Marilyn Monroe loved to draw, wrote poems and loved to read serious books. Draw Portrait Marilyn Monroe gradually How to draw hair from Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe loved to draw, wrote poems and loved to read serious books. Draw Portrait Marilyn Monroe gradually How to draw hair from Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe loved to draw, wrote poems and loved to read serious books. Draw Portrait Marilyn Monroe gradually How to draw hair from Marilyn Monroe
Draw a realistic portrait of Marilyn Monroe

"A really fantastic learning lesson who will allow you to find how to draw a portrait of Marilyn Monroe with a simple pencil. Each lesson step is perfectly explained and commented, the facility is very detailed, but it takes a lot of patience."
I generally use paper for 1 £ from Hyper Value, but Lyshal has repeatedly that the Bristol Board is better. I recently started using it, and she is really good. Drawing on it lasts much faster. If you do not have access to a good art store, try to find paper whose characteristics are at least 135GSM, and that it be relatively smooth.
The pencils
I can not convey the importance of the presence of high-quality pencils. I find that Derwent is definitely the best. I also use Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are really black, which is essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic drawings. I use a 4b derwent pencil, because it is soft enough for mixing and transfers light and medium shades perfectly. Mars Lumograph (from which I use 8B) transmits dark and black shades, and can be used on top of Derwent.
Tools for rastushevki
To hide a pencil line, you need several tools for cutting. I use the applicators of the eyelids, because they give a really sleek, and almost transparent result, and if desired, it can also make a more rude decisive. Also I heard about people using cotton wool and fabric. In this learning lesson, I will use eye shadow applicators.
Erasing rubber
I think the usual gum is useless for the drawing. My favorite - the gum of the company WH Smith "s. (Do not buy anything else from this company for art - especially pencils - they are terrible.)

Make sure your hands are clean and dry before starting to draw. You can put the fabric at hand while drawing to prevent feed from entering the skin on paper, but I think it is inconvenient. From my experience, it is better not to do so. It violates the proportions. Better Change the picture of the picture at a convenient position. To distract from time to time, I recommend watching TV while drawing. If you draw a celebrity, see the programs where they are involved, it will give a better understanding of their features. Choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think of what you want to achieve your work. If you draw a celebrity image, choose it to be unusual or traditional. For example, everyone saw this picture of Marilyn Monroe, and often used for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Title magazines are a good source. General magazines and photographs are also useful. Newspaper photos are better not to use. Image I chose:
I know, a picture of not high quality, it's because she was too big to scan, so I photographed it, but you need to find it in good quality to obtain an excellent result.


It is important to draw an image in general terms before drawing small parts. I missed this stage, so my drawing suffered because of this.
Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "Third-rate artist will draw whose face with the eyes of the same size and in the right position. But in fact, there are no two identical eyes on the human face - one will always be less than the other, or they will have a different form. This artist will see This is for the real display of human features. " This is my sketch:

I drew it from my hand, but you need a lot, use the grid. I know that its use is difficult, but it creates miracles. To be confident in the correctness of the process, I used circles and ellipses, and the correct forms of the main objects were built on the foundations.

This is how basic forms should look like.
You will easily see what should be changed to get the right forms.
You can make sure that everything is accurate, looking at relative measurements.

At this level, all drawing lines should be light. Apply light shadows so that your drawing looks more realistic.

Shading and adding details It is important to follow these directions:

What direction do you use depends on which hand you draw (it is used to not soak what you have already painted). Therefore, the background is usually started to draw first (less often - hair). If you put the fabric on hand, you can not follow this order.
Since I'm right-handed, I will start from the top of the left corner.

First of all, stitch the middle tone of the 4B pencil background.

Now we remove the pencil lines of the decisive tool that you use. I interfere with light circular movements that are gradually moved in the right direction. For small parts, you do not need to use the circular motions when rustice.

After that, you must designate the darkest tone. Press the pencil is stronger because they are not very well mixed, and stroke slightly when you darken between medium and dark tones.

We are growing again so that the transition between the tones is invisible.

And add more black, if necessary.

