Prayers for a passion week before Easter. What prayers read on the passionate weekly week read the gospel, prayers

Prayers for a passion week before Easter. What prayers read on the passionate weekly week read the gospel, prayers
Prayers for a passion week before Easter. What prayers read on the passionate weekly week read the gospel, prayers

Passionate week - the most important time in the year for any Christian. From the great Monday, all Orthodox recall the events that occurred two thousand years ago, and pray to the Savior who voluntarily asked for a cross for mankind.

The Great Monday is a particularly important day, because at this time all the prayers facing the Lord are of particular strength. People pray to change their fate and the forgiveness of sins, and in the service dedicated to the Justice of God, remember the curse of a fruitless figure and a tied lesson.

According to the legend, on the day of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, Jesus retired to the outskirts of the city and spent all night in prayer. On the way back, he defeated his hunger, and the Savior approached the fertile figure, but did not find a single fetus on it.

In the anger, the Lord said: "Yes, there will be no one for you!"- And the tree immediately dried. This parable explains the justice of God to all people who have natural talents, but do not bring benefits and fruits.

Christians pray to the Lord and Saints at the beginning of a passionate week so that their talents and destiny develop and bring gracious fruits.

Prayers to the Savior

"Lord, my God, the Savior, from evil covered by the entire people of Israel! Do not leave me, the right slave of yours, and point me the way to true faith. Amen".

This prayer is able to remind each Orthodox about the true faith and the suffering of Christ, who went to death for the sake of salvation of mankind:

"Lord, the path of your terrible, and the true you, who did not blame death and pain. Lord, my soul will clear your tears, and I will be bright and humble. Lord, the hellish torment is not a snake, for you are a defender and the patron saint of the suffering and believing you. Do not leave me and point me to the kingdom of heaven. Amen".

"Lord, nice me, unworthy servant of yours, for we are weak, my soul weak and my spirit. Lord, whether I'm leaving you, there is no road to the kingdom of heaven? Lord, Ozari me with your eternal light, pierce the darkness surrounding me. My father, do not leave me on the confusion of the devil, lit up my soul and calm my mind. Amen".

This short prayer is designed to read before meals in the Great Monday:

"Lord, nice me! Curses of the figuction of fruitless troops, to your feet of the foot and with the crying of you: Lord, my God, my soul soul and drank my own on any food, fell upon me. Yes, she will strengthen my body, and I will send the Lord and God of My Jesus Christ. Amen".

You can completely change your destiny to the Great Monday using faith and prayers. We wish you the world in the shower and inner humility in front of the Lord. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

10.04.2017 05:05

Passionate saddemic is the last week of the Great Post before the onset of Light Easter. In this period...

Forgiveness Sunday - the last day before the great post. All believers will ask each other ...

Passionate saddemic is the last week of the Great Post before the onset of Light Easter. During this period, every person has the opportunity to clean the soul from sins and enlist the support of the highest strength.

Passion week before Easter in 2017 continues from 10 to 16 April. During this period, special attention should be paid to its spiritual state and devote time to prayers. True faith will help the soul of everyone to get rid of the negative and let in the heart of the Lord.

Prayer in the Great Monday

"Jesus Christ! The soul and heart is always with you every sinful on this earth. I reaches you, remembering your victim for the whole human race. By the grace of yours, you will find peace of mind, get rid of the demons, we are from the right way to seduce. Life is sinful, but you managed to get rid of the darkness and non-reflectivity. Amen".

Prayer to the Great Tuesday

"The source of our lives, Lord! Hear my prayers, addressed to you. Clear me from the sins, save me from the virtues of unclean. My source I found myself in prayers to you, Lord. I repent and humbly ask for my actions ungrevious, I appeal to the Holy Trinity about protection and patronage I need. Amen".

Prayer in the Great Wednesday

"Lenosta is realized, I am glad to every day, lived in the cross. Great my repentance. Darui, Lord, the suffering for us who took, save us. Your mercy will spread over the brow of everyone, will enter the soul, smirriting confusion and cry of Diavolsky. He illuminates the light of the heavenly path in the darkness, and he will guide us by geldly. Amen".

Prayer in the Great Thursday

"Glory to you, Lord! Remember me, sinful, in your kingdom. I do not allow the misfortunes of unclean to tell the secrets and secrets of yours, the locks on the castle are the mouth of my daring. Let us enjoy the light, from the heavens outgoing, imbued with wisdom in the eyelids and teach the sons and daughters to live in righteousness and scenes. Amen".

Prayer in Great Friday

"The prayer is righteous and humming of Christian praying you, Lord. Bless me, sinless, give my strength to fight the manifestations of negative, do not blame their offenders and put their punishment to the will. Righteous prayers I resurrect you daily, I pray for the whole way of human, give us all-sucking. Amen".

Prayer in the Great Saturday

"Thank the Lord for our cross, for the death of Christ, for the resurrection of the holy. There is no more barrier to the soul of the righteous, for death is only sleep and rest. We pray for our souls, for peace on the sinner, against the goose devilish. Yes, the Lord will not leave us in our throwing, will indicate the way through the darkness yes to the Light of God. Bless us, Lord. Amen".

Completing the passionate week of bright Easter, the feast of the Resurrection of Christ. On this day, Orthodox Christians rejoice in this event, glorify the Lord and welcome each other with the words: "Jesus Risen! Truly resurrected! "

Prayers and appeal to heaven every day give us great power to confront the negative that surrounds us. With their help, we ask for forgiveness and blessings, protect ourselves from diseases and timidity, help our children. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.04.2017 03:01

Easter is the main holiday for all believers, but no less important is the preparation for ...

The great post ended, the main days of the whole church year, the last days before Easter are the path of suffering, the godfather of the Savior and his Light Resurrection. But how to properly hold these holy days, the correspondent of the portal "Orthodoxy and the world" asked famous priests:

Putting a spirit of worship

Easter Easter becomes a real holiday, it is advisable to spend a passionate week in the temple and soaked in the Spirit that the Church gives people believers in worship. It is necessary to be removed from time to time, from our 21st century, mentally at least to move into those days, feel that the Lord experienced for us.

