Methodical development on the topic: methodical development of the event, the "Culinary duel" competition. Scenario of the competition "culinary duel"

Methodical development on the topic: methodical development of the event, the "Culinary duel" competition. Scenario of the competition "culinary duel"

I have been working in the Mokhsogollokh secondary school of the Khangalassky ulus of the Republic of SAKHA (Yakutia) for 8 years as a service teacher for girls. Starting from grade 5, students become more familiar with the rules of cooking. The main task of this section is to educate girls in an economical, careful attitude to food, aesthetic education, and a choice of profession.

The measure of upbringing, civilization and culture of a person is manifested in how he satisfies his needs. One of them is the need for food. For a person, food has long ceased to be only a way to maintain life in its biological sense. Joint eating is not only satiation, satisfaction of hunger, but also communication between people, and the food itself in this communication becomes a symbol, a sign. Bread and salt carry a symbolic meaning in the culture of different nations. Associated with bread are the notions of happiness and well-being at home. With the help of salt, friendships were established among many peoples. In Russia, salt and bread were considered a sacred product. Bread was seen as an expression of mercy, and salt - love, it protected from hostile forces.

Learning how to cook is essential in order to prepare delicious, nutritious and healthy food. Food is the fuel on which our body works, which means that it is important to understand this “fuel”, to know about it in an unusual way, but competently, modernly, scientifically, is important for each of us, and especially for young people. Our mood, our productivity are directly dependent on proper nutrition and rest. Nutrition is an important and difficult occupation that requires certain knowledge, skills, and significant culture. Properly prepared food should contain all the nutrients necessary for the human body. Knowledge of the chemical composition of products, their calorie content and nutritional value makes it possible to properly heat them during cooking.

The inability to cook, turn raw foods into tasty and healthy food, creates a lot of different everyday problems, which often turn into large, insoluble problems that break our life. Almost 85% of young people surveyed, to the merits of ideal wives, named the ability to cook well.

Many girls dream of becoming a cook, a cook, but, unfortunately, some parents often simply dismiss their help in the kitchen, because it is faster to do it yourself. They do not even suspect what a child's desire to learn to cook is. This is where their native school saves, where they are happy to do this work in technology lessons. Students love this section of the program very much. They all try to never miss these classes. Of my graduates in 2004, ten girls entered the Yakutsk College of Service as a catering technologist, four entered the culinary school as a pastry chef.

It is very pleasant to look at them from the outside, when, acquiring practical skills in cooking, they feel like little hostesses of a large family. Blushing, with a smile on their face, they approach with great responsibility any issues: table setting, preparation of a workplace for cooking, sanitary and hygienic requirements for food preparation, compliance with safety rules and the sequence of implementation of the technology for preparing a particular dish. They listen to the topic “Culture of table behavior” with great interest and sometimes even teach this to their parents.

In the classroom, girls are widely involved in self-service. In two paired lessons, they perform various duties of cooking, cleaning the dishes, and learning how to use time efficiently. Some of them honestly admit that they don’t do this at home: sometimes they don’t want to, or their parents simply don’t allow it.

Labor activity in cooking lessons presupposes a certain degree of training, possession of the appropriate skills and abilities and a positive attitude towards the upcoming activity, the ability to carry it out in conditions of collective interaction. Coming in the 5th grade as timid newcomers to the technology room, knowing nothing about cooking, by the 7th grade they already have a great desire to cook mouth-watering dishes according to some recipe. Many of them already know how to organize a workplace very well, carefully read the technological maps for cooking, try not to get dirty around them, and most importantly, they start work in a good mood and put all their positive energy into cooking various dishes. In the 8th grade, girls have a desire to cook dishes according to their home, family recipes, which they gladly share in cooking lessons. Studying etiquette in the culture of the feast, they are happy to fill out the tests, and when calculating the points, they draw the necessary conclusions for themselves.

In order to make the lessons brighter and more memorable, I prepare technological photo cards for the lesson: i.e. I take pictures of children in class during their work, and then from these photos I make books - clamshells. The girls love to work with them, they try to get into the frame. They know that other classes will study on this card and for more than one year.

