Is it possible to cure trichomoniasis completely?

At the end of drug therapy for trichomoniasis, after about 7 days, and also several more times with an interval of one month, control tests should be carried out, for which the PCR method is used. The patient can be considered cured if, upon repeated tests, the presence of trichomonas is not detected within 1–2 months for men and approximately 2 months for women.

In medical practice, there is an opinion among venereologists that urogenital trichomoniasis has become so widespread due to the fact that it is not always possible to diagnose it correctly and in a timely manner by urologists and gynecologists during routine examinations. In venereological practice, the main method for detecting infectious agents of trichomoniasis is taking a smear for culture. In gynecological and urological practice, PCR is used in most cases to diagnose urogenital trichomoniasis (the immune fluorescence ELISA reaction, which is popular today, is accurate only for 65-70% of cases of trichomoniasis).

If there remains doubt that the prescribed drug is active and effective against the causative agent of trichomoniasis identified in a particular patient, the doctor may recommend a bacteriological examination of a smear from the genital organs - during this analysis, a pure culture of Trichomonas will be isolated and the sensitivity of the microorganism to antimicrobial drugs will be tested that were included in the treatment regimen for the disease. Despite the fact that this test requires considerable time to obtain a result, it remains a guarantee of accurate selection of medications that can cure the disease.

is a parasitic disease known since ancient times, sexually transmitted and causing inflammation of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary organs of women and men.
The disease is caused by a special type of microorganism called protozoa. There are many types of protozoan microorganisms found in nature. Some of them live in water and soil, others are parasites in animals and humans.

Who are Trichomonas, types of Trichomonas

Protozoa– single-celled organisms, unlike other single-celled organisms, are capable of movement due to the presence of flagella and independent existence outside the infected organism. In their structure, the simplest are similar to ordinary cells, the totality of which makes up an entire organism. The difference is that protozoa, despite the simplicity of their structure, exist as a separate integral organism.
The name trichomoniasis comes from the simplest organisms called trichomonas, which cause specific local pathological phenomena.
Trichomonas, which parasitize the human body, are of three types:
Trcihomonas elongata - lives in the oral cavity.
Trichomonas hominis - lives in the human intestine, feeds on various bacteria, red blood cells (blood cells).
Trichomonas vaginalis – found in the lower genitourinary tract:
  • Urethra
  • Vagina
  • Prostate
The first two species (Trichomonas hominis, Trichomonas elongata) do not cause any harm to humans. The third type, which is also the most pathogenic, exhibits the greatest activity and causes local discomfort, as well as inflammatory processes.

Routes of infection with Trichomonas

Trichomoniasis is a very common disease. There is no place on earth where this microorganism does not exist. According to some data, trichomoniasis occurs in both men and women, young and mature, who are sexually active. The disease is transmitted primarily sexually, that is, through unprotected sex. Detailed and clear information about trichomoniasis

Trichomonas colpitis (vaginitis)
Colpitis– inflammation of the superficial layers of the vaginal mucosa. The term colpitis is borrowed from the Greek language. There is also a second name characterizing inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, of Latin origin - vaginitis
Acute trichomonas colpitis is characterized by:

  • Unbearable itching, burning in the vaginal area, around the labia. Itching is explained by the irritating effect of trichomonas on the vaginal walls and foamy discharge (secretion).
  • Redness and scratching of the skin in the perineal area, labia majora and minora. Appear due to itching in these areas.
  • Foamy discharge with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The volume of discharge depends on the phase of the disease. From copious leucorrhoea (discharge) of yellow color, with an acute progressive course, to scanty discharge of gray color, with a chronic, sluggish process. Foaminess and an abundance of secretion appears as a result of vital activity in parallel with Trichomonas, a special type of bacteria that produces gas.
With good, high immunity, the disease can occur in a latent chronic form. In this case, one or another symptom may be absent, or all symptoms may be mild or absent. Inflammatory changes are also minor. The chronic process may periodically worsen. Most often this occurs in the period before the start of a new menstrual cycle, a few days before the onset of menstruation. The exacerbation is associated with a decrease in the amount of estrogens, which are actively involved in the renewal of the surface cells of the vaginal mucosa; in addition, they contribute to the acidification of the internal vaginal environment, and Trichomonas feed on glycogen with the help of which, during the activity of lactobacilli, the internal environment of the vagina becomes acidic.

Trichomoniasis in the menopausal period.
In menopausal women, the incidence of trichomoniasis varies widely. Lack of estrogen causes atrophy (decreased functions, thinning of the walls) of the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls. Accordingly, the microflora of the inner surface of the vagina is disrupted, local immunity is reduced, and favorable conditions are created for the growth and development of not only Trichomonas, but also many pathogenic microorganisms. The main clinical symptoms are expressed as:

  • Mucopurulent discharge, sometimes streaked with blood
  • Itching in the area of ​​the vaginal vestibule
  • Rarely minor bleeding after sexual intercourse

Pregnancy and trichomoniasis

As a rule, trichomoniasis causes inflammatory changes at the local level, that is, at the level of the genital organs. Thereby negatively affecting the course and course of pregnancy. Can cause complications such as: spontaneous abortion and premature birth. The essence of abortion is that Trichomonas cause inflammatory changes, during which special substances called prostaglandins are released into the blood. Prostaglandins cause increased contractions of the uterine muscles, thereby promoting the expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity.

Disorders of the central nervous system (CNS)
Inflammatory damage to the mucous membrane, the addition of a secondary purulent infection and profuse foul-smelling vaginal discharge affect the quality of sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse becomes painful and impossible. A long-term chronic course of the disease can ultimately cause frigidity not only due to pain, but also emotional discomfort, causing in some cases a disturbance in the psycho-emotional state of a woman.

Microscopic method
For diagnosis confirming the presence of trichomonas in the genital tract, it is necessary to take smears from the vaginal mucosa. It is preferable to take swabs from three different places:
Among women

  • Posterior vaginal vault
  • Cervical canal
  • Urethra
In men, the following is examined:
  • Scraping from the urethra
  • Prostate fluid
  • Sperm

To obtain prostate fluid, a gentle massage of the prostate gland is usually used.
Laboratory tests should be carried out no later than 30 minutes after taking smears, since Trichomonas are very unstable in the external environment and die quickly.
The taken material is placed on a glass slide, a 0.9% sodium chloride solution is dropped, covered with a coverslip and placed under a microscope. In some cases, to better identify trichomonas, smears are pre-stained. Microscopic examination is the most rapid method for diagnosing trichomoniasis and makes it possible to make a diagnosis only 15-20 after taking the source material.

