Mini-museum of clocks in our kindergarten. Children-parent creative project

Mini-museum of clocks in our kindergarten. Children-parent creative project

Tatiana Velichko
Project of the mini-museum "Time and We"

Mini-museum project

« Time and we»

1. Museum business card

2. Explanatory note

3. Information about the participants the project

4. Goals and objectives the project

5. Passport data of the museum

6. Implementation plan the project, work on the creation of a mini - museum

7. Thematic plan of educational activities in the mini - museum

8. Integration of museum pedagogy into preschool educational institutions

9. Prospects for the development of a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution

Museum business card.

We would like to introduce you to the museum

Wonderful things

These things are without a doubt

Everyone needs without exception

Time goes by,

Hour after hour, day after day.

So that we can be in time everywhere,

You need to look at the clock.

There are many mechanisms in the world

You can't count them all at once,

But we will try today

To take you into history

Once a man got tired

By the sun time to measure

And on the water, not everyone could

Lunch hour check

And the rooster, though not always

But he could sleep through the dawn.

A candle burned out on the table,

And the new one is no more.

And how to be and how to find out

What there is time, what time to sleep

And then one day a wise man

Finally came up with a scheme

Putting the details together

The watch whispered like this-


The museum is not just a house of things,

Museum of the Keeper of Secrets

And in order to have time for everything as soon as possible

You observe the time!

Explanatory note.

Museum pedagogy

The concept of "museum pedagogy", which appeared in the early 1980s, is borrowed from German terminology. Modern museum pedagogy develops in line with the problems of museum communication and is aimed at solving the problems of moral and patriotic education and enhancing the creative abilities of the individual.

The active use of museum pedagogy in the educational process helps to familiarize children with the origins of folk and national culture, contributes to the preservation of folk traditions, fostering a sense of patriotism and spirituality. Acquaintance with the museum allows preschoolers to develop the ability to aesthetic contemplation and empathy, to form respect for other cultures, the need and ability to independently explore the world around them.

A watch is an item that we need all the time. For some people, these are wall-mounted electronic devices, others make do with a mobile phone, and still others wear elegant clocks. But it is impossible to imagine life without them.

The history of watches is measured in centuries. Over the centuries, this device has changed both its appearance and the content itself. Lunar and water, solar and candle, oil and sand. What are the modifications of the meters time not seen in ancient times! When the very first appeared, of course, it is impossible to say for sure. But it is known for certain that already 4 thousand years ago they existed everywhere. To view the change of hours, a mini-museum has been created and used in our preschool institution. « Time and we» .

Why we named a mini - museum, of course, because in a kindergarten it is impossible to create a museum in its real scale. And the very name of the mini in our case reflects the age of the children, the size, the number of exhibits, and a certain limited theme.

The parents of the pupils also took part in the creation of the mini-museum. A close relationship with parents is a very important condition in education and touching the study of the historical moments of watchmaking.

Participants the project.

Preschool teachers: Velichko T.G., Gorbaneva E.A., Konstantinova V.P., Osipova V.I., Lokhmotova N.P., Khanyan L.P.

Parents and children of the kindergarten took an active part in creating a mini-museum, collecting and decorating exhibits, as well as organizing holidays, excursions, and quizzes.

Classification the project:

By dominant species project activities - combined (research, creative)

By the composition of participants - group

By duration - long-term (1 year)

Target the project:

Formation of children's ideas about the museum, the development of speech of preschoolers, Development of interest in the concept " time"through some interesting facts and information about different methods and means of measuring, fixing time... Acquaintance of children with the history of clocks, with different types of clocks.

Tasks the project:

1. To develop mathematical representations of older preschool children.

2. To summarize the ideas of children of primary preschool age about the characteristic features seasons.

3. To form the skills of children in experimental and experimental activities (in living and non-living nature.)

4. To form in children the ability to independently analyze and systematize the knowledge gained.

The following principles are the basis for solving these problems.

* the principle of taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers;

* the principle of reliance on the interests of the child;

* the principle of the implementation of the interaction of the educator with children with the leading role of an adult;

* principle of clarity;

* the principle of systematicity and consistency;

* the principle of cooperation and mutual respect;

* the principle of the connection between learning and life.

Passport data of the museum.

The character of the mini - museum is historical.

Mini - museum business card « Time and we»

List of exhibits.

1. Layout "Sun"

2. Layout "Knitted Rooster"

3. Layout "Flower Clock"

4. Layout "Water clock"

5. Layout "Fire Clock"

6. "Hourglass"

7. "Pendulum clock"

8. "Pocket watch"

9. "Wrist watch"

10. "Mechanical watches"

11. "Moon calendar"

12. Layout

13. Layout "Moon phases"

14. Change of paintings by seasons

15. Timesheet - calendar

16. Tear-off calendar

17. Desk calendar

18. Desk calendar

19. Wall calendar

20. Natural calendar

21. Cut a tree

Implementation plan the project.

Stages of development Content of work Terms Responsible

First step

preparatory 1) Determine the theme and name of the mini-museum for the preschool educational institution staff together with parents

September Educators:

Velichko T. G.,

Khanyan L.P.

2) Determine the location for the mini - museum

3) Create optimal storage conditions and

use of museum exhibits

4) Determine options for participation in the creation of a mini-museum of parents and children

Second phase

practical 1) Designing a business card for a mini - museum

October - November Educators:

Velichko T.G., Gorbaneva E.A., Konstantinova V.P., Osipova V.I., Lokhmotova N.P.,

Khanyan L.P.

