Prepare sour cream. How to make the perfect sour cream and surprise everyone

Prepare sour cream.  How to make the perfect sour cream and surprise everyone
Prepare sour cream. How to make the perfect sour cream and surprise everyone

What is childhood associated with? With a cozy stepfather’s house and delicious aromas from the kitchen, where mother does her magic. It is perhaps difficult to find a Soviet family where they did not enjoy homemade cakes. And, for sure, he, the sour cream maker, visited every table from time to time. The recipe is classic, simple and does not require special culinary skills; with a minimum set of ordinary products, it was possible to create a real masterpiece.

Those who knew how to turn a pie into a cake, others decorated sour cream in such a way that it would not be a shame to put it on the festive table. Daughters learned from their mothers, then taught their daughters - so sour cream remained a desired delicacy on tables for a very long time. Today, when stores are bursting with an abundance of cakes, pastries, and cookies, few people spend time fussing with the oven. But in vain! Homemade tender sour cream is simply incomparable, and certainly surpasses the taste of the pie from the deli around the corner.

Smetannik: from royal chambers to peasant huts

Everything famous has its own legend. The “celebrity” sour cream is no exception. They say that a roguish cook served at the court of Alexander II. He loved to steal from the royal kitchen. I once picked up a vat of sour cream, but didn’t have time to take it out: the sovereign himself came into the kitchen! He looked into the vat and asked why so much fresh sour cream? The resourceful cook replied that it was for a new delicacy. Under the gaze of the sovereign, the poor fellow had to invent the royal dish on the fly. This is how sour cream was born - a classic, simple pie recipe that the emperor himself liked.

Smetannik is a convenient way to utilize excess dairy products, which was adopted by women in villages. To prevent sour cream from wasting, it was mixed into the dough and cakes were baked, which came out surprisingly airy and tenderly melting in the mouth.

Today, as such, sour cream does not have a classic recipe (simple and completely preserved, as in the original sources). No one can tell you exactly what quantity of ingredients to put in a recipe, how to decorate it, what to fill it with. But no matter how your favorite sour cream is prepared, it will still remain so if it contains the main ingredient - natural sour cream.

Classic is called sour cream, the recipe of which is as simple as possible and does not contain additives: raisins, poppy seeds, chocolate and other things.

Classic sour cream pie: recipe

A simple recipe for sour cream, which can be unmistakably called a classic, is the epitome of sophistication and ease of preparation. The main rule that applies here: we use any sour cream in the dough, even the expiration date of which has almost expired, but for the cream – ideally fresh! The older the product, the greater the risk that the cream will turn out sour and will not hold its shape.

This recipe for classic sour cream in the oven is an ideal way out of a situation when guests are already on the doorstep; it’s easy to prepare.
What do we need?

For the test:

  • flour (preferably premium) – 300 g (a little less than one and a half glasses);
  • sour cream (the higher the fat content, the better) – 1 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar - a bag;
  • baking soda – ½ teaspoon.

For cream:

  • sour cream (from 20% fat content and above) –320 g;
  • granulated sugar (the smaller the crystals, the more convenient) - 1 cup.

You will also need oil to grease the mold. You can take both vegetable and creamy - it doesn’t matter. The form needs to be deep.


Like any sour cream, the classic simple recipe needs to be prepared using only clean dishes! Take the time to rinse and dry the bowls and whisks.

  1. First, knead the dough. To do this, beat the eggs and sugar with a whisk until foamy. Add flour, sour cream to the foam, mix in vanillin and soda. Knead the dough: thick and homogeneous. Slowly pour it into a deep, greased mold. Place in a 180 degree, preheated oven for 35 minutes.
  2. While the cake is baking, prepare the cream: beat sour cream and sugar with a mixer until thick.
  3. Cut the cooled sour cream cake with a sharp knife so as not to crumble it, lengthwise into 2 identical thinner cakes. Layer with sour cream and sugar cream and decorate on top. You can sprinkle with additional crushed nuts, cookie crumbs, chocolate chips, and decorate with berries or pieces of fruit.

If you beat vanillin (1 sachet) into the cream, you will get vanilla sour cream, fragrant and tender. Add cocoa to the dough and you will get chocolate sour cream. Feel free to experiment, because this recipe is just a tasty base that is also good as an independent dessert.

