What can be repaid with maternity capital?

What can be repaid with maternity capital?
What can be repaid with maternity capital?

Additional assistance in the form of maternity capital really came in handy for families. Many were able to take advantage of their legal right to improve their living conditions.

What is the amount of maternity capital in 2015?

The amount of maternity capital was indexed with inflation. So, for example, in 2007 the payment was 250,000 rubles. Maternity capital in 2015 will be 453,026 rubles. This amount has increased taking into account indexation. It was also decided to allocate the so-called regional maternity capital, the amount of which is not the same everywhere. Somewhere it is 30,000 rubles, and somewhere it fluctuates around 200,000. In the regions, at the legislative assembly, it was decided to give the opportunity to spend maternity capital funds on the purchase of furniture or a car, an example of this is the Kaliningrad region.

Let’s talk in more detail about what will change with payments in 2015 and what innovations await us.

It was initially planned to complete the program of state support for large families at the end of 2016, but the government decided to extend these deadlines, since the positive dynamics are obvious, the birth rate has increased, and with it the demography of the country as a whole. At first, the public said that if the program was extended, it would be for a year and it would end by 2018. But at the very end of 2014, the government dotted the i's and announced the news that it was decided to extend the term of maternity capital until 2019 and this is the minimum.

So, families whose plans included the birth of a second or third child can also count on assistance from the state in the form of maternity capital. Many did not dare to add to their family precisely because of their difficult financial situation, and assistance in the form of a certificate provides significant support in this matter. If the first child in a family is born, as a rule, out of love, but still not entirely consciously, then many approach the birth of a second baby more responsibly and are already thinking about whether they will be able to raise him, give him everything he needs and provide for him. worthy future. Some changes are also expected related to what maternity capital can be spent on. Additional amendments have been made to the bill, which will give the right to use the funds to purchase a car.

According to experts, it is too early to cancel state support; this could lead to the birth rate decreasing again, despite the support of regional authorities. It is unlikely that the plans of large families will include a new addition, for the simple reason that the amount that can be allocated to them at the regional level will not be enough to resolve a number of important issues. Since this is clearly not the same scale, those amounts cannot be compared with what is now available from the federal budget. Thanks to the support of our government, large families have gained stability and today they are planning a second, or even a third, child, being firmly confident in the future.

Married couples planning to have a second or subsequent child in the near future are probably wondering what it will be like in 2015. According to preliminary data, next year the amount of maternity capital will be about 460,000 rubles. The maternity capital program first appeared in 2007. At that time, its size was 250,000 rubles. Accordingly, compared to the beginning, in 2015 the amount of maternity capital will increase by more than 40%.

Changes in maternity capital in 2015

According to the adopted law on maternity capital, this program should end on December 31, 2016. Accordingly, all families who give birth to or adopt a second or subsequent child next year will receive additional funds. Maternity capital is issued not in cash, but in the form of a certificate, the denomination of which increases annually according to the level. In addition, indexation also affects previously issued certificates that have not been used.

The government allowed the use of 20 thousand rubles of maternity capital

The main change in 2015 related to maternity capital is the permission of the Russian government for parents of two or more children to use maternity capital funds in the amount of 20 thousand rubles. This innovation was introduced as part of the developed anti-crisis program aimed at social support of the population.

We remind you that such a permit already existed during the crisis of 2008 - 2009, when holders of a maternal certificate were given 10 thousand rubles each.

Matkapital can be spent on a down payment on a mortgage

Another important change, which was adopted in May 2015 by the State Duma, is the permission to spend maternity capital funds to pay the down payment on a mortgage at any time after the birth of a child. Before this, maternity capital could be used to pay off a mortgage loan only three years after the birth of a second or subsequent child in the family.

Among other innovations that relate to maternity capital, it is worth noting the recently adopted bill, according to which maternity capital funds cannot be used to repay housing loans issued by microfinance organizations. This law is aimed at protecting against unscrupulous financial organizations.