2) Selection of the description of the exhibits

3) Development of long-term planning of a mini-museum

4) Development of an introductory excursion and abstracts of classes, didactic games in the mini - museum

5) Development of leisure activities, quizzes, entertainment in the mini - museum

6) Collection and classification of exhibits for the mini-museum, production of models Throughout the year Teachers,


The third stage is the final stage with a prospect for the future 1) Present at the pedagogical council the developed algorithms for creating a mini-museum on the topic December - May Educator:

Velichko T. G.

2) Continue to involve parents in the design of the mini-museum (purchase a cuckoo clock) Educators:

Gorbaneva E.A., Konstantinova V.P., Osipova V.I., Lokhmotova N.P.,

Khanyan L.P.

3) Continue to accumulate materials (exhibits, didactic games, class notes, entertainment, etc.) on the developed topic Teachers,


4) Prepare and conduct a product presentation the project

Evaluation of the results obtained (monitoring, conclusions) May Educator:

Velichko T. G.

Educational plan

in the mini-museum.

Month of GCD, topic Program content Preliminary work

September Theme: "Acquaintance with the mini - museum" Introduce children to the meaning of the word "Museum"... Fix what museums exist. Rules of conduct in the museum, handling of exhibits. Teach children to take care of things because tomorrow they will be history, and history is a museum. Look at the illustrations of museums. If there is an opportunity to go to the museum with your parents. Read literature describing the exhibits

October Theme: "From the history of watches" To acquaint children with the history of watches. Lead to an understanding of their meaning and function. To consolidate the ability to highlight the features of objects, shape, size, parts. Develop the creative imagination and logical thinking of children. Learn to protect time... Walk through the territory of the kindergarten and pay attention to what hours are in the groups. Give an assignment at home to draw the clock that you have at home.

November Theme: Watch "Burning candle" Continue to develop cognitive interest. Learn to ask questions, define time one division on the candle, for which it will burn. Express the simplest reasoned judgments. Develop curiosity Watch the fire. Consider illustrations of how our ancestors made fire. Experiment with a candle.

December Theme: « Time and we» Introduce children to the dial, minute hands and seconds. Teach children to protect time... Develop observation, logical thinking and speech of children. Consider the dials of different watches. Watch the arrows. How many times the second hand runs around the circle per minute. Make riddles about time, hours. Talk about sayings: "Happy hours are not observed"; "Business time, and an hour's fun "

January Theme: "Smart Week" Introduces children to the week that there are seven days in a week. Teach children to listen to the story, answer questions, build sentences loudly. Consistently build your story. To foster a sense of beauty, a humane attitude to nature. Making riddles. Reading a fairy tale "How a tailor sewed a dress for the moon"

February Theme: "Beauty Moon" Continue to introduce children to the week. Introduce the phases of the moon, parts of the day. The rotation of the earth on its axis to foster interest in changes in nature. To form mathematical representations in children. At home with parents to conduct moon observations for a month. Make sketches. Read fairy tale: "How a tailor sewed a dress for the month"

March Theme: "Brothers of the Months" Clarify and concretize children's ideas about characteristic features seasons: a change in the way of life of animals and birds. Form children's ideas that there are four seasons, for 3 months each. Remember the names of the months. Reading fairy tales: "Twelve months", "The old man is a year old", "Sinichkin calendar", "What have the months been talking about?"... View illustrations with seasons.

April Theme: "The rotation of the earth around the sun"»To acquaint children with the planet Earth, the Sun. To consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children of a longer segment time of the year; that the rotation of the earth around the sun changes on earth seasons... Give an idea of ​​the Sun as the brightest star. To cultivate love for planet Earth. Making riddles. Reading fairy tales: "Visiting the Sun"... Consideration of the layout of the earth - GLOBE.

Integration of museum pedagogy into preschool educational institutions


1. Cognition (maths)

2. Cognition (natural world)

3. Communication (speech development)

4. Cognition (construction)

5. Artistic creation (applique, drawing)

JOINT ACTIVITIES 1. Experimentation

2. Design

3. Entertainment, leisure, quizzes

4. Children's art exhibitions

5. Creation of exhibits from each family


2. Subject

3. Theatrical

4. Creative

5. Search engine

6. Communication

7. Examination of photographs, illustrations


The museum is a child of talent and professionalism. The organization of the museum is a kind of performance that requires a talented director who will be able to cover all the terms museum: essence, subject, information, image, etc.

We think you will agree that a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution can become today the most perfect educational institution, because modern museums in kindergartens are valuable not only for museum expositions and the presence of exhibits, but, first of all, for the content of educational work with children, in this case, work to educate the spiritual, moral, cultural, educated citizens of the Fatherland, who are able to independently and creatively master the diverse and multinational culture of Russia.

Thus, mini-museums created by the hands of teachers, pupils and their parents become interactive, which means they are close and understandable to every child. All this allows preschoolers to develop a sense of pride in a common cause, their group, kindergarten, family and small homeland.

Prospects for the development of the mini - museum.

For further education in children, we plan to continue to accumulate material - exhibits, didactic games. On the site, we assume to make a sundial, plant a flower clock on a flower bed.

To consolidate the knowledge gained, we have didactic games "My first hours", "Everything about time» , "Flower Clock", « Seasons»

In 2016, a mini-museum was created in the preschool educational institution No. 17 "Magic Castle"

"Tick-tock walkers"

Through the efforts of teachers and parents, exhibits were collected for our museum: different types of clocks. The main idea is to show how different clocks are, to acquaint children with their history.

In real museums, you can't touch anything, but in a mini - museum you can and should. It is allowed to change, rearrange exhibits, take in hands, examine.