Cultivation of Trichomonas
As one of the three modern methods for determining a pathological pathogen, it has a number of advantages, such as:

  • Allows you to determine the initial amount of Trichomonas in the test material. Indirectly reflects the degree of the inflammatory process.
  • It reveals which drugs Trichomonas are sensitive to, which is very important when prescribing the correct and optimal treatment. It also allows you to adjust treatment that has already begun.
Cultivation is carried out by inoculating the contents of smears from the vagina and urethra onto special artificial nutrient media. In this case, Trichomonas find themselves in a favorable environment and begin to multiply intensively. The grown colonies are then subjected to microscopic examination.

PCR method in the diagnosis of trichomoniasis
A very valuable method for detecting Trichomonas. The advantage of this method is that in the chronic course of the disease the pathogen is very difficult to detect using conventional microscopic methods. In addition, any biological fluid of the body is suitable for research, be it blood, saliva, scraping of the urethral or vaginal mucosa.
The method is based on the fact that Trichomonas DNA, that is, genetic material, can be easily detected in the material being studied. Analysis accuracy is 100%. Results appear the very next day, which allows you to start effective treatment in a timely manner.

Treatment of trichomoniasis

To fully recover from trichomoniasis, the following conditions must be met:
  1. It is necessary to treat both sexual partners at the same time
  2. During the course of treatment, any sexual contact is excluded
  3. Use special anti-trichomonas drugs (metronidazole, tinidazole)
  4. In parallel with treatment, hygiene rules for caring for the genitourinary organs are observed:
  • Daily washing of the genitals using antiseptics (a weak solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin solution) or detergents, that is, ordinary toilet soap.
  • All movements when washing are carried out from front to back, that is, from the side of the vagina to the anus. This is necessary in order to avoid infection in the urethra.
  • Individual use of toiletries (soap, washcloths, towels).
  • Daily change of underwear
  1. Mandatory treatment of other concurrent diseases of the genitourinary organs of infectious and inflammatory origin.
Below are several treatment regimens for trichomoniasis using anti-trichomoniasis drugs.

Scheme using metronidazole (Trichopol)

On the first day, take 1 tablet 4 times orally with water.
From the second to the seventh day inclusive, take 1 tablet 3 times a day, also taken orally with water.

Metronidazole– antiprotozoal, antimicrobial drug.

Mechanism of action consists of an inhibitory effect on the genetic apparatus of bacteria. In this case, all biological processes of the cell gradually cease and the microorganism dies.

Contraindication pregnancy and hypersensitivity to the drug.

Tinidazole regimen
Take 4 tablets of 500 mg each at once. Or
For 7 days, 1/3 tablet 2 times a day

The drug is from the same group as metronidazole with a similar mechanism of action and side effects.

  • hematopoietic disorders
  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypersensitivity to the drug
Scheme using Klion - D
Klion – D- a combination drug that contains equal parts of metronidazole and miconazole (an antifungal drug). The drug is very effective for mixed infections of the genitourinary system of bacterial and fungal origin.
Prescribed in the form of vaginal suppositories, 1 piece at night for 10 days.

Monitoring the effectiveness of treatment antitrichomonas drugs are carried out as follows:

  • For 2-3 months after treatment, smears of the contents of the vagina and urethra are taken for microscopic examination for the presence of vaginal trichomonas
  • Smears should be taken 1-3 days after menstruation

Prevention of trichomoniasis

Preventive measures imply an integrated approach aimed at protecting against possible infection not only with trichomoniasis, but also with all sexually transmitted diseases, be it gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis and many others.

  • Prevention should begin with educational activities about a healthy lifestyle, the importance of contraceptive methods, and routes of transmission of infections that cause inflammatory diseases of the genital tract. These measures are primarily aimed at preventing the occurrence of infectious inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs in categories of people of adolescence. Medical workers, teachers in schools, professors in lyceums and universities are required to carry out educational activities in this direction among high school students, university students, and vocational schools.
  • Categories of young and middle-aged people who are sexually active should be careful when choosing a sexual partner. Promiscuous sexual intercourse is not encouraged. The ideal option is an intimate relationship with one sexual partner. The use of condoms plays an important role as a means of preventing the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy and the transmission of Trichomonas infection during sexual intercourse.
  • Preventive control by a gynecologist at least once a year, with taking smears from the urethra, posterior vaginal fornix, and cervical canal. The contents from these places are subjected to microscopy, thereby determining the presence of a possible infection and at the same time determining the degree of cleanliness of the vagina.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases of the genitourinary organs caused by other types of pathogenic microorganisms that reduce local immunity and increase the risk of Trichomonas infection.
  • An incomparably significant role in the spread of Trichomonas vaginalis is played by the simultaneous use of toiletries (washcloth, towel) by two or more people, one of whom suffers from trichomoniasis. Therefore, it is necessary for each person to have their own body care products and use them individually.
  • When preparing for pregnancy, both women and men should be tested for the possible presence of a latent urinary tract infection. And also consult your doctor about this. When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to cure all possible foci of infection in the woman’s body.

What are the possible consequences of trichomoniasis?

Most often, trichomoniasis causes complications during pregnancy:
  • premature birth;
  • low birth weight of the baby;
  • transmission of infection to the child when he passes through the birth canal.
In addition, there is evidence that trichomoniasis increases the risk of contracting some dangerous infections, in particular the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS.

How to eat properly if you have trichomoniasis?

Dietary habits are more related not to the disease itself, but to the use of anti-trichomoniasis drugs that have antibacterial activity. As with any antibiotics, the diet must be complete, otherwise nausea, indigestion and other side effects may occur. You need to have a hearty breakfast, preferably porridge.

It is useful to take pancreatic enzyme preparations during the course of treatment, for example Mezim-Forte. You can also take medications containing bifidobacteria, since antibiotics can cause dysbacteriosis. For more detailed advice, contact your healthcare provider.

