Methodical development. Report "The system of physical minutes"

Methodical development.  Report
Methodical development. Report "The system of physical minutes"

fun exercise

The main dream of any parent who sent their child to kindergarten is, of course, that the child goes to kindergarten with joy. One of the ways to get kids interested in kindergarten and how fun and cool it is is to regularly hold physical education sessions in groups.

Physical education minutes are short-term exercises, for 2-3 minutes, carried out in order to prevent fatigue, restore mental performance. Fun exercises are available to kids even of the youngest age. A simple outdoor game allows kids to get acquainted with the capabilities of their bodies, as well as discover the beauty of music. The physical education minute gives educators and teachers, as well as parents, the opportunity to play with children, delight them and, at the same time, develop speech, movement coordination and fine motor skills. Topics for physical education can be very diverse. Many poems were written for outdoor games with children. Rhymes offer to depict all kinds of animals, natural elements, toys or equipment.

Physical education, as a form of active recreation for preschoolers, is carried out in order to prevent and relieve fatigue, increase active attention and efficiency. This is achieved by the fact that the switching of nervous activity in one area of ​​the cerebral cortex to another creates an opportunity for previously functioning areas of the cortex to restore metabolism. In addition, vigorous movement and breathing increase blood circulation in the brain, which also helps to relieve fatigue. The result is the restoration of the stability of attention, raising the general tone, increasing efficiency. Physical education eliminates congestion in the lower extremities, in the pelvis and chest.

Children's health is our concern, and the use of physical education minutes is one of the stages of work to preserve it.

All physical exercises can be conditionally divided into three groups:

1. Physical education minutes that can be carried out in any class in the second half of them, when children are noticeably tired, or between different types of work, when it is necessary to switch the attention of children from one type of activity to another in order to increase the efficiency of assimilation of the material given and in order to take care of health preschoolers, strengthening their body. Such physical exercises include poems and nursery rhymes, which include exercises that cover large muscle groups. These are exercises associated with sipping, straightening the spine; light running, walking in place, squats, side bends, arm swings, etc., accompanied by text, usually in poetic form. The heroes and characters of such physical education sessions are mice, cats, a hamster, a grasshopper, a hare, bears, a rooster, a stork, a beetle, a crow; swimmers; trees, etc.

2. Physical education, which includes exercises for the muscles of the hands. They are carried out with the aim of resting the fingers of children after a long time holding a brush or pencil in their hands in all groups of the kindergarten. These are exercises for flexion and extension of the hands, their abduction and adduction, circular movements in the wrist joint; the same movements and fingers. They give children the opportunity to relax, at the same time develop their speech and fine motor skills.

3. Physical education minutes that can be carried out during morning exercises in order to: make them more interesting, varied, bright, expressive and meaningful. It has been noticed that children with great desire and enthusiasm do the same exercises familiar to them, if they are carried out in a playful, poetic form, and not according to the usual pattern. This group mainly includes such exercises that cover large muscle groups (tilts, sips). 3-4 exercises are used for different muscle groups, you can finish the physical education session by jumping, running in place or walking;

Requirements for conducting physical education:

Physical education sessions are held at the initial stage of fatigue (8-13-15th minute of the lesson, depending on age, type of activity, complexity of the educational material);

Before getting acquainted with the physical education session, it is necessary to discuss its content, practicing the necessary gestures, finger combinations, and movements. This will not only prepare children for the correct exercise, but also create the necessary emotional mood.

Exercise should be done with children.

Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children;

Exercises should be convenient to perform in a limited area;

Exercises should include movements that affect large muscle groups that improve the functional activity of all organs and systems;

The physical education complex usually consists of 2-4 exercises: for the arms and shoulder girdle, for the trunk and legs.

You can not force to do physical education if the child does not have a desire for it.

Examples of physical education minutes.

1. Pinocchio stretched,

One - bent over twice - bent down,

He spread his hands to the sides, apparently he did not find the key.

To get the key to us, we need to stand on our toes.

2. The wind is blowing in our faces, the tree is swaying.

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter, the tree is higher, higher.

(children imitate the breath of the wind, swinging in one direction or the other. To the words “quiet, quiet” the children squat, to “higher, higher” they straighten up).

3. Grisha walked, walked, walked, found a white mushroom.

One is fungus, two is fungus,

Three - fungus, put them in a box

(when reciting a poem, the children imitate the movement of the mushroom picker: they go, bend down and put the mushrooms in the box. Movements should be slow, rhythmic.)

4. Rain clouds sailed: - Lei, rain, lei!

The raindrops dance as if alive: - Drink, rye, drink!

And the rye, leaning towards the green land, Drinks, drinks, drinks.

A warm restless rain, Pours, pours, pours.

(Childrenstandarms outstretched, palms down. After the first line, they begin to shake freely with their hands.Then, continue shaking, turn palms up, then turn hands palms down again.)

5. If you like it, then do it (two clicks of the fingers above the head).

(two claps in the palm of your hand).

If you like it then do it (two claps behind the knees).

If you like it then do it (two foot stomps).

If you like it, then you say: “Good! »

If you like it, then show it to others.

If you like it, then do everything.

6. Homka-homka, Hamster

striped barrel

Rises with the sun

Washes cheeks, rubs neck.

Homka sweeps the hut

And goes to charge.

One, two, three, four, five!

Homka wants to become strong.

(children recite a poem, performing a movement.)

7. Squirrels jump on branches. Jump and jump, jump and jump! Climb often High, high! (Jumping in place.) Let's play hopscotch, Let's play hopscotch, Jump on one leg. And now a little more Let's jump on the other leg. (Pribs on one leg.)

8. I found myself a beetle on a large daisy.

I do not want to hold in my hands - let them lie in a pocket (children show).

Oh, my beetle fell, my bug fell, my nose was stained with dust. (nbend over)

The green beetle flew away, flew away on wings (children wave their hands).

9. A gray bunny is sitting and wiggles his ears (children show).

It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws (children show).

It's cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump (children jump).

Someone scared the bunny - Bunny - jumped - and ran away (children sit down).

10. Raise your shoulders,

Jump-jump, jump-jump. Jump grasshoppers,

Sat down, eat some grass, listen to the silence.

Hush, hush, high, jump on your toes easily.

(Got to be pushed awaybwith one foot and land softly on the other.)

11. Planes roared (rotation in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows), Planes flew (arms to the sides, alternate tilts to the left and right),We sat quietly in the clearing(sit down, hands on knees)Yes, they flew again.

12. We are funny nesting dolls, patties, patties.

We have boots on our feet, patties, patties.

In our colorful sundresses, patties, patties,

We're like sisters, alright, alright.

(arms are bent at the elbows, the index finger of the right hand rests on the right cheek.When pronouncing the words “patties, patties”, the children clap their hands every time, show boots on their feet; put alternately each foot on the toe, on the heel and knock with heels. Further, at the expense of "one-two-three" they spin, hands on the belt.

13. Bunnies, where have you been? We rested in cabbage (shaking in fear) Did you eat cabbage? Just hit the nose. You should be punished. So try to catch up with us!

14. We sawed the board, we have business in the morning.

Steel teeth are sharp, the saw goes easily.

We are now sawing a log, sawing, sawing, sawing, sawing.

One-two, one-two, there will be firewood for the winter.

(children imitate the movements of sawyers.)

15. Here the window is open (hands to the side)The cat came out on the ledge. (andimitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)The cat looked up(tilt head, look up)The cat looked down.(lower head, look down) Here it turned to the left, turn head to the left)She looked at the flies.(turn your head to the right, look at the fly) Stretched, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)And sat down on the ledge.

16. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (Ttrap right, left.)I didn't want to sleep anymore(Tcatcher forward, backward.)Moved, stretched(Rhands up, stretch.) Soared up and flew . (Rup, right, left.) The sun will only wake up in the morning, Butterfly turns and winds. (Psurround.)

17. Tick-tock, tick-tock, Who knows how to do that in the house? It's a pendulum in a clock that beats every beat (nslopesleft-right.) And the cuckoo sits in the clock, She has her own hut. (dchildren sit in a deep squat.) The bird crows time, hides behind the door again, (Pdrawing.)The arrows move in a circle. They don't touch each other. (vbody rotation to the right.) We will turn with you Against the clock . (vbody rotation to the left.)And the clock goes, goes,(Xclothes in place.) Sometimes they suddenly fall behind. (hslow pace of walking.) And it happens that they are in a hurry, As if they want to run away ! (beg in place.) If they are not led, then they completely get up. (dkids stop.)