In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition. And not only he himself, but his family.

The museum has an invaluable impact on the upbringing of children. Children get vivid, lifelong impressions. The mini-museum contains old watches preserved in families. After all, any item of a mini-museum can suggest a topic for an interesting conversation.

Since ancient times, people have tried to comprehend the essence of time. In ancient times, even astronomers could not determine small intervals of time, and their observations were carried out with an accuracy of only one quarter of an hour; and now all the most ordinary people, in the most ordinary everyday situations, consider time to be minutes, and sometimes seconds.


There is also a sundial - ancestors of all clocks!
They are rare now.
The dial lies on the ground, and the sun runs across the sky!
They are in the squares, on the lawn, in the garden - in full view of the sun!

A long time ago, when the clock was not yet, people recognized the time by the sun. The sun was rising, so it’s time to get up, and so on until the evening. The man noticed: the sun goes across the sky, and the shadow of the tree stretches behind the sun, moves along the ground. So the sun prompted a man that a sundial could be made.

The man dug a post into the ground, drew a circle around it and divided it into equal parts. Each piece was equal to one hour. The sun was rising, and the shadow of the pillar slowly moved in a circle. This is how the first watch was invented. They were called sunny. But a person could not always use them.


People also learned the time by a live clock. This clock walks importantly around the yard, flaps its wings and, flying up the fence, screams "Ku - ka - re - ku!"

The man noticed that the cockerel sings in the morning and evening at about the same time. Yes, not once, but three. The first time the rooster began to scream, when the sun had not yet appeared, but only released the first ray. It was with the first crow of the rooster that the hostesses got up to milk the cows and drive them out to the pasture. The cockerel helped arrange a meeting. For example, they said: “Tomorrow we will go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries. And we will meet outside the outskirts after the third roosters. "

But it is difficult to determine the exact time from the crowing of the rooster. Either the rooster will fall off the perch in a dream - it will raise a cry ahead of time, then the fox will get scared and start screaming, then the fox will carry the rooster away and eat it. And if there is no rooster? How to find out the time at night when there is no sun and no stars shine in cloudy weather?

And a man came up with a more reliable watch: it will not fall off the perch and the fox will not carry it away.


People noticed that some flowers open in the morning and close during the day, others open in the evening, and still others only at night, and are always closed during the day.

Flowers do not open when they want to, but at "their own" time. In the morning, on a sunny meadow where dandelions grow, you can find out the time without a wristwatch. Dandelions open up together at five o'clock in the morning, and by two or three o'clock in the afternoon they extinguish their golden lanterns and fall asleep.

The modern world liked the idea of ​​flower clocks so much and such clocks - flowers - appeared in many cities. The largest flower clock is located in Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. The dial reaches 10 meters in diameter, and the minute hand weighs over 30 kilograms.

There is also a flower clock in Lipetsk.




The man thought a little more and came up with a watch that we still use. This is a watch with a mechanism. I put a spring inside them, twisted it, and so that it did not unwind, I attached a toothed wheel to it. It clings to another wheel and turns it. The second wheel turns the hands, and the hands show hours and minutes. This is a mechanical watch. They have a crown. When it is turned, a creak is heard inside the watch. This twists the spring. To keep the watch from stopping, it must be constantly wound.


Watches are wrist watches.

They are worn on the arm using a bracelet or strap.

Ladies Watch Children's watches Men's Watch


An alarm clock is the same clock, at a given moment in time, giving a sound or light signal. They know how to command: it's time to get up.

The very first alarm clock was invented by the scientist philosopher Plato for his lazy students two thousand five hundred years ago. He placed three basins one below the other.

In the upper basin, the largest, he poured water. Water flowed from the upper basin into the one below, and eventually overflowed into the third basin. And the third basin was not easy. A narrow tube came out of it. It was a flute played by a metal flutist. When the water got into the lower basin, the air came out with a noise from the tube - the flute. Hearing this signal, the students jumped out of bed and ran to lessons.

But the Chinese have invented their own alarm clock. From sawdust and resin, they sculpted long, thin sticks on thin threads and hung metal balls. Before going to bed, the alarm clock was “set on” - resin sticks were set on fire. They burned slowly, and at the appointed time, the threads holding the balls burned out and fell with a clang into the metal plate. From the roar, the sleeper woke up in an instant.


The clock, which is usually placed on a desk, is called a table clock.


A clock hanging on a wall is called a wall clock.

And there is a wall clock -
Decent, sedate!
Don't run away
do not lag behind!
beat in time!
Pendulum: here and there ...
Today, tomorrow and always!


A grandfather clock is a clock on the floor.

They are tall, massive, with heavy weights attached to chains, and with a melodic fight.


The clock, made in the form of a patterned wooden hut, hides a "cuckoo". Every hour the door of the house opens and the cuckoo appears on its doorstep. She sings loudly: "Ku-ku, ku-ku", reminding us of what time it is now.


There are clocks on city streets and squares too. They are installed on towers, railway station buildings, theaters and cinemas. They are called street and tower.


The creation of a mini-museum "Clocks and Calendars" in the group is a great way to attract attention and interest the pupils. The activity of the mini-museum allows you to expand the horizons of children and makes it possible to enrich the ideas of preschoolers about time. In addition, the exhibits of the mini-museum enrich the subject-spatial developmental environment with new forms of working with children, create favorable conditions for the pupils to assimilate a clear idea of ​​time.



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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 9 combined type" Head of the mini-museum educator Zakharova Ye.A.