Use a soft gum, bring off the part from it and give it this form:

Next, the pointed part highlight the light parts on the back background. Exercise the place of decisive, if necessary. That's what I did:

After drawing the background, dust may appear from graphite at the not yet painted patterns of the pattern. It needs to be erased before you continue to draw. The only way to make hair well is to draw them individually for each work.

Enter the middle tone of the 4B pencil.

We grow in the direction of the hair.

Add dark tones, drawing separate hair, where it is necessary.

Use hair gum for hair gloss.

Now you need to add more light and shadow.

This is how the part of the drawn hair looks.
The use of applicants for shadows is necessary for the decoration of the skin, it allows you to create a transparent, glowing effect.

Draw medium tones

We grow in the applicator with circular movements.

If some sites turned out too dark, erase them.

Cheese to align transitions.

Eyes and eyebrows
Eyes, perhaps, the most important part of the portrait.

To begin with, break the shadows and the eyebrow, using the 4B pencil.

Draw individual hairs in your eyebrows

Rubber Highlight light areas

Now draw the eyelid and rolling space

Add eyelashes

Using the 4B pencil, stitch the iris and slightly protein. For him, you can also use a cotton wand with graphite.

Use an elastic band to highlight bright areas. Make sure the scrape in the pupil is really white.

We take a pencil again 4B. Slightly stroke under the eye. Gently with the line of eyelashes.

Draw the lower cilia

Grow skin under the eyes

That's what it looks like
It is very difficult to portray my nose, it requires a separate lesson, because if it is depicted incorrectly, it violates the proportion of the whole picture.

4B pencil for medium tones


We remove the rubber band too much

Pencil 4B add dark areas. Carry and erased where it is necessary

Add more shadows

And the brightest plots we make a rubber band

That's what happened.
The lips are very difficult to draw. Everyone is different, and require various techniques

Shadows and middle tones of the upper lips Draw a 4B pencil


We add glitter lips

Slightly dimming the place where we walked erasing rubber band. Using the applicator, slightly slow down the teeth

Add the lines of the teeth, starting with the upper, ending with the bottom.

Dark between teeth, and draw the bottom lip


Will erase all the dust where there should be earrings. Then draw the contour with a 4B pencil

Draw dark sites

Gum give shine to diamonds

Already finish
Latest strokes
I did not draw a necklace, so the picture had to be cut, since the neck seemed too long.


In Russia, make sketches of the actress

That Marilyn Monroe tormented the most in life, so that it is perceived as a doll, a pacifier in a sequapile wrapper. But in recent years, thanks to the widow of the legendary theater teacher, Lee Strasberg, Marilyn archive opens and published. The world read her poems, notes, unpublished diaries, letters and felt a complex, confusing inner world of the actress. The other day in Russia comes out "The girl who is waiting for" is a collection of Marylin Montro drawings and its unknown photos. Among the pictures there is even a self-portrait, which shows us how Marilyn herself saw.

So seen Marilyn. "Alone" - "one".

14 photos from the archive of Anna Strasberg entered this book. Prepared and commented on the drawings Bernard Comment, who became the editor of another loudly sounded book "Marilyn Monroe. Life told by herself. " That's what we read in the preface:

"Figure Marilyn is born rather under the influence of a minute mood, the artist's hand seeks to identify and emphasize something tragicomic (grotesque portrait of a man with thick lips and a sleepy look) or causing an ironic smile (" I Must Concentrate "-" I need to concentrate "), sometimes thoughtfulness (a table by the bed on which the collection of poems is - her own poems, such as she dreamed of seeing him?), Or disappointing (a glass of champagne the next day after the holiday), or longing (self-portrait called "Alone" - "one ", Undoubtedly, posted by her orphan childhood, but also an old man who sits on a bench and listens to something, and waiting for someone girl). On the other, there is an inscription, full of optimistic self portrait: "Life Is Wonderful SO What The Hell" - "Life is beautiful - so what the hell!". Finally, two Love Ipostasis: one - a frantic (copulation on a summer day), and the other is contemplative: a man looks at the sleeping lover.