Every day, this terrible week is devoted to any day that week before the resurrection of Christ, to our salvation, and is very important. So if we spend these days in the temple, with attention and trepidation, then Easter for us will be the logical conclusion of the passionate week.

If there is no possibility to stay in the temple these days, I could advise for people of the believers synopsis. In Orthodox synopsis there are gospel readings for every day passionate week. There we can learn everything that happened these days.

On the days of passionate week, it is necessary to pay attention to those who are next to us. Be sure to create good things that would be a confirmation of our faith in Christ, crucified for us.

Daily reading of the Gospel

K need to be prepared. Preparation for passionate sadmice is. To feel the passionate sadmits without this preparation, probably impossible.

Every day is devoted to the experience of those events that occurred almost 2000 years ago. And therefore every day you need to read the Gospel in order to worry about this and understand that the church is experiencing on this day, and with the church to experience these events.

Of course, prayer is needed, because we do not just remember a certain historical event, we will participate in it prayer. Therefore, without prayer, the passionate week is impossible. Especially without the prayer of the church, because it is in church prayer that we are experiencing these such important days for our salvation.

If there is no possibility to be on services this week, then the daily reading of the Gospel is needed to remember those events. And the gospel we have the opportunity to read at home. Someone has the opportunity to read at work. If there is no such possibility - nothing terrible if we read it even in transport.

We can come into touch and survive these events, if we wish it. Of course, if it is not possible to visit the temple, then read those prayers, chants that are supposed to read and sing in the temple these days. Thank God, we now have almost everything with the Internet. I think that if not complete service, then some chasing from the Internet, corresponding to this day, can be obtained.

Priest Andrei Lorgus, Rector of the Institute of Christian Psychology

Penetrate the atmosphere of holy days

The best thing that could be done on the days of passionate week is to visit all services. To be on the lastly paid, and then on all - that is, on Thursday morning and evening, and on the removal of the shroud and burial, in the Great Saturday, and in the Easter Southwest and Liturgy and the main thing - in the Easter Evening.

For a passionate sadmitian to bring the most benefit to reveal the beauty and meaning of church worship - you need to visit all services. It would be good for this to add a lot of participation in cooking home. Prepare gifts, paint eggs and much more.

If there is no opportunity to go to the service, then you need to read the gospel, the corresponding chapters, read the training bible to figure out.

Much can be done to penetrate the atmosphere of those days. For this now everything is: Books, and movie and radio, and television. Of course, if a person has time, forces - you can participate in some kind of charitable activities, and go somewhere in social institutions, and visit your own friends and home, relatives who need help, help in something for Easter, Buy something.

You can do a lot, but still it is better to devote it to yourself, my soul. Defend repentance and penetration into the meaning of what is happening. If a person is only harvested, that is, only begins his church path, then, of course, learn, learn and learn. And quietly the tradition to master. If a person already knows all this, then he can somehow devote himself to visit the needy and do something good.

All this is good at any time, but there are features that happen once a year. This is not impossible to miss. It is better to focus on the passionate sadmits, and not to spray for a hundred affairs. It is better to postpone what you can do at another time. Do not plan fuss, help yourself in maximum concentration, contribute to internal collidery.

So that life does not swallow being

Passionate saddemic is the time when everything reaches its maximum. Therefore, the subtlety is not that it is necessary to make something special for it specially, but just need to try what it is important to do in the life of the usual, here to do to the degree of maximum development.

From us on the one hand, it will be necessary, firstly, the most deep and responsible awareness of their participation in the worship services of these days, which, of course, really do not want to skip. It is clear that people who learn or work will not be able to be on all services. But nevertheless, most of us have the opportunity to house or on the road, in transport, subtract excerpts from the trio of the post service of passionate sadmits, which were repeatedly published.

Secondly, everyone has the opportunity to read the gospel about every day of the passionate week. Maybe good day to start with the reading of the gospel about a particular passionate day. Of course, there are days from which you need to make all efforts to not stay. To think in advance, transfer the offset, negotiate with the boss, take the ran away. This is the worship of the Great Thursday, when all of us calls to come together. , with the stead of the passions of Christ, with the removal of the shroud. And in particular, the worship service of the Great Saturday often miss. They say that by this time there is no strength, but in fact there is not enough internal understanding that in this service you need to be. This worship, from which, actually, begins Easter. Which is such an amazing transition from the rest of the mortal to the rest of the resurrection of Christ.

Of course, on a passionate, everyone who does not have any absolute obstacles must try these days, maybe repeatedly, to join the Holy Taine.

Visiting worships in the maximum measure should not be something to be lulling. Our services are surprisingly beautiful. But you need to try not to bring it into sentimental experiences about, but rather in a sort of self, what, in fact, these worship and name.

It is very important these days not to forget the people around us. It is known that by the end of the post we all get tired. But we know that it happens and, accordingly, should be prepared for the fact that we can easier to break away, each other is to deprive the opportunity in the world to approach Easter. Here it is necessary to take it very much and very carefully.

If you ask to help get home to Easter - then you need, of course, help. But it will be very good if it will "help to crash" will not instead of service, but with the service, say, instead of your own sleep and something else, that we allow ourselves. We need to try to push the most personal lessons from these days. But of course in each family should be, especially if there are small children, compromises. Someone will go to one service, and someone else. Somehow it is necessary to alternate, to negotiate, how to get each other.

And last. Life in the church of the church person is rich and diverse. In addition to being in it there is a life. In the life of each of us there will be prepache. For someone, this is a concern for gifts, for someone - preliminary care about Easter disorders that we all wait for one way or another. But only it would not be a priority. Well, it should not be Easter as curd food more important than Easter, as the Christ of the Resurrection. Let it be on some hierarchically correct in life place.

After the celebration of the week, the tense climb on the steps of the passionate week to the top of Calvary. For Christians of antiquity, it was Easter - the godfather. Passionate week for us, Christians of modernity became the relevant experience of the Edema of Christ, necessary to adequately meet Easter solemn, Easter Resurrection.

