Me rf 266 of 30.06 03. The procedure for performing complex switching in electrical installations

Me rf 266 of 30.06 03. The procedure for performing complex switching in electrical installations
Me rf 266 of 30.06 03. The procedure for performing complex switching in electrical installations

1.5.32. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V switching

carried out:

without switching forms - with simple switching and in the presence of operating interlocks, excluding incorrect operations with disconnectors and earthing knives during all switching operations;

according to the switching form - in the absence of interlocking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

1.5.33. When eliminating failures, switching is carried out without forms, followed by an entry in the operational log.

Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in the prescribed manner.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

1.5.34. Electrical equipment, turned off at the verbal request of the technological personnel for the performance of any work, is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for disconnection, or replacing him.

Before starting up the temporarily disabled equipment at the request of the technological personnel, the operating personnel must inspect the equipment, make sure that it is ready to be energized and warn the personnel working on it about the upcoming activation.

The procedure for filing applications for disconnecting and switching on electrical equipment must be approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.35. In electrical installations with constant personnel on duty, equipment that has been under repair or being tested is switched on under voltage only after it has been accepted by the operating personnel.

In electrical installations without constant personnel on duty, the procedure for accepting equipment after repair or testing is established by local instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the electrical installation and compliance with safety requirements.

1.5.36. When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed:

an employee who has received a switching task is obliged to repeat it, record it in the operational log and establish the order of forthcoming operations according to the operational scheme or layout scheme; draw up, if required, a form of switching. Operations' negotiations should be as short and clear as possible. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by the personnel of the received messages and transmitted orders. Giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations;

if the switchings are performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, according to the operational scheme of connections, to the second worker participating in the switchings, the order and sequence of forthcoming operations;

if there are doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

after the completion of the switching task, an entry should be made about this in the operational log.

1.5.37. In case of planned changes in the scheme and modes of operation of the power equipment of Consumers, changes in relay protection and automation devices, dispatch services in whose management the equipment and relay protection and automation devices are located, the necessary changes and additions must be made in advance to the standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels of operational control.

1.5.38. Operational personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to unauthorizedly deactivate the interlocks.

Unlocking is allowed only after checking the disconnected position of the switch on site and finding out the reason for the failure of the blocking by permission and under the guidance of employees authorized to do so by a written order of the Consumer responsible for the electrical equipment.

Operational switching- this is one of the main responsibilities of the operating personnel. Switchings are made in order to change the wiring diagram or the state of the equipment. In this article, we will consider the basic rules and recommendations for the production of operational switching in electrical installations.

Operational switchings in electrical installations are emergency and scheduled. Emergency switching produced in the event of an emergency in an electrical installation. Scheduled - these are switchings carried out on equipment for scheduled repairs or for routine purposes. Let us consider in more detail the process of switching production in both cases.

Scheduled switching, as mentioned above, is performed in order to ensure the safety measures required for scheduled repairs on the equipment. At each enterprise, equipment repair schedules are developed and approved. In accordance with these schedules, applications for the withdrawal of equipment for repair are submitted in due time. Further, the applications are coordinated with the higher management, as well as with related enterprises and consumers.

Operational staff, servicing an electrical installation in which scheduled repairs are planned, in advance, before the start of work, draws up switching forms. Switching form- this is the main document that is guided in the production of switches in electrical installations.

The switching form indicates all the necessary operations with the equipment that must be performed to ensure safety measures when performing scheduled work in the electrical installation. All operations in the switching form are indicated in the order in which they must be performed.

For the production of complex switchings (withdrawal for repair of a system or section of buses, a power transformer, a voltage transformer, etc.) standard forms of switching... This is necessary in order to simplify the process of preparation of switching forms by operational personnel, as well as to eliminate errors in the preparation of forms.

So, before starting to draw up a switch form, the operator must clearly understand the purpose of the upcoming switchings and correctly determine their sequence.

Here is an example of the sequence of operations for taking out a power transformer for repair:

1. Operations with (if it is necessary to adjust the voltage on the transformer, to which it is planned to transfer the load of the transformer to be repaired).

