Love Voropaeva Biography Personal Life. Love Voropaeva: Belousov removed alcohol stress

Love Voropaeva Biography Personal Life. Love Voropaeva: Belousov removed alcohol stress
Love Voropaeva Biography Personal Life. Love Voropaeva: Belousov removed alcohol stress

The name of the love of Voropaeva has already entered the history of domestic music. A talented poet, a poet songwriter, producer, she grown up many stars of Russian show business. It was thanks to her, the country recognized Belousov's wife. Songs on love poems performed Leontyev, Semenov, Lolita, Valley, Ponarovskaya, Presnyakov ML., VIA "Funny guys", group "Aria", Naziyev, Ukupnik, Kemerovo and many others. Especially for readers Love shared his thoughts on the theme of poetry, loneliness, female friendship, as well as their branded New Year's recipe.

- Love, as you think, if Zhenya Belousov lived in our days, was a novice singer and would have come, say, to the "Star Factory", could he become a cumier of the current youth?

I do not know ... Maybe I could ... But the heart of the Zhenya Belousov project was then our union. So, if we produced a "factory" with his participation, I could certainly be able to!

- What book do you write? Will she be completely devoted to his wife Belousov? When are you planning to finish and publish?

I am writing a book about how I got into the show business and what I did there. About Belousov's wife in this book will be several chapters, naturally ... The book is very hard speakers. She planned to finish it in December of this year, but it did not work ... all year I was in some other business and projects: it remained little time and emotional forces on the book. So now I can not say when I finish the book ... I will try to finish the work on the manuscript as soon as possible.

- What good poems differ from bad? In addition to obvious, extreme examples. What criteria can you assess your creativity?

No one. Creativity is subjective. I evaluate this: if my goosebumps run from poems, then they are real ...

- Is there a book or film that made you cry?

I cry only from the poems Joseph Brodsky ... And the film that broke through me on tears - "Once in America" \u200b\u200b...

- Love, you are friends with many women, including those with famous (Maria Arbatov). Do you believe in female friendship, free from envy, gossip, rivalry? What do you think real friendship is possible only between "equal" (people of one with

oral status with approximately the same financial position)?

In fact, I do not really believe in women's friendship. I almost all betrayed me in my youth ... as they say, "Women's Friendship, she is up to the first man" ... but we have 30 years of our acquaintance with Masha. And the strong we are both women ... and it happened that we both do not envious and do not love to gossip. Therefore, never quarreled, probably ... well, social status, education and all that are very important, I think ... because it is better to be friends without envy, on equal.

- Comparing himself with Maria, in his LJ you wrote that I would never go to politics. Why?

Because I personally, this occupation is not interested.

- There is an opinion that a man always stands for a successful woman who helps her supports. There is also another, better known, wisdom: a great woman is behind each great man. At the same time, in one of his interviews, you are talking about the fact that loneliness is a satellite of a successful person. What is still closer to the truth?

How many people, so many opinions. In any way in life, it happens ... But most of the great men were exactly the great wives, yes ... For some reason, the husbands of the great women were rarely supported. Paradox.

- Love, if you had the opportunity to choose where to be born in the next life, what country would you choose? Have you lived in the States in the past, why have you come back?

I will not live for a long time in the States. I wanted to stay there, but the former husband squeezed in Russia ... about the next life ... Yes, again in Russia it would be born, probably ... we are interested in living.

- Why "Iron Lady Show Business

suddenly decided to make contact with a huge number of unfamiliar people? I mean LJ (

I generally are interesting. Communication is energy exchange, mutual enrichment. A year and a half ago I left Moscow for the city. I live in the forest, rarely communicate with people in real life now ... because, probably, very much about communication with people in LJ ...

- Love, you are a famous cook, the creator of the culinary show "Cold Ten" ... Does your family have any culinary traditions related to the new year meeting, christmas? What will necessarily be present in the upcoming holidays on your desk?