The idea of ​​creating a mini-museum "Hours and Calendars" in the group did not arise by chance. The fact is that children by nature are born little explorers of the world around them. The development of his cognitive, intellectual activity and curiosity, the perception of the educational material as a whole depends on how actively the child will show interest in the environment. The funds of museum pedagogy help us to attract attention and interest of pupils. In addition, the creation of a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution is currently relevant, since it expands the horizons of children, makes it possible to enrich the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them, and helps to form design and research skills. It also enriches the subject-spatial developmental environment with new forms of work with children and their parents. An important feature of the mini-museum is that its creation takes place with the participation of children and close interaction with the families of the pupils. Children can take part in the discussion of the mini-museum, bring exhibits from home. The exhibits of the mini-museum are used for educational activities, the development of speech, imagination, intellect, and the emotional sphere of the child. And any item of the mini-museum can become a topic for an interesting conversation. Time is one of the most important components of the reality in which we exist. Time orientation is vital for a preschooler in the future. But the category of time was not originally given to the child's mind. The idea of ​​him arises in the process of life on the basis of personal experience. And the specific features of time as an objective reality make it difficult for children to perceive it. The activity of the mini-museum "Clocks and Calendars" makes the formation of ideas about time a subject of special attention of children, creates favorable conditions for the pupils to assimilate a clear idea of ​​time.

Creation of special conditions for the development of interest in the concept of "time" through individual facts and information about different methods and means of measuring, fixing time. Formation of ideas about the museum among pupils. Formation of ideas about time and how to measure it. Acquaintance of pupils with the history of the emergence of clocks and calendars, with their various types. Formation of design and research skills and abilities. Formation of the ability to independently analyze and systematize the knowledge gained. Involvement of parents and children in search and research activities, collection of information on this topic, exhibits for the mini-museum. Formation of the habit of rational use of time among pupils. Enrichment of the subject-spatial developmental environment of the group.

The principle of accessibility of knowledge and ideas about the world around. The principle of individual focus (based on a personality-oriented approach to each child, taking into account age and psychophysiological characteristics). The principle of combining the training component with the developing one. The principle of the strength of the assimilation of knowledge (realized through the selection of interesting and varied material). The principle of integrating work with various areas of children's development (cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, social and communicative). The principle of visibility (careful selection of material due to the age capabilities of children). The principle of combining learning with the development of independence, cognitive activity. The principle of motivation (maintaining children's interest in the material being studied). The principle of cooperation and interaction with the families of pupils.

Museum material The exposition of the mini-museum contains objects of past years (clocks, calendars, posters, panels). Mini-museum decoration Museum exhibits of this collection are located on horizontal and vertical surfaces: table, wall and shelf; are freely available. Exhibits can be rearranged, taken in hand and viewed. The collection is constantly updated. Collection of the mini-museum The exhibits are clocks (table, wrist, alarm clocks, frying pan, electronic, jewelry, sand and others); calendars (tear-off, loose-leaf, pocket, wall), homemade panel - calendar; posters - seasons and months, "My week", parts of the day, "Calendar of the gnomes". There are exhibits of watches made by children and their parents.

Conducting excursions on the topic: "Traveling to the country of exact time", "What are the clocks (calendars)?", "Unusual clocks (calendars)", etc. Organization of communicative, cognitive development: ideas about time, its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility; feelings of time, attention, memory, intelligence, emotional sphere of the child. Creative tasks: drawing up stories about watches (calendars), made by hand and brought to the exhibition. Research activities: creating models of water, sundials, acquaintance with a stopwatch and hourglass (measuring time intervals - seconds, minutes). Entertainment games: "Arrange the numbers on the clock", "Enter the missing numbers", etc. Travel games: "How did people come up with the clock?", "What was the clock before?", "How did the seven-day week come about?" "," The main clock of Russia "," Famous clocks of different cities. " Intellectual and creative games: "How to determine what time it is?" and others. Productive activities: making collages, drawings, handicrafts, appliqués of clocks and calendars: "Hours of Wish Fulfillment", "Birthday Calendar for Group Children", "Calendar of Holidays in Kindergarten", etc.

Project in kindergarten "The Amazing World of Watches" (6-7 years old)