Do not drink alcohol within 24 hours of taking it metronidazole and within 72 hours after administration tinidazole. These drugs can cause a reaction to ethyl alcohol, like a “coding” for alcoholism. Nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms occur.

Is it possible to have sex with trichomoniasis?

During treatment of trichomoniasis, sex is completely contraindicated for two reasons:
  • Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection. This means there is a risk of infecting your partner.
  • Sexual intercourse reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

Does a condom protect against trichomoniasis?

Condoms are one of the simplest, most accessible and effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections. But they do not completely protect against either one or the other.

Condoms only prevent trichomoniasis by 90%. With constant contact with one sick partner, the likelihood of transmission of infection increases even more.

Do not forget that during sexual intercourse the condom can break and slip off the penis.

Is trichomoniasis transmitted during oral sex?

Theoretically, such a possibility exists, it may even develop trichomoniasis sore throat. In practice, this happens extremely rarely. But it’s still not worth the risk.

How is trichomoniasis coded in the ICD?

Trichomoniasis has several codes in the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision:

Today, there are methods that can successfully treat and cure chronic trichomoniasis.

Chronic trichomoniasis is considered if more than 2 months have passed since infection or if this period is unknown and there is no way to find out. It differs from a fresh infection in its more sluggish course.
Symptoms are usually hidden, which, however, is not a feature of chronic trichomoniasis, since fresh infection in more than half of cases of infection is also asymptomatic. Periods of exacerbation occur during stress and are characterized by a slight increase in symptoms. Exacerbations can be triggered by alcohol, spicy food, physical exertion, sex, menstruation.

For the treatment of chronic trichomoniasis, as well as for the treatment of fresh infection, drugs from the group of 5-nitroimidazoles are used. These are chemotherapy drugs with pronounced activity against protozoan microorganisms ( which include Trichomonas vaginalis), as well as a number of other bacteria. Treatment may include a single-dose regimen or a longer course, depending on the presence of complications. Typically, systemic medications are used to treat chronic trichomoniasis ( tablets taken orally) are combined with local dosage forms - vaginal suppositories, creams, balls.

The following drugs are used to treat chronic trichomoniasis:

  • Metronidazole. Metronidazole can be used orally in a single dose of 2 grams. This is more convenient, as it does not require constant monitoring and attention, and can also be used to treat pregnant women, but only from the second trimester. A single dose allows you to avoid some side effects associated with the effect of accumulation of the drug in the body. If it is impossible to use a single-dose regimen, another plan can be used - metronidazole is prescribed orally at a dose of 500 mg 2 times a day for 7 days. When treating a complicated form of infection, the drug is taken orally at a dose of 500 mg 4 times a day for 3 days.
  • Tinidazole. Tinidazole is used in the same way as metronidazole. According to recent studies conducted by the World Health Organization and a number of sexually transmitted disease clinics, tinidazole is more effective against Trichomonas than metronidazole. However, when used in clinical practice, both of these drugs are considered equivalent.
  • Ornidazole. Ornidazole is prescribed orally at a dose of 500 mg 4 times a day for 4 days.
These drugs are used, as mentioned above, in combination with vaginal suppositories. It should be understood that treatment of trichomoniasis, and especially its chronic form, is impossible only with local drugs. They are an additional therapeutic agent that enhances the effect of the main systemic drugs. The use of local medications in the treatment of a fresh infection is irrational, as it can provoke dysbacteriosis.

The following drugs are used as local therapy:

  • metronidazole vaginal beads with a dosage of 500 mg once a day intravaginally for a week;
  • vaginal tablets of ornidazole 500 mg once a day intravaginally for a week;
  • vaginal tablets Ginalgin intravaginally for 10 days;
  • 0.25% - 0.5% solution of silver nitrate for instillation of the urethra every other day;
  • 2% solution of protargol for instillation of the urethra every other day.
It is important to mention that when treating trichomoniasis you should abstain from alcohol and sexual intercourse. Abstinence from alcoholic beverages is caused by the effect of drugs on the enzyme that breaks down ethyl alcohol, which causes prolonged circulation of toxic breakdown products in the blood. This is fraught with many severe systemic and neurological disorders. Most often, vomiting, headaches, rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing, and convulsions occur. The recommendation to avoid sexual contact is associated with high risks of reinfection ( since trichomoniasis does not form stable immunity). This is especially true in couples in which only one partner is undergoing treatment. If abstinence is not possible, you should use barrier methods of contraception - condoms, which provide 70% protection against trichomoniasis.

The following recipes are used to treat trichomoniasis with folk remedies:

  • An infusion of a mixture of herbs. Take one tablespoon of a mixture of celandine leaves, calendula and lilac flowers and pour 200 ml of hot water, followed by boiling for 5 minutes. The resulting decoction is used for vaginal douching or for insertion into the urethra ( urethra).
  • Tincture of calendula. 3 tablespoons of calendula flowers are infused in alcohol for 14 days in a dark place. Apply orally 30 minutes before meals, 2 to 3 tablespoons for two weeks.
  • Purslane tincture. Purslane herb is infused in alcohol for 2 weeks along with chicken protein. The resulting infusion is drunk for 2 weeks, 2 to 3 tablespoons per day.
  • Calamus tincture. A tablespoon of crushed calamus roots is infused in half a glass of vodka for 2 weeks. The resulting product is consumed half an hour before meals, 2 times a day.
  • Garlic juice. A clove of garlic is inserted into the vagina for several hours.
  • Douching with a vinegar solution. Table vinegar is diluted in warm water and vaginal douching is performed with the resulting solution.
  • Aloe juice. Aloe juice can be taken orally, one teaspoon before meals. You can also prepare an infusion from aloe, which should be used for douching or wetting tampons inserted into the vagina.
All patients are subject to treatment for trichomoniasis, regardless of the symptoms of the infection. It is important to treat both sexual partners to avoid the risk of reinfection.

Patients are considered cured when the results of several repeated tests taken within 1 to 2 months after taking antiprotozoal drugs fail to detect Trichomonas.

