Cooking time for white beans after soaking. How to cook beans correctly: culinary advice

Cooking time for white beans after soaking.  How to cook beans correctly: culinary advice
Cooking time for white beans after soaking. How to cook beans correctly: culinary advice

Do you simply need boiled beans for a new dish? But you have no idea: how to cook beans, and how long to cook beans? Don't worry, you will learn all this from this article.

It is worth noting that beans are rich in natural protein, in this they are inferior only to meat. In addition, beans contain various vitamins, magnesium, calcium and iron, and other microelements that are beneficial to the human body. Beans can easily replace meat during fasting. Boiled beans are also ideal as a side dish for meat or fish. The main thing is to be able to prepare this product correctly.

  • Do not mix different types of beans under any circumstances, as their cooking time differs.
  • Before cooking beans, they must be carefully sorted, weeding out “defective” beans of a strange color, or broken off beans. And rinse thoroughly under cold running water.
  • Before cooking, the beans must be soaked for 4-10 hours in cold water. During the soaking process, you need to change the water several times, and be sure to make sure that it does not heat up; it is better to put it in the refrigerator. During the soaking process, oligosaccharides are removed from the beans - substances that can cause gas formation during digestion and make it difficult, and moisture is also returned to the beans, due to which the cooking time is reduced.
  • After finishing soaking, the beans must be rinsed again.
  • When cooking beans, do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the beans will darken.
  • It is necessary to salt the beans only at the end of cooking. If you salt the beans at the beginning of cooking, then, firstly, this will increase the cooking time, and, secondly, the beans will turn out tough. Sometimes a recipe calls for hard beans, so you know how to achieve this.
  • During the cooking process of beans, it is necessary to maintain a volume of water twice the volume of the beans themselves.
  • If during cooking you find that there is not enough water in the pan, add only boiling water to it, never cold water, otherwise the beans will crack.
  • To make the beans more tasty, you should add sunflower or olive oil when cooking; three tablespoons per large pan will be enough.
  • First, you need to cook the beans over moderate heat in a small amount of water, after the water boils, set aside for 10 minutes, then the water must be completely drained and replaced with new water, but in large quantities. Wait until it boils again, then reduce the heat and simmer for the required time, depending on the variety.
  • Remember that raw beans should not be eaten. Be sure to finish cooking the beans, because undercooked beans contain toxic substances that are dangerous to humans, which disintegrate during cooking. The beans are cooked, if they become soft, you need to check several beans, and if one of them is not ready yet, you need to continue cooking.
  • When choosing the volume of beans to cook, remember that when ready, the beans will increase in size by 2-3 times.
  • You should not stir the beans while you are cooking them.

How long to cook beans

The cooking time depends not only on the type of beans, but also on how long they were stored, on the size of the beans, and the quality of the water in which you cook them; soft water reduces the cooking time, hard water, on the contrary, increases it. Typically, after soaking, the beans are cooked for 40-90 minutes. Cook for 40 minutes and then check the beans for firmness every 10 minutes. Since the cooking time largely depends on the type of bean, we will consider its different types.

How long to cook green beans

It all depends on whether it is fresh or frozen. Cooking fresh green beans takes 4-5 minutes, and frozen ones 5-7 minutes. However, if the beans are overripe, then the cooking time needs to be increased by a couple of minutes, but it is still better to choose young green beans, they have more useful properties. If you cook green beans, you can safely add salt during cooking. Green beans are very useful for anemia and hormonal changes among pregnant women. Green beans are also considered a dietary product.

How to cook red beans

Red beans are cooked for 40-80 minutes if they were pre-soaked, but if this was not the case, then they will have to be cooked for 2-3 hours. When cooking, you can add tomato, bay leaf and garlic for extra flavor. Salt only after readiness.

How to cook white beans

White beans are not as meaty as red beans. How long to cook white beans? Usually its preparation takes 30-50 minutes. White beans can be left unsoaked or soaked for a short time. Carefully monitor the cooking of white beans after 30 minutes so that they do not become overcooked, check for doneness every 5 minutes. White beans are ideal for soups.

How to cook beans without soaking

Sometimes preparing dishes takes so much time that you simply don’t have at the moment. How to cook beans quickly? This is quite possible; when cooking, you should repeat the water replacement procedure 2 times. After the beans boil for the first time, wait 15 minutes, drain the water completely, pour in cold water, and put it back on the fire. After the second boil, change the water again. After two times, the cooking time will be reduced to 30-40 minutes. If you don’t want to completely replace the water, you can add a few tablespoons of cold water several times (3-4) when the water is boiling, but this can only be done at the beginning of cooking. That is, to quickly cook beans you need to use a temperature difference. You can also reduce the soaking time. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of water over the prepared beans, boil them, then set them aside from the heat and cover with a lid, let them brew for 1 hour. After this, cook as usual. The fastest way to cook beans is to buy them frozen. So, how long should you cook frozen beans? Frozen beans will be ready after 15-20 minutes of cooking.

In this article you learned how to cook beans of various types and varieties. Now you can easily prepare a dish containing any beans.

Beans are one of those filling, nutritious and healthy foods that can completely replace meat dishes in your diet.

Beans, rich in protein and fiber, are chosen by both active people and those who struggle with excess weight.

Today we will learn how to cook beans correctly.

How to cook beans correctly: cooking methods

The cooking time for beans directly depends on their type. It will take at least one to two hours to cook white and red beans the traditional way. Fresh green beans are boiled for about 5 minutes, frozen ones - no more than 10 minutes.

Cooking green beans

1. First you need to clean the beans from the branches and rinse them well.

2. Pour water into the pan and add salt to taste.

3. Place the beans in a container and cook for 5 minutes.

4. Check the readiness of the product to taste. It is very important not to overcook the beans so that they do not lose their taste.

5. Place the finished beans in a colander.

Cooking dry beans

Cooking beans on the stove

1. We sort through the beans and remove the damaged ones. Its surface should be perfectly smooth, even, and the color should be uniform. Good beans are always firm to the touch.