Fresco Manuel Panselina in the Cathedral Temple of the Watoped Monastery (Athos), XIV century

For exclamations "Osaned in the High!" A calling to attention, concentration and prayer should be called. In the morning service of Monday, a passionate week is having a chant: "The semi-bridegroom is coming in the middle, and Blessed slave, Eaggember crashes his boyfriend: Instead of Paka, Energie is unwinding. My feast soul, my soul, not sleepy, but not death is predicted, and the kingdoms are awesome, but the renings are called: holy, holy, holy, holy God, Virginia. The trophari "Segiy is coming in the middle ..." Soon the first three days of the passionate week. These words refer to the evangelical parable about ten devices (Matt. 25. 1-13). The soul should not plunge into sleep in anticipation of the groom - Christ. The proximity to the kingdom of God depends on the degree of our attention and focus. And this is one of the most important meanings of passionate.

On this last segment of a great path, we are expected by passion and death of Christ. In ancient times, the last week of the post, prepastern, was called "Great." Abstinence this week intensified. The strictest post on bread, salt and vegetables were prescribed, a complete misunderstanding was advised on Friday and Saturday. "... These six days of Easter are usually all carried out in the dry gathering that is, you fell in the evening only bread with salt and water; Some diligently lengthen the irregulation: other and all week before singing roosters on Sunday are carried out without food "testifies to St. Epiphany Cyprus.

Every day of the passionate week is great. Grandmothers from the Kursk rustic depths call the passionate week of a terrible week.

Great Monday of the Passion Week: Joseph is a wonderful and awesome figure.

On this day, as Synaksar says from the lean trio "... The memory of the Blessed Joseph is beautiful, and the characteristic of the fig ohth ...".

Joseph, the last son of the Old Testament Patriarch Jacob is a prototype of Christ. Envious brothers first hide him in the disheaval of Waterproop, and then sell the slave traders for thirty sober. Joseph, who became the head of the Egyptian land, gives its wheat brothers when hunger is rapid among the Israelites. Like Joseph, Christ suffered from the envy of the Jews only to him and was devoted to his student for thirty sobrennikov. The prisoner in the dark moat - the coffin, Christ rebel from the dead and, saving us from sin, just like Joseph distributed wheat, quenching our spiritual hunger by the sacrament of the Eucharist: "... Personantly reaches us with mysterious wheat, Yako himself for us granted, and Yako nourishes you with celestial bread, its lively flesh. " This is the first theme of Monday of a passionate week. In the sacred stories, more than 3,600 years old is manifested by the prevention of Christ and his passions. For us, time is compressed, it shrinks into a tight spring, which will unfold on Easter day. On the days of the passionate week we are experiencing what was at the dawn of history, and what happened two thousand years ago and is going on today with a constant feeling of novelty. The images of the sacred history are woven in the fancy and beautiful pattern.

One of the elements of this pattern is the image of the awesome figure of the Gospels from Matthew (MF. 21-22) and from Mark (MK. 11. 20 -23). The Lord cursed the fig tree on which there was no fruit. Holy Righteous John Kronstadtsky speaks in a conversation for the great Monday of the Passionate Week: "The fruitless figure for the road with the same leaves is me, and you, brother and sister, beloved. It often comes to us sooner and late and late the presence of our life, the Lord Jesus Christ, the striking of our salvation, comes to clean the Hunger of our soul, to become bread for her bread. And, alas, almost always finds in us only concerns about everyday - some leaves; The fruits of the faith, the all-minded care about the salvation of our shower is not as not. " And this is a warning for any Christian running through a passionate week, experiencing the betrayal of Christ, his passion and death on Calvary, we should not come to Easter without spiritual fetus. The image of the fig tree should be frightened by "... not making applied virtues of fruits", that is, "reassuring anyone who does not bring the fruit, virtues.". "

Refrain of phewing vehicles (surrounding at the end of the morning worship) of the Great Monday of the Good Week serve as the words that the Lord goes to the torment, which takes upon himself in his own will: "Grocery of the Lord to free passion ...", "Has the Saving Passion of Christ," , "Lord, Grocery to suffering." This thought is a reason for a pupil repentance: "The Freshness of Frames for Lack, the ads of the sinking breeding, the fruits worthy of repentance will bring Christ that gives us Grace." That is, the taste of the curse of the fruitless fig tree and bring the fruits of repentance. With this thought, we enter the great Tuesday.

Great Tuesday of the Passion Week: Parable of Ten Devs

"The Great Tuesday brings us ten maids who heard the verdict from an incorruptible Vladyka." These are poems that prevent Synaksar for the Great Tuesday. "In the Holy and Great Tuesday, we remember the parable of the ten girls, because these parables, the Lord, going to suffering, entering Jerusalem, told his disciples, and other acquired to the Jews. He said about the ten devices, calling for alms and at the same time learning everyone to be ready in advance to death. "

In order not to be like five unreasonable devices, whose lamps began to go out when the bridegroom Christ approached: "... awake, because you don't know the day, no one in which the Son of Human" (MF 25. 13). Therefore, the second day of the passionate week begins with the same chanting that the Great Monday: "The semi-bridegroom is coming in the middle ...".

The soon crucifixion of Christ relates to the last time. In order to become a party of the first event and, without despair, meet the events of the second: "The tape of the distortion of the recess, and the bright mines of the surname fiance of Christ singing, bless, blatant, the lord of the Lord," the increasing stress of the prepacheal and at the same time terrible days of the passionate week involves leaving all laziness days and readiness To prayer.

The synaksar of the Great Tuesday of the passionate week simply determines the meaning and the task of this day: "So, for the instructions of the gantry fathers, it was established to put here about ten virgins here, who teach us to be awake and prepare for the meeting of the true groom with good deeds, especially alms, because the day is unknown and hour death; Just like (example) Joseph (teach) to turn chastity, and figs - always bring spiritual fruit. "

Such wake up is all the more relevant that we are expecting an environment of the passionate week, the great for the reason that the inevitability of Christ passions clearly opens on this day.

Great Wednesday of the Passion Week: Vfan Anointing.

Sinaksar of the third day of the passionate week, which reveals the liturgical topic of the Great Environment, begins with verse: "The wife, anointing Christ the body of the world, anticipates Smyrna and Aloe Nicodem." Smirna and Aloe - the attributes of the funeral ritual.

