Pronouns in the right form English. Pronouns in english

Pronouns in the right form English. Pronouns in english
Pronouns in the right form English. Pronouns in english

Right go:

The pronoun is called part of speech, which is used instead of the name of the noun.

Pushkin Is The Greatest Russian Poet. HE WAS BORN IN 1799
Pushkin is the greatest Russian poet. He was born in 1799.

Proponation in English can be used in the proposal in the function:

Not is a doctor.
He is a doctor.

The Red Pencil Is Mine.
My red pencil.

I have not seen him.
I have not seen him.

I Cannot Find My Pencil.
I can't find my pencil.

Simple form Pretty pronouns always requires a noun and being a definition, eliminates the use of articles before this noun:

My Pencil Is On The Table.
My pencil on the table.

Absolute form Pretty pronouns is used independently - the nouns after them are never put.

This Pencil Is Mine.
My pencil is mine.

Returns pronouns stand after many verbs and correspond in Russian particle - "Sia" ("Smiling"), which joins the verbs, showing that the action goes to the actual person itself:

Not Defended Himself.
He was defended.

Don "T Cut Yourself.
Do not spine.

Proponation in English: Table with translation and examples

Table. Pronounced (pronouuns).
1. Personal
Personal PRONOUNS)
(Nominative Case)
objective case
Objective Case)
I. - I
you. - you you
he. - is he
she. - she is
iT. - he she it
we. - we
you. - you
they - they are
mE - me, me
you. - you, you, you, you
him. - His, he
hER. - her, her
iT. - His, her, he, her
uS. - us, us
you. - you, you
them. - They, im
2. Pictures
Possessive PRONOUNS)
I form II Form
mu - My (I, -E, ,y)
your. - yours (-Y, -E, -Y), Your (A, -E, -Y)
hIS. - his
hER. - her
its. - his her
oUR - OUR (A, -E, -Y)
your. - Your (-A, -E, -Y)
their - them
All these pronouns can also be translated by the word
mine. - My (I, -E, ,y)
yours. - yours (I, -E, ,y), your (A, -E, -Y)
hIS. - his
hers. - her
its. - his her
ours - OUR (-A, -E, - and)
yours. - Your (-A, -E, -Y)
theirs. - them
3. Return and amps
mySelf. - (I) yourself, myself (-a)
yourself. - (you, you) yourself, yourself (s)
himSelf. - (he) himself, himself
herself. - (she) himself, herself
itSelf. - (it) himself, itself
ourselves. - (we) yourself, ourselves
yourselves. - (you) yourself, ourselves
themSelves. - (they) themselves, themselves
4. Mutual
(Reciprocal PRONOUNS)
each Other - each other
oNE ANOTHER. - one another
5. Indexing
(Demonstrative pronouuns)
tHIS (these) - This, this, this, (these)
that. (those) - that, then, that (those)
such - Such.
the Same. - the same, the same
6. Questionative
who (whom) - who will win)
whose - Chey.
what - What, what, what, who
which - which, what, who is that
7. Relative and connecting
(Relative and Conjunctive PRONOUNS)
who (whom) - Who (whom), who (whom)
whose - whose
what - what, what
which - which, what, who is that
that. - which the
8. Uncertain
some - Some, some, a little (approved.)
any. - some, some (in question and dedication. Destination), any
one. - Someone, some
all. - all, all, all, everything
each. - everyone
every - all, each
other - Other (s)
another. - Other
both - both
many. - Many, many
much. - lot
few - Little, few
little. - few
either - Any (of two)
nO - no, none, no
none - Nobody, nothing
neiTher. - neither one, nor another, no one, nothing
1. Personal subject
SHALL SPEAK TO HIM. - I will talk to him.
I SHALL SPEAK. to Him.. - I will talk to him.
part of the tame
That Was. he.. - it was he.
2. Pictures definition
Paper Was Interesting. - Her article was interesting.
My Room Is Large, Yours Is larger. - My room is big, yours - more.
part of the tame
This Paper Is. hIS.. - This article is it.
We Haven't Seen Your Paper, We Have Seen ONLY theirs..
We have not seen your article, we have seen only them.
3. Return and amps addition
I Wash mySelf.. - I wash my face.
Not himSelf. Saw IT. - He himself saw it.
NOT SAW IT. himSelf.. - He saw it himself.
4. Mutual addition
They Greeted each Other. - They welcomed each other.
5. Indexing subject
THIS Was Pleasant. - It was nice.
He Likes. tHIS. - He likes it.
part of the tame
IT WAS. that.. - It was (just) that.
I Know these Songs. - I know these songs.
6. Questionative subject
Who KNOWS THIS STORY? - Who knows this story?
What Did you See there? - What have you seen there?
part of the tame
What HAS SHE BECOME? - Who she became?
Which MONTH IS THE WARMEST? - What month warmer?
7. Relative and connecting subject
The Man Who is Sitting There Is My Friend. - A man who sits there, my friend.
I DON'T KNOW. whom He Sentue. - I do not know who he sent there.
part of the tame
The Question Is. who Will Go there. - The question is who will go there.
I DON'T KNOW. whose Paper this is. - I do not know whose article.
8. Uncertain subject
One. Must Do IT. - You need to do it.
HE TOLD US. something.. - He told us something.
Any. Student Can Do it. - Any student can do it.
part of the tame
IT IS TOO. much. For me. - It's too much for me.
Transfer: pronouns