Drawing, Marilyn tries to move the movement and gesture on paper. Or make a visible memory of some pose, or a situation, or impression. We wondered whether to publish Marilyn drawings. Someone will say that this publication is a manifestation of fetishism. But I decided to publish because I felt the charm of these drawings, sometimes touching, and sometimes strange. We see in them an unknown before the side of the personality of Marilyn, her constant desire to express the fact that she feels at the moment, "Bernard writes comments.

How to draw Merlin Monroe Paradesha

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a portrait of Merlin Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) with a pencil in stages. This lesson is very detailed, each step is painted.

1. Tools for drawing.

Paper. The author uses the Paper from Hyper Value, also the Bristol Board paper is good, drawing on it is faster. Paper must be relatively smooth.
The pencils . I am very important to use high-quality pencils. Here are the brands that the author uses: Derwent and Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are truly black, which is undoubtedly essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic drawings. The author uses a 4b derwent pencil, because Very well transfers light and medium shades and soft during rustice, and 8V Mars Lumograph, which transfers dark and black shades very well, and it can be used on top of Derwent.
Tools for rastushevki. The author uses for this lesson applicators of eye shadows for this, because their use is given a smooth effect, and if desired, you can make a more rude decisive. Some people use cotton wool or fabric.

2. Right.

1. Before drawing hands should be clean and dry. You can put a fabric or paper at hand during drawing so that there are no fat spots, but it is not convenient and violates the proportions. It is better to change the angle of the drawing at a convenient position.

3. When choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think of what you want to achieve in your work. If you draw a celebrity image, choose it to be unusual or traditional. For example, everyone saw this picture Merlin Monroe, and often used for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Glossy magazines - a good source. General magazines and photographs are also useful. Newspaper photos are better not to use.

3. Drawing sketch Merlin Monroe.

It is important to draw an image in general terms before drawing small parts. Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "Third-rate artist will draw whose face with the eyes of the same size and in the right position. But in fact, there are no two identical eyes on the human face - one will always be less than the other, or they will have a different form. This artist will see this for a real display of the characteristics of a person. "

The author drew a sketch of Marilyn Monroe by hand, but he says that you can use the grid, building in squares, its use is difficult, but it creates wonders. The author uses circles and ellipses, on the basis of which built the right forms of the main features.

Watch everything for sure. At this stage, all lines should be applied by light lines, and also make a hatching light tone so that your drawing looks more realistic.

4. Receiving background.

Shading and adding details It is important to follow these directions:

The direction depends on what hand draw. It is used to not soak what you have already drawn. Therefore, the background is usually started to draw first, less often - hair. If you put fabric or paper on hand, you can not follow this order.
Who draws the right hand begins to draw from the left side of the sheet, who is left-handed with the right. This is the upper left corner.

4B pencil to make middle tone background. We make a decisive. The author grows up with light circular motions, which are gradually moved in the right direction. For small parts, you do not need to use the circular motions when rustice.

After that, you must designate the darkest tone. Press the pencil is stronger because they are not very well mixed, and stroke slightly when you darken between medium and dark tones.

Make a decisive thing so that the transition between the tones was impaired.

Add another dark shade if necessary.

Use a soft rubber band (Klyachka), bring off the part from it and give it this form:

5. How to draw hair from Marilyn Monroe.

After drawing the background, dust may appear from graphite at the not yet painted patterns of the pattern, it must be erased before you start the next drawing step. The only way to draw hair well is drawing them. Use 4B pencil.

We grow in the direction of the hair.

Add dark tones, drawing separate hair, where it is necessary.

Use an eraser (klyachka) to create highlights on the hair.

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a portrait of Merlin Monroe (Marilyn Monroe) with a pencil in stages. This lesson is very detailed, each step is painted.

1. Tools for drawing.

Paper. The author uses the Paper from Hyper Value, also the Bristol Board paper is good, drawing on it is faster. Paper must be relatively smooth.
The pencils . I am very important to use high-quality pencils. Here are the brands that the author uses: Derwent and Staedler Mars Lumographs. They are truly black, which is undoubtedly essential for color saturation, as well as for creating effective and dramatic drawings. The author uses a 4b derwent pencil, because Very well transfers light and medium shades and soft during rustice, and 8V Mars Lumograph, which transfers dark and black shades very well, and it can be used on top of Derwent.
Tools for rastushevki. The author uses for this lesson applicators of eye shadows for this, because their use is given a smooth effect, and if desired, you can make a more rude decisive. Some people use cotton wool or fabric.