On this day, they remember how in the house of Simone lepers, where Christ was also located and his disciples, the wife-harmnica came and anointed the world of Christ. Pupils began to indignant: "... what is such a waste? For it would be possible to sell this world for a big price and give a nourishment "(MF. 26. 8-9) .. However, Christ stopped the students:" By chaptering my world on my body, she prepared me for the burial "(MF. 26. 12 ). That is, anointing of the world was the prediction of the death of Christ and his burial.

The great environment of the passionate week - the frontier, on the one hand, the end of the quarter (on this day the last time the prayer of Ephraim Syrina is read and the last terrestrial bows are put). On the other hand, the liturgical texts of this day say that Jews are already thinking to kill Christ, and the accomplice is for them - Judas Israbiotky. "Juda Lestiets, Srebolubia Daughter, prettences to Lord, the treasure of belly, Forestly striking, left and dropping, flows to Juda, the verbolete for challenging: what are the mi of the Data, and Az you betray, in the hedgehog crucify it?": Verogenic Juda has been committed to Srebroluby, I knew to betray Christ and as if drunk hurries to the Jews and asked them, what could get for her betrayal. Passion is completely close. On the eve of the terrible and great events of the passionate week, the Holy Righteous John Kronstadtsky says: "Prove that you know how to answer love - love that you are true Christians, and you can beat him from love to Christ, that is, wander over your Heart, at least a few hours, in which he drank for us the bowl of heavenly. Enter faith in the hearts of your Christ of the Lord Hearing for us, suffer there - in your heart with him ... ". But before Calval, the events occur, which open the mystical depth of Christ's suffering.

The great Thursday of the Passionate Week: Foot Skill, Last Supper, Pallium in the Garden Garden and the betrayal of Judas.

The Grand Fourth is saturated with events and experiences. Before the Lord went to Calvary, he showed his personal example the image of meekness, established the sacrament of the Eucharist, he prayed to the bloody sweat in the Garden of Garden and was devoted to Juda. Sinaksar on the Great Quarter reveals the litrogenous topics of this day.

The first event: "God's pupils on the evening, God's legs, the leg of which, then (Tree) relied, once forbidden in Eden." The incomprehensible greatness and self-deity is in the event of the skill of the feet of the apostles. The one who forbade a person to enter the paradise due to his overwhelming, his foot tramples an oath, but at the same time heats his legs with his students like a servant. The liturgical texts are narrowing about it like this: "Having resigned to the sake of the rich, from the evening of Having, Lente Reception, SIM was presented to Esi, and worship, I washed by the legs of the students and the traitor," "Whether the mind, and the mind of the height of your Jesus, who will not be surprised ! Simbo Breña appeared, promoted all sorts, washing the feet of his feet, otiyuya and Lentia. " For us, rich (lord of the world) in every sense, Christ has come torture, he, all the creator, presented by Lentia (towel), wash his feet to his students. And this is an event of a passionate week - excellent the opportunity to realize and understand the human mind. Christ "... reminded other students not looking for the championship. He taught it after the sense, saying: who wants to be first, will be the last of all, putting himself as an example "(in. 13, 15-16). However, even this does not stop the evil intention of Judah Icyariot. The topic of Judine betrayal is woven in worship: "The legacy of the friendship is a malicious Iskariot Quality forgetting, Lazh's mind, vote for a legend ...", the ill-fated sisterot decided to betray the one who washeled his legs, and it was his independent, free decision.

The second event of the long great fourth of a passionate week: "Double-to-evening: for she holds Easter with the Old and Easter new - the dominion of blood and body."

This meal carries a double meaning - it and the Old Testament, perfect according to the laws of the trapez, committed in the memory of Israel's outcome from Egypt, but also New Testament: "... when the night had come, the Lord, opening the disciples of the most excellent, he taught them in the hill and the sacrament of New Easter." The sacrament is to taste the body and the blood of the Lord.

The events of the great fourth of the passionate week begins, is devoted to the event of the skill of the legs, unhapping up in our submission of God and, to the same degree, the terrible event of the betrayal of Christ: "Always, the Sorry of the student at the skill of the evening enlightened, then Judas Ejacetful, Sreboluby And the lawless judgments of the judgment gives you a righteous judgment. Waving the arms to the radiators, the service for the removal! Bezh Besie the soul, teacher who daring to the teacher: others about all the good, Lord, thank you. " The disciples of Christ enlightened at the secret evening, Judas conceived and carried out betrayal. Why a student who saw the wondering of Christ, the one whom the Lord was washed her legs, so did it? The liturgical text gives an answer - the passion of Srebolubia darkens the soul of Judah. And the one who seeks to comply with the dishonest death - the help.

The third event, a great part-time of the passionate week - the prayer of the Lord in the Garden of Garden: "And he himself moved away from them to the versa of the stone, and, by stopping his knees, prayed, saying: Father! Oh, if you favored to bring the bowl of this past me! However, not my will, but yours will be. Angel came to him from heaven and strengthened him. And, being in a boring, it prayed gently, and it was sweat, like a drop of blood falling on the ground "(Luke 22. 44). This prayer of the Lord Verse Synaksar of the Great Quarter calls the prestantity-supernatural, it was accompanied by a bloody sweat of the Savior: "On the renewed prayer poems: Prayer and Strong (Prayer and at the same time, something terrible, something for us is terrible) Bloody Proceedings: Christ, Father Java Praying . Death, the enemy is impressive in this morning. " Christ, before the bloody sweat, his father was openly prayed, and in this prayer in humanity suffered and was afraid of close crucifixes and death, which deceived the enemy of the human race.

The long day of the great Thursday of the passionate week ends with an event as incomprehensible, as tragic - betrayal. So the verse of Sinaksar says this: "What is the requirement of knives, what are the woods, the people, on the thought to diligence in the deliverance of the world?" - "People's deceivers! Why do we need swords and stakes against the one who voluntarily die so that the world will save "? Kondak, having fun in the canon of this day, as if reflecting the perplexity of Judah, a traitor, but also emphasizes the mystical attack of this event: "Bread reception in the Ruta Traitor, the ceremony extends, and admire the price of the Human Human Sleems, and is defective to the Judas Slave and Lets. " Having accepted bread from Christ, the same hands stretches for the fee, in which the life of Christ, who created a man with their own hands was appreciated.