In 2005, I offered the 8th "a" class to take part in the culinary competition announced by the newspaper "Ona +". They agreed and were rewarded with valuable gifts, as they liked their recipes very much. The girls were just happy when they saw their photo in the newspaper. I think that they will not stop there, and will take part in competitions more than once.

In December 2006 in the newspaper "Ona +" there was a competition "Sweet Life" where pupils of the 9th "B" grade took part. According to the results of the competition announced on December 29, 2006, the girls took 3rd place. They were awarded a wonderful cake for the recipe for making a sweet yeast dough pie.

The study of the “Cooking” section showed that when teaching students how to cook food based on traditional functional significance, it is necessary to instill and consolidate skills and abilities to perform such tasks as cooking, organizing the workplace and time, the ability to economically and rationally use food, and also assimilate knowledge of safety precautions.

Cooking according to simple recipes makes it possible to develop skills, creativity in the course of training, and also contributes to orientation in the choice of a profession.

Scenario of the competition "Culinary duel"

Target: to consolidate the knowledge and skills of pupils in cooking through the performance of competitive tasks.


    Develop the ability to cook tasty and varied.

    Increase interest in culinary and national cuisine.

    Promote the socialization and adaptation of children in the orphanage to an independent life.

    To foster a sense of responsibility, collectivism, respect for each other.


    Kitchen tools


    Sheets of paper, pens

    Worksheets with assignments


Today we have gathered for the "Culinary duel" to have fun, relax, learn something new. All the children present will have the opportunity, answering questions, to show off their knowledge of cooking. Today the teams' struggle is assessed by a competent jury:


Let's greet the jury and ask them not to judge too harshly today!

So here we go!


Teams, please introduce yourselves and name your captains (uniform uniforms and distinctive signs are assessed).


Dear Participants, you are invited to submit your culinary homework assignments, and the jury will listen carefully and evaluate you.

The taste of the dish is 10 points.

Presentation of the dish - 10 points.


While the jury is calculating the points, the teams receive envelopes with tasks for the next competition, where the letters are located, from which it is necessary to assemble the word .


Two people are invited from the teams. Participants (representatives from the team) are offered a set of products, tools and the task is announced - to prepare dishes (holiday salads) from these products in a certain amount of time

It is evaluated according to the following criteria:

The originality of the dish - 10 points.

The taste of the dish is 10 points.

Dish decoration - 10 points.

So, competing: _____ (named representatives from the teams) ____________________


And I want to appeal to the audience: now you can help your teams earn extra points. I am announcing a competition of questions that require knowledge of cooking from you.

    What cereal is used to produce pearl barley? /barley/

    And the cake and the emperor. / Napoleon /

    List of dishes. /Menu/

    What does the dish consist of?

    The science of purity. /Hygiene/

    A soft bench, a kind of sofa and a sandwich. / Canapes /

    Delicious TV show, which goes on the first channel. /Gusto/

    What is the main classic Russian national hot soup dish? / Shchi /

    Both chocolates and the name of mushrooms. /Truffle/

    Earthen pear. / Jerusalem artichoke /

    National Georgian soup. / Kharcho /

    What can you cook but not eat? /lessons/

    Sun-dried grapes. /Raisin/

    He will be born in water, but he is afraid of water (salt).

    Sits on a spoon, legs dangling (noodles, cabbage).

    There is a town, as many gray houses, as many white tenants (sunflower).

    Without breaking the pot, you cannot eat the porridge (nut).

    The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street (carrots).

    There is a house on a straw, a hundred children in it (poppy).

    I am white as snow, in honor of all. And you like me. At least to the detriment of the teeth (sugar).

    What you can't keep in your mouth (boiling water)

    The very scarlet, sugar, green velvet caftan. (watermelon)

    Round, but I'm not an apple. With a tail, but not a mouse. (radish)

    I feed everyone eagerly, but she herself is unrepentant. (spoon)

    Antoshka stands on one leg (mushroom).

    Loose, viscous, liquid, thick (porridge).

    It can be deep, it can be shallow, but it is not a river, its name is (plate).