I am writing how it all began: on December 29 I began the first course of treatment for trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is mainly contracted through sexual contact, but it is also possible through household means, through personal items, in a bathhouse in a swimming pool, etc.

Hello doctor! I can’t and don’t want to live anymore. I want to live a full life! I want to love. I have withdrawn into myself. I avoid dating. And I am only 24 years old. I have been sick with trichomoniasis for 5 years now, and I also have chronic prostatitis. I went through many courses. I took multiple tests for trichomoniasis and it was confirmed and that’s it. I took a break from antibiotics and did it all over again. I was treated with Trichopolum, Metronidazole, Tiberal, Metrogyl + various antibacterial drugs of the cephalosparin series, ultrasound, vitamins. Nothing helps. During treatment, I follow the doctor’s instructions: no sexual intercourse, no alcohol! There is only a temporary improvement and after a month everything starts all over again. Now I also have a very weak erection. Well, how long can I?. Well, am I really doomed?

  • Frequent urge to urinate, which often turns out to be false.
  • Ascending trichomoniasis is a fairly rare occurrence. It occurs when the Trichomonas infection rises above the cervix, that is, when the inflammatory process spreads to the uterus. fallopian tubes and ovaries.

    How can trichomoniasis be complicated?

    The pathogen can be viable for 24 hours in urine, semen, water and wet underwear. If there is wet discharge from an infected person on the toilet seat, then it is theoretically possible for the pathogen to be transmitted to a healthy woman, but it is practically unlikely that the woman will not notice the discharge on the toilet seat.

    Oxidative processes with the formation of a large number of free radicals are a common occurrence in inflammatory processes. If iron were in a free state in living organisms, it would automatically destroy these organisms. Therefore, nature took care of protection, and in the living world iron is associated with proteins (proteins). Intracellular iron is bound to the protein ferritin and is part of hemoglobin, which plays an important role in the transport of oxygen by red blood cells (erythrocytes). Extracellular iron is bound to another protein, transferrin, and thus iron is transported throughout the body. All mucous surfaces of many organs contain a protein, a type of transferrin - lactoferrin, which can bind iron ions.

    But the most conclusive research method is to inoculate secretions on nutrient media in order to isolate a culture of the causative agent of the disease. Blood is also taken to detect the DNA of the infectious agent using PCR. In addition, a comprehensive examination of the patient is carried out to exclude other sexually transmitted infections.

    Vesiculitis is inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Normally, their function is to produce seminal fluid, which is the liquid part of sperm. Without seminal fluid, sperm are quickly destroyed in the acidic environment of the vagina, without having time to perform their function. Vesiculitis manifests itself as pain in the perineum, especially at the time of ejaculation.

    Trichomoniasis in men can also cause a number of unpleasant complications: inflammation of the prostate gland and testicles, which will also affect a man’s reproductive ability. Infertility is caused by the involvement of organs that produce sperm in the inflammatory process. But even if there are sperm in the semen, they lose their viability and motor activity.

    Trichomoniasis is a typical infection transmitted only through sexual contact, which means it is a minor venereal disease. If a person is diagnosed with Trichomonas and the diagnosis of trichomoniasis is confirmed correctly, it is necessary to understand that the infection occurred through sexual contact, so the sexual partner(s) should be examined and treated. Most cases of trichomoniasis in men are not diagnosed! Unprotected sexual relations should be stopped during the treatment period. Most often, both partners need treatment at the same time.

    Trichomonas infection occurs in 29–84% of women (depending on the region), and half of these women have no complaints or signs of the disease. Women who have casual sex suffer from trichomoniasis 3.5 times more often than women who have one sexual partner.


    On the first day of infection, this disease is almost impossible to confirm in the laboratory. This is explained by the fact that the incubation period is usually asymptomatic. It can last from two days (if the immune system is weakened or there are other sexually transmitted diseases) and up to two months. At this time, there are no signs of trichomoniasis in men. After the end of the incubation period, the disease enters the early stage of development. Typically, at this time, the doctor can confirm the presence of a problem through a variety of diagnostic methods.

    According to experts, the most effective medicine for trichomoniasis in men at the moment is Metronidazole. The drug has been actively used to combat the disease for more than half a century. In an uncomplicated form, in some cases a single dose of medication (2 g) is sufficient. Depending on the patient's condition, a weekly course of treatment may be offered. In this case, the tablets are taken twice a day for seven days. The drug spreads throughout the body quite quickly, creating a fairly high concentration of the active substance in places where the pathogen reproduces. Unfortunately, this medication is not suitable for all men, as it has side effects. Many people note heaviness in the stomach, dizziness, and vomiting.

  • Linked immunosorbent assay. This diagnostic method is used quite rarely today, since the results are often false positive.
  • I won’t charge a large amount of money for my services, because I can’t spend a lot of time on free consultations. By helping you, I will waste my personal time, which is very precious to me! Do not misunderstand me. My prices for my services vary depending on the complexity of the disease.


    Like many other diseases of a sexually transmitted nature, which even in the 21st century medicine is not able to completely eradicate, trichomoniasis in men is sexually transmitted. That is why, as a rule, a previously infected sexual partner acts as a source of infection. The cause that provoked the development of this disease can be any of the sexual contacts. Of course, sexual relations occupy a leading position in this issue.

    A person is considered cured if he has had negative test results within three months. In women, tests are taken during the first three days of the menstrual cycle Menstrual cycle - what happens in different phases? for three months.

    Prevention of trichomoniasis means having sex with one partner and maintaining personal hygiene.

    There is reliable evidence that the presence of trichomoniasis increases the risk of HIV infection. It is important to understand that the degree of infection with sexually transmitted viral infections depends largely on the condition of the mucous membrane of the urogenital system. Healthy epithelial cells have a greater resistance to the viral agent, so people who do not have other sexually transmitted infections become infected with viral infections (HIV infection, hepatitis, herpes, etc.) not so often, despite sexual contact with a sick person. Conversely, the level of infection increases significantly if the mucous membranes are damaged, especially with the formation of ulcers, because ulcers are an open gate for any virus. Trichomonas lead to damage to epithelial cells, so the protective forces of the mucous membranes are sharply reduced. Trichomoniasis is called a cofactor in HIV transmission.