A unique liturgy is committed to the great Thursday, since the sacrament of the Eucharist was established on this day. According to the charter, she must be performed at night. During the Great Post, the liturgy of the paid gifts are made, which according to the Charter should also be performed on the night. But they are not committed by the usual for the Liturgy of the Holy Insurance - Ancecry, sanctification of gifts. On the Liturgy of Thursday by a passionate week after evening (in modern conditions, it is committed in the morning) Complete, solemn liturgy of Vasily Great. At that moment, when the believers, the communion of the body and the blood of the Lord, were accustomed to hearing the "body of Christ ...", in the great Thursday of the passionate week, "Tweese Tweese, the Son of God, a Party, I accept, do not be the enemy of your mystery, nor lobsia Let the ladies, Yako Judas, but the Yako robbing confession: a rumor me, Lord, in your kingdom. " At this moment, we ask us at this moment today by partakers of the secret evening, which happened in the times of the earthly life of Christ, and confirm that our participation in this event is not wearing a character who has come, but not sanctified.

The great Thursday of the passionate week in antiquity

In the 4th century, two liturgies took place on this day. One in the morning, marking the end of the third, the other, which is a manner in the evening - closer to the evening. The ritual was very complex in the Jerusalem Church.

About this day of the Jerusalem Church tells the pilgrimage of the 5th century Silvia. After the morning liturgy, the people had breakfast at home, then converged to the place where Christ and his disciples were on that day. Ancient Christians prayed and read the gospel passages corresponding to the case. This day was generally full of displacements and movements of Christians in places associated with the gospel history of the Great Quarter. The Eleon Mountain - Imuhon (the place of Ascension of the Lord) - Ghefsimania (the place where Christ prayed by the prestainable prayer and where His treacherously survived Judas). All this happens at night. "... As a result of such a large number of crowd, fatigue from the existence and exhaust from daily posts, being forced to descend with such a high mountain, go to Gethsemane during chants very slowly. And there are many church lamps for light to all people. And when it comes to Gethsemane, first pronounced prayer, then the song is sick and reads the place from the Gospel, where the Lord is taken. And when this place is read, then all the people with crying raises such a cry and moan that, maybe this moan of all the people is heard in the city. "

Great heels of passionate week: the memory of the saints of the saving passions of the Lord of our Jesus Christ

Poems from Sinaksar: "Live Ey God, and killed on the tree: About the Dead of Nagi, and God Zhivago Word!": "God, you are forever alive and you, killed on the tree! Dead body and with him - the word of the living Creator. " Sinaksar reveals the liturgical meaning of this day: "In the Holy and Great Friday we commit (submission) of the saints, saving and terrible suffering of the Lord and God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ, which he voluntarily has undergone. Democracy, beating, slapped, stagnation, ridicule, bugger, cane, sponge, vinegar, nails, spear, and after all this cross and death, - all this took place on Friday. "

The Great Friday in the 5th century was the day of the most strict post and sorrow. In the Jerusalem Church, before the sun, he prayed at first at the pillar, where Christ was bichned, then in Calvary, in front of the Episcopian department, the table was put in front of the cross, on which the Holy Tree of the Cross under the protection of deaconov. The protection was necessary, since the people converged to attach to the Holy Tree and there was a case that someone was Otgby and kidnapped a particle.

In front of the Holy Tree of the Cross, Psalms were first read, which refers to the sufferings of the Lord. Then - excerpts of the tests from the apostle, where they tell about the suffering of the Lord his disciples. Evangelical narrations were read, where he suffers, excerpts were read from prophetic texts that foreshadow the suffering of the Lord. "So, from the hour of the sixth to the hour of the ninth (3 o'clock in the evening), there are still readings in this order and sangs, in order to show all the people that everything predetermined by the prophets about the sufferings of the Lord, it turns out both through the Gospel and through Scriptures of the apostles committed. So, during these three hours, the whole people are trying to say that nothing happened that there would be no predetermined, nothing that would not fulfill full. With readings, prayers are constantly alternate, which are adapted to the day, and with every reading and prayer there are such a sorrow and such a moan in the whole of the people, which excites surprise, for there is no one, nor old, nor small, which on this day, in these three hours I did not cry as much as you can not imagine, thinking about the fact that the Lord has undergone. After that, at the beginning of the ninth hour, I read the place from the Gospel of John, where he emptied the Spirit. " So tells about the worship of the Great Friday of the passionate week, Jerusalem pilgrimnitsa.

Nowadays, the tradition of Thursday evening will serve on the tradition of the Great Friday. This is a uniform called "the submission of the holy and saving passions of the Lord of our Jesus Christ." And this is the main liturgical topic, which reveals the mystical meaning of the great heel of the passionate week.

Twelve passages are read from the four Gospels, which discloses the whole picture of the most terrible moments of the Gospel History: from betrayal to his godfather death. Evangelical readings alternate with special, belonging to only this day on chants - antifones.

The first fragment of the text from the Gospel of John (In.13 31-8. 1) talks about the last conversation of Christ with students. It begins in words: "Now the Son of Man was famous, and God became famous in it" (John 13. 31). The Lord speaks directly about his divine dignity. Further, he gives his disciples to the commandment, which became central in the Christian dogma: "The commandment will give you a new one, but love each other ..." (John 13. 34). Love manifests itself in the church unity of believers. Jesus Christ in his bishop prayer about him and prays: "Yes, WSI will be uniform: you can, for me, in me, and Az in you, yes, and we will one in us; Yes, and the world of faith has, Yako, you sent Esu. And the Az glory, the southell made me, Dah them, will be one, we will be one of the ESMA. Az in them, and you in me: yes will be performed in one, and so it will understand the world, Yako, you sent the ESI and loved them to be eagerly loved by me "(Ine.17, 21-23). This unity has a beautiful poetic image: "I am a true grape vine, and my father is - grapework" (John 15. 1). The condition of this fruitful unity is unity with Christ: "Above me, and I am in you. As a branch cannot bear the fetus herself, if it is not on the vine: so you, if you do not in me. I am a vine, and you branches; who dwells in me, and I am in it, he brings a lot of fetus; For without me, you can not do anything "(in 15. 4-5). In the chants following the reading of the Gospel Text, the Church encourages believers on the most difficult cutting path to the Holy Easter to clear their feelings, and bring souls sacrificing for Christ. This victim lies in attention, curing from the everyday bustle: "The feelings of our chista of Christ will imagine, and Yako friends friends, the souls of our way for the sake of the sake of it, and do not merge everyday life, Yako Judas, but in our kleets we will reopen: ours, ours , from Lukavago to save us. " Estantic fumes these days seem dangerous, and this is indicated by another chanting, in which the words are served as a refrain: "the unplanned Judah is not an awesome of intelligence." That is, Judas did not get involved when the Lord raised Lazarus, neither then when Christ met the people with the cries of "Osanna!". Neither the skill of the legs, when, together with the rest of the students, Judas were the Lord was washed away and the legs of the legs, nor the fact that Christ made Judea, which knows about the plans of the traitor, did not stop him and did not make him think.