Classic sour cream cake - recipe with photos step by step

Do you know how to make sour cream cake at home? It’s not difficult, it’s easy if you already know the recipe for the classic sour cream pie. Similar sour cream-based recipes, popular in the USSR, were prepared in almost every home. And the solemn name “cake” is given to sour cream thanks to the layer of cake layers and decoration. So, sour cream cake (step-by-step recipe with photos).

What we need for the dough:

  • flour and sour cream (low-fat is also possible) - 300 g each;
  • granulated sugar – 180 g;
  • fresh eggs – 3;
  • soda slaked with vinegar - 1 teaspoon;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tbsp. spoons.

For cream:

  • granulated sugar - glass;
  • fatty fresh sour cream – 750 g;

For decoration:

  • crushed walnuts - a handful;
  • chocolate chips – 20-30 g.

This sour cream cake is a classic recipe, simple, but surprisingly tasty.

  1. First, beat the eggs with sugar, this can be done with a mixer or a fork.
  2. Add sour cream, when the sugar crystals dissolve, beat until smooth.
  3. Gradually, constantly whisking, add the pre-sifted flour.
  4. Now it's time to add soda (quench with vinegar).
  5. Place half of the dough into a greased pan.
  6. Place the first cake in the oven and keep it there until done (15 minutes at 180 degrees C).
  7. While cake No. 1 is browning, we modify the rest of our dough, “shock” it by adding cocoa.
  8. When cake No. 1 is baked, put the chocolate cake in its place in the oven and bake in the same way.
  9. Let the finished cakes cool, and we will deal with the most important yummy thing in the cake, this is sour cream. Chilled (for quick churning) sour cream is whipped with sugar until the sugar grains completely disappear.
  10. Divide the cooled cakes into two, cutting them lengthwise.
  11. Assembling the sour cream cake: put a lot of sour cream on the first chocolate cake, cover with white cake, coat with cream again, put the second brown cake, sour cream again and cover with the last white cake. Cover it generously with cream.
  12. At night we put our “beauty” in the refrigerator to make the cake even more beautiful the next morning. Decorate it with nuts and chocolate.

Believe me - delicious! This sour cream cake (recipe with photo) is an easy way to please family and friends at the holiday table.

I suggest watching another version of the cake below: sour cream cake recipe video.

Sour cream in a slow cooker, recipes with photos

The faithful multi-cooker assistant makes excellent sour cream recipes! Have you tried it? Then sour cream in a slow cooker is a recipe especially for you. Like regular sour cream (a classic recipe), a simple multicooker cake can have many variations. Our recipe is a base (suitable as an independent dish), which can be easily supplemented to taste.

So, a slow cooker and sour cream cake: a step-by-step recipe with photos.

Ingredients (for sour cream dough):

  • flour, sugar and fresh sour cream of any fat content, 1 cup each;
  • eggs – 2 pieces;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Sour cream: as in the previous recipe (sugar and sour cream (from 20%), proportions - 1:1)

  1. First we make the dough: put the ingredients in a deep bowl and beat.
  2. Grease the multi-cooker bowl with oil (vegetable or butter - it doesn’t matter).
  3. Pour the dough into the bowl, bake the biscuit in the “baking” mode, time – 50 minutes.
  4. After finishing cooking, turn the cake over and bake bottom up for another 10 minutes.
  5. Cut the cooled cake in half lengthwise and coat with cream.

Let your imagination tell you how to decorate the Smetannik cake in a slow cooker: chocolate, berries, nuts - whatever you like!

Tatar sour cream: recipe with photos

If you compare sour cream (a classic, simple recipe) and Tatar sour cream, then despite the similarity of ingredients, the difference is in taste. The Tatar version of the pie has an unusually delicate taste, and the sour cream filling is indistinguishable from airy curd.

How to make such a pie?

For the test take:

  • wheat flour - 2.5 cups (heaped);
  • eggs – 1;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • salt – ¼ teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fast-acting yeast - 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • full-fat sour cream – 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 120 g;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.

How to prepare sour cream? Recipe with photo:

  1. Take a deep bowl and mix flour, yeast, sugar and salt.
  2. Pour in slightly warmed milk and butter, stir. Beat in the egg and knead into a thick dough.
  3. Leave it for approaching in a warm place under a napkin to avoid a weathered crust.
  4. While the dough is rising, take care of the filling: Beat the eggs with granulated sugar with a mixer. Beat in the sour cream until the mixture is smooth and the sugar crystals are completely melted.
  5. Roll out the dough diametrically slightly larger than the baking pan, with some room for the sides.
  6. Place it in a greased pan and pour sour cream on top. Carefully wrap the sides around the cream.