Fried bird, pies, two or three of my favorite salad, homemade buoy ... Here is a New Year's recipe from my LiveJournal:

Personally, I adore cabbage pie. From any test. From yeast or from a layer. Recently, I, by the way, used the purchase of a bubble dough several times, rolled out by a thin layer. I am preparing this cake in deep counterpart. Fully turns out! Because the whole thing is in filling. I do it like this: a chopped cabbage to pour boiling water and boil 10 minutes on a strong fire, then throw it back on a colander, add a lot of roasted in vegetable oil to the pink color of the onion onion, greens (dill or parsley or then, and that), 3- 4 fine steep eggs, crack oil 100 - until the cabbage is hot, salt. From above the pie flooded with a layer of coarse cheese, and then pour the mixture of 2 whipped eggs and 2-table spoons of sour cream. Well, in the oven, and that's it!

- Please tell me about the most memorable new year meeting in your life. And how do you plan to meet but


Once we celebrated the new year at the composer Yura Antonov in his country house ... Yura bought such a number of Petard and fireworks that we swam up all the districts ... The Christmas tree grew right in the yard, and we drove away around this Christmas tree ... And all the laws of dog died with us And cats ... cool was the new year! And this year we will celebrate the holiday in our country house. Guests will come, and all that ... I will cook, of course, I ... in our gazebo in the yard already hangs the illumination. Soon I will begin to decorate the house ... As for the tree, we have a round forest here - choose anyone ... True, I planted in our yard a little blue fir tree, but she will not grow soon ...

- Love, and let's finish this interview with your verses? What would you like to devote to our readers?

New Year's Eve (from the "Childhood" cycle)

Adjusting on tiptoe, pulling

To the riches of the Christmas tree of the New Year:

Now, immediately, today

Try! And tomorrow, let it be

Scold and fun liste

And in the corridor in the dark angle

Put, and rag dolls

In the closet, the oblivion of the execution -

That will be tomorrow!

I tilt a timid branch

And from delight to get silence,

And in the dark whites the door ...

Behind this door mommy laughter

Crusting the father's newspaper,

There is a tart tea, there is a holiday of light

And the tablecloth is new, like snow ...

And heart - protein in the wheel -

To the top of the tree bruises!

And here the hand is already removing

All "Bears" and all ...

All - In Chocolate: Hands, Roth ...

And I fall asleep in bliss

And somehow I know firmly,

That Santa Claus is about to enter.

1983, from my second book poems "Dictionary of Love".

Fifteen years ago left the life of the loves of the public, famous for the hit "My Sinegylazaya Girl"

Belousov's star, Belousov, lightningly lit on the musical Olympus, but unfortunately, just as quickly and went out. At 32, the singer left his life. According to the official necrologist died at the Sklifosovsky Institute from the stroke. Belousov's lingerie songs still sound on radio and television. With mad success, he must his first producers - spouses poetess love Voropaeva and the composer Viktor Dorokhin. It was they who came up for the promotion of the zhu, writing for him the hits "Girl My Siegyglazaya", "Such a short summer", "Golden Domes". Viktor Dorokhina was not three years ago. His spouse, which was nicknamed by an iron lady of the Russian show business, continues to engage in love.

* The bride Belousov was just mad popularity. Unfortunately, Glory and Money were too heavy for a singer

- Lyuba, on the grave of his star ward often?

Every year in June on the day of the memory of the Zhenya, we are going to the cemetery at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. This time met with his mother Nonaya Pavlovna, who came from Kursk and for all summer will remain at the marriage brother-twins Sasha. There were the most faithful fans. The widow of the Zhenya Lena and the daughter of Christina appeared a little later. Nonna Pavlovna said that in his childhood, Zhenka was the boating, hooligan and a tutor, unlike Sasha, who was assigned the role of a squire. But Sasha never passed Zhenka. There was a quiet, calm, balanced, strictly speaking, he remained so. At one time I worked as a drummer from Tatiana Ovsienko.

"Belousov, because of Ukraine, although he has written in the passport that he was born in Kursk.