The second Gospel tells how in the Garden of the Garden after Judine, the kisses took the Lord, took to the high priest Anna, and the humiliations that he had undergone (John 18. 1-28). The fragment ends with a story about the three-year renunciation of the Apostle Peter, which was predetermined by the Lord. In the antifones following reading, heard bewilderment against Judah: "Kiyaa Image, Judo, a traitor to Sava siste? Food from the faces of the apostolic separation? Does Lisha Healing Diving Food? Food with Onemi Evening, you from the meal of otrinh? Food of other legs washer, your condom? About the number of benefits of the NEPMAYATIVE was! And your ungrateful work is defined by temper. The same immense is preached by long-suffering, and great grace. " How did the student turn into a traitor? After all, Judas were not deprived of the healing to give, was not deprived of the opportunity to compete with the apostles and remained the apostle even when the Lord knew about betrayal.

The third gospel fragment tells about the interrogation in the house of the high priest Caiafas, the Savior himself testifies to himself as a son of God: "And the high priest said to him: I trigger you alive, tell us: Are you Christ, the Son of God? He says Jesus: You said. But I tell you: From now on, you will see the Son of the Human, sternming on the right side of the strength and coming on the clouds of heaven "(Matt. 26: 57-75) and takes a certificate of exit and silence for this. In the same fragment, he was talking about the renunciation of the Apostle Peter and about his repentance. In the next antifone's gospel, the liberal suffering of Christ for us is chanting: "The Yema with the lawlessness, pretended by Sita, obeying the gentleman, and the wasting of the shepherd, and the wheels of Dzhasche, who are crowded, who are twisted by the alerts. But long-swing, yes will be fulfilled, Yavich Yavich you are the prophets, unknown and secret: Lord, glory to you "

Voltage is growing. Fourth fragment (John 18: 28-40, 19: 1-16) - a meeting of Christ with a pilot and the unimaginable behavior of a crowd that craves blood. The gentlemen will beat and betray him on tortured and execute after the unanimous words of independence of the high priests: "The high priests answered: we have no king, except for Caesar." (John 19. 15)

In the antifone, an incompatible situation is hammered into the human mind when the light is dressed as well as clothes, stood on the court among people nagim. He also takes strikes from human hands, which he himself created: "Fill in light, sneezing, the nag on the court stands, and in the lanit, the emphasis will come from the hands, ... Creating a lawlessness of the people on the cross of the priesthood of the Lord Glory: then the curtain of church The sun is firmly, not torture the critting of God the crude, the Eagle tremble all. That will bow. "

The sixth fragment of the gospel text complements the story of the previous reading. (Matt. 27. 3-32). To bring the Jewish managers, the people demanded the pardon of the criminal of Zaravva, and the innocent Christ demanded death: "Pilate says to them: what will I do Jesus, called Christ? They tell him all: will be crucified. The ruler said: what kind of evil did he? But they shouted even more: yes will be crucified "(Matt. 27. 22-23). Roman legionnaires are mocked by Christ, as described and at the end of the fifth reading and at the beginning of the sixth. The thorns of the crown, emphasis a cane on the head, a long way on Calvary with a cross on the shoulders and, finally, the crucifix ...

The chants surrounding this reading, disclose the meaning of the suffering of the Bogochover of Christ: "We redeemed the enemy from the oath of lawful, honestly, for the cross, on the cross, and there is a copy of the sample, our silence, fame to you." The Lord redeemed us from the curse by the fact that it was nailed on the cross and shed his blood for us.

The following gospel readings, seventh (MF. 27. 33-54) and the eighth (LC 23. 32-49) - a story about suffering on the Cross of the Lord. After the eighth gospel, the canon tripesman reads, at the end of which he serves a very famous text: "The Robber of Prudellongo in a single hour of Raevi did the ESI, Lord, and Mena, the Tree of the godfather, and save me." The prudent robber who confessed Christ to the king, he received the paradise "citizenship" for his confession.

The ninth fragment of the Gospel is the most terrible (in 19. 25-37). The terrible Lord entrusts the coniss of the apostle John his mother. Then it fulfills everything that it should have accomplished on prophetic books: having tasted vinegar, died before they began to interrupt the legs executed in order to accelerate death. The Lord remained with the bones not kitsove, which had in the prototype of the Old Testament Easter Lamb, whom the Jews should not have won his bones.

In one of the stimples after the ninth Evangelical reading, it is: "Kiyzho W. Holy Holy Flest, hacking for us for the sake of Prederpe: Turn, chapter; face, debris; jaw, exit; mouth, in the TsNA dissolved bile taste; Ushsa, Horing Eggs; shoulders, beating; and hand, cane; Total body stretching on the cross; membership, nail; and ribs, copies. Affected by us, and from passions of freedom of us, conducive to us to humanity, and the ascended by us, the All-Fivy Savior, have mercy on us. " Conceeding to us in humanity and the velocity and value of the human being, the Christ has undergone the dishonor of each part of his body. Turning his head was wounded, they were spoiled in the face, they beat their hands on the jaws, the ears listened to the coarse, they beat their eyes on their shoulders, their hands were punched with nails, and the ribs were punched with a spear.

In the tenth (MK 15. 43-47) and the eleventh (in 19. 38-42), gospel readings are narrated by the burial of the Savior. Secret Christ's students are Joseph Arimafi, ("the beneficial adviser") and Nicodemus - give their teacher the last honors.