In addition, several more changes are expected in the maternity capital program in 2015.

Firstly, the government is considering the possibility of introducing a new direction for spending funds. This direction is the provision of high-tech medical care. Now it is impossible to spend the face value of the certificate on the treatment of seriously ill children, but many believe that this restriction should be removed.

Secondly, it is possible that the maternity capital program will continue after 2016. Initially, it was planned to cancel the program on January 31, 2016, but now the issue is being considered to ensure that after this period maternity capital is issued only to low-income families. According to the President of the Russian Federation, the government cannot yet guarantee the extension of this program, because the number of families with incomes below the average level is constantly increasing, and it is not yet known whether there will be enough government funds to pay for maternity capital. However, V.V. Putin assured that, regardless of whether the program continues after 2016 or not, additional support will be provided to low-income citizens.

And thirdly, the issue of removing the opportunity to use the amount of maternity capital for the mother is being considered.

Maternity capital and demographic growth

For a long time, Russia has been experiencing a demographic crisis, the level of which has reached almost catastrophic levels. In this regard, the government was forced to look for additional measures that could increase the birth rate in a short period of time. Maternity capital became such a measure. The law on this program was adopted on January 1, 2007. After which, every Russian citizen, upon the birth or adoption of a second or subsequent child, receives a certificate with funds that can be used to improve living conditions, pay for the child’s subsequent education, or as pension savings for the mother. The main goal of the law on maternity capital is not only to improve the well-being of young families, but also to increase the demographic level in the country.

Since the maternity capital program has been in effect for several years, analysts were able to draw some conclusions about its effectiveness. The country's birth rate has indeed increased since 2007, but analysts believe that demographic growth should not be linked solely to the payment of additional funds. As shown by the results of a survey among women who gave birth after 2007, the presence of maternal capital was not the reason why they decided to have a child. The demographic growth of the last six years is, rather, explained by the calm situation in the country and a general improvement in the financial situation. Moreover, experts from the international community, based on the experience of other countries that fought the demographic crisis through material incentives, believe that by 2017-2018, maternity capital could lead to a demographic hole.

Despite the vague future of this program, by the end of 2016 maternity capital will be paid to all families for whom it is intended.

The federal law on providing additional measures of state support to families with children came into force in 2007. The procedure for submitting an application for a certificate for MK is approved by Government Decree No. 873 of December 30, 2006.

These regulatory and legal acts provide the right to receive MK to families in which, starting from 2007, a second child was born.

What do you need to know about maternity capital?

The right to receive a certificate is granted 1 time;

Maternity capital is subject to annual indexation by the state;

Changing its amount does not entail the need to replace the certificate;

The time limit for applying to the Pension Fund for the issuance of a state certificate for family (maternity) capital after the birth of a second child is not limited;

An application regarding the disposal of capital funds (or part of them) is submitted at any time from the moment the child turns three years old. And in the case of repaying the principal amount of the debt or paying interest on loans and credits, in particular mortgages, for the purchase or construction of housing, the certificate funds can be used until the second child reaches the age of three;

MK is exempt from paying personal income tax;

The certificate is provided not to the child, but to his parents and the whole family. Accordingly, the implementation of these funds can only be carried out based on all the interests of the family;

The certificate is valid only upon presentation of an identification document. Its effect terminates with the death of the owner or the loss of his rights to receive additional government support measures. If the certificate is lost, it is possible to obtain a duplicate from the Pension Fund;

To obtain a certificate, you must contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at your place of residence or place of registration;

The application for the certificate, as well as the necessary documents, may be submitted to the Pension Fund by an authorized representative or sent by mail.

Who has the right to receive family (maternity) capital?