Tatar-style sour cream is baked for about 40 minutes; the oven should not heat above 200 0C.

Sour cream in a frying pan: recipe

This sour cream can be prepared without eggs: there are many simple recipes, you don’t even need an oven! It tastes very much like the classic sour cream recipe - a simple and delicious cake for tea, a kind of quick sour cream.

  • For the dough: sour cream (a glass), granulated sugar (a glass), flour (3 glasses), soda (0.5 tablespoons).
  • For the cream: sour cream (350ml), granulated sugar (glass) and a bag of vanillin.
  1. Prepare the dough by mixing all the ingredients - it will turn out tight, like for dumplings.
  2. Now you need to decide how many cakes there will be: it will be 7-9, depending on the radius of the pan. We divide all our dough into parts equal in size.
  3. We make a flat cake from each part, rolling it out thinly. To make an even circle, the lid from this frying pan will come in handy: simply pressing, cut off the circle with the edges of the lid.
  4. We bake each flatbread without fat, in a dry frying pan, browning on both sides.
    We prepare the cream by simply whipping sugar and vanillin with sour cream, the higher the fat content, the better.
  5. We layer the cooled flat cakes with cream, coat them on the sides and top, and decorate them with whatever we want. It’s good if you can keep the cake in the refrigerator overnight.

Sour cream buns: recipe with photo

Not only homemade cakes are prepared with sour cream. There is a recipe for buns of the same name, somewhat similar in appearance to cheesecakes, but the filling for sour cream buns is made from sour cream. The baked goods are very tender, aromatic and tasty. Shall we cook?

The dough here is not the same as for sour cream (a classic, simple recipe), but yeast dough. You can cook it according to your favorite recipe, the main thing is that it rises well.

A simple recipe for yeast dough for sour cream buns: 4 cups of flour, a packet of yeast like “Saf-Moment”, granulated sugar - ½ cup, fresh milk - a glass, 2 eggs and 100g of melted margarine.

  1. Knead the dough and place it in a warm place to rise. We knead the first rise. Let's start working on the second one.
  2. In the intervals between rises, prepare the filling: mix a tablespoon of flour, sugar and melted butter (butter) with 4 tablespoons of thick sour cream.
  3. Roll the dough into balls and let sit for a bit. According to the cheesecake recipe, make a hole in the flattened ball and add the filling.
  4. Bake on a baking sheet in the oven (180 degrees C) until done, 20-30 minutes.

Oh, how many luxurious recipes lie behind the simple name “Smetannik” - a simple Tatar recipe, vanilla sour cream or a lush shortcake cake - no matter which of these recipes you decide to implement, rest assured that your family and guests will appreciate them! Bon appetit!

This appetizing, delicious and sweet dessert of Soviet children, as well as, especially in those years of shortages when there was no surplus on the kitchen tables, was considered a truly festive cake. Since all the ingredients for its preparation were available, that is why many mothers and grandmothers knew how to bake it at home.

The recipes for such a wonderful delicacy are quite simple and varied. After all, its main product, which is part of the dough and cream, is something else - like sour cream. And the classic version of the cakes are baked in two colors, with the addition of cocoa powder; in some versions they also include products such as nuts, poppy seeds and raisins.


  • Sour cream - 1/2 cup
  • flour - 1 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • coconut flakes - 2 tsp
  • syrup - 1 tbsp. l
  • apricot jam
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs into a deep bowl, add salt, sugar and beat with a mixer until smooth.

To make the dough more tender and richer, you need to use thicker sour cream.

Then add the sifted flour, a bag of vanillin, coconut flakes and add soda dissolved in 9% vinegar. Then mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Transfer the resulting dough into a greased, in this case, silicone mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25-30 minutes until ready.

For impregnation, in a bowl, dilute one tablespoon of syrup to your taste in 100 ml of boiled water and pour it on top of the still warm pie.

Now cut the soaked cake lengthwise and coat it with a thin layer of apricot jam.

All that remains is to place the second part of the cake on top of the first, grease it with jam and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

This turned out to be a wonderful and very tasty pastry, try making it yourself.

Tatar sour cream recipe


For the test:

  • Flour - 450 gr
  • milk - 250 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • soda - 1 pinch
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp
  • salt - 1 pinch.

For filling:

  • Sugar - 6 tbsp. l
  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • sour cream - 500 ml
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Cooking method:

In order to make the dough, we need to pour sifted flour, one teaspoon of sugar, soda, dry yeast, a pinch of salt into a deep bowl and mix everything.