2. Unloading the power transformer (transferring the load to another transformer in operation).

3. Analysis of the circuit (disconnection of disconnectors, separators from all sides, from which voltage can be applied).

4. Exclusion, if necessary, of transformer protection circuits, including busbar differential protection circuits.

5. Grounding of the transformer (switching on stationary grounding blades, installing grounding from all sides, from which voltage supply is possible).

It should be noted that, in addition to the basic operations with equipment and switching devices, it is necessary to include verification operations in the switching form. Here are some of the basic checkout operations that must be performed in the production of operational switches.

Before opening the disconnector, it is necessary to check the open position of the circuit breaker of this connection in order to prevent operations with the disconnector under load. In addition, before performing the switching operation, it is necessary to check the integrity of the support and traction insulation of the disconnectors. Very often, the unsatisfactory condition of the isolation of disconnectors leads to accidents.

Similarly, before rolling out or rolling in the switchgear trolley, it is necessary to check the disconnected position of the circuit breaker of this cell, as well as take measures to prevent erroneous or spontaneous closing of the circuit breaker.

When disconnecting (closing) the switch remotely, it is necessary to check its disconnected (closed) position by signal lamps and readings of instruments (ammeters). There are times when the signal lamp indicates the on position, but in fact the switch is off.

If it is, for example, a sectional switch, then further disconnection of the sectional switch will lead to de-energization of the section, since the sectional switch was not initially turned on. Therefore, it is necessary to check the on (off) position of the switches, both by the signal lamps and by the presence (absence) of the load.

Before installing grounding at the equipment site, make sure that the disconnectors, separators, and withdrawable trolleys are disconnected from all sides from which voltage can be applied. Immediately before installing the grounding, the absence of voltage is checked on those live parts, on which the grounding knives will be connected or portable protective grounding will be installed.

After the complete completion of the work, if it is necessary to land and turn on the equipment put out for repair, it is imperative to check the readiness of the equipment for commissioning, in particular, the absence of short circuits and grounding. Connecting equipment to earth or short circuit leads to accidents and emergencies.

If it is necessary to re-fix the connection from one bus system to another, it is necessary to check the closed position of the bus-connecting switch and its disconnectors from the bus systems. Otherwise, that is, if the SHSV is disconnected, the break of the fork of the bus disconnectors will be carried out under load, which is unacceptable.

Before putting into operation after performing operations on equipment and with switching devices, it is necessary to check the differential current of the DZSH. Putting the DZSh into operation when the value of the differential current is greater than the maximum allowable, will lead to a false operation of this protection and a de-energization of the bus system (s).

When taking out voltage transformers for repair, as well as transformers supplying low-voltage panels, it is necessary to make sure that there is no possibility of supplying voltage through the secondary winding. The combination of the secondary windings of the transformer being removed for repair and the transformer in operation leads to reverse transformation and the emergence of high voltage at the terminals of the primary winding, which is potentially dangerous for personnel working on the equipment removed for repair.

Therefore, it is necessary to ensure a visible break not only of the primary circuits, but also of the secondary circuits. For example, when a voltage transformer is taken out for repair, a visible gap is ensured by removing the covers of the test blocks, and in their absence, by disconnecting and short-circuiting the secondary windings.

In addition to the operations performed, the switching form indicates the initial state of the substation circuit and specifically the network section where the switching is performed, as well as the start and end times of the switching.

If it is necessary to perform operations at substations of adjacent networks, for example, withdrawing automatic reclosing at the other end of the line, removing the load and analyzing the circuit from the consumer's side, it is necessary to include the corresponding item in the switching form.

For example, before grounding the line, write down the item: “receive confirmation from the dispatcher on duty about the disconnection of the line by the consumer and the possibility of installing grounding”.

The above rules may differ or be supplemented in accordance with the characteristics of a particular electrical installation. Each power plant has corresponding instructions and rules regarding the production of operational changes.

To simplify the drawing up of switching forms, as well as to prevent operational errors, in addition to standard switching forms, repair schemes are drawn up, which provide a sequence of actions when taking out a section of the electrical network for repair.