He was born in Kharkov, his older sister Marina still lives there with his family. A few months after the birth of twins, the Belousovy family moved to Kursk - Pope Zhenya was a military.

- Remember how your first meeting with the singer took place?

We introduced a music editor of the main editorial board of radio programs of radio and television of March Mogilev, who produced the Morning Mail. Martha lived on one side of the patriarchal ponds, and my husband and I myself - the composer Viktor Dorokhin - to another. They communicated almost daily. We had a computer in the house (one of the first in Moscow), and Vitya was all in it. And I spent the evenings from Martha, because colleagues were going there, it was fun, interesting. We drank, showed new songs. Such an outbound idles at home.

In the summer of 1987, Mogilev took off the next release of "morning mail", where Zhenya Belousov as part of the Barry Alibasov group "Integral" performed a song about some distant mainland. Martha calls me from Ostankino: "Listen, at my house now such a sweet kid sits, waiting for me and a chicken in Kefir fries, imagine. Chicken awesome turns out! " At the same time, neither the name nor the name of the new Uhager.

Some time passed, we did not see each other long, I was busy, and suddenly Mogilevskaya says: "Remember, I tell you about the boy with whom I have a relationship. He wants to meet you and your husband, he really likes the song "For a minute", written by you for Kati Semenova. When he, when in Kabaska, he worked in Kursk, lived on your song, because she ordered it ten times in the evening. " We chose time, and March led to us Zhenya.

Late autumn or early winter was standing, because Martha was already in the fur coat, and Zhenka - in a denim jacket-windbreaker with a white artificial fur. Such a crude welcome. But at the same time, really, pretty outward, curly. The young man was with aplomb, knew his price. We sat down to drink tea, and Zhenya with Dorokhin taking a conversation about music and all evening on us with Martha zero. When guests left, the husband said: "You know, I will make a star from this guy. How is he you? " "Yes," I replied. "We are working with Katka Semenova, we have so good songs." In short, I did not make any impression on me. I did not understand Marta: Well, I think it's a rock. And Zhenya simply began to take Dorokhin on the board: Called every day. I had jealousy because of this. All questions of the man decided behind the closed door, and I overheard from time to time, for which I was very much got from Dorokhin. If the emotions overwhelmed me and I broke into the room, to say my weighty phrase, my husband is immediately, with Zhenka, sent ...

- When gave up and realized that now you are a sophisticated and anywhere from this?

After actively joined the work. It was I developed a technical task of the project, I was entrusted to engage in imaging, I was responsible for the so-called PR, although then no one else knew the words. As for Zhenkina hairstyles, my husband and I were categorically against the tasteless of the "chemistry", which was Belousov on the head in the "integral". Convinced the guy that without the curlers is much better. The hair of the industry, and it turned out that he had a slightly wavy, but it was a natural beautiful wave, and not a kitche-chemical. We yourself came up with and costumes for artist.

It was a case when Zhenya shouted to me from Vites: "Let's a new song, only a division needs!" So I wrote "Girl My Sinoglase", however, it was already the second song. As for the first, I received a task in no way write hit is a special trick to get on the radio and television. I wrote a song about Alushta, the romantic love of Zhenka and Marta with the hope that Mogilevskaya would definitely deliver the composition in the "morning mail". But we did not take into account that Zhenya Walker was that more. While the song was recorded, he managed to marry Natalia by Votlitsk, leaving Martha.

- Fast...

They met with the vettyku at Martha at home, and came together on the set of "New Year's light". Neither Zhenya nor Natasha was involved in the shooting, so they sat in the bar, drank. I joined them, drank brandy, then I see: hot as the guys are clamped! I say: "Well, you in FIG!" - And went to the platform. A whole month of Zhenka did not say anything. Suddenly, the new year is ringing drunk: "Guys, congratulate me, I married." Dorokhin asks: "On March, or what? Now we will congratulate. " - "No, there is no, on Natasha Vetaltsky." We fell apart. Dorokhin then uttered the crown phrase: "Tell the bride that there will be no duet. I will not unwind her. " Apparently, this has played a role. As only Belousov left the tour, Vetalitsky quickly found consolation in the arms of the other. It was the shortest marriage of those that I know. He existed ... nine days.