    Steam comes down from under the hat, water boils in the stomach (samovar)

Add. tasks for spectators:

Competition "Visiting the Fairy Tale".

    What did Little Red Riding Hood carry to grandmother? (pies and a pot of butter)

    Where is the seventh kid hiding? (in the oven)

    What did Carlson love the most? (jam and biscuits)

    Where did the woman get flour for the bun? (swept the barn, scraped the bottom of the barn)

    What did the fairy make Cinderella's carriage out of? (pumpkin)

    What are the delicious names of Dunno's friends (Donut and Syrup)

    How did the tsar die in the Humpback Horse? (boiled in milk)

    How did Fatima smear Ali Baba's measure? (honey)

    How many cups and with what did the bugs from the fairy tale "Fly - tinkling" drink? (3 cups each with milk and pretzel)

    What was the mare trampling on in the Little Humpbacked Horse? (wheat)

    What was the letter of the old Lappish woman written on? (on fish)

    What was the name of the count - the boy from Chippolino? (Cherry)

The floor is given by the jury, please name the results of the teams in the competition "Team Presentation", "Homework", "Collect the Word".

(the jury will announce the points scored by the teams)

And we have holiday compositions ready. I ask the participants to demonstrate their work to the jury and the audience.


Next competition: design a menu using culinary newspapers, magazines.

In the meantime, the jury evaluates the competition "Composition for the festive table".


While the teams are preparing, I announce a competition for the audience called "Guess!" Interested persons are invited / they are blindfolded and they must feel by touch the different varieties of cereals and pasta /.

Let's continue the spectator competition: we invite more interested persons / blindfolded to determine the taste of the jam /.

I give the floor to the jury. The competition "Composition for the festive table" was evaluated


The next competition is "Black Box". In this black box is hidden the name of the dish written on a card, which must be guessed by asking leading questions, to which I answer in monosyllables, "yes" or "no." The team with the least number of questions and the quickest guessing the name of the dish wins.

(The jury evaluates the latest competitions).


The word of the jury is given. The competition "Black box" is evaluated and the overall result of our today's "Culinary duel" is summed up. Announcement of the winners


Hello, participants of the competition! Slide 1

You will have to measure your strength in the "Culinary duel". Through the power of culinary excellence.

Culinary duel,

A measure of strength and skill.

But there is only one main accent -

We have healthy food!

(Slide 2)

To the girls who will cook:(Slide 3)

Here is a cabbage, a cucumber,

There are tomatoes and peppers.

There is an apple and a lemon.

It will come in handy in dishes.

All the products, here are the knives.

So the pens are good.

Prepare us now

The food is just top class.

You guys are not lazy

And work great.

To you to present a command,

Tell all about the dishes.

What a miracle ...

How is it useful and where?

What is in its composition,

So that you would like to eat as soon as possible?

(the support group prepares a presentation of the dishes :)


    Useful material

Everyone is given 30 minutes to work. 3 girls from the class cook, and at this time everyone else prepares a presentation of their dishes, each class is different. (Slide 4)

During the competition, the teacher foresees a targeted bypass, monitoring compliance with safety rules.

After 30 minutes. Jobs have already been removed. Table setting has been completed.

Ah, well done mistress!

Worked hard from the heart.

Dishes for everyone to see.

The smell is just stupid!

Contacting the support group:

Well, now it's your turn.

The people are waiting for the presentation.

Present these dishes,

All the most useful in the world.

Each class is given a 5 minute floor.

After the presentations, an independent jury evaluates the dishes according to their performance.

Summing up the results. Diplomas are awarded.

Be healthy and happy!


Table 1. Criteria for evaluating teams


Organization of the workplace

Compliance with safety regulations

Cleanliness of work

Originality of design

The best taste

Analysis of the event

The competition "Culinary duel" was held between teams of students in grades 5-11. Attention was focused on respect for products, knowledge and compliance with safety rules. The students tried their best, put their imagination into serving their culinary product - salad. According to the results of the work: 1st place was taken by teams of 7th and 11th grades, 2nd place by teams of 5th and 9th grades, 3rd place by teams of 6th and 8th grades. According to the results of the competition, all teams were awarded with diplomas for participation in the competition.