The study of any topic begins with its foundations. The same applies to English pronouns. Yes, you can immediately rush into the outer with your head, studying all the subtleties of this topic. However, if you do not know how or another pronoun is translated or pronounced, it is immediately combined with a word with other members and make a proposal with them will be at least hard, but how much is impossible. Therefore, if you are just starting your acquaintance with this topic, let's consider English pronouns with translation and pronunciation to avoid problems in their further development.

English pronoun species

To begin with, it is worth noting that pronouns in English are divided into 9 species:

  1. Personal PRONOUNS or personal pronouns
  2. Possessive PRONOUNS or Holding Propheate
  3. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions
  4. Reciprocal PRONOUNS or mutual pronoun
  6. Relative and Conjunctive pronouuns or relative and connecting pronouns
  7. Demonstrative pronouuns or index pronouns
  8. Quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns
  9. Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouns or Uncertain Prosons and Negative Pronouns

Each view has a limited number of words that need to be remembered to express their thoughts. These words, as a rule, consist of a small number of letters and do not contain sounds whose pronunciation can cause difficulties at the initial stage. Let us dwell on each form more and explore the pronoun English with transcription and translation.

English pronouns with translation and pronunciation: value and transcription

  1. The main place among the English pronouns is occupied by Personal Pronouuns (personal pronouns). This is the only group in which English allows declining of cases. Table for clarity:
Face and number Nominative Objective case
1 l., units I. (ah) - I me. (mi) - me / me / me
1 l., MN.C. we. (UI) - we uS. [ʌs] (ac) - us / us / us
2 liters, units you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you
2 l., you. (yy) - you you. (yy) - you / you / you
3 l., Units. he. (hee) - he

she. [ʃi:] (Shi) - she

iT. (IT) - this / it

him. (Chem) - His / him / im

hER. (Hyu) - her / her

iT. (IT) is

3 l., MN.C. they [ðEi] (Zei) - they them. [ðm] (Zem) - their / they / them
  1. The second most important is the Possessive PRONOUNS group or a group of attracted pronouns. She also has two forms: attached and absolute. They both answer the same question ("Whose?"), And differ in that the first requires a noun, and the second is not. Compare:

As you can see, these forms have something in common, but they are written and they are pronounced in different ways. Consider a complete list of assignments:

Attached form Absolute form
my (May) - my mine (Mine) - My
your (yo) is yours yours (Yors) - Your
hIS (HIS) - His hIS (HIS) - His
hER (Hyo) - her hers (Hors) - her
iTS (ITS) - His iTS (ITS) - His
your (yo) - your yours (Yors) - your
oUR (OUE) - our ours (OUERS) - our
their [ðeə (R)] (SEA) - their theirs [ðeəz] (Zeirs) - their
  1. Reflexive PRONOUNS or Return Primopions - a group of pronoun, which in Russian is translated in the meaning "self (a)" and "itself" depending on the situation:

The second part of these pronouns can remind you of the famous word "Selfie" (Selfie), which occurred from the word "SELF" (himself). The first parts repeat the pronouns of the two above-mentioned groups.