After the switching form has been drawn up, it must be checked. If switching operations are performed with a controlling person, then the switching form is checked additionally by the controlling person.

If the switchings are simple and can be carried out by the operator alone, then the check of the form is performed by the dispatcher, who gives the command to make the switchings. The list of simple and complex switchings is compiled and approved by the management of the enterprise.

In addition to the above, it should be noted There are a few guidelines to follow when performing online switches:

Switching should be carried out with sufficient illumination;

During operational switching, it is impossible to conduct extraneous conversations, including being distracted by phone calls;

Before performing an operation with a switching device, it is necessary to make sure that the selected connection and equipment element are correct;

If there are doubts about the correctness of performing a particular operation, then it is necessary to immediately stop switching, report this to the superior operating personnel (dispatcher);

If the electromagnetic blocking fails, it is necessary first of all to make sure that the operation is really carried out correctly and that all the necessary conditions for this operation are met. Do not make hasty conclusions about the malfunction of the electromagnetic lock;

It is forbidden to change the order of performing operations defined by the switching form;

During operational switching, the necessary protective equipment should be used, as well as the rules for the safe operation of electrical installations should be observed.

All changes in the substation equipment diagram are recorded manually on a breadboard diagram (mnemonic diagram). If it is installed at the substation, then the diagram shown on it is automatically adjusted to the current diagram. If, for one reason or another, the position of the switching devices on the SCADA system diagram does not change automatically, it must be set manually in accordance with the actual state of the equipment. The same applies to portable earthing, the set position of which is not automatically displayed on the SCADA diagram.

Operational switching in emergency situations

In the event of an emergency in the electrical installation, the operating personnel must immediately begin to perform operational switching to restore the normal circuit or exclude the possibility of damage to equipment and the danger of people.

In emergency situations, operating personnel perform switching without switching forms, recording all performed operations in the online log.

It is allowed during the period of liquidation of the accident to make notes on the draft, and after the accident is liquidated, it is necessary to record all the operations performed in a strict chronological sequence in the operational log. If, in the event of an accident, it is necessary to perform complex switchings, then the operating personnel can use standard forms for this purpose.

The above measures are aimed at accelerating the elimination of an emergency, but this does not mean that you need to act hastily. In the event of an emergency, it is very important to correctly draw up a general picture of what happened, soberly assess the situation and act slowly, prudently.

Operational switching requires concentration of attention and strict adherence to the rules. Develop instructions for switching in electrical installations, taking into account our recommendations and download a ready-made sample.

Read in the article:

What should contain instructions for switching in electrical installations

Switching can be carried out by an employee from among the local operational personnel who directly maintains this electrical installation (EU). Such operations require adherence to a strict sequence of actions and are performed according to the switching forms. The IEPI for these workers should be compiled using the standard switching instruction SO 153-34.20.505-2003, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 266, but taking into account local service conditions.

All electrical installations have their own characteristics, their own set of switching devices, open and closed switchgears, etc. Local conditions differ not only in equipment, but also in personnel, climate, geographical location, design features of buildings and structures.

Complex switching, as well as switching in electrical installations not equipped with interlocking devices, are carried out according to programs and forms.

Complex switching is a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, earthing disconnectors and relay protection and automation devices. The approved list of operational switches must be kept in the control room.

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You cannot replace the form or program with any other documents, this is the main documentation for online switching (OP). The instruction should regulate the rules and procedure for the application, registration, storage and reporting when using inventory switching forms.

Each operation has its own serial number, its execution is the basis for starting the next operation in order. In the instructions for switching to EI, it is necessary to indicate that used forms (BOP) should be stored for 10 days by the dispatcher, and then submitted to the archive.

They also prescribe the procedure for the production of OP in the relay protection and automation circuits, when, as well as when commissioning new equipment and testing it. When putting into operation new equipment, the algorithm of actions of the employee in emergency situations must be duplicated in the temporary instruction on labor protection.