The twelfth reading already brings us to the Easter events of the Great Saturday (MF 27. 62-66). The gentlemen put in the funeral cave, Judea questioned in Pilate the guardian to prevent possible deceivers who wish to paint the body of Christ.

The last chant of this service gives us hope: "You redeemed us from the curse of the law with a precious blood: to the cross is degraded and pierced, you have shattered immortality to people. Our savior, glory to you "!

Great Saturday of the Passion Week: Burial, Descent to Hell and Waiting for the Resurrection

Three trails open us the way to the mysterious events of the Great Saturday. The first one is about the burial of the human body of the Lord: "The plenious Joseph, with the Tree of SHIME, the preching body of yours, a clear whisker, whistling, and the winds in the coffin put it in place." Joseph removes the body of Jesus Christ from the cross, hecks him incenses, he wures a new loatching that he would tell the ritual regulations of the Jews, and puts into the funeral cave. The second troparman ends with the evangelical narration of the evangelist Matthew: "And here, the curtain of the temple burst into the top of the Donism in two; And the Earth shocked; and stones are zerosset; and the tombs opened; And many bodies of the departed saints rebelled; And coming out of the tombs on the uprising of him, they entered the Holy City and were many. " (Matt. 27. 51-53). These resurrected appeared to announce the victorious Fathest to the Hell of the Lord: "I've led to death to death, the abdomen is immellent, then hell has taken away the shine of the Divine. If okay, the deceased from the underworld, they resurrected the whole of the strength of the heavenly vice: the life of Christ God, glory to you. " The death of Christ became a winning procession to hell. The defeated hell let the righteous death connected by the law. The third trail opens to us a straight road to Easter: "Myrimosians are wives, at the coffin, representing an angel in the face: the world is decent, Christ is decent, Christ is an alien." The Mironosians who came to fulfill the law, anoint the funeral world of Jesus, was given to the angel that for Christ this anointing is not necessary, he is not subject to the law of death.

The gaze, symbolizing the body of Jesus Christ, shot from the cross, is made on the middle of the temple. The singing of 17 kafisms, which comes on the burial, but on the Great Saturday - with special pick-ups. The theme of these praise is his burial and descent to hell, about the victory over death. About victory over death - one of the most amazing windy texts from the book of the Prophet Ezekiel is read in this service (GL37, Article 1 - 14). This is a prophecy of the bodily resurrection of the dead

The service of the Great Saturday begins on Friday evening at the modern practice of church life. In the ancient church, this service was night. Nowadays, the most, perhaps, long-term and rich worship services takes place in the morning of the Great Saturday. Then 15 paes are read, fragments of the texts of the Holy Scriptures, which contain prophecies or a conversion about the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the history of human salvation, as a result of the fall of the raised paradise. Believers have the opportunity to step by step, the event for the event to survive this story during one worship.

The part of the first chapter of Genesis is read, where the world's creation is told; Excerpt the book of the Prophet Isaiah - about the glory of the Lord; Books Exodus - About Easter Lamb; The book of the Prophet ions, which by its three-day stay in the whale whale converted a three-day descent to hell of Christ; The exodus fragment telling about the wonderful pretends of Israelis through the Red Sea. The prophecies of Sofony, Isaiah, Jeremiah are read. The text from the book of Genesis on the sacrifice of Abraham (Gen. 22. 1-18) is read.

On the great Saturday, the passionate week on the liturgy comes: "Do not scold me, Mati, vigorous in the coffin, the Jegende in the womb, without Semen, I conceived the Son without Semen: I will be removed and I will be asleep with Glavovy, Yako, God, faith and love of magnitude." Although he sees the Virgin of the most mysterious manner of Christ laid in the coffin, he will rise.

In a conversation, said in the Great Saturday SVT. Gregory Palama says: "Thus, the deceiver was deceived, attacking the flesh of Christ, as susceptible to disease and death, and, so, against the will, brought the light into the dark and linedly for him, the hell, and presented the dreamer of life to the souls called by him by the spiritual killing ; Not only this, but also the body from which the resurrection and immortality spacked, he mixed up with the dead, having hurried to betray his death and grave. The Lord could, truly, and these his evil intent destroy, but did not, on the contrary, wished to raise the passion for us, for which he became a man. " Hell was deceived, waiting for the humanity of Christ, who wished to become a man and the suffering. And in the underworld, I excused light.

Passionate saddimians is devoted to the memory of the last days of the Savior's earthly life, his sufferings on the cross, death and burial. According to the greatness and importance of the events committed every day, this week is referred to as the Saints and Great. These sacred days are perceived by believers as a divine holiday, illuminated by the joyful consciousness of the received salvation through the suffering and death of the Savior. Therefore, these holy days are not accomplished by the memory of the saints, nor the commemoration of the departed nor prayer singing. As in all great holidays, the church and these days urges believers to take a spiritual participation in the services committed and become parties to the sacred memories.

From the apostolic times, the days of the passionate week were in deep worship of Christians. Believers held a passionate saddemite in the strictest abstinence, a diligent prayer, in the exploits of virtue and mercy.

All service passionate saddles, distinguished by depth of pious experiences, contemplations, special comfort and duration, are located in such a way that the history of the Savior's suffering, its last divine instructions are gradually reproduced in them. Each day of the saddimians is given a special memory expressed in chants and gospel readings of the morning and liturgy.

By saying in the sufferings of the Savior, "Corresponding to His Death" (FLP. 3, 10), the Holy Church in this sadmitz takes a sad image: sacred items in the temples (the throne, the altar, etc.) and the clergymen themselves are darkened into dark clothes and worship Takes predominantly the nature of the sad-touching crushing, compassionate the Passions of Christ. In modern liturgical practice, great services are usually committed in black vessels, replacing them to bright in the Great Saturday. In some abode and temples, the service is committed, in accordance with more ancient practice, in purple vestments, and in the passionate saddemita - in the crimson - burgundy, the colors of blood - in the memory of the Savior's bloodstand in the cross for salvation.

In the first three days, the passionate saddemic church prepares believers to a worthy contemplation and heart complicity in the crosses of the Savior. Already in the evening a week, Waii she invites faithful to finger from the highest and sacred divine holiday Waii for a divine holiday honest, saving and mysterious memories of the Passion of Christ, see the Lord, who accepts voluntary suffering and death for us. In Triodi's chants, for these days, the church encourages believers to go beyond the Lord, to speak with him and encounter him to enter the kingdom of heaven. In the worship service of the first three days, the passionate week is held another common opportunity.