  1. Reciprocal pronouuns or mutual pronouns in English - a group, for the memorization of which, perhaps, will leave the least time. It consists of two words with the same meaning:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
each Other each other [ˌIːtʃ ʌʌə (R)] iC AZE
oNE ANOTHER. [ˌWʌn ənʌʌə (R)] uan Enhase
  1. The Interrogative Pronouuns group or a group of question pronoun is more extensive. These pronouns, as understandable of the name, are used to educate questions:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
what what / what wat.
who who will win hu.
which which / which huich
whom whom / to hum
whose whose hus
how. as how
why. why wai
when. when vEN.
where. where / where vEA
  1. Relative and Conjunctive pronouns or relative and connecting pronouns are used in complex proposals. They are not so much, but you need to know these words:

Some words of this group and a group of question pronoun are similar, but their functions and values \u200b\u200bare different.

  1. Demonstrative pronouns or pointed pronouns in English are also often found in speech. Some of them have the forms of the singular and plural:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
units. h. tHIS this / this [ðis] zys these these [Ði: z] zyz.
units. h. that. tO / T. [ðæt] sET those those [ðʊʊz] zoo
only units. h. such such sach
only units. h. (The) SAME the same sAYM.
  1. There are such pronoun in English that denote the quantity. They are called quantitative pronouuns or quantitative pronouns. These include:
Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
much. many (with innumerable nouns) mach
many. many (with external existing) [MENI] mani.
little. little (with innumerable nouns) [Lɪtl] little
a Little. a little (with innumerable nouns) [ə Lɪtl] e Little
few little (with external existing fewe
a Few several (with external existing) [ə FJUː] ufu
several. some [Sevrəl] savaral
  1. The most extensive group can rightly consider Indefinite Pronouuns and Negative Pronouuns or undefined and negative pronouns. Most of them is formed by a combination of pronuches, which independently serve the functions of this group, and other parts of speech:
Proponion Other parts of speech
thing [ɪŋɪŋ] one. body [Bɒdi] where.
some something (samstick) - something someone (Samun) - someone someBody (Sambadi) - someone sOMEWHERE (Samvage) - somewhere
aNY [ENI] aNYTHING (Enising) - anything anyone (Eniuan) - Someone anybody (Enibadi) - Someone anywhere (Eniva) - somewhere
no. nOTHING (NACING) - nothing no One (but Ouan) - Nobody nobody (Nobadi) - Nobody nowhere (NEMA) - Nowhere
eVERY [EVRI] everything (Evrising) - All everyone (Euryuan) - all everybody (Evurybadi) - all everywhere (Evrivea) - everywhere

As well as pronouns:

Pronoun Transfer Transcription Pronunciation
other other [Ʌʌə (R)] aZE
another. [ənʌʌə (R)] enhase

These were all English pronoun with translation and pronunciation. I want to pay special attention to pronunciation. The fact is that the sounds of English differ from the sounds of Russian, so conveying how pronoun is pronounced in English is actually quite difficult.

The presented options are close to English pronunciation and added so that their understanding at the initial level is easier. With such a pronunciation you will definitely understand, however, for more correct sound, study transcriptions in English. To remember the correct pronunciation, listening to the audio with speech of carriers and the imitation of their manners of the conversation is also perfect.

As you know, all parts of the speech are divided into independent and service. As in Russian, pronouns in English belong to an independent part of speech, which denotes the subject or is its sign, but does not call individuals and items directly. These words are not called relationships and properties, do not give spatial or temporary characteristics.

Pronouns (pronouuns) in English replaces the name noun, so they are called "instead of the name" - He, You, IT. These words can also be used instead of adjective - Such, That, these. As in Russian and in English, such lexical units are very much, but it is necessary to know and correct them. Therefore, go directly to the study.