18. We're going, we're going home (movements imitating steering wheel)By passenger car We drove up the hill: clap, (hands up, clap above head) The wheel went down: stop. (Ruki through the sides down, sit down)

19. We are autumn leaves, We sit on branches . (Pdraw)The wind blew - flew We flew, we flew (easy running around) And they sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)The wind came up again And lifted all the leaves. (easy running around)Twirled, flew And they sat quietly on the ground. (sit down)

20. Puppy ran around the yard (slow running in place) Sees a piece of cake . (ntilt forward, arms to the sides)Climbed under the porch and ate(sit down, hands to mouth)Broke down, fell asleep.(arms to the sides, head to the side)

21. One, two, three, four, five! Let's jump and jump! (Pfish in place.)Right side tilted. (n torso inclinationsleft-right.) One two Three. Leaned left side. One two Three. Now let's raise our hands (Ruki up.)And we'll reach the cloud. Let's sit on the path , (Pdraw on the floor.) We'll stretch our legs. Bend the right leg (Withbend your knees.)One two Three! Let's bend the left leg, One, two, three. Feet raised high (Pput your feet up.)And they held on a little. shook their heads (dhead movements.) And everyone stood up together. (vbecome.)

22. Let's jump like a frog, Champion jumper. After the jump - another jump, Jump higher, my friend! (Pryzhki.)

23. Roly-up, (Pfish in place) Sit down . (Psitting)What a naughty one you are! We can't handle you! (Xpaddles in the palms.)

24. Up hand and down hand. Pulled them up a little. Quickly changed hands! We are not bored today. (Obottom straight arm up, the other down, jerk to change hands.)Clap Squats: Down - cotton and up - cotton. We stretch our legs, arms, We know for sure - it will be useful. (Psit-ups, clapping hands above the head.)We turn our heads, Stretching the neck. Stop! (vhead rotation to the right and to the left.)

25. Girls and boys: clap, clap, clap, They jump like balls: jump-jump, jump-jump. They trample with their feet: top, top, top! They laugh merrily: ha, ha, ha! Blink their eyes (rhythmic squinting of eyes) After rest (squat, hands free)

26 .In the morning the gnomes went to the forest (step in place)Found a mushroom along the way(lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt) And then one, two, three (torso side to side) Three more showed up! (hands forward, then to the side) And while the mushrooms were plucked, (forward bends, hands to the floor) The gnomes were late for school. (Rhands to cheeks and shake your head from side to side) Run, hurried (run in place)And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

27. Oh, the birds flew, the small birds. Everyone flew, everyone flew, They waved their wings. (mflap your arms like wings They sat down on the path, Ate grains. Key, key, key, key, Key, Key, key, key. How I love grains! (squat down, tap the path with your index fingers)Clean up the feathers To be cleaner. Like this, like this, Like this, like this, To be cleaner. (Rukami “cleanse” the forearms, as if hugging yourself)Jumping on the branches To become stronger for children. Jump-jump, jump-jump, Jump-jump, jump-jump, Jump on the branches . (Pfish in place)Get up quickly.

28. Hands to the sides - in flight We send the plane, Right wing forward, Left wing forward. One, two, three, four - Our plane flew. ( nlegs apart, arms to the sides, turn to the right; turnleft)

29. We drew today, Our fingers are tired. Let them rest a little, They will start drawing again. (Tostroked hands, shook them, kneaded them.) We drew today, Our fingers are tired. Let's shake our fingers, Let's start drawing again. Legs together, legs apart, We hammer in a nail. (dchildren smoothly raise their hands in front of them, shake their hands, stomp.)We tried, we drew And now everyone stood up together, They stomped their feet, clapped their hands, Then we squeeze our fingers, We start drawing again. .

30 .Together we walk through the forest, We are not in a hurry, we do not lag behind. Here we go to the meadow. (Xclothes in place.)A thousand flowers around!(PHere is a chamomile, a cornflower, Lungwort, porridge, clover. The carpet spreads And to the right and to the left. (nbow and touch the left foot with the right hand, then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)Hands stretched to the sky The spine was stretched. (Ppull-ups - hands up.)We all had time to rest And sat down again . (dchildren sit down.)

31. Our tree is big (circular movement of hands)Our tree is high(stand on toes) Above mom, above dad (sit down and stand on toes) Reaches up to the ceiling (stretch).

32. A sunflower grows in the yard, In the morning it reaches for the sun. (dChildren stand on one leg and stretch their arms up.)Next to him is a second, similar, He also reaches for the sun. (dchildren stand on the other leg and again pull their hands up.)We turn our hands in a circle. Don't accidentally hit a friend! A few laps forward, And then vice versa. (vraising straight arms forward and backward.)We had a wonderful rest And it's time for us to sit down. (dchildren sit down.)

33. The bunny went out for a walk. The wind began to subside. (Xclothes in place.)Here he is riding down the slope Runs into the green forest. And it rushes between the trunks, Among the grass, flowers, bushes. (Pfish in place.) Little bunny is tired. Wants to hide in the bushes. (Xclothes in place.)Frozen bunny in the middle of the grass And now we'll freeze too! (dchildren sit down.)

34. Up and down jerking hands, As if we were waving flags. Stretching our shoulders. Hands move forward. (Obottom hand up, the other down, jerky hands change.)Hands to the sides. Smile. Lean left and right . (nslopes to the side.)Squats start. Don't rush, don't fall behind . (Pdrawing.)

35. The sun came out from behind the clouds, We will stretch our hands to the sun. (Ppull-ups - hands up.)Hands to the sides then We'll spread it wider. (Ppull-ups - arms to the sides.)We've finished warming up. Relaxed legs and back.

36. Stork, long-legged stork, Show the way home. - Stomp with your right foot, Stomp with your left foot, Again - with your right foot, Again - with your left foot. After - with your right foot, After - with your left foot. And then you will come home.

37. Grasshoppers Raise your shoulders, Jump grasshoppers. Jump-hop, jump-hop. Stop! They sat down. They ate grass. They listened to silence. Higher, higher, high Jump on your toes easily!

38. The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, I didn’t want to sleep anymore, I moved, stretched, (Rhands up, stretch)Soared up and flew. The sun will only wake up in the morning, the butterfly circles and winds . (Psurround)

39. Let's jump like a frog, Jumping champion. After the jump - another jump, Jump higher, my friend!

40. Mice came out once (walking in place)See what time it is. (Ptwists to the left, to the right, fingers with a “tube” in front of the eyes.)One two three four(claps over head with hands.)The mice pulled the weights. (Rhands up and squatting with lowering hands “pulled the weights.”)Suddenly there was a terrible sound(clapping in front of you)The mice ran away(running in place).

Complexes of exercises for physical education

For children of primary school age

standing exercises

1. Raise your arms up, moving your leg back, take a breath; return to the starting position (main stance - exhale). The same with the other leg.

2. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 - spread the elbows to the sides, bringing the shoulder blades together - inhale; 3-4 - starting position - exhale.

3. Squatting with a straight back on the toes (do not fall on the heels). Spread your knees to the sides, arms forward or to the sides at the expense of 1-2, at 3-4 slowly return to and. P.

4. I. p. Legs shoulder-width apart, hands to the shoulders. Rotation in the shoulder joints back.

5. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands to the shoulders. Tilt the body forward with a straight back.

6. "Mill". Connect the hands behind the back (from above, then the right, then the left hand).

7. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. Hand rotation back.

8. Raising straight arms through the sides up - inhale. Return to and p. - exhale.

9. I. p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. Lateral tilts of the body to the side on exhalation.

10. Walking on a bench on the floor, or on the rail of an inverted bench. Hands to the sides, a bag of sand on the head (the weight is different, depending on age and fitness).

A few more examples of exercises that help avoid fatigue, restore strength in the classroom. They are quite simple and effective, they do not require special equipment, and therefore they can be performed in the classroom, in the physical education program.

Exercise to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the body.

I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - turn the body to the left. During the turn, the legs remain motionless. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is average.

Attention mobilization exercise.

I. p. - standing, arms along the body. 1 - right hand on the belt; 2 - left hand on the belt; 3 - right hand on the shoulder; 4 - left hand on the shoulder; 5 - right hand up; 6 - left hand up; 7-8 - claps with hands above the head; 9 - lower the left hand on the shoulder; 10 - right hand on the shoulder; 11 - left hand on the belt; 12 - right hand on the belt; 13-14 - hand claps on the thighs. Repeat 4-6 times. Tempo - 1 time slow; 2-3 times - medium; 3-4 - fast; 1-2 - slow.

Corrective exercises to normalize posture

1. Standing, heels together, socks apart, shoulders retracted, connect the shoulder blades, tighten the stomach, raise the chin.

2. Walking is normal, watching your posture.

3. Walking on toes, hands behind the head.

4. Walking on heels, hands on the belt.

5. Walking on the outer edge of the foot, fingers tucked in, hands on the belt, elbows laid back.

Exercises to improve cerebral circulation .

I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - head turn to the right; 2 - ip, 3 - head turn to the left; 4 - and. P.; 5 - tilt your head forward, 6 - and. n. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is slow.