A woman with Russian citizenship who has given birth to (adopted) a second or subsequent child since 2007;

A man with Russian Federation citizenship is the sole adoptive parent of the second child, if the court decision on adoption came into force starting in 2007;

The child’s father or his adoptive parent, regardless of the presence or absence of Russian citizenship, in the event of loss of the right to receive additional state registration. measures of support for a woman who has adopted or given birth to children, for example, due to death, deprivation of parental rights in relation to a child, or a deliberate crime committed against the child (children);

A child (children) who has not reached the age of majority or a child undergoing full-time education until he reaches 23 years of age, in the event of termination of the rights to receive additional measures of state support of the father or mother - the only parent or adoptive parent of the child in cases provided for by law.

What is the amount of maternity capital

The amount of maternity (family) capital is reviewed annually taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the Federal Law on the Federal Budget for the corresponding financial year. In 2011, this amount was 365,698 rubles, in 2012 – 384,640 rubles. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 will be 453,026 rubles.

How can you manage maternal (family) capital?

Persons who have received the certificate can manage maternity (family) capital funds in full or in parts, in the following areas:

  1. Improving living conditions.
  2. Obtaining an education for the child(ren).
  3. Formation of the funded part of the mother’s labor pension.
  4. Since 2011, maternity capital can be spent on the construction and reconstruction of a private residential building for the child’s family. Moreover, if a family built a house no earlier than 2007, then in this case, part of the costs can be compensated by maternity capital.

How can you use maternity capital to improve your living conditions?

1. Since August last year, the law has allowed to pay for individual construction and reconstruction at the expense of maternity capital funds without the involvement of a contractor.

2. Funds or part of the funds of maternity (family) capital can be used to pay off obligations in credit institutions, if these obligations arose in connection with the purchase of new housing.

3. Residential premises purchased using funds (part of the funds) of maternal capital must be located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Residential premises acquired using funds or part of maternity capital funds are registered as the common property of parents, children and other family members living together, with the size of shares determined by agreement.

5. If a borrower is provided with a loan, including a mortgage, for the purchase or construction of housing, funds (or part of the funds) of maternity capital can be used to pay the down payment when receiving a loan, as well as repay the principal debt and pay interest on loans taken until January 1, 2011.

6. Since 2011, you can use maternity capital to repay a loan to purchase a home without waiting for the child to turn 3 years old.

Today's difficult living conditions sometimes threaten the normal existence of many families who decide to have a child, due to increasing pressure on the family budget, and those families whose total family income is below a certain level require mandatory state assistance. In this regard, a special program was created, called "Maternal capital", which started back in 2007.

Its implementation has become necessary, first of all, due to the inevitable decline in the child birth rate, which has been observed in recent years. Therefore, such a measure to provide state support to mothers today effectively combats the demographic crisis.

After the introduction of the state program, the birth rate gradually began to rise, and many other important urgent “family” issues in the country began to be resolved. Thus, when a child was born, many families needed urgent help in changing their living conditions, which are being successfully solved today thanks to the use of funds allocated for the project. In addition, maternity capital necessarily provides for the solution of issues related to obtaining high-quality children's education, which is provided for by the already approved law on the adoption by the state of measures for state support of families with children.

Fertility curve in the Russian Federation in recent years (1990-2012)

Another line of development of the strategy of state assistance to the population with children is the current use of allocated material resources to organize the funded part of mothers’ pensions. True, there is no data yet on the exact implementation of this part of the program.

Will maternity capital be abolished in 2015?

According to official data, the state program to help families with children must be implemented within 10 years, so 2016 should be its last. Accordingly, if it is closed, only those families who will have an addition in the form of a second or next child will be the last to receive a certificate for state assistance.

What happens if you received a certificate for state aid, but did not use it until 2015?

Many people ask this question. The answer is simple - the current legislation does not imply a time limit on the issuance of a certificate, but still, such questions are best clarified by calling the hotline of the desired state. management.

What will be the amount of maternity capital in 2015?

According to the available data collected by experts over 8 years of program implementation, an expected picture of the forecast of the indexation level and size was compiled. Theoretically, the size of maternity capital in 2015 will be the amount of 450.878 thousand rubles, and indexation will reach the level of 5% , as in 2014.

Of course, there is a possibility of a slight change in these data if the general economic situation in the country changes, but today forecasters have settled on these indicators.