Varshavskaya Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher MBDOU No. 54 "Vesnushki", Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region.
Description: This material will be useful to educators of children's institutions and just curious.
Explanatory note: Our children want something new and interesting, I think that my project will help to look at work with preschoolers in a new way, because our younger generation is so curious!
Target: Development of interest in the history of the emergence of various types of clocks.
- To acquaint with the history of watches, their varieties in the past and present.
- To consolidate knowledge about the principle of their work and the role in human life.
- Develop research interest, curiosity, creative imagination.
For children 6-7 years old (preparatory group)
Project type - research and creative, group.
Duration- medium-long (April 2015)
Participants - children 6-7 years old
The problem, its relevance:
The project is being implemented in the preparatory group of a kindergarten within the framework of the Childhood program in the section on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. The main goal is to give children an idea of ​​the concept of time in a playful way that is interesting for children. What is time? What is a watch for? What kind of clock are there? Within the framework of the project, we will try to find answers.
Watch! What a common and well-known thing. We cannot do without watches, they are with us everywhere. We have watches on our hands and in our pockets, at home and on the street, watches at school, kindergarten and at the cosmodrome, at a railway station, in a car, watches on an airplane and on a submarine. Some watches are round, others are square, some are thick, others are thin. There are watches the size of a pea, and there are ones so huge that you can't take them away by car. How much these little arrows mean in our life, which run in a circle as if to no avail! I invited the children to imagine that tomorrow, all over the world, all the clocks would go to waste ... how many suggestions were made about what a terrible mess this would cause! At sea, ships will lose their way, because without a watch, no captain will be able to determine where the ship is. Stores will work as they please. In factories, work will become impossible - after all, the machines in the factory work on a precise schedule. Children will be late for kindergarten, and parents will be late for work. I told the children that it is difficult to imagine now, but once upon a time there really was no clock - none, neither with springs, nor with batteries, nor with weights. There weren't even grandma's walkers! And, of course, no one asked each other: "Tell me, please, what time is it?" The time was determined approximately: by the singing of birds and flowers, by sunsets and dawns, or looking at the sunny sky. If the sun is just rising over the horizon, then it’s morning. Is the sun directly overhead? It was noon. My story aroused the interest of children - they wanted to know how people could do without watches many years ago, what clocks were before, how they appeared. During the conversations, it was also revealed that the children did not have enough knowledge about the varieties and modern watches. Therefore, I decided to include a cycle of joint activities on the theme "The Amazing World of Watches" in the system of educational and educational activities with children.
The projected result of the project:
- methods of project activity are introduced into the practice of working with children;
- a need for knowledge of history and one's past will be formed;
- children will get acquainted with the history of the clock (which was the reason for their appearance);
- children will gain new knowledge: the main purpose of the clock is fixing the time; that a long time ago there were: sundial, clock-flowers, clock-rooster, fire clock, water clock, hourglass. Old time clocks cannot show the exact time. They will acquire the skills of working together with adults and peers, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions. The knowledge gained will influence the formation of research skills.
- Internet resources are used to improve the quality of work;
- developed a series of conversations, stories, joint activities to generate interest in the history of clocks, their varieties.
Stages of work on the project
Stage 1 - preparatory
Target: Define the main areas of work.
- Systematization of material on this issue.
- Selection of exhibits for the organization of the mini-museum "Watch".
- Study of scientific literature on this issue.
- Selection of fiction, encyclopedic literature.
- Making an album "Types of watches".
- To involve parents in finding the necessary information on this topic.
- Selection and study of literature on the problem by the teacher.
- Selection of materials for research.
- Selection of materials for the play activities of children.
- Working with parents (conversations to create a collection of watches).

Stage 2 - main
Target: conduct project activities to familiarize with the types of clocks of the past and present.
- Conversations: "What hours were long ago", "What do we do at different times?", "What happens if the clock goes differently?" What do I know about clocks ”,“ Clockwise and counterclockwise ”,“ What are the clocks? ”,“ Space and time ”,“ what is time? ”.
- A cycle of stories for children: "Live clock"; "Sundial or clock in the sky"; “The Water Thief Keeps Time”; "Clock - candles"; "Clock without hands (hourglass)"; "Mechanical watches"; "Digital Watch"; "Living time barometers (flower clock)", "The most famous clock in the world."
- Reading fiction: Anofriev "Tik-Tak", Berestov "A quarter to six". Poems about a man and his watch. (S. Baruzdin), “Hourglass” by Miroshnikova Irina, “Poems about the clock and about time”, S. Marshak “We hit the clock with the ball”, N. Chuprunova “The clock was knocking all night”, Y. Moritz “The hours passed through road ”, collection of T. Vishnyakova“ Clock-alarm clock ”, O. Podturkin“ Clock ”, I. Fomichev“ Sundial ”, A. Prokhorov“ Merry watch ”, A. Malginov“ Clock for Bibi ”, M. Manakov“ My day".
- Consideration of the encyclopedias "How things work (about the clock)", Stepanov "Time", "Clock".
- A book with stickers "Time", S. Gavrin.
- Learning physical minutes "And the clock goes, goes ...".
- Reading informative literature about different types of watches.
- Examining clock illustrations.
- Prepare stories with children about water, hourglass, flower and sundial.
- Drawing the clock "Wall cuckoo clock", "The clock is so different and necessary."
- Modeling "Funny alarm clocks" (plasticineography), "Clock-sun" (testoplasty).
- Construction from natural material "Wall clock" (collective).
- Application "Wristwatch".
- Didactic games: "Travel to the land of clocks", "All about time", "Clock", "Have time in time", "Tick-tock", "Let's help Ellie return home", "Name the previous and next number", "Name the day ”,“ My first watch ”,“ My day ”,“ Time ”,“ Learning time ”,“ The fourth extra one ”,“ Which clock broke? ”,“ When does this happen? ”,“ What does the sun tell us? ”.
- Creation of a problem-game situation "What will happen if the clock stops?"
- Carrying out research with clock layouts (whether the clock of ancient times can show the exact time).
- Creation of the album "Hours", "The most famous watches in the world."
-NOD "Socialization" with elements of experimentation "Journey into the past of hours"
- GCD. Development of speech on the topic: “The amazing world of watches. Acquaintance with the clock ”,“ We ​​live by the clock ”,“ What are the clocks? ”.
- GCD. Mathematical development "Magic clock", "Acquaintance with the clock", "Determination of time by the clock".
- Creation of presentation "Journey into the past of watches"
- Making models of solar, flower, water, fire clocks
- Excursions: "Watch Shop", "Watch Workshop".
- Working with parents: drawing together with children of old clocks (for the exhibition).
- Please bring interesting exhibits for the mini-museum of the "World of Hours" group.
- Joint activities of children and parents (creation of a collection of watches)
- Consultations for parents “What are the clocks?”, “Read to the children”, “My first hours”, “Formation of a sense of time in senior preschool children”, “How to observe the clock without being unhappy”, “Celebrating the day of the clock”.
Stage 3 - final.
Target: generalization of the experience gained.
- Creation of a mini-museum "World of Hours"
- Creation of a collection of modern watches (wrist watches)
- Creation of an album of children's drawings "Such different hours".
- Creation of the "Watch" album
- Creation of presentations "Journey into the past of the clock", "Flower clock".
- A selection of various types of watches with their detailed descriptions.
- A selection of encyclopedias "Hours".
- A selection of children's books about the clock and time.