It should be indicated that the admission to switching should be permitted by order of the head of the organization, except in emergency cases when switching is carried out without the order of higher personnel, but with subsequent notification by telephone message and with an entry in the journal.

The admission is presented to the personnel who have passed the obligatory psychiatric examination. During the examination, the commission for psychiatric examination excludes the presence of epilepsy and other fainting conditions, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse in the employee. Only after this employee. Both examinations are carried out before the conclusion of the employment contract.

The person in charge of the electrical facilities approves the list of employees who have permission to carry out operational switching, as well as the list of persons who have the right to conduct operational negotiations. These documents must be at every workplace and in the control room.

One of the most common operations with OP is. It is necessary to indicate in the instructions that the numbering of the grounding storage places coincides with the numbering of the protective equipment. When accepting and handing over a shift, grounding records are kept in the operational log. The use of a stamp is allowed. The OP form is drawn up by the employee who received the order from the dispatcher. He must negotiate with the dispatcher, and also report on the completion of work.

Manufacturing instructions for switching in electrical installations should remind the employee that adherence to a strict sequence of operations eliminates operational errors. Failure to follow instructions may result in electric shock or an emergency. It is important that the employee clearly understands that the disconnectors on the switching devices are turned on first, that a different sequence of actions can lead to the most serious consequences.

The instructions are drawn up to coordinate the actions of the switching participants and the control center. The workers are introduced to her during the initial briefing on labor protection, and the actions are repeated after the mentor.

Sequence of actions in the production instructions for switching in electrical installations

Accidents during the OP, due to the fault of an employee who violated the algorithm of actions specified in the BOP, as well as in the instructions, with an incorrectly learned order of the operational dispatcher. You cannot speed up the process by refusing to carry out one of the components of the switching program, you cannot perform any action if it is illogical, misunderstood, poorly heard, etc.

In the IPEU, indicate the algorithm of actions of both participants in the operational switching:

  1. Check on the spot that the name of the device is correct with the name of the switching device.
  2. It is prohibited to conduct OP without identifying the coincidence of the name in the form and on the spot.
  3. The work supervisor is an employee with a higher qualification. Another employee is appointed by the direct executor. If the work is performed by two employees with the same qualification level, the dispatcher gives an order which of them will be the executor and which will be the controller. The contractor reads out the name of each operation in the BOP one by one. The controller must confirm the correctness of the repetition of the operation by the performer.
  4. After completing the operation, you need to make a mark in the BOP. You cannot violate the order of the OP in the form, rely on your memory and not write down the actions taken.
  5. If the contractor and the controller have doubts about the correctness of the entry in the BOP, the work should be stopped and the dispatcher in charge of the work should be contacted. Until the dispatcher's explanation is received and understood by both employees participating in the OP, work is prohibited. Actions, the meaning of which is not clear to the performer or controller, are subject to recheck with the controller. Indistinct phrases, incomprehensible phrases received from the dispatcher are grounds for termination of work.
  6. After the end of the OP, the time is recorded in the form, the dispatcher will duplicate this record in the operational log. The contractor, together with the controller, must report what changes were made by them to the operational scheme of the power plant in their area. Negotiations with the dispatcher are carried out by the employee who received the order for operational switching.

Switching in electrical circuits of switchgears (hereinafter - RU) of substations, switchboards and assemblies is carried out by order or with the knowledge of the higher operational personnel, in the operational management or supervision of which this equipment is located, in accordance with the procedure established by the Consumer: by oral or telephone with an entry in the operational journal.

Operational switching should be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly maintains electrical installations. The switching order must indicate their sequence. The order is considered executed only after receiving a message about it from the employee to whom it was given.

Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except for single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, must be carried out according to programs, switching forms. The complex includes switching, requiring a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices, emergency and mode automatics. Lists of complex switching, approved by technical managers, should be stored at control rooms, central (main) control panels of power plants and substations.

The lists of complex switching should be revised when changing the circuit, equipment composition, protection device and automation. Complex switching should be performed, as a rule, by two workers, of whom one is the controlling one.