2. Right.

1. Before drawing hands should be clean and dry. You can put a fabric or paper at hand during drawing so that there are no fat spots, but it is not convenient and violates the proportions. It is better to change the angle of the drawing at a convenient position.

3. When choosing a picture, do it carefully. Think of what you want to achieve in your work. If you draw a celebrity image, choose it to be unusual or traditional. For example, everyone saw this picture Merlin Monroe, and often used for drawing, so if you find a less popular image, then your drawing will give you new skills and a new level of quality. Glossy magazines - a good source. General magazines and photographs are also useful. Newspaper photos are better not to use.

3. Drawing sketch Merlin Monroe.

It is important to draw an image in general terms before drawing small parts. Cinematographer Jack Cardiff: "Third-rate artist will draw whose face with the eyes of the same size and in the right position. But in fact, there are no two identical eyes on the human face - one will always be less than the other, or they will have a different form. This artist will see this for a real display of the characteristics of a person. "

The author drew a sketch of Marilyn Monroe by hand, but he says that you can use the grid, building in squares, its use is difficult, but it creates wonders. The author uses circles and ellipses, on the basis of which built the right forms of the main features.

Watch everything for sure. At this stage, all lines should be applied by light lines, and also make a hatching light tone so that your drawing looks more realistic.

4. Receiving background.

Shading and adding details It is important to follow these directions:

The direction depends on what hand draw. It is used to not soak what you have already drawn. Therefore, the background is usually started to draw first, less often - hair. If you put fabric or paper on hand, you can not follow this order.
Who draws the right hand begins to draw from the left side of the sheet, who is left-handed with the right. This is the upper left corner.

4B pencil to make middle tone background. We make a decisive. The author grows up with light circular motions, which are gradually moved in the right direction. For small parts, you do not need to use the circular motions when rustice.

After that, you must designate the darkest tone. Press the pencil is stronger because they are not very well mixed, and stroke slightly when you darken between medium and dark tones.

Make a decisive thing so that the transition between the tones was impaired.

Add another dark shade if necessary.

Use a soft rubber band (Klyachka), bring off the part from it and give it this form:

5. How to draw hair from Marilyn Monroe.

After drawing the background, dust may appear from graphite at the not yet painted patterns of the pattern, it must be erased before you start the next drawing step. The only way to draw hair well is drawing them. Use 4B pencil.

We grow in the direction of the hair.

Add dark tones, drawing separate hair, where it is necessary.

Use an eraser (klyachka) to create highlights on the hair.

Now you need to add more light and shadow.

Dorisite on the same principle more hair.

6. How to paint the skin.

The use of applicants for shadows is necessary for the decoration of the skin, it allows you to create a transparent, glowing effect. Draw medium tones on the forehead.

We grow in the applicator with circular movements.

If some sites turned out too dark, erase them.

We grow to align the transitions.

Here is the portrait of Merlin Monroe at this stage.

This is the continuation of the lesson "How to draw Merlin Mongo", see the 1st part.

7. How to draw.

To begin with, break the shadows and the eyebrow, using the 4B pencil.

Draw individual hairs in your eyebrows.

Rubber highlight light areas.

Now draw an eyelid and podper space.

Add eyelashes.

Using the 4B pencil, stitch the iris and slightly protein. For him, you can also use a cotton wand with graphite.

Use an elastic band to highlight bright areas. Make sure the scrape in the pupil is really white. Do pupil with a softer pencil.

We take a pencil again 4B. Slightly stroke under the eye. Gently with the line of eyelashes.

Draw lower eyelashes.

We grow dry skin under the eyes.

Portrait of Merlin Monroe at this stage.

8. Drawing.

It is very difficult to portray my nose, it requires a separate lesson, because if it is depicted incorrectly, it violates the proportion of the whole picture. Use 4B pencil for medium tones.

We undress.

We remove the rubber band too much.

Pencil 4B add dark areas. Truck and erased where it is necessary.

Add more shadows.

And the brightest areas make a rubber band.