In the Great Monday, the Church in his chants invites you to meet the beginning of the Passion of Christ. In the worship service of Monday, the Old Testament Patriarch Joseph is beautiful, from the envy sold by brothers in Egypt, which is the suffering of the Savior. In addition, on this day, the drainage of the Lord covered with rich foliage, but the fruitless figure, who serves the hypocritical scribes and the Pharisees, who, despite their external piety, the Lord did not find the good fruits of faith and piety, and only the hypocritical shadow of the law. Like a fruitless, dried smears every soul, not bringing the fruit of spiritual - true repentance, faith, prayers and good deeds.

The Lord of the Lord and Pharisees, his conversations and parables, who were told on this day in the Temple of Jerusalem, are remembered to the Great Tuesday, about Dani Cesare, about the resurrection of the dead, terrible court, about ten virgins and talents.

In the Great Wednesday, the wife-sinner, washed by tears and anointed by the precious world of the Savior's legs, when he was at Viph's evening at Simon Level's house, and this prepared Christ to the burial. Here, Judas, an imaginary care for the beggars found his sober, and in the evening it decided to betray Christ to Jewish elders for 30 Srebrenikov (the amount sufficient for then prices to acquire a small plot of land even in the vicinity of Jerusalem).

In the Great Wednesday on the liturgy of the paid gifts, according to the calavon prayer, the prayer of Rev. Ephraim Sirin was pronounced for the last time with three Great Bowls.

On Thursday, the passionate weeks are memorized in worship the four most important evangelical events, which took place on this day: the Lord's evening, on which the Lord has established the New Testament Mystery of the Holy Community (Eucharist), the skill of the Lord's feet to his disciples as a sign of the deepest humility and love for them, the Savior's Prayer in the Garden Hepsiman and betrayal of Judah.

In the memory of the events of this day after the reconnect prayer on liturgy in the Cathedrals in the bishop ministry, a comfortable rite of leg skimming is performed, which resurrects in our memory, immensely condescension of the Savior, washing the legs of his students before the Layer Square. The rite is committed among the temple. When reading the protoding of the corresponding place from the gospel of the bishop, he himself removes the vestment, wash the legs sitting on both sides of the prevail of 12 priests, depicting themselves to those who gathered on the evening of the students of the Lord, and rubs them with Lentia (long fee).

In the Cathedral Patriarch Cathedral in Moscow on the Liturgy of the Great Thursday, in the delight of the Holy Gifts, the Holy Patriarch is committed with the consecration of the Holy World. The consecration of the world is preceded by the preparation of it (Chin Mirmentation), which begins to the Great Monday and touched by the reading of the Holy Gospel, laid by prayers and chants.

The day of the Great Heel is devoted to the memory of the condemnation on the death, the crosses of the suffering and death of the Savior. In the worship service of this day, the church, as it were, supplies us at the foot of the Cross of Christ and before our reverent and loose gaze depicts the saving sufferings of the Lord. On the morning of the Great Heel (usually it serves on Thursday evening) 12 Gospels of the Testament of Holy Passion are read.

At the end of the evening the Great Friday, the rite of removal of the shroud of Christ depicting his position in the coffin is made, after which the canon is reading about the crucifixion of the Lord and on the crying of the Most of the Virgin Mary, then the evening worship service should be released and applied to the ship (Moving Drowby). About the removal of the ship in the Great Friday in the current typicone does not say anything. It is said only about the depositing of it in the Great Saturday after the Great Slavs. It is not said about the ship in the Friday service and in the most ancient charters of Greek, South Slavic and Old Russian. Presumably, the custom to wear a shroud on the great evening Great Friday received from us the beginning in the XVIII century, later, 1696, when the Patriarchs of Moscow Ioachim and Adrian, the editing of the typicon in our church was completed.

In the Great Saturday, the Church is remembered by the burial of Jesus Christ, the stay of his body in the coffin, the descent of the soul to adhere to the victory there over death and delivering the souls, with faithful of his coming, and the introduction of a prudent robber to paradise.

Services in this unparalleled and unforgettable in all centuries of human life Saturday begin early in the morning and continue until the end of the day, so that the last Saturday songs of the so-called Easter seal merge with the beginning of the solemn Easter chants - on the Easter Southwesign.

On the Great Saturday, the Liturgy of Vasily the Great, beginning in the evening. After a small entrance with the Gospel (near the Dzepshina), before the loaning of 15 Parimians, in which the main prophecies and sobrants belonging to Jesus Christ, as the redeemed of us from sin and death with their godfather and their resurrection. After the 6th parley (about the wonderful transition of the Jews through the Cherry Sea), it comes in: "It is melted." The reading of the parimia is the song of the three details: "GOFF SAID AND PREATING WITH MOTHERSHIP." Instead of the TRIsive, "Elitsa in Christ is baptized" and read the apostle about the mysterious power of baptism. These singing and reading serve as a memory of the custom of the ancient Church to baptize into the Great Saturday journal. At reading the apostle, instead of "Allilouia", seven poems chosen from Psalms, containing prophecies about the resurrection of the Lord: "Sunday, God, judgment of the earth."

During the singing of these verses, the priests are reproduced in bright clothes, and then read the gospel from Matthew, Zac. 115. Instead of the Kheruvim song, a song "Yes, every flesh of man is silent." The great entrance is performed near the doodle. Instead of "about you happy" - IRMOS 9th songs of the canon of the Great Saturday "Do not sob Mené, Mati." Priacente - "Vosta, Yako SPI, Lord and Sundays, Save us." Cameravonny Prayer is read by the ship. Everything else is on the rank of liturgy of St. Vasily the Great. On the release of Liturgy, blessings of bread and wine are directly accomplished. This rite reminds of the ancient pious custom of Christians to expect an Easter's offensive in the temple, listening to reading the actions of the apostolic. In view of the strict post, which was respected in continuation of the whole day before the occurrence of the Easter holiday, and the upcoming burden, the Church reinforced the strength of the faithful blessed bread and wine.