Exercises to relieve fatigue from the small muscles of the hand .

I. p. - sitting, hands raised up. 1 - clench the brushes into a fist; 2 - unclench the brushes. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

eye exercise

Headaches are often caused by overwork or unusual strain on the eyes. This exercise is the simplest and is designed to develop the habit of doing eye exercises regularly.

Open your eyes wide. Look up to the limit, hold your eyes for one second. Then move your eyes to the limit to the right, fixing this position for a second. Then the eyes go all the way down, fixing for a second, and then all the way to the left, also fixing for a second. Keep your eyes wide open. Perform the exercise 10 times in a clockwise direction and the same number of times - counterclockwise.

After completing the exercise, it is useful for schoolchildren to be reminded that it is very important for eye care that the workplace is well and properly lit. Blinding light should be avoided. It is useful several times an hour to stop working for a few seconds and give your eyes a rest, i.e. close them with your palms so that they rest in complete darkness.

Exercise "squatting" facilitates the work of the heart, lowers blood pressure. It is carried out simply: freely squat down (the foot is completely on the floor), relax as much as possible, holding your head and hands on weight. Sit in this pose for one minute.

Fatigue Relief Exercises , proposed by I. A. Vasilyeva, help to quickly restore strength after a heavy load. They should be performed at the first sign of trouble, fatigue.

1. Fold your palms in front of your chest, fingers up, do not breathe, squeeze the bases of your palms with all your might. The muscles of the shoulders and chest are tense. Pull in the stomach and rise up, as if leaning on your hands, looking out of the window. Only 10-15 minutes - and it became hot. Repeat three times.

2. Fold your hands into the lock, clasp the back of your head with them, point your elbows forward. Pull your head to your elbows, do not resist, stretch the cervical spine. Pull evenly - so that it is pleasant, 10-15 seconds.

3. Rub your ears with your palms - at first only the lobes, and then the whole ear: up and down, back and forth. At the same time, “click” with your tongue like a horse (15-20 seconds).

4. "Crow". Say “Ka-aa-aa-aar!”, while trying to raise the soft palate and small tongue as high as possible (6 times). Then try to do it silently, with your mouth closed.

5. "Ring". With effort, directing the tip of the tongue back along the upper palate, try to touch the small tongue with the tongue. Try to do it silently, with your mouth closed. Easier, faster, even faster! (10-15 seconds.)

6. "Lion". Reach out to your chin with your tongue. Even further! (Repeat 6 times.)

For middle and high school students

1. Physical education session of general impact (option 1).

Exercise 1 . Starting position - main stance. At the expense of "one" - stand on your toes, arms up outward, at the expense of "two" - reach up for your hands. On the count of "three" - lower your arms in arcs through the sides down, on the count of "four" - cross your arms in front of your chest, tilt your head forward. Repeat the exercise at a fast pace 6-8 times.

Exercise 2 . Starting position - stand legs apart, arms forward. At the expense of "one" - turn the body to the right, swing the left hand to the right, right back behind the back. On the count of two, return to the starting position. At the expense of "three, four" - the exercise is performed in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times at a fast pace.

Exercise 3 Starting position - leg stand apart. At the expense of "one" - bend the right leg forward and, clasping the lower leg with your hands, pull it to your stomach. On the count of "two" - pull the leg, raising your hands up. At the expense of "three, four" - the same is performed, but with the left leg. Repeat the exercise at an average pace 6-8 times.

Physical education minute of general impact (option 2).

Exercise 1 . Starting position - leg stand apart. At the expense of "one" - hands are laid back. At the expense of "two" - spread your arms to the sides, at the expense of "three" - raise your hands up, stand on your toes. On the count of "four" - relaxing the shoulder girdle, lower the arms with a slight inclination forward. Repeat 4-6 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 2. Starting position - leg stand apart, arms bent forward, hands in fists. At the expense of "one" - with a turn of the body to the left, strike with the right hand forward. At the expense of "two" - take the starting position. At the expense of "three, four" - do the same, but in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times without holding your breath.

2. Physical education to improve cerebral circulation (option 1).

Exercise 1. Starting position - main stance. At the expense of "one" - hands behind the head, elbows wide apart, head tilted back. On the count of "two" - the elbows move forward. On the count of "three" - hands relaxed down. At the expense of "four" - take the starting position. Exercise at a slow pace is repeated 4-6 times.

Exercise 2. Starting position - stand legs apart, hands in fists. At the expense of "one" - swing the left hand back, right up. At the expense of "two" - with oncoming swings, change the position of the hands. The swings end with jerks of the hands back. The exercise is repeated 6-8 times at an average pace.

Exercise 3 It is performed while sitting on a chair. At the expense of "one" - take your head back. On the count of "two" - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders. The exercise is repeated 4-6 times at a slow pace.

Physical education to improve cerebral circulation (option 2).

Exercise 1 . It is performed sitting on a chair or standing. At the expense of "one, two" - perform a circular motion with the right hand back with a turn of the torso and head to the right. At the expense of "three, four" - perform a circular motion with the left hand back with a turn of the torso and head to the left. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times at a slow pace.

Exercise 2. It is performed sitting on a chair or standing, arms to the sides, palms forward, fingers apart. At the expense of "one" - grab yourself by the shoulders as tightly as possible. At the expense of "two" - take a starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times at a fast pace.

Exercise 3 Performed sitting on a chair, hands on the belt. At the expense of "one" - turn your head to the right. At the expense of "two" - the starting position. At the expense of "three" - repeat the same to the left. Repeat 6-8 times at a slow pace.

Physical education to improve cerebral circulation (option 3)

1. Starting position (ip) - sitting on a chair. 1 - tilt your head to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - tilt your head to the left; 4 - and. P.; 5 - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders; 6 - i. n. Repeat 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

2. I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - head turn to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - turning the head to the left; 4 - and. n. Repeat 4-5 times. The pace is slow.

3. Physical education to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms (option 1)

Exercise 1 . Starting position - main stance. At the expense of "one" - raise your shoulders. On the count of two, lower your shoulders. Repeat 6-8 times, then pause for 2-3 seconds, relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Perform at a slow pace.

Exercise 2 . Starting position - arms bent in front of the chest. At the expense of “one, two”, perform two springy backward movements with bent arms. At the expense of "three, four" - perform the same jerks with straight arms. Perform the exercise 4-6 times at an average pace.

Exercise 3 . Starting position - main stance. At the expense of "one", bend slightly, swinging your arms to the sides. At the expense of "two" - relaxing the muscles of the shoulder girdle, "drop" your hands.

Physical education to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms (option 2)

1. I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. 1 - right hand forward, left up; 2 - change the position of the hands. Repeat 3-4 times, then relax down and shake your hands, tilt your head forward. Then repeat 3-4 more times. The pace is average.

2. I. p. - standing or sitting, hands with the back on the belt. 1-2 - bring your elbows forward, tilt your head forward; 3-4 - elbows back, bend. Repeat 5-6 times, then arms down and shake them loosely. The pace is slow.

3. I. p. - sitting, hands up. 1 - clench the brushes into a fist; 2 - unclench the brushes. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

4. Physical education to relieve tension from the muscles of the body

1. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-5 - circular movements of the pelvis in one direction; 4-6 - the same in the other direction; 7-8 - hands down and shake your hands in a relaxed way. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is average.

2. I. p. - leg stand apart. 1-2 - tilt to the side, the right hand slides down along the leg, left, bend, along the body up; 3-4 - and. P.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 5-6 times. The pace is average.

5. Physical education for the eyes

Engage in prevention, and you will not allow visual fatigue. Ask - how? We recommend that we compiled - based on the materials of the ophthalmologist VF Bazarny - a special complex of five simple exercises, called "Physical Minute for the Eyes".

Perform exercises at home every 20-25 minutes of visual work. The whole complex will take no more than one and a half to two minutes. It would be helpful for teachers to use these tips in the middle of each lesson.

The starting position of each exercise is standing or sitting.

Exercise 1. Make 15 oscillatory eye movements horizontally from right to left, then from left to right.

Exercise 2. 15 oscillatory movements of the eyes vertically - up and down and down and up.

Exercise 3 . Also 15, but circular rotational eye movements from left to right.

Exercise 4 The same, but from right to left.

Exercise 5 . Make 15 circular rotational movements with your eyes, first to the right, then to the left, as if drawing with your eyes the number 8 laid on its side.

the developed set of preventive exercises for physical education minutes at the workplace, in accordance with the school "Regulations on competitions in the organization and holding of physical education minutes in the classroom", is designed for all age groups of students. According to the observations of teachers, physical education minutes in the classroom have a beneficial effect on the restoration of children's mental performance, prevent the growth of fatigue, improve the mood of students, and relieve static muscle loads. Physical education minutes take 3-5 minutes, are held in the classroom under the guidance of teachers or class physicists.The positive impact of physical exercises is also expressed in the development of students' cheerfulness, optimism, activity, composure, self-confidence.