- Zhenya was so loving?

Yes, he was a lovely, fond of nature, but the personal life of the artist of us, producers, thank God, did not touch. In this regard, Belousov's wife Lenka, of course, was hard. We are generally about its existence and that the singer was born daughter Kristinka, they learned when the child was already a year. Zhenka hid from us that he has a family in Kursk: a civilian wife and child. By the way, they first married, and then signed.

- You said that Belousov was a good cook.

Plov magnificent did. The existence of our guests, baked pork with a sweet sauce and prepared different salads. I and the late Andryushka Popov, a friend of Zhenka, one of our first administrators, engaged in delivery of deficits. Well, Soviet times - there was nothing in the country. Starting to work with Zhenya, we began to earn enormous money, which simply had nowhere to do. We had an agreement that 50 percent earned by the singer, and 50 - we and Viktor. Somehow her husband considered that in two years of the project existence we earned five more than a million dollars. At the time, insane money. The Earth then did not sell, the gold was shortage, nothing could be purchased.

- They say money from Belousov was stored right in bags.

I do not know how he has, but we really fell bags in the room, which we and Dorokhin called the wallet. She was clogged with bags with money, they had no time to even count. In order to somehow this money, "fertilize", had to make dating in the databases. I adjusted contact with the Spring trading company on Kalininsky Avenue and bought everything in a row, and in three copies. Therefore, I had the same costumes, handbags, madmen with Nonaya Pavlovna and Lena, the cosmetic sets of Pup. We had the same white bedrooms, Romanian walls, upholstered furniture, washing machines from the Birch store, two-chamber Salad refrigerators "Neten", Moskvich cars. Dorokhin was a gorgeous driver, he and Zhenya taught to drive.

- Why was your union broke up, because he was so fruitful?

There were many reasons. The alcohol theme prevaled, and Dorokhin did not understand this, because he did not drink at all. It began with the fact that the dances that were filigiously sharpened began to dissolve, disappear. Suffer quality. Zhenya was insanely tired, because we sometimes sometimes three concerts per day. There was a moment when a husband had hit Zhenka with me! And for business, because Belousov in the dressing room lay down in a concert suit. Dorokhin just singer's singer with a bunch of fist, Zhenka fell to the floor. I screamed: "Vitya, what are you doing?" Husband began to yell: "What an artist you are, if you are in a concert costume, in which you go to your audience, can you go to bed? Concert costume is holy! Do not dare to eat in it, nor sleep, hang it always on the hanger! " This story happened on the Solniki Zhenya in the Jubilee Sport Complex in St. Petersburg.

- After cooperation with you, the singer tried to work with Igor Matvienko ...

A small takeoff that occurred on the first songs of Matvienko, quickly ended. Igor stopped writing to zhenya. Surrounded by the composer, they said that he did not even take the phone when Belousov called. Our meeting with Zhenya after a five-year break took place in 1996 at the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Presnyakov-senior. Before that, we were periodically arrived by the messengers from Zhenya, but Dorokhin sent away parliamentaries. True, after some time, Vitya and Zhenya began to communicate again. The husband tried to write a song with him. But Zhenya arrived not in that condition, let's say softly, did not get in any note. Vitya fell into a terrible depression because of this, saying that no one would ever hear the recording. And I will fulfive his will, this record is simply indecent.

- They say that alcohol caused the death of the singer.

He fell into a hospital with acute pancreatitis, the zhenium turned out to be, as Nonna Pavlovna told, necrosis of the pancreas. I have no right to judge, but maybe there were also medical accuse. The zhenium had terrible pain, and he was painkiller. And the body is all pastured. The combination of alcohol and drugs could completely influence the aneurysm from the singer since childhood, which broke out. When Zhenka got into the hospital, we left for Turkey to rest. Returned (then there were no mobile phones), and on the answering machine the mass of messages that Zhenya in a coma. We arrived in the hospital, but they could not even say goodbye, we were no longer allowed.