    Modern young people postpone reproduction for many years - in fact, until the age (33-35 years) when the ovarian reserve decreases significantly, sperm lose many healthy qualities, and the genetic material of germ cells is replenished with a large number of breakdowns in the form of mutations and polymorphism. But it’s not just age that hits couples who want to have children. Many men and women suffer from trichomoniasis, which is rarely mentioned as a cause of infertility. Americans have calculated that every dollar spent on preventing infertility by timely treatment of sexually transmitted infections saves ten dollars spent on hospitalization and treatment of women suffering from serious complications of such infections.

    In this article, we have described in as much detail as possible what the disease trichomoniasis is in men. Symptoms, treatment and the main causes of this disease should not be ignored. We hope that all the information presented in this article will be truly useful to you. Be healthy!


    Russia Moscow

    Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diseases that are caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa and are transmitted from person to person primarily through sexual contact. These diseases often go unnoticed and cause complications that are very difficult to get rid of in the future. In addition, such a person becomes a source of infection for his potential partners.

  • Trichomoniasis is a disease affecting two partners. That is why both men and women should be examined. Otherwise, the therapy will be ineffective.
  • For greater bioavailability of antiprotozoal drugs, enzymes are used inside the cell itself (Wobenzym, Serratiopeptidase).
  • Trichomonas

    Menstrual cycle and trichomonas

    With trichomoniasis, balanoposthitis often develops ( inflammation of the foreskin), as well as erosions and ulcers of the penis. Balanoposthitis is manifested by severe swelling and redness of the foreskin. The pain in balanoposthitis is nagging, tearing in nature and goes away only after proper treatment, which is often surgical intervention. Erosions and ulcers are usually located on the head and lower surface of the penis. Unlike ulcers with syphilis. with trichomoniasis they are painful. Ulcers are a defect in the skin through which other pathogens can penetrate, so they require additional local treatment.

  • PCR diagnostics.
  • If a healthy man has contact with a woman with trichomoniasis, he has a 70% chance of contracting this infection. If a healthy woman has contact with a sick man, the risk of infection is 80-100%. No other sexually transmitted infection has such a high level of pathogen transmission. Considering that trichomoniasis occurs latently for several days (the incubation period in some cases can last more than a month, but on average is 4-28 days), then the risk of transmission of trichomonas is extremely high. In men, trichomoniasis occurs without symptoms more often than in women, and this also needs to be remembered.

    Examination of the external genitalia, vagina and cervix of a woman is not a reliable diagnostic method, although discharge in the presence of trichomoniasis has a specific unpleasant odor, foaminess, or may be profuse, greenish-purulent in color. In the chronic course of Trichomonas infection, changes occur in the mucous membranes of the cervix and vagina - pinpoint reddening of the epithelium occurs, which are small hemorrhages in the tissues of the squamous epithelium. Therefore, upon examination, the color of the cervix resembles strawberries (spot colpitis), which is called the “strawberry sign.”

    The connection between trichomoniasis and other dangerous sexually transmitted infections has been noticed for a long time. Trichomonas infection is known to double the risk of long-term (persistent) viral infections caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). In women, HPV is associated with the development of precancerous conditions and cervical cancer, so it is safe to say that trichomoniasis increases the risk of developing these pathological conditions of the cervix. Self-cleansing of the body from HPV types that are involved in the development of cervical cancer in healthy women occurs within 1-2 years (in 90% of cases) - an average of 180 days. In women with trichomoniasis, the body’s self-cleansing of HPV is extended by 2.5 times.

    It is necessary to know how to treat trichomoniasis in men, but it is equally important to take into account the following points, otherwise the effectiveness of therapy will be insignificant.

    Endocervicitis is an inflammation of the cervical canal. The main symptoms of damage to this area are nagging pain in the lower abdomen. itching and copious foamy discharge.


    Thus, apo-lactoferrin is a killer for microbes, while holo-lactoferrin is an irreplaceable and devoted friend of microorganisms. Trichomonas have learned to use human holo-lactoferrin to survive and reproduce in the host.


    Trichomoniasis, especially if it lasts for a long time, can cause complications on the internal genital organs of a woman, which then often becomes the cause of infertility, complications during pregnancy and childbirth. A long-term infection cannot but affect the child: most often, such children are born with low weight and then lag behind in development.

  • To prevent dysbiosis, it is advisable to take Linex, Laktovit or Hilak.
  • Stable immunity to this disease, as a rule, is not observed. Re-infection is not excluded.
  • Vestibulitis.

    There are two types of lactoferrin: apo-lactoferrin, which does not contain iron, and holo-lactoferrin, which is associated with iron ions. Lactoferrin is present in all secretions - saliva, tear fluid, semen, vaginal secretions, colostrum and milk, blood, amniotic fluid, secretions from the nasopharynx and bronchi. This important protein is involved in iron metabolism and protective function. antioxidant processes (that is, suppresses inflammatory processes); it has anticancer and antimicrobial properties, it is also involved in compensatory processes for anemia in pregnant women.

    I will help you| (Female, 40 years old, Moscow, Russia) | 05.11.2013 16:20

    What is the diagnosis of trichomoniasis based on?

    Depending on the nature of the course, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • Almost all medications used to combat this disease change the way alcohol is used in the body. This means that drinking alcoholic beverages even in small quantities during treatment is extremely undesirable.
  • It usually takes about two weeks from the moment of infection to the appearance of signs of the disease. The disease begins acutely, with itching, swelling and redness in the genital area. In women, this is accompanied by yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor from the vagina. Painful persistent urination is also a concern. Sexual intercourse becomes unpleasant due to pain. In men, acute trichomoniasis is manifested by painful frequent urination, itching and pain in the perineal area. Asymptomatic trichomoniasis is common, especially in men.

    Trichomoniasis and other infections

    If a man managed to overcome trichomoniasis, there is no reason to hope that the body will develop permanent immunity to it. At the next meeting with a pathogenic microorganism, as a rule, inflammatory processes begin again, which requires repeated contact with the appropriate specialist.

  • Sharp pain during urination, burning sensation.
  • First of all, anti-trichomonas drugs are prescribed (Ornidazole, Metronidazole, Nimorazole).
  • Incubation period

    1. vestibulitis;

    2. vulvitis;

    Thus, Trichomonas infection is a serious sexually transmitted disease that should be addressed in time for timely treatment.