2. Place the beans in any container and fill with water. For one glass of beans, take 2 times more water. Leave it for a maximum of 10 hours. During this time, the product becomes soft and cleansed of harmful substances. When soaking, the water needs to be changed every 3 hours.

3. Drain the water before cooking. Place the beans in a saucepan and fill with cold water again. Now we take three times more water per glass of beans.

4. Place the pan on the stove without covering it with a lid.

5. The beans do not need to be stirred. But it’s worth adding water periodically.

6. You can also pour a few tablespoons of sunflower oil into the beans at the beginning of cooking. Then it will taste incredibly tender.

7. After an hour and a half, we taste the product. If the beans are not soft enough, then continue to cook them until fully cooked. Beans need to be salted 10 minutes before the end of cooking. For 1 glass of product, take 1 teaspoon of table salt.

Cooking beans in the microwave

1. Soak the beans as in the previous recipe. For one cup of beans, take 2 cups of raw water.

2. Drain the water and place the beans in a glass container.

3. Fill with cold water and turn on the oven at maximum power. For white beans, 10 minutes is enough, for red beans, 10 minutes.

4. Take the beans out of the microwave, stir and place in a colander. Salt and pepper the product to taste.

Beans in a slow cooker

1. Place the pre-soaked beans in a bowl and fill with water.

2. For white beans, set the timer for one hour, for red beans – for 1.5 hours.

3. After the time has passed, taste the beans. They should be soft.

Boiling beans without soaking will increase their cooking time by at least one hour. At one time, in a multicooker with a five-liter bowl, you can boil up to 0.5 kg of dry beans.

1. To soak beans, you need to take a large bowl. Beans swell in water.

2. Cooked beans are soft and easily crushed when pressed with a fork. Raw beans contain toxic substances that are harmful to the body.

3. You cannot soak beans for more than 12 hours, as the fermentation process may begin. During the hot season, it should be put in the refrigerator. This will prevent the beans from sprouting.

4. A neutral environment is preferable for beans, so the water should be changed periodically while soaking. If this is not possible, then you can prepare a special soda solution for soaking the beans. For 600 ml of water, take ¼ teaspoon of soda. After soaking is complete, rinse the beans and put them back into fresh solution for a few minutes. This time, take ½ teaspoon of baking soda per 600 ml of water. Now we wash the beans again.

Soaking beans shortens the cooking time and washes away the excess starch on their surface. The beans absorb moisture, but do not boil, but become very tender in taste.

5. Carbohydrates contained in beans are dissolved in water. Therefore, to avoid strong gas formation, it is recommended to drain the water in which the beans were before cooking. The beans themselves should be thoroughly washed.

Also, to combat flatulence, experienced cooks advise adding mint and thyme to the pan with beans. The intestines will not suffer from gases, the beans will receive a fragrant aroma.

6. If you cover the beans with a lid while cooking, they may lose their rich color.

8. Beans should be cooked over low heat. Care should be taken to ensure that the water in the container does not completely evaporate. The bottom layer of beans may burn or become mashed.

9. If beans are cooked for soups, then they need to be cooked until half cooked. The beans will be completely cooked in the broth.

10. Beans must be salted at the end of cooking. If you do this at first, it will become very tough.

How to cook beans correctly: the benefits of beans and the best recipes

Beans contain only about 1% fat, but this does not prevent it from providing our body with vital vitamins and microelements. Beans are rich in magnesium, calcium, vitamins K and B, iron, and fiber.

This valuable product is not completely digested by the intestines, thanks to which it rids it of everything unnecessary. Regular consumption of beans prevents premature aging, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, and improves immunity. The amino acid tryptophan contained in beans promotes the production of serotonin. By including beans in your daily diet, you will forever forget about your bad mood, sleepless nights and depression.

Now you know how to cook beans correctly. Now it’s time to consider recipes for preparing the most delicious, satisfying and healthy dishes with boiled beans.

Beans in tomato

To prepare this delicious dish you will need:

Beans – 400 g;

Tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

Garlic clove;

Sunflower oil;

Onion – 1 pc.;

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Cut the onion into cubes and fry in oil. Add finely chopped carrots to the pan and fry for 2 minutes along with the onion. Cut the tomatoes in half and grate them. Pour the tomato mass into the frying pan. The sauce takes 10 minutes to prepare. Now put the beans into the frying pan, add salt, add garlic and simmer for 10 minutes. Just before serving, decorate the dish with parsley.

Beans with vegetables

For this dish you need the following ingredients:

Beans – 400 g;

Tomato paste – 100 g;

Carrots – 2 pcs.;

Black pepper, bay leaf.

Fry pre-chopped onions in a frying pan. Grate the carrots and add to the onion. Cover the vegetables with water and simmer for 15 minutes.

Combine the beans with the stewed vegetables and continue cooking for 20 minutes. Add tomato paste, bay leaf, a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper. Before serving, decorate with herbs.

Mexican salad

To make two servings of salad, you will need the following ingredients:

Red beans – 1 cup;

Lettuce leaves – 100 g;

Canned tuna – 80 g (small jar);

Canned corn – 3 tbsp. spoons;

Tomatoes – 2 pcs.;

Apple cider vinegar – 15 g;

Small onion – 1 pc.;

Capsicum – 1 pc.;

Olive oil – 45 ml;

Salt pepper.

Wash the lettuce leaves and leave in cold water for 1 hour. They will become crispy. The onion should be chopped into half rings, the pepper into strips. Add boiled beans and corn to the chopped vegetables. Dry the lettuce leaves and tear them into a large plate. Cut the tomatoes into rings and place them on top of the greens. Cover the tomatoes with the bean mixture. Place a piece of tuna on top.

We prepare the dressing from vinegar and olive oil. Beat the ingredients with a whisk until emulsified and pour over the salad.

Spicy beans with eggs

Ingredients for cooking:

White beans – 150 g;

Red beans – 150 g;

Sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons;

Eggs – 3 pcs.;

Canned tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

Onion – 1 pc.;

Olive oil – 15 ml;

Adjika – 2 teaspoons;

Sugar – 20 g;

Garlic – 3 cloves;

Black pepper, cilantro, salt.