The trend of its development up to and including 2014 can be seen in the diagram below:

Should we expect any changes?

At the moment, there is no final decision regarding the winding down of this state program. It is only known that the proposal to extend the validity of this program until 2025 was submitted for consideration by deputies of the State Duma of Russia and was recognized as inappropriate due to the possible creation of a crisis on a national scale. At the same time, the President of the Russian Federation noted that the implementation of the program will not be suspended, but will only possibly undergo some changes. A final decision on the future of the state program to help mothers has not been made.

In any case, for now every family in which the second or subsequent child will be born before January 1, 2017, will have all the rights to legally receive a certificate of assistance under the Maternity Capital program. And all other families can only hope that the country will continue social support for families after 2016.

The maternity capital program continues to operate. Rumors circulating among the people that the Russian treasury does not have sufficient funds to pay families who are helping Russia change the current demographic situation for the better are, in fact, not confirmed. In 2015, maternity capital finds its recipients according to previous schemes. Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets in her speech even voiced the idea that women who gave birth to a child in 2017 also have the right to maternity capital.

But soon this news was called hastily announced and unfinished. Apparently, the state will limit itself for now to 2016 - the year when the law on maternity capital will cease to apply. The amount of maternity capital for 2015 remains unchanged.

Why do Russian families need maternity capital?

It should be noted that such government support for young families turned out to be very helpful. After all, if during the heyday of the Soviet Union almost any family could count on free square meters of housing from the employer, the party or the city, then after the collapse of the Union, independently purchasing an apartment for young people turned out to be an almost impossible task, unless, of course, there were wealthy relatives who wanted pay for this living space or inherit it. The amount of maternity capital in 2015 is expected to increase to 450 thousand 878 rubles. The amount is large, so solving your housing problem has become much easier.

What awaits matkapital in the near future?

Thanks to the indexation of maternity capital, which takes into account inflation, this one-time benefit has increased by about five percent over the year. Over the eight-year period of the program, the value of the certificate has almost doubled, and the conditions of the program have undergone changes several times. The coming year will not go unnoticed by legislators.

Changes in the amount of maternity capital in 2015 are being discussed by all interested parties. On the one hand, families wishing to have a second or subsequent child express their wishes to extend this program to support young families. On the other hand, studies have shown that the demographic rise of the Russian Federation has nothing to do with state support and the country is pointlessly spending billions of rubles. Be that as it may, the Russian President announced that the program was designed for ten years, and it will not end early. Vladimir Putin also noted that programs to support a normal and decent life will always work for families on the verge of poverty. However, families with a good stable income may find themselves without government support at all after 2016. The economic situation in the country leaves an imprint on everything that happens inside: there are no extra funds, so the continuation of exactly the same maternity capital program most likely will not happen. The assistance will be more targeted and only low-income large families will be able to receive it.

Useful video on the topic:

The changes will probably affect the ability to pay for treatment with a certificate. Currently, maternity capital cannot be used to pay for medical care, although there are many families in Russia who need financial assistance specifically in the healthcare sector. Indeed, what kind of training or new housing can we talk about if a child is seriously ill? This issue is being carefully studied by the government, and, probably, in 2015, maternity capital can be spent on treating a seriously ill child.

It is quite possible that in the coming year 2015, the opportunities to spend maternity capital on buying a car will be expanded in other areas; now only five regions of Russia can take advantage of this right.

Also, most likely, next year the opportunity to save maternity capital for the mother’s pension will disappear, since a tiny proportion of mothers have chosen this option to use their certificate.

Many families plan to receive maternity capital in 2015. But it is important to remember the basic rules for receiving maternity capital: the family receives capital for the second and subsequent child, the baby and his mother must be citizens of the Russian Federation, and it can only be spent on purposes specified by law and it is impossible to cash it out.

The amount of maternity capital is reviewed every year, taking into account the growth rate of inflation and is established by the law on the federal budget for the corresponding financial year.