    The prevalence of the disease depends on the socio-economic conditions of the population and the availability of timely, high-quality medical care, good hygiene, and the level of education of people. For example, in the United States, black residents are more often infected with trichomoniasis. Around the world, the incidence of trichomoniasis among adolescents is increasing because many of them are sexually active.

    However, doctors still identify a group of signs characteristic of this problem. How does trichomoniasis manifest in men?

    Typically, the consequences of trichomoniasis are associated with infection of the internal organs of the genitourinary system and the development of complications. Due to anatomical differences, possible complications differ between men and women.

    Often a woman undergoes long-term treatment for ureaplasmosis-mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, candidiasis, dysbacteriosis, or simply “leukocytosis in smears,” which exhausts her body and suppresses its defenses, but complaints about periodic unpleasant discharge that causes discomfort continue. When communicating with such a woman, information suddenly appears that trichomonas were sometimes found in smears, which either disappear or appear again. Has the woman's partner been tested? From the answers of many women, you learn that most often sexual partners remain aloof from any examinations. And, on the contrary, where it is not rational to examine a partner, he is sent for dozens of tests and given unreasonable treatment.

    Signs of trichomoniasis

    In medicine, there are cases where there were no symptoms of trichomoniasis in men, but the infectious agent was still present in the body in small quantities. Moreover, the patients healed themselves without the use of drugs. In fact, such cases of healing are extremely rare. Much more often the disease provokes the development of quite serious complications. This can be both inconvenience in the genital area and more dangerous diseases. The most common is prostatitis. Some experts are convinced that trichomoniasis can provoke the formation of tumors of a malignant nature.

    Diagnosis of trichomoniasis

    What should every patient know?

    Drugs to combat this disease should be prescribed exclusively by a specialist, or rather a urologist or venereologist. It is not recommended to treat yourself, as this can lead to the disease becoming chronic with complications. Therapy in this case is complex.

    7. infertility.

    Most of these complications cause impaired sperm motility and viability. In addition, Trichomonas themselves are capable of absorbing and slowing down sperm. All this leads to male infertility. In most cases, correct treatment of trichomoniasis helps restore reproductive function.

    Galina Romanenko

    Regarding trichomoniasis in men, there are many gaps in the medical literature: trichomonas infection in men has hardly been studied. The last serious publications on this topic were about 50 years ago.

    4. endocervicitis;

  • Fresh form. The duration of the illness does not exceed two months. This type, in turn, is divided into the following forms: acute; subacute; torpid
  • In the case of urogenital trichomoniasis, not only the urethra is affected, but also the prostate gland. The causative agent of the infection, penetrating from the urethra directly into the seminal ducts and epididymis, contributes to the development of inflammatory processes in this area. Thus, it becomes clear that this disease requires competent and timely treatment.

    Only after a complete examination can a doctor confirm trichomoniasis in men.

  • Self-treatment of trichomoniasis in men is unacceptable. The thing is that incorrectly selected drugs can only aggravate the current situation, blur the clinical picture, and provoke complications.
  • Trichomonas infection

    Trichomoniasis is often accompanied by vaginal dysbiosis (in fact, it supports it), negatively affects the healing of postoperative scars, and is accompanied by the formation of suppuration (abscesses) and fistulas.

    Trichomoniasis is a disease characterized by varying intensity of clinical manifestations. In more than half of the cases, this disease is asymptomatic, and almost all cases of chronic course are not accompanied by any clinical manifestations. However, despite the paucity of symptoms, a prolonged course of trichomoniasis can sometimes cause a number of serious consequences.

    However, the point is not even in the acidity of the environment, but in iron.

    With vulvitis, the area of ​​the labia majora is affected. Inflammation is manifested by redness, swelling, purulent discharge and severe itching. Sometimes painful erosions and ulcers form. Over time, the ulcers crust over and heal, leaving behind spots devoid of pigment.

    Menstrual blood is an excellent resource of iron. Bloody discharge not only creates an optimal pH environment for the proliferation of a number of bacteria and protozoa, including Trichomonas, but also contains a large number of red blood cells, which are easily destroyed, and therefore iron becomes an easily accessible source of nutrition and reproduction for these microorganisms. If we consider that during menstruation the levels of hormones (female and male hormones, progesterone) are reduced, this also reduces the level of protection, despite the presence of a large number of different types of leukocytes in the tissues of the uterus and other reproductive organs.

    5. ascending trichomoniasis;

    If someone doesn’t trust my letter, please don’t write bad letters or comments, but give other people the opportunity to heal. For some, my help may be the only hope for a complete cure.

  • Microscopy of the material under study. The doctor takes a swab from the urethra, places the contents on a glass slide, and then examines it in detail under a microscope.
  • Tyzonitis is an inflammation of the glands of the foreskin. It manifests itself as redness and slight swelling. The patient experiences an unpleasant throbbing pain in the foreskin and mild itching.

    Let's dive a little into biochemistry to understand the role of iron in the human body and living nature. On our planet, iron exists only in the form of two ions - divalent (Fe2+) and trivalent (Fe3+). In the presence of hydrogen peroxide, divalent iron can transform into ferric iron, and vice versa, with the formation of free radicals (the well-known Fenton reaction). Free radicals are dangerous for a living organism because they can provoke a chain reaction of other chemical processes and cause harm to cells and tissues.

    Causes of infection

      The Medical College answers:

      Unfortunately, these medications are not sold in pharmacies. Some may have to order medications through the mail or ask their friends to buy this medicine in certain places.

      Chronic trichomoniasis is usually the outcome of an acute or asymptomatic course of the disease, often occurring after self-medication, when the patient does not see a doctor. In addition to the urethra, the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and testicles are often affected in men; in women, the uterus and its appendages are often affected. A long course of the disease is more common when immunity is reduced, as well as when a person has several sexually transmitted infections.

      Up to 60% of women may have no signs of Trichomonas infection. Many women are carriers of trichomonas, which in combination with other microorganisms can lead to acute inflammation of the appendages after a certain period of time. Most often, women complain of copious amounts of gray-yellow (purulent), sometimes foamy vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, as well as painful and frequent urination, itching and burning in the external genital area. In some cases, swelling of the labia, vaginal walls and cervix may be observed.