Information support of the project:
Recommendations, consultations for parents, poems, riddles, lesson notes, albums for viewing, didactic games, books, encyclopedias.
When creating a mini-museum "World of Hours", I set the following tasks for myself:
- to form a museum culture, an internal spiritual need for visiting museums;
- to form an idea of ​​the museum as a special source of cultural and historical experience of mankind;
- to form a respectful attitude towards the museum object as a part of material and spiritual culture;
- to form visual literacy (observation, the ability to analyze and generalize visual impressions in an elementary form, emotionally experience a visual image, as well as creatively perceive and comprehend what he saw);
- to arouse children's interest in the history of their native land through the historical and cultural heritage;
- to give basic knowledge about the environment.
parents' interest in visiting museums with their children;

Used Books
1. Dybina O. What was before. - M .: Publishing house "Creative Center", 2001
2. Kobitina I. Preschoolers about technology. - M .: Publishing house "Education", 1991
3. Grizik. I get to know the world. - M: Publishing house "Prosveshchenie", 1995
4. Glukhova N. The wheel of time. // Hoop number 6 - 2005. from 14
5. Savenkov. A. Little researcher. How to teach a preschooler to acquire knowledge. - Samara .: Publishing house "Educational Literature", 2000
6. Savenkov A. Methodology for conducting educational research in kindergarten. - Samara .: Publishing house "Educational Literature", 2004
7. Zaripova A. Elementary search activity in kindergarten. // Preschool education № 7 - 1994. p. 43
8. Savenkov A. Research teaching methods in preschool education. // Preschool education № 4 - 2006. from 10
9.D. Galens. The book of answers for why. - Kharkov: Publishing house "Book club of family leisure", 2006

Photo material:

MBDOU Vorotynsky kindergarten number 2 "Firefly"

Mini-museum project
"World of Time"


Guryanova E.Yu

Vorotynets, 2014


1. Passport data of the mini-museum



4.Aspects of museum activities

5.Plan of work for the creation of the museum

6.Characteristics of the mini-museum

7.Thematic plan for conducting classes in the mini-museum

8.Prospects for the development of a mini-museum


Project type: cognitive and research

Duration of the project: long-term (1 year)

Project participants: children 6-7 years old, educators, specialists, parents of pupils.

"A person who is wasting time notices how he gets old." E. Schwartz.


With the concept of "time", "clock", we come across every day. The ability to follow the passage of time in the process of activity, to use it rationally are important personality traits, which is why already at preschool age, children need to start teaching themselves to orient themselves in time.

In the course of conversations with children, it was revealed that children do not have enough knowledge about time and hours. The formation of ideas about time in preschoolers is a complex process that requires systematic consistent work and a creative approach.

Mastering temporal categories together with children, we strive to ensure that the work on the formation of a sense of time makes our children more curious, aims them at creativity, pushes them to research.

The creation of a mini-museum is one of the sources of familiarizing children with the treasures of history, culture and art.

The theme of the project: "The World of Time", arose in accordance with the implementation of the "Education program in kindergarten", educational area "Cognitive development" (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts: orientation in time).

Objectives of the project: To expand ideas about the "sense of the time", to create conditions for creative communication and cooperation between educators and children.


1. Formation of design and research skills, interest in collecting;

2. Formation of the idea of ​​the museum. As a special source of the cultural and historical experience of mankind;

3. Enrichment of the subject-developing environment of the kindergarten;

4. To acquaint children with watches, to form and enrich knowledge about time, its frequency, turnover and at the same time irreversibility in games;

5. Development of creative and logical thinking, imagination;

6. Include parents and children in search and research work, collect information on a given topic, develop the cognitive activity of children.

7. Upbringing of respect for the exhibits in children and their replenishment.

The solution to these problems is based on the following principles:

1. The principle of taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers;

2. The principle of reliance on the interests of the child;

3. The principle of the implementation of the interaction of the educator with children with the leading role of an adult;

4. The principle of clarity;

5. The principle of consistency;

6. The principle of cooperation and relationship.

Sections and exhibits:

The mini-museum contains exhibits: wall clocks, alarm clocks, wristwatches, books, games, watches made by parents together with children, albums.

Museum Council:

The area occupied by the exposition: the exhibits are located on the wall, table in the group room.

Head of the museum: Elena Guryanova, educator of the preparatory group.

Museum management structure:

The head of the museum, coordinates. Supervises the work in the museum.

Museum decoration: museum exhibits are collected in accordance with the age of the children. Its room is visually divided into 2 zones. The first zone is located on the wall. It is represented by a wall clock. The second zone is located on the wall and cabinet. Here are wristwatches, alarm clocks, hourglasses, didactic games, albums and books.

All exhibits were collected and donated to the kindergarten by parents, educators and specialists.

Stages of project organization:

1.Preparatory stage

2.Practical phase

3.The final stage


All adults want children to grow up responsive to spiritual beauty. What a joy of spiritual communication lies in the harmonious combination by adults of their free time with the free time of their children, their leisure time with their leisure time! But, unlike the “ideal” family, a real family has the right to count on the help of specialists today in learning how to combine their spiritual interests with the interests of children in the best way. Our experience shows that the museum is becoming such a unifying tool.