The material will be useful for class teachers, technology teachers, senior counselors - everyone who organizes children's leisure time at school.
Target: to outline the main ways of development of girls as expectant mothers, keepers of the home.

1. To contribute to the development of the creativity of students.
2. Continue the work on rallying the children's team inside the classroom and inside the gymnasium.
3. To form a sense of responsibility among high school girls.
4. To acquaint with some Russian traditions.
5. Form critical thinking in students.

Video projector, screen, musical accompaniment.
Rice, peas, measuring cup, 30 containers, it can be bags or disposable cups (10 are filled with peas and rice); leaves, pens; needles and thread, rowan berries. Leading: Today, there are those who only yesterday played with dolls, cooked for them, swaddled them, but a little more time will pass, and each of you, dear girls, will become the keeper of your home. Today, at our meeting, we will slightly open that mysterious door behind which adult life awaits you.
1. "From childhood"
But in our first competition, I still want to return with you to the world that is called childhood. On the scoreboard now you will see dolls, which are also played or played by children, but these are children of other peoples, nationalities. Your task will be to determine which number, which nationality will correspond. The one who completes the task first will receive 1 additional point. (maximum 9 points)

2. "Rowan beads"
Host: And in one more competition, we will again return to a unique childhood, where the girl so wants to grow up and become beautiful as soon as possible. To do this, she herself comes up with different decorations. Here you are now, use a thread with a needle, rowan berries and try to collect yourself rowan beads. (The length of the string of beads and the accuracy of the work performed are estimated)

3. "About traditions"
Host: For a family to be strong, we must know its traditions and observe them. I will tell you Russian family traditions, but I will not say something, I will skip, and you try to find the answer.
Who from time immemorial has been called the head of the family, whom everyone was supposed to obey? (Father)
What was the custom to teach the younger generation from childhood? (To work and responsibility).
Towel is a symbol of home and family. Where are they used now? (at weddings)
For a family to be strong, it is necessary that during the meal the whole family ... Continue the expression. (I sat down at the table together)
Each family member should know the names of not only the living, but also ..., in order to ... (the deceased, to pray for them)
Why do you need to carefully and accurately keep a family album?
There were very strong families in Russia, because the children received from their parents ... (blessing)
When choosing a name for a child, parents turned to (to the calendar)
What has been called a small church in Russia since ancient times? (a family)
What has always been especially appreciated in girls? The people said: "A girl's ... more expensive than a necklace." (Humility)

4. "Family holiday"
Host: And of course, one of the most important family traditions was and remains the joint celebration of various events. Write on a piece of paper those family holidays that could become a tradition for your family.
5. "In work - the beauty of man"
Host: In the title of our next competition there is a Russian proverb: "In work is the beauty of a person." The hostess always has a lot of trouble in the house: the house needs to be kept clean, and the dinner is delicious, and the lessons are taught with the children, and many, many, many things. It is important to love any job. Imagine that, through carelessness, you have mixed two products: peas and rice. Unfortunately, you could not think of dishes where they could be consumed together - which means you need to disassemble. (Time for the competition is up to 2 minutes)

6. "Little secret"
Leading: Each hostess has prepared her own dish today, with which she will treat guests. Let's ask our hostesses to reveal the "little secrets of their dishes" (This can be a recipe for a dish, a legend about its origin, etc. Girls should prepare it in advance)
The results are summarized below. Rewarding and common table.
All girls are awarded, but in different nominations: attentive, caring, friendly, modest, charming, hardworking hostess.

Competition for girls "Hostess"

1. To begin with, all the participants will play a game with me Vegetarians. I say: "My name is Elena Stanislavovna, I love blackberries." That is, the task of each participant is to introduce herself and name any fruit, vegetable or berry, the name of which begins with the same letter as the name.

For the correct answer, the participant receives 1 point.

2 ... You are the hostess of the house, you have invited guests to your place. You need to compose holiday menu and write it down on a piece of paper. When summing up the results for each written dish, the jury will award 1 point. A participant can earn an additional point if the jury considers the whole “table” rich and varied. (We need leaves, pens).