      Localized inflammation of the labia minora is commonly called vestibulitis. Acute inflammation is manifested by redness, swelling and erosion of the mucous membrane. Often there is severe itching in the area of ​​the vestibule of the vagina, a burning sensation when urinating and profuse viscous mucous discharge from the vagina.

      Women with Trichomonas infection are at twice the risk of contracting the herpes simplex virus (HSV) than healthy women.


      Treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis

      The energy metabolism of Trichomonas is completely dependent on carbohydrates. Trichomonas do not produce many nutrients, but obtain them by destroying host cells, primarily epithelial cells.

      This infection often occurs in combination with gonorrhea and/or chlamydia (only in 10.5% of cases, trichomoniasis occurs as a monoinfection, that is, one harmful pathogen), which can lead to long-term inflammation of the pelvic organs and infertility.

      Question: What consequences can happen if trichomoniasis is not treated?

      Main routes of penetration

      As noted above, trichomoniasis in men is an infectious disease. The main route of transmission is considered to be sexual. The source of infection can be a sick person or a so-called Trichomonas carrier.

      This is the most common classification, thanks to which it is possible to determine at what stage trichomoniasis is in men.

      Prevention of trichomoniasis (trichomoniasis) in men implies, first of all, complete abstinence from casual intimate relationships, as well as the use of condoms. If intimacy does occur, it is necessary to wash the genital organ under warm running water using special antibacterial soap. It is extremely important to immediately consult a doctor, get tested and, if necessary, undergo a full course of treatment. Note that regular comprehensive examination is also the prevention of trichomoniasis and other diseases transmitted directly through sexual contact.

      Trichomonas vaginalis are protozoa that live and reproduce in the human body and in the environment. Trichomonas feed on tissue cells and bacteria, which explains their cohabitation (symbiosis) with other infectious agents, such as gonococci. The frequent combination of long-term trichomoniasis and gonorrhea is explained by the fact that gonococci can exist for a long time inside trichomonas, causing periodic exacerbations of the disease. In the environment, Trichomonas quickly die at high temperatures and in disinfectant solutions.

      Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary tract. This is a rather painful process, manifested by a burning sensation when urinating and the separation of scanty yellow-green pus in the first portions of urine. As the inflammatory process spreads up the urethra, an increase in urination up to 20–30 times a day is observed, which is associated with irritation of the bladder sphincter. At the external opening of the urethra there is redness with tissue swelling, and sometimes sticking of the urethral sponges.

      Women with trichomoniasis develop the following complications:

      Trichomoniasis is more common in men and women who have a large number of sexual partners. It is also more common in combination with other pathogens.


    • Chronic form. The duration of the illness exceeds two months. Symptoms of trichomoniasis in men in this case are almost always absent; periods of exacerbation can be replaced by a rather long remission.
    • Ascending trichomoniasis.

      In men, Trichomonas infection can cause inflammation in the urethra. In 50% of cases of all urethritis, Trichomonas is the only causative agent of this disease, which can result in the formation of adhesions in the urethra, which can subsequently lead to male infertility. Trichomoniasis is often associated with chronic prostatitis (20% of cases).

      In pregnant women, trichomonas infection may be one of the risk factors for the development of premature birth and premature rupture of membranes. Trichomoniasis is also associated with low birth weight babies. During childbirth, in some cases, trichomonas infection can be transmitted to the child.


    • To improve the body's protective function, various immunomodulators are prescribed (Lavomax, Polyoxidonium, Introbion).
    • Once on the mucous membranes of the genitourinary tract, Trichomonas are fixed on the cells of the squamous epithelium of the mucous membrane and cause an inflammatory process. Trichomonas secrete hyaluronidase into the external environment, which leads to significant loosening of tissues and penetration of toxic waste products of Trichomonas and accompanying flora into the intercellular space.

      Trichomoniasis and infertility

      If treatment for trichomoniasis in men is not prescribed on time, the likelihood of developing prostatitis increases. It can be asymptomatic or with noticeable redness of the genital organ.

      Sexually transmitted infections

      Guest (not registered)

    • Presence of blood threads in semen and urine.
    • The causative agent of the disease is distinguished by its ability to evade control by the immune system, masquerading as ordinary cells of the body.
    • Description of the disease

    • In order to protect the liver from the damaging effects of the above drugs, so-called hepatoprotectors (Silymarin, Artichoke, Silybin) are prescribed.
    • The appearance of nonspecific discharge from the urethra (pus, mucus, etc.).
    • In women, the development of trichomonas infection depends on the menstrual cycle. This phenomenon was noticed a long time ago, but for a long period of time it could not be explained scientifically.

      Laboratory examination involves vaginal discharge in women, urethral discharge and prostate secretion in men. Biological material is applied to a glass slide, stained with special paints and viewed under a microscope, thus identifying infectious agents and signs of inflammation.


    • This disease should be treated regardless of its form and the presence of symptoms. Otherwise, there is a very high probability of complications developing.
    • The role of iron in the life of microorganisms

    • It dies quickly when exposed to strong heat or sunlight.
    • Some infections that are directly sexually transmitted can create excellent conditions for the proliferation of Trichomonas.
    • Trichomonas carriage. This is an asymptomatic form. For a long time, the man does not suspect that he is a carrier of the infection and continues to infect his partners.
    • Trichomonas are often the cause of female infertility. In this case, difficulties with conception arise both due to the inflammatory process at some level of the female reproductive system, and due to the direct influence of Trichomonas on sperm and their motility. Correct and timely treatment allows you to avoid this disease.

      I will help cure chronic trichomoniasis (urogenital/vaginal), trichomoniasis of the mucous membrane, trichomonas. I would like to warn you that treatment of chronic urogenital/vaginal trichomoniasis can take from 3 to 6 months. Trichomoniasis of the mucous membrane of the mouth, stomach, eyes, and nose takes a very long time to treat, on the order of 3.5 - 4 years. The disease of trichomoniasis throughout the mucous membranes of the mouth, stomach, eyes, and nose is quite rare. But if someone gets sick with this disease, he can quickly infect his loved ones... Usually a person learns that he has chronic trichomoniasis throughout the mucous membrane when other diseases appear. For example, condyloma, polyps in the stomach, growths in the oral cavity, coughing up blood, bad breath of dead fish, etc.