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Fry them in oil over medium heat. Remove the skin from the tomatoes and place them in the frying pan. Add adjika and sugar. Salt to taste. Mix thoroughly.

Add the beans to the vegetables and continue frying until the excess tomato juice has evaporated from the mixture. Now we make four depressions in the mass and break chicken eggs into them. Salt and pepper them. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer the dish over low heat for 10 minutes. Sprinkle with chopped cilantro. Serve the finished dish with sour cream.

Dietary bean soup

To make the soup you will need:

Beans – 2 cups;

Onion – 2 pcs.;

Salt, black pepper;

Tomatoes – 3 pcs.;

Carrots – 1 pc.;

Head of garlic.

Finely chop the onion and garlic. Grate the carrots. Fry the prepared ingredients in oil and place them in a saucepan. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add them to the pan along with the beans. You already know how to cook beans correctly. Dilute the vegetable mass with water to the desired consistency. Bring to a boil. Cook for 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add chopped herbs. Salt and pepper the bean soup to taste.

Bean Pie

White bean pie is a popular vegetarian dish.

To prepare it you will need:

White beans – 300 g;

Apple – 1 pc.;

Baking powder for dough – 5 g;

Oatmeal – 200 g;

Salt, cinnamon, vanilla.

Grate the apple on a coarse grater. Grind the beans in a blender. Mix cereal, apple and beans. We looked at how to cook beans correctly earlier. Add baking powder, a pinch of salt, a little cinnamon and vanilla. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper and spread the dough evenly. Bake the pie for half an hour.

Soup with beans and mushrooms

To prepare the soup you will need the following ingredients:

White beans – 150 g;

Mushrooms – 350 g;

Sausage – 250 g;

Tomato paste – 40 g;

Chicken broth – 1 l.;


Garlic clove;

Carrots – 2 pcs.;

Onion – 2 pcs.;

Any vegetable oil, fine salt, black or allspice.

Finely chop the onion, carrots and garlic. Place the pan on the stove over medium heat. Pour oil and fry mushrooms. Salt and pepper to taste. Add chopped vegetables to mushrooms. Now cut the sausage into small strips and put it in the pan. Pour in the broth and bring to a boil. Cook the soup for 10 minutes. Add tomato paste and white beans. Let the dish boil again. Before serving, add parsley to the soup.

Once you know how to cook beans correctly, you can cook any bean dish. This nutritious product is used to make delicious salads, appetizers and soups. The dishes are very tender and soft in taste.

Do you simply need boiled beans for a new dish? But you have no idea: how to cook beans, and how long to cook beans? Don't worry, you will learn all this from this article.

It is worth noting that beans are rich in natural protein, in this they are inferior only to meat. In addition, beans contain various vitamins, magnesium, calcium and iron, and other microelements that are beneficial to the human body. Beans can easily replace meat during fasting. Boiled beans are also ideal as a side dish for meat or fish. The main thing is to be able to prepare this product correctly.

  • Do not mix different types of beans under any circumstances, as their cooking time differs.
  • Before cooking beans, they must be carefully sorted, weeding out “defective” beans of a strange color, or broken off beans. And rinse thoroughly under cold running water.
  • Before cooking, the beans must be soaked for 4-10 hours in cold water. During the soaking process, you need to change the water several times, and be sure to make sure that it does not heat up; it is better to put it in the refrigerator. During the soaking process, oligosaccharides are removed from the beans - substances that can cause gas formation during digestion and make it difficult, and moisture is also returned to the beans, due to which the cooking time is reduced.
  • After finishing soaking, the beans must be rinsed again.
  • When cooking beans, do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise the beans will darken.
  • It is necessary to salt the beans only at the end of cooking. If you salt the beans at the beginning of cooking, then, firstly, this will increase the cooking time, and, secondly, the beans will turn out tough. Sometimes a recipe calls for hard beans, so you know how to achieve this.
  • During the cooking process of beans, it is necessary to maintain a volume of water twice the volume of the beans themselves.
  • If during cooking you find that there is not enough water in the pan, add only boiling water to it, never cold water, otherwise the beans will crack.
  • To make the beans more tasty, you should add sunflower or olive oil when cooking; three tablespoons per large pan will be enough.
  • First, you need to cook the beans over moderate heat in a small amount of water, after the water boils, set aside for 10 minutes, then the water must be completely drained and replaced with new water, but in large quantities. Wait until it boils again, then reduce the heat and simmer for the required time, depending on the variety.
  • Remember that raw beans should not be eaten. Be sure to finish cooking the beans, because undercooked beans contain toxic substances that are dangerous to humans, which disintegrate during cooking. The beans are cooked, if they become soft, you need to check several beans, and if one of them is not ready yet, you need to continue cooking.
  • When choosing the volume of beans to cook, remember that when ready, the beans will increase in size by 2-3 times.
  • You should not stir the beans while you are cooking them.

How long to cook beans

The cooking time depends not only on the type of beans, but also on how long they were stored, on the size of the beans, and the quality of the water in which you cook them; soft water reduces the cooking time, hard water, on the contrary, increases it. Typically, after soaking, the beans are cooked for 40-90 minutes. Cook for 40 minutes and then check the beans for firmness every 10 minutes. Since the cooking time largely depends on the type of bean, we will consider its different types.

How long to cook green beans

It all depends on whether it is fresh or frozen. Cooking fresh green beans takes 4-5 minutes, and frozen ones 5-7 minutes. However, if the beans are overripe, then the cooking time needs to be increased by a couple of minutes, but it is still better to choose young green beans, they have more useful properties. If you cook green beans, you can safely add salt during cooking. Green beans are very useful for anemia and hormonal changes among pregnant women. Green beans are also considered a dietary product.

How to cook red beans

Red beans are cooked for 40-80 minutes if they were pre-soaked, but if this was not the case, then they will have to be cooked for 2-3 hours. When cooking, you can add tomato, bay leaf and garlic for extra flavor. Salt only after readiness.