3. So, you have the menu ready, let's start preparing the dishes. Now we will find out what you are with us cooks... In three bags I have different cereals. Blindfolded, you should feel the cereals and write their names on a piece of paper in the order in which I give you to touch them (buckwheat, rice and peas). For the correct answer - 1 point. (Required: handkerchiefs, three bags of cereals).

4 ... In the next, each participant will need a person from the support group. The competition is called Find a pea. Each participant is blindfolded and unwound several times. Put on the table pea... At the command of the leader, the participants need to find a pea, the person from the support group directs his participant with words. The couple who first finds their pea wins. She gets 2 points.

5 ... Now the dishes are ready, let's proceed to table setting. It is necessary to properly lay out the plate, knife, fork (disposable cutlery). For the correct answer - 1 point.

6. As you know, napkins should always be on the festive table. Therefore, the next competition will be that you nicely laid out napkins (napkins and glasses needed). The winner is the participant who will lay out the napkins most beautifully of all. She gets 2 points.


Proverbs about rural labor. The presenter pronounces the beginning, the audience must continue.

Where the fry plows, there is a crumb of bread.

Sow deeper in spring - you will be with bread in winter.

Whoever is not lazy to plow will have bread.

He who sleeps in the spring cries in the winter.

People are happy to fly, and the bee is happy to bloom.

Summer is a reserve, winter is a tidbit.

You will lie in summer, so in winter you will run with a bag.

Pasha is not lazy - you will live happily.

7. Accurate shooter. You need to hit the plate with a button (3 attempts). Each participant gets as many points as there are buttons on her plate. ( Neededplates, 3 buttons)

8. Auction... You need to write on the pieces of paper as many names of potato dishes as possible. The winner is the one with the longest list. For each dish - 1 point. (We need leaves, pens).

9. Water carriers... On command, all participants pour water with a spoon into their glass. The winner is the participant who fills her glass faster. The fastest gets 3 points. (You need a pot of water, oilcloth, glasses and tablespoons according to the number of participants).

10. The spinner-winder. Long threads of equal length are tied to the pencils, and a paper bow is tied at the end of each thread. At the signal from the leader, the players begin to quickly wind up the thread. The winner is the one who reels the whole thread first. The winner gets 1 point. (pencils with threads)

11. Snowball... The participants stand in a row. The presenter asks the topic: « What i like to eat». The first participant says: “I like to eat pasta”, the second one repeats the words of the first one and adds: “… and potatoes”, etc. A competitor who trips or says incorrectly is eliminated.

Other options:

"What will I wear to the disco?"

"What will I take with me to the store?"

"What products do I need to cook borscht?"

"What am I going to do when cleaning the apartment?"

At the end of the competition, only one contestant remains, who is the winner and receives 5 points ... (We need a sheet and a pen for the presenter to fix the chains)

12. Pantomime.(evaluated on a 10-point system)

1. You are ironing your linen, the phone rang. You leave the iron, pick up the phone and talk to your friend on the phone. And, suddenly, oh horror! There is an iron hole on your favorite blouse.

2. You are about to make soup. Take a saucepan, cut food, put them in a saucepan, turn on your favorite TV show, put the saucepan on the fire, salt. You interfere and watch your favorite TV series, interfere, taste. What a nightmare, the soup is very salty.

3. You are walking with heavy tote bags with heels, you crave ice cream. You put bags in one hand and buy ice cream. It's hot outside and ice cream melts quickly.

4. You want to wash the dishes. You turn on the tap, take a sponge, pour liquid on it, and lather the plates. Suddenly, the water was turned off.

5. You started a wash: take a basin, pour water, pour powder into it, stir it, put laundry in the basin. Suddenly, your back is very combed and you need to scratch it.

6. You are going to visit, put on a new dress, shoes, do your hair, paint your right eye, then your left, you are going to make up your lips, but, horror, your beloved dog grabbed your lipstick and ran away from you. You catch up with the dog, select lipstick and paint your lips.