- At the funeral of Belousov, probably, a lot of people gathered?

And in the stage theater on the civilian memorization, and in the temple near the Olympic Sport Committee, where Zhenya fought, and the cemetery was the whole show business. Very many photographers and cameras, everything came to light up. Zhenya buried on Kuntsevsky cemetery. This is a fairly famous place. Opposite Zhenkina grave through the avenue was buried by Zhenya Martynov. Near Valera Ozodid, Evgeny Morgunov, Leonid Gaidai, Zinoviy Gerdt, Lyubov Sokolova, Vladimir Basov, Yuri Vizbor. In general, the creative company of great people.

But exactly one year later, on the day of memory, people on the grave of Zhenya have almost been almost no. Now they remember units. I reported on social networks when we are going to the cemetery, but none of the colleagues came.

Voropheyeva began writing poems at a three-year-old. He studied in the English special school and then her poems published periodicals. Then he graduated. Since the early 1990s, Lyubov Voropayeva began to engage in producing activities together with her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin. Voropayeva and Dorokhin are obliged to their creative taking off Zhenya Belousov, Barbie and other performers.

In 1994, together with her husband, the Russian Association of Music Producers (RAMP) was organized. Today, the love of Grigorievna continues to engage in production in pop music, it is the author of more than 500 shows and presentations in the largest entertainment complexes of Moscow, the author of the scenario and the producer of numerous television and radio shows.

In addition, Love Voropaeva is a famous poetess, a writer of three poetic books and more than 1,000 publications in periodicals, poetic almanacs and collections, the author of more than 200 hits in pop and rock music. Her name entered books on the popular music of Russia and the "Music Encyclopedia". As a poet songwriter collaborated with many composers - Viktor Dorokhin, Vladimir Semenov, Laura Quint, Edward Artemyev, Tatiana Ostrovskaya, George Garanyan, Sergey Uknalev and others.
Among the performers on her poems - Zhenya Belousov ("My Sinegylazaya Girl", "Alushta", "Night Taxi"), Ksenia Georgiadi ("Be what happens", "Monday - a heavy day"), Ekaterina Semenova ("Man, Which is in a hurry "," Last Tango "," an extra ticket "), Alexander Abdulov (" New Year's Gifts "), Lolita Milyavskaya (" Body Music "), Valery Leontyev (" Women's Portrait "),

Love Voropaev can not ask how many years she is in show business, because thanks to her, this very business appeared in our country. Despite the fact that since then there have been many changes, poetess and producer in one person still very much in demand. However, about everything in order.

- In the times of socialism, the word "show business" was abusive and used solely with respect to the Americans. We also had Soviet pop and Soviet songs. And my late spouse Viktor Dorokhin became pioneers in the USSR. It was we in show business who created the first producer project - Zhenya Belousov - and did it in accordance with Western canons. We created this project in front of the whole country. Literally breathing in the back of the head, after us, Igor Cool came with Sasha Serov.

- What about the example of the "Affectionate May" group?

- This group was the phenomenon rather social than musical. In the phenomenon of show business, she began to grow out only after the appearance of Belousov.

- What difficulties did you have to face your produce activity at the beginning?

- With all that could be imagined: from the accusations that everything that we did was full vulgarity, to a rack. But the times were interesting and even funny, it was possible to completely shoot the film in the spirit of "Once in America".

We took, literally speaking, a girl from the street, met her when she finished school. We trained it, improved the well-being of her family - without going into details, I will say that the situation there was very difficult. And the project ended in deplorable, because the girl at that moment the period of puberty at this moment
- Or write a book. Do you already finish your?

- Unfortunately, I am very slowly writing. I started writing when my spouse was very sick, then he died. These memories are so kept for the throat that I, starting some time ago to actively write, I realized that it hurts me a lot of pain, and paused.

- And now what is he, this show business? It seems to me that he became somehow stamped and formal.