Physical education teacher A.T. Firsova


  1. Starting position (ip) - sitting on a chair. 1 - tilt your head to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - tilt your head to the left; 4 - i. P.; 5 - tilt your head forward, do not raise your shoulders; 6 - i. n. Repeat 3-4 times. The pace is slow.
  2. I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the head to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - turning the head to the left; 4 - i. n. Repeat 4-5 times. The pace is slow.


  1. I. p. - standing, hands on the belt. 1 - right hand forward, left up; 2 - change the position of the hands. Repeat 3-4 times, then relax down and shake your hands, tilt your head forward. Then repeat 3-4 more times. The pace is average.
  2. I. p. - standing or sitting, brushes with the back side on the belt. 1-2 - bring your elbows forward, tilt your head forward; 3-4 - elbows back, bend. Repeat 5-6 times, then hands down and shake them loosely. The pace is slow.
  1. I. p. - sitting, hands up. 1 - clench the brushes into a fist; 2 - unclench the brushes. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.


  1. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands behind the head. 1-3 - circular movements of the body in one direction; 4-6 - the same in the other direction; 7-8 - hands down and shake your hands in a relaxed way. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is average.
  2. I. p. - stand legs apart. 1-2 - tilt to the side, the right hand slides down along the leg, the left bent - up along the body; 3-4 - i. P.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 5-6 times. The pace is average.


  1. Exercises to improve cerebral circulation. I. p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the head to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - turning the head to the left; 4 - i. P.; 5 - tilt your head forward; 6 - i. n. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is slow.
  2. Exercises to relieve fatigue from the small muscles of the hand. I. p. - sitting, hands raised up. 1 - clench the brushes into a fist; 2 - unclench the brushes. Repeat 6-8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.
  3. Exercise to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the body. I. p. - stand, legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - turn the body to the left. During the turn, the legs remain motionless. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is average.
  1. Attention mobilization exercise. I. p. - standing, arms along the body. 1 - right hand on the belt; 2 - left hand on the belt; 3 - right hand on the shoulder; 4 - left hand on the shoulder; 5 - right hand up; 6 - left hand up; 7–8 - claps with hands above the head; 9 - put your left hand on your shoulder; 10 - right hand on the shoulder; 11 - left hand on the belt; 12 - right hand on the belt; 13-14 - hand claps on the thighs. Repeat 4-6 times. Tempo - 1 time slow; 2-3 times - medium; 3–4 - fast; 1-2 - slow.

Here are a few more examples of exercises that help avoid fatigue and restore strength in the classroom. They are quite simple and effective, they do not require special equipment, and therefore they can be performed in the classroom in the physical education program.


Headaches are often caused by overwork or unusual eye strain. This exercise is the simplest and should develop the habit of doing eye exercises regularly.

  • Open your eyes wide. Look up to the limit, hold your eyes for one second. Then move your eyes to the limit to the right, fixing this position for a second. Next - the eyes to the limit down, fixing for a second, and then all the way to the left, also fixing for a second. Keep your eyes wide open. Perform the exercise 10 times in a clockwise direction and the same number of times - counterclockwise.

After completing the exercise, it is useful for schoolchildren to be reminded that it is very important for eye care that the workplace is well and properly lit. Blinding light should be avoided. It is useful several times an hour to stop work for a few seconds and give your eyes a rest, that is, close them with your palms so that they rest in complete darkness.

Squatting exercise facilitates the work of the heart, lowers blood pressure. It is carried out simply: freely squat down (the foot is completely on the floor), relax as much as possible, holding your head and hands on weight. Sit in this pose for one minute. Exercises to relieve fatigue should be performed at the first sign of trouble, fatigue.

  1. Fold your palms in front of your chest with your fingers up, do not breathe, squeeze the bases of the palms with all your might. The muscles of the shoulders and chest are tense. Pull in the stomach and rise up, as if leaning on your hands, looking out of the window. Just 10-15 seconds - and it became hot. Repeat three times.
  2. Put your hands in the lock, clasp the back of your head with them, point your elbows forward. Pull your head to your elbows, do not resist, stretch the cervical spine. Pull evenly - so that it is pleasant, 10-15 seconds.
  3. Rub your ears with your palms - at first only the lobes, and then the whole ear: up and down, back and forth. At the same time, “click” with your tongue like a horse (15–20 seconds).
  4. "Crow". Pronounce “ka-aa-aa-aar”, while trying to raise the soft palate and small tongue as high as possible (6 times). Then try to do it silently, with your mouth closed.
  5. "Ring". With effort, directing the tip of the tongue back along the upper palate, try to touch the small tongue with the tongue. Try to do it silently, with your mouth closed. Easier, faster, even faster! (10-15 seconds.)
  6. "A lion". Reach out to your chin with your tongue. Even further! (Repeat 6 times).

i=Irina Dobrygina

Target: Presentation of the experience of using physical minutes as one of the forms of gymnastics.


1. Remind the methodology physical education in kindergarten.

2. Introduce the variety of forms of holding physical education minutes

3. Enrich the pedagogical piggy bank.

1. Relevance.

It's been noticed for a long time: for some reason, the world of adults pays for literacy with their health. Painful pallor, a hunched back, pince-nez on the nose, and often consumption, have increasingly become attributes of the educated intelligentsia in the past two centuries.

As soon as universal education touched preschool and school children, the age immediately same: myopia, curvature of the back, scoliosis, neurasthenia and much more. Back in 1805, Pestalozzi said that in traditional education, the incomprehensible happens. "suffocation" children development, "murder" their health. And this happened back in ecologically clean times, when children were born by normal childbirth from healthy parents and fed with breast milk. When there were qualitatively different families and information overload at school were not yet so great.

Meanwhile, in almost all serious studies devoted to the analysis of the occurrence of diseases of civilization (heart, vision, psyche, musculoskeletal system, etc.), the sitting factor is attributed to the basic risk factors in the occurrence of the most severe somatic pathology of our time. (visual impairment, posture).

Classes with children in teaching literacy, mathematics, fine arts, etc., board games often take place in a stationary static state. But a long stay in one position, one position for children, especially preschoolers, is a very heavy load, since they are characterized by instability of nervous processes. They quickly get tired, attention decreases, interest in the game or activity is lost, which, of course, negatively affects their effectiveness. As a result of prolonged static stress, the child’s back stoops, shoulders sag, blood circulation slows down, which leads to a violation of posture, negatively affects the work of the vital functions of the body, and as a result, negatively affects the health of the preschooler.

Especially tiring for children of this age is prolonged monotonous work or tasks that do not arouse their keen interest, and the volitional efforts necessary for their implementation are not yet sufficiently developed.

During classes with children, you should often change activities, interest them in some bright, unusual subject, or diversify frequently repeated actions, tasks with some new element that is attractive to the child. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of fatigue, to detect signs of its occurrence in a timely manner and to remove them as quickly and effectively as possible, since fatigue, accumulating, can develop into overwork and cause various nervous disorders.

Signs of fatigue in children 3-4 years old appear after 7-9 minutes of class, in children 5-6 years old - after 10-12 minutes, 7-8 years old - after 12-15 minutes. They can be expressed in differently: yawning, distracted attention, distractibility, irritability, the appearance of automatic, involuntary side movements (scratching, tapping, rocking in a chair, sucking fingers, etc., impaired posture and coordination of movements.

One of the effective ways to prevent fatigue, improve the general condition of children, change their activities are short-term physical exercises, the so-called physical education minutes.

They relieve muscle tension caused by immobility, switch attention from one activity to another, giving rest to the nerve centers involved in it, restore children's performance, help to have fun, relieve tension, get a feeling of physical relaxation, improve blood circulation, activate children's thinking, create positive emotions and increase interest in learning.

2. Main ideas.

Based on the foregoing, the significance of this form of physical education is obvious, but only if it is carried out correctly. Educators do not always withstand temporary framework: spend physical education or earlier, or later, or completely forget about it. Duration physical education minutes limited to 15-30 seconds. Exercises are not selected in accordance with age and requirements for conducting physical education and, very often, they forget what kind of load the back muscles carry when sitting at the table. I consider it necessary to carry out physical education minutes- Relax your back muscles. To do this, you need to perform 1-2 exercises in a lying position. In this case, the muscles of the spine are almost completely relaxed, and the intervertebral discs do not experience vertical pressure force. (as opposed to standing posture). Exercises for the arms and legs can also be done in the supine position. Bring the number of exercises to 5-7 (2 for arms and shoulder girdle, 2-3 for torso and 1-2 for legs).

I want to pay attention to the posture of a preschooler at the table during the lesson. There is another, more democratic, when the head and spine are in one straight line, and the hands lie freely on the table. Regular exercise to strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and back helps to develop a muscular frame that will not allow curvature of the spine. It is easier to prevent a violation of posture than to correct it.