7. You are planting carrots in the garden: you make a hole in the ground, plant seeds, cover the seeds with earth. Take a watering can with water, carry it to the garden bed. You are tired, wiping sweat from your forehead, take a watering can, carry on, went to the garden bed, tilted the watering can. Suddenly a huge green frog jumps out of the watering can.

8. You walk down the street, lead your pet on a leash, it starts to rain. You open your umbrella, take the dog in your arms and move on. A car is driving along the side of the road, but you, along with the dog and the umbrella, manage to jump away so that the car does not spray you. You and the dog are happy. But suddenly a gust of wind pulls the umbrella out of your hands.

Surname, first name

Competition number


Summing up the results, congratulating the winners, presenting prizes and giving gifts! "

A wonderful script for fun contests for girls that the whole class will surely enjoy. Thank you, Elena!


Host: On the eve of the holiday, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all women. The bigger, the better. And what kind, good words our boys have prepared.

1.The sun is beautiful in the sky,

The birds are singing merrily.

They wish you joy

And hello spring send!

Spring begins.

Celebrated by the whole country.

3. All shirts are ironed.

All pants ironed.

We walked around the puddles today

And we did not fight.

4. We did not go upside down,

Didn't roll on the floor

We did not sit on each other

And they didn't get dirty in the forest.

5. We are today, like a dandy,

Before you at the blackboard,

But more beautiful than our girls

All the same, we didn’t.

6. You are beautiful as stars,

And the eyes shine with fire.

And your smiles are lovely

Eclipse the sun during the day!

7. You are so glorious here!

You girls are just class!

Because we all want so much

Be like you!

8. We wish you only happiness.

And let us tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

In the whole school there is simply no!

Happy spring holiday,

With joyful excitement

In this bright hour!

10. Our dear, kind, good,

Boys one by one:

Dear girls, be always beautiful, gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate, mysterious, happy, healthy, cute.

Host: Today we will play a game among the girls.

We gathered to see the talents of our girls in housekeeping, to appreciate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness.

May friendship prevail in our game.

Let there be no tears, no disappointments.

Let your knowledge, smiles and success accompany us throughout the game!

So, let's start the competition.


1 competition "MOST CONSIDERABLE"

1. A beauty walks, 1. He arrives every year

Lightly touches the ground, There, where the house is waiting for him.

He goes to the field, to the river, he knows how to sing someone else's songs,

(Spring.) (Starling.)

2. The first climbed out of the land 2. A warm wind is blowing,

The sun is shining brighter and brighter

He is not afraid of frost, Snow grows thin, withers, melts,

Though small, the loud-throated rook arrives.

(Snowdrop.) What month? Who will know?


3. As if the snow globe is white, 3. Flies to us with warmth,

In the spring, she bloomed, The path, having made a long,

She exuded a gentle scent, sculpts a house under the window

And when the time has come Of grass and clay.

At once she became (Swallow.)

All black from the berry.

(Bird cherry.)

2nd competition "THE FASTEST"

Who will quickly put together a holiday card and read the text.

(The greeting card has been cut into pieces.)

3rd competition "CULINARY"

Girls need to be good at cooking. And is it important. Since the way to a man's heart is through the stomach. Now you will have to cook borscht. What products will you choose for this?

4 competition " PHOTOMODEL "

Show your dress and hairstyle to the music.

5 competition "SKILLED HANDLES"

Sew on the button with a needle. Do it firmly and carefully.

6th competition "BOBBINS"

Everyone knows that girls are big chatterboxes, so our next competition is called "Chatterboxes". You need to speak without interruption for one minute.

(You can just fantasize.)

If the participant stops, the points are deducted.

7th competition "MUSICAL KALEIDOSCOPE"

So, our next contest is "Musical Kaleidoscope".

Now we will find out if our girls know the songs well?

I will call the summary of the song, and you have to name this song.

1 team:

1. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat.

("If a long-long time.")

2. A song about using a smile as electricity.


3.A song about an animal that every mongrel knows.

("Cheburashka's Song".)

2 team:

1.Song in syllables about a wooden man.


2. A song about the most joyful holiday that happens once a year.


3. A song about the daily activities of children for 10-11 years.

("What do they teach in school")

MUSICAL PAUSE ... (Ditties performed by boys.)