- On the contrary. People who are actively involved in this field of activity call themselves show-businessmen with a share of pride. Now he has become more professional compared with the time when we started. In those years, the country was closed, and we and Viktor were madly lucky that we had a friend-American, he worked in the American embassy. Especially for us, he subscribed to all the musical publications and constantly brought us on the cassettes all the issues of MTV. We were very informed people. And Victor was one of the first musicians who learned to work on a computer. Our house had real universities and educational libations. We came to learn from her husband Tukhmanov, Garanian, many people constantly called with questions, and Victor advised everyone. We were just lucky, we had access to information.

- Why did you move out of Moscow from Moscow?

- I'm very tired. Until 2009, for 13 years, I made a lot of club events, becoming even one of the founders of the Event Industry in Russia, produced the show, constantly lived in the night Moscow life. These parties strongly suck my health and even my creative condition. When you make five or six copyright programs per month, you work for wear. My nerves began to pass. Life has become in the days of rest between the show. And I bought myself a country house. This allowed me to calm down, look at my life differently and change it. I joined the online community, immediately opened my blog in the Living Journal and began writing a book. Now the rhythm of my life has changed. Although everything can happen if I will meet people with burning eyes. Only with such people, with talented like-minded people, I could work. A meeting of such people - I will return to the Event Industry without thinking. I do not exclude that.

On this topic

- And the money will not be able to return you to this activity?

- Money does not harde me, I have long known the price and myself, and my work in this life. I treat them normally, but I do not put earnings in the first place.

I am a creative person, in the first place for me to implement my creative ideas, and I am happy only when they are embodied.

- Why did you work only with men? Zhenya Belousov, Herr Anton, Andrei Vertuzaev with a group "Kartush" ...

- We once with Viktor Dorokhin had a wonderful Barbie project. But this experience was bitter for me. And we could not hold it from the vicissitudes of life. And when she was late for two and a half hours at her solo concert in the most fashionable nightclub "Carousel" in Tverskaya, we terminated a contract with her. There were few nightclubs at that time, and the people gathered at her, all the places were bought. And our girl came straight "out of bed", all unwitted, and her to work on the stage and operate two hours ... After she with grief, in half a program, and Victor and I took her home and said that our contract no longer. So ... Working with girls is fruitful to the first man. Who loves, that girl is dancing. That is why I do not like to work with the girls. I prefer cooperation with men. Although, if the singers appeal to us with my new constant co-author - the composer and the musical producer Nikolai Arkhipov - with a request to write a song, we do not refuse, another thing that I will never take it for the women's project. Although the proposals were the sea. I don't want to spend your nerves on other people's sex instincts at all.

- At the very beginning of producer activity in your songs there was a romance, it is enough to remember the song "The Girl My Siegyglazaya", and now other topics, more cynical, go to the fore. Did Romantic remain only like Retro?

- It all depends on the artist, with whom you work. We write great lyrical songs for the thinnest Lyric Lyric Lyric Lyrics, and our joint song "I am alone" even caused the admiration of Didier Maruani, the founder of the legendary Space group, which suddenly suddenly left me the most warm comments To this song, posted by me in my LiveJournal, and even sent me a letter with a proposal to work on Russian texts of his works. If you mean the project "Lonely Men" Herra Anton, the Russian artist from Hamburg, then I can say that in ironic poetry love Voropaeva is not new to. Back in the 80s, in the heading "The Ironic Poetry of the Club of 12 Chairs" in the "Literary Gazeta" was a regular author - Lyubov Voropheyeva, and this author wrote a huge number of ironic and humorous poems. Recently, one person asked me: "Love, you write such wonderful lyrical poems, where did you get a" lonely man "? How so?" And I answered him: "Do you know all the work of the author's love of Voropayeva? After all, I also work with three rock bands that play in the new alternative styles and New Punk. So the love of Voropheyeva quietly writes punk texts, sometimes even with Materkom! " "How! He was horrified. - Can not be!" - "Go to the search engine" Yandex "on the Internet, find there" Stinger "," reactor "or" splashes ", listen, read the texts. And understand that the love of Voropaeva is a multifacent man. And in the same project "Herr Anton", of course, there is a punk element somewhere! "

- How did Anton appear in your life?