In addition, before starting the lesson, it is better to do an exercise that includes the child in the activity. Such exercises take a minimum of time, and the benefits are significant. Be sure to include in the complex an exercise to relieve tension from the eyes.

3. Theoretical part.

Physical education minutes are held in the middle of the lesson for 1.5-2 minutes; recommended starting from the middle group.

The main forms of holding physical education minutes:

In the form of general developmental exercises - they are selected according to the same criteria as for morning exercises. Used 3-4 exercises (according to the generally accepted method) for different muscle groups, finish physical education can be done by jumping, running in place or walking;

In the form of an outdoor game - games of medium mobility are selected that do not require a lot of space, with simple and well-known rules for children;

In the form of a didactic game with movements - they fit well into classes on familiarization with nature, on sound (phonetic) culture of speech, mathematics;

In the form of dance movements - they are used between the structural parts of the lesson to the sound recording, the singing of the teacher or the children themselves. Melodies of moderate rhythm are most suitable, soft, sometimes smooth.

In the form of performing movements to the text of the poem - when selecting poems, attention is paid to following:

The text of the poem should be highly artistic, poems by famous authors, nursery rhymes, riddles, counting rhymes are used;

Preference is given to verses with a clear rhythm;

In the form of any motor action and task

Guessing riddles not with words, but with movements;

The use of various simulation movements: athletes (skier, skater, boxer, gymnast, individual labor actions (chopping wood, starting the engine, driving a car).

Requirements for holding physical education minutes:

Conducted at the initial stage of fatigue (8-12-15th minute of the lesson, depending on age, type of activity, complexity of the educational material);

Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children;

Exercises should be convenient to perform in a limited area;

Exercises should include movements that affect large muscle groups that improve the functional activity of all organs and systems;

complexes physical education minutes are selected depending on the type of lesson, their content.

Complex physical education minutes usually consists of 3-4 exercises: for arms and shoulder girdle, for torso and legs. If the complex is done for 1.5-2 minutes, it turns out 25-30 seconds. for one exercise. 15-20 seconds per exercise is enough, then the complex becomes more dynamic and interesting, consisting of 5-7 simple exercises.

For the arms and shoulder girdle, exercises such as sipping are included - to straighten and relax the spine, expand the chest; for the body - tilts, turns; for legs - squats, jumps, running in place, raising legs. Most of the exercises related to the development of large muscle groups and general coordination, as well as vision, should be performed in a free standing or lying position, in the mode of motor freedom of dynamic postures.

As a result, physical education turns into"health moments" and will look like this way:

Exercise to include in the activity (5-10 seconds at the beginning of the session);

For hands and shoulder girdle;

For the torso;

For legs;

To prevent visual impairment and relieve eye fatigue (in the middle and at the end of the lesson).

Change of pupil's posture (2-3 times during class).

4. Practical part.

Exercises to include in activity:

1. Rubbing the palms until a slight tingling in the fingers (increases the productivity of the brain).

2. Rubbing the auricles with the palms.

3. Rubbing the earlobe with the index finger and thumb.

4 Rubbing the forehead with the ring, middle, index fingers from the middle to the periphery (activates attention zone).

5. Massaging the nose to stimulate the activity of the brain, since the nose is the most important reflexogenic zone of the face. It is associated with the stomach, intestines, spleen, NS

Press the tip of the nose with the index and middle fingers;

Flexion of the tip of the nose to the right, to the left;

Bending the tip of the nose down, up;

Rotate the tip of the nose clockwise, .

Eye exercises:

Close your eyes for 3-5 seconds, rest for 2-3 seconds. /3-5 times/.

Blink quickly for 8-10 seconds, repeat again after 2-3 seconds;

Massage the eyelids with the lower part of the palm in a circular motion for 10-20 seconds; describe large circles from right to left and vice versa / 2-3 times /;

Move your eyes up and down, right and left, to the lower right corner - to the upper left corner, to the upper right corner - to the lower left (A bright butterfly is fixed at the end of a long pointer, the teacher leads the pointer, and the children follow the butterfly.);

"draw" vertical and horizontal figure eights, starting from the bridge of the nose up to the right, and then to the left. Perform the previous and this exercise with maximum amplitude. If the whole cycle of exercises is done, perform relaxation (palming)- rub your palms until heat appears, put the fingers of one palm on the other and cover your eyes with your palms, stay in this position for 30-40 seconds. Palming is desirable to do in the middle and at the end of the lesson, as well as after watching the video. While the children are doing the exercise, the teacher says a few phrases type: “The eyes are tired, they want to rest, a dark, dark night has come, etc.”;

Cover the open left eye with the left palm, and fold the fingers of the right into a fist so that the thumb is on top of all the others. Release the middle finger and make circular movements with it near the right orbit, starting from the inner corner of the eye up along the line of the eyebrows to the outer and again to the inner corner of the eye. At the same time, follow the movement of the finger with the right eye without losing sight of it, this is very important. Finger and eye movements should be smooth and calm. Same with changing hands. Gradually bring the exercise up to 3 minutes;

To relieve eye fatigue - wash with cold water,.

Exercises with signal marks.

1. Let's look for nesting dolls (or something different) on shelves. Where is the matryoshka in blue (red, green, etc.) sundress?

2. Petrushka came to visit and brought letters. Parsley shows the children a picture with a letter, the children are looking for an object in the environment that begins with this letter.

Alternative pose of the pupil for table: put your hands freely on the table, slightly stretched forward and bent at the elbows, palms down, up or sideways. 1-2 times in each lesson, take a position in which the head and spine are in one straight line. This will help improve the blood supply to the brain,

Physical education minutes based on outdoor switchgear.

Complex "Beautiful Posture". (After each exercise, take 2-3 breaths and exhale, lengthening the exhalation)

1. Standing at the table, legs together, feet pressed to the floor, arms down, back straight. Slowly raise your arms up, palms facing each other, fingers together. Stretch your whole body, attention to the spine. Hold the pose for 10-15 seconds (Tree).

2. Standing, hands down. Putting your hands behind your back, join your palms. Turning your folded hands with your fingers up, position your hands so that the little fingers touch the spine along their entire length. Raise your elbows, straighten your back, expand your chest, shoulders back. Hold the pose for up to 20 seconds. Slowly return to and. n. Stroke your wrists, shake your hands. (Divine posture.).

3. The previous pose can be replaced with this one. The back touches the back of a chair or standing, arms lowered, shoulders laid back. Lock your hands behind your back, straighten them and slowly lift them up without bending your torso. Slowly lower your arms. (3-10 sec., swan pose.)

4. Stand up straight. Pull your right hand up with force, lower your left hand down. Lower your right hand down the spine, palm to the spine. The left hand is turned back to the back and reaches for the right. Try to lock your fingers together. Press your right elbow to your head. (8-15 sec., crossover pose.)

5. Become sideways to the back of the chair, legs slightly apart. With your right hand, hold on to the right side of the back of the chair, and with your left hand, hold on to the left. Very slowly, as you exhale, twist your upper body so that your chest is parallel to the back of the chair. Attention to the spine. The same in the other direction, changing and. P. (5-10 sec.) Exercise relieves mental fatigue well.

6. Repeat the first exercise. It is better to perform it in a prone position, feet on yourself.

Physical education minutes mobile game based.

The sea is worried

The sea is worried two,

The sea is rough three (arm movements are different each time)

Marine figure freeze in place! (Or freeze at the bottom.)


We stomp our feet (Stomp.)

We clap our hands (They clap.)

We shake our heads (Shake their head.)

We raise our hands (Hands up.)

Then we drop them (Hands down.)

We give hands (Hands in "lock".)

And we run around (Spin around in place.)

One two Three, (Three claps.)

Any figure freeze! (Depict any figure.)


Once we were walking in the forest and met a bear, (Walking in a circle holding hands.)

He lies under the tree, stretched out and snoring, (Lie on your back or stomach, stretch.)

We walked around him, woke up the clubfoot, (Walking in a circle in the other direction, leaning forward.)

Come on, little bear, get up, catch up with us faster! (squats, running in place).

In the form of a didactic game with movements

(Math game with visual cues.) The text is pronounced before the start of the exercises.

1. We count to five, we squeeze the weights, (I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart, raise your hands slowly up - to the sides, fingers clenched into a fist, 4-5 times.)

How many dots will be in the circle

We raise our hands so many times (There is a circle with dots on the board, the adult points to them, and the children count how many times you need to raise your hands.)

How many times will I hit the tambourine

We will cut the firewood so many times (I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands in the castle up, sharp bends forward - down.)

How many green trees

So many slopes (I. p. - standing, legs apart, hands on the belt; tilts to the sides.)

We squat so many times

How many butterflies do we have (I. p. - standing, legs slightly apart; squats, arms forward.)