1.Frank guys,

We do not know how to grieve

Without ditties, jokes,

Oh, we can't live a day.

2.We, as you can see, are handsome,

And our hearts are burning.

And besides, we are masters

Sing ditties for girls.

3. Our girls have bloomed,

Like daisies in a meadow

Well, and they sing songs

Like birds in the garden.

4. I'll tell you a secret

Yes, about ours, about the girls:

They change their dresses every day

We cannot recognize them.

5 we read and believe

Sometimes we get two.

We wish you only five

Receive in the classroom.

6. Don't look like that, girls.

We won't get overwhelmed

We will learn from the glory

And we will compete.

7.Washed all the dishes

Put things in order everywhere.

We forgot the word laziness

That's what women's day means.

8 why are we all dancing here

Why are we singing here?

Because all the girls

Happy Women's Day!

9.Congratulations to the girls today

And we wish them health.

We give them gifts

And we promise not to upset them.

10 we finish singing ditties

And now we promise you

Always listen to you in everything

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon.

8 competition "HOSTS"

I have to go to the cellar for groceries.

(2 hoops, vegetables and fruits.)

9 competition "CHISTULI"

Now we need to clean up the kitchen.

You need to sweep the floor with a broom of three rods.


We need to sort out the cereals. (Beans, rice, peas, buckwheat, barley.)

Name each cereal.

11 competition "MOST ARTISTIC"

The girls have to do the dance.

(A gypsy girl or a dance of little ducklings.)

12th competition "PEVUNI"

Sing ditties.

13th competition "MOST ORIGINAL"

Girls love flowers. Now we will make original bouquets (the girls name flowers in turn)


It is necessary to describe yourself, what are you?

The contests are over, and while the jury is summing up the results, we will conduct the game "Comic predictions of fate."

You will find out what awaits you this year.

Please take out a ticket.

Button - this year mom will buy you something new from clothes.

Flower - this year you will become even more beautiful and cuter.

Candy - a sweet - sweet life awaits you this year.

Penny - this year you will be a very money-making person.

Bay leaf - great academic success awaits you.

Geographical map - this summer you will have a trip to visit your relatives.

Pepper - be careful, you may quarrel with your friend.

Berry - in the summer you will have a good rest in the forest with a full basket of berries.

Heart - I congratulate you, today you are the queen of our competition.


Thread - this year you will have a long journey to distant lands.

Wheel - This year you win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

Pacifier - this year you will have a lot of guests - babies.

Plate - do not be upset, you will surely smile with happiness if you accidentally break a plate.

Smile - this year you will often look in the mirror and it will tell you that a smile really adorns you.

Butterfly - you're in luck this year. You will flutter like a butterfly on the wings of success in life.

The word of the jury.

Gifts and greeting cards are given.


Miss Delightful; Attractive; Charming; Pretty;

Dazzling; Captivating; Fascinating; Radiant;

Seductive; Naughty; Mysterious; Flirty; Affectionate; Gentle; Clever; Charming.



1) I start the chorus 1. To the best 3rd grade

The first sad one, I went to study

I want to cheer so that later at least the president

A sad audience, you could marry me!

2. Eh, guys are gentlemen, 2. I go to gymnastics,

Move away from us. He's only once a week.

My friend is the lowest, I'll tell you a secret -

I can't see because of you. I want to become a model!

3 I got dressed today 3 I burned my dad's shirt

Into a sundress with a needle. But I will not grieve-

Admire, guys, from her now for Barbie

On my frills. You can cut the dresses!

4.I will break the lilac, 4.I will never go

I scatter at the gate, In line for a haircut-

I will braid the Russian braid, I don’t want my braids

Let the people envy! Cut to the "boy".

5.Oh, thank you, mom, 5. I don’t know prefixes,

That she gave birth to this It really doesn’t matter.

Naughty, fighting, but I'm naughty

And she called her beautiful and always cheerful!

6. We are ditties, we are ditties, 6. You are a deceiver, daisy!

We sang ditties for you. What a "no", it can't be!

If it was interesting, I'm a sweetheart and a cutie,

You will clap us; everyone should love me.