A creatively thinking teacher will always be able to find such forms of work with preschool children, which allow laying a good foundation for the harmonious development of a child's personality, expanding his horizons, and forming an aesthetic taste. At the same time, broadening one's horizons is one of the difficult tasks facing the teacher. A broad outlook not only facilitates the process of cognition, but also activates thought processes, imagination, fantasy, and also develops a creative attitude towards the world. Neither outlook nor aesthetic taste are innate qualities of a person, they are formed and developed in the process of education, under the influence of the environment in which the child grows up, as well as the purposeful work of teachers and parents.

These tasks can be successfully solved within the framework of museum pedagogy. The term "museum pedagogy" appeared several years ago. But we really like this name of the new educational direction. This is a kind of pedagogy that allows you to use additional premises, spaces, resources, new methods for the all-round development of preschoolers, to expand their horizons about the world around them.

In a kindergarten, it is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of the museum business. Therefore, museums in kindergarten are called "mini-museums". The part of the word "mini" in our case reflects and

the age of the children for whom they are intended, and the size of the exposition, and a certain limited theme.

An important feature of mini-museums is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel that they belong to the mini-museum. They can: participate in the discussion of its topics, bring exhibits from home, children from older groups conduct excursions for younger ones, replenish them with their own drawings.

You can't touch anything in real museums, but in mini-museums you can and should! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and examine them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, creator of the exposition. And not only he himself, but also his dad, mom, grandmother and grandfather. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, joint work of the educator, children and their families. The content, design and purpose of the mini-museum must necessarily reflect the specifics of the age of the children of this group. Mini-museums are constantly updated with new exhibits. It also houses children's works performed in conjunction with adults.

    museum pedagogy in a kindergarten makes it possible to implement comprehensive and additional educational programs;

    is a real module of the developing subject: environment, a means of individualization of the educational process;

    contributes to the upbringing of the foundations of museum culture among preschoolers, broadens their horizons, opens up opportunities for independent research activities;

    helps to establish cooperation between the teaching staff of the preschool institution with parents and representatives of society outside the kindergarten;

    mini-museums in kindergarten play the role of premises for psychological relief of children, and open up new opportunities for corrective work with "special" children.

Forms of activity:


    search engine;



Pedagogical council.

Choice of theme and title: "Museum of Time". Seat selection (group room). Determination of the content of the exposition, parent meetings, questionnaires, observations, reading books, conversations.

Selection of exhibits. Putting hypotheses. Registration of a business card and passport of the mini-museum.

Development of forms for working with expositions. Development of an introductory tour. Planning the organization of search and cognitive activity.

September 2014

October-November 2014

1. Definition of the theme and name of the museum.

2. Choosing a place for placement.

3. The choice of the initiative group.

Practical stage

Collecting information from various sources. Collection and production of exhibits. Exhibition decoration. Determination of the topic and content of the excursion: a) drawing up the excursion plan;

b) Targeted display of the exposition, general excursion. Communication with visitors in order to summarize the information received and answer questions. Individual work with children (training of guides).

December 2014

January-February 2015

Creation of a mini-museum "World of Time".

The final stage

Generalization and systematization of the knowledge gained. Meeting of the initiative group. Telling friends and parents of the group. Visiting the school museum, museums of other kindergarten groups. Participation in the competition of mini-museums of the kindergarten.

May 2015 During the year.

Guided children take excursions to the mini-museum.

The intended result

Children will gain experiences that are beneficial to them. There will be a generalization of children's ideas about time, the world around them, they will begin to determine and feel certain periods of time, to determine the time by the clock. In the course of the project, conditions will be created for creative communication and cooperation between educators, parents and children.

Children will get acquainted with a new form of work for them - a mini-museum. In the course of the project, respect for the exhibits will be fostered.

Long-term planning of the museum

1.Excursions, educational work;

2. Theatrical leisure activities;

3. Master classes, seminars;

4. Exchange of experience;

5. Working with parents;

6. Replenishment of the museum with exhibits;

7. Compilation of an album of participants, creation of a mini-museum and the capital of exhibits.

Conversations: “What do I know about watches”, “What are the clocks”.

A cycle of stories for children: "Live clock", "Clock - candles".

Reading fiction: "Tick-tock" Anofriev, "Quarter to six".

GCD Drawing. Topic: "Wall cuckoo clock".

Teach children to name different pieces of time. Introduce the watch. Give the concept of a museum as a repository of time, develop the ability to understand the value of time in a person's life.

Strengthen the ability to highlight the features of the watch (dial, hands). Develop imagination.


Conversations: "What do we do at different times?" "What happens if the clock runs differently?"

Cycle of stories: "Sundial or clock in the sky", "What do we do at different times?" Reading fiction "Visiting a gnome" TI Erofeev, "Poems about a man and his watch" S. Baruzdin.

"Cognitive development" (Familiarization with the surrounding world "," Formation of elementary mathematical concepts ")

GCD "History of hours".

D / and "Each subject has its own place", "Journey to the land of hours."

Consideration of the encyclopedia "How things work" (About the clock).

Develop children's interest, curiosity, cognitive motivation and imagination.

Learn to listen carefully to works about watches, develop the ability to compose stories from personal experience.

To foster interest in the history of objects, friendly relations between children. Introduce the history of the watch. Arouse interest in the concept of "time". Anchor the names and sequence of the days of the week.

Learn to recognize familiar objects among others, develop attention, memory.


Conversations: "My grandmother's clock", "Modern clock".

A cycle of stories for children: "Clock without hands" (hourglass), "Mechanical clock".

Reading fiction: "We hit the clock with a ball" S. Marshak, "All night, part of the knock" N. Chuprunov.