Then beat in one egg, add milk, vegetable oil and mix. Then sprinkle the table with flour and knead it into a soft and elastic dough. Transfer it to a container, cover with a towel and leave for one hour.

After the time has passed, roll out the slightly risen dough on the table, then place it in a suitable pre-greased form, making sure to fold the edges.

Now for the filling, combine sugar, eggs, salt and sour cream, mix everything well until smooth and pour it into the mold.

And bake in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 40-50 minutes until done.

Remove the baked goods from the oven, decorate with berries if desired, and serve.

How to bake a pie with condensed milk in a slow cooker


For the crust:

  • Flour - 300 gr
  • condensed milk - 380 gr
  • butter - 100 g
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • baking powder - 10 gr.

For cream:

  • Sour cream – 20% – 600 gr
  • powdered sugar - 70 g
  • thickener for cream - 30 g
  • vanilla sugar - 1 gr.

For decoration:

  • Walnuts and berries - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. To prepare the cakes, beat the eggs into a deep container and lightly beat them with a mixer.

3. Carefully spread the resulting mass in an even layer into the oiled multicooker bowl, close the lid and turn on the “Baking” mode for one hour.

4. For the cream, combine sour cream, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and cream thickener in a container. Beat all the contents with a mixer.

5. Meanwhile, after the beep, take the finished cake out of the microwave.

6. Cut it lengthwise into three identical parts, grease the top of each with cream and lay it on top of each other as in the photo.

7. Then we completely treat the outside with cream and decorate the top with walnut crumbs and fresh berries.

Let it soak a little, then serve it to the table.

Delicious sour cream with berries


  • Sour cream - 1 glass
  • flour - 1 cup
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • fresh or frozen berries - 300 gr
  • baking powder - 1/4 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. In a suitable container, thoroughly mix the eggs with sugar.

2. Add sour cream, baking powder and gradually add sifted flour so that the mass turns out like pancakes.

3. Next we need a deep mold, grease the inside with vegetable oil, then pour half of the dough into it, then lay out the berries, in my case frozen cherries, and fill with the other half of the dough.

4. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the mold in it and bake for about 25-30 minutes.

5. After the time has passed, pierce the cake with a toothpick and if it is dry, then the baking is ready.

Take it out of the mold, cut into portions and serve.

Vanilla sour cream pie (video)

Probably the most difficult thing in preparing this pastry is grating the frozen butter. Of course, to simplify this task, you can ask the male half to grate the oil; believe me, this will make the task much easier for the hostess. All other manipulations in the recipe are performed simply and quickly. And don’t worry too much if you think that the filling for vanilla pastries is a little runny. It will thicken during cooking. So, let's begin.

Bon appetit!!!

There are often products left in the refrigerator that can be used in original ways if you have just a little time and the desire to try out a new interesting recipe.

Any amount of remaining sour cream can be freely mixed with other fermented milk products: old milk, fermented baked milk, Varenets, kefir, etc. This is an excellent base for pancakes. For the dough you will also need: 3 eggs, 4 tablespoons of sugar, a drop of soda and vinegar, half a glass of flour. Stir until bubbles appear, then immediately bake in a pan greased with butter.

This recipe is good if you have a whole package of sour cream (0.5 l) lying around. It also needs: a spoonful of sunflower oil, an egg, a little salt and soda, one glass of raspberries (can be frozen), flour and sugar. First, pour the baking soda into the sour cream and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then pour in the remaining ingredients and knead until smooth. Roll out the pancake from the dough, cut it into squares or circles. Place raspberries in the center of each cookie and sprinkle with a little sugar. Bake at 180 0 C – 20 minutes.

Here's a great way to improve a familiar recipe. You can add a filling of glazed curd cheese to the sour cream dough. Place a piece of cheese directly in the frying pan in the center of the fried pancake on one side and reduce the heat, giving time for the cheese to melt, and then cover this place with a drop of dough and turn the pancakes over so that they brown on the other side. You will get a sweet pie.

For them you need: 200 ml of sour cream, a glass of flour and sugar, half a teaspoon of soda, 2 eggs and a glass of fried and finely chopped almonds. Dissolve the sugar in the sour cream, then add all the other ingredients and knead the batter. Bake it in molds at 200 0 C for half an hour. Try replacing nuts with raisins, marmalade, pieces of chocolate, sherbet, etc.