How to cook white beans

White beans are not as meaty as red beans. How long to cook white beans? Usually its preparation takes 30-50 minutes. White beans can be left unsoaked or soaked for a short time. Carefully monitor the cooking of white beans after 30 minutes so that they do not become overcooked, check for doneness every 5 minutes. White beans are ideal for soups.

How to cook beans without soaking

Sometimes preparing dishes takes so much time that you simply don’t have at the moment. How to cook beans quickly? This is quite possible; when cooking, you should repeat the water replacement procedure 2 times. After the beans boil for the first time, wait 15 minutes, drain the water completely, pour in cold water, and put it back on the fire. After the second boil, change the water again. After two times, the cooking time will be reduced to 30-40 minutes. If you don’t want to completely replace the water, you can add a few tablespoons of cold water several times (3-4) when the water is boiling, but this can only be done at the beginning of cooking. That is, to quickly cook beans you need to use a temperature difference. You can also reduce the soaking time. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of water over the prepared beans, boil them, then set them aside from the heat and cover with a lid, let them brew for 1 hour. After this, cook as usual. The fastest way to cook beans is to buy them frozen. So, how long should you cook frozen beans? Frozen beans will be ready after 15-20 minutes of cooking.

In this article you learned how to cook beans of various types and varieties. Now you can easily prepare a dish containing any beans.

Even more interesting

How long to cook beans after soaking step by step video recipe

We have also prepared a video for you to fully understand the step-by-step cooking process.

Looking at the tips on how long to cook beans after soaking, you can easily prepare this dish at home, having all the necessary ingredients.

Even more delicious recipes:

Post tags:
how long to cook white beans, how to cook white beans, how long to cook green beans, how to cook beans correctly, how to cook red beans, how long to cook beans, how to cook beans, how long to cook frozen beans, how to cook beans quickly

1 - Beans must be pre-soaked!
Of course, many people do this. BUT! I'm pretty sure they only soak it overnight! But this is not enough... It is better to soak the beans for 1.5-2 days!!!
Then the beans swell enough, almost to their maximum size, and the skin gradually stretches to its maximum! Therefore, the beans cook quickly and evenly, and the skin no longer bursts during cooking!

Fill the beans with cold (required!) water. We pour a lot of water! Beans take up a lot of water! And we will still drain it....

Leave for 10-12 hours at room temperature, on the table. Then we put it in the refrigerator and let it sit for another day and a half...

2 - It is highly advisable to change the water from time to time! That is, drain the old one and fill it with fresh water. If you soak for 2 days, then it is enough to change the water every 10-12 hours. It is more convenient to do this in the mornings and evenings...
This neutralizes, sorry, the “gassy” effect of the finished dish...

3 - It’s very convenient to soak a fairly large number of beans at once! Some of the soaked beans can be easily frozen and cooked if necessary!..

4 - Before cooking, you need to drain the water again and fill the beans with fresh water. Then put it on high heat! As soon as the water boils, boil for 5 minutes and drain the water again!
Pour in fresh water again, bring to a boil over high heat, and cook over low heat until tender...

5 - DO NOT SALT the beans during cooking! Otherwise it will remain tough!
The beans are salted at the very end, almost before they are ready, for 10-15 minutes...

6 - Cooking time depends on three factors:
- duration of soaking,
- varieties of beans
- and her “age”!
It could be an hour or two... Or maybe 30-40 minutes!!!

7 - It is better to immediately throw the cooked beans into a sieve/colander and use them. Remaining in the broth, it continues to boil! But if you need boiled beans (for making pates, purees, thick soups), then they can be left in the broth.
Here are the cooked beans...

And the decoction from it...
8 - Bean broth can (and should!!!) be used to make soup! Great! Or you can freeze it until better times...
To do this, you need to cool the broth, then pour it into ANY container that can be stored in the freezer, close it tightly and put it in the freezer! And that's it!
I usually use 1-1.5 liter plastic ice cream containers for this. But you can use anything, as long as the container has a tight lid..
Just freeze in enough portions to defrost once (do not refreeze leftovers), that is, for one lunch..
I freeze broths in the same way.. Very convenient!

And you don’t even need to defrost, just sit on the table for about 10 minutes, just so that the “ice” broth or broth separates from the walls of the container, and immediately pour it into the pan, it will melt on the fire..

9 - You can freeze the beans themselves, already cooked!!! And use when necessary! Isn't this better than using a JAR??
To freeze beans (both just soaked and already boiled), I drain them well, then spread them on a tray in a single layer and put them in the freezer. After an hour or two, I take it out, quickly stir it with a spatula (the beans freeze to the tray) and then into the freezer. And the next day I pour it off the tray into cellophane. bag or any compact container and back into the freezer - already for storage.
This way the beans don’t stick together, they remain one to one!


Fill in beans very cold water and place over medium heat. Do not cover the pan with a lid, otherwise it will turn dark and unpleasant. As soon as beans boils, add 3-5 tablespoons of ice water. Repeat the procedure until beans will not soften. Salt it only at the end of cooking, as salt makes the water very hard, which slows down the cooking process. To do beans elastic, and its broth rich and satisfying, add 3-5 tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil to the water. To cook quickly beans Pour cold water over the beans and place on medium. As soon as it boils, drain the broth, add cold water and put on fire to boil. Repeat this procedure until the beans are completely cooked. To quickly cook beans, add a little baking soda to the water (at the tip of a teaspoon). At the end of cooking, neutralize the effect of soda by adding a few drops of lemon juice to the broth. Take your time and take it out beans prematurely, even if you have absolutely no time to prepare the dish. The point is that it's undercooked beans contains toxic substances that are extremely toxic and in large quantities can cause dysbacteriosis or mild poisoning. The consequences are not terrible, but rather unpleasant. In any case, do not risk the health and well-being of your family and friends, but rather wait a little more time, and beans will be completely ready. The type of bean is of no small importance during the cooking process. Cooking time for colored beans (pink, yellow, blue) is much shorter than for white beans. If it is large, this is a sign of an elite variety, which means it cooks much faster. After cooking the beans, drain them into a sieve and cover with water at room temperature. The skin may crack a little, but it itself beans will acquire a pleasant elastic consistency.