In the value of PRONOUNS, you can classify by multiple groups. I propose to get acquainted with this classification and features of each group:

Personal (Personal) are the most important and commonly encountered pronouns. The proposal performs the role of the subject. And the word "I (I)" Always written a big letter, regardless of whether it is in the beginning or in the middle of the sentence. And the pronoun to you (you, you) expresses the multiple and only number.

It should also be remembered that lexemes he (he) and she (she) use if they want to designate an animated face, and iT. - to designate animals, abstract concepts and inanimate objects. BUT "They" They use both in relation to inanimate objects and animated individuals.

Personal pronouns in English are inclined by cases. In the case when they fulfill the role in the proposal, they are in the nominative case, and when the role of add-on is in the object. In order for you to be clearer, learn the table



Objective case



I. I me. me, me


you. you you. you, you


he. is he him. him, Him
she. she is hER. she, her
iT. it, he, she iT. his, her, he, her



we. we uS. us, us


you. you you. you, you


they they are them. them, im.

Possessive pronouns

English stronger pronouns (Possessive) We disassembled in detail in the previous article. But still I remind you that they express belongings, have two forms - adjective and nouns, answer the question "Whose?" And do not change in numbers. There is also a special absolute form. Look at the table, as Possessive PRONOUNS is inclined:


the form







mine My.
His His
Hersh her
Its his / her




our Ours
Yours yours
Theirs of them

Index pronouns in English

Indicative (demonstrative) or demonstrative - indicate a face or subject. Indexing pronouns in English do not change according to childbirth, but inclined by numbers, that is, they have the forms of a single and plural. Wherein " tHIS»Call the subject that is next to the speaker, and the word" that.»It is denoted by a subject that is at a considerable distance.

In addition, "That" can be translated into Russian as "This, this". Indexing pronouns in English in the proposal can perform the role of the subject, additions, definitions or nouns.

Return pronouns in English

Returns (Reflexive) or reflexive - express a return value, show that the action is directed to the actual person itself, therefore, the return pronouns in English in the proposal in the form relates to the subject.

Their distinctive feature is that they end on "- self. "In the singular or" - selves." in plural)". In Russian, this is a verbal suffix "-" - "ourselves)" or the pronoun "herself (herself, himself)": He Cut Himself - he cut

Singular Plural
mySelf. ourselves.
yourself. yourselves. yourself (ourselves)
himSelf. yourself (himself) themSelves.

oNESELF Uncertainty Personal Shape

Uncertain pronoun in English

Uncertain (indefinite) is one of the most numerous groups of English pronouns. Proposals can replace nouns and adjectives. Undefined pronouns in English can be divided into words, it is formed from "no" (no, no matter), "Any" (any, somewhat, little) and "some" (several, little).




noone / Nobody no one anyone / Anybody. someone / someone anyone someone / Somebody. someone / anyone
nothing. nothing anything. something / anywhere something. something
nowhere nIGHT anywhere. somewhere / somewhere, anywhere / somewhere somewhere somewhere
anyhow. somehow / somehow like you like somehow. somehow / somehow
aNY DAY / ANY TIME whenever some Time / Some Day someday

Other Indefinite PRONOUNS includes: Every, Each, Both, All, Few, Little, Many, Much.

Questionful pronouns in English

Interrogative - very similar to relative, but perform perfect other functions in a sentence, where are subject, adjective or addition: Who is there? - Who's there? Sometimes they can be a personal part of the lean. Questionful pronouns in English is also called "interviewal words":

  • wHO? - Who?
  • which? - which the?
  • wHOM? - Who? who?
  • where? - Where?
  • what? - what?
  • whose? - Whose?
  • wHEN? - When?
  • why? - Why?

Other pronouns

We stayed in more detail on the main and more numerous pronouns, but there are other groups of pronoun in English:

  • Divided: aNOTHER, OTHER.
  • Negative: no, Nobody, Nothing, No One, Neither, None
  • Relative: that, Which, Whose, Who

Primoplation is a word used instead of the name of the subject (or its characteristics) and indicating it.

For example:

Instead of "girl", we can say: "She".

Instead of "the dress that I keep in my hands," we can say: "This dress."