"Artistic and aesthetic development". Application. GCD. Theme; Moscow Chimes.

Experiments-experimentation: Making solar, hourglass, water clocks.

"Cognitive development" (Familiarization with the outside world). GOD Topic: "A Journey into the Past of Hours."

To teach children about watches of the past and modern watches.

To form an accurate and careful attitude to materials.

Learn to convey the characteristic features of the structure, shape, color of the Spasskaya Tower with chimes.

Foster independence, develop research interest and curiosity.

Form temporary representations: "past", "present", "future".


A cycle of stories for children: "Living barometers" (flower), "The most famous clock in the world."

Reading fiction: "Hours passed across the road" by Y. Moritz, poems: "What time is it" by V. Suslov, "Hours" by I. Zmay.

Conversation “Day and Night.

D / game "Name the neighbors".

Master class for parents on making watches.

"Artistic and aesthetic development", Lepka. Topic: "Funny Alarm Clocks".

Opening of the museum of clocks (with the subsequent replenishment of the exposition).

Systematize knowledge about the day.

Promote the establishment of creative interaction between parents and children in the process of joint productive activities.

Develop the creativity of children. To consolidate the techniques of sculpting (rolling, smearing).


D / games: "Have time in time", "Tick-tock", "Name the previous and next number."

Finger gymnastics "We've been winding up the clock for a long time."

Acquaintance with proverbs, sayings, riddles.

Viewing the movie "The Tale of Lost Time".

Role-playing games: "Watch Factory", "Watch Shop".

Making attributes for role-playing games.

Conversation "Seasons".

Reading fiction: "Why the sun and the moon are not friends."

"Artistic and aesthetic development". Painting. Topic: "Draw the watch you would like to have."

The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Foster friendly relationships between children, develop the ability to independently unite for joint play.

Continue to form an idea of ​​temporal relationships within a year.

Develop a desire to express the knowledge gained in productive activity.


Reading fiction: "Forest Clock", "Striking Clock" S. Zhupanin.

D \ And "Name the day", "My first hours". Creating a problem situation "What happens if the clock stops?"

"Cognitive development" (Formation of elementary mathematical concepts) Topic: "Magic hours".

Creation of the presentation "Journey into the past of watches". View.

"Artistic and aesthetic development" Modeling. Topic: "Unusual watch".

Watching cartoons: "A Journey to the Country of Giants", "The Engine from Romashkov".

Promote the development of friendly relations, communication skills through teamwork.

Promote the development of logical thinking through solving mathematical problems.

To generalize and consolidate the knowledge of children about watches, their purpose. Continue to develop the ability to determine the time by the clock, with an accuracy of 1 hour.

To continue teaching how to create models of functional objects (case, dial). To consolidate the sculpting techniques.


Reading fiction "Sundial" by I. Fomichev, "Clock" by O. Podturkin.

Learning morning gymnastics "Strike of the clock".

"Artistic and aesthetic development" (Applied art). Topic: "Making paper models of clock dials."

Listening to the audio recording of V. Gavrilin's "Watch".

Role-playing games: "Watch shop", "Watch workshop".

Coloring pages with a picture of a clock.

Develop motor skills and abilities.

Continue to learn how to cut a circle, make movable hands on the dial.

Consolidation of knowledge about the functions of the store.

To consolidate the ability to accurately paint over coloring.


D / and "My Day", "Learning the Time", "What the Sun Tells Us".

Creation of the album "Hours", "The most famous watches in the world."

"Cognitive development" (Familiarization with the subject environment). Topic: "Excursion to the Clock Museum".

Leisure "Travel to the world of watches".

"Artistic and aesthetic development" (Applied art). Topic: "Wall clock".

To systematize knowledge about different types of watches, their role in human life.

Reinforce children's knowledge of the history of watches.

Strengthen children's ability to highlight features (dial, hands). Develop imagination, creativity).


Drawing up puzzles "Clock".

Hearing tunes on the clock.

Game-dramatization "Cuckoo Clock" S. Prokofieva.

Independent activities of children in the mini-museum.

Develop the visual perception of children.

Cooperation with the family on the project "World of Time" Museum


Participation in the collection of exhibits

To involve parents in the collection of exhibits for the Museum "World of Time", their placement.

Workshop "Mini-Museum" World of Time ". Master class on making watches.

To acquaint parents with the tasks of the mini-museum "World of Time" organized in the group. To mark the importance of this topic. Form knowledge. Skills, practical skills for making watches.

Examining illustrations. Acquaintance with manufacturing techniques.

Memo for parents "We teach to determine the time by the clock."

To give parents knowledge about the sequence in which to acquaint children with the orientation in time, with the clock.

Entertainment “History of hours. Or what kind of hours are there ",

Involve parents in a cognitive dialogue with children. To direct the play initiative of adults towards learning the interests of the child.

Theater, contests, quizzes are a surprise moment.

The value and use of the mini-museum "World of Time".

The mini-museum in our group allowed us to make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to children.

1) The implementation of the project began with a survey of children in order to identify the level of knowledge of children about time. For this, special situations were created, focusing the attention of children on the duration of various vital time intervals, to show them what can be done during these periods of time;

2) Children were given knowledge of time standards, they learned to use the clock, refined their knowledge of the hourly routine of life in kindergarten. To educate the parents, a meeting was held, an exhibition of drawings "Clocks of the past and the present" was designed. Parents took part in the "All day by the hour" competition. The exhibits of the museum are used for various activities, for the development of speech, imagination, intellect, and the emotional sphere of a child. Any item of the mini-museum has become an integral part of the developing subject environment of our group. The work will continue further.