You will like this dietary recipe, its calorie content is only: 265 kcal per 100 g. To 220 g of sour cream add a pinch of soda, 2 eggs, 400 g of flour and a couple of tablespoons of butter. Heat the butter, and then mix it with the eggs with a mixer, add the remaining ingredients and knead the tender dough, from which you need to twist the ropes to form balls. Bake at 200 0 C for 20 minutes.

If you find a piece of cheese (100 g) with sour cream (220 g), then it’s very easy to bake aromatic donuts for breakfast. You need yeast (10 g), a pinch of salt, a pack (250 g) of margarine, 2 yolks and 2.5 cups of flour. Melt margarine and mix with salt and sour cream. Grind the cheese into small pieces and combine it with the yeast and flour with margarine and sour cream. Roll out the kneaded dough into a pancake a couple of times, fold it into quarters and roll it out again. Then we cover it from drying out and let it brew for 40 minutes. Then roll out the large pancake again and cut it into rectangles or circles. Bake at 200 0 C for half an hour, after brushing the donuts with egg yolk.

This recipe requires a glass of sour cream and a minimum of time. We also prepare a glass of sugar, 1 teaspoon of soda, 2/3 cup of flour, half a glass of semolina, 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix sugar and soda with sour cream, then give them 7-10 minutes to rise. Then add flour, semolina and butter. If desired, you can add raisins, candied fruits, compote fruits or berries to the dough. Delicious with mashed banana mixed into the batter. Bake in the pan at 180 0 C for 25 minutes.

For 12 buns we need:

  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 2 tablespoons each of milk and sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon;
  • a packet of baking powder;
  • a quarter teaspoon each of salt and soda;
  • half a pack of margarine (100 g);
  • half a glass of raisins.

Mix all the ingredients with chopped margarine and knead into a tight dough from which we form buns. Bake for 12 minutes at 230 0 C. While still hot, pour glaze over them (mix half a glass of powdered sugar with a couple of spoons of milk), sprinkle with cinnamon.

In addition to a glass (200 g) of sour cream, we will also need:

  • 5 medium apples;
  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • salt;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • zest peeled from 1 lemon;
  • 1 teaspoon each of vanilla sugar and baking powder;
  • 2 cups of flour.

First, mix the eggs, sour cream and sugar. Then gradually introduce all the other components. Lastly, add apples, previously peeled and seeded and cut into cubes or slices. Put everything in the mold and bake at 180 0 C for 40 minutes.

For this easiest-to-prepare recipe, both kefir and sour cream (400 ml each) are equally suitable - whatever you can find in the refrigerator. You will also need:

  • 400 g semolina;
  • 100 g flour;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 200 g sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of soda.

Mix all the ingredients with a mixer into a homogeneous flowing mass, and then pour into the mold. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 0 C.

Sour cream contains so many benefits for hair growth, and it also relieves inflammation, moisturizes dry ends, and helps fight itching and dandruff. Making a mask from it couldn’t be easier: mix a spoonful of sour cream with a spoonful of mustard, add a couple of yolks, mix thoroughly - ready! Apply to freshly washed hair and leave for half an hour under the bag, wrapping your head in a towel.

Such masks are a real salvation for oily skin, which in this way is cleansed and deprived of oily shine. Take a spoonful of oatmeal, 2 spoons of milk and a spoonful of sour cream. Mix everything and apply to face for half an hour. After rinsing, it is recommended to wipe the skin with a cotton swab dipped in rose water or chamomile decoction.

Our grandmothers’ very popular pie – let’s try it! You need a glass of sour cream, and also:

  • 3 eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • a packet of baking powder.

Beat the eggs with sour cream and sugar, then add all the other ingredients one by one. The ideal dough is only slightly thicker than sour cream. You can add any additives: chocolate, nuts, raisins, prunes, etc. It is best to bake in a mold with a hole in the center for 50 minutes at 180 0 C.

This delicacy is good both cold and hot. For a glass of sour cream you also need to prepare:

  • half a pack of puff pastry (200 g);
  • 2 medium sized zucchini;
  • a glass of grated cheese;
  • any finely chopped fresh herbs;
  • a glass of finely chopped onions and mushrooms.

Roll out the dough into a pancake and line the pan (a diameter of 26 cm is suitable). Prick the bottom well with a fork and bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 180 0 C. Then put zucchini cut into circles on the dough, the next layer of fried onions with mushrooms, and then grease it all with a mixture of herbs, sour cream and cheese. You can sprinkle breadcrumbs on top and add a little salt. Put it in the oven again and bake at 190 0 C for 25 minutes.