How many cells to the line

Jump so many times (There are 5 cells on the board, an adult points to them, children jump 5 times.)

Let's stand on our toes

We get the ceiling (I. p. - the main stance, hands on the belt; rising on toes, hands up to the sides, stretch.)

2. How many dashes to the dot,

We will stand on our toes so much, (I. p. - the main stance; rise on the toes of the arms to the sides - up, palms below shoulder level 4-5 times.)

Bent over so many times

How many ducks do we have. (I. p. - standing, legs apart. Tilts to the sides.)

Collect mushrooms (I. p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart; leaning forward, simulating picking mushrooms.)

We count the berries

We squat together, (I. p. - the main stance, hands on the belt; do not lower your head when squatting, your back is straight.)

How many circles will I show

So many jumps (I. p. - standing, hands on the belt; 5 jumps on toes.)

3. I. p. - lying on your back in a circle, arms down.

One, two - turn around (Turns on the side to the right, to the left.)

Three, four - bend over (Raising the torso 2 times.)

Five, six - run (Imitation of running with legs.)

Seven-eight - walked (Get up, walking in place.)

We counted forward, and now vice versa.

Eight, seven - all together (Hold hands.)

Six, five, squat (Spring.)

Four, three - repeat

Two, one - stand alone (Disengage hands.)

4. Getting to know others (with the body, i. p. - lying down).

Instruction: feel how parts of the face and shoulder girdle respond to the touch.

Mouth, nose and eyes (Outline with index fingers.)

Chin, ear two (Elbows to the sides, outline the chin, rub the ears.)

Got a head (Outline by running through the hair; twist.)

Neck (tilting the head forward, stroking the neck, shoulders (raising, lowering, touching the shoulders with the palms), two hands (alternately raising,

Trunk (turns on the side, two legs (alternately raising up and lowering,

Back (get on all fours, arch your back, and tummy (bending back, stroking stomach).

It turned out…. (children answer) cat?

No, you don't need to argue with me (They get to their feet.)

It turned out to be a man. (Steps in place.)

In the form of dance moves

1. Forward four steps, back four steps,

Spinning, spinning our round dance (circling in place,

We clap our hands, we stomp our feet.

We move the shoulder, and then we jump.

(Repeat 5-6 times with an acceleration of the tempo to the music).

2.(To the song of a lion cub and a turtle)

Turtle: I'm sitting in the sun, I'm looking at the sun, (Sitting on heels in a circle, swaying.)

I sit and sit and look at the sun. (Tilts and turns of the head.)

lion cub: I do not sit, but I lie (lie down).

Turtle: You are lying, and I am sitting. (sit on heels).

H: Rhino-horn-horn is coming,

Crocodile dil dil swims

I just sit and look at the sun.

L: And yet you have to sing lying down.

H: Rhino-horn-horn is coming, (Walking on all fours in place.)

Crocodile dil dil swims (Lying, imitation of a swimming crocodile.)

I just lie down and look at the sun. (Sit on heels, kneeling.)

Together: I lie in the sun, I look at the sun, (Lying on back, stretching.)

I lie and lie and look at the sun. (Raise two legs up, lower.)

A lion cub lies nearby and moves its ears, (Slight tilts of the head to the right, to the left, turns of the head.)

Only I’m still lying and I don’t look at the lion cub. (Close eyes.)

3. "If life is fun, do it"

If life is fun (steps in place) do so (Raising arms through the sides, 2 claps above the head.)- 2 times

If life is fun, we will smile at each other, (Hands on the belt, turns to the sides.)

If life is fun (steps in place) do so (Raising arms through the sides, clap above the head.)

If life is fun (tilt to the side) do so

If life is fun (tilt to the other side) do so (Raising and lowering shoulders.)

If life is fun (tilt to one side) we smile at each other (Raising and lowering shoulders.)

If life is fun (tilt to the other side) do this, (Raising and lowering the shoulders,

If life is fun, (squat, do this - 2 times;

If life is fun (squat) we smile at each other (emphasis bent, straighten up, two claps on the knees)

If life is fun (squat) do so (emphasis bent, straighten up, two claps on the knees);

If life is fun (steps in place) do this, (Raising arms through the sides, 2 claps above the head, raising and lowering the shoulders 2 times, clapping on the knees.) - 2 times;

If life is fun (Hands on the belt, semi-squat with a turn to one side.) we smile at each other (Hands on the belt, semi-squat with a turn to the other side.)

If life is fun (steps in place) do this, (Raising arms through the sides, 2 claps above the head, raising and lowering the shoulders, clapping on the knees.)

In the form of performing movements under the text of the poem.

1. "Three Bears"

The text of the poem is pronounced and accompanying movements are performed simultaneously.

Three bears were walking home (Children walk like bears.)

Dad was big, big (Raise hands up.)

Mom is with him - smaller in stature, (Arms at chest level are extended forward.)

And the son is just a baby, (Squat.)

He was very small

I walked with rattles, (They get up and imitate playing rattles, raise their hands up and say the words: ding-ding-ding.) Repeat 3 times.

2. "Yellow Song"

The yellow sun looks down on the earth (Hands up, stretched, looked up.)

A yellow sunflower follows the sun. (Swinging hands left and right.)

Yellow pears hang on branches. (Shake hands down.)

Yellow leaves are flying from the trees. (Swing arms sideways-up-down.)

Yellow butterfly, yellow bug,

Yellow buttercups, yellow chamomile. (Squats.)

Yellow sun, yellow sand, (Lying on your stomach, sipping your hands "rays" stroking palms "sand".)

Yellow is the color of joy, rejoice my friend. (Bending-extension of the legs at the knees, palms folded one on top of the other under the chin.

Repeat 2 times. (For the second time, jump under the last line.)

In the form of any motor action or task.

1. Game "Touch"(6-7 years, duration 2.5-3 minutes.

move: Stand in a circle. Look at yourself. Who can discover in himself something that he did not have yesterday.

Now show me what you can reach from your seat. Can you reach the ceiling? (Pull.) No. Can you touch something solid? Touch. (Floor.) Now touch something soft. (Carpet.) Touch something warm. What is warm in you? (Body - arm, leg, back, etc.) Now touch something on yourself that is damp or wet. (Nose, lips, etc.).

And now you can touch various objects, the qualities of which I will name. Touch smooth, rough, cold... Touch something warm. (You can change tasks each time).

2. Game "Friend to friend" (from 6 years old, duration 2-3 min.)

move: I count to five, and during this time you will choose a pair for yourself and stand in a circle. Now I will tell you which parts of the body you need quickly "say hello" friend with friend:

Right hand to right hand!

Nose to nose!

Back to back!

Every time I scream: "Friend to friend!", you must find yourself a new partner and shake his hand. After that, I will again name the parts of the body with which you will have to touch each other. so: "Friend to friend! Ear to ear!"

Hip to hip!

Heel to heel!

Let the children change 3-4 partners. Each time, name new parts of the body through which the children must come into contact with each other. Over time, the command may sound So: "Ear to ear, crouching!", “Knee to knee sitting on your heels!”, "Elbow to elbow leaning forward!" etc.

5. Practical task for students

Compose a complex physical education minutes and present.

6. Literature:

1. Gorkova L. G. Physical education classes in preschool educational institutions, M, 2005.

2. Kovalko V. I. Alphabet physical education for preschoolers, M, 2005.

3. Kozhukhova N. N., Ryzhkova L. A., Borisova M. M., Theory and methods of physical education of children, M, 2003.

4. Latokhina L., Andrus T., We create the health of the soul and body, St. Petersburg, M, 2000.

5. Fopel K., How to teach children to cooperate, T. 4, M., 2003.

Batalygina Elena Vadimovna
Position: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Gymnasium 73"
Locality: Novokuznetsk city, Kemerovo region
Material name: article
Topic: Physical education minutes in the GEF format.
Publication date: 04.12.2017
Chapter: primary education

Physical education minutes in the GEF format.

Children's health is our concern, and the use of physical education is one of the



convinced us that about 85% of all underachieving students

the main reason for lagging behind in school is poor health,

any ailment or illness." GEF of the new generation is not

introduces no new requirements for health saving in the classroom. but



in a new way

look at the physical education lesson in the lesson. First, one must understand that in

health saving, different concepts of physical activity are distinguished

at the lesson:

1. physical education;

2. dynamic pause;

3. change of dynamic poses.