  • how to quickly cook beans
  • How long to cook beans

It happens that there is sorely not enough time to prepare a particular dish. For example, cooking beans requires pre-soaking for 7-12 hours. So is it possible to speed up this process and cook the beans without soaking them for such a long time?


To quickly cook beans without soaking, you first need to carefully sort them out, removing spoiled beans, debris and dust. After this, it is washed under cold running water, dried and poured into a deep, large saucepan, which is two-thirds filled with water. The pan is placed on medium heat, after which you need to wait for the water to boil for fifteen minutes, drain all the water and pour cold clean water over the beans. After changing the water, the pan must be put back on the fire, wait for it to boil again, replace the water again and continue cooking the beans for thirty to forty minutes. You can also cook beans without soaking in another way - by not completely changing the boiled water, but simply adding a couple of tablespoons of fresh water to it at the first stage of cooking (three to four times). The beans will cook faster due to the temperature difference in the pan. You can also sort and rinse the beans, pour a small amount of cold water over them and cook over moderate heat. After the water boils, you need to remove the pan from the stove, cover it tightly with a lid and leave to steep for an hour. After the expiration date, the beans are put back on the stove and cooked in the usual way.

If you have a little time, you can soak the beans for a short amount of time.

To do this, you need to pour it into a large saucepan with water (proportions 1:3), bring to a boil over low heat, then cook for five minutes.

Afterwards, the beans are removed from the heat and infused in their own broth for three hours, and then cooked for another hour until fully cooked.

The quickest way to prepare frozen beans without pre-soaking is to boil them over moderate heat and eat them fifteen minutes after the start of cooking.

The white variety, which does not need soaking, is cooked for an hour and a half, poured with cold water 3 centimeters above the beans.

Add salt only at the end of cooking.


To ensure that beans that are not pre-soaked are cooked evenly and quickly, it is advisable to replace the water at least twice during the cooking process.

Helpful advice

You can determine whether the beans are completely cooked by their softness, the presence of which is mandatory, since undercooked beans contain substances hazardous to health.


Delicious beans - how to cook them correctly

Beans are healthy and nutritious. It contains almost everything that the human body needs: vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, proteins.

In addition, it has excellent taste. Good housewives know how to cook beans deliciously. You can make soup, side dish, dessert, salad from it. A bean dish is just as tasty and satisfying as one made with meat. It serves as a wonderful filling for pies and various baked goods.

The subtleties of cooking delicious beans

Features of soaking

A mandatory rule for preparing beans is to soak them for 10-12 hours in cold water, which should be boiled and cooled very much.

This is where the proper preparation of a delicious dish begins. If you soak it in raw water, the beans will turn out glassy and hard.

It’s good if the container with the beans is kept in a cold place while soaking.

Beans can also be soaked in good beer, which will give them a piquant taste. The rules are the same as for water. When it's time to cook the beans, you don't need to pour out the beer, but cook it in it. Alcohol and harmful substances will disappear from it.

Thermal mode

Another important rule for obtaining a tasty bean dish is compliance with the thermal regime. First you need to put it on low heat so that it boils in at least half an hour. Once boiling, the heat should remain moderate so that the beans simmer gently.

You cannot cook different types of beans together, since each variety requires its own cooking time. Beans are salted ready-made. Compliance with the given recommendations guarantees the receipt of tasty and appetizing bean dishes.

Bean soup – it doesn’t get any tastier

Soups with beans always turn out appetizing, rich and tasty.

Mushroom soup with beans


  • beans (two glasses);
  • one medium carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • bulb;
  • a bowl of champignons (or other mushrooms);
  • tomato paste (2 tbsp.).

Boil the soaked beans until soft, about an hour. While the beans are cooking, finely chop the carrots and onions and sauté in vegetable oil.

Add mushrooms and simmer for 10 minutes. Add tomato paste mixed with flour to vegetables and mushrooms. Mix well and cook until thick, about two minutes.

Mix the prepared beans with fried tomato sauce and potato cubes. Bring to a boil, simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. Serve the soup with fresh herbs and homemade croutons.

Tomato bean soup with pork


  • pork ribs (500 g);
  • white beans (400 g);
  • tomato paste (150 g);
  • one carrot;
  • one onion;
  • cardamom (five grains);
  • cloves (three buds);
  • salt, pepper, garlic to taste.

Drain soaked beans. Then rinse it in running water. Place beans and meat in a saucepan and add water. When it boils, turn the heat to moderate and cook for an hour and a half.

Chop the onion and carrots, add tomato paste and sauté. Add this roast to the soup. Add all the spices and cook a little more. The soup should sit for at least 15 minutes.

Already in the bowls, season the soup with grated garlic.

Appetizing salads with beans

To know how to cook beans deliciously, you need to try at least a few salad recipes.

Green bean salad

  • green beans (500 g);
  • two onions;
  • green parsley, sour cream, salt.

Remove the tips and veins from the pods. Slice on the bias and blanch for 10 minutes, adding a little water with vinegar and salt.

Then pour this water over the bulbs and rinse the beans with water. Cut the onion into rings and scald it with bean broth. Then cool and place on a plate.

Place the finished pods on top. Lightly salt everything, add sour cream and stir.

Beans and smoked chicken

The salad includes:

  • beans (200 g);
  • smoked chicken fillet;
  • fresh cucumbers (300 g);
  • salt, mayonnaise to taste.

For this salad, it’s great to soak the beans in beer and then boil them. After draining in a colander, cool. Cut the fillet with cucumbers into cubes. Add beans, season with mayonnaise and mix well.

Meat dishes with beans

It goes well with any meat: chicken, turkey, rabbit, beef, pork.