Every housewife makes delicious homemade cheesecakes in her own way. Here's another recipe for your piggy bank. You need 4 glasses of sour cream and a pack (250 g) of shortbread cookies, and with them:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 4 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of starch;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • lemon;
  • teaspoon of cinnamon.

Crumble all our cookies and mix with softened butter. Sprinkle with cinnamon. We put everything in the mold and compact it. Grind sugar with eggs and sour cream and add vanillin and starch to them, add zest. Spread the thick mixture over the cookies. Bake for 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 0 C. Leave in the oven until completely cooled. Then put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning you can cut and serve for breakfast.

If you have at least a little sour cream (3 tablespoons) and a large pack of cottage cheese (500 g), then the fastest way to prepare a casserole. It will also need:

  • a glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons flour;
  • a drop of soda.

Knead thoroughly, and then bake in the mold for 50 minutes at 180 0 C.

The dough is kneaded with a whisk for 5 minutes: you need sour cream, as much as you have. Includes 3 eggs, a couple of tablespoons of sugar, a glass of flour, a drop of salt. Bring the mixture to the desired thickness with milk. We bake pancakes in 2 pans at once - it’s faster! You can bake as much as you need now, and put the rest of the dough in the refrigerator; it will last for 2 days.

Not knowing how to cook radishes with sour cream is simply a sin - during the season of fresh vegetables, this is the most popular salad. You probably know the recipe for radishes with sour cream, but just in case, I’ll give you my own.

Oyster mushrooms are a valuable dietary product that is low in calories and contains many substances necessary for the human body. One of the most delicious dishes made from these mushrooms is oyster mushrooms with sour cream.

Omelette with sour cream and cheese is a quick, tasty, nutritious and satisfying breakfast for all occasions. I am sharing the recipe.

Jelly with sour cream is a light dessert for a great mood. The taste of the jelly is sweet and sour. Dried fruits (plums, for example), fresh strawberries or kiwi look great in white jelly with sour cream.

Potatoes with sour cream in pots is a wonderful, very old, but at the same time incredibly tasty dish; our great-grandmothers cooked it in the oven for a long time, but we will cook it in the oven.

Sour cream and garlic sauce is my favorite sauce! It goes with absolutely everything - dumplings, chicken, meat, spaghetti, vegetables - everything becomes even tastier. This is what the sauce is for, to highlight the taste.

The recipe for champignons with sour cream is a classic of the genre. Absolutely nothing complicated, but the end result is a cool vegetarian dish or a side dish for something more filling.

Apple pie with sour cream is a typical homemade pie, which is not very showy or impressive, but really tasty and satisfying.

This ancient Russian appetizer, which was once celebrated in taverns and palaces, is loved by vegetarians and meat eaters. I’ll tell you how to cook salted milk mushrooms with sour cream!

Tomatoes with sour cream at home for me personally occupy a top place among salads. Judge for yourself - it’s easy, fast, aromatic, and even the juice from it can be used as a sauce for side dishes!

Umbrellas with sour cream are a tasty and satisfying snack. You can prepare it without much difficulty in 15-20 minutes. I only use umbrella hats. I cut them, fry them, salt, pepper and pour sour cream on them.

Zucchini with sour cream and garlic is a simple, but very tasty and healthy dish. It is prepared within half an hour. Zucchini is fried with garlic and seasoned with sour cream sauce. Be sure to try it!

Honey mushrooms with sour cream is a wonderful dish, traditional for Russian cuisine. If you are lucky enough to have fresh honey mushrooms, be sure to cook them in sour cream according to this recipe, you will love it!

Tender and juicy chicken meat and delicious gravy with sour cream go well with any side dish. It is easy to prepare and every housewife can do it. Happy cooking!

Radish salad with sour cream is a salad that needs no introduction. The combination of just a few simple ingredients will bring you a fantastic gastronomic pleasure.

This delicious gravy will enhance the taste of any dish. It's easy to prepare and eats quickly. I give you a recipe for mushroom gravy with sour cream - I hope you like it!

This is a very simple and quick tomato salad with sour cream, which should be eaten immediately after preparation. One of the easiest dishes that can be prepared even by novice cooks.

Each of us has eaten fried mushrooms, but fried honey mushrooms are not just mushrooms! And if you add sour cream and herbs to them, then from an ordinary dish you will get one that will definitely delight your taste buds!