Physical education minute











will bring

use other types of workouts.




activities and the introduction of motor activity in the lesson. Enough





physical education minutes,




using presentations, jumping to music, walking and running in place,


Change of dynamic postures - a change in the position of the body in space during

lesson time. This technique is based, for example, on multi-level desks in

Dr. Bazarny's system. Or those who came from theatrical pedagogy

change of mise-en-scenes of the lesson. Rest while exercising is essential

children. Small motor pauses help relieve emotional and









Physical education minutes are an interesting and effective form of active


Physical education minute







within 2-3 minutes during classes at school, as well as at home when performing

homework. It is built from 4-5 exercises for the arms, torso,



Physical education minutes






accordance with modern requirements. enough for the first lesson.

one physical education minute at the 25-30th minute of the lesson, at the second and third

physical education minutes

fourth 3 minutes of rest. The duration of physical education minutes is





an organized educational process contributes not only to



general educational



student, but also favorable growth and development of the student, strengthening

his health.

Fitness minutes:

Provide active recreation for students

Shift attention from one activity to another

Help to eliminate congestion in organs and systems

Improve metabolic processes

Contribute to increasing the attention and activity of children in the subsequent

lesson stage.

Tasks of physical education minutes:

Relieve mental stress in students by switching

another type of activity;






Arouse children's interest in physical exercises;









Physical education, as a form of active recreation for schoolchildren, is held







are selected

complex exercises,





half-squats and squats, exercises for the hands and fingers. These

exercises cover large muscle groups and relieve static





relieve congestion caused by prolonged sitting at the table.

This is achieved by the fact that the switching of nervous activity in some




functioning areas of the cortex to restore metabolism. Besides

In addition, vigorous movement and breathing increase blood circulation in the brain,




is an










make sure that the phases of muscle tension alternate rhythmically with

relaxation phases. It is known that the tone of the muscles of the anterior part of the trunk

has a natural predominance over the muscle tone of the back surface,

which is one of the main causes of postural disorders - stoop,

head tilt forward. Therefore, when conducting a physical education session, it is necessary

pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the back of the body. In complexes

physical education minutes, the predominant place is occupied by exercises that

associated with torso tilts back with strong muscle tension. WITH






it is necessary to strengthen the muscles of the lateral surface of the body. For this

perform tilts to the right and left with the tension of the corresponding muscles.




the muscles of the writing hand get tired quickly. As a result, it breaks

the skill of correct writing, the speed of typing and drawing slows down.

To eliminate fatigue of the muscles of the hand, perform various exercises in

in the form of rhythmic squeezing of fingers, shaking with brushes and others. In

while sitting, the lower limbs are also very tired, they are observed




limbs are introduced squats, stepping from foot to foot, walking on

Physical education minutes



it is advisable to carry out standing at the tables or near them.


physical education classes can be carried out sitting at the table, because on




the ability to change body position more often.

There are several types of physical education:

Exercises to relieve general or local fatigue;

Hand exercises;

Gymnastics for the eyes;

Gymnastics to improve hearing;

Exercises for the prevention of flat feet;

Exercises that correct posture;

Breathing exercises.

Inclusion in the educational process of developing games, physical education

of a different nature gives a noticeable effect in the development of children, expands





keeping younger students interested in learning activities and

contributes to the formation of universal educational activities.

Physical education minutes.

"Sun Bunnies"

Sunbeams play on the wall

I beckon them with my finger, let them run to me.

Well, catch it, catch it soon!

Well, left, left, left,

Now right, right!

Ran to the ceiling.

Bunny on the left, on the right, below, above - repeated several times in a scatter.


And now we are with you, children,

We're flying on a rocket

Raised on toes

And then all hands down.

(Stand on toes, hands up, palms form a "rocket dome")

Three four

(Main rack)

Here the rocket flies up -

Run away, get away!


We will try very hard, (Children make jerks with bent arms in front of

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind (Run on toes)

Swimming is the best in the world. (Do strokes with hands)

Squat and get up again (Squat)

And lift dumbbells. (Straighten bent arms up)

Let's be strong and tomorrow

All of us will be taken as astronauts! (Hands on the belt)

- Everyone got up.


Only in the forest we all went

Mosquitoes have appeared

Hands up - clap,

Hands down - clap.

(Walking with arms raised up, clap, lowering).

And we meet a bear -

We put our hands behind our heads

And we're going to hell.

(Walking on the outer and inner sides of the feet with swaying).

In front of us is a pond

We already know how to jump

We will jump more boldly.

One-two, one-two-

There is water behind.

(Jumping from foot to foot, on “pebbles”).

To the side of the hand

Let's wave them

The birds are flying towards us

How do they sit

We will also show

They are sitting.

The wind flew through the forest

The wind counted the leaves.

Here is oak

Here is maple

Here from a golden birch.

Here is the last leaf from the aspen

The wind threw on the path.

"Our Pens"

We raise our hands up,

And then we let them go.

And then we unfold them

And we'll take it to ourselves soon.

And then faster, faster

Clap, clap more cheerfully.

Carousels, carousels

They flew on a rocket.

Carousels, carousels

They got on the car.

Carousels, carousels

We went on a scooter.

Carousels, carousels

They sat on the horse.

Carousels, carousels

And they sat quietly at the desk.

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together!

They sank their feet.

They clapped their hands.

Twisted, turned.

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly

We count to five together.

We open, we blink

And we continue to work

"Cha, cha, cha."

Cha, cha, cha (3 thigh claps)

The stove is very hot (4 jumps on two legs)

Chi, chi, chi (3 overhead claps)

Oven bake kalachi (4 squats)

Choo, choo, choo (3 claps behind the back)

Higher legs! Stop, one, two! (Walking in place.)

Raise your shoulders higher

And then we drop them. (Raise and lower shoulders.)

Put your hands in front of your chest

And we do jerks. (Hands in front of chest, jerking hands.)

You need to jump ten times

Let's go higher, let's go together! (Jumping in place.)

We raise our knees

We take a step on the spot. (Walking in place.)

From the heart we stretched, (Sipping - arms up and to the sides.)

And they returned to their place. (Children sit down.)


Pinocchio stretched,

Once - bent, unbent!

Two - two clap in the hands,

Three nods of the head

Four - arms wider,

Five - wave your hands,

Six - sit quietly at the desk

"Oh, how long we've been writing."

Oh how long we wrote

The children's eyes are tired.

(Blink eyes.)

Look everyone out the window

(Look left and right.

Ah, how high the sun is.

(Look up.)

We'll close our eyes now

(Close your eyes with your palms.)

Let's build a rainbow in class

Let's go up the rainbow

(Look up in an arc

right and up-left.)

Turn right, turn left

And then we slide down

(Look down.)

Squint hard, but hold on.

(Close your eyes, open and blink them.)


(The back is straight, hands are on the belt. Children smoothly and slowly raise that

the right, then the left leg, bent at the knee, and also smoothly lowered.

Watch your back.)

Stork, long-legged stork,

Show me the way home. (Stork answers.)

Stomp with your right foot

Stomp with your left foot

Again with the right foot

Again, left foot.

After - with the right foot,

After - the left foot.

And then you come home.


We are snowflakes

we are fluff

(I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt, head tilt to the right, to the left.)

We are not averse to spinning.

(Rotate 360 ​​degrees.)

We are ballerina snowflakes

(Tilts of the body to the right, to the left.)

We dance day and night.

(Added step to the right and left.)

We whitewashed the trees

(Rise on toes with raising hands, return to ip)

The earth was covered with velvet

(Squat with arms extended.)

And saved from the cold.

(Return to ip with arms extended to the sides and down.)


Oh, you owl-owl,

(I.p.: o.s. Hands on shoulders, circular movements.)

You are a big head!

(Hands on the back of the head, tilts to the left, to the right.)

You were sitting on a tree

(High knees.)

You turned your head

(Head turns to the right, to the left.)

Fell into the grass

Rolled into the hole.

(Deep forward bend. 2 squats.)

If you like it, then do this (2 clicks above your head.)

If you like it, then do this (2 claps.)

If you like it, then do it like this (2 claps behind the knees.)

If you like it, then do it like this (2 stamps with your feet.)

If you like it, then tell me "Good!"

If you like it, then show it to others.

If you like it, then do it.

(2 clicks, 2 claps, 2 claps, 2 stomp, "Okay!")

Here we spread our hands

As if surprised

And each other to the ground

They bowed to the belt!

Bent over, straightened up.

Bent over, straightened up.

Below, children, bow down,

Don't be lazy, smile.

« Khomka.

Homka, hamster, hamster (Children puff out their cheeks)

Striped barrel. (stroke their sides)

Homka gets up early, (Stretching movements)

Washes cheeks, rubs neck, (rubbing face and neck)

Homka sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping)

And goes out to charge (marching in place)

One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements imitating charging)

Homka wants to become strong. (Tension of the muscles of the arms)

"We stomp our feet."

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We raise our hands

We lower our hands

And we start writing again.

Finger gymnastics.

The hedgehog stomped along the path

And he carried mushrooms in a basket.

You need to curl your fingers.

(Children bend their fingers in turn, first on the left, then on the right hand.

At the end of the exercise, their hands should be clenched into fists.)

“We came to school with you” - Children march in place.