If there is one worker from the EP in the shift, the supervisor can be an employee from the administrative and technical personnel who knows the scheme of this electrical installation, the rules for switching production and is allowed to perform switching. In case of complex switching, it is allowed to involve a third employee from the personnel of the relay protection and automation services for the operation in the relay circuits. This employee, who has previously read the switch form and signed it, must perform each operation as ordered by the worker performing the switch.

All other switchings in the presence of an operable interlocking device can be performed individually, regardless of the composition of the shift. In cases of urgency (accident, natural disaster, as well as during the elimination of accidents), it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to carry out the switch without ordering or without the knowledge of the superior operational personnel, followed by notification and entry in the operational log. The list of employees entitled to perform operational switching is approved by the Consumer's manager.

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person in charge of the electrical system and transferred to the energy supplying organization and sub-subscribers. For repetitive complex switching, typical programs, switching forms should be used (when drawing up typical programs and switching forms, energy services are recommended to use the standard switching instructions in electrical installations, which are valid in power supply organizations). When eliminating technological violations or to prevent them, it is allowed to carry out switching without switching forms with subsequent recording in the operational log.

In the programs and forms for switching, which are operational documents, the order and sequence of operations should be established when switching in the circuits of electrical connections of electrical installations and circuits of relay protection and automation. Switching forms (standard forms) must be used by the operating personnel directly performing the switching. Switching programs (standard programs) should be applied by the managers of operating personnel during switching operations in electrical installations of different control levels and different power facilities.

The granularity of programs should be consistent with the level of operational management. The workers directly performing the switching are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented with switching forms. Typical programs and forms for switching should be adjusted when changes in the main circuit of electrical connections of electrical installations related to the commissioning of new equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgears, as well as when new or changes in installed relay protection and automation devices are switched on.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

Without switching forms - with simple switching and in the presence of operating interlocking devices, excluding incorrect operations with disconnectors and earthing knives during all switching;

According to the switching form - in the absence of interlocking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

When eliminating failures, switching is carried out without forms, followed by an entry in the operational log. Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in an established order.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log. Electrical equipment, turned off at the verbal request of the technological personnel for the production of any work, is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for disconnection, or replacing him.

When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed:

An employee who has received an assignment for switching is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational log and establish the order of upcoming operations according to the operational scheme or layout scheme; draw up, if required, a form for switching. Operations staff negotiations. should be as short and clear as possible. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by the personnel of the received messages and transmitted orders. Giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations;

If the switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, according to the operational scheme of connections, to the second employee participating in the switching, the order and sequence of forthcoming operations;

If there are doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

After completing the task for switching, an entry should be made about this in the operational log.

In case of planned changes in the scheme and operating modes of power equipment of Consumers, changes in relay protection and automation devices, dispatching services in whose management the equipment and relay protection and automation devices are located, the necessary changes and additions must be made in advance to the standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels operational management.

Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to unauthorizedly remove the interlocks from work. Unblocking is permitted only after checking the disconnected position of the switch on site and finding out the reason for the failure of the blocking by permission and under the guidance of workers authorized to do so by a written order of the Consumer responsible for the electrical industry.

If a release is required, a switchover form is drawn up and the release operations are entered into it. The changeover form is filled in by the attendant who has received the order to carry out the changeover. Both workers who carried out the switchings sign the form. The supervisor during the implementation of the switch is the senior in position. The responsibility for correct switching in all cases rests with both workers who performed the operations.

Switching in complete switchgears (at complete transformer substations), including rolling out and rolling in of carts with equipment, as well as switching in switchgears, on switchboards and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V is allowed to be performed by one worker from among the operating personnel, servicing these electrical installations.

Switching in electrical equipment and relay protection and automation devices, which are in the operational management of the superior operational personnel, should be made by order, and those in its jurisdiction - with its permission.

The order of switching must indicate the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection and automation circuits with the required degree of detail, determined by the above-standing operating personnel. The switching performer must be simultaneously given no more than one task to carry out operational switching.

3. What is the frequency of the next test of knowledge established for employees directly organizing maintenance of existing electrical installations?