Beans with chicken and vegetables


  • beans (two glasses);
  • chicken fillet;
  • two carrots;
  • vegetable oil;
  • two onions;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • 2-3 bell peppers;
  • 4-5 tomatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic.

Leave the beans in cold water overnight. Then boil until soft. Rub thinly sliced ​​chicken fillet with spices, salt and ground pepper.

Fry the chicken in vegetable oil until golden brown. Finely chop onions, carrots, bell peppers, tomatoes.

Simmer the vegetable mixture in a hot frying pan for 10 minutes with vegetable oil (a little).

Place the meat on the beans, add vegetables, pepper and salt to taste. Simmer for another 5 minutes and add the garlic and pickled cucumbers. Sprinkle the finished dish with fresh herbs.

Beans with pork in a pot

You need to stock up:

  • green beans (500 g);
  • pork (500 g);
  • two onions;
  • two tomatoes;
  • tomato paste (1 tbsp.);
  • mushrooms (250 g);
  • egg;
  • flour (1 tsp);
  • sour cream (2-3 tbsp.);
  • grated cheese (3 tbsp);
  • pepper, salt to taste.

Fry the meat cut into small cubes with tomatoes and onions. Green beans, cleaned of fibers and cut in half, place in half-cooked meat.

Pour hot water with pepper and salt. Simmer over low heat. At this time, peel, wash and chop the mushrooms. Stew them with tomato paste, eggs and sour cream.

Sprinkle with flour and simmer briefly.

Mix mushrooms with beans, put everything in a fireproof ceramic pot, sprinkle grated cheese on top and place in a hot oven. The dish should be baked and covered with a golden brown crust.

Only beans

In order not to rack your brains over what can be prepared from beans, it is enough to resort to recipes for very tasty dishes in which the main component is the beans themselves.

Beans under eggs

In addition to beans (a glass), you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • bulb;
  • sour cream, red pepper, dill, salt, flour to taste.

Transfer the almost finished boiled beans to a hot baking sheet or frying pan without a handle. First, grease the container with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Heat and pour beaten eggs mixed with flour, fried onions, pepper, salt, and dill on top.

When the eggs form a golden brown crust, spread sour cream on top and keep in the oven for another five minutes.

Baked beans


  • speckled or dark beans (two cups);
  • tomato paste (2 tsp);
  • two onions;
  • two bay leaves;
  • salt, black pepper, flour, sugar to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cook the soaked beans until almost done. Cut the onion into half rings and saute until golden brown with the addition of flour. Add bean broth to the fry.

After boiling, season with pepper, sugar and finally with bay leaf. Pour this sauce into the boiled beans and simmer for half an hour. Served hot or cold.

Equally delicious.

Bean cutlets


  • beans (glass);
  • two onions;
  • semolina (1 tbsp);
  • two eggs.

Grind the soaked and washed beans in a meat grinder, adding one raw and one fried onion. Add eggs and semolina to the mixture. Form cutlets and fry slightly. Then place the cutlets in a cauldron, pour in water (you can use meat broth) to cover them, and simmer for an hour and a half.

Bean lobio

Lobio is a Georgian dish meaning beans in a sauce with various seasonings. There are many recommendations on how to cook lobio from beans. Here are some recipes.

With beer

  • two glasses of beans;
  • a glass of peeled walnuts;
  • 250 ml beer;
  • head of garlic;
  • two bunches of green parsley;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • juice of 1 pomegranate;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Soak beans in beer and cold water. Boil until soft and drain the liquid. Pass garlic, walnuts, and herbs through a meat grinder. Add this mixture to the cooled beans. Season with pomegranate juice, pepper, salt, sugar.

Lobio with eggs and butter


  • green beans (1 kg);
  • 200 g ghee;
  • 3 eggs;
  • salt.

Bean pods, peeled, washed with cold water and chopped, place in a saucepan. Pour two cups of boiling water, close the lid and cook for one to two hours until tender.

When the water boils and the beans are boiled, add oil and salt. Simmer for 10 minutes. Add the raw egg and mix. Pour in the remaining beaten eggs.

Smooth the surface and simmer in a covered pan until the eggs are ready.

Lobio with nuts and tomatoes


  • green beans (500 g);
  • tomatoes (600);
  • half a glass of shelled walnuts;
  • two onions;
  • garlic clove;
  • a sprig of green cilantro;
  • three sprigs of basil and parsley;
  • salt.

Place the tomatoes cut into slices in a saucepan and let simmer for 2 minutes. Then, removing from heat, rub through a sieve.

Boil the chopped beans and combine with tomato puree and onions. Boil. Mix walnuts with salt, garlic, cilantro, parsley, basil. Add this mixture to the green beans and puree and simmer for 10 minutes.

A small part of everything that can be prepared from beans is described. These are delicious puree soups, stews, casseroles, goulash, pies and much more. If you start cooking bean dishes, you will want to do it more often.


How to deliciously cook red beans - 4 delicious recipes

In sale and in cooking, there are two products called beans - these are actually ripe fruits, or rather dried grains of different varieties and colors, they are sold in this form or canned.

The second product is green beans, which are unripe pods of common or green beans; they are sold not only fresh and canned, but also frozen.

Traditionally, when discussing how to deliciously cook red beans, they mean ripe dry fruits, and green beans are usually mentioned in the name.

Beans, unlike many products, do not lose their properties after heat treatment. Its unique taste can be highlighted or modified with various seasonings and spices and will please any eater.

The only difficulty, or rather inconvenience, is the need for prolonged soaking for swelling before cooking.

Canned fruits, which retain their beneficial properties in their original form, successfully help solve this problem.

What are the benefits of beans?

Dry beans are a unique product in their composition; they are the leader in the content of plant proteins, up to 24-26%, depending on the variety, and plant protein resembles animal protein and is very easily digestible, even easier than animal protein. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber, 100 g contains almost half of the average daily requirement, vitamins and microelements.

Due to their composition and ease of preparation, beans are an important component in a proper and healthy diet; they are necessary for heart patients and diabetics, athletes and models.