In English there are 5 main groups of pronoun:

1. Personal pronouns

2. Holding pronouns

3. Return pronouns

4. Indicative pronouns

5. Questionally pronoun

Let's consider the use of these pronouns in detail.

Personal pronouns in English

Personal pronouns are those words that we replace the acting person.

The acting person can be:

1. The main thing (answers the question "Who?")

For example:

My girlfriend at work. She (replacing "my girlfriend") will come in the evening.

Personal pronouns that
I. i
You. you you
We. we
They they are
He. is he
She. she is
IT. it

2. Not the main / secondary (answers the question "Who?")

For example:

My friend and I go to the movies. Friends invited us (instead of us with a girlfriend).

Personal pronouns that
replace the main acting person
me. i
you. you you
uS. we
them. they are
him. is he
hER. she is
iT. it

He. invited me. to The Cinema.
He invited me to the movies.

TheysENTER HER A Letter.
They sent her a letter.

Personal pronouns in English

Pretty pronouns reflect the belonging of objects and the relationship between them.

For example:

Holding pronouns are 2 species:

1. Those that are used with the subject (answering the question "Whose?")

Possessive pronouns,
used with the subject
mY. my
your. your / yours
oUR our
their them
hIS. his
hER. her
its. its / EE

2. Those that are used independently (without subject)

Such pronouns are used to avoid repeats in the proposal. After them, you do not need to put the subject, as they already imply it.

Possessive pronouns,
used independently
mine. my
yours. your / yours
ours our
theirs. them
hIS. his
hers. her
its. its / EE

Their Price Is Below ours.
Their price is below ours.

My Box IS Smaller Than yours..
My box is less than yours.

Return pronouns in English

Return pronouns show us that a person makes an action towards himself. Why are they returnable? Because the action is directed on the one who makes it, that is, returns to him.

Such pronouns are used to show that:

  • The action is directed on the person himself
  • The action was committed by a person alone

In Russian, we most often show it with the help of ourselves, which add to the actions.

For example:

She cut down (shed itself)

In English for this there are special words that are formed by adding to the pronuches of My, Your, Our, Them, HIM, HIM, IT Tail:

  • -Self. (if we are talking about one person / subject);
  • -selves. (If we are talking about several people / subjects).

Let's look at the table of these pronouns.

i myself
You yourself
is he
he himself
she is
she herself
it is self
you yourself
they are
they themselves
we ourselves

For example:

She intrduued herself. WHEN ENTERED IN THE ROOM.
She introduced himself (introduced himself) when he entered the room.

We. ourselves. Cooked the Dinner.
We ourselves prepared this dinner.

Index pronouns in English

We use index pronouns to indicate the subject / person or objects / people. Hence the name - index.

In English there are 4 most used specifying pronouns:

  • this is
  • these - these
  • that -
  • those - those

Let's look at the table of using these pronouns.

Pronoun number
people / subjects
this is
one something
next to us
one something
land from us

THIS Book Is Interesting.
It's an interesting book.

I Know those Girls.
I know those girls.

Questionful pronouns in English

Questionful pronouns are words that indicate a person, the subject or signs that are not known to the speaker.

For example: who is baked this cake? (indicate a person)

In English, the most common question pronouns are:

  • who - who, who
  • whose whose
  • what - what, what
  • which - which
  • whom - whom

Let's look at the table of using these words.

Pronoun Using Example
Who - who, whom / to 1. Who did or
did not do
a certain action

2. To whom it was
certain Action (Conversational Option)

Who Helps HER?
Who helps her

Whom - whom who For whom it was
defined action (official,

Whom Will You Invite?
Who will you invite?

Whose whose Ask about accessories

Whose DOG IS IT?
Whose dog?

What - what, what 1. We ask about the subject

2. Ask about the sign of the subject
(We assume unlimited

What Did You Read?
What did you read?

Which - which which Please choose
From some

Which Dog Is Yours?
Which (what) is your dog?

So, we looked at 5 main types of pronouns, and now let's take care of using them.

Task for fixing

Translate the following offers into English:

1. This machine is red.
2. They invited me to the park.
3. She herself baked this cake.
4. Whose scarf on a chair?
5. Your gift is better than it.