      In the world, according to WHO, trichomoniasis affects 170-180 million people annually, which significantly exceeds the incidence of gonorrhea and chlamydia. In the USA, up to 10 million people are infected with Trichomonas, and in Europe – 11 million people. More than 150 million people are infected in developing countries. These figures may be significantly higher (according to other sources, more than 270 million people are infected in the world). In fact, this is the only sexually transmitted disease that is not subject to registration and reporting in the vast majority of countries in the world.

      Colliculitis is an inflammation of the seminal tubercle, that is, the place where the common vas deferens opens into the urethra. This tubercle prevents sperm from entering the bladder during ejaculation and prevents urine from entering the ejaculate. When it is inflamed, sperm either passes into the urethra with difficulty or does not pass at all. The patient in this case will experience pain during ejaculation and a feeling of a foreign body.

      The optimal conditions for the development of trichomonas is a pH of 5.5–6.5, so they multiply intensively during and after menstruation, which is associated with a change in the acidity of the vaginal contents during this period.

      Complications of pregnancy.

      Can Trichomonas infection be transmitted through non-sexual contact? There is a lot of false and speculative information on this topic. Trichomonas quickly lose their viability outside the human body. These protozoa die instantly in a 2% soap solution and very quickly when dried. It is extremely rare (less than 1% of cases) that Trichomonas can be transmitted through contact of the genitals with the wet secretions of an infected person (using washcloths, wet towels, dirty linen).


      Trichomoniasis can negatively affect the course of pregnancy. Trichomonas vaginalis are not able to overcome the placental barrier and cause direct harm to the fetus, but, nevertheless, they can provoke premature birth. as well as premature rupture of membranes, which can cause spontaneous abortion.

      According to experts, a great many people (approximately one million) around the planet annually encounter sexually transmitted infections. Trichomoniasis is no exception. This disease is classified as an infectious disease. If a patient seeks help from a doctor in a timely manner, the probability of recovery is almost 100%. Do not underestimate the seriousness of this disease, which the stronger sex most often does not pay attention to. Such a harmless, but only at first glance, disease, which does not manifest clinical signs for a long time, can very soon become the cause of the development of inflammatory processes and even lead to infertility.

      The fact remains that Trichomonas vaginalis, acting directly on the genitals, reduces immune defense. Thus, the urethra becomes open to various pathogenic microorganisms (for example, gonococci). Moreover, it is among infected patients that HIV is very often diagnosed.

      Trichomoniasis in men: causes, symptoms, treatment

      Trichomoniasis is a unique disease in the full sense of the word. On the one hand, it occurs three times more often than syphilis, chlamydia and HIV. But, on the other hand, it often remains without due attention, both from doctors and from the patients themselves.

      From a theoretical point of view, infection through household contact is possible, but this option is unlikely. The thing is that the infectious agent is practically unable to survive outside the human body.


      Trichomoniasis is treated with anti-trichomoniasis drugs with mandatory subsequent laboratory monitoring. It is also necessary to prescribe drugs that strengthen the immune system, physiotherapeutic procedures and local treatment. Baths and infusions into the urethra with anti-inflammatory and disinfectant solutions are prescribed locally.

      Treatment for this disease usually begins very late. This is explained by the fact that primary clinical signs, even during a visual examination by a specialist, often remain unnoticed. Symptoms of the disease are often hidden deep inside, and in the first few days after the infection enters the body directly, they practically do not manifest themselves. Otherwise, this situation is called Trichomonas carriage.

      Prevalence of trichomoniasis

      Despite the fact that Trichomonas is a single-celled organism, its structure is quite complex. The shape of trichomonas is usually pear-shaped, but when they attach and interact with the cells of the mucous membranes, they develop “tentacles” and are shaped like amoebas.

    • The most important factor for successful treatment is compliance with all doctor’s recommendations.
    • The causative agent of the disease

      Prostatitis is inflammation of the prostate gland. With trichomoniasis, as a rule, acute inflammation of the prostate gland develops. Accompanied by severe pain in the perineum, a feeling of a foreign body. Ejaculation is usually difficult, and traces of blood may be found in the semen.

      All diagnostic methods can be divided into three groups – old, new and newest. Each diagnostic method has its own advantages and disadvantages. These methods are evaluated in terms of sensitivity (fewer false negatives) and specificity (fewer false positives) in relation to the detection of an infectious pathogen. The table below shows the sensitivity and specificity of available methods for diagnosing trichomoniasis.


      Trichomoniasis - infection

      Vaginitis ( colpitis) is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. With trichomoniasis, vaginitis is manifested by redness, profuse yellow foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor, and pain during sexual intercourse. A gynecological examination reveals accumulations of pus in the posterior vaginal vault, which, in turn, is covered with erosions and small ulcers.

      In men, there are even fewer signs of trichomoniasis, so in addition to a physical examination, it is important to conduct a number of laboratory tests.

      Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis. This is the organ in which the accumulation and maturation of sperm occurs. With trichomoniasis, the epididymis becomes inflamed, which is accompanied by severe pain and impaired ejaculation. In this case, spermatozoa are usually inactive and are not capable of fertilization.

      • August 29, 2016 The most appropriate use of suppositories in this case: they act locally, effectively eliminating inflammation at its source, without penetrating into the blood and other tissues. Pathologies of the digestive tract. There are a lot of such drugs in pharmacies now. And often women who need to buy suppositories for vaginitis, which […]
      • Treatment using electrocoagulation is one of the cheapest. However, today few doctors recommend this traumatic procedure. The fact is that during electrosurgery the surrounding healthy tissues are also damaged, healing occurs very slowly and there remains a risk of recurrence of the disease and further […]
      • Genital warts affect the vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix, anus, rectum, and perineum. Often these formations are not only an aesthetic defect, but also cause discomfort: itching, pain when touched, and may bleed. However, condylomas are not considered life-threatening. Due to the viral […]
      • Presentation. Report and presentation. Topic: Rh sensitization.