“They found all their friends” - Hands on the belt. Tilts from left to right

“We will write at school” - Squeezing-unclenching fingers on outstretched

“And of course, and of course, we will know a lot, a lot!” - Children make

several "squats" at the desk and getting up because of it.

We chop cabbage, chop,

(sweeping hand movements like an axe)

We mash cabbage

("mash cabbage")

We salt-salt cabbage,

("take" a pinch of salt and "salt")

We are eating cabbage.

(flexion and extension of the hands)

The sun is sleeping, the sky is sleeping, - (they put their head in their hands)

Even the wind doesn't make noise.

The sun rose early in the morning

They sent their rays to everyone - (hands up with fingers apart)

Suddenly a breeze blew - (wave your arms from side to side with inclinations


The sky was clouded with a cloud - (circular movements of the hands to the left, then to the right)

The rain pounded on the roofs.

Drumming rain on the roof - (drumming fingers on the table)

The sun is sinking lower and lower.

That's hidden behind the clouds

Not a single ray is visible - (gradually they sit down and put their head in their hands).

We walk through the forest together

We walk through the forest together

We are not in a hurry, we are not behind.

Here we go to the meadow. (Walking in place.)

A thousand flowers around! (Sipping - arms to the sides.)

Here is a chamomile, a cornflower,

Lungwort, porridge, clover.

The carpet is spread

And right and left. (Bend over and touch the left foot with the right hand,

then vice versa - the right foot with the left hand.)

Hands stretched to the sky

The spine was stretched. (Sipping - hands up.)

We all had time to rest

And they sat down again. (Children sit down.)

The mice came out

The mice came out once (Walking in place or moving forward in


See what time it is. (Turns left, right, fingers "tube"

before your eyes.)

One, two, three, four (claps overhead with hands.)

The mice pulled the weights. (Hands up and squats with lowering hands

"pulled the weights").

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing, (clapping in front of him.)

The mice ran away. (Running in place or to your place.)

A turkey walks around the yard Steps in place

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rook (Stop, look in surprise

Got pissed off.

Hastily stomped (Stomp your feet)

He flapped his wings (Hands, like wings, pat yourself

On the sides)

All swollen like a ball (Hands on the belt)

Or a copper samovar. (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)

Shaking his beard (Shake his head, saying "bala - bala -

bala" like a turkey)

Rushed with an arrow. (Running in place)

Who is this? What's this?

How to guess?

Who is this? What's this?

How to unravel? Turns left and right with outstretched arms.

Hands are raised up. Perform swinging movements left and right.

This is a fishing boat.

Legs shoulder width apart. Hands to the sides, hands raised up. In such

position, swing from side to side.

This is a starfish.

We raise our hands up, squeezing and unclenching our fingers, lower our hands down.

It is, of course, a snail. Hands to the sides, perform circular movements.

I will solve all of you. We spread our hands to the sides.

We'll get some rest

Let's get up, take a deep breath.

Hands to the side, forward

At the edge of the bunny is waiting.

(Children perform movements)

Bunny jumped under a bush,

Inviting us into your home.

(Jumping on one leg,

then on the other, on two at once.)

Hands down, on the belt, up,

We run away from everyone

(Running in place.)

Hands down, on the belt, up,

We run away from everyone.

(Running in place.)

Let's run to class

Let's listen to the story.

(Sit down at desks)

Gymnastics for the eyes.

Oh, how long we wrote, The eyes of the guys are tired.

(Blink your eyes.) Look out the window,

(Look left - right.) Oh, how high the sun is.

(Look up.) We will now close our eyes,

(Close your eyes with your palms.) In the class, we will build a rainbow, up the rainbow


turn around and then roll down



open and blink them.)




pressing them clockwise and counterclockwise.)

And suddenly woke up, (Blink your eyes.)

I didn’t want to sleep anymore, (Raise your hands up (inhale). Look at

Startled, stretched, (Arms bent to the sides (exhale).)

Soared up and flew. (Shake brushes, look to the right-

Hands behind your back, heads back.

Hands behind your back, heads back.

(Close your eyes, relax.) Let your eyes look at the ceiling.

(Open your eyes, look up.) Let's lower our heads - look at the desk.

(Down.) And up again - where is the fly flying there?

(Up.) Let's turn our eyes, look for her.

(On the sides.) And we read again. A little more.

Pinocchio-Pinocchio draws with his pancake curious nose. Everything

exercises are accompanied by eye movements.

"Sun"- soft movements of the nose in a circle.

"Carrot"- turning the head to the right to the left, with the nose “draw” a carrot.

"Tree"- tilts forward - backward, with the nose we “draw” a tree.

"A circle"- imagine a big circle. Circle his eyes first

clockwise, then counterclockwise.

"Square"- Ask the children to imagine a square. Translation of look

from the top right corner to the bottom left - to the top left, to the right





"Pinocchio" - offer


imagine that their nose starts to grow, they continue with closed

follow the tip of the nose with your eyes. Then, without opening your eyes, with the reverse

counting from 1 to 8, monitor the decrease in the spout.

eye exercise

P.p. - sitting at the desk.

1. Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 sec. Open eyes. Repeat 2-3 times.

2. Movements with eyeballs.

Eyes to the right - up.

Eyes to the left - up.

Eyes to the right - down, - eyes to the left - down.

Repeat 3-4 times. Close your eyes. Rest 10-15 sec.

1. Self-massage. Rub your palms. Close your eyes, put your hands over your eyes,

fingers together. Hold 1 sec. Palms on the table. Open eyes.

Breathing exercises

(according to Strelnikova)

Exercise rules.

1. During breathing exercises, it is necessary

breathe only through the nose.

2. Inhalation is done simultaneously with the movement.

3. All breaths-movements are done in the combat step mode, i.e. 55 - 60

breaths per minute.

4. Gymnastics is performed under the count of eight. (Students consider

only to yourself: “and” - inhale, “number” - exhale)

5. The minimum number of exercises is three.

6. It is used without age restrictions from 3-4 years old, standing, sitting and

7. Gymnastics is both curative and preventive.

Complexes of exercises.


I.p. - stand up straight, arms bent at the elbows, elbows down, palms away from you;






are happening

on one's own

expulsion with the help of muscles. 4 breaths are taken followed by a pause of 3

to appear

dizziness from a large amount of fresh air).

"The chauffeurs".

I.p. - stand up straight, hands clenched into fists and pressed to the stomach on

belt level. At the moment of inhalation, a sharp push with fists down, after which

hands return to sp. with simultaneous exhalation. Hands above

lift up.


breaths, movements

breaks between the 8th - 3-4 seconds. Performed standing, sitting, lying down.


get off the floor. On inspiration, a half-squat is done with simultaneous




movement at waist level. The back is straight.


I.p. - stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet should not

off the floor, arms along the body.

On inhalation, a slight bow is made, hands reach for the floor, but do not touch it.

As you exhale, straighten up slightly, but do not go into the main stance. Back



high blood pressure.

"Hug your shoulders"

I.p. - stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet should not

off the floor, arms bent at the elbows and raised to shoulder level.


deep breath at the same time. Hands go parallel to each other. At

return to i.p. - passive exhalation Limitations: congenital defect

"Big Pendulum"

I.p. - stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet should not

get off the floor. Tilt forward, hands reach for the floor - inhale. Slightly

bending back in the lower back, arms hugging the shoulders and also inhale.

going on


spine, osteochondrosis, displacement of intervertebral discs.

"Head Turns"

I.p. - stand up straight, legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, feet should not

get off the floor. Turning the head to the right is a noisy short breath.

Turning the head to the left - noisy short breath. Head in the middle

stops, the neck does not strain. Exhale through the mouth during the shift

Exercise to improve hearing.

Working on improving vision has a positive effect on hearing. And, in




impact on the organs of vision. Here are some development exercises

Bend the top of the ear down. Unbend, bend, as if

rolling and rolling the ear. Ears should be warm.

Find a dimple near the tragus. Pressed on the dimples of both ears at once -

released, pressed, released.

They pressed their fingers on the earlobes, massaged, released.

We massage the whole ear in a circular motion in one direction, in the other.

You need to massage both ears at once.

We begin to pull ourselves by the ears - first 20 times down, and then we take on

middle and pull also 20 times.

Grasp the earlobe again and massage it well.

Pull the ears to the side - again 20 times.

Now we bend them forward, and then in the opposite direction (20 times)

Used Books:


O. Moskalenko Fizkultminutki in elementary school. - M .: Graf-press,

Kovalko V.I. Younger students in the classroom. M: Eksmo Education, 2007



Health saving


elementary school, Samara, 2004

Kovalko V.I. Health-saving technologies at school. 1-4 class, M.,

Kovalko V.I. Junior schoolchildren in the lesson: 1000 educational games,

exercises, physical education minutes (grades 1-4), M., Eksmo, 2007