Fried trumpets with sour cream - simply delicious! I love these mushrooms. I boil them and then fry them with onions and carrots. Some mushrooms are fried immediately, but I always cook them first, I’m afraid.

I offer you a simple recipe for potatoes with sour cream in the oven. A hearty and tasty side dish for meat or fish in record time! The dish is a culinary classic that even beginners can handle. Try it!

Raincoats with sour cream and potatoes are simply delicious! Collect young white raincoats, which when cut look like dense curd cheese. But yellowed raincoats are not suitable for food!

A magnificent assortment of mushrooms baked in a pot will be an excellent holiday side dish and will delight you and your loved ones. A truly tasty and satisfying dish that will undoubtedly decorate any table.

Fried moss mushrooms with sour cream turn out no worse than porcini mushrooms. True, they turn black, but this can be avoided by adding a teaspoon of vinegar when cooking mushrooms. And frying moss mushrooms is very simple.

Duboviki with sour cream are prepared within an hour. The mushrooms need to be boiled and then simmered in sour cream over low heat. The dish comes out aromatic and tasty. Served as a sauce for potatoes, rice or pasta.

If you have a jar of sour cream, cheese, a little mayonnaise and cauliflower in your refrigerator, then I will tell you how to make cauliflower baked in the oven with sour cream from these products.

The recipe for herring under a fur coat with sour cream is a lower-calorie version of this popular salad for those who are not satisfied with traditional mayonnaise dressing. It turns out no less tasty.

Sour cream gives goulash a silky-viscous consistency and a unique creamy taste. I love goulash, especially with a lot of sauce. For goulash you need good meat, vegetables, and definitely paprika.

Recipe for making bread with banana and sour cream. This is not just bread, but fantasy. Sour cream makes the bread so tender that it melts in your mouth. Be sure to try it!

The recipe for making Easter from sour cream will not require you to spend excessive time, and as a result, a tender, fluffy, aromatic Easter will appear on the festive table - you have never tried it before!

Everyone obviously knows how to cook potatoes in sour cream at home, and each housewife has her own recipe. I love baking potatoes with sour cream in pots, so I’m sharing a simple recipe with you!

I suggest trying what I think is the simplest recipe for potatoes stewed in sour cream. I always use it if I need to cook extremely quickly, and such an appetizing dish will be appreciated by everyone without exception!

Healthy and tasty carrots in sour cream with cottage cheese will be an excellent breakfast for children and adults. You can experiment with dressing - from salt and pepper to sugar or honey.

Frozen honey mushrooms in sour cream is a very interesting quick dish. If you have honey mushrooms lying idle in your freezer, be sure to prepare this dish, you will probably like it.

There are all sorts of dumplings. And with cottage cheese and cherries and cabbage. My family really loves dumplings with potatoes. When I have very little time, I make quick or lazy dumplings. Just!

Smetannik is a classic homemade cake that has been popular for decades due to its simplicity and delicate taste. This cake is super quick to make and requires very simple ingredients, making it perfect for a homemade afternoon tea party.

At the same time, sour cream can be turned into a chic holiday dessert by adding new flavors with the help of berries, bananas, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, nuts, condensed milk or vanilla.

Information about sour cream

Traditionally, classic sour cream consists of a delicate, fluffy white sponge cake, the dough for which is prepared using fresh sour cream. The finished cakes are layered with white airy cream, also based on sour cream.

To vary the taste and texture, different fillings are added to the cream, however, sour cream is an indispensable attribute of this cake. The number of cakes in sour cream can be anything - from two, layered with cream, to several thin yeast cakes, baked separately.

The main requirement for the cake layers in this cake is fluffiness and softness, which is easily soaked in cream. The cake should come out juicy and soft.

Smetannik is a traditional homemade Russian cake, but the Tatars also have a similar recipe. The so-called Tatar or Kazan sour cream is an open pie filled with sour cream.

In the traditional version of Tatar cuisine, it was prepared not even with sour cream, but with kaymak. Kaymak is more like thick cream, which in consistency can even be close to butter, which is why in Tatar this dessert is called kaymak peremyach.

There is a similar dish in German cuisine, it is called Schmandkuchen and is made from shortcrust pastry.