- Through the Internet. In general, he knew my name, and my projects for a very long time. He was associated with music and TV. I still can not tell anything about it yet. Then he went to Germany and decided, communicating with me via the Internet, to carry out his long-standing dream. He just tried to sing, and the first of our joint song "Lonely Man" immediately became a hit, blowing up the discos of Germany, Russia, and now and now and Ukraine ..

- Do you yourself visit disco?

- At the moment, naturally, I do not go, but I constantly watch them on YouTube on the network. I generally love dancing music and in the car I listen exclusively dance radio stations. So I follow all the news that happened in this musical direction is very carefully collecting and analyzing all the information. In our tandem with Nikolai Arkhipov, who not only writes music, but he himself makes the arrangements of all our songs and records them in our studio, working as a musical producer, it turns out today, as I think the musical product is very high quality.

- It is not a shame that now songs are called, like everything in society consumption, products?

- I talked about the product as a result of work. But it does not disappoint me, because I am a man's person, I live in a spirit over time and nothing breaks at this time. My LJ blog has a huge number of young fries, 18-19-year-old readers. So, something in me attracts them, if they read me, write me letters, they are advised to me. Sometimes I even suggest where it is better to come to which institution, someone give advice in your personal life, they are not running to parents, but to me. So they trust me and feel that I understand them that we are contemporaries with them.

Poetess Lyubov Voropayeva - about the Russian show-business of the 90s and his beloved student, the star of which untimely faded:

We are with my husband, composer and producer Viktor Dorokhin, I did not know, practically and founded this show business. Even no one knew the word "producer" in Russia - I used the first to use this term and introduced it to everyday life.

On the one hand, the show-business of those years was very romantic, and on the other - completely wild and uneducated. Everyone wanted, I did! Not only lazy soldered!

On the issue of creating your first produce project called " Zhenya Belousov"We came seriously: went to America, flew through the mass of thick books on the show business - American and European. And they began to "do" by Zhenya for all sciences and technologies. The same Baria Alibasovwho created "on-well," repeated us to funny (he was offended because of the care of Zhenya from his "integral" to us). Copied even the PR situations that I came up with Rasiao Belousov - imaginary car accidents, hospitals ...

Each in our triple - I, Dorokhin, Belousov - stood Mountain, while Zhenya did not have problems with star, alcohol and other things. When the moment of star starts, alas, not every person can cope with it. We were in Moscow, Zhenya - constantly on tour, after each concert - the crowd ... Everyone wanted to sit with him at the same table and drink. Here Zhenkin's character and gave Lublish. I justified him - it's hard after the concert calm down.

Zhenya chose to remove alcohol stress. It resulted in the fact that it was impossible to stop it. He, of course, was swear, she was. But then this addiction won so much that it was easier for him to refuse to communicate with us than to quit.

After the marriage of death, we took up Barbie - She was only 17 years old. I confess, sang and moved terrible, but there was a charisma in her - raised the hall with his energy. We were singing her as a native person, hired teachers, brought clothes from America ... I even ran to the market for a cottage cheese when I put on a diet in front of an important performance. They did not let go on tour, protected from intimate encroachments of the organizers. We wanted to make a really big star from it.

But she repressed us with black ungratefulness. You see, hormones played in it. Somewhere in the subway met a man - and went, went ... When the Moscow club "Carousel" was late for his own solo concert, after two hours, arriving there straight out of the bed - all unwitched, I said: "Everything, On this, our relationship is finished! "

A couple of years ago she found me. She said that once again married and very much wants to return to the show-book ...

You know, everything that happens now is so light enough that I just do not see the way of application of my forces - people from me you need my name and my connections, my knowledge is not interested in anyone. I do not accept the situation when people do not seek to take place professionally, but they just want to disrupt Kush and run.