Love for it is manifested in the national cuisines and culinary traditions of Mexico, France, Georgia, China and Japan.

In our country, the climate is not entirely suitable for growing this legume, but this does not diminish its popularity.


However, people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract and related areas, as well as with diagnoses of gout, arthritis and arthrosis, should include beans in their diet very carefully and in small quantities.

Inconvenient features of legumes include flatulence, which is caused by intestinal bacteria that process legume proteins.

This should be taken into account when thinking about how to deliciously cook red beans by adding dill, fennel, cloves, anise and fenugreek to dishes with them, which harmonize not only the taste, but also the digestive process.

Everyone should know that it is strictly forbidden to eat raw ripe fruits; they can cause poisoning.

Therefore, you need to know how to cook red beans deliciously, and do not neglect the soaking stage, including in an alkaline solution.

Some nutritionists advise draining the first water after boiling and cooking until fully cooked in the second water.

Thus, you can choose a method of preparation, spices and seasonings that will minimize all the shortcomings and make it possible to get not only benefits, but also pleasure from dishes with beans.

How to cook delicious red beans

Beans are indispensable during fasting and in vegetarian menus. In this article we will discuss how to cook delicious beans for a strict vegetarian diet without using products with animal proteins and fats in recipes.

All of the above dishes are quite universal, easy to prepare and have almost no national coloring, but we will put off the famous Georgian lobio and American Idaho soup, which is also often prepared only in water, until next time.

How to make bean soup

The peculiarity of red bean puree soups is the complete absence of potatoes and thickeners such as starch, semolina or flour, because the fruit contains enough starch.

Usually the soup is made from dry fruits, preferably one variety, then all the grains will be cooked at the same time.

If you are pressed for time, thinking about how to deliciously cook red beans, you can use canned ones. In this case, it is important not to oversalt the soup, because salt is the main preservative.

Vegetarian soup made from beans and the same ingredients can be cooked in different ways and the tastes of these soups will be very different, but the benefits will remain.


  • 2 cups dry red beans;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 2 parsley roots;
  • celery root;
  • salt pepper.


Rinse the beans and soak them in water for 10-12 hours, for example overnight. If the fruits were purchased a long time ago, you should add a pinch of soda to the water and increase the soaking time.

When the fruits swell, drain the water, rinse with drinking water, add 2 liters of clean water and cook. After 30-40 minutes, put 1 carrot and celery, chopped as desired, into the pan.

Chop the onion and fry in oil until translucent, add a second finely grated carrot and fry until the carrots change color.

After this, add finely grated or chopped parsley root to the pan, fry together until the parsley softens a little and is soaked in oil. Transfer the fried vegetables to the pan with the beans.

Rinse the pan with a tiny amount of hot water and pour it into the pan. Boil the soup until the legumes are ready, remove from heat and chop hot with a mixer-mug in portions and pour it into another pan. Season the soup with pepper and salt, boil, and turn off immediately. Sprinkle the finished soup with parsley.


Wash the red beans thoroughly, soak them in drinking water for several hours (3-5), then cook them in this water until tender.

Chop all the vegetables coarsely, add to the beans and cook from boiling for 2-3 minutes, turn off the heat, immediately chop with a mixer, season with salt and pepper, and put on fire.

Add oil, stir and cook for another 10-12 minutes, stirring all the time with a polymer or wooden spoon so that it does not burn or stick to the bottom.

Oil in this recipe is an optional, but desirable component, which makes the taste softer and the soup more harmonious and healthy in terms of composition. Sprinkle the finished thick soup with herbs, preferably celery or parsley.

As a side dish for this soup, garlic croutons or aromatic, spicy white bread croutons, dried in the oven or fried in vegetable oil, are usually served.

☞ recipe

Recipe for bean pate “Armenian style”


  • 300 g dry red beans;
  • head of garlic;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • 50 g walnut kernels;
  • salt pepper.


Rinse the red beans, add water and leave for at least 7-8 hours, the easiest way is overnight, especially since some cookbooks suggest soaking the fruits for a day.

Drain the water, rinse the beans under running water and cook until completely soft, adding hot water during cooking if necessary. Drain through a colander until the water is completely drained. Peel the head of garlic, chop the cloves, finely chop the nuts and cilantro.

Mix all ingredients and grind 3 times with a manual meat grinder or 2 times with an electric one. Season the resulting pate with salt and pepper, taste and add salt if necessary. Under-salted pate tastes like an unfinished dish.

Place in a vase and garnish with parsley. Serve with pita bread, which can be made into a roll, or with toasted bread.

To obtain a richer oily taste, you can fry 1 chopped onion in sunflower oil with 3-4 cloves of garlic until transparent, then add them along with nuts and cilantro to the red beans and chop everything together.

☞ recipe

Colored Bean Snacks


  • 1 cup variegated beans;
  • 1 carrot, beet, bell pepper.

INGREDIENTS for dressing, 1st option:

  • vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. l. caraway;
  • grated horseradish;
  • lemon.

INGREDIENTS for dressing, 2nd option:

  • 1-2 onions;
  • ground red pepper;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 2-3 tomatoes;
  • salt.


Soak and cook colored beans in the traditional way, drain and cool. Boil carrots and beets and cut into cubes the size of two beans, mix with cooled fruits, and put in a salad bowl.

Prepare the dressing by diluting wine vinegar to taste with cold water. Place the caraway seeds in a strainer and place in boiling water for one minute, remove, shake to drain the water, and transfer to vinegar.

Add grated horseradish to the mixture, no more than 5 tbsp. l., and squeeze the juice from the lemon. Mix everything, pour the resulting dressing over the vegetables, taste, add salt to taste.

Place bell peppers, cut into rings or strips, on top.


Prepare all the ingredients for the snack - peel and cook according to traditional recipes.

For dressing, sprinkle finely chopped onion with pepper, fry in enough oil, add salted water and simmer for a couple of minutes.

Peel the tomatoes (scald with boiling water, then pour water from the refrigerator on them, remove the skin), chop, add to the onion, simmer for 15 minutes, taste and add salt to taste.