Classic step-by-step sour cream recipe

For a classic sour cream, let's take:

  • 600 grams of sour cream (preferably full fat, about 30%);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1.5 cups flour;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • Half 1 tsp. soda;
  • Vanillin;
  • Butter for greasing the mold.
  1. First, let's make the dough. For it, take 1 glass of sugar and beat with eggs. Mix 250 grams of sour cream into the egg mixture and beat with a mixer or blender until smooth.
  • Sift the flour with a sieve and stir into the sour cream-egg mixture in portions. Add soda and vanillin to them, knead the dough.
  • Fill a mold with sides, pre-greased, with dough and place it in the oven at 180 or 200 degrees. It will take about 40 minutes to bake.
  • While the dough is rising, let's make the cream, which is prepared very simply - the remaining sour cream, chilled in the refrigerator, is well beaten with sugar until its grains dissolve.
  • When the dough is baked and cooled, it needs to be cut into two layers and coated with half of the total amount of cream. The top of the cake should be coated with the remaining cream with a pastry spatula.
  • You can decorate the cake with chocolate icing or simply draw a mesh from a melted chocolate bar.

You can sprinkle the cake with chopped nuts, chocolate chips, coconut flakes, or decorate with berries or whipped cream.

You can simply sprinkle it with cocoa and serve, but first you need to let it stand in the cold for at least a couple of hours so that the dough is well soaked in the cream.

Simple sour cream in a slow cooker

A multicooker is great for preparing simple sour cream for tea, since its bowl is convenient and easy to bake the dough for this pie. Take for him:

  1. Beat the eggs with granulated sugar until the grains are completely dissolved and a fluffy white foam is obtained.
  2. Gently fold the flour into the dough using a spatula or wooden spoon. Mix it in gradually, carefully lifting the egg foam from the bottom up so that the air obtained during whipping does not leave the dough and the cake turns out airy.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl and pour the dough into it.
  4. Set the bake setting to a standard amount of time, usually about 45 minutes.
  5. Bake the cake with the lid closed.
  6. When the baking time has passed, check the readiness of the dough with a toothpick; if it is wet, then leave the dough on the heating mode, it will rise according to its temperature.
  7. When the dough is baked, let it cool slightly and remove from the bowl, cool completely and cut into two layers.

If you don’t like spending time in the kitchen, but want something tasty, you will need the simplest cake recipe at home.

Read our article on how to prepare odalia with milk, which will make your breakfast unforgettable.

At this time, prepare the cream from sour cream and sugar:

Use full-fat sour cream, at least 25%. You will need 400 grams.

For this amount of sour cream, take three-quarters of a glass of sugar and beat them well together for at least 10 minutes, then the cream will be thick and homogeneous.

Grease the cakes with cream inside and out and decorate the cake with chocolate if desired.

Chocolate sour cream

This recipe will allow you to diversify the taste of your usual dessert by adding chocolate, coffee and condensed milk, but the base of this cake is the same as the classic sour cream cake - sour cream, flour, eggs. So, for the test take:

  • 100 grams of condensed milk;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cups sugar;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • A teaspoon of soda;
  • 2 cups of flour.
  1. Beat the eggs and sugar thoroughly, add condensed milk, cocoa powder, and sour cream. Add baking soda, quenched with vinegar.
  2. Mix everything well, then add the dry component, namely flour, to the liquid ingredients. We introduce it into the dough gradually, kneading each portion of flour well.
  3. There will be quite a lot of dough; it needs to be divided into two parts and baked for 40 minutes at 200 degrees in the oven.
  4. Cool each cake and cut it in half so that you end up with 4 chocolate and sour cream cakes.

While they are baking and cooling, you can make the cream. For it you will need:

  • 90-100 grams of condensed milk;
  • 250 grams of butter;
  • 10 grams of coffee.

Beat the melted butter until fluffy, add condensed milk and coffee. If the coffee is instant, you can add it to the cream directly dry, and if you take natural ground coffee, then brew espresso with a minimum amount of liquid and pour it into the whipping bowl with the butter and milk.

Whip these ingredients into a cream. Grease all the cakes with it and coat the finished cake on top. Decorate it with grated chocolate

  1. If the sour cream for the cream is well cooled beforehand, it will whip up better and the cream will be more tender and light.
  2. To obtain a thicker cream, 500 ml of sour cream should be placed in several layers of gauze and hung. So, all the whey will drain and after whipping the cream will be denser with a pleasant texture.
  3. To ensure that the finished cake is moist and well-seasoned, never serve it immediately after cooking. Let it stand for several hours in the cold, then you will be surprised at the delicate taste of the cakes that melt in your mouth.
  4. To prepare sour cream, use only real high-quality sour cream, preferably high fat content (at least 25%).