For a sharper taste, you can add garlic to the dressing. Grind the hot dressing with a mug mixer. Place beans and chopped vegetables in a salad bowl and pour over the prepared dressing, stir. The appetizer can be served warm.

Salad recipe with canned beans

The combination of the starchy, slightly dull taste of beans with an aromatic vinegar dressing gives this salad a special piquancy. By modifying the dressing with different herbs and spices, you can create a whole bouquet of salads with different tastes.


  • 500 g canned red beans;
  • 2 red onions;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper;
  • 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 7 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • parsley, cilantro, basil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. capers.


Drain the brine from the canned red beans, taste, rinse with cold drinking water if necessary, and let drain well. Chop the onion into strips, finely grate the garlic, fry them together in hot oil, season with salt, pepper and sugar.

Allow the sugar to melt, but be careful that it does not stick to the pan and burn.

Carefully add vinegar to the frying pan, immediately after boiling, turn off the heat, put the beans in the frying pan, stir and leave to cool slowly to room temperature so that the beans are soaked in the dressing.

Wash and squeeze out several sprigs of cilantro, parsley and basil through a cloth towel, tear off leaves and herbs, chop, mix with capers. When the beans have cooled completely, transfer to a salad bowl, add the greens and capers, and stir. Garnish with sage leaves.

For this salad, you can prepare aromatic vinegar in advance: put a couple of peeled cloves of garlic and hot red pepper, a sprig of purple basil and 1 tsp each in a bottle with a tight, ground-in stopper or screw cap.

coriander (cilantro) and cumin (cumin) seeds heated in a dry frying pan. Pour the mixture with apple cider vinegar and place it in the corner of a kitchen cabinet or cupboard for 10 days.

Other ingredients that have Mediterranean flavors include fennel, thyme and one! a small sprig of rosemary.

☞ recipe


How to quickly cook red beans without soaking – Year 2018

Beans are a tasty and popular side dish and an important part of many dishes.

Legumes contain many essential microelements and vitamins, which, unfortunately, are lost during cooking.

How to choose tasty and healthy beans?

Kidney beans come in different types and colors.

Each type has its own characteristics, namely friability, texture, specificity of taste and compatibility with other dishes, which should be taken into account when choosing. The most popular and accessible types include white, red, black and variegated beans.

  • White beans is the most common variety. It goes well with almost all dishes, and can be used everywhere, since its delicate taste is quite familiar to everyone. When choosing these beans, you need to take into account that they are quite crumbly;
  • Red color no less popular and familiar to everyone. Most often it is used for stuffing and in soups and salads. It has a pleasant taste and medium friability, and among its features one can highlight a bright burgundy color;
  • Black variety more exotic than other listed types of beans. Having a sweet and bitter taste, it is suitable for stews and salads. It has a fairly dense texture;
  • Pinto or variegated beans universal due to its delicate and creamy taste. The main catch with this variety is that it takes a long time to soak and cook, but the taste of pinto is worthy of it.

When choosing beans in a store, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging, the purity of the mixture, the absence of stains on the grains and flowability. Care and pickiness at the selection stage will allow you to enjoy a truly delicious dish in the end.

Preparing beans for cooking

Beans must be soaked before cooking. This is due to a reduction in cooking time and softens the effect of beans on the intestines.

Before soaking, the beans should be sorted, removing any spoiled ones. You should never mix different varieties, as this will spoil the taste. After the grains have been sorted, the beans should be washed.

The grains are soaked for three to twelve hours, depending on the type. During the soaking process, the water should be changed regularly, preferably every three hours. Doubling the volume of the grains indicates that they can be cooked. Before cooking, the beans must be rinsed several times.

How to cook beans quickly: methods

Beans are not the “fastest” product; preparing them requires patience. But sometimes you just need to cook it quickly. There are several ways to do this.

  • To quickly cook beans in a saucepan. you need to fill them with very cold water and cook over medium heat. When the water boils, it is drained and a new portion of cold water is poured in. The procedure is repeated until complete readiness. You can also add baking soda on the tip of a knife and a couple of drops of lemon juice at the end to neutralize the effect of the soda. Salt the water only at the end, as salt slows down the cooking;
  • No soaking The beans are cooked in the same way. There is an unusual way to cook unsoaked beans quickly: using seaweed. Its leaves should be dried in advance and added to the beans before cooking. All this takes about 40 minutes, and if you add spices to this, you can additionally get a delicious broth;
  • Very convenient to cook beans in the microwave. To do this, place the grains in a glass bowl, add clean cool water and place in the oven for 7–10 minutes at maximum power. After this, mix the beans, add salt and set again for 15–20 minutes at medium power;
  • In a slow cooker The beans are cooked in the stewing mode for one to one and a half hours. Salt should be added before cooking;
  • The red variety for borscht is very good to cook in a pressure cooker. In this case, the beans are cooked for about 40 minutes after boiling. It is better not to salt the beans.

Modern varieties are specifically designed for quick cooking, so if you need “fast” beans, it is advisable to choose them. The variety must be indicated on the product packaging.

Beef liver salad with various additives. Try, experiment, cook!

Banana curd pie in a slow cooker. You can add raisins, nuts, candied fruits and other “goodies” to it. Read the recipes.

Have you tried squid stewed in sour cream? Try this very tasty recipe.

  • Beans may change color as they cook. To prevent this from happening, do not cover it with a lid;
  • To prevent the beans from becoming bitter, the water should be changed at least twice during cooking. Old beans are also bitter;
  • There is a faster, but more labor-intensive way to soak beans. In this case, the grains are brought to a boil over low heat and cooked on high for 5 minutes. Next, it sits for 3 hours in a decoction and 1 hour in clean water;
  • To make the beans cook faster, add 2-3 tablespoons of cold water after boiling;
  • Do not soak beans for more than 10 hours;
  • In the summer, soaked beans should be placed in the refrigerator to prevent sprouting;
  • One glass holds about 200 grams of grains.